[m-rev.] New library module: pile

Ralph Becket rafe at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Wed Feb 12 17:07:41 AEDT 2003

Okay, here's the final diff with test case.  If I don't get any
complaints in the next day or so I'll check it in as is.

Estimated hours taken: 4
Branches: main

Added a new library module, cord, for a collection type supporting O(1)
insertion and concatenation.

	Report the new addition.


	Added a test case for the new cord module.

Index: NEWS
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/NEWS,v
retrieving revision 1.299
diff -u -r1.299 NEWS
--- NEWS	30 Jan 2003 05:59:16 -0000	1.299
+++ NEWS	12 Feb 2003 05:57:39 -0000
@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@
   with `mmc --make'.
 Changes to the Mercury standard library:
-* Nothing yet.
+* We've added a new module, cord, for collections with O(1) insertion and
+  concatenation.
 Portability improvements:
 * Nothing yet.
@@ -60,6 +61,9 @@
   chapter of the Mercury Language Reference Manual.
 Changes to the Mercury standard library:
+* We've added a new module, cord, for collections with O(1) insertion and
+  concatenation.
 * We've added a new library module, `array2d'.
Index: library/cord.m
RCS file: library/cord.m
diff -N library/cord.m
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ library/cord.m	12 Feb 2003 05:38:34 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+% cord.m
+% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et wm=0 tw=0
+% Copyright (C) 2002 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.
+% Ralph Becket <rafe at cs.mu.oz.au>
+% Mon Feb  3 12:27:53 EST 2003
+% A cord is a sequence collection type supporting O(1) consing and
+% concatenation.
+% This data type is intended for situations where efficient, linearised
+% collection of data is required.
+% While this data type presents a list-like interface, deconstruction in
+% particular is not cheap - O(n) in the size of the cord.
+:- module cord.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module list, int.
+:- type cord(T).
+    % The list of data in a cord.  If datum X was added to the cord more
+    % recently than datum Y then X will be closer to the head of the
+    % resulting list than Y.  The relative order of items added via
+    % cons_list/2 is preserved.
+    %
+:- func list(cord(T)) = list(T).
+    % The empty cord.
+    %
+:- func empty = cord(T).
+    % from_list(Xs) = T  <=>  list(T) = Xs
+    %
+:- func from_list(list(T)) = cord(T).
+    % cons(X, T0) = T  <=>  list(T) = [X | list(T0)]
+    % An O(1) operation.
+    %
+:- func cons(T, cord(T)) = cord(T).
+    % cons_list(Xs, T0) = T  <=>  list(T) = Xs ++ list(T0)
+    % An O(1) operation.
+    %
+:- func cons_list(list(T), cord(T)) = cord(T).
+    % TA ++ TB = T  <=>  list(T) = list(TA) ++ list(TB)
+    % An O(1) operation.
+    %
+:- func cord(T) ++ cord(T) = cord(T).
+    % head_tail(T0, X, T)  <=>  list(T0) = [X | list(T)]
+    % An O(n) operation.
+    %
+:- pred head_tail(cord(T), T,   cord(T)).
+:- mode head_tail(in,      out, out    ) is semidet.
+    % length(T) = list.length(list(T))
+    % An O(n) operation.
+    %
+:- func length(cord(T)) = int.
+    % member(X, T) <=> list.member(X, list(T)).
+    %
+:- pred member(T,   cord(T)).
+:- mode member(out, in     ) is nondet.
+    % map(F, T0) = T  <=>  list(T) = list.map(F, list(T0))
+    %
+:- func map(func(T) = U, cord(T)) = cord(U).
