[m-rev.] for review: C foreign types

Peter Ross peter.ross at miscrit.be
Sat May 4 03:56:21 AEST 2002

Estimated hours taken: 16
Branches: main

Get pragma foreign_type working for the C backend.  

    Document C pragma foreign_types.

    Add il_foreign_type and c_foreign_type which contain all the
    necessary data to output a foreign_type on the respective backends.
    Change foreign_language_type to refer to these new types.

    Handle the changes to foreign_language_type, and parse C
    foreign_type declarations.

    Change the hlds_data__foreign_type type so that it records both the
    C and IL foreign types.  This will allow one to output both foreign
    type declarations when doing intermodule optimization.

    Changes so that we store both the IL and C foreign types in
    Also add an error checking pass where we check that there is a
    foreign type for the back-end we are currently compiling to.

    Change to_exported_type so that it works for both the C and IL
    backends by getting either the C or IL foreign_type definition.

    Change pragma_c_input and pragma_c_output so that they record
    whether or not a type is a foreign_type and if so what is the string
    which represents that foreign_type.

    When outputting pragma c_code variables that represent foreign_types
    get the casts correct.  Note that this adds the constraint on C
    foreign types that they are word sized, as all we are doing is
    casts, not boxing and unboxing.

    Change mlds__foreign_type so that we store whether a type is an IL
    type or a C type.  It is the responsibility of the code generator
    that we never create a reference to a IL foreign type when on the C
    back-end, and vice versa.

    Handle changes to prog_data__foreign_type.

    Handle changes to hlds_data__foreign_type.

    Handle changes to the pragma_c_input and pragma_c_output types.

    Handle changes to mlds__foreign_type.

