[m-rev.] diff: clean up term_traversal.m

Julien Fischer juliensf at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Tue Aug 16 01:27:51 AEST 2005

Estimated hours taken: 0.2
Branches: main

	Shift to 4-space indentation throughout.

	Use '.' as a module qualifier throughout; previously
	we only used it some places.

	s/map(prog_var, (type))/vartypes/

	Improve the comment about why pass 1 traverses negated goals.
	The existing comment gives the impression that this is optional;
	it isn't, because pass 1 is also responsible for detecting calls
	to non-terminating procedures and pass 2 relies on this having been

	Other minor formatting changes, e.g. positioning of comments etc.


Index: term_traversal.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/term_traversal.m,v
retrieving revision 1.36
diff -u -b -r1.36 term_traversal.m
--- term_traversal.m	12 Aug 2005 05:14:15 -0000	1.36
+++ term_traversal.m	15 Aug 2005 15:13:09 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et
 % Copyright (C) 1997-2005 The University of Melbourne.
 % This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
 % Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
@@ -16,66 +18,65 @@

-:- module transform_hlds__term_traversal.
+:- module transform_hlds.term_traversal.

 :- interface.

-:- import_module hlds__hlds_goal.
-:- import_module hlds__hlds_module.
-:- import_module hlds__hlds_pred.
-:- import_module parse_tree__prog_data.
-:- import_module transform_hlds__term_errors.
-:- import_module transform_hlds__term_norm.
-:- import_module transform_hlds__term_util.
+:- import_module hlds.hlds_goal.
+:- import_module hlds.hlds_module.
+:- import_module hlds.hlds_pred.
+:- import_module parse_tree.prog_data.
+:- import_module transform_hlds.term_errors.
+:- import_module transform_hlds.term_norm.
+:- import_module transform_hlds.term_util.

 :- import_module bag.
 :- import_module list.
-:- import_module map.
 :- import_module set.
 :- import_module std_util.

 :- type traversal_info
 	--->	ok(
-					% Information about the paths we have
-					% followed. With a conjunction of
-					% length N, each of whose elements is
-					% a branched control structure, the
-					% number of paths through the
-					% conjunction is 2^N. The reason why
-					% we use a set of path_infos instead
-					% of a list is that this can postpone
-					% the representation getting too big
-					% if (as is at least moderately likely)
-					% many of the paths have identical
+                    % Information about the paths we have followed. With
+                    % a conjunction of length N, each of whose elements
+                    % is a branched control structure, the number of
+                    % paths through the conjunction is 2^N. The reason
+                    % why we use a set of path_infos instead of a list
+                    % is that this can postpone the representation
+                    % getting too big if (as is at least moderately
+                    % likely) many of the paths have identical
 					% properties.
-			list(term_errors__error)
-					% Have we processed a call to a
-					% procedure whose maybe termination
-					% info was yes(can_loop(_))?
-					% If yes, record the error here.
-					% (This is not an error in pass 1,
-					% but we want to find this out in
-					% pass 1 so we can avoid doing pass 2.)
+                list(term_errors.error)
+                    % Have we processed a call to a procedure whose
+                    % maybe termination info was yes(can_loop(_))?  If
+                    % yes, record the error here.  (This is not an error
+                    % in pass 1, but we want to find this out in pass 1
+                    % so we can avoid doing pass 2.)
-	;	error(
-			list(term_errors__error),
-					% Errors which are fatal in both
-					% passes.
-			list(term_errors__error)
-					% Have we processed a call to a
-					% procedure whose maybe termination
-					% info was yes(can_loop(_))?
-					% If yes, record the error here.
-					% (This is not an error in pass 1,
-					% but we want to find this out in
-					% pass 1 so we can avoid doing pass 2.)
+    ;
+        error(
+                list(term_errors.error),
+                    % Errors which are fatal in both % passes.
+                list(term_errors.error)
+                    % Have we processed a call to a procedure whose
+                    % maybe termination info was yes(can_loop(_))?  If
+                    % yes, record the error here.  (This is not an error
+                    % in pass 1, but we want to find this out in pass 1
+                    % so we can avoid doing pass 2.)

