[m-rev.] diff: IL back-end & --high-level-data: generator constructors

Fergus Henderson fjh at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Wed Aug 15 04:40:25 AEST 2001

With this change, I was able to get a version of N-queens
running with --il --high-level-data.

Estimated hours taken: 5
Branches: main

 	Generate constructor functions for all the types generated.

	- Use the right argument types when referring to the constructor,
	  rather than inconsistently assuming that constructors are always
	  nullary but passing arguments to them anyway.
	- Don't pass the secondary tag to the constructor, since the
	  constructor will know what secondary tag to use.
	- Fix a couple of bugs in my previous change where I had
	  put the "castclass" instructions in the wrong place.
	- Change fixup_class_qualifier to make it a little more robust.
	  Don't assume that the pointer in a field instruction
	  will always point to the base class; allow it to point
	  to the derived class.

Workspace: /mnt/venus/home/venus/fjh/ws-venus4/mercury
Index: compiler/mlds_to_il.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mlds_to_il.m,v
retrieving revision 1.74
diff -u -d -r1.74 mlds_to_il.m
--- compiler/mlds_to_il.m	2001/08/14 18:03:15	1.74
+++ compiler/mlds_to_il.m	2001/08/14 18:03:41
@@ -1438,7 +1438,7 @@
 	% 	throw
-	{ NewObjInstr = newobj_constructor(il_commit_class_name) },
+	{ NewObjInstr = newobj_constructor(il_commit_class_name, []) },
 	{ Instrs = tree__list([
@@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@
 	{ Instrs = tree__list([LoadInstrs, instr_node(ldnull), StoreInstrs]) }.
 atomic_statement_to_il(new_object(Target, _MaybeTag, Type, Size, MaybeCtorName,
-		Args, ArgTypes), Instrs) -->
+		Args0, ArgTypes), Instrs) -->
 	DataRep =^ il_data_rep,
@@ -1686,11 +1686,30 @@
 		 	{ ClassName = ClassName0 }
+		{ Type = mlds__generic_env_ptr_type ->
+			ILArgTypes = [],
+			Args = Args0
+		;
+			% It must be a user-defined type.
+			% Skip the secondary tag.
+			% We assume there is always a secondary tag,
+			% since ml_type_gen always generates one
+			% if we have --tags none, which the IL back-end
+			% requires.
+			ArgTypes = [_SecondaryTag | ArgTypes1],
+			Args0 = [_SecondaryTagVal | Args1]
+		->
+			Args = Args1,
+			ILArgTypes = list__map(mlds_type_to_ilds_type(DataRep),
+				ArgTypes1)
+		;
+			sorry(this_file, "newobj without secondary tag")
+		},
 		list__map_foldl(load, Args, ArgsLoadInstrsTrees),
 		{ ArgsLoadInstrs = tree__list(ArgsLoadInstrsTrees) },
 		get_load_store_lval_instrs(Target, LoadMemRefInstrs,
-		{ CallCtor = newobj_constructor(ClassName) },
+		{ CallCtor = newobj_constructor(ClassName, ILArgTypes) },
 		{ Instrs = tree__list([
 			comment_node("new object (call constructor)"),
@@ -1726,7 +1745,7 @@
 		{ Box = (pred(A - T::in, B::out) is det :- 
 			B = unop(box(T), A)   
 		) },
-		{ assoc_list__from_corresponding_lists(Args, ArgTypes,
+		{ assoc_list__from_corresponding_lists(Args0, ArgTypes,
 			ArgsAndTypes) },
 		{ list__map(Box, ArgsAndTypes, BoxedArgs) },
@@ -1772,7 +1791,7 @@
 			]) }
-		).
+	).
 :- func inline_code_to_il_asm(list(target_code_component)) = instr_tree.
 inline_code_to_il_asm([]) = empty.
@@ -3266,11 +3285,13 @@
 		% and which are namespace qualifiers... we first generate
 		% a name for the CtorClass as if it wasn't nested, and then
 		% we call fixup_class_qualifiers to make it correct.
+		% XXX This is a bit of a hack.  It would be nicer for the
+		% MLDS to keep the information around.
 		CtorClassName = mlds_module_name_to_class_name(ModuleName),
-		BaseClassName = mlds_type_to_ilds_class_name(DataRep, ClassType),
-		ClassName = fixup_class_qualifiers(CtorClassName, BaseClassName),
+		PtrClassName = mlds_type_to_ilds_class_name(DataRep, ClassType),
+		ClassName = fixup_class_qualifiers(CtorClassName, PtrClassName),