+    % foldl(F, T, A) = list.foldl(F, list(T), A).
+    %
+:- func foldl(func(T, U) = U, cord(T), U) = U.
+    % foldr(F, T, A) = list.foldr(F, list(T), A).
+    %
+:- func foldr(func(T, U) = U, cord(T), U) = U.
+    % equal(TA, TB)  <=>  list(TA) = list(TB).
+    % An O(n) operation where n = length(TA) + length(TB).
+    %
+    % (Note: the current implementation works exactly this way.)
+    %
+:- pred equal(cord(T), cord(T)).
+:- mode equal(in,      in     ) is semidet.
+:- implementation.
+    % We impose the following invariants:
+    %
+    %   all [T] not T = leaves([])
+    %   all [T] not T = branch(nil, _)
+    %   all [T] not T = branch(_, nil)
+    %
+:- type cord(T)
+    --->    nil
+    ;       leaf(T)
+    ;       leaves(list(T))
+    ;       branch(cord(T), cord(T)).
+empty = nil.
+from_list(Xs) = ( if Xs = [] then nil else leaves(Xs) ).
+list(T) = list_2(T, []).
+:- func list_2(cord(T), list(T)) = list(T).
+list_2(nil,            Xs) = Xs.
+list_2(leaf(Y),        Xs) = [Y | Xs].
+list_2(leaves(Ys),     Xs) = Ys ++ Xs.
+list_2(branch(TA, TB), Xs) = list_2(TA, list_2(TB, Xs)).
+cons(X, T) = ( if T = nil then leaf(X) else branch(leaf(X), T) ).
+cons_list(Xs, T) = (      if Xs = []  then T
+                     else if T  = nil then leaves(Xs)
+                     else                  branch(leaves(Xs), T)
+                   ).
+TA ++ TB = (      if TA = nil then TB
+             else if TB = nil then TA
+             else             branch(TA, TB)
+           ).
+head_tail(leaf(X),          X, nil ).
+head_tail(leaves([X | Xs]), X, T   ) :-
+    T = ( if Xs = [] then nil else leaves(Xs) ).
+head_tail(branch(TA0, TB),  X, T   ) :-
+    head_tail(TA0, X, TA),
+    T = TA ++ TB.
+length(T) = foldl(func(_, N) = N + 1, T, 0).
+member(X, leaf(X)).
+member(X, leaves(Xs)) :-
+    member(X, Xs).
+member(X, branch(TA, _)) :-
+    member(X, TA).
+member(X, branch(_, TB)) :-
+    member(X, TB).
+map(_, nil           ) = nil.
+map(F, leaf(X)       ) = leaf(F(X)).
+map(F, leaves(Xs)    ) = leaves(map(F, Xs)).
+map(F, branch(TA, TB)) = branch(map(F, TA), map(F, TB)).
+foldl(_, nil,            A) = A.
+foldl(F, leaf(X),        A) = F(X, A).
+foldl(F, leaves(Xs),     A) = foldl(F, Xs, A).
+foldl(F, branch(TA, TB), A) = foldl(F, TB, foldl(F, TA, A)).
+foldr(_, nil,            A) = A.
+foldr(F, leaf(X),        A) = F(X, A).
+foldr(F, leaves(Xs),     A) = foldr(F, Xs, A).
+foldr(F, branch(TA, TB), A) = foldr(F, TA, foldr(F, TB, A)).
+equal(TA, TB) :-
+    list(TA) = list(TB).
Index: tests/hard_coded/Mmakefile
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/hard_coded/Mmakefile,v
retrieving revision 1.185
diff -u -r1.185 Mmakefile
--- tests/hard_coded/Mmakefile	7 Feb 2003 03:55:36 -0000	1.185
+++ tests/hard_coded/Mmakefile	12 Feb 2003 05:56:48 -0000
@@ -141,9 +141,10 @@
 	target_mlobjs \
 	term_io_test \
 	term_to_univ_test \
+	test_array2d \
 	test_bitset \
+	test_cord \
 	test_imported_no_tag \
-	test_array2d \
 	tim_qual1 \
 	time_test \
 	tuple_test \
Index: tests/hard_coded/test_cord.exp
RCS file: tests/hard_coded/test_cord.exp
diff -N tests/hard_coded/test_cord.exp
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ tests/hard_coded/test_cord.exp	12 Feb 2003 05:41:34 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Z    = nil
+A    = leaf('a')
+B    = leaves(['b'])
+AB   = branch(leaf('a'), leaves(['b']))