Here is interdiff

--- compiler/exprn_aux.m	5 Mar 2002 12:05:20 -0000
+++ compiler/exprn_aux.m	24 Apr 2001 03:58:55 -0000	1.41
@@ -599,20 +599,20 @@
 exprn_aux__substitute_lval_in_pragma_c_input(OldLval, NewLval, Out0, Out,
 		N0, N) :-
+	Out0 = pragma_c_input(Name, Type, Rval0),
-	Out0 = pragma_c_input(Name, Type, Rval0, MaybeForeign),
 	exprn_aux__substitute_lval_in_rval_count(OldLval, NewLval, Rval0, Rval,
 		N0, N),
+	Out = pragma_c_input(Name, Type, Rval).
-	Out = pragma_c_input(Name, Type, Rval, MaybeForeign).
 :- pred exprn_aux__substitute_lval_in_pragma_c_output(lval::in, lval::in,
 	pragma_c_output::in, pragma_c_output::out, int::in, int::out) is det.
 exprn_aux__substitute_lval_in_pragma_c_output(OldLval, NewLval, Out0, Out,
 		N0, N) :-
+	Out0 = pragma_c_output(Lval0, Type, Name),
-	Out0 = pragma_c_output(Lval0, Type, Name, MaybeForeign),
 	exprn_aux__substitute_lval_in_lval_count(OldLval, NewLval, Lval0, Lval,
 		N0, N),
+	Out = pragma_c_output(Lval, Type, Name).
-	Out = pragma_c_output(Lval, Type, Name, MaybeForeign).
 :- pred exprn_aux__substitute_lval_in_rval_count(lval::in, lval::in,
 	rval::in, rval::out, int::in, int::out) is det.
--- compiler/foreign.m	5 Mar 2002 12:05:21 -0000
+++ compiler/foreign.m	16 Jan 2002 01:13:18 -0000	1.10
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
 :- func foreign__non_foreign_type((type)) = exported_type.
 	% Given an arbitary mercury type, get the exported_type representation
+	% of that type.
-	% of that type on the current backend.
 :- func foreign__to_exported_type(module_info, (type)) = exported_type.
 	% Given a representation of a type determine the string which
@@ -576,35 +576,13 @@
 to_exported_type(ModuleInfo, Type) = ExportType :-
 	module_info_types(ModuleInfo, Types),
-	module_info_globals(ModuleInfo, Globals),
-	globals__get_target(Globals, Target),
 		type_to_type_id(Type, TypeId, _),
 		map__search(Types, TypeId, TypeDefn)
 		hlds_data__get_type_defn_body(TypeDefn, Body),
+		( Body = foreign_type(_, ForeignType, _) ->
+			ExportType = foreign(ForeignType)
-		( Body = foreign_type(MaybeIL, MaybeC) ->
-			( Target = c,
-				( MaybeC = yes(c(NameStr)),
-					Name = unqualified(NameStr)
-				; MaybeC = no,
-					error("to_exported_type: no C type")
-				)
-			; Target = il, 
-				( MaybeIL = yes(il(_, _, Name))
-				; MaybeIL = no,
-					error("to_exported_type: no IL type")
-				)
-			; Target = java,
-				error("to_exported_type: java NYI")
-			; Target = asm,
-				( MaybeC = yes(c(NameStr)),
-					Name = unqualified(NameStr)
-				; MaybeC = no,
-					error("to_exported_type: no C type")
-				)
-			),
-			ExportType = foreign(Name)
 			ExportType = mercury(Type)
@@ -615,12 +593,8 @@
 to_type_string(Lang, ModuleInfo, Type) =
 	to_type_string(Lang, to_exported_type(ModuleInfo, Type)).
+to_type_string(c, foreign(_ForeignType)) = _ :-
+	sorry(this_file, "foreign types on a C backend").
-to_type_string(c, foreign(ForeignType)) = Result :-
-	( ForeignType = unqualified(Result0) ->
-		Result = Result0
-	;
-		error("to_type_string: qualifed C type")
-	).
 to_type_string(csharp, foreign(ForeignType)) = Result :-
 	sym_name_to_string(ForeignType, ".", Result).
 to_type_string(managed_cplusplus, foreign(ForeignType)) = Result ++ " *":-
--- compiler/hlds_data.m	5 Mar 2002 12:05:21 -0000
+++ compiler/hlds_data.m	26 Feb 2002 02:45:36 -0000	1.66
@@ -299,8 +299,12 @@
 	;	eqv_type(type)
 	;	foreign_type(
+			bool,		% is the type already boxed
+			sym_name,	% structured name of foreign type
+					% which represents the mercury type.
+			string		% Location of the definition for this
+					% type (such as assembly or
+					% library name)
-			il	:: maybe(il_foreign_type),
-			c	:: maybe(c_foreign_type)
 	;	abstract_type.
--- compiler/hlds_out.m	5 Mar 2002 12:05:22 -0000
+++ compiler/hlds_out.m	27 Feb 2002 17:41:06 -0000	1.276
@@ -2722,7 +2722,7 @@
 hlds_out__write_type_body(_Indent, _Tvarset, abstract_type) -->
+hlds_out__write_type_body(_Indent, _Tvarset, foreign_type(_, _, _)) -->
-hlds_out__write_type_body(_Indent, _Tvarset, foreign_type(_, _)) -->
 	{ error("hlds_out__write_type_body: foreign type body found") }.
 :- pred hlds_out__write_constructors(int, tvarset, list(constructor),
--- compiler/intermod.m	5 Mar 2002 12:05:23 -0000
+++ compiler/intermod.m	26 Feb 2002 02:45:39 -0000	1.113
@@ -1215,7 +1215,7 @@
 		{ Body = abstract_type },
 		{ TypeBody = abstract_type }
+		{ Body = foreign_type(_, _, _) },
-		{ Body = foreign_type(_, _) },
 		{ TypeBody = abstract_type },
 			% XXX trd
 			% Also here we need to output the pragma
--- compiler/livemap.m	5 Mar 2002 12:05:23 -0000
+++ compiler/livemap.m	24 Apr 2001 03:58:56 -0000	1.51
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@
 livemap__build_livemap_pragma_inputs([], Livevals, Livevals).
 livemap__build_livemap_pragma_inputs([Input | Inputs], Livevals0, Livevals) :-
+	Input = pragma_c_input(_, _, Rval),
-	Input = pragma_c_input(_, _, Rval, _),
 	( Rval = lval(Lval) ->
 		livemap__insert_proper_liveval(Lval, Livevals0, Livevals1)
--- compiler/llds.m	5 Mar 2002 12:05:24 -0000
+++ compiler/llds.m	6 Nov 2001 15:20:46 -0000	1.280
@@ -551,17 +551,15 @@
 	% A pragma_c_input represents the code that initializes one
 	% of the input variables for a pragma_c instruction.
 :- type pragma_c_input
+	--->	pragma_c_input(string, type, rval).
+				% variable name, type, variable value.
-	--->	pragma_c_input(string, type, rval, maybe(string)).
-				% variable name, type, variable value,
-				% maybe C type if foreign type.
 	% A pragma_c_output represents the code that stores one of
 	% of the outputs for a pragma_c instruction.
 :- type pragma_c_output
+	--->	pragma_c_output(lval, type, string).
-	--->	pragma_c_output(lval, type, string, maybe(string)).
 				% where to put the output val, type and name
 				% of variable containing the output val
-				% followed by maybe C type if foreign type.
 	% see runtime/mercury_trail.h
 :- type reset_trail_reason
--- compiler/llds_out.m	5 Mar 2002 12:05:25 -0000
+++ compiler/llds_out.m	20 Feb 2002 03:14:07 -0000	1.186
@@ -1945,7 +1945,7 @@
 output_pragma_input_rval_decls([], DeclSet, DeclSet) --> [].
 output_pragma_input_rval_decls([I | Inputs], DeclSet0, DeclSet) -->
+	{ I = pragma_c_input(_VarName, _Type, Rval) },
-	{ I = pragma_c_input(_VarName, _Type, Rval, _) },
 	output_rval_decls(Rval, "\t", "\t", 0, _N, DeclSet0, DeclSet1),
 	output_pragma_input_rval_decls(Inputs, DeclSet1, DeclSet).
@@ -1956,7 +1956,7 @@
 output_pragma_inputs([]) --> [].
 output_pragma_inputs([I|Inputs]) -->
+	{ I = pragma_c_input(VarName, Type, Rval) },
-	{ I = pragma_c_input(VarName, Type, Rval, MaybeForeignType) },
 	io__write_string(" = "),
@@ -1970,11 +1970,6 @@
 		output_rval_as_type(Rval, float)
-		( { MaybeForeignType = yes(ForeignTypeStr) } ->
-			io__write_string("(" ++ ForeignTypeStr ++ ") ")
-		;
-			[]
-		),
 		output_rval_as_type(Rval, word)
@@ -1987,7 +1982,7 @@
 output_pragma_output_lval_decls([], DeclSet, DeclSet) --> [].
 output_pragma_output_lval_decls([O | Outputs], DeclSet0, DeclSet) -->
+	{ O = pragma_c_output(Lval, _Type, _VarName) },
-	{ O = pragma_c_output(Lval, _Type, _VarName, _) },
 	output_lval_decls(Lval, "\t", "\t", 0, _N, DeclSet0, DeclSet1),
 	output_pragma_output_lval_decls(Outputs, DeclSet1, DeclSet).
@@ -1998,7 +1993,7 @@
 output_pragma_outputs([]) --> [].
 output_pragma_outputs([O|Outputs]) -->
+	{ O = pragma_c_output(Lval, Type, VarName) },
-	{ O = pragma_c_output(Lval, Type, VarName, MaybeForeignType) },
 	io__write_string(" = "),
@@ -2014,11 +2009,6 @@
-		( { MaybeForeignType = yes(_) } ->
-			output_llds_type_cast(word)
-		;
-			[]
-		),
--- compiler/magic_util.m	5 Mar 2002 12:05:26 -0000
+++ compiler/magic_util.m	26 Feb 2002 02:45:40 -0000	1.18
@@ -1377,7 +1377,7 @@
 	{ error("magic_util__check_type_defn: eqv_type") }.
 magic_util__check_type_defn(abstract_type, _, Errors0, Errors) -->
 	{ set__insert(Errors0, abstract, Errors) }.
+magic_util__check_type_defn(foreign_type(_, _, _), _, _, _) -->
-magic_util__check_type_defn(foreign_type(_, _), _, _, _) -->
 	{ error("magic_util__check_type_defn: foreign_type") }.
 :- pred magic_util__check_ctor(set(type_id)::in, constructor::in, 
--- compiler/make_hlds.m	5 Mar 2002 12:05:30 -0000
+++ compiler/make_hlds.m	26 Feb 2002 02:45:41 -0000	1.401
@@ -396,18 +396,21 @@
 		{ Pragma = foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _) },
 		{ Module = Module0 }
-		% Note that we check during add_item_clause that we have
-		% defined a foreign_type which is usable by the back-end
-		% we are compiling on.
 		{ Pragma = foreign_type(ForeignType, _MercuryType, Name) },
+		{ ForeignType = il(RefOrVal,
+				ForeignTypeLocation, ForeignTypeName) },
+		{ RefOrVal = reference,
+			IsBoxed = yes
+		; RefOrVal = value,
+			IsBoxed = no
+		},
 		{ varset__init(VarSet) },
 		{ Args = [] },
+		{ Body = foreign_type(IsBoxed,
+				ForeignTypeName, ForeignTypeLocation) },
-		{ ForeignType = il(ILForeignType),
-			Body = foreign_type(yes(ILForeignType), no)
-		; ForeignType = c(CForeignType),
-			Body = foreign_type(no, yes(CForeignType))
-		},
 		{ Cond = true },
 		{ TypeId = Name - 0 },
@@ -791,61 +794,6 @@
 		add_pragma_type_spec(Pragma, Context, Module0, Module,
 			Info0, Info)
-		{ Pragma = foreign_type(_, _, Name) }
-	->
-		{ TypeId = Name - 0 },
-		{ module_info_types(Module0, Types) },
-		{ TypeStr = error_util__describe_sym_name_and_arity(
-				Name / 0) },
-		( 
-		    { map__search(Types, TypeId, Defn) },
-		    { hlds_data__get_type_defn_body(Defn, Body) },
-		    { Body = foreign_type(MaybeIL, MaybeC) }
-		->
-		    { module_info_globals(Module0, Globals) },
-		    { globals__lookup_bool_option(Globals, target_code_only,
-			    TargetCode) },
-		    ( { TargetCode = yes } ->
-			{ globals__get_target(Globals, Target) },
-			( { Target = c },
-			    ( { MaybeC = yes(_) },
-			    	{ Module = Module0 }
-			    ; { MaybeC = no },
-				{ ErrorPieces = [
-				    words("Error: No C pragma"),
-				    words("foreign_type for"),
-				    fixed(TypeStr)
-				] },
-				error_util__write_error_pieces(Context,
-					0, ErrorPieces),
-				{ module_info_incr_errors(Module0, Module) }
-			    )
-			; { Target = il },
-			    ( { MaybeIL = yes(_) },
-			    	{ Module = Module0 }
-			    ; { MaybeIL = no },
-				{ ErrorPieces = [
-				    words("Error: No IL pragma"),
-				    words("foreign_type for"),
-				    fixed(TypeStr)
-				] },
-				error_util__write_error_pieces(Context,
-					0, ErrorPieces),
-				{ module_info_incr_errors(Module0, Module) }
-			    )
-			; { Target = java },
-			    	{ Module = Module0 }
-			; { Target = asm },
-			    	{ Module = Module0 }
-			)
-		    ;
-			{ Module = Module0 }
-		    )
-		;
-		    { error("add_item_clause: unable to find foreign type") }
-		),
-		{ Info = Info0 }	
-	;
 		% don't worry about any pragma decs but c_code, tabling,
 		% type_spec and fact_table here
 		{ Module = Module0 },
@@ -1968,13 +1916,7 @@
 				module_info_set_types(Module0, Types, Module)
-			{ merge_foreign_type_bodies(Body, Body_2, NewBody) }
-		->
-			{ hlds_data__set_type_defn(TVarSet_2, Params_2,
-				NewBody, Status, Context, T3) },
-			{ map__det_update(Types0, TypeId, T3, Types) },
-			{ module_info_set_types(Module0, Types, Module) }
-		;
 			% otherwise issue an error message if the second
 			% definition wasn't read while reading .opt files. 
 			{ Status = opt_imported }
@@ -2061,19 +2003,6 @@
-:- pred merge_foreign_type_bodies(hlds_type_body::in,
-		hlds_type_body::in, hlds_type_body::out) is semidet.
-merge_foreign_type_bodies(foreign_type(MaybeILA, MaybeCA),
-		foreign_type(MaybeILB, MaybeCB),
-		foreign_type(MaybeIL, MaybeC)) :-
-	merge_maybe(MaybeILA, MaybeILB, MaybeIL),
-	merge_maybe(MaybeCA, MaybeCB, MaybeC).
-:- pred merge_maybe(maybe(T)::in, maybe(T)::in, maybe(T)::out) is semidet.
-merge_maybe(yes(T), no, yes(T)).
-merge_maybe(no, yes(T), yes(T)).
 :- pred make_status_abstract(import_status, import_status).
 :- mode make_status_abstract(in, out) is det.
--- compiler/mercury_to_mercury.m	5 Mar 2002 12:05:31 -0000
+++ compiler/mercury_to_mercury.m	26 Feb 2002 02:45:45 -0000	1.206
@@ -496,28 +496,20 @@
 		{ Pragma = foreign_type(ForeignType, _MercuryType,
 				MercuryTypeSymName) },
+		{ ForeignType = il(RefOrVal, ForeignLocStr, ForeignTypeName) },
 		io__write_string(":- pragma foreign_type("),
+		io__write_string("il, "),
-		( { ForeignType = il(_) },
-			io__write_string("il, ")
-		; { ForeignType = c(_) },
-			io__write_string("c, ")
-		),
 		io__write_string(", "),
+		( { RefOrVal = reference },
+			io__write_string("\"class [")
+		; { RefOrVal = value },
+			io__write_string("\"valuetype [")
+		),
+		io__write_string(ForeignLocStr),
+		io__write_string("]"),
+		{ sym_name_to_string(ForeignTypeName, ".", ForeignTypeStr) },
-		io__write_string(", \""),
-		{ ForeignType = il(il(RefOrVal,
-				ForeignLocStr, ForeignTypeName)),
-			( RefOrVal = reference,
-				RefOrValStr = "class "
-			; RefOrVal = value,
-				RefOrValStr = "valuetype "
-			),
-			sym_name_to_string(ForeignTypeName, ".", NameStr),
-			ForeignTypeStr = RefOrValStr ++ "[" ++ ForeignLocStr ++
-					"]" ++ NameStr
-		; ForeignType = c(c(ForeignTypeStr))
-		},
--- compiler/middle_rec.m	5 Mar 2002 12:05:31 -0000
+++ compiler/middle_rec.m	24 Apr 2001 03:58:59 -0000	1.87
@@ -545,7 +545,7 @@
 insert_pragma_c_input_registers([], Used, Used).
 insert_pragma_c_input_registers([Input|Inputs], Used0, Used) :-	
+	Input = pragma_c_input(_, _, Rval),
-	Input = pragma_c_input(_, _, Rval, _),
 	middle_rec__find_used_registers_rval(Rval, Used0, Used1),
 	insert_pragma_c_input_registers(Inputs, Used1, Used).
@@ -555,7 +555,7 @@
 insert_pragma_c_output_registers([], Used, Used).
 insert_pragma_c_output_registers([Output|Outputs], Used0, Used) :-	
+	Output = pragma_c_output(Lval, _, _),
-	Output = pragma_c_output(Lval, _, _, _),
 	middle_rec__find_used_registers_lval(Lval, Used0, Used1),
 	insert_pragma_c_output_registers(Outputs, Used1, Used).
--- compiler/ml_code_gen.m	5 Mar 2002 12:05:32 -0000
+++ compiler/ml_code_gen.m	5 Mar 2002 10:59:19 -0000	1.110
@@ -850,8 +850,6 @@
 ml_gen_imports(ModuleInfo, MLDS_ImportList) :-
 		% Determine all the mercury imports.
-	module_info_globals(ModuleInfo, Globals),
-	globals__get_target(Globals, Target),
 	module_info_get_all_deps(ModuleInfo, AllImports),
 	P = (func(Name) = mercury_import(mercury_module_name_to_mlds(Name))),
@@ -860,16 +858,7 @@
 	module_info_types(ModuleInfo, Types),
 	list__filter_map((pred(TypeDefn::in, Import::out) is semidet :-
 			hlds_data__get_type_defn_body(TypeDefn, Body),
+			Body = foreign_type(_, _, Location),
-			Body = foreign_type(MaybeIL, _MaybeC),
-			( Target = c,
-				fail
-			; Target = il,
-				MaybeIL = yes(il(_, Location, _))
-			; Target = java,
-				fail
-			; Target = asm,
-				fail
-			),
 			Name = il_assembly_name(mercury_module_name_to_mlds(
 			Import = foreign_import(Name)
--- compiler/ml_code_util.m	5 Mar 2002 12:05:33 -0000
+++ compiler/ml_code_util.m	4 Mar 2002 07:31:35 -0000	1.57
@@ -2113,11 +2113,14 @@
 ml_type_might_contain_pointers(mlds__native_float_type) = no.
 ml_type_might_contain_pointers(mlds__native_bool_type) = no.
 ml_type_might_contain_pointers(mlds__native_char_type) = no.
+ml_type_might_contain_pointers(mlds__foreign_type(_, _, _)) = _ :-
+	% It might contain pointers, so it's not safe to return `no',
+	% but it also might not be word-sized, so it's not safe to
+	% return `yes'.  Currently this case should not occur, since
+	% currently `foreign_type' is only used for the IL back-end,
+	% where GC is handled by the target language.
+	unexpected(this_file, "--gc accurate and foreign_type").
-	% Due to constraints from the LLDS back-end this type must be
-	% word sized and on all other backends where this type is