-			BaseClassName = CtorClassName
+			PtrClassName = CtorClassName
 			CastClassInstrs = empty
@@ -3280,29 +3301,51 @@
 	FieldRef = make_fieldref(FieldILType, ClassName, FieldId).
-	% The CtorClass will be nested inside the BaseClass.
+	% The CtorClass will be nested inside the base class.
 	% But when we initially generate the name, we don't
 	% know that it is nested.  This routine fixes up the
 	% CtorClassName by moving the nested parts into the
 	% third field of the structured_name.
 :- func fixup_class_qualifiers(ilds__class_name, ilds__class_name) =
-fixup_class_qualifiers(CtorClassName0, BaseClassName) = CtorClassName :-
-	BaseClassName  = structured_name(BaseAssembly, BaseClass, BaseNested),
+fixup_class_qualifiers(CtorClassName0, PtrClassName) = CtorClassName :-
+	PtrClassName = structured_name(PtrAssembly, PtrClass, PtrNested),
 	CtorClassName0 = structured_name(CtorAssembly, CtorClass, CtorNested),
-		list__append(BaseClass, NestedClasses, CtorClass),
 		% some sanity checks
-		BaseAssembly = CtorAssembly,
-		BaseNested = [],
+		PtrAssembly = CtorAssembly,
+		PtrNested = [],
 		CtorNested = []
-		CtorClassName = structured_name(CtorAssembly, BaseClass,
+		% The part of the prefix which CtorClass shares with PtrClass
+		% will be the outermost class name; the remainder of CtorClass,
+		% if any, will be a nested class within.
+		% (XXX This relies on the way that ml_type_gen.m generates
+		% the nested MLDS classes for discriminated unions.)
+		common_prefix(CtorClass, PtrClass, OuterClass, NestedClasses, _),
+		CtorClassName = structured_name(CtorAssembly, OuterClass,
 		unexpected(this_file, "fixup_class_qualifiers")
+	% common_prefix(List1, List2, Prefix, Tail1, Tail2):
+	%	List1 = Prefix ++ Tail1,
+	%	List2 = Prefix ++ Tail2.
+:- pred common_prefix(list(T), list(T), list(T), list(T), list(T)).
+:- mode common_prefix(in, in, out, out, out) is det.
+common_prefix([],     Ys,     [],     [],     Ys).
+common_prefix([X|Xs], [],     [],     [X|Xs], []).
+common_prefix([X|Xs], [Y|Ys], Prefix, TailXs, TailYs) :-
+	(if X = Y then
+		common_prefix(Xs, Ys, Prefix1, TailXs, TailYs),
+		Prefix = [X|Prefix1]
+	else
+		TailXs = [X|Xs],
+		TailYs = [Y|Ys],
+		Prefix = []
+	).
 :- pred defn_to_local(mlds_module_name, mlds__defn, 
@@ -3669,7 +3712,7 @@
 :- func call_constructor(ilds__class_name) = instr.
 call_constructor(CtorMemberName) = 
-	call(get_constructor_methoddef(CtorMemberName)).
+	call(get_constructor_methoddef(CtorMemberName, [])).
 :- func throw_unimplemented(string) = instr_tree.
 throw_unimplemented(String) = 
@@ -3680,13 +3723,13 @@
-:- func newobj_constructor(ilds__class_name) = instr.
-newobj_constructor(CtorMemberName) = 
-	newobj(get_constructor_methoddef(CtorMemberName)).
+:- func newobj_constructor(ilds__class_name, list(ilds__type)) = instr.
+newobj_constructor(CtorMemberName, ArgTypes) = 
+	newobj(get_constructor_methoddef(CtorMemberName, ArgTypes)).
-:- func get_constructor_methoddef(ilds__class_name) = methodref.
-get_constructor_methoddef(CtorMemberName) = 
-	get_instance_methodref(CtorMemberName, ctor, void, []).
+:- func get_constructor_methoddef(ilds__class_name, list(ilds__type)) = methodref.
+get_constructor_methoddef(CtorMemberName, ArgTypes) = 
+	get_instance_methodref(CtorMemberName, ctor, void, ArgTypes).
 :- func get_instance_methodref(ilds__class_name, member_name, ret_type,
 		list(ilds__type)) = methodref.
Index: compiler/ml_type_gen.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_type_gen.m,v
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -u -d -r1.11 ml_type_gen.m
--- compiler/ml_type_gen.m	2001/08/12 23:01:16	1.11
+++ compiler/ml_type_gen.m	2001/08/14 18:20:45
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
 :- implementation.
 :- import_module hlds_pred, prog_data, prog_util, type_util, polymorphism.
-:- import_module ml_code_util.
