[m-dev.] for review: Add "moose" to extras.

Tyson Dowd trd at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Fri May 19 17:03:19 AEST 2000


Tom has written a parser generator for Mercury called "moose".
I recently used this to implement a parser for all of C, and it works
pretty well.

I added some code to generalize the "actions" -- each action now
generates a type class method in the parser_state type class.
One method must be provided in every parser_state, and that is the
"get_token" method.  This way you can pass a parser state along that is
as complicated as you like, just make it an instance of the type
class.  Also you can re-use the same parser with different instances of
parser_state to do different tasks. 

Everything else is Tom's work.  Outstanding issues before I commit:
	- licensing (GPL I guess, but it's polite to ask first)
	- finding out how much time Tom spent on this.  
	- is the TODO document up-to-date

If anyone feels like reviewing this:

There is no documentation and almost no comments in the code. 
However most of it is similar to the LR parser stuff in the Dragon book.
There are some examples.  I have a C parser that I will add to extras
soon, it will probably provide a pretty good example of what you can do
with this system.  I don't intend to write documentation or add comments
to the code.


Estimated hours taken: 5 (+ unknown hours by Tom) 

Add moose, the Mercury parser generator.

	A list of known bugs.
	Things that still need to be done.

	Some samples (which form the only real documentation for moose
	at this time).

