[m-rev.] for review: prevent unnecessary recompilations.

Zoltan Somogyi zs at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Mon Feb 21 18:21:44 AEDT 2005

This is for review by Julien. It is intended for both branches.


	Reduce the number of unnecessary recompilations by changing the way
	we compute the contents of .int and (especially) .int2 files.
	Previously, even after Julien's recent change, these files contained
	abstract declarations for the types local to the implementation section
	of the module concerned. This meant that adding or deleting such
	a file caused the recompilation of all the modules that depended
	on its .int2 file, which in the case of the compiler is pretty much

	We now include an abstract declaration of a type in the implementation
	section of a .int{,2} file only if the type constructor occurs on the
	right hand side of a type definition in which the type constructor
	on the left hand side is (a) abstract exported, (b) it has an
	equivalent type or foreign type definition in the implementation

	If we do have to include any information from the implementation
	section of a module in a .int or .int2, sort the items involved,
	to prevent reshuffles of these items in the source code from causing
	avalanche recompilations.

	This diff reduces the number of lines in the .int and .int2 files
	in the compiler by about 10%.

cvs diff: Diffing .
Index: modules.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/modules.m,v
retrieving revision 1.317
diff -u -b -r1.317 modules.m
--- modules.m	21 Feb 2005 05:34:38 -0000	1.317
+++ modules.m	21 Feb 2005 06:48:51 -0000
@@ -1414,15 +1414,15 @@
     is cc_multi.
 strip_unnecessary_impl_defns_2(Items0, Items) :-
-    some [!IntTypesMap, !ImplTypesMap] (
-        gather_type_defns(no, Items0, [], IntItems0, [], ImplItems0,
+    some [!IntTypesMap, !ImplTypesMap, !ImplItems] (
+        gather_type_defns(no, Items0, [], IntItems0, [], !:ImplItems,
             map__init, !:IntTypesMap, map__init, !:ImplTypesMap),
         % Work out which module imports in the implementation section of
         % the interface are required by the definitions of equivalence
         % types in the implementation.
-        get_impl_imports_required_by_eqv_types(!.IntTypesMap, !.ImplTypesMap,
-            NecessaryImplImports),
+        get_requirements_of_eqv_types(!.IntTypesMap, !.ImplTypesMap,
+            NecessaryTypeCtors, NecessaryImplImports),
         % If a type in the implementation section doesn't have
         % foreign type alternatives, make it abstract.
@@ -1454,21 +1454,207 @@
                             is det :-
                         !:ImplItems = [Item | !.ImplItems]
                     ), Defns, !ImplItems)
-            ), !.ImplTypesMap, ImplItems0, ImplItems1),
+            ), !.ImplTypesMap, !ImplItems),
         IntItems = [make_pseudo_decl(interface) | IntItems0],
-        maybe_strip_import_decls(ImplItems1, ImplItems2),
-        strip_unnecessary_impl_imports(NecessaryImplImports, ImplItems2,
-            ImplItems3),
+        maybe_strip_import_decls(!ImplItems),
+        strip_unnecessary_impl_imports(NecessaryImplImports, !ImplItems),
+        strip_unnecessary_impl_types(NecessaryTypeCtors, !ImplItems),
-            ImplItems3 = [],
+            !.ImplItems = [],
             Items = IntItems
-            ImplItems3 = [_ | _],
-            Items = IntItems ++ [make_pseudo_decl(implementation) | ImplItems3]
+            !.ImplItems = [_ | _],
+            standardize_impl_items(!.ImplItems, no, Unexpected,
+                [], RevRemainderItems, [], ImportItems, [], UseItems,
+                [], TypeDefnItems),
+            (
+                Unexpected = yes,
+                error("strip_unnecessary_impl_defns_2: " ++
+                    "unexpected items in implementation section")
+                % If the above exception is thrown and you need a workaround
+                % you can replace the exception with this code:
+                % Items = IntItems ++ [make_pseudo_decl(implementation)]
+                %    ++ !.ImplItems
+            ;
+                Unexpected = no,
+                list.reverse(RevRemainderItems, RemainderItems),
+                list.condense([IntItems, [make_pseudo_decl(implementation)],
+                    ImportItems, UseItems, TypeDefnItems, RemainderItems],
+                    Items)
+            )
+        )
+    ).