 :- type path_info
 	--->	path_info(
-			pred_proc_id,	% The identify of the procedure
+                pred_proc_id,
+                    % The identify of the procedure
 					% that this path is within.
 			maybe(pair(pred_proc_id, prog_context)),
 					% If no, path was started at the end
 					% of the procedure given by field 1.
@@ -84,18 +85,18 @@
 					% and the context of the call.
 					% In pass 1, all starts should be no.
 					% In pass 2, all starts should be yes.
-					% These three fields describe the
-					% right hand side of the inequation
-					% we are propagating.
+                    % These three fields describe the right hand side
+                    % of the inequation we are propagating.

 :- type traversal_params.

 :- pred init_traversal_params(module_info::in, functor_info::in,
-	pred_proc_id::in, prog_context::in, map(prog_var, type)::in,
+    pred_proc_id::in, prog_context::in, vartypes::in,
 	used_args::in, used_args::in, int::in, int::in,
 	traversal_params::out) is det.

@@ -109,16 +110,20 @@

 :- implementation.

-:- import_module check_hlds__type_util.
-:- import_module hlds__hlds_data.
-:- import_module parse_tree__error_util.
-:- import_module parse_tree__prog_type.
+:- import_module check_hlds.type_util.
+:- import_module hlds.hlds_data.
+:- import_module parse_tree.error_util.
+:- import_module parse_tree.prog_type.

 :- import_module assoc_list.
 :- import_module bool.
 :- import_module int.
+:- import_module map.
 :- import_module require.
 :- import_module string.
+:- import_module svset.

 traverse_goal(Goal, Params, !Info) :-
 	Goal = GoalExpr - GoalInfo,
@@ -143,7 +148,7 @@
 			unify_change(OutVar, ConsId, Args, Modes, Params,
 				Gamma, InVars, OutVars0)
-			bag__insert(OutVars0, OutVar, OutVars),
+            bag.insert(OutVars0, OutVar, OutVars),
 			record_change(InVars, OutVars, Gamma, [], !Info)
 			% length(Args) is not necessarily equal to length(Modes)
@@ -156,7 +161,7 @@
 			unify_change(InVar, ConsId, Args, Modes, Params,
 				Gamma0, InVars0, OutVars)
-			bag__insert(InVars0, InVar, InVars),
+            bag.insert(InVars0, InVar, InVars),
 			Gamma = 0 - Gamma0,
 			record_change(InVars, OutVars, Gamma, [], !Info)
@@ -165,9 +170,9 @@
 		Unification = assign(OutVar, InVar),
-		bag__init(Empty),
-		bag__insert(Empty, InVar, InVars),
-		bag__insert(Empty, OutVar, OutVars),
+        bag.init(Empty),
+        bag.insert(Empty, InVar, InVars),
+        bag.insert(Empty, OutVar, OutVars),
 		record_change(InVars, OutVars, 0, [], !Info)
 		Unification = simple_test(_InVar1, _InVar2)
@@ -177,11 +182,11 @@

 traverse_goal_2(conj(Goals), _, Params, !Info) :-
-	list__reverse(Goals, RevGoals),
+    list.reverse(Goals, RevGoals),
 	traverse_conj(RevGoals, Params, !Info).

 traverse_goal_2(par_conj(Goals), _, Params, !Info) :-
-	list__reverse(Goals, RevGoals),
+    list.reverse(Goals, RevGoals),
 	traverse_conj(RevGoals, Params, !Info).

 traverse_goal_2(switch(_, _, Cases), _, Params, !Info) :-
@@ -191,9 +196,11 @@
 	traverse_disj(Goals, Params, !Info).

 traverse_goal_2(not(Goal), _, Params, !Info) :-
-		% Since goal cannot bind any active variables,
-		% we don't need to traverse Goal for pass1,
-		% but it shouldn't hurt either.
+    % The negated goal will not affect the argument sizes since it
+    % cannot bind any active variables.  However, we must traverse
+    % it anyway during pass 1 to ensure that it does not call any
+    % non-terminating procedures.  Pass 2 relies on pass 1 having
+    % done this.
 	traverse_goal(Goal, Params, !Info).