+:- import_module ml_code_util, error_util.
 :- import_module globals, options.
 :- import_module bool, int, string, list, map, std_util, term, require.
@@ -207,6 +207,8 @@
 % Discriminated union types.
+% XXX we ought to optimize the case where there is only one alternative.
 	% For each discriminated union type, we generate an MLDS type of the
@@ -256,6 +258,14 @@
 	%			MR_Word F1;
 	%			MR_Word F2;
 	%			...
+	%			/*
+	%			** A constructor to initialize the fields
+	%			*/
+	%			<ctor1>(MR_Word F1, MR_Word F2, ...) {
+	%				this->F1 = F1;
+	%				this->F2 = F2;
+	%				...
+	%			}
 	%		};
 	%		static class <ctor2> : public <ClassName>::tag_type {
 	%		public:
@@ -331,8 +341,9 @@
 	% generate the nested derived classes for the constructors
-	list__foldl(ml_gen_du_ctor_type(ModuleInfo, BaseClassId, TagClassId,
-		TypeDefn, TagValues), Ctors, [], CtorMembers),
+	list__foldl(ml_gen_du_ctor_type(ModuleInfo, BaseClassId,
+		BaseClassQualifier, TagClassId, TypeDefn, TagValues),
+		Ctors, [], CtorMembers),
 	% the base class doesn't import or inherit anything
 	Imports = [],
@@ -439,13 +450,13 @@
 	% Generate a definition for the class corresponding to
 	% a constructor of a discriminated union type.
-:- pred ml_gen_du_ctor_type(module_info, mlds__class_id, mlds__class_id,
-		hlds_type_defn, cons_tag_values, constructor,
+:- pred ml_gen_du_ctor_type(module_info, mlds__class_id, mlds_module_name,
+		mlds__class_id, hlds_type_defn, cons_tag_values, constructor,
 		mlds__defns, mlds__defns).
-:- mode ml_gen_du_ctor_type(in, in, in, in, in, in, in, out) is det.
+:- mode ml_gen_du_ctor_type(in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, out) is det.
-ml_gen_du_ctor_type(ModuleInfo, BaseClassId, SecondaryTagClassId,
-		TypeDefn, ConsTagValues, Ctor,
+ml_gen_du_ctor_type(ModuleInfo, BaseClassId, BaseClassQualifier,
+		SecondaryTagClassId, TypeDefn, ConsTagValues, Ctor,
 		MLDS_Defns0, MLDS_Defns) :-
 	Ctor = ctor(ExistQTVars, Constraints, CtorName, Args),
@@ -492,16 +503,28 @@
 	% we inherit either the base class for this type,
 	% or the secondary tag class, depending on whether
 	% we need a secondary tag
-	( ml_uses_secondary_tag(ConsTagValues, Ctor, _) ->
-		ParentClassId = SecondaryTagClassId
+	( ml_uses_secondary_tag(ConsTagValues, Ctor, TagVal) ->
+		ParentClassId = SecondaryTagClassId,
+		MaybeTagVal = yes(TagVal)
-		ParentClassId = BaseClassId
+		ParentClassId = BaseClassId,
+		MaybeTagVal = no
 	Imports = [],
 	Inherits = [ParentClassId],
 	Implements = [],
-	Ctors = [],
+	% generate a constructor function to initialize the fields
+	%
+	CtorClassType = mlds__class_type(qual(BaseClassQualifier, CtorClassName),
+			CtorArity, mlds__class),
+	CtorClassQualifier = mlds__append_class_qualifier(
+			BaseClassQualifier, CtorClassName, CtorArity),
+	CtorFunction = gen_constructor_function(BaseClassId, CtorClassType,
+		CtorClassQualifier, SecondaryTagClassId, MaybeTagVal, Members,
+		MLDS_Context),
+	Ctors = [CtorFunction],
 	% put it all together
 	MLDS_TypeName = type(CtorClassName, CtorArity),
 	MLDS_TypeFlags = ml_gen_type_decl_flags,
@@ -512,6 +535,97 @@
 	MLDS_Defns = [MLDS_TypeDefn | MLDS_Defns0].
+:- func gen_constructor_function(mlds__class_id, mlds__type, mlds_module_name,
+		mlds__class_id, maybe(int), mlds__defns, mlds__context) =
+		mlds__defn.
+gen_constructor_function(BaseClassId, ClassType, ClassQualifier,
+		SecondaryTagClassId, MaybeTag, Members, Context) = CtorDefn :-
+	Args = list__map(make_arg, Members),
+	ReturnValues = [],
+	InitMembers0 = list__map(gen_init_field(BaseClassId,
+			ClassType, ClassQualifier), Members),
+	(
+		MaybeTag = yes(TagVal)
+	->
+		InitTag = gen_init_tag(ClassType, SecondaryTagClassId, TagVal,
+			Context),
+		InitMembers = [InitTag | InitMembers0]
+	;
+		InitMembers = InitMembers0
+	),
+	Stmt = mlds__statement(block([], InitMembers), Context),
