[m-dev.] thread.spawn_native

Peter Wang novalazy at gmail.com
Tue Jun 10 18:09:06 AEST 2014

On Tue, 10 Jun 2014 17:06:21 +1000, Paul Bone <paul at bone.id.au> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 04:34:47PM +1000, Peter Wang wrote:
> > 
> > The proposal is unclear to me.
> > 
> > Let's say the annotation is called `may_not_migrate'.  If a Mercury
> > context calls a `may_not_migrate' foreign proc, then it is permanently
> > tied to some Mercury engine (OS thread) from then on?  Presumably the
> > foreign proc is executed directly in that OS thread, and not rerouted to
> > an IO thread as in the case of blocking foreign procs.  Otherwise, it
> > would not solve the API issue.
> > 
> > Where does the Mercury engine come from?  If the number of Mercury
> > engines is fixed, doesn't it mean that a blocking `may_not_migrate'
> > foreign proc will prevent progress of other Mercury threads?  Or can
> > `may_not_migrate' foreign procs not block?
> > 
> > Can two Mercury contexts be bound to the same Mercury engine?
> > Presumably so, if the number of Mercury engines is fixed.
> > But then one context could stomp on the thread-local state expected
> > by another context.
> Good point.  Previously I hadn't thought about how these two features would
> interact.  Because there's no clear way to find out aheas of time if any of
> the foreign calls will block or not, then any may_not_migrate calls must be
> done on an IO Worker thread (A pthread that is not part of the mormal set of
> Mercury Engines).

That's how I initially interpreted your proposal.

What happens for a may_not_migrate, may_call_mercury foreign proc?
Presumably the foreign code in the IO worker will need to arrange
for the Mercury proc to be executed by one of the fixed number Mercury
engines, and wait for the result.  If the Mercury proc calls
another `may_not_migrate' foreign proc, it deadlocks?

> Yes, my intention is that multiple contexts could be bound to the same
> Mercury engine.  I beleive the managment of a thread-local state that's used
> by foreign code is the responsability of the foreign code.  Mercury cannot
> protect some foreign code from stepping on some other foreign code's state.

That severely reduces the value of a may_not_migrate annotation.
I don't know how you could practically use any API that depends on
OS-thread-state then, except one thread at a time.

> > > 
> > > What if your explicit concurrency thread executes a parallel conjunction? or
> > > is executed by a parallel conjunction.  We at least have to accept the
> > > possibility.
> > 
> > Right, any explicit concurrency thread (of which the main thread is one)
> > should be able to make goals available for execution by the parallel
> > execution workers.  And the problem is that a parallel conjunct could
> > (indirectly) call a foreign proc which has a requirement to be executed
> > on a particular Mercury engine (OS thread).
> There is nothing special about either the engines that are used to execute
> sparks and contexts created by parallel conjunctions, nor is there anything
> special about the sparks or contexts themselves.  So "parallel execution
> worker" doesn't really mean anything, it's just any Mercury engine.

As I said:

    I don't see conceptually why threads for parallel execution should
    overlap with explicit concurrency threads.

That is, there could be separate classes of Mercury engines if
necessary.  A fixed number of "parallel execution workers" created at
startup, but also other Mercury engines created explicitly by

> > It seems solvable.  When the parallel worker hits a foreign proc (say,
> > with the `may_not_migrate' annotation) it should be able to make the
> > work available to be picked up by the original Mercury engine.  I think
> > that would be as if the parallel conjunct never left the original
> > Mercury engine?
> I think that idea works.  There is already support for handing work to specific
> engines, it's used when a foreign call calls some Mercury code, then returns
> back through the C code, it arranges for that return to be done on the
> engine that originally made the foreign call so that it can use the same C
> stack frame.
> However if all may_not_migrate calls are made on IO workers then no
> migration is necessary.

Rather, migration is always necessary for may_not_migrate ;)

> > Blocking foreign procs should not be executed in a parallel worker
> > either.
> As above, this is true for any Mercury Engine.

Not in a model where thread.spawn_native exists.  It creates a Mercury
engine dedicated to executing code of a particular Mercury context --
including the blocking foreign procs.


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