No subject

Tyson Dowd trd at
Fri Oct 13 16:33:26 AEDT 2000


Here are the minutes from the meeting we just had.


Estimated hours taken: 0.5

	Write up minutes from this meeting and add them to the web page.

Index: information/reports/minutes_13_10_00.html
RCS file: minutes_13_10_00.html
diff -N minutes_13_10_00.html
--- /dev/null	Wed Jul 26 16:10:00 2000
+++ minutes_13_10_00.html	Fri Oct 13 16:30:38 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+We had a meeting of the Mercury group on Fri Oct 13, 3:15pm to 4:05pm.
+	David Jeffery <dgj>
+	David Overton <dmo>
+	Mark Brown <dougl>
+	Zoltan Somogyi <zs>
+	Tyson Dowd <trd>
+	Fergus Henderson <fjh>
+	Simon Taylor <stayl>
+1.  Progress reports.
+	We went around the table, with each person in turn discussing what
+	they had been working on recently and/or what they were planning
+	to work on.
+	David Jeffery <dgj>:
+		- Has been working on a paper on existential types (with fjh).
+		- Has been debugging the typeclass bug reported by Nancy
+		  Mazur (which is the same bug as was previously
+		  reported by Tom Conway).
+	David Overton <dmo>:
+		- Had been finished off the change to support polymorphic modes
+		  (i.e. allowing inst variables which can be instantatied
+		  to any ground inst in mode declarations).
+		  This will be committed soon (although it still suffers
+		  from performance problems which may be an impediment
+		  to using it widely).
+		- Has been working on getting higher order working in
+		  the new modechecker.
+	Mark Brown <dougl>:
+		- Has been working on extending the debuggers support
+		  for parameter passing to the browser.
+		- Some discussion ensued about how to implement
+		  persistent parameters for browsing preferences.
+		- Decided to implement a system where you could change
+		  preferences inside the main debugger, or inside the 
+		  browser, and such changes would be persistent.  
+		  Later support could be added for making non-persistent
+		  changes.
+	Zoltan Somogyi <zs>:
+		Nothing particular to report.
+	Tyson Dowd <trd>
+		Has been working on the IL back-end changes which have
+		now all been reviewed.
+		Some discussion about how it isn't yet possible to
+		bootstrap because of the missing library components
+		(parts written in C don't run out of the box on .NET)
+		Tyson mentioned that Mission Critical was interested in
+		help us port the library to C# (or some backend) for the
+		.NET port.  
+	Simon Taylor <stayl>
+		Simon has been working on Aditi, and gave some
+		information on what tasks still need to be completed
+		before Aditi could be released.
+	Fergus Henderson <fjh>
+		- Has been busy refereeing papers and reviewing
+		  changes.
+		- Was interviewed by a journalist recently.
+Minutes taken by Tyson Dowd <trd at>.
Index: news/
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/w3/news/,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2
--- news/	2000/10/11 11:23:44	1.2
+++ news/	2000/10/13 05:27:04
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
 $reportsdb = array(
+	"13 Oct 2000" => 
+		array("minutes_13_10_00.html", "Mercury Meeting Minutes"),
 	"6 Oct 2000" => 
 		array("minutes_06_10_00.html", "Mercury Meeting Minutes"),
 	"29 Sep 2000" => 

       Tyson Dowd           # 
                            #  Surreal humour isn't everyone's cup of fur.
     trd at        # #
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