+	Ctor = mlds__function(no, func_params(Args, ReturnValues),
+			defined_here(Stmt)),
+	CtorFlags = init_decl_flags(public, per_instance, non_virtual,
+			overridable, modifiable, concrete),
+		% Note that the name of constructor is
+		% determined by the backend convention.
+	CtorDefn = mlds__defn(export("<constructor>"), Context, CtorFlags, Ctor).
+	% Get the name and type from the field definition,
+	% for use as a constructor argument name and type.
+:- func make_arg(mlds__defn) = pair(mlds__entity_name, mlds__type) is det.
+make_arg(mlds__defn(Name, _Context, _Flags, Defn)) = Name - Type :-
+	( Defn = data(Type0, _Init) ->
+		Type = Type0
+	;
+		unexpected(this_file, "make_arg: non-data member")
+	).
+	% Generate "this-><fieldname> = <fieldname>;".
+:- func gen_init_field(mlds__class_id, mlds__type, mlds_module_name, mlds__defn)
+		= mlds__statement is det.
+gen_init_field(BaseClassId, ClassType, ClassQualifier, Member) = Statement :-
+	Member = mlds__defn(EntityName, Context, _Flags, Defn),
+	( Defn = data(Type0, _Init) ->
+		Type = Type0
+	;
+		unexpected(this_file, "gen_init_field: non-data member")
+	),
+	(
+		EntityName = data(var(VarName0)),
+		VarName0 = mlds__var_name(Name0, no)
+	->
+		Name = Name0,
+		VarName = VarName0
+	;
+		unexpected(this_file, "gen_init_field: non-var member")
+	),
+	Param = mlds__lval(mlds__var(qual(ClassQualifier, VarName), Type)),
+	Field = mlds__field(yes(0), self(ClassType),
+			named_field(qual(ClassQualifier, Name),
+				mlds__ptr_type(ClassType)),
+				% XXX we should use ClassType rather than
+				% BaseClassId here.  But doing so breaks the
+				% IL back-end, because then the hack in
+				% fixup_class_qualifiers doesn't work.
+			Type, BaseClassId),
+	Statement = mlds__statement(atomic(assign(Field, Param)), Context).
+	% Generate "this->data_tag = <TagVal>;".
+:- func gen_init_tag(mlds__type, mlds__class_id, int, mlds__context) =
+		mlds__statement is det.
+gen_init_tag(ClassType, SecondaryTagClassId, TagVal, Context) = Statement :-
+	( SecondaryTagClassId = mlds__class_type(TagClass, TagArity, _) ->
+		TagClass = qual(BaseClassQualifier, TagClassName),
+		TagClassQualifier = mlds__append_class_qualifier(
+				BaseClassQualifier, TagClassName, TagArity)
+	;
+		unexpected(this_file, "gen_init_tag: class_id should be a class")
+	),
+	Name = "data_tag",
+	Type = mlds__native_int_type,
+	Val = const(int_const(TagVal)),
+	Field = mlds__field(yes(0), self(ClassType),
+			named_field(qual(TagClassQualifier, Name),
+				mlds__ptr_type(SecondaryTagClassId)),
+			Type, ClassType),
+	Statement = mlds__statement(atomic(assign(Field, Val)), Context).
 :- pred ml_gen_typeclass_info_member(module_info, prog_context,
 		class_constraint, mlds__defn, int, int).
 :- mode ml_gen_typeclass_info_member(in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
@@ -519,8 +633,7 @@
 ml_gen_typeclass_info_member(ModuleInfo, Context, Constraint, MLDS_Defn,
 		ArgNum0, ArgNum) :-
 	polymorphism__build_typeclass_info_type(Constraint, Type),
-	ml_gen_field(ModuleInfo, Context, no, Type, MLDS_Defn,
-		ArgNum0, ArgNum).
+	ml_gen_field(ModuleInfo, Context, no, Type, MLDS_Defn, ArgNum0, ArgNum).
 :- pred ml_gen_type_info_member(module_info, prog_context, tvar, mlds__defn,
 		int, int).
@@ -635,5 +748,13 @@
 	Abstractness = concrete,
 	MLDS_DeclFlags = init_decl_flags(Access, PerInstance,
 		Virtuality, Finality, Constness, Abstractness).
+:- func this_file = string.
+this_file = "ml_type_gen.m".
+:- end_module ml_type_gen.

Fergus Henderson <fjh at cs.mu.oz.au>  |  "I have always known that the pursuit
The University of Melbourne         |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
WWW: <http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~fjh>  |     -- the last words of T. S. Garp.
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