[m-dev.] diff: fix variants display on the shopper screen.

Peter Ross pro at missioncriticalit.com
Wed Nov 17 19:55:14 AEDT 2004



Coverages with variants used to be represented by an intial selection
to choose the coverage and then a secondary selection to choose which
variant one wants.  This change removes the intial selection.

	Remove the intial boolean question for a coverage with

Index: mas.m
RCS file: D:/project/CVSROOT/mas-src/mas/mas.m,v
retrieving revision 1.72
diff -u -r1.72 mas.m
--- mas.m	16 Nov 2004 17:28:51 -0000	1.72
+++ mas.m	17 Nov 2004 08:50:57 -0000
@@ -418,10 +418,6 @@
     DependsOn = no,
     NeededFor = tariffication,
-    RiskVarTypeA = boolean,
-    QA = initial_question(GuaranteeName,
-            TariffId, InProduct, GuaranteeId, RiskVarTypeA),
     EmptyText = name("", "", ""),
     Choices = list__map(option_to_variant_choice, Opts),
@@ -438,17 +434,8 @@
     QB = question(EmptyText, Priority, DependsOn, NeededFor, RiskVarB),
-    !:Questions = [QA, QB | !.Questions],
-    Body =
-        "var depend = document.getElementById(" ++
-                "'" ++ RiskVarId ++ "Opts" ++ "');" ++
-        "if (this.getValue() == 'TRUE') {" ++
-            "depend.enable();" ++
-        "} else {" ++
-            "depend.disable();" ++
-        "}",
-    !:Javascript = [function("Action_" ++ RiskVarId, [], Body),
-                    function("Action_" ++ RiskVarId ++ "Opts", [], "") |
+    !:Questions = [QB | !.Questions],
+    !:Javascript = [function("Action_" ++ RiskVarId ++ "Opts", [], "") |
 :- func initial_question(name,

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