 traverse_goal_2(scope(_, Goal), _GoalInfo, Params, !Info) :-
@@ -210,20 +217,17 @@
 	module_info_pred_proc_info(Module, CallPredId, CallProcId, _,
 	proc_info_argmodes(CallProcInfo, CallArgModes),
-	ArgVars = list__map(foreign_arg_var, Args),
+    ArgVars = list.map(foreign_arg_var, Args),
 	partition_call_args(Module, CallArgModes, ArgVars, _InVars, OutVars),
 	goal_info_get_context(GoalInfo, Context),

 	( is_termination_known(Module, proc(CallPredId, CallProcId)) ->
-		error_if_intersect(OutVars, Context, pragma_foreign_code,
-			!Info)
+        error_if_intersect(OutVars, Context, pragma_foreign_code, !Info)
 		( attributes_imply_termination(Attributes) ->
-			error_if_intersect(OutVars, Context,
-				pragma_foreign_code, !Info)
+            error_if_intersect(OutVars, Context, pragma_foreign_code, !Info)
-			add_error(Context, does_not_term_pragma(CallPredId),
-				Params, !Info)
+            add_error(Context, does_not_term_pragma(CallPredId), Params, !Info)

@@ -233,11 +237,10 @@
 		Details = higher_order(Var, _, _, _),
 		ClosureValueMap = goal_info_get_ho_values(GoalInfo),
-		% If closure analysis has identified a set of values
-		% this higher-order variable can take, then we can check
-		% if they terminate.  We cannot anything about the
-		% size of the arguments of the higher-order call, so
-		% we assume that they are unbounded.
+        % If closure analysis has identified a set of values this higher-order
+        % variable can take, then we can check if they terminate.  We cannot
+        % anything about the size of the arguments of the higher-order call,
+        % so we assume that they are unbounded.
 		params_get_module_info(Params, Module),
 		( ClosureValues0 = ClosureValueMap ^ elem(Var) ->
@@ -246,13 +249,10 @@
 				Terminating, NonTerminating),
 				NonTerminating = [],
-				partition_call_args(Module, ArgModes, Args,
-					_InVars, OutVars),
+                partition_call_args(Module, ArgModes, Args, _InVars, OutVars),
 				params_get_ppid(Params, PPId),
-				Error = ho_inf_termination_const(PPId,
-					Terminating),
-				error_if_intersect(OutVars, Context, Error,
-					!Info)
+                Error = ho_inf_termination_const(PPId, Terminating),
+                error_if_intersect(OutVars, Context, Error, !Info)
 				NonTerminating = [_|_],
 				% XXX We should tell the user what the
@@ -315,9 +315,9 @@
 		CallArgSizeInfo = no,
 		% We should get to this point only in pass 1.
 		% In pass 2, OutputSuppliersMap will be empty,
-		% which will lead to a runtime abort in map__lookup.
+        % which will lead to a runtime abort in map.lookup.
 		params_get_output_suppliers(Params, OutputSuppliersMap),
-		map__lookup(OutputSuppliersMap, CallPPId, OutputSuppliers),
+        map.lookup(OutputSuppliersMap, CallPPId, OutputSuppliers),
 		remove_unused_args(InVars, Args, OutputSuppliers, UsedInVars),
 		record_change(UsedInVars, OutVars, 0, [CallPPId], !Info)
@@ -347,12 +347,12 @@
 	% Do we start another path?
 		params_get_rec_input_suppliers(Params, RecInputSuppliersMap),
-		map__search(RecInputSuppliersMap, CallPPId, RecInputSuppliers)
+        map.search(RecInputSuppliersMap, CallPPId, RecInputSuppliers)
 		% We should get to this point only in pass 2, and then
 		% only if this call is to a procedure in the current SCC.
 		% In pass 1, RecInputSuppliersMap will be empty.
+        %
 		compute_rec_start_vars(Args, RecInputSuppliers, Bag),
 		PathStart = yes(CallPPId - Context),
 		NewPath = path_info(PPId, PathStart, 0, [], Bag),
@@ -362,14 +362,14 @@

 traverse_goal_2(shorthand(_), _, _, _, _) :-
-	% these should have been expanded out by now
+    % These should have been expanded out by now.
 	unexpected(this_file, "traverse_goal_2/5: shorthand goal.").