-	% supported garbage collection is handled by the target
-	% language, so it is safe to return yes.
-ml_type_might_contain_pointers(mlds__foreign_type(_)) = yes.
 ml_type_might_contain_pointers(mlds__class_type(_, _, Category)) =
 	(if Category = mlds__enum then no else yes).
 ml_type_might_contain_pointers(mlds__ptr_type(_)) = yes.
--- compiler/ml_type_gen.m	5 Mar 2002 12:05:34 -0000
+++ compiler/ml_type_gen.m	26 Feb 2002 02:45:48 -0000	1.24
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
 			Ctors, TagValues, MaybeEqualityMembers)
 	% XXX Fixme!  Same issues here as for eqv_type/1.
+ml_gen_type_2(foreign_type(_, _, _), _, _, _) --> [].
-ml_gen_type_2(foreign_type(_, _), _, _, _) --> [].
--- compiler/mlds.m	5 Mar 2002 12:05:34 -0000
+++ compiler/mlds.m	3 Mar 2002 17:27:08 -0000	1.85
@@ -628,9 +628,12 @@
 	;	mlds__native_float_type
 	;	mlds__native_char_type
+		% This is a type of the MLDS target language.  Currently
+		% this is only used by the il backend.
-		% This is a type of the MLDS target language.
 	;	mlds__foreign_type(
+			bool,		% is type already boxed?
+			sym_name,	% structured name representing the type
+			string		% location of the type (ie assembly)
-			foreign_language_type
 		% MLDS types defined using mlds__class_defn
@@ -1593,7 +1596,7 @@
 :- implementation.
+:- import_module foreign, modules.
-:- import_module error_util, globals, foreign, modules.
 :- import_module int, term, string, require.
@@ -1631,28 +1634,10 @@
 		module_info_types(ModuleInfo, Types),
 		map__search(Types, TypeId, TypeDefn),
 		hlds_data__get_type_defn_body(TypeDefn, Body),
+		Body = foreign_type(IsBoxed, ForeignType, ForeignLocation)
-		Body = foreign_type(MaybeIL, MaybeC)
+		MLDSType = mlds__foreign_type(IsBoxed,
+				ForeignType, ForeignLocation)
-		module_info_globals(ModuleInfo, Globals),
-		globals__get_target(Globals, Target),
-		( Target = c,
-			( MaybeC = yes(CForeignType),
-				ForeignType = c(CForeignType)
-			; MaybeC = no,
-				error("mercury_type_to_mlds_type: No C foreign type")
-			)
-		; Target = il,
-			( MaybeIL = yes(ILForeignType),
-				ForeignType = il(ILForeignType)
-			; MaybeIL = no,
-				error("mercury_type_to_mlds_type: No IL foreign type")
-			)
-		; Target = java,
-			sorry(this_file, "foreign types on the java backend")
-		; Target = asm,
-			sorry(this_file, "foreign types on the asm backend")
-		),
-		MLDSType = mlds__foreign_type(ForeignType)
 		classify_type(Type, ModuleInfo, Category),
 		ExportedType = to_exported_type(ModuleInfo, Type),
@@ -1861,10 +1846,5 @@
 	finality_bits(Finality) \/
 	constness_bits(Constness) \/
-:- func this_file = string.
-this_file = "mlds.m".
--- compiler/mlds_to_c.m	5 Mar 2002 12:05:36 -0000
+++ compiler/mlds_to_c.m	27 Feb 2002 13:56:58 -0000	1.121
@@ -661,12 +661,8 @@
 mlds_output_pragma_export_type(prefix, mlds__native_char_type) -->
+mlds_output_pragma_export_type(prefix, mlds__foreign_type(_, _, _)) -->
+	{ error("mlds_output_pragma_export_type: foreign_type") }.
-mlds_output_pragma_export_type(prefix, mlds__foreign_type(ForeignType)) -->
-	( { ForeignType = c(c(Name)) },
-		io__write_string(Name)
-	; { ForeignType = il(_) },
-		{ error("mlds_output_pragma_export_type: il foreign_type") }
-	).
 mlds_output_pragma_export_type(prefix, mlds__class_type(_, _, _)) -->
 mlds_output_pragma_export_type(prefix, mlds__array_type(_)) -->
@@ -1639,12 +1635,8 @@
 mlds_output_type_prefix(mlds__native_bool_type)  -->
 mlds_output_type_prefix(mlds__native_char_type)  --> io__write_string("char").
+mlds_output_type_prefix(mlds__foreign_type(_, _, _)) -->
+	{ error("mlds_output_type_prefix: foreign_type") }.
-mlds_output_type_prefix(mlds__foreign_type(ForeignType)) -->
-	( { ForeignType = c(c(Name)) },
-		io__write_string(Name)
-	; { ForeignType = il(_) },
-		{ error("mlds_output_type_prefix: il foreign_type") }
-	).
 mlds_output_type_prefix(mlds__class_type(Name, Arity, ClassKind)) -->
 	( { ClassKind = mlds__enum } ->
@@ -1811,8 +1803,7 @@
 mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__native_float_type, _) --> [].
 mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__native_bool_type, _) --> [].
 mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__native_char_type, _) --> [].
+mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__foreign_type(_, _, _), _) --> [].
-	% XXX Currently we can't output a type suffix.
-mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__foreign_type(_), _) --> [].
 mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__class_type(_, _, _), _) --> [].
 mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__ptr_type(_), _) --> [].
 mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__array_type(_), ArraySize) -->
--- compiler/mlds_to_gcc.m	5 Mar 2002 12:05:37 -0000
+++ compiler/mlds_to_gcc.m	18 Feb 2002 07:00:57 -0000	1.63
@@ -1685,7 +1685,7 @@
 build_type(mercury_type(Type, TypeCategory, _), _, _, GCC_Type) -->
 	build_mercury_type(Type, TypeCategory, GCC_Type).
+build_type(mlds__foreign_type(_, _, _), _, _, _) --> 
-build_type(mlds__foreign_type(_), _, _, _) --> 
 	{ sorry(this_file, "foreign_type not implemented") }.
 build_type(mlds__native_int_type, _, _, gcc__integer_type_node) --> [].
 build_type(mlds__native_float_type, _, _, gcc__double_type_node) --> [].
--- compiler/mlds_to_il.m	5 Mar 2002 12:05:38 -0000
+++ compiler/mlds_to_il.m	3 Mar 2002 12:12:49 -0000	1.106
@@ -2976,19 +2976,15 @@
 mlds_type_to_ilds_type(_, mlds__native_float_type) = ilds__type([], float64).
+mlds_type_to_ilds_type(_, mlds__foreign_type(IsBoxed, ForeignType, Assembly))
-mlds_type_to_ilds_type(_, mlds__foreign_type(ForeignType))
 	= ilds__type([], Class) :-
+	sym_name_to_class_name(ForeignType, ForeignClassName),
+	( IsBoxed = yes,
+		Class = class(structured_name(assembly(Assembly),
+				ForeignClassName, []))
+	; IsBoxed = no,
+		Class = valuetype(structured_name(assembly(Assembly),
+				ForeignClassName, []))
-	( ForeignType = il(il(RefOrVal, Assembly, Type)),
-		sym_name_to_class_name(Type, ForeignClassName),
-		( RefOrVal = reference,
-			Class = class(structured_name(assembly(Assembly),
-					ForeignClassName, []))
-		; RefOrVal = value,
-			Class = valuetype(structured_name(assembly(Assembly),
-					ForeignClassName, []))
-		)
-	; ForeignType = c(_),
-		error("mlds_to_il: c foreign type")
 mlds_type_to_ilds_type(ILDataRep, mlds__ptr_type(MLDSType)) =
--- compiler/mlds_to_java.m	5 Mar 2002 12:05:39 -0000
+++ compiler/mlds_to_java.m	22 Feb 2002 01:51:09 -0000	1.24
@@ -1250,7 +1250,7 @@
 get_java_type_initializer(mlds__native_int_type) = "0".
 get_java_type_initializer(mlds__native_float_type) = "0".
 get_java_type_initializer(mlds__native_char_type) = "0".
+get_java_type_initializer(mlds__foreign_type(_, _, _)) = _ :-
-get_java_type_initializer(mlds__foreign_type(_)) = _ :-
 		"get_type_initializer: variable has foreign_type"). 
 get_java_type_initializer(mlds__class_type(_, _, _)) = "null".
@@ -1618,7 +1618,7 @@
 output_type(mlds__native_float_type) --> io__write_string("double").
 output_type(mlds__native_bool_type) --> io__write_string("boolean").
 output_type(mlds__native_char_type)  --> io__write_string("char").
+output_type(mlds__foreign_type(_, _, _))  -->
-output_type(mlds__foreign_type(_))  -->
 	{ unexpected(this_file, "output_type: foreign_type NYI.") }.
 output_type(mlds__class_type(Name, Arity, ClassKind)) -->
 	( { ClassKind = mlds__enum } ->
--- compiler/opt_util.m	5 Mar 2002 12:05:40 -0000
+++ compiler/opt_util.m	18 Feb 2002 07:00:58 -0000	1.113
@@ -1340,7 +1340,7 @@
 pragma_c_inputs_get_rvals([], []).
 pragma_c_inputs_get_rvals([I|Inputs], [R|Rvals]) :-
+	I = pragma_c_input(_Name, _Type, R),
-	I = pragma_c_input(_Name, _Type, R, _),
 	pragma_c_inputs_get_rvals(Inputs, Rvals).
 	% extract the lvals from the pragma_c_output
@@ -1349,7 +1349,7 @@
 pragma_c_outputs_get_lvals([], []).
 pragma_c_outputs_get_lvals([O|Outputs], [L|Lvals]) :-
+	O = pragma_c_output(L, _Type, _Name),
-	O = pragma_c_output(L, _Type, _Name, _),
 	pragma_c_outputs_get_lvals(Outputs, Lvals).
 % determine all the rvals and lvals referenced by a list of instructions
--- compiler/pragma_c_gen.m	5 Mar 2002 12:05:41 -0000
+++ compiler/pragma_c_gen.m	13 Feb 2002 09:56:25 -0000	1.48
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@
 :- import_module hlds_module, hlds_pred, llds_out, trace, tree.
 :- import_module code_util, foreign.
 :- import_module options, globals.
-:- import_module type_util, hlds_data, prog_out.
 :- import_module bool, string, int, assoc_list, set, map, require, term.
@@ -669,8 +668,8 @@
 	{ make_pragma_decls(Args, ModuleInfo, Decls) },
 	{ make_pragma_decls(OutArgs, ModuleInfo, OutDecls) },
+	{ input_descs_from_arg_info(InArgs, InputDescs) },
+	{ output_descs_from_arg_info(OutArgs, OutputDescs) },
-	input_descs_from_arg_info(InArgs, InputDescs),
-	output_descs_from_arg_info(OutArgs, OutputDescs),
 	{ module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, PredInfo) },
 	{ pred_info_module(PredInfo, ModuleName) },
@@ -1178,8 +1177,7 @@
 		code_info__produce_variable(Var, FirstCode, Rval),
 		% code_info__produce_variable_in_reg(Var, FirstCode, Lval),
 		% { Rval = lval(Lval) },
+		{ Input = pragma_c_input(Name, Type, Rval) },
-		get_maybe_foreign_type_name(Type, MaybeForeign),
-		{ Input = pragma_c_input(Name, Type, Rval, MaybeForeign) },
 		get_pragma_input_vars(Args, Inputs1, RestCode),
 		{ Inputs = [Input | Inputs1] },
 		{ Code = tree(FirstCode, RestCode) }
@@ -1189,27 +1187,6 @@
 		get_pragma_input_vars(Args, Inputs, Code)
-:- pred get_maybe_foreign_type_name((type)::in, maybe(string)::out,
-		code_info::in, code_info::out) is det.
-get_maybe_foreign_type_name(Type, MaybeForeignType) -->
-	code_info__get_module_info(Module),
-	{ module_info_types(Module, Types) },
-	{ 
-		type_to_type_id(Type, TypeId, _SubTypes),
-		map__search(Types, TypeId, Defn),
-		hlds_data__get_type_defn_body(Defn, Body),
-		Body = foreign_type(_MaybeIL, MaybeC)
-	->
-		( MaybeC = yes(c(Name)),
-			MaybeForeignType = yes(Name)
-		; MaybeC = no,
-			error("get_maybe_foreign_type_name: no c foreigm type")
-		)
-	;
-		MaybeForeignType = no
-	}.
 % pragma_acquire_regs acquires a list of registers in which to place each
@@ -1240,12 +1217,10 @@
 	( code_info__variable_is_forward_live(Var) ->
 		code_info__set_var_location(Var, Reg),
-		get_maybe_foreign_type_name(OrigType, MaybeForeign),
 			var_is_not_singleton(MaybeName, Name)
+			PragmaCOutput = pragma_c_output(Reg, OrigType, Name),
-			PragmaCOutput = pragma_c_output(Reg, OrigType,
-						Name, MaybeForeign),
 			Outputs = [PragmaCOutput | Outputs0]
 			Outputs = Outputs0
@@ -1263,24 +1238,22 @@
 % input_descs_from_arg_info returns a list of pragma_c_inputs, which
 % are pairs of rvals and (C) variables which receive the input value.
+:- pred input_descs_from_arg_info(list(c_arg)::in, list(pragma_c_input)::out)
+	is det.
-:- pred input_descs_from_arg_info(list(c_arg)::in, list(pragma_c_input)::out,
-		code_info::in, code_info::out) is det.
+input_descs_from_arg_info([], []).
+input_descs_from_arg_info([Arg | Args], Inputs) :-
-input_descs_from_arg_info([], [], CodeInfo, CodeInfo).
-input_descs_from_arg_info([Arg | Args], Inputs, CodeInfo0, CodeInfo) :-
 	Arg = c_arg(_Var, MaybeName, OrigType, ArgInfo),
 		var_is_not_singleton(MaybeName, Name)
 		ArgInfo = arg_info(N, _),
 		Reg = reg(r, N),
+		Input = pragma_c_input(Name, OrigType, lval(Reg)),
-		get_maybe_foreign_type_name(OrigType, MaybeForeign,
-				CodeInfo0, CodeInfo1),
-		Input = pragma_c_input(Name, OrigType, lval(Reg), MaybeForeign),
 		Inputs = [Input | Inputs1],
+		input_descs_from_arg_info(Args, Inputs1)
-		input_descs_from_arg_info(Args, Inputs1, CodeInfo1, CodeInfo)
+		input_descs_from_arg_info(Args, Inputs)
-		input_descs_from_arg_info(Args, Inputs, CodeInfo0, CodeInfo)
@@ -1289,26 +1262,22 @@
 % are pairs of names of output registers and (C) variables which hold the
 % output value.
+:- pred output_descs_from_arg_info(list(c_arg)::in, list(pragma_c_output)::out)
+	is det.
-:- pred output_descs_from_arg_info(list(c_arg)::in, list(pragma_c_output)::out,
-		code_info::in, code_info::out) is det.
+output_descs_from_arg_info([], []).
+output_descs_from_arg_info([Arg | Args], Outputs) :-
-output_descs_from_arg_info([], [], CodeInfo, CodeInfo).
-output_descs_from_arg_info([Arg | Args], Outputs, CodeInfo0, CodeInfo) :-
 	Arg = c_arg(_Var, MaybeName, OrigType, ArgInfo),
-	output_descs_from_arg_info(Args, Outputs0, CodeInfo0, CodeInfo1),
 		var_is_not_singleton(MaybeName, Name)
 		ArgInfo = arg_info(N, _),
 		Reg = reg(r, N),
+		Outputs = [pragma_c_output(Reg, OrigType, Name) | Outputs0]
-		get_maybe_foreign_type_name(OrigType, MaybeForeign,
-				CodeInfo1, CodeInfo),
-		Outputs = [pragma_c_output(Reg, OrigType, Name, MaybeForeign) |
-				Outputs0]
+		Outputs = Outputs0
+	),
+	output_descs_from_arg_info(Args, Outputs0).
-		Outputs = Outputs0,
-		CodeInfo = CodeInfo1
-	).
--- compiler/prog_data.m	5 Mar 2002 12:05:41 -0000
+++ compiler/prog_data.m	26 Feb 2002 02:45:49 -0000	1.79
@@ -314,12 +314,11 @@
 	% for each of these cases.
+:- type ref_or_val
+	--->	reference
+	;	value.
 :- type foreign_language_type
-	--->	il(il_foreign_type)
-	;	c(c_foreign_type)
-	.
-:- type il_foreign_type
 	--->	il(
 			ref_or_val,	% An indicator of whether the type is a
 					% reference of value type.
@@ -327,15 +326,6 @@
 					% assembly)
 			sym_name	% The .NET type name
-:- type c_foreign_type
-	--->	c(
-			string		% The C type name
-		).
-:- type ref_or_val
-	--->	reference
-	;	value.
 % Stuff for tabling pragmas
--- compiler/prog_io_pragma.m	5 Mar 2002 12:05:41 -0000
+++ compiler/prog_io_pragma.m	19 Feb 2002 09:48:21 -0000	1.47
@@ -224,19 +224,6 @@
-		Language = c
-	->
-		( 
-			InputTerm = term__functor(term__string(CTypeName),
-				[], _)
-		->
-			Result = ok(c(c(CTypeName)))
-		;
-			Result = error("invalid backend specification term",
-				InputTerm)
-		)
-	;
 		Result = error("unsupported language specified, unable to parse backend type", InputTerm)
@@ -247,7 +234,7 @@
 		parse_special_il_type_name(String0, ForeignTypeResult)
+		ForeignType = ok(ForeignTypeResult)
-		ForeignType = ok(il(ForeignTypeResult))
 		string__append("class [", String1, String0),
 		string__sub_string_search(String1, "]", Index)
@@ -255,7 +242,7 @@
 		string__left(String1, Index, AssemblyName),
 		string__split(String1, Index + 1, _, TypeNameStr),
 		string_to_sym_name(TypeNameStr, ".", TypeSymName),
+		ForeignType = ok(il(reference, AssemblyName, TypeSymName))
-		ForeignType = ok(il(il(reference, AssemblyName, TypeSymName)))
 		string__append("valuetype [", String1, String0),
 		string__sub_string_search(String1, "]", Index)
@@ -263,7 +250,7 @@
 		string__left(String1, Index, AssemblyName),
 		string__split(String1, Index + 1, _, TypeNameStr),
 		string_to_sym_name(TypeNameStr, ".", TypeSymName),
+		ForeignType = ok(il(value, AssemblyName, TypeSymName))
-		ForeignType = ok(il(il(value, AssemblyName, TypeSymName)))
 		ForeignType = error(
 			"invalid foreign language type description", ErrorTerm)
@@ -272,7 +259,8 @@
 	% Parse all the special assembler names for all the builtin types.
 	% See Parition I 'Built-In Types' (Section 8.2.2) for the list
 	% of all builtin types.
+:- pred parse_special_il_type_name(string::in,
+		foreign_language_type::out) is semidet.
-:- pred parse_special_il_type_name(string::in, il_foreign_type::out) is semidet.
 parse_special_il_type_name("bool", il(value, "mscorlib",
 			qualified(unqualified("System"), "Boolean"))).
--- compiler/recompilation_usage.m	5 Mar 2002 12:05:42 -0000
+++ compiler/recompilation_usage.m	26 Feb 2002 02:45:53 -0000	1.5
@@ -1024,7 +1024,7 @@
 recompilation_usage__find_items_used_by_type_body(eqv_type(Type)) -->