+BA   = branch(leaves(['b']), leaf('a'))
+ABA1 = branch(leaf('a'), branch(leaves(['b']), leaf('a')))
+ABA2 = branch(branch(leaf('a'), leaves(['b'])), leaf('a'))
+BAB1 = branch(leaves(['b']), branch(leaf('a'), leaves(['b'])))
+BAB2 = branch(branch(leaves(['b']), leaf('a')), leaves(['b']))
+ABBA = branch(branch(leaf('a'), leaves(['b'])), branch(leaves(['b']), leaf('a')))
+BAAB = branch(branch(leaves(['b']), leaf('a')), branch(leaf('a'), leaves(['b'])))
+construction: ok
+concatenation: ok
+equals: ok
+identity: ok
+length: ok
+membership: ok
+map: ok
+foldl: ok
+foldr: ok
Index: tests/hard_coded/test_cord.m
RCS file: tests/hard_coded/test_cord.m
diff -N tests/hard_coded/test_cord.m
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ tests/hard_coded/test_cord.m	12 Feb 2003 05:40:44 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+% test_cord.m
+% Ralph Becket <rafe at cs.mu.oz.au>
+% Tue Feb 11 16:05:29 EST 2003
+% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et wm=0 tw=0
+:- module test_cord.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- pred main(io::di, io::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module cord, list, string, std_util.
+main -->
+  { Z    = empty,
+    A    = cons(a, Z),
+    B    = from_list([b]),
+    AB   = A ++ B,
+    BA   = B ++ A,
+    ABA1 = A ++ BA,
+    ABA2 = AB ++ A,
+    BAB1 = B ++ AB,
+    BAB2 = BA ++ B,
+    ABBA = AB ++ BA,
+    BAAB = BA ++ AB
+  },
+    io.format("\ncords:\n", []),
+    io.format("Z    = ", []), io.print(Z   ), io.nl,
+    io.format("A    = ", []), io.print(A   ), io.nl,
+    io.format("B    = ", []), io.print(B   ), io.nl,
+    io.format("AB   = ", []), io.print(AB  ), io.nl,
+    io.format("BA   = ", []), io.print(BA  ), io.nl,
+    io.format("ABA1 = ", []), io.print(ABA1), io.nl,
+    io.format("ABA2 = ", []), io.print(ABA2), io.nl,
+    io.format("BAB1 = ", []), io.print(BAB1), io.nl,
+    io.format("BAB2 = ", []), io.print(BAB2), io.nl,
+    io.format("ABBA = ", []), io.print(ABBA), io.nl,
+    io.format("BAAB = ", []), io.print(BAAB), io.nl,
+  { ConstructionResult =
+        (      if list(Z) \= []  then "list(Z) \\= []"
+          else if list(A) \= [a] then "list(A) \\= [a]"
+          else if list(B) \= [b] then "list(B) \\= [b]"
+          else                        "ok"
+        )
+  },
+    io.format("\nconstruction: %s\n", [s(ConstructionResult)]),
+  { ConcatenationResult =
+        (      if list(AB)   \= [a, b]       then "list(AB)   \\= [a, b]"
+          else if list(BA)   \= [b, a]       then "list(BA)   \\= [b, a]"
+          else if list(ABA1) \= [a, b, a]    then "list(ABA1) \\= [a, b, a]"
+          else if list(ABA2) \= [a, b, a]    then "list(ABA2) \\= [a, b, a]"
+          else if list(BAB1) \= [b, a, b]    then "list(BAB1) \\= [b, a, b]"
+          else if list(BAB2) \= [b, a, b]    then "list(BAB2) \\= [b, a, b]"
+          else if list(ABBA) \= [a, b, b, a] then "list(ABBA) \\= [a, b, b, a]"
+          else if list(BAAB) \= [b, a, a, b] then "list(BAAB) \\= [b, a, a, b]"
+          else                                    "ok"
+        )
+  },
+    io.format("\nconcatenation: %s\n", [s(ConcatenationResult)]),
+  { EqualsResult =
+        (      if not equal(ABA1, ABA2) then "not equal(ABA1, ABA2)"
+          else if not equal(BAB1, BAB2) then "not equal(BAB1, BAB2)"
+          else                               "ok"
+        )
+  },