 	% Traverse_conj should be invoked with a reversed list of goals.
 	% This is to keep stack consumption down.
+    %
 :- pred traverse_conj(list(hlds_goal)::in, traversal_params::in,
 	traversal_info::in, traversal_info::out) is det.

@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@
 	traversal_info::in, traversal_info::out) is det.

 traverse_disj([], _, _, ok(Empty, [])) :-
-	set__init(Empty).
+    set.init(Empty).
 traverse_disj([Goal | Goals], Params, !Info) :-
 	traverse_goal(Goal, Params, !.Info, GoalInfo),
 	traverse_disj(Goals, Params, !.Info, GoalsInfo),
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@
 	traversal_info::in, traversal_info::out) is det.

 traverse_switch([], _, _, ok(Empty, [])) :-
-	set__init(Empty).
+    set.init(Empty).
 traverse_switch([case(_, Goal) | Cases], Params, !Info) :-
 	traverse_goal(Goal, Params, !.Info, GoalInfo),
 	traverse_switch(Cases, Params, !.Info, CasesInfo),
@@ -404,13 +404,13 @@

 cannot_succeed(error(Errors, CanLoop), error(Errors, CanLoop)).
 cannot_succeed(ok(_, CanLoop), ok(Empty, CanLoop)) :-
-	set__init(Empty).
+    set.init(Empty).

 :- pred add_path(path_info::in, traversal_info::in, traversal_info::out) is det.

 add_path(_, error(Errors, CanLoop), error(Errors, CanLoop)).
 add_path(Path, ok(Paths0, CanLoop), ok(Paths, CanLoop)) :-
-	set__insert(Paths0, Path, Paths).
+    set.insert(Paths0, Path, Paths).

 :- pred add_error(prog_context::in, termination_error::in,
 	traversal_params::in, traversal_info::in, traversal_info::out) is det.
@@ -419,7 +419,7 @@
 		error(Errors, CanLoop)) :-
 	Errors1 = [Context - Error | Errors0],
 	params_get_max_errors(Params, MaxErrors),
-	list__take_upto(MaxErrors, Errors1, Errors).
+    list.take_upto(MaxErrors, Errors1, Errors).
 add_error(Context, Error, _, ok(_, CanLoop),
 		error([Context - Error], CanLoop)).

@@ -430,12 +430,12 @@
 		error(Errors, CanLoop)) :-
 	CanLoop1 = [Context - Error | CanLoop0],
 	params_get_max_errors(Params, MaxErrors),
-	list__take_upto(MaxErrors, CanLoop1, CanLoop).
+    list.take_upto(MaxErrors, CanLoop1, CanLoop).
 called_can_loop(Context, Error, Params, ok(Paths, CanLoop0),
 		ok(Paths, CanLoop)) :-
 	CanLoop1 = [Context - Error | CanLoop0],
 	params_get_max_errors(Params, MaxErrors),
-	list__take_upto(MaxErrors, CanLoop1, CanLoop).
+    list.take_upto(MaxErrors, CanLoop1, CanLoop).