 recompilation_usage__find_items_used_by_type_body(abstract_type) --> [].
+recompilation_usage__find_items_used_by_type_body(foreign_type(_, _, _)) --> [].
-recompilation_usage__find_items_used_by_type_body(foreign_type(_, _)) --> [].
 :- pred recompilation_usage__find_items_used_by_mode_defn(hlds_mode_defn::in,
 	recompilation_usage_info::in, recompilation_usage_info::out) is det.
--- compiler/term_util.m	5 Mar 2002 12:05:42 -0000
+++ compiler/term_util.m	26 Feb 2002 02:45:53 -0000	1.17
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@
 		Weights = Weights0
 		% This type does not introduce any functors
+		TypeBody = foreign_type(_, _, _),
-		TypeBody = foreign_type(_, _),
 		Weights = Weights0
--- compiler/type_ctor_info.m	5 Mar 2002 12:05:43 -0000
+++ compiler/type_ctor_info.m	26 Feb 2002 02:45:54 -0000	1.21
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@
 		TypeTables = [],
 		NumPtags = -1
+		TypeBody = foreign_type(_, _, _),
-		TypeBody = foreign_type(_, _),
 		TypeCtorRep = unknown,
 		NumFunctors = -1,
 		FunctorsInfo = no_functors,
--- compiler/unify_proc.m	5 Mar 2002 12:05:43 -0000
+++ compiler/unify_proc.m	26 Feb 2002 02:45:54 -0000	1.104
@@ -755,7 +755,7 @@
 		unify_proc__quantify_clauses_body([H1, H2], Goal, Context,
+		{ TypeBody = foreign_type(_, _, _) },
-		{ TypeBody = foreign_type(_, _) },
 		unify_proc__build_call("nyi_foreign_type_unify", [H1, H2],
 				Context, Goal),
 		unify_proc__quantify_clauses_body([H1, H2], Goal, Context,
@@ -811,7 +811,7 @@
 		% invoked.
 		{ error("trying to create index proc for eqv type") }
+		{ TypeBody = foreign_type(_, _, _) },
-		{ TypeBody = foreign_type(_, _) },
 		{ error("trying to create index proc for a foreign type") }
 		{ TypeBody = abstract_type },
@@ -888,7 +888,7 @@
 		unify_proc__quantify_clauses_body([Res, H1, H2], Goal, Context,
+		{ TypeBody = foreign_type(_, _, _) },
-		{ TypeBody = foreign_type(_, _) },
 				[Res, H1, H2], Context, Goal),
 		unify_proc__quantify_clauses_body([Res, H1, H2], Goal, Context,
--- doc/reference_manual.texi	5 Mar 2002 12:05:48 -0000
+++ doc/reference_manual.texi	21 Feb 2002 14:20:44 -0000	1.242
@@ -5378,28 +5378,9 @@
 @node Using pragma foreign_type for C
 @subsubsection Using pragma foreign_type for C
+This pragma is currently not supported for C.
-The C @samp{pragma foreign_type} declaration is of the form:
+See the section on using C pointers (@pxref{Using C pointers}) for
- at example
-:- pragma foreign_type(c, @var{MercuryTypeName}, @var{CForeignType}).
- at end example
-The @var{CForeignType} can be any C type name that obeys the following
-The type must fit into a machine word.
-The type must be contain no parts that would have to be output after a
-variable name in the generated C code.
-If the @var{MercuryTypeName} is the type of a parameter of a procedure
-defined using @samp{pragma foreign_proc},
-it will be passed to the foreign_proc's foreign language code
-as @var{CForeignType}.
-Furthermore, any Mercury procedure exported with @samp{pragma export}
-will use @var{CForeignType} as the type for any
-parameters whose Mercury type is @var{MercuryTypeName}.
-Also see the section on using C pointers (@pxref{Using C pointers}) for
 information on how to use the c_pointer type with the C interface.
 @c XXX we should eventually just move that section to here,
 @c presenting it as an alternative to pragma foreign_type.
only in patch2:
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ tests/invalid/foreign_type.m	3 May 2002 17:45:28 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+:- module foreign_type.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+main -->
+	{ _C = new(1, 2) },
+	{ _E = north },
+	{ _Pi = pi },
+	io__write_string("Success.\n").
+:- pragma foreign_decl(c, "
+typedef enum {
+	north,
+	east,
+	west,
+	south,
+} dirs;
+typedef struct {
+	int x, y;
+} coord;
+:- type dir.
+:- pragma foreign_type(c, dir, "dirs").
+:- type coord.
+:- pragma foreign_type(c, coord, "coord").
+:- type double.
+:- pragma foreign_type(c, double, "double").
+:- func north = dir.
+:- pragma foreign_proc(c, north = (E::out),
+		[will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure], "
+	E = north;
+:- func new(int, int) = coord.
+:- pragma foreign_proc(c, new(X::in, Y::in) = (C::out),
+		[will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure], "
+	C.x = X;
+	C.y = Y;
+:- func pi = double.
+:- pragma foreign_proc(c, pi = (Pi::out),
+		[will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure], "
+	Pi = 3.14;
only in patch2:
--- tests/invalid/Mmakefile	25 Mar 2002 21:13:29 -0000	1.108
+++ tests/invalid/Mmakefile	3 May 2002 17:45:28 -0000
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
 	ext_type_bug.m \
 	exported_mode.m \
 	field_syntax_error.m \
+	foreign_type.m \
 	func_errors.m \
 	funcs_as_preds.m \
 	ho_default_func_1.m \
only in patch2:
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ tests/hard_coded/foreign_type.m	3 May 2002 17:45:28 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+:- module foreign_type.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- type coord.
+:- func new(int, int) = coord.
+:- func x(coord) = int.
+:- func y(coord) = int.
+main -->
+	{ C = new(4, 5) },
+	io__write_string("X:"),
+	io__write_int(x(C)),
+	io__nl,
+	io__write_string("Y:"),
+	io__write_int(y(C)),
+	io__nl.
+% IL implementation
+:- pragma foreign_type(il, coord,
+	"class [foreign_type__csharp_code]coord").
+:- pragma foreign_decl("C#", "
+public class coord {
+	public int x;
+	public int y;
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C#", new(X::in, Y::in) = (C::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure],
+	C = new coord();
+	C.x = X;
+	C.y = Y;
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C#", x(C::in) = (X::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure],
+	X = C.x;
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C#", y(C::in) = (Y::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure],
+	Y = C.y;
+% C implementation
+:- pragma foreign_type(c, coord, "coord *").
+:- pragma foreign_decl(c, "
+typedef struct {
+	int x, y;
+} coord;
+:- pragma foreign_proc(c, new(X::in, Y::in) = (C::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure],
+	C = GC_NEW(coord);
+	C->x = X;
+	C->y = Y;
+:- pragma foreign_proc(c, x(C::in) = (X::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure],
+	X = C->x;
+:- pragma foreign_proc(c, y(C::in) = (Y::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure],
+	Y = C->y;
only in patch2:
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ tests/hard_coded/foreign_type.exp	3 May 2002 17:45:28 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
only in patch2:
--- foreign/doc/reference_manual.texi	16 Mar 2002 05:37:03 -0000	1.246
+++ foreign/doc/reference_manual.texi	3 May 2002 17:45:27 -0000
@@ -5484,9 +5484,36 @@
 @node Using pragma foreign_type for C
 @subsubsection Using pragma foreign_type for C
-This pragma is currently not supported for C.
+The C @samp{pragma foreign_type} declaration is of the form:
-See the section on using C pointers (@pxref{Using C pointers}) for
+ at example
+:- pragma foreign_type(c, @var{MercuryTypeName}, @var{CForeignType}).
+ at end example
+The @var{CForeignType} can be any C type name that obeys the following
+The following snippet of C code must evaluate to true
+ at code{sizeof(CForeignType) == sizeof(void *)},
+if not the result of using the foreign type is undefined.
+The type name must be such that no part of it is required after a
+variable name to be valid C.
+Function, array and incomplete types are not allowed.
+Currently only integer and pointer types are accepted as foreign_types,
+at a later date we plan to lift this restriction and allow enum, struct
+and float types.
+If the @var{MercuryTypeName} is the type of a parameter of a procedure
+defined using @samp{pragma foreign_proc},
+it will be passed to the foreign_proc's foreign language code
+as @var{CForeignType}.
+ at c XXX This is not currently true.
+ at c Furthermore, any Mercury procedure exported with @samp{pragma export}
+ at c will use @var{CForeignType} as the type for any
+ at c parameters whose Mercury type is @var{MercuryTypeName}.
+Also see the section on using C pointers (@pxref{Using C pointers}) for
 information on how to use the c_pointer type with the C interface.
 @c XXX we should eventually just move that section to here,
 @c presenting it as an alternative to pragma foreign_type.
only in patch2:
--- foreign/compiler/unify_proc.m	28 Mar 2002 03:43:45 -0000	1.107
+++ foreign/compiler/unify_proc.m	3 May 2002 17:44:49 -0000
@@ -763,7 +763,7 @@
 		unify_proc__quantify_clauses_body([H1, H2], Goal, Context,
-		{ TypeBody = foreign_type(_, _, _) },
+		{ TypeBody = foreign_type(_, _) },
 		unify_proc__build_call("nyi_foreign_type_unify", [H1, H2],
 				Context, Goal),
 		unify_proc__quantify_clauses_body([H1, H2], Goal, Context,
@@ -819,7 +819,7 @@
 		% invoked.
 		{ error("trying to create index proc for eqv type") }
-		{ TypeBody = foreign_type(_, _, _) },
+		{ TypeBody = foreign_type(_, _) },
 		{ error("trying to create index proc for a foreign type") }
 		{ TypeBody = abstract_type },
@@ -896,7 +896,7 @@
 		unify_proc__quantify_clauses_body([Res, H1, H2], Goal, Context,
-		{ TypeBody = foreign_type(_, _, _) },
+		{ TypeBody = foreign_type(_, _) },
 				[Res, H1, H2], Context, Goal),
 		unify_proc__quantify_clauses_body([Res, H1, H2], Goal, Context,
only in patch2:
--- foreign/compiler/type_ctor_info.m	24 Apr 2002 07:37:33 -0000	1.25
+++ foreign/compiler/type_ctor_info.m	3 May 2002 17:44:41 -0000
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
 		TypeTables = [],
 		NumPtags = -1
-		TypeBody = foreign_type(_, _, _),
+		TypeBody = foreign_type(_, _),
 		TypeCtorRep = unknown,
 		NumFunctors = -1,
 		FunctorsInfo = no_functors,
only in patch2:
--- foreign/compiler/term_util.m	20 Mar 2002 12:37:28 -0000	1.19
+++ foreign/compiler/term_util.m	3 May 2002 17:44:40 -0000
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@
 		Weights = Weights0
 		% This type does not introduce any functors
-		TypeBody = foreign_type(_, _, _),
+		TypeBody = foreign_type(_, _),
 		Weights = Weights0
only in patch2:
--- foreign/compiler/special_pred.m	23 Apr 2002 17:49:16 -0000	1.31
+++ foreign/compiler/special_pred.m	3 May 2002 17:44:40 -0000
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@
 	% polymorphism__process_generated_pred can't handle calls to
 	% polymorphic procedures after the initial polymorphism pass.
-	Body \= foreign_type(_, _, _),
+	Body \= foreign_type(_, _),
 	% The special predicates for types with user-defined
 	% equality or existentially typed constructors are always
only in patch2:
--- foreign/compiler/recompilation.usage.m	20 Mar 2002 12:37:17 -0000	1.1
+++ foreign/compiler/recompilation.usage.m	3 May 2002 17:44:38 -0000
@@ -1045,7 +1045,7 @@
 recompilation__usage__find_items_used_by_type_body(eqv_type(Type)) -->
 recompilation__usage__find_items_used_by_type_body(abstract_type) --> [].
-recompilation__usage__find_items_used_by_type_body(foreign_type(_, _, _)) --> [].
+recompilation__usage__find_items_used_by_type_body(foreign_type(_, _)) --> [].
 :- pred recompilation__usage__find_items_used_by_mode_defn(hlds_mode_defn::in,
 	recompilation_usage_info::in, recompilation_usage_info::out) is det.
only in patch2:
--- foreign/compiler/prog_io_pragma.m	20 Mar 2002 12:37:13 -0000	1.49
+++ foreign/compiler/prog_io_pragma.m	3 May 2002 17:44:37 -0000
@@ -225,6 +225,19 @@
+		Language = c
+	->
+		( 
+			InputTerm = term__functor(term__string(CTypeName),
+				[], _)
+		->
+			Result = ok(c(c(CTypeName)))
+		;
+			Result = error("invalid backend specification term",
+				InputTerm)
+		)
+	;
 		Result = error("unsupported language specified, unable to parse backend type", InputTerm)
@@ -235,7 +248,7 @@
 		parse_special_il_type_name(String0, ForeignTypeResult)
-		ForeignType = ok(ForeignTypeResult)
+		ForeignType = ok(il(ForeignTypeResult))
 		string__append("class [", String1, String0),
 		string__sub_string_search(String1, "]", Index)
@@ -243,7 +256,7 @@
 		string__left(String1, Index, AssemblyName),
 		string__split(String1, Index + 1, _, TypeNameStr),
 		string_to_sym_name(TypeNameStr, ".", TypeSymName),
-		ForeignType = ok(il(reference, AssemblyName, TypeSymName))
+		ForeignType = ok(il(il(reference, AssemblyName, TypeSymName)))
 		string__append("valuetype [", String1, String0),
 		string__sub_string_search(String1, "]", Index)
@@ -251,7 +264,7 @@
 		string__left(String1, Index, AssemblyName),
 		string__split(String1, Index + 1, _, TypeNameStr),
 		string_to_sym_name(TypeNameStr, ".", TypeSymName),
-		ForeignType = ok(il(value, AssemblyName, TypeSymName))
+		ForeignType = ok(il(il(value, AssemblyName, TypeSymName)))
 		ForeignType = error(
 			"invalid foreign language type description", ErrorTerm)
@@ -260,8 +273,7 @@
 	% Parse all the special assembler names for all the builtin types.
 	% See Parition I 'Built-In Types' (Section 8.2.2) for the list
 	% of all builtin types.
-:- pred parse_special_il_type_name(string::in,
-		foreign_language_type::out) is semidet.
+:- pred parse_special_il_type_name(string::in, il_foreign_type::out) is semidet.
 parse_special_il_type_name("bool", il(value, "mscorlib",
 			qualified(unqualified("System"), "Boolean"))).
only in patch2:
--- foreign/compiler/prog_data.m	20 Mar 2002 12:37:10 -0000	1.82
+++ foreign/compiler/prog_data.m	3 May 2002 17:44:36 -0000
@@ -316,11 +316,12 @@
 	% for each of these cases.
-:- type ref_or_val
-	--->	reference
-	;	value.
 :- type foreign_language_type
+	--->	il(il_foreign_type)
+	;	c(c_foreign_type)
+	.
+:- type il_foreign_type
 	--->	il(
 			ref_or_val,	% An indicator of whether the type is a
 					% reference of value type.
@@ -328,6 +329,15 @@
 					% assembly)
 			sym_name	% The .NET type name
+:- type c_foreign_type
+	--->	c(
+			string		% The C type name
+		).
+:- type ref_or_val
+	--->	reference
+	;	value.
 % Stuff for tabling pragmas
only in patch2:
--- foreign/compiler/pragma_c_gen.m	28 Mar 2002 03:43:33 -0000	1.50
+++ foreign/compiler/pragma_c_gen.m	3 May 2002 17:44:35 -0000
@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@
 :- implementation.
 :- import_module hlds__hlds_module, hlds__hlds_pred, hlds__hlds_llds.
-:- import_module hlds__instmap.
-:- import_module ll_backend__llds_out, ll_backend__trace.
-:- import_module ll_backend__code_util.
+:- import_module hlds__instmap, hlds__hlds_data, hlds__error_util.
+:- import_module check_hlds__type_util.
+:- import_module ll_backend__llds_out, ll_backend__trace, ll_backend__code_util.
 :- import_module backend_libs__foreign.
 :- import_module libs__options, libs__globals, libs__tree.
@@ -677,8 +677,8 @@
 	{ make_pragma_decls(Args, ModuleInfo, Decls) },
 	{ make_pragma_decls(OutArgs, ModuleInfo, OutDecls) },
-	{ input_descs_from_arg_info(InArgs, InputDescs) },
-	{ output_descs_from_arg_info(OutArgs, OutputDescs) },
+	input_descs_from_arg_info(InArgs, InputDescs),
+	output_descs_from_arg_info(OutArgs, OutputDescs),
 	{ module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, PredInfo) },
 	{ pred_info_module(PredInfo, ModuleName) },
@@ -1186,7 +1186,8 @@
 		code_info__produce_variable(Var, FirstCode, Rval),
 		% code_info__produce_variable_in_reg(Var, FirstCode, Lval),
 		% { Rval = lval(Lval) },
-		{ Input = pragma_c_input(Name, Type, Rval) },
+		get_maybe_foreign_type_name(Type, MaybeForeign),
+		{ Input = pragma_c_input(Name, Type, Rval, MaybeForeign) },
 		get_pragma_input_vars(Args, Inputs1, RestCode),
 		{ Inputs = [Input | Inputs1] },
 		{ Code = tree(FirstCode, RestCode) }
@@ -1196,6 +1197,30 @@
 		get_pragma_input_vars(Args, Inputs, Code)
+:- pred get_maybe_foreign_type_name((type)::in, maybe(string)::out,