Index: BUGS
RCS file: BUGS
diff -N BUGS
--- /dev/null	Tue May 16 14:50:59 2000
+++ BUGS	Thu May 18 23:02:30 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Doesn't give good error messages if :- action is used but the rule
+doesn't exist. 
+Doesn't give good error messages for misplaced semicolons.
+	:- rule init_declarator(init_declarator).
+	init_declarator(init_declarator(D, Init)) --->
+        	  declarator(D) ; { Init = no }.
Index: Mmakefile
RCS file: Mmakefile
diff -N Mmakefile
--- /dev/null	Tue May 16 14:50:59 2000
+++ Mmakefile	Thu May 18 23:02:30 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# GRADE = asm_fast.gc.debug
+# GRADE = asm_fast.gc.prof
+# MCFLAGS = -O6
+# MCFLAGS = --intermodule-optimization -O6
+default_target : moose
+depend : moose.depend
Index: TODO
RCS file: TODO
diff -N TODO
--- /dev/null	Tue May 16 14:50:59 2000
+++ TODO	Thu May 18 23:02:30 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+To make moose useful:
+	- use fact tables or at least split the action table into
+	  separate shift and reduce tables so that the Mercury compiler
+	  doesn't choke.
+	- construct canonical LR or LALR tables rather than SLR tables.
+Cosmetic improvements:
+	- handle errors in the input better by faking declarations for
+	  undeclared productions; faking a clause for declared nonterminals
+	  with no clauses ; faking declarations and a clause (eg A -> epsilon)
+	  for nonterminals that get used but have no clauses and no
+	  declaration.
+	- provide the ability to dump a list of the terminal symbols.
+	- make the various dumps go to files other than the .m file.
+Wish list:
+	- introduce new nonterminals for disjunctions in productions.
+	  This is quite difficult because it requres correct computation
+	  of the nonlocal variables of goals (including all the nasty
+	  cases like pred expressions).
+	- Implement the groovey PDA algorithms suggested by Andrew.
+	- compile away the tables.
Index: check.m
RCS file: check.m
diff -N check.m
--- /dev/null	Tue May 16 14:50:59 2000
+++ check.m	Sat May  6 18:29:00 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+% file: check.m
+% main author: conway,	November 1998
+% This module implements various checking predicates for checking the
+% input to moose. It checks for the following things:
+%	- duplicate rule declarations.
+%	- declared rules with no productions.
+%	- productions with no rule declaraion.
+%	- nonterminals with no rule declaraion.
+%	- productions that are not connected to the start rule.
+%	- productions that have no finite derivations.
+% Unfortunately, we don't do anything about these yet. We should attempt
+% to correct these errors so that we can look for later errors.
+:- module check.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module grammar.
+:- import_module io, list, string, term.
+:- type check:error
+	--->	error(list(string), context).
+:- pred check_rule_decls(list(rule_decl), rule_decls, list(check:error)).
+:- mode check_rule_decls(in, out, out) is det.
+:- pred check_clauses(list(clause), rule_decls, clauses, list(check:error)).
+:- mode check_clauses(in, in, out, out) is det.
+:- pred check_useless(nonterminal, clauses, rule_decls, list(check:error)).
+:- mode check_useless(in, in, in, out) is det.
+:- pred check_inf_derivations(clauses, rule_decls, list(check:error)).
+:- mode check_inf_derivations(in, in, out) is det.
+	% write an error message to stderr.
+:- pred write_error(check:error, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode write_error(in, di, uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module misc.
+:- import_module map, require, set, std_util.
+check_rule_decls(DeclList, Decls, Errors) :-
+	init(Decls0),
+	check_rule_decls(DeclList, Decls0, Decls, Errors).
+:- pred check_rule_decls(list(rule_decl), rule_decls, rule_decls,
+		list(check:error)).
+:- mode check_rule_decls(in, in, out, out) is det.
+check_rule_decls([], Decls, Decls, []).
+check_rule_decls([Decl|DeclList], Decls0, Decls, Errors) :-
+	Decl = rule(DeclId, _Args, _VarSet, DeclContext),
+		% Look to see if we already have a declaration for this rule.
+	( search(Decls0, DeclId, PrevDecl) ->
+		PrevDecl = rule(_, _, _, PrevDeclContext),
+		id(DeclId, Name, Arity),
+		format("The previous declaration for %s/%d is here.",
+			[s(Name), i(Arity)], Msg0),
+		Err0 = error([Msg0], PrevDeclContext),
+		format("Duplicate declaration for %s/%d.",
+			[s(Name), i(Arity)], Msg1),
+		Err1 = error([Msg1], DeclContext),
+		Errors = [Err0, Err1|Errors0],
+		check_rule_decls(DeclList, Decls0, Decls, Errors0)
+	;
+		set(Decls0, DeclId, Decl, Decls1),
+		check_rule_decls(DeclList, Decls1, Decls, Errors)
+	).
+check_clauses(ClauseList, Decls, Clauses, Errors) :-