 :- pred combine_paths(traversal_info::in, traversal_info::in,
 	traversal_params::in, traversal_info::out) is det.
@@ -443,31 +443,31 @@
 combine_paths(error(Errors1, CanLoop1), error(Errors2, CanLoop2), Params,
 		error(Errors, CanLoop)) :-
 	params_get_max_errors(Params, MaxErrors),
-	list__append(Errors1, Errors2, Errors3),
-	list__take_upto(MaxErrors, Errors3, Errors),
-	list__append(CanLoop1, CanLoop2, CanLoop3),
-	list__take_upto(MaxErrors, CanLoop3, CanLoop).
+    list.append(Errors1, Errors2, Errors3),
+    list.take_upto(MaxErrors, Errors3, Errors),
+    list.append(CanLoop1, CanLoop2, CanLoop3),
+    list.take_upto(MaxErrors, CanLoop3, CanLoop).
 combine_paths(error(Errors1, CanLoop1), ok(_, CanLoop2), Params,
 		error(Errors1, CanLoop)) :-
 	params_get_max_errors(Params, MaxErrors),
-	list__append(CanLoop1, CanLoop2, CanLoop3),
-	list__take_upto(MaxErrors, CanLoop3, CanLoop).
+    list.append(CanLoop1, CanLoop2, CanLoop3),
+    list.take_upto(MaxErrors, CanLoop3, CanLoop).
 combine_paths(ok(_, CanLoop1), error(Errors2, CanLoop2), Params,
 		error(Errors2, CanLoop)) :-
 	params_get_max_errors(Params, MaxErrors),
-	list__append(CanLoop1, CanLoop2, CanLoop3),
-	list__take_upto(MaxErrors, CanLoop3, CanLoop).
+    list.append(CanLoop1, CanLoop2, CanLoop3),
+    list.take_upto(MaxErrors, CanLoop3, CanLoop).
 combine_paths(ok(Paths1, CanLoop1), ok(Paths2, CanLoop2), Params,
 		Info) :-
 	params_get_max_errors(Params, MaxErrors),
-	list__append(CanLoop1, CanLoop2, CanLoop3),
-	list__take_upto(MaxErrors, CanLoop3, CanLoop),
-	set__union(Paths2, Paths1, Paths),
+    list.append(CanLoop1, CanLoop2, CanLoop3),
+    list.take_upto(MaxErrors, CanLoop3, CanLoop),
+    set.union(Paths2, Paths1, Paths),
 	params_get_max_paths(Params, MaxPaths),
 		% Don't try to track the state of too many paths;
 		% doing so can require too much memory.
-		set__count(Paths, Count),
+        set.count(Paths, Count),
 		Count =< MaxPaths
 		Info = ok(Paths, CanLoop)
@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@
 	bag(prog_var)::out) is det.

 compute_rec_start_vars([], [], Out) :-
-	bag__init(Out).
+    bag.init(Out).
 compute_rec_start_vars([_|_], [], _Out) :-
 		"compute_rec_start_vars/3: unmatched variables.").
@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@
 		Out) :-
 	compute_rec_start_vars(Vars, RecInputSuppliers, Out1),
 	( RecInputSupplier = yes ->
-		bag__insert(Out1, Var, Out)
+        bag.insert(Out1, Var, Out)
 		Out = Out1
@@ -508,7 +508,7 @@
 	% sign of the norm of f and after the membership of X in either the
 	% input or output bags. The predicate fails if invoked on a higher
 	% order unification.
+    %
 :- pred unify_change(prog_var::in, cons_id::in, list(prog_var)::in,
 	list(uni_mode)::in, traversal_params::in, int::out, bag(prog_var)::out,
 	bag(prog_var)::out) is semidet.
@@ -516,7 +516,7 @@
 unify_change(OutVar, ConsId, Args0, Modes0, Params, Gamma, InVars, OutVars) :-
 	params_get_functor_info(Params, FunctorInfo),
 	params_get_var_types(Params, VarTypes),
-	map__lookup(VarTypes, OutVar, Type),
+    map.lookup(VarTypes, OutVar, Type),
 	\+ type_is_higher_order(Type, _, _, _, _),
 	( type_to_ctor_and_args(Type, TypeCtor, _) ->
 		params_get_module_info(Params, Module),
@@ -532,13 +532,13 @@
 	list(prog_var)::out, list(uni_mode)::in, list(uni_mode)::out) is det.

 filter_args_and_modes(VarTypes, Args0, Args, Modes0, Modes) :-
-	assoc_list__from_corresponding_lists(Args0, Modes0, ArgsAndModes0),
+    assoc_list.from_corresponding_lists(Args0, Modes0, ArgsAndModes0),
 	IsNotTypeInfo = (pred(ArgMode::in) is semidet :-
-		map__lookup(VarTypes, fst(ArgMode), Type),
+        map.lookup(VarTypes, fst(ArgMode), Type),
 		not is_introduced_type_info_type(Type)
-	list__filter(IsNotTypeInfo, ArgsAndModes0, ArgsAndModes),
-	assoc_list__keys_and_values(ArgsAndModes, Args, Modes).
+    list.filter(IsNotTypeInfo, ArgsAndModes0, ArgsAndModes),
+    assoc_list.keys_and_values(ArgsAndModes, Args, Modes).