+		code_info::in, code_info::out) is det.
+get_maybe_foreign_type_name(Type, MaybeForeignType) -->
+	code_info__get_module_info(Module),
+	{ module_info_types(Module, Types) },
+	{ 
+		type_to_ctor_and_args(Type, TypeId, _SubTypes),
+		map__search(Types, TypeId, Defn),
+		hlds_data__get_type_defn_body(Defn, Body),
+		Body = foreign_type(_MaybeIL, MaybeC)
+	->
+		( MaybeC = yes(c(Name)),
+			MaybeForeignType = yes(Name)
+		; MaybeC = no,
+			% This is ensured by check_foreign_type in
+			% make_hlds.
+			unexpected(this_file,
+			"get_maybe_foreign_type_name: no c foreign type")
+		)
+	;
+		MaybeForeignType = no
+	}.
 % pragma_acquire_regs acquires a list of registers in which to place each
@@ -1226,10 +1251,12 @@
 	( code_info__variable_is_forward_live(Var) ->
 		code_info__set_var_location(Var, Reg),
+		get_maybe_foreign_type_name(OrigType, MaybeForeign),
 			var_is_not_singleton(MaybeName, Name)
-			PragmaCOutput = pragma_c_output(Reg, OrigType, Name),
+			PragmaCOutput = pragma_c_output(Reg, OrigType,
+						Name, MaybeForeign),
 			Outputs = [PragmaCOutput | Outputs0]
 			Outputs = Outputs0
@@ -1247,22 +1274,24 @@
 % input_descs_from_arg_info returns a list of pragma_c_inputs, which
 % are pairs of rvals and (C) variables which receive the input value.
-:- pred input_descs_from_arg_info(list(c_arg)::in, list(pragma_c_input)::out)
-	is det.
+:- pred input_descs_from_arg_info(list(c_arg)::in, list(pragma_c_input)::out,
+		code_info::in, code_info::out) is det.
-input_descs_from_arg_info([], []).
-input_descs_from_arg_info([Arg | Args], Inputs) :-
+input_descs_from_arg_info([], [], CodeInfo, CodeInfo).
+input_descs_from_arg_info([Arg | Args], Inputs, CodeInfo0, CodeInfo) :-
 	Arg = c_arg(_Var, MaybeName, OrigType, ArgInfo),
 		var_is_not_singleton(MaybeName, Name)
 		ArgInfo = arg_info(N, _),
 		Reg = reg(r, N),
-		Input = pragma_c_input(Name, OrigType, lval(Reg)),
+		get_maybe_foreign_type_name(OrigType, MaybeForeign,
+				CodeInfo0, CodeInfo1),
+		Input = pragma_c_input(Name, OrigType, lval(Reg), MaybeForeign),
 		Inputs = [Input | Inputs1],
-		input_descs_from_arg_info(Args, Inputs1)
+		input_descs_from_arg_info(Args, Inputs1, CodeInfo1, CodeInfo)
-		input_descs_from_arg_info(Args, Inputs)
+		input_descs_from_arg_info(Args, Inputs, CodeInfo0, CodeInfo)
@@ -1271,22 +1300,26 @@
 % are pairs of names of output registers and (C) variables which hold the
 % output value.
-:- pred output_descs_from_arg_info(list(c_arg)::in, list(pragma_c_output)::out)
-	is det.
+:- pred output_descs_from_arg_info(list(c_arg)::in, list(pragma_c_output)::out,
+		code_info::in, code_info::out) is det.
-output_descs_from_arg_info([], []).
-output_descs_from_arg_info([Arg | Args], Outputs) :-
+output_descs_from_arg_info([], [], CodeInfo, CodeInfo).
+output_descs_from_arg_info([Arg | Args], Outputs, CodeInfo0, CodeInfo) :-
 	Arg = c_arg(_Var, MaybeName, OrigType, ArgInfo),
+	output_descs_from_arg_info(Args, Outputs0, CodeInfo0, CodeInfo1),
 		var_is_not_singleton(MaybeName, Name)
 		ArgInfo = arg_info(N, _),
 		Reg = reg(r, N),
-		Outputs = [pragma_c_output(Reg, OrigType, Name) | Outputs0]
+		get_maybe_foreign_type_name(OrigType, MaybeForeign,
+				CodeInfo1, CodeInfo),
+		Outputs = [pragma_c_output(Reg, OrigType, Name, MaybeForeign) |
+				Outputs0]
-		Outputs = Outputs0
-	),
-	output_descs_from_arg_info(Args, Outputs0).
+		Outputs = Outputs0,
+		CodeInfo = CodeInfo1
+	).
@@ -1299,4 +1332,10 @@
 	string__append_list(["mercury_save__", MangledModuleName, "__",
 		MangledPredName, "__", ArityStr, "_", ProcNumStr], StructName).
+:- func this_file = string.
+this_file = "pragma_c_gen.m".
only in patch2:
--- foreign/compiler/opt_util.m	20 Mar 2002 12:37:02 -0000	1.114
+++ foreign/compiler/opt_util.m	3 May 2002 17:44:35 -0000
@@ -1341,7 +1341,7 @@
 pragma_c_inputs_get_rvals([], []).
 pragma_c_inputs_get_rvals([I|Inputs], [R|Rvals]) :-
-	I = pragma_c_input(_Name, _Type, R),
+	I = pragma_c_input(_Name, _Type, R, _),
 	pragma_c_inputs_get_rvals(Inputs, Rvals).
 	% extract the lvals from the pragma_c_output
@@ -1350,7 +1350,7 @@
 pragma_c_outputs_get_lvals([], []).
 pragma_c_outputs_get_lvals([O|Outputs], [L|Lvals]) :-
-	O = pragma_c_output(L, _Type, _Name),
+	O = pragma_c_output(L, _Type, _Name, _),
 	pragma_c_outputs_get_lvals(Outputs, Lvals).
 % determine all the rvals and lvals referenced by a list of instructions
only in patch2:
--- foreign/compiler/mlds_to_java.m	12 Apr 2002 01:24:11 -0000	1.28
+++ foreign/compiler/mlds_to_java.m	3 May 2002 17:44:34 -0000
@@ -1251,7 +1251,7 @@
 get_java_type_initializer(mlds__native_int_type) = "0".
 get_java_type_initializer(mlds__native_float_type) = "0".
 get_java_type_initializer(mlds__native_char_type) = "0".
-get_java_type_initializer(mlds__foreign_type(_, _, _)) = _ :-
+get_java_type_initializer(mlds__foreign_type(_)) = _ :-
 		"get_type_initializer: variable has foreign_type"). 
 get_java_type_initializer(mlds__class_type(_, _, _)) = "null".
@@ -1619,7 +1619,7 @@
 output_type(mlds__native_float_type) --> io__write_string("double").
 output_type(mlds__native_bool_type) --> io__write_string("boolean").
 output_type(mlds__native_char_type)  --> io__write_string("char").
-output_type(mlds__foreign_type(_, _, _))  -->
+output_type(mlds__foreign_type(_))  -->
 	{ unexpected(this_file, "output_type: foreign_type NYI.") }.
 output_type(mlds__class_type(Name, Arity, ClassKind)) -->
 	( { ClassKind = mlds__enum } ->
only in patch2:
--- foreign/compiler/mlds_to_il.m	1 May 2002 14:16:54 -0000	1.113
+++ foreign/compiler/mlds_to_il.m	3 May 2002 17:44:32 -0000
@@ -3005,15 +3005,19 @@
 mlds_type_to_ilds_type(_, mlds__native_float_type) = ilds__type([], float64).
-mlds_type_to_ilds_type(_, mlds__foreign_type(IsBoxed, ForeignType, Assembly))
+mlds_type_to_ilds_type(_, mlds__foreign_type(ForeignType))
 	= ilds__type([], Class) :-
-	sym_name_to_class_name(ForeignType, ForeignClassName),
-	( IsBoxed = yes,
-		Class = class(structured_name(assembly(Assembly),
-				ForeignClassName, []))
-	; IsBoxed = no,
-		Class = valuetype(structured_name(assembly(Assembly),
-				ForeignClassName, []))
+	( ForeignType = il(il(RefOrVal, Assembly, Type)),
+		sym_name_to_class_name(Type, ForeignClassName),
+		( RefOrVal = reference,
+			Class = class(structured_name(assembly(Assembly),
+					ForeignClassName, []))
+		; RefOrVal = value,
+			Class = valuetype(structured_name(assembly(Assembly),
+					ForeignClassName, []))
+		)
+	; ForeignType = c(_),
+		error("mlds_to_il: c foreign type")
 mlds_type_to_ilds_type(ILDataRep, mlds__ptr_type(MLDSType)) =
only in patch2:
--- foreign/compiler/mlds_to_gcc.m	24 Apr 2002 07:37:31 -0000	1.70
+++ foreign/compiler/mlds_to_gcc.m	3 May 2002 17:44:29 -0000
@@ -1694,8 +1694,7 @@
 build_type(mercury_type(Type, TypeCategory, _), _, _, GCC_Type) -->
 	build_mercury_type(Type, TypeCategory, GCC_Type).
-build_type(mlds__foreign_type(_, _, _), _, _, _) --> 
-	{ sorry(this_file, "foreign_type not implemented") }.
+build_type(mlds__foreign_type(_), _, _, 'MR_Box') --> [].
 build_type(mlds__native_int_type, _, _, gcc__integer_type_node) --> [].
 build_type(mlds__native_float_type, _, _, gcc__double_type_node) --> [].
 build_type(mlds__native_bool_type, _, _, gcc__boolean_type_node) --> [].
only in patch2:
--- foreign/compiler/mlds_to_c.m	24 Apr 2002 07:37:30 -0000	1.127
+++ foreign/compiler/mlds_to_c.m	3 May 2002 17:44:28 -0000
@@ -663,8 +663,8 @@
 mlds_output_pragma_export_type(prefix, mlds__native_char_type) -->
-mlds_output_pragma_export_type(prefix, mlds__foreign_type(_, _, _)) -->
-	{ error("mlds_output_pragma_export_type: foreign_type") }.
+mlds_output_pragma_export_type(prefix, mlds__foreign_type(_)) -->
+	io__write_string("MR_Box").
 mlds_output_pragma_export_type(prefix, mlds__class_type(_, _, _)) -->
 mlds_output_pragma_export_type(prefix, mlds__array_type(_)) -->
@@ -1639,8 +1639,13 @@
 mlds_output_type_prefix(mlds__native_bool_type)  -->
 mlds_output_type_prefix(mlds__native_char_type)  --> io__write_string("char").
-mlds_output_type_prefix(mlds__foreign_type(_, _, _)) -->
-	{ error("mlds_output_type_prefix: foreign_type") }.
+mlds_output_type_prefix(mlds__foreign_type(ForeignType)) -->
+	( { ForeignType = c(c(Name)) },
+		io__write_string(Name)
+	; { ForeignType = il(_) },
+		{ unexpected(this_file,
+			"mlds_output_type_prefix: il foreign_type") }
+	).
 mlds_output_type_prefix(mlds__class_type(Name, Arity, ClassKind)) -->
 	( { ClassKind = mlds__enum } ->
@@ -1809,7 +1814,8 @@
 mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__native_float_type, _) --> [].
 mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__native_bool_type, _) --> [].
 mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__native_char_type, _) --> [].
-mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__foreign_type(_, _, _), _) --> [].
+	% XXX Currently we can't output a type suffix.
+mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__foreign_type(_), _) --> [].
 mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__class_type(_, _, _), _) --> [].
 mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__ptr_type(_), _) --> [].
 mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__array_type(_), ArraySize) -->
only in patch2:
--- foreign/compiler/mlds.m	12 Apr 2002 01:24:08 -0000	1.89
+++ foreign/compiler/mlds.m	3 May 2002 17:44:26 -0000
@@ -630,12 +630,9 @@
 	;	mlds__native_float_type
 	;	mlds__native_char_type
-		% This is a type of the MLDS target language.  Currently
-		% this is only used by the il backend.
+		% This is a type of the target language.
 	;	mlds__foreign_type(
-			bool,		% is type already boxed?
-			sym_name,	% structured name representing the type
-			string		% location of the type (ie assembly)
+			foreign_language_type
 		% MLDS types defined using mlds__class_defn
@@ -1616,6 +1613,7 @@
 :- implementation.
 :- import_module backend_libs__foreign, parse_tree__modules.
+:- import_module hlds__error_util, libs__globals.
 :- import_module int, term, string, require.
@@ -1653,10 +1651,34 @@
 		module_info_types(ModuleInfo, Types),
 		map__search(Types, TypeCtor, TypeDefn),
 		hlds_data__get_type_defn_body(TypeDefn, Body),
-		Body = foreign_type(IsBoxed, ForeignType, ForeignLocation)
+		Body = foreign_type(MaybeIL, MaybeC)
-		MLDSType = mlds__foreign_type(IsBoxed,
-				ForeignType, ForeignLocation)
+		module_info_globals(ModuleInfo, Globals),
+		globals__get_target(Globals, Target),
+		( Target = c,
+			( MaybeC = yes(CForeignType),
+				ForeignType = c(CForeignType)
+			; MaybeC = no,
+				% This is checked by check_foreign_type
+				% in make_hlds.
+				unexpected(this_file,
+				"mercury_type_to_mlds_type: No C foreign type")
+			)
+		; Target = il,
+			( MaybeIL = yes(ILForeignType),
+				ForeignType = il(ILForeignType)
+			; MaybeIL = no,
+				% This is checked by check_foreign_type
+				% in make_hlds.
+				unexpected(this_file,
+				"mercury_type_to_mlds_type: No IL foreign type")
+			)
+		; Target = java,
+			sorry(this_file, "foreign types on the java backend")
+		; Target = asm,
+			sorry(this_file, "foreign types on the asm backend")
+		),
+		MLDSType = mlds__foreign_type(ForeignType)
 		classify_type(Type, ModuleInfo, Category),
 		ExportedType = to_exported_type(ModuleInfo, Type),
@@ -1865,5 +1887,10 @@
 	finality_bits(Finality) \/
 	constness_bits(Constness) \/
+:- func this_file = string.
+this_file = "mlds.m".
only in patch2:
--- foreign/compiler/ml_type_gen.m	20 Mar 2002 12:36:47 -0000	1.26
+++ foreign/compiler/ml_type_gen.m	3 May 2002 17:44:25 -0000
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
 			Ctors, TagValues, MaybeEqualityMembers)
 	% XXX Fixme!  Same issues here as for eqv_type/1.
-ml_gen_type_2(foreign_type(_, _, _), _, _, _) --> [].
+ml_gen_type_2(foreign_type(_, _), _, _, _) --> [].
only in patch2:
--- foreign/compiler/ml_code_util.m	12 Apr 2002 01:24:07 -0000	1.62
+++ foreign/compiler/ml_code_util.m	3 May 2002 17:44:24 -0000
@@ -2160,14 +2160,11 @@
 ml_type_might_contain_pointers(mlds__native_float_type) = no.
 ml_type_might_contain_pointers(mlds__native_bool_type) = no.
 ml_type_might_contain_pointers(mlds__native_char_type) = no.
-ml_type_might_contain_pointers(mlds__foreign_type(_, _, _)) = _ :-
+ml_type_might_contain_pointers(mlds__foreign_type(_)) = _ :-
+	sorry(this_file, "--gc accurate and foreign_type").
 	% It might contain pointers, so it's not safe to return `no',
 	% but it also might not be word-sized, so it's not safe to
-	% return `yes'.  Currently this case should not occur, since
-	% currently `foreign_type' is only used for the IL back-end,
-	% where GC is handled by the target language.
-	unexpected(this_file, "--gc accurate and foreign_type").
+	% return `yes'.
 ml_type_might_contain_pointers(mlds__class_type(_, _, Category)) =
 	(if Category = mlds__enum then no else yes).
 ml_type_might_contain_pointers(mlds__ptr_type(_)) = yes.
only in patch2:
--- foreign/compiler/ml_code_gen.m	2 Apr 2002 16:36:10 -0000	1.113
+++ foreign/compiler/ml_code_gen.m	3 May 2002 17:44:22 -0000
@@ -854,22 +854,41 @@
 ml_gen_imports(ModuleInfo, MLDS_ImportList) :-
 		% Determine all the mercury imports.
+	module_info_globals(ModuleInfo, Globals),
+	globals__get_target(Globals, Target),
 	module_info_get_all_deps(ModuleInfo, AllImports),
 	P = (func(Name) = mercury_import(mercury_module_name_to_mlds(Name))),
 		% For every foreign type determine the import needed to
 		% find the declaration for that type.
 	module_info_types(ModuleInfo, Types),
-	list__filter_map((pred(TypeDefn::in, Import::out) is semidet :-
-			hlds_data__get_type_defn_body(TypeDefn, Body),
-			Body = foreign_type(_, _, Location),
-			Name = il_assembly_name(mercury_module_name_to_mlds(
-					unqualified(Location))),
-			Import = foreign_import(Name)
-		), map__values(Types), ForeignTypeImports),
+	ForeignTypeImports = list__condense(list__map(
+				foreign_type_required_imports(Target),
+				map__values(Types))),
 	MLDS_ImportList = ForeignTypeImports ++ 
 			list__map(P, set__to_sorted_list(AllImports)).
+:- func foreign_type_required_imports(compilation_target, hlds_type_defn)
+		= list(mlds__import).
+foreign_type_required_imports(c, _) = [].
+foreign_type_required_imports(il, TypeDefn) = Imports :-
+	hlds_data__get_type_defn_body(TypeDefn, Body),
+	( Body = foreign_type(MaybeIL, _MaybeC) ->
+		( MaybeIL = yes(il(_, Location, _)) ->
+			Name = il_assembly_name(mercury_module_name_to_mlds(
+					unqualified(Location))),
+			Imports = [foreign_import(Name)]
+		;
+			unexpected(this_file, "no IL type")
+		)
+	;
+		Imports = []
+	).
+foreign_type_required_imports(java, _) = [].
+foreign_type_required_imports(asm, _) = [].
 :- pred ml_gen_defns(module_info, mlds__defns, io__state, io__state).
 :- mode ml_gen_defns(in, out, di, uo) is det.
only in patch2:
--- foreign/compiler/middle_rec.m	28 Mar 2002 03:43:19 -0000	1.90
+++ foreign/compiler/middle_rec.m	3 May 2002 17:44:21 -0000
@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@
 insert_pragma_c_input_registers([], Used, Used).
 insert_pragma_c_input_registers([Input|Inputs], Used0, Used) :-	
-	Input = pragma_c_input(_, _, Rval),
+	Input = pragma_c_input(_, _, Rval, _),
 	middle_rec__find_used_registers_rval(Rval, Used0, Used1),
 	insert_pragma_c_input_registers(Inputs, Used1, Used).
@@ -557,7 +557,7 @@
 insert_pragma_c_output_registers([], Used, Used).
 insert_pragma_c_output_registers([Output|Outputs], Used0, Used) :-	
-	Output = pragma_c_output(Lval, _, _),
+	Output = pragma_c_output(Lval, _, _, _),
 	middle_rec__find_used_registers_lval(Lval, Used0, Used1),
 	insert_pragma_c_output_registers(Outputs, Used1, Used).
only in patch2:
--- foreign/compiler/mercury_to_mercury.m	9 Apr 2002 09:00:25 -0000	1.212
+++ foreign/compiler/mercury_to_mercury.m	3 May 2002 17:44:20 -0000
@@ -510,20 +510,28 @@