+:- inst item_context(I) == bound(I - ground).
+:- inst one_module_spec ==  bound(module(bound([ground | bound([])]))).
+:- inst import_item     ==  bound(module_defn(ground,
+                                bound(import(one_module_spec)))).
+:- inst use_item        ==  bound(module_defn(ground,
+                                bound(use(one_module_spec)))).
+:- inst type_defn_item  ==  bound(type_defn(ground, ground, ground, ground,
+                                ground)).
+:- pred standardize_impl_items(item_list::in, bool::in, bool::out,
+    item_list::in, item_list::out,
+    item_list::in(list_skel(item_context(import_item))),
+    item_list::out(list_skel(item_context(import_item))),
+    item_list::in(list_skel(item_context(use_item))),
+    item_list::out(list_skel(item_context(use_item))),
+    item_list::in(list_skel(item_context(type_defn_item))),
+    item_list::out(list_skel(item_context(type_defn_item))))
+    is det.
+standardize_impl_items([], !Unexpected, !RevRemainderItems,
+        !ImportItems, !UseItems, !TypeDefnItems).
+standardize_impl_items([ItemAndContext | ItemAndContexts], !Unexpected,
+        !RevRemainderItems, !ImportItems, !UseItems, !TypeDefnItems) :-
+    ItemAndContext = Item - Context,
+    ( Item = module_defn(_VarSet, ModuleDefn) ->
+        (
+            ModuleDefn = import(ImportModules),
+            ( ImportModules = module([_ImportModule]) ->
+                insert_import_module(Context, Item, !ImportItems)
+            ;
+                error("standardize_impl_items: non-singleton-module import")
+            )
+        ;
+            ModuleDefn = use(UseModules),
+            ( UseModules = module([_UseModule]) ->
+                insert_use_module(Context, Item, !UseItems)
+            ;
+                error("standardize_impl_items: non-singleton-module use")
+            )
+        ;
+            ModuleDefn = module(_),
+            !:Unexpected = yes
+        ;
+            ModuleDefn = end_module(_),
+            !:Unexpected = yes
+        ;
+            ModuleDefn = imported(_),
+            !:Unexpected = yes
+        ;
+            ModuleDefn = used(_),
+            !:Unexpected = yes
+        ;
+            ModuleDefn = abstract_imported,
+            !:Unexpected = yes
+        ;
+            ModuleDefn = opt_imported,
+            !:Unexpected = yes
+        ;
+            ModuleDefn = transitively_imported,
+            !:Unexpected = yes
+        ;
+            ModuleDefn = external(_),
+            !:Unexpected = yes
+        ;
+            ModuleDefn = export(_),
+            !:Unexpected = yes
+        ;
+            ModuleDefn = include_module(_),
+            !:RevRemainderItems = [ItemAndContext | !.RevRemainderItems]
+        ;
+            ModuleDefn = interface,
+            !:Unexpected = yes
+        ;
+            ModuleDefn = implementation,
+            !:Unexpected = yes
+        ;
+            ModuleDefn = private_interface,
+            !:Unexpected = yes
+        ;
+            ModuleDefn = version_numbers(_, _),
+            !:Unexpected = yes
+        )
+    ; Item = type_defn(_, _, _, _, _) ->
+        insert_type_defn(Context, Item, !TypeDefnItems)
+    ;
+        !:RevRemainderItems = [ItemAndContext | !.RevRemainderItems]
+    ),
+    standardize_impl_items(ItemAndContexts, !Unexpected,
+        !RevRemainderItems, !ImportItems, !UseItems, !TypeDefnItems).
+:- pred insert_import_module(prog_context::in, item::in,
+    item_list::in(list_skel(item_context(import_item))),
+    item_list::out(list_skel(item_context(import_item)))) is det.
+insert_import_module(Context, Item, [], [Item - Context]).
+insert_import_module(Context, Item, [Head | Tail], Result) :-
+    Head = HeadItem - _HeadContext,
+    % The lack of alias tracking prevents the compiler from figuring out
+    % that this predicate is only called with values of Item for which
+    % this test succeeds.