+    io.format("\nequals: %s\n", [s(EqualsResult)]),
+  { IdentityResult =
+        (      if AB   ++ empty \= AB   then "AB   ++ empty \\= AB  "
+          else if BA   ++ empty \= BA   then "BA   ++ empty \\= BA  "
+          else if ABA1 ++ empty \= ABA1 then "ABA1 ++ empty \\= ABA1"
+          else if ABA2 ++ empty \= ABA2 then "ABA2 ++ empty \\= ABA2"
+          else if BAB1 ++ empty \= BAB1 then "BAB1 ++ empty \\= BAB1"
+          else if BAB2 ++ empty \= BAB2 then "BAB2 ++ empty \\= BAB2"
+          else if ABBA ++ empty \= ABBA then "ABBA ++ empty \\= ABBA"
+          else if BAAB ++ empty \= BAAB then "BAAB ++ empty \\= BAAB"
+          else if empty ++ AB   \= AB   then "empty ++ AB   \\= AB  "
+          else if empty ++ BA   \= BA   then "empty ++ BA   \\= BA  "
+          else if empty ++ ABA1 \= ABA1 then "empty ++ ABA1 \\= ABA1"
+          else if empty ++ ABA2 \= ABA2 then "empty ++ ABA2 \\= ABA2"
+          else if empty ++ BAB1 \= BAB1 then "empty ++ BAB1 \\= BAB1"
+          else if empty ++ BAB2 \= BAB2 then "empty ++ BAB2 \\= BAB2"
+          else if empty ++ ABBA \= ABBA then "empty ++ ABBA \\= ABBA"
+          else if empty ++ BAAB \= BAAB then "empty ++ BAAB \\= BAAB"
+          else    "ok"
+        )
+  },
+    io.format("\nidentity: %s\n", [s(IdentityResult)]),
+  { LengthResult =
+        (      if length(Z)    \= 0 then "list(Z)    \\= 0"
+          else if length(A)    \= 1 then "list(A)    \\= 1"
+          else if length(B)    \= 1 then "list(B)    \\= 1"
+          else if length(AB)   \= 2 then "list(AB)   \\= 2"
+          else if length(BA)   \= 2 then "list(BA)   \\= 2"
+          else if length(ABA1) \= 3 then "list(ABA1) \\= 3"
+          else if length(ABA2) \= 3 then "list(ABA2) \\= 3"
+          else if length(BAB1) \= 3 then "list(BAB1) \\= 3"
+          else if length(BAB2) \= 3 then "list(BAB2) \\= 3"
+          else if length(ABBA) \= 4 then "list(ABBA) \\= 4"
+          else if length(BAAB) \= 4 then "list(BAAB) \\= 4"
+          else                           "ok"
+        )
+  },
+    io.format("\nlength: %s\n", [s(LengthResult)]),
+  { MemberResult =
+        ( if   solutions((pred(X::out) is nondet :- member(X, ABBA))) \= [a, b]
+          then "members(ABBA) \\= [a, b]"
+          else "ok"
+        )
+  },
+    io.format("\nmembership: %s\n", [s(MemberResult)]),
+  { MapResult =
+        ( if   list(map(func(X) = ( if X = a then p else q ), AB)) \= [p, q]
+          then "map(|a -> p, b -> q|, AB) \\= [p, q]"
+          else "ok"
+        )
+  },
+    io.format("\nmap: %s\n", [s(MapResult)]),
+  { FoldlResult =
+        ( if   foldl(func(X, Xs) = [X | Xs], AB, []) \= [b, a]
+          then "foldl(cons, AB, []) \\= [b, a]"
+          else
+          if   foldl(func(X, Xs) = [X | Xs], from_list([a, b]), []) \= [b, a]
+          then "foldl(cons, from_list([a, b]), []) \\= [b, a]"
+          else "ok"
+        )
+  },
+    io.format("\nfoldl: %s\n", [s(FoldlResult)]),
+  { FoldrResult =
+        ( if   foldr(func(X, Xs) = [X | Xs], AB, []) \= [a, b]
+          then "foldr(cons, AB, []) \\= [a, b]"
+          else
+          if   foldr(func(X, Xs) = [X | Xs], from_list([a, b]), []) \= [a, b]
+          then "foldr(cons, from_list([a, b]), []) \\= [a, b]"
+          else "ok"
+        )
+  },
+    io.format("\nfoldr: %s\n", [s(FoldrResult)]),
+    [].
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