 		{ Pragma = foreign_type(ForeignType, _MercuryType,
 				MercuryTypeSymName) },
-		{ ForeignType = il(RefOrVal, ForeignLocStr, ForeignTypeName) },
 		io__write_string(":- pragma foreign_type("),
-		io__write_string("il, "),
+		( { ForeignType = il(_) },
+			io__write_string("il, ")
+		; { ForeignType = c(_) },
+			io__write_string("c, ")
+		),
 		io__write_string(", "),
-		( { RefOrVal = reference },
-			io__write_string("\"class [")
-		; { RefOrVal = value },
-			io__write_string("\"valuetype [")
-		),
-		io__write_string(ForeignLocStr),
-		io__write_string("]"),
-		{ sym_name_to_string(ForeignTypeName, ".", ForeignTypeStr) },
+		io__write_string(", \""),
+		{ ForeignType = il(il(RefOrVal,
+				ForeignLocStr, ForeignTypeName)),
+			( RefOrVal = reference,
+				RefOrValStr = "class "
+			; RefOrVal = value,
+				RefOrValStr = "valuetype "
+			),
+			sym_name_to_string(ForeignTypeName, ".", NameStr),
+			ForeignTypeStr = RefOrValStr ++ "[" ++ ForeignLocStr ++
+					"]" ++ NameStr
+		; ForeignType = c(c(ForeignTypeStr))
+		},
only in patch2:
--- foreign/compiler/make_hlds.m	3 May 2002 11:25:02 -0000	1.409
+++ foreign/compiler/make_hlds.m	3 May 2002 17:44:19 -0000
@@ -409,21 +409,18 @@
 		{ Pragma = foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _) },
 		{ Module = Module0 }
+		% Note that we check during add_item_clause that we have
+		% defined a foreign_type which is usable by the back-end
+		% we are compiling on.
 		{ Pragma = foreign_type(ForeignType, _MercuryType, Name) },
-		{ ForeignType = il(RefOrVal,
-				ForeignTypeLocation, ForeignTypeName) },
-		{ RefOrVal = reference,
-			IsBoxed = yes
-		; RefOrVal = value,
-			IsBoxed = no
-		},
 		{ varset__init(VarSet) },
 		{ Args = [] },
-		{ Body = foreign_type(IsBoxed,
-				ForeignTypeName, ForeignTypeLocation) },
+		{ ForeignType = il(ILForeignType),
+			Body = foreign_type(yes(ILForeignType), no)
+		; ForeignType = c(CForeignType),
+			Body = foreign_type(no, yes(CForeignType))
+		},
 		{ Cond = true },
 		{ TypeCtor = Name - 0 },
@@ -807,6 +804,11 @@
 		add_pragma_type_spec(Pragma, Context, Module0, Module,
 			Info0, Info)
+		{ Pragma = foreign_type(_, _, Name) }
+	->
+		check_foreign_type(Name, Context, Module0, Module),
+		{ Info = Info0 }	
+	;
 		% don't worry about any pragma decs but c_code, tabling,
 		% type_spec and fact_table here
 		{ Module = Module0 },
@@ -1921,9 +1923,23 @@
 				module_info_set_types(Module0, Types, Module)
-			{ Module = Module0 },
-			multiple_def_error(Status, Name, Arity, "type",
-				Context, OrigContext, _)
+			{ merge_foreign_type_bodies(Body, Body_2, NewBody) }
+		->
+			{ hlds_data__set_type_defn(TVarSet_2, Params_2,
+				NewBody, Status, Context, T3) },
+			{ map__det_update(Types0, TypeCtor, T3, Types) },
+			{ module_info_set_types(Module0, Types, Module) }
+		;
+			% otherwise issue an error message if the second
+			% definition wasn't read while reading .opt files. 
+			{ Status = opt_imported }
+		->
+			{ Module = Module0 }
+		;
+				% XXX Fix this merge up.
+			{ module_info_incr_errors(Module0, Module) },
+			multiple_def_error(Status, Name, Arity, "type", Context,
+				OrigContext, _)
 		{ map__set(Types0, TypeCtor, T, Types) },
@@ -1998,6 +2014,109 @@
+	% check_foreign_type ensures that if we are generating code for
+	% a specific backend that the foreign type has a representation
+	% on that backend.
+:- pred check_foreign_type(sym_name::in, prog_context::in,
+		module_info::in, module_info::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+check_foreign_type(Name, Context, Module0, Module) -->
+	{ TypeCtor = Name - 0 },
+	{ module_info_types(Module0, Types) },
+	{ TypeStr = error_util__describe_sym_name_and_arity(Name/0) },
+	( 
+		{ map__search(Types, TypeCtor, Defn) },
+		{ hlds_data__get_type_defn_body(Defn, Body) },
+		{ Body = foreign_type(MaybeIL, MaybeC) }
+	->
+		{ module_info_globals(Module0, Globals) },
+		generating_code(GeneratingCode),
+		( { GeneratingCode = yes } ->
+			io_lookup_bool_option(very_verbose, VeryVerbose),
+			{ VeryVerbose = yes ->
+				VerboseErrorPieces = [
+					nl,
+					words("There are representations for"),
+					words("this type on other back-ends,"),
+					words("but none for this back-end.")
+				]
+			;
+				VerboseErrorPieces = []
+			},
+			{ globals__get_target(Globals, Target) },
+			( { Target = c },
+			    ( { MaybeC = yes(_) },
+				{ Module = Module0 }
+			    ; { MaybeC = no },
+				{ ErrorPieces = [
+				    words("Error: no C pragma"),
+				    words("foreign_type declaration for"),
+				    fixed(TypeStr) | VerboseErrorPieces
+				] },
+				error_util__write_error_pieces(Context,
+					0, ErrorPieces),
+				{ module_info_incr_errors(Module0, Module) }
+			    )
+			; { Target = il },
+			    ( { MaybeIL = yes(_) },
+				{ Module = Module0 }
+			    ; { MaybeIL = no },
+				{ ErrorPieces = [
+				    words("Error: no IL pragma"),
+				    words("foreign_type declaration for"),
+				    fixed(TypeStr) | VerboseErrorPieces
+				] },
+				error_util__write_error_pieces(Context, 0,
+						ErrorPieces),
+				{ module_info_incr_errors(Module0, Module) }
+			    )
+			; { Target = java },
+				{ Module = Module0 }
+			; { Target = asm },
+				{ Module = Module0 }
+			)
+		;
+			{ Module = Module0 }
+		)
+	;
+		{ error("check_foreign_type: unable to find foreign type") }
+	).
+	% Do the options imply that we will generate code for a specific
+	% back-end?
+:- pred generating_code(bool::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+generating_code(bool__not(NotGeneratingCode)) -->
+	io_lookup_bool_option(make_short_interface, MakeShortInterface),
+	io_lookup_bool_option(make_interface, MakeInterface),
+	io_lookup_bool_option(make_private_interface, MakePrivateInterface),
+	io_lookup_bool_option(make_transitive_opt_interface,
+			MakeTransOptInterface),
+	io_lookup_bool_option(generate_source_file_mapping, GenSrcFileMapping),
+	io_lookup_bool_option(generate_dependencies, GenDepends),
+	io_lookup_bool_option(convert_to_mercury, ConvertToMercury),
+	io_lookup_bool_option(typecheck_only, TypeCheckOnly),
+	io_lookup_bool_option(errorcheck_only, ErrorCheckOnly),
+	io_lookup_bool_option(output_grade_string, OutputGradeString),
+	{ bool__or_list([MakeShortInterface, MakeInterface,
+			MakePrivateInterface, MakeTransOptInterface,
+			GenSrcFileMapping, GenDepends, ConvertToMercury,
+			TypeCheckOnly, ErrorCheckOnly, OutputGradeString],
+			NotGeneratingCode) }.
+:- pred merge_foreign_type_bodies(hlds_type_body::in,
+		hlds_type_body::in, hlds_type_body::out) is semidet.
+merge_foreign_type_bodies(foreign_type(MaybeILA, MaybeCA),
+		foreign_type(MaybeILB, MaybeCB),
+		foreign_type(MaybeIL, MaybeC)) :-
+	merge_maybe(MaybeILA, MaybeILB, MaybeIL),
+	merge_maybe(MaybeCA, MaybeCB, MaybeC).
+:- pred merge_maybe(maybe(T)::in, maybe(T)::in, maybe(T)::out) is semidet.
+merge_maybe(yes(T), no, yes(T)).
+merge_maybe(no, yes(T), yes(T)).
 :- pred make_status_abstract(import_status, import_status).
 :- mode make_status_abstract(in, out) is det.
only in patch2:
--- foreign/compiler/magic_util.m	20 Mar 2002 12:36:36 -0000	1.20
+++ foreign/compiler/magic_util.m	3 May 2002 17:44:14 -0000
@@ -1381,7 +1381,7 @@
 	{ error("magic_util__check_type_defn: eqv_type") }.
 magic_util__check_type_defn(abstract_type, _, Errors0, Errors) -->
 	{ set__insert(Errors0, abstract, Errors) }.
-magic_util__check_type_defn(foreign_type(_, _, _), _, _, _) -->
+magic_util__check_type_defn(foreign_type(_, _), _, _, _) -->
 	{ error("magic_util__check_type_defn: foreign_type") }.
 :- pred magic_util__check_ctor(set(type_ctor)::in, constructor::in, 
only in patch2:
--- foreign/compiler/llds_out.m	24 Apr 2002 07:37:28 -0000	1.192
+++ foreign/compiler/llds_out.m	3 May 2002 17:44:13 -0000
@@ -1966,7 +1966,7 @@
 output_pragma_input_rval_decls([], DeclSet, DeclSet) --> [].
 output_pragma_input_rval_decls([I | Inputs], DeclSet0, DeclSet) -->
-	{ I = pragma_c_input(_VarName, _Type, Rval) },
+	{ I = pragma_c_input(_VarName, _Type, Rval, _) },
 	output_rval_decls(Rval, "\t", "\t", 0, _N, DeclSet0, DeclSet1),
 	output_pragma_input_rval_decls(Inputs, DeclSet1, DeclSet).
@@ -1977,7 +1977,7 @@
 output_pragma_inputs([]) --> [].
 output_pragma_inputs([I|Inputs]) -->
-	{ I = pragma_c_input(VarName, Type, Rval) },
+	{ I = pragma_c_input(VarName, Type, Rval, MaybeForeignType) },
 	io__write_string(" = "),
@@ -1991,6 +1991,13 @@
 		output_rval_as_type(Rval, float)
+		% Note that for this cast to be correct the foreign type
+		% must be word sized.
+		( { MaybeForeignType = yes(ForeignTypeStr) } ->
+			io__write_string("(" ++ ForeignTypeStr ++ ") ")
+		;
+			[]
+		),
 		output_rval_as_type(Rval, word)
@@ -2003,7 +2010,7 @@
 output_pragma_output_lval_decls([], DeclSet, DeclSet) --> [].
 output_pragma_output_lval_decls([O | Outputs], DeclSet0, DeclSet) -->
-	{ O = pragma_c_output(Lval, _Type, _VarName) },
+	{ O = pragma_c_output(Lval, _Type, _VarName, _) },
 	output_lval_decls(Lval, "\t", "\t", 0, _N, DeclSet0, DeclSet1),
 	output_pragma_output_lval_decls(Outputs, DeclSet1, DeclSet).
@@ -2014,7 +2021,7 @@
 output_pragma_outputs([]) --> [].
 output_pragma_outputs([O|Outputs]) -->
-	{ O = pragma_c_output(Lval, Type, VarName) },
+	{ O = pragma_c_output(Lval, Type, VarName, MaybeForeignType) },
 	io__write_string(" = "),
@@ -2030,6 +2037,13 @@
+		% Note that for this cast to be correct the foreign type
+		% must be word sized.
+		( { MaybeForeignType = yes(_) } ->
+			output_llds_type_cast(word)
+		;
+			[]
+		),
only in patch2:
--- foreign/compiler/llds.m	28 Mar 2002 03:43:10 -0000	1.284
+++ foreign/compiler/llds.m	3 May 2002 17:44:11 -0000
@@ -553,15 +553,17 @@
 	% A pragma_c_input represents the code that initializes one
 	% of the input variables for a pragma_c instruction.
 :- type pragma_c_input
-	--->	pragma_c_input(string, type, rval).
-				% variable name, type, variable value.
+	--->	pragma_c_input(string, type, rval, maybe(string)).
+				% variable name, type, variable value,
+				% maybe C type if foreign type.
 	% A pragma_c_output represents the code that stores one of
 	% of the outputs for a pragma_c instruction.
 :- type pragma_c_output
-	--->	pragma_c_output(lval, type, string).
+	--->	pragma_c_output(lval, type, string, maybe(string)).
 				% where to put the output val, type and name
 				% of variable containing the output val
+				% followed by maybe C type if foreign type.
 	% see runtime/mercury_trail.h
 :- type reset_trail_reason
only in patch2:
--- foreign/compiler/livemap.m	20 Mar 2002 12:36:30 -0000	1.52
+++ foreign/compiler/livemap.m	3 May 2002 17:44:10 -0000
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@
 livemap__build_livemap_pragma_inputs([], Livevals, Livevals).
 livemap__build_livemap_pragma_inputs([Input | Inputs], Livevals0, Livevals) :-
-	Input = pragma_c_input(_, _, Rval),
+	Input = pragma_c_input(_, _, Rval, _),
 	( Rval = lval(Lval) ->
 		livemap__insert_proper_liveval(Lval, Livevals0, Livevals1)
only in patch2:
--- foreign/compiler/intermod.m	7 Apr 2002 10:22:33 -0000	1.118
+++ foreign/compiler/intermod.m	3 May 2002 17:44:10 -0000
@@ -1194,7 +1194,7 @@
 		{ Body = abstract_type },
 		{ TypeBody = abstract_type }
-		{ Body = foreign_type(_, _, _) },
+		{ Body = foreign_type(_, _) },
 		{ TypeBody = abstract_type },
 			% XXX trd
 			% Also here we need to output the pragma
only in patch2:
--- foreign/compiler/hlds_out.m	28 Mar 2002 03:43:01 -0000	1.282
+++ foreign/compiler/hlds_out.m	3 May 2002 17:44:09 -0000
@@ -2897,7 +2897,7 @@
 hlds_out__write_type_body(_Indent, _Tvarset, abstract_type) -->
-hlds_out__write_type_body(_Indent, _Tvarset, foreign_type(_, _, _)) -->
+hlds_out__write_type_body(_Indent, _Tvarset, foreign_type(_, _)) -->
 	{ error("hlds_out__write_type_body: foreign type body found") }.
 :- pred hlds_out__write_constructors(int, tvarset, list(constructor),
only in patch2:
--- foreign/compiler/hlds_data.m	20 Mar 2002 12:36:16 -0000	1.68
+++ foreign/compiler/hlds_data.m	3 May 2002 17:44:07 -0000
@@ -300,12 +300,8 @@
 	;	eqv_type(type)
 	;	foreign_type(
-			bool,		% is the type already boxed
-			sym_name,	% structured name of foreign type
-					% which represents the mercury type.
-			string		% Location of the definition for this
-					% type (such as assembly or
-					% library name)
+			il	:: maybe(il_foreign_type),
+			c	:: maybe(c_foreign_type)
 	;	abstract_type.
only in patch2:
--- foreign/compiler/foreign.m	20 Mar 2002 12:36:11 -0000	1.13
+++ foreign/compiler/foreign.m	3 May 2002 17:44:06 -0000
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
 :- func foreign__non_foreign_type((type)) = exported_type.
 	% Given an arbitary mercury type, get the exported_type representation
-	% of that type.
+	% of that type on the current backend.
 :- func foreign__to_exported_type(module_info, (type)) = exported_type.
 	% Given a representation of a type determine the string which
@@ -588,13 +588,38 @@
 to_exported_type(ModuleInfo, Type) = ExportType :-
 	module_info_types(ModuleInfo, Types),
+	module_info_globals(ModuleInfo, Globals),
+	globals__get_target(Globals, Target),
 		type_to_ctor_and_args(Type, TypeCtor, _),
 		map__search(Types, TypeCtor, TypeDefn)
 		hlds_data__get_type_defn_body(TypeDefn, Body),
-		( Body = foreign_type(_, ForeignType, _) ->
-			ExportType = foreign(ForeignType)
+		( Body = foreign_type(MaybeIL, MaybeC) ->
+			( Target = c,
+				( MaybeC = yes(c(NameStr)),
+					Name = unqualified(NameStr)
+				; MaybeC = no,
+					unexpected(this_file,
+						"to_exported_type: no C type")
+				)
+			; Target = il, 
+				( MaybeIL = yes(il(_, _, Name))
+				; MaybeIL = no,
+					unexpected(this_file,
+						"to_exported_type: no IL type")
+				)
+			; Target = java,
+				sorry(this_file, "to_exported_type for java")
+			; Target = asm,
+				( MaybeC = yes(c(NameStr)),
+					Name = unqualified(NameStr)
+				; MaybeC = no,
+					unexpected(this_file,
+						"to_exported_type: no C type")
+				)
+			),
+			ExportType = foreign(Name)
 			ExportType = mercury(Type)
@@ -605,8 +630,12 @@
 to_type_string(Lang, ModuleInfo, Type) =
 	to_type_string(Lang, to_exported_type(ModuleInfo, Type)).
-to_type_string(c, foreign(_ForeignType)) = _ :-
-	sorry(this_file, "foreign types on a C backend").
+to_type_string(c, foreign(ForeignType)) = Result :-
+	( ForeignType = unqualified(Result0) ->
+		Result = Result0
+	;
+		unexpected(this_file, "to_type_string: qualified C type")
+	).
 to_type_string(csharp, foreign(ForeignType)) = Result :-
 	sym_name_to_string(ForeignType, ".", Result).
 to_type_string(managed_cplusplus, foreign(ForeignType)) = Result ++ " *":-
only in patch2:
--- foreign/compiler/exprn_aux.m	20 Mar 2002 12:36:09 -0000	1.42
+++ foreign/compiler/exprn_aux.m	3 May 2002 17:44:06 -0000
@@ -599,20 +599,20 @@
 exprn_aux__substitute_lval_in_pragma_c_input(OldLval, NewLval, Out0, Out,
 		N0, N) :-
-	Out0 = pragma_c_input(Name, Type, Rval0),
+	Out0 = pragma_c_input(Name, Type, Rval0, MaybeForeign),
 	exprn_aux__substitute_lval_in_rval_count(OldLval, NewLval, Rval0, Rval,
 		N0, N),
-	Out = pragma_c_input(Name, Type, Rval).
+	Out = pragma_c_input(Name, Type, Rval, MaybeForeign).
 :- pred exprn_aux__substitute_lval_in_pragma_c_output(lval::in, lval::in,
 	pragma_c_output::in, pragma_c_output::out, int::in, int::out) is det.
 exprn_aux__substitute_lval_in_pragma_c_output(OldLval, NewLval, Out0, Out,
 		N0, N) :-
-	Out0 = pragma_c_output(Lval0, Type, Name),
+	Out0 = pragma_c_output(Lval0, Type, Name, MaybeForeign),
 	exprn_aux__substitute_lval_in_lval_count(OldLval, NewLval, Lval0, Lval,
 		N0, N),
-	Out = pragma_c_output(Lval, Type, Name).
+	Out = pragma_c_output(Lval, Type, Name, MaybeForeign).
 :- pred exprn_aux__substitute_lval_in_rval_count(lval::in, lval::in,
 	rval::in, rval::out, int::in, int::out) is det.