+	init(Clauses0),
+	check_clauses0(ClauseList, Decls, Clauses0, Clauses, Errors0),
+	keys(Decls, DeclIds),
+	set__sorted_list_to_set(DeclIds, DeclSet),
+	keys(Clauses, ClauseIds),
+	set__sorted_list_to_set(ClauseIds, ClauseSet),
+	NoDeclSet = ClauseSet - DeclSet,
+	NoClauseSet = DeclSet - ClauseSet,
+		% Productions that have no rule declaration.
+	set__to_sorted_list(NoDeclSet, NoDeclList),
+	map((pred(NoDeclId::in, NoDeclError::out) is det :-
+		lookup(Clauses, NoDeclId, List),
+		( List = [clause(_, _, _, NoDeclContext)|_] ->
+			id(NoDeclId, NoDeclName, NoDeclArity),
+			format("No rule declaration for %s/%d.",
+				[s(NoDeclName), i(NoDeclArity)], NoDeclMsg),
+			NoDeclError = error([NoDeclMsg], NoDeclContext)
+		;
+			error("check_clauses: no clause ids")
+		)
+	), NoDeclList, Errors1),
+		% Rules that have no productions.
+	set__to_sorted_list(NoClauseSet, NoClauseList),
+	map((pred(NoClauseId::in, NoClauseError::out) is det :-
+		lookup(Decls, NoClauseId, Decl),
+		Decl = rule(_, _, _, NoClauseContext),
+		id(NoClauseId, NoClauseName, NoClauseArity),
+		format("No productions for %s/%d.",
+			[s(NoClauseName), i(NoClauseArity)], NoClauseMsg),
+		NoClauseError = error([NoClauseMsg], NoClauseContext)
+	), NoClauseList, Errors2),
+	condense([Errors0, Errors1, Errors2], Errors).
+:- pred check_clauses0(list(clause), rule_decls, clauses, clauses,
+		list(check:error)).
+:- mode check_clauses0(in, in, in, out, out) is det.
+check_clauses0([], _Decls, Clauses, Clauses, []).
+check_clauses0([Clause|ClauseList], Decls, Clauses0, Clauses, Errors) :-
+	Clause = clause(Head, Prod, _, Context),
+	Id = nonterminal(Head),
+	( search(Clauses0, Id, ClauseList0) ->
+		append(ClauseList0, [Clause], ClauseList1)
+	;
+		ClauseList1 = [Clause]
+	),
+	set(Clauses0, Id, ClauseList1, Clauses1),
+		% Look for used nonterminals that are not declared.
+	solutions((pred(NonTermId::out) is nondet :-
+			% XXX performance
+		nonterminals(Prod, NonTermIds),
+		member(NonTermId, NonTermIds),
+		not contains(Decls, NonTermId)
+	), UnDeclaredIds),
+	map((pred(UnDeclaredId::in, UnDeclaredError::out) is det :-
+		id(Id, CN, CA),
+		id(UnDeclaredId, NN, NA),
+		format("In production for %s/%d,", [s(CN), i(CA)], Msg0),
+		format("  the nonterminal %s/%d is undeclared.",
+			[s(NN), i(NA)], Msg1),
+		UnDeclaredError = error([Msg0, Msg1], Context)
+	), UnDeclaredIds, Errors0),
+	(
+		Errors0 = [],
+		check_clauses0(ClauseList, Decls, Clauses1, Clauses, Errors)
+	;
+			% Not tail recursive, so only do it if we have to.
+		Errors0 = [_|_],
+		check_clauses0(ClauseList, Decls, Clauses1, Clauses, Errors1),
+		append(Errors0, Errors1, Errors)
+	).
+check_useless(Start, Clauses, Decls, Errors) :-
+	StartSet = { Start }, 
+	useful(StartSet, Clauses, StartSet, UsefulSet),
+	map__keys(Clauses, AllIds),
+	set__sorted_list_to_set(AllIds, AllSet),
+	UselessSet = AllSet - UsefulSet,
+	set__to_sorted_list(UselessSet, UselessList),
+	filter_map((pred(UselessId::in, Error::out) is semidet :-
+			% Use search rather than lookup in case
+			% it was an undeclared rule.
+		search(Decls, UselessId, Decl),
+		Decl = rule(_Id, _Args, _VarSet, Context),
+		UselessId = Name / Arity,
+		format("Grammar rule %s/%d is not used.", [s(Name), i(Arity)],
+			Msg),
+		Error = error([Msg], Context)
+	), UselessList, Errors).
+	% Perform a fixpoint computation to find all the nonterminals
+	% that are reachable from the start symbol.
+:- pred useful(set(nonterminal), clauses, set(nonterminal), set(nonterminal)).
+:- mode useful(in, in, in, out) is det.
+useful(New0, Clauses, Useful0, Useful) :-
+	( empty(New0) ->
+		Useful = Useful0
+	;
+		solutions_set((pred(UId::out) is nondet :-
+			member(Id, New0),
+			search(Clauses, Id, ClauseList),
+			member(Clause, ClauseList),
+			Clause = clause(_Head, Prod, _VarSet, _Context),
+			nonterminal(UId, Prod)
+		), NewSet),
+		New1 = NewSet - Useful0,
+		Useful1 = New1 \/ Useful0,
+		useful(New1, Clauses, Useful1, Useful)
+	).
+:- pred nonterminal(nonterminal, prod).
+:- mode nonterminal(out, in) is nondet.
+nonterminal(nonterminal(Term), nonterminal(Term)).
+nonterminal(NonTerminal, (A, B)) :-
+	(
+		nonterminal(NonTerminal, A)
+	;
+		nonterminal(NonTerminal, B)
+	).
+nonterminal(NonTerminal, (A ; B)) :-
+	(
+		nonterminal(NonTerminal, A)
+	;
+		nonterminal(NonTerminal, B)
+	).
+check_inf_derivations(Clauses, Decls, Errors) :-
+	map__keys(Clauses, AllIds),
+	set__sorted_list_to_set(AllIds, InfSet0),
+	init(FinSet0),
+	finite(InfSet0, FinSet0, Clauses, InfSet),
+	set__to_sorted_list(InfSet, InfList),
+	filter_map((pred(InfId::in, Error::out) is semidet :-
+			% Use search rather than lookup in case
+			% it was an undeclared rule.