+    ( Item = module_defn(_, import(module([ModulePrime]))) ->
+        Module = ModulePrime
+    ;
+        error("insert_import_module: bad item")
+    ),
+    HeadItem = module_defn(_, import(module([HeadModule]))),
+    compare(CompareSymName, Module, HeadModule),
+    (
+        CompareSymName = (<)
+    ->
+        Result = [Item - Context, Head | Tail]
+    ;
+        insert_import_module(Context, Item, Tail, TailResult),
+        Result = [Head | TailResult]
+    ).
+:- pred insert_use_module(prog_context::in, item::in,
+    item_list::in(list_skel(item_context(use_item))),
+    item_list::out(list_skel(item_context(use_item)))) is det.
+insert_use_module(Context, Item, [], [Item - Context]).
+insert_use_module(Context, Item, [Head | Tail], Result) :-
+    Head = HeadItem - _HeadContext,
+    % The lack of alias tracking prevents the compiler from figuring out
+    % that this predicate is only called with values of Item for which
+    % this test succeeds.
+    ( Item = module_defn(_, use(module([ModulePrime]))) ->
+        Module = ModulePrime
+    ;
+        error("insert_import_module: bad item")
+    ),
+    HeadItem = module_defn(_, use(module([HeadModule]))),
+    compare(CompareSymName, Module, HeadModule),
+    (
+        CompareSymName = (<)
+    ->
+        Result = [Item - Context, Head | Tail]
+    ;
+        insert_use_module(Context, Item, Tail, TailResult),
+        Result = [Head | TailResult]
+    ).
+:- pred insert_type_defn(prog_context::in, item::in(type_defn_item),
+    item_list::in(list_skel(item_context(type_defn_item))),
+    item_list::out(list_skel(item_context(type_defn_item)))) is det.
+insert_type_defn(Context, Item, [], [Item - Context]).
+insert_type_defn(Context, Item, [Head | Tail], Result) :-
+    Head = HeadItem - _HeadContext,
+    Item = type_defn(_, SymName, Params, _, _),
+    HeadItem = type_defn(_, HeadSymName, HeadParams, _, _),
+    compare(CompareSymName, SymName, HeadSymName),
+    (
+        (
+            CompareSymName = (<)
+        ;
+            CompareSymName = (=),
+            list__length(Params, ParamsLength),
+            list__length(HeadParams, HeadParamsLength),
+            compare(Compare, ParamsLength, HeadParamsLength),
+            Compare = (<)
+    ->
+        Result = [Item - Context, Head | Tail]
+    ;
+        insert_type_defn(Context, Item, Tail, TailResult),
+        Result = [Head | TailResult]
 :- pred make_impl_type_abstract(type_ctor::in,
@@ -1489,7 +1675,7 @@
-    % strip_unnecessary_impl_imports(NecssaryModules, !Items):
+    % strip_unnecessary_impl_imports(NecessaryModules, !Items):
     % Remove all import_module and use_module declarations for
     % modules that are not in `NecessaryModules',
@@ -1528,80 +1714,136 @@
-    % Return the set of modules that need to be imported in the implementation
-    % section of an interface file.  The required modules are those that
-    % occur on the rhs of an equivalence type.
+    % strip_unnecessary_impl_types(NecessaryTypeCtors, !Items):
-    % XXX We should probably only do this for abstract equivalence types.
+    % Remove all type declarations for type constructors that are
+    % not in NecessaryTypeCtors.
-:- pred get_impl_imports_required_by_eqv_types(type_defn_map::in,
-    type_defn_map::in, set(module_name)::out) is det.
+:- pred strip_unnecessary_impl_types(set(type_ctor)::in,
+    item_list::in, item_list::out) is det.
-get_impl_imports_required_by_eqv_types(_InterfaceTypes, ImplTypes, Modules) :-
-    %
-    % Grab all of the equivalence types that are defined in the
-    % implementation section.
-    %
-    map.foldl(accumulate_eqv_type_rhss, ImplTypes, [], Equivs),
-    %
-    % Now we have a list of types, strip off the module qualifiers.
-    %
-    get_modules_from_types(Equivs, set.init, Modules).