***** FULL DIFF ******
Index: foreign/compiler/exprn_aux.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/exprn_aux.m,v
retrieving revision 1.42
diff -u -r1.42 exprn_aux.m
--- foreign/compiler/exprn_aux.m	20 Mar 2002 12:36:09 -0000	1.42
+++ foreign/compiler/exprn_aux.m	3 May 2002 17:44:06 -0000
@@ -599,20 +599,20 @@
 exprn_aux__substitute_lval_in_pragma_c_input(OldLval, NewLval, Out0, Out,
 		N0, N) :-
-	Out0 = pragma_c_input(Name, Type, Rval0),
+	Out0 = pragma_c_input(Name, Type, Rval0, MaybeForeign),
 	exprn_aux__substitute_lval_in_rval_count(OldLval, NewLval, Rval0, Rval,
 		N0, N),
-	Out = pragma_c_input(Name, Type, Rval).
+	Out = pragma_c_input(Name, Type, Rval, MaybeForeign).
 :- pred exprn_aux__substitute_lval_in_pragma_c_output(lval::in, lval::in,
 	pragma_c_output::in, pragma_c_output::out, int::in, int::out) is det.
 exprn_aux__substitute_lval_in_pragma_c_output(OldLval, NewLval, Out0, Out,
 		N0, N) :-
-	Out0 = pragma_c_output(Lval0, Type, Name),
+	Out0 = pragma_c_output(Lval0, Type, Name, MaybeForeign),
 	exprn_aux__substitute_lval_in_lval_count(OldLval, NewLval, Lval0, Lval,
 		N0, N),
-	Out = pragma_c_output(Lval, Type, Name).
+	Out = pragma_c_output(Lval, Type, Name, MaybeForeign).
 :- pred exprn_aux__substitute_lval_in_rval_count(lval::in, lval::in,
 	rval::in, rval::out, int::in, int::out) is det.
Index: foreign/compiler/foreign.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/foreign.m,v
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -u -r1.13 foreign.m
--- foreign/compiler/foreign.m	20 Mar 2002 12:36:11 -0000	1.13
+++ foreign/compiler/foreign.m	3 May 2002 17:44:06 -0000
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
 :- func foreign__non_foreign_type((type)) = exported_type.
 	% Given an arbitary mercury type, get the exported_type representation
-	% of that type.
+	% of that type on the current backend.
 :- func foreign__to_exported_type(module_info, (type)) = exported_type.
 	% Given a representation of a type determine the string which
@@ -588,13 +588,38 @@
 to_exported_type(ModuleInfo, Type) = ExportType :-
 	module_info_types(ModuleInfo, Types),
+	module_info_globals(ModuleInfo, Globals),
+	globals__get_target(Globals, Target),
 		type_to_ctor_and_args(Type, TypeCtor, _),
 		map__search(Types, TypeCtor, TypeDefn)
 		hlds_data__get_type_defn_body(TypeDefn, Body),
-		( Body = foreign_type(_, ForeignType, _) ->
-			ExportType = foreign(ForeignType)
+		( Body = foreign_type(MaybeIL, MaybeC) ->
+			( Target = c,
+				( MaybeC = yes(c(NameStr)),
+					Name = unqualified(NameStr)
+				; MaybeC = no,
+					unexpected(this_file,
+						"to_exported_type: no C type")
+				)
+			; Target = il, 
+				( MaybeIL = yes(il(_, _, Name))
+				; MaybeIL = no,
+					unexpected(this_file,
+						"to_exported_type: no IL type")
+				)
+			; Target = java,
+				sorry(this_file, "to_exported_type for java")
+			; Target = asm,
+				( MaybeC = yes(c(NameStr)),
+					Name = unqualified(NameStr)
+				; MaybeC = no,
+					unexpected(this_file,
+						"to_exported_type: no C type")
+				)
+			),
+			ExportType = foreign(Name)
 			ExportType = mercury(Type)
@@ -605,8 +630,12 @@
 to_type_string(Lang, ModuleInfo, Type) =
 	to_type_string(Lang, to_exported_type(ModuleInfo, Type)).
-to_type_string(c, foreign(_ForeignType)) = _ :-
-	sorry(this_file, "foreign types on a C backend").
+to_type_string(c, foreign(ForeignType)) = Result :-
+	( ForeignType = unqualified(Result0) ->
+		Result = Result0
+	;
+		unexpected(this_file, "to_type_string: qualified C type")
+	).
 to_type_string(csharp, foreign(ForeignType)) = Result :-
 	sym_name_to_string(ForeignType, ".", Result).
 to_type_string(managed_cplusplus, foreign(ForeignType)) = Result ++ " *":-
Index: foreign/compiler/hlds_data.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/hlds_data.m,v
retrieving revision 1.68
diff -u -r1.68 hlds_data.m
--- foreign/compiler/hlds_data.m	20 Mar 2002 12:36:16 -0000	1.68
+++ foreign/compiler/hlds_data.m	3 May 2002 17:44:07 -0000
@@ -300,12 +300,8 @@
 	;	eqv_type(type)
 	;	foreign_type(
-			bool,		% is the type already boxed
-			sym_name,	% structured name of foreign type
-					% which represents the mercury type.
-			string		% Location of the definition for this
-					% type (such as assembly or
-					% library name)
+			il	:: maybe(il_foreign_type),
+			c	:: maybe(c_foreign_type)
 	;	abstract_type.
Index: foreign/compiler/hlds_out.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/hlds_out.m,v
retrieving revision 1.282
diff -u -r1.282 hlds_out.m
--- foreign/compiler/hlds_out.m	28 Mar 2002 03:43:01 -0000	1.282
+++ foreign/compiler/hlds_out.m	3 May 2002 17:44:09 -0000
@@ -2897,7 +2897,7 @@
 hlds_out__write_type_body(_Indent, _Tvarset, abstract_type) -->
-hlds_out__write_type_body(_Indent, _Tvarset, foreign_type(_, _, _)) -->
+hlds_out__write_type_body(_Indent, _Tvarset, foreign_type(_, _)) -->
 	{ error("hlds_out__write_type_body: foreign type body found") }.
 :- pred hlds_out__write_constructors(int, tvarset, list(constructor),
Index: foreign/compiler/intermod.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/intermod.m,v
retrieving revision 1.118
diff -u -r1.118 intermod.m
--- foreign/compiler/intermod.m	7 Apr 2002 10:22:33 -0000	1.118
+++ foreign/compiler/intermod.m	3 May 2002 17:44:10 -0000
@@ -1194,7 +1194,7 @@
 		{ Body = abstract_type },
 		{ TypeBody = abstract_type }
-		{ Body = foreign_type(_, _, _) },
+		{ Body = foreign_type(_, _) },
 		{ TypeBody = abstract_type },
 			% XXX trd
 			% Also here we need to output the pragma
Index: foreign/compiler/livemap.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/livemap.m,v
retrieving revision 1.52
diff -u -r1.52 livemap.m
--- foreign/compiler/livemap.m	20 Mar 2002 12:36:30 -0000	1.52
+++ foreign/compiler/livemap.m	3 May 2002 17:44:10 -0000
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@
 livemap__build_livemap_pragma_inputs([], Livevals, Livevals).
 livemap__build_livemap_pragma_inputs([Input | Inputs], Livevals0, Livevals) :-
-	Input = pragma_c_input(_, _, Rval),
+	Input = pragma_c_input(_, _, Rval, _),
 	( Rval = lval(Lval) ->
 		livemap__insert_proper_liveval(Lval, Livevals0, Livevals1)
Index: foreign/compiler/llds.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/llds.m,v
retrieving revision 1.284
diff -u -r1.284 llds.m
--- foreign/compiler/llds.m	28 Mar 2002 03:43:10 -0000	1.284
+++ foreign/compiler/llds.m	3 May 2002 17:44:11 -0000
@@ -553,15 +553,17 @@
 	% A pragma_c_input represents the code that initializes one
 	% of the input variables for a pragma_c instruction.
 :- type pragma_c_input
-	--->	pragma_c_input(string, type, rval).
-				% variable name, type, variable value.
+	--->	pragma_c_input(string, type, rval, maybe(string)).
+				% variable name, type, variable value,
+				% maybe C type if foreign type.
 	% A pragma_c_output represents the code that stores one of
 	% of the outputs for a pragma_c instruction.
 :- type pragma_c_output
-	--->	pragma_c_output(lval, type, string).
+	--->	pragma_c_output(lval, type, string, maybe(string)).
 				% where to put the output val, type and name
 				% of variable containing the output val
+				% followed by maybe C type if foreign type.
 	% see runtime/mercury_trail.h
 :- type reset_trail_reason
Index: foreign/compiler/llds_out.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/llds_out.m,v
retrieving revision 1.192
diff -u -r1.192 llds_out.m
--- foreign/compiler/llds_out.m	24 Apr 2002 07:37:28 -0000	1.192
+++ foreign/compiler/llds_out.m	3 May 2002 17:44:13 -0000
@@ -1966,7 +1966,7 @@
 output_pragma_input_rval_decls([], DeclSet, DeclSet) --> [].
 output_pragma_input_rval_decls([I | Inputs], DeclSet0, DeclSet) -->
-	{ I = pragma_c_input(_VarName, _Type, Rval) },
+	{ I = pragma_c_input(_VarName, _Type, Rval, _) },
 	output_rval_decls(Rval, "\t", "\t", 0, _N, DeclSet0, DeclSet1),
 	output_pragma_input_rval_decls(Inputs, DeclSet1, DeclSet).
@@ -1977,7 +1977,7 @@
 output_pragma_inputs([]) --> [].
 output_pragma_inputs([I|Inputs]) -->
-	{ I = pragma_c_input(VarName, Type, Rval) },
+	{ I = pragma_c_input(VarName, Type, Rval, MaybeForeignType) },
 	io__write_string(" = "),
@@ -1991,6 +1991,13 @@
 		output_rval_as_type(Rval, float)
+		% Note that for this cast to be correct the foreign type
+		% must be word sized.
+		( { MaybeForeignType = yes(ForeignTypeStr) } ->
+			io__write_string("(" ++ ForeignTypeStr ++ ") ")
+		;
+			[]
+		),
 		output_rval_as_type(Rval, word)
@@ -2003,7 +2010,7 @@
 output_pragma_output_lval_decls([], DeclSet, DeclSet) --> [].
 output_pragma_output_lval_decls([O | Outputs], DeclSet0, DeclSet) -->
-	{ O = pragma_c_output(Lval, _Type, _VarName) },
+	{ O = pragma_c_output(Lval, _Type, _VarName, _) },
 	output_lval_decls(Lval, "\t", "\t", 0, _N, DeclSet0, DeclSet1),
 	output_pragma_output_lval_decls(Outputs, DeclSet1, DeclSet).
@@ -2014,7 +2021,7 @@
 output_pragma_outputs([]) --> [].
 output_pragma_outputs([O|Outputs]) -->
-	{ O = pragma_c_output(Lval, Type, VarName) },
+	{ O = pragma_c_output(Lval, Type, VarName, MaybeForeignType) },
 	io__write_string(" = "),
@@ -2030,6 +2037,13 @@
+		% Note that for this cast to be correct the foreign type
+		% must be word sized.
+		( { MaybeForeignType = yes(_) } ->
+			output_llds_type_cast(word)
+		;
+			[]
+		),
Index: foreign/compiler/magic_util.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/magic_util.m,v
retrieving revision 1.20
diff -u -r1.20 magic_util.m
--- foreign/compiler/magic_util.m	20 Mar 2002 12:36:36 -0000	1.20
+++ foreign/compiler/magic_util.m	3 May 2002 17:44:14 -0000
@@ -1381,7 +1381,7 @@
 	{ error("magic_util__check_type_defn: eqv_type") }.
 magic_util__check_type_defn(abstract_type, _, Errors0, Errors) -->
 	{ set__insert(Errors0, abstract, Errors) }.
-magic_util__check_type_defn(foreign_type(_, _, _), _, _, _) -->
+magic_util__check_type_defn(foreign_type(_, _), _, _, _) -->
 	{ error("magic_util__check_type_defn: foreign_type") }.
 :- pred magic_util__check_ctor(set(type_ctor)::in, constructor::in, 
Index: foreign/compiler/make_hlds.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/make_hlds.m,v
retrieving revision 1.409
diff -u -r1.409 make_hlds.m
--- foreign/compiler/make_hlds.m	3 May 2002 11:25:02 -0000	1.409
+++ foreign/compiler/make_hlds.m	3 May 2002 17:44:19 -0000
@@ -409,21 +409,18 @@
 		{ Pragma = foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _) },
 		{ Module = Module0 }
+		% Note that we check during add_item_clause that we have
+		% defined a foreign_type which is usable by the back-end
+		% we are compiling on.
 		{ Pragma = foreign_type(ForeignType, _MercuryType, Name) },
-		{ ForeignType = il(RefOrVal,
-				ForeignTypeLocation, ForeignTypeName) },
-		{ RefOrVal = reference,
-			IsBoxed = yes
-		; RefOrVal = value,
-			IsBoxed = no
-		},
 		{ varset__init(VarSet) },
 		{ Args = [] },
-		{ Body = foreign_type(IsBoxed,
-				ForeignTypeName, ForeignTypeLocation) },
+		{ ForeignType = il(ILForeignType),
+			Body = foreign_type(yes(ILForeignType), no)
+		; ForeignType = c(CForeignType),
+			Body = foreign_type(no, yes(CForeignType))
+		},
 		{ Cond = true },
 		{ TypeCtor = Name - 0 },
@@ -807,6 +804,11 @@
 		add_pragma_type_spec(Pragma, Context, Module0, Module,
 			Info0, Info)
+		{ Pragma = foreign_type(_, _, Name) }
+	->
+		check_foreign_type(Name, Context, Module0, Module),
+		{ Info = Info0 }	
+	;
 		% don't worry about any pragma decs but c_code, tabling,
 		% type_spec and fact_table here
 		{ Module = Module0 },
@@ -1921,9 +1923,23 @@
 				module_info_set_types(Module0, Types, Module)
-			{ Module = Module0 },
-			multiple_def_error(Status, Name, Arity, "type",
-				Context, OrigContext, _)
+			{ merge_foreign_type_bodies(Body, Body_2, NewBody) }
+		->
+			{ hlds_data__set_type_defn(TVarSet_2, Params_2,
+				NewBody, Status, Context, T3) },
+			{ map__det_update(Types0, TypeCtor, T3, Types) },
+			{ module_info_set_types(Module0, Types, Module) }
+		;
+			% otherwise issue an error message if the second
+			% definition wasn't read while reading .opt files. 
+			{ Status = opt_imported }
+		->
+			{ Module = Module0 }
+		;
+				% XXX Fix this merge up.
+			{ module_info_incr_errors(Module0, Module) },
+			multiple_def_error(Status, Name, Arity, "type", Context,
+				OrigContext, _)
 		{ map__set(Types0, TypeCtor, T, Types) },
@@ -1998,6 +2014,109 @@
+	% check_foreign_type ensures that if we are generating code for
+	% a specific backend that the foreign type has a representation
+	% on that backend.
+:- pred check_foreign_type(sym_name::in, prog_context::in,
+		module_info::in, module_info::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+check_foreign_type(Name, Context, Module0, Module) -->
+	{ TypeCtor = Name - 0 },
+	{ module_info_types(Module0, Types) },
+	{ TypeStr = error_util__describe_sym_name_and_arity(Name/0) },
+	( 
+		{ map__search(Types, TypeCtor, Defn) },
+		{ hlds_data__get_type_defn_body(Defn, Body) },
+		{ Body = foreign_type(MaybeIL, MaybeC) }
+	->
+		{ module_info_globals(Module0, Globals) },
+		generating_code(GeneratingCode),
+		( { GeneratingCode = yes } ->
+			io_lookup_bool_option(very_verbose, VeryVerbose),
+			{ VeryVerbose = yes ->
+				VerboseErrorPieces = [
+					nl,
+					words("There are representations for"),
+					words("this type on other back-ends,"),
+					words("but none for this back-end.")
+				]
+			;
+				VerboseErrorPieces = []
+			},
+			{ globals__get_target(Globals, Target) },
+			( { Target = c },
+			    ( { MaybeC = yes(_) },
+				{ Module = Module0 }
+			    ; { MaybeC = no },
+				{ ErrorPieces = [
+				    words("Error: no C pragma"),
+				    words("foreign_type declaration for"),
+				    fixed(TypeStr) | VerboseErrorPieces
+				] },
+				error_util__write_error_pieces(Context,
+					0, ErrorPieces),
+				{ module_info_incr_errors(Module0, Module) }
+			    )
+			; { Target = il },
+			    ( { MaybeIL = yes(_) },
+				{ Module = Module0 }
+			    ; { MaybeIL = no },
+				{ ErrorPieces = [
+				    words("Error: no IL pragma"),
+				    words("foreign_type declaration for"),
+				    fixed(TypeStr) | VerboseErrorPieces
+				] },
+				error_util__write_error_pieces(Context, 0,
+						ErrorPieces),
+				{ module_info_incr_errors(Module0, Module) }
+			    )
+			; { Target = java },
+				{ Module = Module0 }
+			; { Target = asm },
+				{ Module = Module0 }
+			)
+		;
+			{ Module = Module0 }
+		)
+	;
+		{ error("check_foreign_type: unable to find foreign type") }
+	).
+	% Do the options imply that we will generate code for a specific
+	% back-end?
+:- pred generating_code(bool::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+generating_code(bool__not(NotGeneratingCode)) -->
+	io_lookup_bool_option(make_short_interface, MakeShortInterface),
+	io_lookup_bool_option(make_interface, MakeInterface),
+	io_lookup_bool_option(make_private_interface, MakePrivateInterface),
+	io_lookup_bool_option(make_transitive_opt_interface,
+			MakeTransOptInterface),
+	io_lookup_bool_option(generate_source_file_mapping, GenSrcFileMapping),
+	io_lookup_bool_option(generate_dependencies, GenDepends),
+	io_lookup_bool_option(convert_to_mercury, ConvertToMercury),
+	io_lookup_bool_option(typecheck_only, TypeCheckOnly),
+	io_lookup_bool_option(errorcheck_only, ErrorCheckOnly),
+	io_lookup_bool_option(output_grade_string, OutputGradeString),
+	{ bool__or_list([MakeShortInterface, MakeInterface,
+			MakePrivateInterface, MakeTransOptInterface,
+			GenSrcFileMapping, GenDepends, ConvertToMercury,
+			TypeCheckOnly, ErrorCheckOnly, OutputGradeString],
+			NotGeneratingCode) }.
+:- pred merge_foreign_type_bodies(hlds_type_body::in,
+		hlds_type_body::in, hlds_type_body::out) is semidet.
+merge_foreign_type_bodies(foreign_type(MaybeILA, MaybeCA),
+		foreign_type(MaybeILB, MaybeCB),
+		foreign_type(MaybeIL, MaybeC)) :-
+	merge_maybe(MaybeILA, MaybeILB, MaybeIL),
+	merge_maybe(MaybeCA, MaybeCB, MaybeC).
+:- pred merge_maybe(maybe(T)::in, maybe(T)::in, maybe(T)::out) is semidet.
+merge_maybe(yes(T), no, yes(T)).
+merge_maybe(no, yes(T), yes(T)).
 :- pred make_status_abstract(import_status, import_status).
 :- mode make_status_abstract(in, out) is det.
Index: foreign/compiler/mercury_to_mercury.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mercury_to_mercury.m,v
retrieving revision 1.212
diff -u -r1.212 mercury_to_mercury.m
--- foreign/compiler/mercury_to_mercury.m	9 Apr 2002 09:00:25 -0000	1.212
+++ foreign/compiler/mercury_to_mercury.m	3 May 2002 17:44:20 -0000
@@ -510,20 +510,28 @@
 		{ Pragma = foreign_type(ForeignType, _MercuryType,
 				MercuryTypeSymName) },
-		{ ForeignType = il(RefOrVal, ForeignLocStr, ForeignTypeName) },
 		io__write_string(":- pragma foreign_type("),
-		io__write_string("il, "),
+		( { ForeignType = il(_) },
+			io__write_string("il, ")
+		; { ForeignType = c(_) },
+			io__write_string("c, ")
+		),
 		io__write_string(", "),
-		( { RefOrVal = reference },
-			io__write_string("\"class [")
-		; { RefOrVal = value },
-			io__write_string("\"valuetype [")
-		),
-		io__write_string(ForeignLocStr),
-		io__write_string("]"),
-		{ sym_name_to_string(ForeignTypeName, ".", ForeignTypeStr) },
+		io__write_string(", \""),
+		{ ForeignType = il(il(RefOrVal,
+				ForeignLocStr, ForeignTypeName)),
+			( RefOrVal = reference,
+				RefOrValStr = "class "
+			; RefOrVal = value,
+				RefOrValStr = "valuetype "
+			),
+			sym_name_to_string(ForeignTypeName, ".", NameStr),
+			ForeignTypeStr = RefOrValStr ++ "[" ++ ForeignLocStr ++
+					"]" ++ NameStr
+		; ForeignType = c(c(ForeignTypeStr))
+		},
Index: foreign/compiler/middle_rec.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/middle_rec.m,v
retrieving revision 1.90
diff -u -r1.90 middle_rec.m
--- foreign/compiler/middle_rec.m	28 Mar 2002 03:43:19 -0000	1.90
+++ foreign/compiler/middle_rec.m	3 May 2002 17:44:21 -0000
@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@
 insert_pragma_c_input_registers([], Used, Used).
 insert_pragma_c_input_registers([Input|Inputs], Used0, Used) :-	
-	Input = pragma_c_input(_, _, Rval),
+	Input = pragma_c_input(_, _, Rval, _),
 	middle_rec__find_used_registers_rval(Rval, Used0, Used1),
 	insert_pragma_c_input_registers(Inputs, Used1, Used).
@@ -557,7 +557,7 @@
 insert_pragma_c_output_registers([], Used, Used).
 insert_pragma_c_output_registers([Output|Outputs], Used0, Used) :-	
-	Output = pragma_c_output(Lval, _, _),
+	Output = pragma_c_output(Lval, _, _, _),
 	middle_rec__find_used_registers_lval(Lval, Used0, Used1),
 	insert_pragma_c_output_registers(Outputs, Used1, Used).
Index: foreign/compiler/ml_code_gen.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_code_gen.m,v
retrieving revision 1.113
diff -u -r1.113 ml_code_gen.m
--- foreign/compiler/ml_code_gen.m	2 Apr 2002 16:36:10 -0000	1.113
+++ foreign/compiler/ml_code_gen.m	3 May 2002 17:44:22 -0000
@@ -854,22 +854,41 @@
 ml_gen_imports(ModuleInfo, MLDS_ImportList) :-
 		% Determine all the mercury imports.
+	module_info_globals(ModuleInfo, Globals),
+	globals__get_target(Globals, Target),
 	module_info_get_all_deps(ModuleInfo, AllImports),
 	P = (func(Name) = mercury_import(mercury_module_name_to_mlds(Name))),
 		% For every foreign type determine the import needed to
 		% find the declaration for that type.
 	module_info_types(ModuleInfo, Types),
-	list__filter_map((pred(TypeDefn::in, Import::out) is semidet :-
-			hlds_data__get_type_defn_body(TypeDefn, Body),
-			Body = foreign_type(_, _, Location),
-			Name = il_assembly_name(mercury_module_name_to_mlds(
-					unqualified(Location))),
-			Import = foreign_import(Name)
-		), map__values(Types), ForeignTypeImports),
+	ForeignTypeImports = list__condense(list__map(
+				foreign_type_required_imports(Target),
+				map__values(Types))),
 	MLDS_ImportList = ForeignTypeImports ++ 
 			list__map(P, set__to_sorted_list(AllImports)).
+:- func foreign_type_required_imports(compilation_target, hlds_type_defn)
+		= list(mlds__import).
+foreign_type_required_imports(c, _) = [].
+foreign_type_required_imports(il, TypeDefn) = Imports :-
+	hlds_data__get_type_defn_body(TypeDefn, Body),
+	( Body = foreign_type(MaybeIL, _MaybeC) ->
+		( MaybeIL = yes(il(_, Location, _)) ->
+			Name = il_assembly_name(mercury_module_name_to_mlds(
+					unqualified(Location))),
+			Imports = [foreign_import(Name)]
+		;
+			unexpected(this_file, "no IL type")
+		)
+	;
+		Imports = []
+	).
+foreign_type_required_imports(java, _) = [].
+foreign_type_required_imports(asm, _) = [].
 :- pred ml_gen_defns(module_info, mlds__defns, io__state, io__state).
 :- mode ml_gen_defns(in, out, di, uo) is det.
Index: foreign/compiler/ml_code_util.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_code_util.m,v
retrieving revision 1.62
diff -u -r1.62 ml_code_util.m
--- foreign/compiler/ml_code_util.m	12 Apr 2002 01:24:07 -0000	1.62
+++ foreign/compiler/ml_code_util.m	3 May 2002 17:44:24 -0000
@@ -2160,14 +2160,11 @@
 ml_type_might_contain_pointers(mlds__native_float_type) = no.
 ml_type_might_contain_pointers(mlds__native_bool_type) = no.
 ml_type_might_contain_pointers(mlds__native_char_type) = no.
-ml_type_might_contain_pointers(mlds__foreign_type(_, _, _)) = _ :-
+ml_type_might_contain_pointers(mlds__foreign_type(_)) = _ :-
+	sorry(this_file, "--gc accurate and foreign_type").
 	% It might contain pointers, so it's not safe to return `no',
 	% but it also might not be word-sized, so it's not safe to
-	% return `yes'.  Currently this case should not occur, since
-	% currently `foreign_type' is only used for the IL back-end,
-	% where GC is handled by the target language.
-	unexpected(this_file, "--gc accurate and foreign_type").
+	% return `yes'.
 ml_type_might_contain_pointers(mlds__class_type(_, _, Category)) =
 	(if Category = mlds__enum then no else yes).
 ml_type_might_contain_pointers(mlds__ptr_type(_)) = yes.
Index: foreign/compiler/ml_type_gen.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_type_gen.m,v
retrieving revision 1.26
diff -u -r1.26 ml_type_gen.m
--- foreign/compiler/ml_type_gen.m	20 Mar 2002 12:36:47 -0000	1.26
+++ foreign/compiler/ml_type_gen.m	3 May 2002 17:44:25 -0000
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
 			Ctors, TagValues, MaybeEqualityMembers)
 	% XXX Fixme!  Same issues here as for eqv_type/1.
-ml_gen_type_2(foreign_type(_, _, _), _, _, _) --> [].
+ml_gen_type_2(foreign_type(_, _), _, _, _) --> [].
Index: foreign/compiler/mlds.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mlds.m,v
retrieving revision 1.89
diff -u -r1.89 mlds.m
--- foreign/compiler/mlds.m	12 Apr 2002 01:24:08 -0000	1.89
+++ foreign/compiler/mlds.m	3 May 2002 17:44:26 -0000
@@ -630,12 +630,9 @@
 	;	mlds__native_float_type
 	;	mlds__native_char_type
-		% This is a type of the MLDS target language.  Currently
-		% this is only used by the il backend.
+		% This is a type of the target language.
 	;	mlds__foreign_type(
-			bool,		% is type already boxed?
-			sym_name,	% structured name representing the type
-			string		% location of the type (ie assembly)
+			foreign_language_type
 		% MLDS types defined using mlds__class_defn
@@ -1616,6 +1613,7 @@
 :- implementation.
 :- import_module backend_libs__foreign, parse_tree__modules.
+:- import_module hlds__error_util, libs__globals.
 :- import_module int, term, string, require.
@@ -1653,10 +1651,34 @@
 		module_info_types(ModuleInfo, Types),
 		map__search(Types, TypeCtor, TypeDefn),
 		hlds_data__get_type_defn_body(TypeDefn, Body),
-		Body = foreign_type(IsBoxed, ForeignType, ForeignLocation)
+		Body = foreign_type(MaybeIL, MaybeC)
-		MLDSType = mlds__foreign_type(IsBoxed,
-				ForeignType, ForeignLocation)
+		module_info_globals(ModuleInfo, Globals),
+		globals__get_target(Globals, Target),
+		( Target = c,
+			( MaybeC = yes(CForeignType),
+				ForeignType = c(CForeignType)
+			; MaybeC = no,
+				% This is checked by check_foreign_type
+				% in make_hlds.
+				unexpected(this_file,
+				"mercury_type_to_mlds_type: No C foreign type")
+			)
+		; Target = il,
+			( MaybeIL = yes(ILForeignType),
+				ForeignType = il(ILForeignType)
+			; MaybeIL = no,
+				% This is checked by check_foreign_type
+				% in make_hlds.
+				unexpected(this_file,
+				"mercury_type_to_mlds_type: No IL foreign type")
+			)
+		; Target = java,
+			sorry(this_file, "foreign types on the java backend")
+		; Target = asm,
+			sorry(this_file, "foreign types on the asm backend")
+		),
+		MLDSType = mlds__foreign_type(ForeignType)
 		classify_type(Type, ModuleInfo, Category),
 		ExportedType = to_exported_type(ModuleInfo, Type),
