[m-dev.] Determining which grades an installed Mercury compiler supports

Julien Fischer jfischer at opturion.com
Thu Jul 19 10:54:44 AEST 2018

On Wed, 18 Jul 2018, Zoltan Somogyi wrote:

>> Strictly speaking, these issues are more related to bundling Mercury 
>> with package manager than being inherent to Mercury itself. But both of 
>> these issues make me wonder if there is a more resilient way of 
>> determining which grades the compiler supports.
> We could bake into the compiler the list of the grades that were configured
> to be installed at the time the compiler executable was itself created.
> However, that would still be vulnerable to parts of the install directory
> being overwritten later.

I spent a fair amount of time *removing* such "baking in" around a
decade ago; I'm not particularly inclined to add it back.  (The idea
back then, was that we could have tool that would compile and install
additional library grades on demand.)


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