+strip_unnecessary_impl_types(NecessaryTypeCtors, !Items) :-
+    list.filter(is_necessary_impl_type(NecessaryTypeCtors), !Items).
-:- pred accumulate_eqv_type_rhss(type_ctor::in,
-    assoc_list(type_defn, item_and_context)::in,
-    list(type)::in, list(type)::out) is det.
+:- pred is_necessary_impl_type(set(type_ctor)::in, item_and_context::in)
+    is semidet.
-accumulate_eqv_type_rhss(_TypeCtor, TypeDefnsItemContexts, !Equivs) :-
+is_necessary_impl_type(NecessaryTypeCtors, ItemAndContext) :-
+    ItemAndContext = Item - _,
+    ( Item = type_defn(_, SymName, Params, _, _) ->
+        TypeCtor = SymName - list.length(Params),
+        set.member(TypeCtor, NecessaryTypeCtors)
+    ;
+        true
+    ).
+    % get_requirements_of_eqv_types(InterfaceTypeMap, ImplTypeMap,
+    %   NecessaryTypeCtors, Modules):
+    %
+    % Figure out the set of abstract equivalence type constructors
+    % (i.e. the types that are exported as abstract types and which are defined
+    % in the implementation section as equivalence types or as foreign types).
+    % Return in NecessaryTypeCtors this set, plus the set of private type
+    % constructors referred to by the right hand side of *any* type definition
+    % for those constructors.
+    %
+    % Given a du type definition in the implementation section, we should
+    % include it in AbsEqvRhsTypeCtors if the type constructor is abstract
+    % exported and the implementation section also contains a foreign_type
+    % definition of the type constructor.
+    %
+    % Return in Modules the set of modules that define the type constructors
+    % in NecessaryTypeCtors.
+    %
+:- pred get_requirements_of_eqv_types(type_defn_map::in, type_defn_map::in,
+    set(type_ctor)::out, set(module_name)::out) is det.
+get_requirements_of_eqv_types(InterfaceTypeMap, ImplTypeMap,
+        NecessaryTypeCtors, Modules) :-
+    multi_map.to_flat_assoc_list(ImplTypeMap, ImplTypes),
+    list.foldl(accumulate_abs_eqv_type_lhs(InterfaceTypeMap), ImplTypes,
+        set.init, AbsEqvLhsTypeCtors),
+    list.foldl(accumulate_abs_eqv_type_rhs(AbsEqvLhsTypeCtors), ImplTypes,
+        set.init, AbsEqvRhsTypes),
+    get_user_type_ctors_and_modules_from_types(AbsEqvRhsTypes,
+        set.init, AbsEqvRhsTypeCtors, set.init, Modules),
+    set.union(AbsEqvLhsTypeCtors, AbsEqvRhsTypeCtors, NecessaryTypeCtors).
+:- pred accumulate_abs_eqv_type_lhs(type_defn_map::in,
+    pair(type_ctor, pair(type_defn, item_and_context))::in,
+    set(type_ctor)::in, set(type_ctor)::out) is det.
+        TypeCtor - (TypeDefn - _ItemAndContext), !AbsEqvLhsTypeCtors) :-
     % A type may have multiple definitions because it may be defined both
-    % as a foreign type and as a mercury type. We grab any equivalence types
+    % as a foreign type and as a Mercury type. We grab any equivalence types
     % that are in there.
-    list.foldl(accumulate_eqv_type_rhs, TypeDefnsItemContexts, !Equivs).
+    (
+        TypeDefn = eqv_type(_RhsType),
+        map__search(InterfaceTypeMap, TypeCtor, _)
+    ->
+        svset.insert(TypeCtor, !AbsEqvLhsTypeCtors)
+    ;
+        TypeDefn = foreign_type(_, _, _),
+        map__search(InterfaceTypeMap, TypeCtor, _)
+    ->
+        svset.insert(TypeCtor, !AbsEqvLhsTypeCtors)
+    ;
+        true
+    ).
-:- pred accumulate_eqv_type_rhs(pair(type_defn, item_and_context)::in,
-    list(type)::in, list(type)::out) is det.
+:- pred accumulate_abs_eqv_type_rhs(set(type_ctor)::in,
+    pair(type_ctor, pair(type_defn, item_and_context))::in,
+    set(type)::in, set(type)::out) is det.