@@ -1865,5 +1887,10 @@
 	finality_bits(Finality) \/
 	constness_bits(Constness) \/
+:- func this_file = string.
+this_file = "mlds.m".
Index: foreign/compiler/mlds_to_c.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mlds_to_c.m,v
retrieving revision 1.127
diff -u -r1.127 mlds_to_c.m
--- foreign/compiler/mlds_to_c.m	24 Apr 2002 07:37:30 -0000	1.127
+++ foreign/compiler/mlds_to_c.m	3 May 2002 17:44:28 -0000
@@ -663,8 +663,8 @@
 mlds_output_pragma_export_type(prefix, mlds__native_char_type) -->
-mlds_output_pragma_export_type(prefix, mlds__foreign_type(_, _, _)) -->
-	{ error("mlds_output_pragma_export_type: foreign_type") }.
+mlds_output_pragma_export_type(prefix, mlds__foreign_type(_)) -->
+	io__write_string("MR_Box").
 mlds_output_pragma_export_type(prefix, mlds__class_type(_, _, _)) -->
 mlds_output_pragma_export_type(prefix, mlds__array_type(_)) -->
@@ -1639,8 +1639,13 @@
 mlds_output_type_prefix(mlds__native_bool_type)  -->
 mlds_output_type_prefix(mlds__native_char_type)  --> io__write_string("char").
-mlds_output_type_prefix(mlds__foreign_type(_, _, _)) -->
-	{ error("mlds_output_type_prefix: foreign_type") }.
+mlds_output_type_prefix(mlds__foreign_type(ForeignType)) -->
+	( { ForeignType = c(c(Name)) },
+		io__write_string(Name)
+	; { ForeignType = il(_) },
+		{ unexpected(this_file,
+			"mlds_output_type_prefix: il foreign_type") }
+	).
 mlds_output_type_prefix(mlds__class_type(Name, Arity, ClassKind)) -->
 	( { ClassKind = mlds__enum } ->
@@ -1809,7 +1814,8 @@
 mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__native_float_type, _) --> [].
 mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__native_bool_type, _) --> [].
 mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__native_char_type, _) --> [].
-mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__foreign_type(_, _, _), _) --> [].
+	% XXX Currently we can't output a type suffix.
+mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__foreign_type(_), _) --> [].
 mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__class_type(_, _, _), _) --> [].
 mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__ptr_type(_), _) --> [].
 mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__array_type(_), ArraySize) -->
Index: foreign/compiler/mlds_to_gcc.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mlds_to_gcc.m,v
retrieving revision 1.70
diff -u -r1.70 mlds_to_gcc.m
--- foreign/compiler/mlds_to_gcc.m	24 Apr 2002 07:37:31 -0000	1.70
+++ foreign/compiler/mlds_to_gcc.m	3 May 2002 17:44:29 -0000
@@ -1694,8 +1694,7 @@
 build_type(mercury_type(Type, TypeCategory, _), _, _, GCC_Type) -->
 	build_mercury_type(Type, TypeCategory, GCC_Type).
-build_type(mlds__foreign_type(_, _, _), _, _, _) --> 
-	{ sorry(this_file, "foreign_type not implemented") }.
+build_type(mlds__foreign_type(_), _, _, 'MR_Box') --> [].
 build_type(mlds__native_int_type, _, _, gcc__integer_type_node) --> [].
 build_type(mlds__native_float_type, _, _, gcc__double_type_node) --> [].
 build_type(mlds__native_bool_type, _, _, gcc__boolean_type_node) --> [].
Index: foreign/compiler/mlds_to_il.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mlds_to_il.m,v
retrieving revision 1.113
diff -u -r1.113 mlds_to_il.m
--- foreign/compiler/mlds_to_il.m	1 May 2002 14:16:54 -0000	1.113
+++ foreign/compiler/mlds_to_il.m	3 May 2002 17:44:32 -0000
@@ -3005,15 +3005,19 @@
 mlds_type_to_ilds_type(_, mlds__native_float_type) = ilds__type([], float64).
-mlds_type_to_ilds_type(_, mlds__foreign_type(IsBoxed, ForeignType, Assembly))
+mlds_type_to_ilds_type(_, mlds__foreign_type(ForeignType))
 	= ilds__type([], Class) :-
-	sym_name_to_class_name(ForeignType, ForeignClassName),
-	( IsBoxed = yes,
-		Class = class(structured_name(assembly(Assembly),
-				ForeignClassName, []))
-	; IsBoxed = no,
-		Class = valuetype(structured_name(assembly(Assembly),
-				ForeignClassName, []))
+	( ForeignType = il(il(RefOrVal, Assembly, Type)),
+		sym_name_to_class_name(Type, ForeignClassName),
+		( RefOrVal = reference,
+			Class = class(structured_name(assembly(Assembly),
+					ForeignClassName, []))
+		; RefOrVal = value,
+			Class = valuetype(structured_name(assembly(Assembly),
+					ForeignClassName, []))
+		)
+	; ForeignType = c(_),
+		error("mlds_to_il: c foreign type")
 mlds_type_to_ilds_type(ILDataRep, mlds__ptr_type(MLDSType)) =
Index: foreign/compiler/mlds_to_java.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mlds_to_java.m,v
retrieving revision 1.28
diff -u -r1.28 mlds_to_java.m
--- foreign/compiler/mlds_to_java.m	12 Apr 2002 01:24:11 -0000	1.28
+++ foreign/compiler/mlds_to_java.m	3 May 2002 17:44:34 -0000
@@ -1251,7 +1251,7 @@
 get_java_type_initializer(mlds__native_int_type) = "0".
 get_java_type_initializer(mlds__native_float_type) = "0".
 get_java_type_initializer(mlds__native_char_type) = "0".
-get_java_type_initializer(mlds__foreign_type(_, _, _)) = _ :-
+get_java_type_initializer(mlds__foreign_type(_)) = _ :-
 		"get_type_initializer: variable has foreign_type"). 
 get_java_type_initializer(mlds__class_type(_, _, _)) = "null".
@@ -1619,7 +1619,7 @@
 output_type(mlds__native_float_type) --> io__write_string("double").
 output_type(mlds__native_bool_type) --> io__write_string("boolean").
 output_type(mlds__native_char_type)  --> io__write_string("char").
-output_type(mlds__foreign_type(_, _, _))  -->
+output_type(mlds__foreign_type(_))  -->
 	{ unexpected(this_file, "output_type: foreign_type NYI.") }.
 output_type(mlds__class_type(Name, Arity, ClassKind)) -->
 	( { ClassKind = mlds__enum } ->
Index: foreign/compiler/opt_util.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/opt_util.m,v
retrieving revision 1.114
diff -u -r1.114 opt_util.m
--- foreign/compiler/opt_util.m	20 Mar 2002 12:37:02 -0000	1.114
+++ foreign/compiler/opt_util.m	3 May 2002 17:44:35 -0000
@@ -1341,7 +1341,7 @@
 pragma_c_inputs_get_rvals([], []).
 pragma_c_inputs_get_rvals([I|Inputs], [R|Rvals]) :-
-	I = pragma_c_input(_Name, _Type, R),
+	I = pragma_c_input(_Name, _Type, R, _),
 	pragma_c_inputs_get_rvals(Inputs, Rvals).
 	% extract the lvals from the pragma_c_output
@@ -1350,7 +1350,7 @@
 pragma_c_outputs_get_lvals([], []).
 pragma_c_outputs_get_lvals([O|Outputs], [L|Lvals]) :-
-	O = pragma_c_output(L, _Type, _Name),
+	O = pragma_c_output(L, _Type, _Name, _),
 	pragma_c_outputs_get_lvals(Outputs, Lvals).
 % determine all the rvals and lvals referenced by a list of instructions
Index: foreign/compiler/pragma_c_gen.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/pragma_c_gen.m,v
retrieving revision 1.50
diff -u -r1.50 pragma_c_gen.m
--- foreign/compiler/pragma_c_gen.m	28 Mar 2002 03:43:33 -0000	1.50
+++ foreign/compiler/pragma_c_gen.m	3 May 2002 17:44:35 -0000
@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@
 :- implementation.
 :- import_module hlds__hlds_module, hlds__hlds_pred, hlds__hlds_llds.
-:- import_module hlds__instmap.
-:- import_module ll_backend__llds_out, ll_backend__trace.
-:- import_module ll_backend__code_util.
+:- import_module hlds__instmap, hlds__hlds_data, hlds__error_util.
+:- import_module check_hlds__type_util.
+:- import_module ll_backend__llds_out, ll_backend__trace, ll_backend__code_util.
 :- import_module backend_libs__foreign.
 :- import_module libs__options, libs__globals, libs__tree.
@@ -677,8 +677,8 @@
 	{ make_pragma_decls(Args, ModuleInfo, Decls) },
 	{ make_pragma_decls(OutArgs, ModuleInfo, OutDecls) },
-	{ input_descs_from_arg_info(InArgs, InputDescs) },
-	{ output_descs_from_arg_info(OutArgs, OutputDescs) },
+	input_descs_from_arg_info(InArgs, InputDescs),
+	output_descs_from_arg_info(OutArgs, OutputDescs),
 	{ module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, PredInfo) },
 	{ pred_info_module(PredInfo, ModuleName) },
@@ -1186,7 +1186,8 @@
 		code_info__produce_variable(Var, FirstCode, Rval),
 		% code_info__produce_variable_in_reg(Var, FirstCode, Lval),
 		% { Rval = lval(Lval) },
-		{ Input = pragma_c_input(Name, Type, Rval) },
+		get_maybe_foreign_type_name(Type, MaybeForeign),
+		{ Input = pragma_c_input(Name, Type, Rval, MaybeForeign) },
 		get_pragma_input_vars(Args, Inputs1, RestCode),
 		{ Inputs = [Input | Inputs1] },
 		{ Code = tree(FirstCode, RestCode) }
@@ -1196,6 +1197,30 @@
 		get_pragma_input_vars(Args, Inputs, Code)
+:- pred get_maybe_foreign_type_name((type)::in, maybe(string)::out,
+		code_info::in, code_info::out) is det.
+get_maybe_foreign_type_name(Type, MaybeForeignType) -->
+	code_info__get_module_info(Module),
+	{ module_info_types(Module, Types) },
+	{ 
+		type_to_ctor_and_args(Type, TypeId, _SubTypes),
+		map__search(Types, TypeId, Defn),
+		hlds_data__get_type_defn_body(Defn, Body),
+		Body = foreign_type(_MaybeIL, MaybeC)
+	->
+		( MaybeC = yes(c(Name)),
+			MaybeForeignType = yes(Name)
+		; MaybeC = no,
+			% This is ensured by check_foreign_type in
+			% make_hlds.
+			unexpected(this_file,
+			"get_maybe_foreign_type_name: no c foreign type")
+		)
+	;
+		MaybeForeignType = no
+	}.
 % pragma_acquire_regs acquires a list of registers in which to place each
@@ -1226,10 +1251,12 @@
 	( code_info__variable_is_forward_live(Var) ->
 		code_info__set_var_location(Var, Reg),
+		get_maybe_foreign_type_name(OrigType, MaybeForeign),
 			var_is_not_singleton(MaybeName, Name)
-			PragmaCOutput = pragma_c_output(Reg, OrigType, Name),
+			PragmaCOutput = pragma_c_output(Reg, OrigType,
+						Name, MaybeForeign),
 			Outputs = [PragmaCOutput | Outputs0]
 			Outputs = Outputs0
@@ -1247,22 +1274,24 @@
 % input_descs_from_arg_info returns a list of pragma_c_inputs, which
 % are pairs of rvals and (C) variables which receive the input value.
-:- pred input_descs_from_arg_info(list(c_arg)::in, list(pragma_c_input)::out)
-	is det.
+:- pred input_descs_from_arg_info(list(c_arg)::in, list(pragma_c_input)::out,
+		code_info::in, code_info::out) is det.
-input_descs_from_arg_info([], []).
-input_descs_from_arg_info([Arg | Args], Inputs) :-
+input_descs_from_arg_info([], [], CodeInfo, CodeInfo).
+input_descs_from_arg_info([Arg | Args], Inputs, CodeInfo0, CodeInfo) :-
 	Arg = c_arg(_Var, MaybeName, OrigType, ArgInfo),
 		var_is_not_singleton(MaybeName, Name)
 		ArgInfo = arg_info(N, _),
 		Reg = reg(r, N),
-		Input = pragma_c_input(Name, OrigType, lval(Reg)),
+		get_maybe_foreign_type_name(OrigType, MaybeForeign,
+				CodeInfo0, CodeInfo1),
+		Input = pragma_c_input(Name, OrigType, lval(Reg), MaybeForeign),
 		Inputs = [Input | Inputs1],
-		input_descs_from_arg_info(Args, Inputs1)
+		input_descs_from_arg_info(Args, Inputs1, CodeInfo1, CodeInfo)
-		input_descs_from_arg_info(Args, Inputs)
+		input_descs_from_arg_info(Args, Inputs, CodeInfo0, CodeInfo)
@@ -1271,22 +1300,26 @@
 % are pairs of names of output registers and (C) variables which hold the
 % output value.
-:- pred output_descs_from_arg_info(list(c_arg)::in, list(pragma_c_output)::out)
-	is det.
+:- pred output_descs_from_arg_info(list(c_arg)::in, list(pragma_c_output)::out,
+		code_info::in, code_info::out) is det.
-output_descs_from_arg_info([], []).
-output_descs_from_arg_info([Arg | Args], Outputs) :-
+output_descs_from_arg_info([], [], CodeInfo, CodeInfo).
+output_descs_from_arg_info([Arg | Args], Outputs, CodeInfo0, CodeInfo) :-
 	Arg = c_arg(_Var, MaybeName, OrigType, ArgInfo),
+	output_descs_from_arg_info(Args, Outputs0, CodeInfo0, CodeInfo1),
 		var_is_not_singleton(MaybeName, Name)
 		ArgInfo = arg_info(N, _),
 		Reg = reg(r, N),
-		Outputs = [pragma_c_output(Reg, OrigType, Name) | Outputs0]
+		get_maybe_foreign_type_name(OrigType, MaybeForeign,
+				CodeInfo1, CodeInfo),
+		Outputs = [pragma_c_output(Reg, OrigType, Name, MaybeForeign) |
+				Outputs0]
-		Outputs = Outputs0
-	),
-	output_descs_from_arg_info(Args, Outputs0).
+		Outputs = Outputs0,
+		CodeInfo = CodeInfo1
+	).
@@ -1299,4 +1332,10 @@
 	string__append_list(["mercury_save__", MangledModuleName, "__",
 		MangledPredName, "__", ArityStr, "_", ProcNumStr], StructName).
+:- func this_file = string.
+this_file = "pragma_c_gen.m".
Index: foreign/compiler/prog_data.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/prog_data.m,v
retrieving revision 1.82
diff -u -r1.82 prog_data.m
--- foreign/compiler/prog_data.m	20 Mar 2002 12:37:10 -0000	1.82
+++ foreign/compiler/prog_data.m	3 May 2002 17:44:36 -0000
@@ -316,11 +316,12 @@
 	% for each of these cases.
-:- type ref_or_val
-	--->	reference
-	;	value.
 :- type foreign_language_type
+	--->	il(il_foreign_type)
+	;	c(c_foreign_type)
+	.
+:- type il_foreign_type
 	--->	il(
 			ref_or_val,	% An indicator of whether the type is a
 					% reference of value type.
@@ -328,6 +329,15 @@
 					% assembly)
 			sym_name	% The .NET type name
+:- type c_foreign_type
+	--->	c(
+			string		% The C type name
+		).
+:- type ref_or_val
+	--->	reference
+	;	value.
 % Stuff for tabling pragmas
Index: foreign/compiler/prog_io_pragma.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/prog_io_pragma.m,v
retrieving revision 1.49
diff -u -r1.49 prog_io_pragma.m
--- foreign/compiler/prog_io_pragma.m	20 Mar 2002 12:37:13 -0000	1.49
+++ foreign/compiler/prog_io_pragma.m	3 May 2002 17:44:37 -0000
@@ -225,6 +225,19 @@
+		Language = c
+	->
+		( 
+			InputTerm = term__functor(term__string(CTypeName),
+				[], _)
+		->
+			Result = ok(c(c(CTypeName)))
+		;
+			Result = error("invalid backend specification term",
+				InputTerm)
+		)
+	;
 		Result = error("unsupported language specified, unable to parse backend type", InputTerm)
@@ -235,7 +248,7 @@
 		parse_special_il_type_name(String0, ForeignTypeResult)
-		ForeignType = ok(ForeignTypeResult)
+		ForeignType = ok(il(ForeignTypeResult))
 		string__append("class [", String1, String0),
 		string__sub_string_search(String1, "]", Index)
@@ -243,7 +256,7 @@
 		string__left(String1, Index, AssemblyName),
 		string__split(String1, Index + 1, _, TypeNameStr),
 		string_to_sym_name(TypeNameStr, ".", TypeSymName),
-		ForeignType = ok(il(reference, AssemblyName, TypeSymName))
+		ForeignType = ok(il(il(reference, AssemblyName, TypeSymName)))
 		string__append("valuetype [", String1, String0),
 		string__sub_string_search(String1, "]", Index)
@@ -251,7 +264,7 @@
 		string__left(String1, Index, AssemblyName),
 		string__split(String1, Index + 1, _, TypeNameStr),
 		string_to_sym_name(TypeNameStr, ".", TypeSymName),
-		ForeignType = ok(il(value, AssemblyName, TypeSymName))
+		ForeignType = ok(il(il(value, AssemblyName, TypeSymName)))
 		ForeignType = error(
 			"invalid foreign language type description", ErrorTerm)
@@ -260,8 +273,7 @@
 	% Parse all the special assembler names for all the builtin types.
 	% See Parition I 'Built-In Types' (Section 8.2.2) for the list
 	% of all builtin types.
-:- pred parse_special_il_type_name(string::in,
-		foreign_language_type::out) is semidet.
+:- pred parse_special_il_type_name(string::in, il_foreign_type::out) is semidet.
 parse_special_il_type_name("bool", il(value, "mscorlib",
 			qualified(unqualified("System"), "Boolean"))).
Index: foreign/compiler/recompilation.usage.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/recompilation.usage.m,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 recompilation.usage.m
--- foreign/compiler/recompilation.usage.m	20 Mar 2002 12:37:17 -0000	1.1
+++ foreign/compiler/recompilation.usage.m	3 May 2002 17:44:38 -0000
@@ -1045,7 +1045,7 @@
 recompilation__usage__find_items_used_by_type_body(eqv_type(Type)) -->
 recompilation__usage__find_items_used_by_type_body(abstract_type) --> [].
-recompilation__usage__find_items_used_by_type_body(foreign_type(_, _, _)) --> [].
+recompilation__usage__find_items_used_by_type_body(foreign_type(_, _)) --> [].
 :- pred recompilation__usage__find_items_used_by_mode_defn(hlds_mode_defn::in,
 	recompilation_usage_info::in, recompilation_usage_info::out) is det.
Index: foreign/compiler/special_pred.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/special_pred.m,v
retrieving revision 1.31
diff -u -r1.31 special_pred.m
--- foreign/compiler/special_pred.m	23 Apr 2002 17:49:16 -0000	1.31
+++ foreign/compiler/special_pred.m	3 May 2002 17:44:40 -0000
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@
 	% polymorphism__process_generated_pred can't handle calls to
 	% polymorphic procedures after the initial polymorphism pass.
-	Body \= foreign_type(_, _, _),
+	Body \= foreign_type(_, _),
 	% The special predicates for types with user-defined
 	% equality or existentially typed constructors are always
Index: foreign/compiler/term_util.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/term_util.m,v
retrieving revision 1.19
diff -u -r1.19 term_util.m
--- foreign/compiler/term_util.m	20 Mar 2002 12:37:28 -0000	1.19
+++ foreign/compiler/term_util.m	3 May 2002 17:44:40 -0000
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@
 		Weights = Weights0
 		% This type does not introduce any functors
-		TypeBody = foreign_type(_, _, _),
+		TypeBody = foreign_type(_, _),
 		Weights = Weights0
Index: foreign/compiler/type_ctor_info.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/type_ctor_info.m,v
retrieving revision 1.25
diff -u -r1.25 type_ctor_info.m
--- foreign/compiler/type_ctor_info.m	24 Apr 2002 07:37:33 -0000	1.25
+++ foreign/compiler/type_ctor_info.m	3 May 2002 17:44:41 -0000
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
 		TypeTables = [],
 		NumPtags = -1
-		TypeBody = foreign_type(_, _, _),
+		TypeBody = foreign_type(_, _),
 		TypeCtorRep = unknown,
 		NumFunctors = -1,
 		FunctorsInfo = no_functors,
Index: foreign/compiler/unify_proc.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/unify_proc.m,v
retrieving revision 1.107
diff -u -r1.107 unify_proc.m
--- foreign/compiler/unify_proc.m	28 Mar 2002 03:43:45 -0000	1.107
+++ foreign/compiler/unify_proc.m	3 May 2002 17:44:49 -0000
@@ -763,7 +763,7 @@
 		unify_proc__quantify_clauses_body([H1, H2], Goal, Context,
-		{ TypeBody = foreign_type(_, _, _) },
+		{ TypeBody = foreign_type(_, _) },
 		unify_proc__build_call("nyi_foreign_type_unify", [H1, H2],
 				Context, Goal),
 		unify_proc__quantify_clauses_body([H1, H2], Goal, Context,
@@ -819,7 +819,7 @@
 		% invoked.
 		{ error("trying to create index proc for eqv type") }
-		{ TypeBody = foreign_type(_, _, _) },
+		{ TypeBody = foreign_type(_, _) },
 		{ error("trying to create index proc for a foreign type") }
 		{ TypeBody = abstract_type },
@@ -896,7 +896,7 @@
 		unify_proc__quantify_clauses_body([Res, H1, H2], Goal, Context,
-		{ TypeBody = foreign_type(_, _, _) },
+		{ TypeBody = foreign_type(_, _) },
 				[Res, H1, H2], Context, Goal),
 		unify_proc__quantify_clauses_body([Res, H1, H2], Goal, Context,
Index: foreign/doc/reference_manual.texi
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/doc/reference_manual.texi,v
retrieving revision 1.246
diff -u -r1.246 reference_manual.texi
--- foreign/doc/reference_manual.texi	16 Mar 2002 05:37:03 -0000	1.246
+++ foreign/doc/reference_manual.texi	3 May 2002 17:45:27 -0000
@@ -5484,9 +5484,36 @@
 @node Using pragma foreign_type for C
 @subsubsection Using pragma foreign_type for C
-This pragma is currently not supported for C.
+The C @samp{pragma foreign_type} declaration is of the form:
-See the section on using C pointers (@pxref{Using C pointers}) for
+ at example
+:- pragma foreign_type(c, @var{MercuryTypeName}, @var{CForeignType}).
+ at end example
+The @var{CForeignType} can be any C type name that obeys the following
+The following snippet of C code must evaluate to true
+ at code{sizeof(CForeignType) == sizeof(void *)},
+if not the result of using the foreign type is undefined.
+The type name must be such that no part of it is required after a
+variable name to be valid C.
+Function, array and incomplete types are not allowed.
+Currently only integer and pointer types are accepted as foreign_types,
+at a later date we plan to lift this restriction and allow enum, struct
+and float types.
+If the @var{MercuryTypeName} is the type of a parameter of a procedure
+defined using @samp{pragma foreign_proc},
+it will be passed to the foreign_proc's foreign language code
+as @var{CForeignType}.
+ at c XXX This is not currently true.
+ at c Furthermore, any Mercury procedure exported with @samp{pragma export}
+ at c will use @var{CForeignType} as the type for any
+ at c parameters whose Mercury type is @var{MercuryTypeName}.
+Also see the section on using C pointers (@pxref{Using C pointers}) for
 information on how to use the c_pointer type with the C interface.
 @c XXX we should eventually just move that section to here,
 @c presenting it as an alternative to pragma foreign_type.
Index: tests/hard_coded/foreign_type.exp
RCS file: tests/hard_coded/foreign_type.exp
diff -N tests/hard_coded/foreign_type.exp
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ tests/hard_coded/foreign_type.exp	3 May 2002 17:45:28 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Index: tests/hard_coded/foreign_type.m
RCS file: tests/hard_coded/foreign_type.m
diff -N tests/hard_coded/foreign_type.m
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ tests/hard_coded/foreign_type.m	3 May 2002 17:45:28 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+:- module foreign_type.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- type coord.
+:- func new(int, int) = coord.
+:- func x(coord) = int.
+:- func y(coord) = int.
+main -->
+	{ C = new(4, 5) },
+	io__write_string("X:"),
+	io__write_int(x(C)),
+	io__nl,
+	io__write_string("Y:"),
+	io__write_int(y(C)),
+	io__nl.
+% IL implementation
+:- pragma foreign_type(il, coord,
+	"class [foreign_type__csharp_code]coord").
+:- pragma foreign_decl("C#", "
+public class coord {
+	public int x;
+	public int y;
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C#", new(X::in, Y::in) = (C::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure],
+	C = new coord();
+	C.x = X;
+	C.y = Y;
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C#", x(C::in) = (X::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure],
+	X = C.x;
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C#", y(C::in) = (Y::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure],
+	Y = C.y;
+% C implementation
+:- pragma foreign_type(c, coord, "coord *").
+:- pragma foreign_decl(c, "
+typedef struct {
+	int x, y;
+} coord;
+:- pragma foreign_proc(c, new(X::in, Y::in) = (C::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure],
+	C = GC_NEW(coord);
+	C->x = X;
+	C->y = Y;
+:- pragma foreign_proc(c, x(C::in) = (X::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure],
+	X = C->x;
+:- pragma foreign_proc(c, y(C::in) = (Y::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure],
+	Y = C->y;
Index: tests/invalid/Mmakefile
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/invalid/Mmakefile,v
retrieving revision 1.108
diff -u -r1.108 Mmakefile
--- tests/invalid/Mmakefile	25 Mar 2002 21:13:29 -0000	1.108
+++ tests/invalid/Mmakefile	3 May 2002 17:45:28 -0000
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
 	ext_type_bug.m \
 	exported_mode.m \
 	field_syntax_error.m \
+	foreign_type.m \
 	func_errors.m \
 	funcs_as_preds.m \
 	ho_default_func_1.m \
Index: tests/invalid/foreign_type.err_exp
RCS file: tests/invalid/foreign_type.err_exp
diff -N tests/invalid/foreign_type.err_exp
Index: tests/invalid/foreign_type.m
RCS file: tests/invalid/foreign_type.m
diff -N tests/invalid/foreign_type.m
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ tests/invalid/foreign_type.m	3 May 2002 17:45:28 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+:- module foreign_type.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+main -->
+	{ _C = new(1, 2) },
+	{ _E = north },
+	{ _Pi = pi },
+	io__write_string("Success.\n").
+:- pragma foreign_decl(c, "
+typedef enum {
+	north,
+	east,
+	west,
+	south,
+} dirs;
+typedef struct {
+	int x, y;
+} coord;
+:- type dir.
+:- pragma foreign_type(c, dir, "dirs").
+:- type coord.
+:- pragma foreign_type(c, coord, "coord").
+:- type double.
+:- pragma foreign_type(c, double, "double").
+:- func north = dir.
+:- pragma foreign_proc(c, north = (E::out),
+		[will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure], "
+	E = north;
+:- func new(int, int) = coord.
+:- pragma foreign_proc(c, new(X::in, Y::in) = (C::out),
+		[will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure], "
+	C.x = X;
+	C.y = Y;
+:- func pi = double.
+:- pragma foreign_proc(c, pi = (Pi::out),
+		[will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure], "
+	Pi = 3.14;

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