@@ -548,8 +548,8 @@
 record_change(_, _, _, _, error(Errors, CanLoop), error(Errors, CanLoop)).
 record_change(InVars, OutVars, Gamma, CalledPPIds, ok(Paths0, CanLoop),
 		ok(NewPaths, CanLoop)) :-
-	set__to_sorted_list(Paths0, PathsList0),
-	set__init(NewPaths0),
+    set.to_sorted_list(Paths0, PathsList0),
+    set.init(NewPaths0),
 	record_change_2(PathsList0, InVars, OutVars, Gamma, CalledPPIds,
 		NewPaths0, NewPaths).

@@ -561,18 +561,18 @@
 record_change_2([Path0 | Paths0], InVars, OutVars, CallGamma, CallPPIds,
 		!PathSet) :-
 	Path0 = path_info(ProcData, Start, Gamma0, PPIds0, Vars0),
-	( bag__intersect(OutVars, Vars0) ->
+    ( bag.intersect(OutVars, Vars0) ->
 		% The change produces some active variables.
 		Gamma = CallGamma + Gamma0,
-		list__append(CallPPIds, PPIds0, PPIds),
-		bag__subtract(Vars0, OutVars, Vars1),
-		bag__union(InVars, Vars1, Vars),
+        list.append(CallPPIds, PPIds0, PPIds),
+        bag.subtract(Vars0, OutVars, Vars1),
+        bag.union(InVars, Vars1, Vars),
 		Path = path_info(ProcData, Start, Gamma, PPIds, Vars)
 		% The change produces no active variables.
 		Path = Path0
-	set__insert(!.PathSet, Path, !:PathSet),
+    svset.insert(Path, !PathSet),
 	record_change_2(Paths0, InVars, OutVars, CallGamma, CallPPIds,

@@ -584,7 +584,7 @@
 error_if_intersect(_, _, _, error(Errors, CanLoop), error(Errors, CanLoop)).
 error_if_intersect(OutVars, Context, ErrorMsg, ok(Paths, CanLoop), Info) :-
-		set__to_sorted_list(Paths, PathList),
+        set.to_sorted_list(Paths, PathList),
 		some_active_vars_in_bag(PathList, OutVars)
 		Info = error([Context - ErrorMsg], CanLoop)
@@ -598,7 +598,7 @@
 some_active_vars_in_bag([Path | Paths], OutVars) :-
 		Path = path_info(_, _, _, _, Vars),
-		bag__intersect(Vars, OutVars)
+        bag.intersect(Vars, OutVars)
 		some_active_vars_in_bag(Paths, OutVars)
@@ -606,28 +606,36 @@

 upper_bound_active_vars([], ActiveVars) :-
-	bag__init(ActiveVars).
+    bag.init(ActiveVars).
 upper_bound_active_vars([Path | Paths], ActiveVars) :-
 	upper_bound_active_vars(Paths, ActiveVars1),
 	Path = path_info(_, _, _, _, ActiveVars2),
-	bag__least_upper_bound(ActiveVars1, ActiveVars2, ActiveVars).
+    bag.least_upper_bound(ActiveVars1, ActiveVars2, ActiveVars).


 :- type traversal_params
 	--->	traversal_params(
 			pred_proc_id,	% The procedure we are tracing through.
 			prog_context,	% The context of the procedure.
-			map(prog_var, type),
+                vartypes,
 			map(pred_proc_id, list(bool)),
 					% Output suppliers of each procedure.
 					% Empty during pass 2.
 			map(pred_proc_id, list(bool)),
 					% Rec input suppliers of each procedure.
 					% Empty during pass 1.
 			int,		% Max number of errors to gather.
 			int		% Max number of paths to analyze.

@@ -646,7 +654,7 @@
 	is det.
 :- pred params_get_context(traversal_params::in, prog_context::out)
 	is det.
-:- pred params_get_var_types(traversal_params::in, map(prog_var, type)::out)
+:- pred params_get_var_types(traversal_params::in, vartypes::out)
 	is det.
 :- pred params_get_output_suppliers(traversal_params::in,
 	map(pred_proc_id, list(bool))::out) is det.

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