-accumulate_eqv_type_rhs(TypeDefn - _ItemContext, !Equivs) :-
-    ( TypeDefn = eqv_type(Type) ->
-        list.cons(Type, !Equivs)
+        TypeCtor - (TypeDefn - _ItemAndContext), !AbsEqvRhsTypes) :-
+    (
+        TypeDefn = eqv_type(RhsType),
+        set.member(TypeCtor, AbsEqvLhsTypeCtors)
+    ->
+        svset.insert(RhsType, !AbsEqvRhsTypes)
-    % Given a list of types, return the set of modules that define these types.
+    % Given a list of types, return the set of user-defined type constructors
+    % occuring those types, and the set of modules that define these type
+    % constructors.
     % NOTE: This assumes that everything has been module qualified.
-:- pred get_modules_from_types(list(type)::in,
+:- pred get_user_type_ctors_and_modules_from_types(set(type)::in,
+    set(type_ctor)::in, set(type_ctor)::out,
     set(module_name)::in, set(module_name)::out) is det.
-get_modules_from_types(Types, !Modules) :-
-    list.foldl(get_modules_from_type, Types, !Modules).
+get_user_type_ctors_and_modules_from_types(Types, !TypeCtors, !Modules) :-
+    list.foldl2(get_user_type_ctors_and_modules_from_type,
+        set__to_sorted_list(Types), !TypeCtors, !Modules).
-:- pred get_modules_from_type((type)::in,
+:- pred get_user_type_ctors_and_modules_from_type((type)::in,
+    set(type_ctor)::in, set(type_ctor)::out,
     set(module_name)::in, set(module_name)::out) is det.
-get_modules_from_type(Type, !Modules) :-
+get_user_type_ctors_and_modules_from_type(Type, !TypeCtors, !Modules) :-
     ( type_to_ctor_and_args(Type, TypeCtor, Args) ->
         TypeCtor = SymName - _Arity,
-        ( sym_name_get_module_name(SymName, ModuleName) ->
-            svset.insert(ModuleName, !Modules),
-            get_modules_from_types(Args, !Modules)
-        ;
-                type_ctor_is_higher_order(TypeCtor, _, _, _ )
+            type_ctor_is_higher_order(TypeCtor, _, _, _)
-                % Higher-order types are builtin so just get
-                % the modules required by the arguments.
-                get_modules_from_types(Args, !Modules)
+            % Higher-order types are builtin so just get the type_ctors and
+            % modules required by the arguments.
+            list.foldl2(get_user_type_ctors_and_modules_from_type, Args,
+                !TypeCtors, !Modules)
-                % Tuples are builtin so just get the modules
+            % Tuples are builtin so just get the type_ctors and modules
                 % required by the arguments.
-                get_modules_from_types(Args, !Modules)
+            list.foldl2(get_user_type_ctors_and_modules_from_type, Args,
+                !TypeCtors, !Modules)
                 ( SymName = unqualified("int")
                 ; SymName = unqualified("float")
@@ -1609,13 +1851,19 @@
                 ; SymName = unqualified("character")
-                % We don't need to import these modules
-                % as the types are builtin.
+            % We don't need to import these modules as the types are builtin.
+            sym_name_get_module_name(SymName, ModuleName)
+        ->
+            svset.insert(TypeCtor, !TypeCtors),
+            svset.insert(ModuleName, !Modules),
+            list.foldl2(get_user_type_ctors_and_modules_from_type, Args,
+                !TypeCtors, !Modules)
+        ;
-                    "get_modules_from_type/5: unknown type encountered")
-            )
+                "get_user_type_ctors_modules_from_type/5: " ++
+                "unknown type encountered")
@@ -1679,7 +1927,7 @@
 check_for_clauses_in_interface([ItemAndContext0 | Items0], Items, !IO) :-
     ItemAndContext0 = Item0 - Context,
-        Item0 = clause(_,_,_,_,_)
+        Item0 = clause(_, _, _, _, _)
         prog_out__write_context(Context, !IO),
         report_warning("Warning: clause in module interface.\n", !IO),
cvs diff: Diffing notes
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