+		search(Decls, InfId, Decl),
+		Decl = rule(_Id, _Args, _VarSet, Context),
+		InfId = Name / Arity,
+		format("Rule %s/%d does not have any finite derivations.",
+			[s(Name), i(Arity)], Msg),
+		Error = error([Msg], Context)
+	), InfList, Errors).
+:- pred finite(set(nonterminal), set(nonterminal), clauses, set(nonterminal)).
+:- mode finite(in, in, in, out) is det.
+finite(Inf0, Fin0, Clauses, Inf) :-
+	solutions_set((pred(NewFinId::out) is nondet :-
+		member(NewFinId, Inf0),
+			% search rather than lookup in case the nonterminal
+			% doesn't have any clauses. This may lead to
+			% spurious infinite derivations.
+		search(Clauses, NewFinId, ClauseList),
+		member(Clause, ClauseList),
+		Clause = clause(_Head, Prod, _VarSet, _Context),
+		nonterminals(Prod, NonTerms),
+		(
+			NonTerms = []
+		;
+			NonTerms = [_|_],
+			all [NId] (
+				member(NId, NonTerms) => member(NId, Fin0)
+			)
+		)
+	), NewFinSet),
+	NewFin = NewFinSet - Fin0,
+	( empty(NewFin) ->
+		Inf = Inf0
+	;
+		Inf1 = Inf0 - NewFin,
+		Fin1 = Fin0 \/ NewFin,
+		finite(Inf1, Fin1, Clauses, Inf)
+	).
+:- pred nonterminals(prod, list(nonterminal)).
+:- mode nonterminals(in, out) is nondet.
+nonterminals([], []).
+nonterminals(terminal(_), []).
+nonterminals(nonterminal(Term), [nonterminal(Term)]).
+nonterminals((A, B), Syms) :-
+	nonterminals(A, ASyms),
+	nonterminals(B, BSyms),
+	append(ASyms, BSyms, Syms).
+nonterminals((A ; _B), Syms) :-
+	nonterminals(A, Syms).
+nonterminals((_A ; B), Syms) :-
+	nonterminals(B, Syms).
+nonterminals(action(_), []).
+:- pred id(nonterminal, name, arity) is det.
+:- mode id(in, out, out) is det.
+id(Name/Arity, Name, Arity).
+id(start, _, _) :-
+	error("id: unexpected start").
+write_error(error(MsgLines, Context)) -->
+	{ Context = context(File, Line) },
+	{ format("%s:%d: ", [s(File), i(Line)], ContextMsg) },
+	stderr_stream(StdErr),
+	foldl((pred(Msg::in, di, uo) is det -->
+		write_string(StdErr, ContextMsg),
+		write_string(StdErr, Msg),
+		nl(StdErr)
+	), MsgLines).
Index: grammar.m
RCS file: grammar.m
diff -N grammar.m
--- /dev/null	Tue May 16 14:50:59 2000
+++ grammar.m	Sat May  6 18:29:00 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,700 @@
+% file: grammar.m
+% main author: conway,	November 1998
+% This module defines the representation(s) of grammars that moose uses
+% to construct parsers.
+:- module grammar.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module misc.
+:- import_module array, list, map, set, term, varset.
+:- type grammar	
+	--->	grammar(
+			rules,
+			clauses,
+			xforms,
+			int,		% Next nonterminal
+			index,		% Rule index
+			first,
+			follow
+		).
+	% index maps from each nonterminal to the list (set) of normalized
+	% rules for that nonterminal.
+:- type index	== map(nonterminal, list(int)).
+:- type clauses	== map(nonterminal, list(clause)).
+:- type (clause)
+	--->	clause(
+			term,	% Head
+			prod,	% body
+			varset,
+			context % Context of the `--->'
+		).
+:- type prod
+	--->	terminal(term)
+	;	nonterminal(term)
+	;	( prod , prod )
+	;	{ prod ;  prod }
+	;	action(term)
+	;	[]	% epsilon
+	.
+:- type name == string.
+:- type arity == int.
+:- type terminal
+	--->	epsilon	% epsilon isn't really a terminal, but it avoids the
+			% need for wrappers in the FIRST(alpha) situations.
+	;	(name / arity)
+	;	($)	% the special end-of-input symbol
+	;	(*)	% the dummy symbol used for lookahead computation.
+	.
+:- type nonterminal
+	--->	start	% S' - the distinguished start symbol. Will always
+			% correspond to prodnum == 0.
+	;	(name / arity)
+	.
+:- type symbol
+	--->	terminal(terminal)
+	;	nonterminal(nonterminal)
+	.
+:- type symbols	== array(symbol).
+:- type bodyterm
+	--->	terminal(term)
+	;	nonterminal(term)
+	.
+:- type rule_decls == map(nonterminal, rule_decl).
+:- type rule_decl
+	--->	rule(
+			nonterminal,	% Name/Arity
+			list(term),	% types of the attributes
+			varset,		% type variables of the attributes
+			context		% context of the declaration.
+		).
+:- type rules	== (int -> (rule)).
+:- type (rule)
+	--->	rule(
+			nonterminal,	% the nonterm that this rule belongs to
+			term,		% Head
+			symbols,	% Body
+			list(bodyterm),	% NTs with their arguments
+			list(term),	% Actions
+			varset,
+			context		% context from the clause.
+		).
+:- type xform
+	--->	xform(
+			nonterminal,
+			string
+		).
+:- type xforms	==	(nonterminal -> xform).
+:- type first	==	(nonterminal -> set(terminal)).
+:- type follow	==	(nonterminal -> set(terminal)).
+:- type state	== int.
+:- type action
+	--->	accept
+	;	shift(int)
+	;	reduce(int)
+	.
+:- type actiontable == (state -> terminal -> action).
+:- type gototable == (state -> nonterminal -> state).
+:- pred term_to_clause(term, varset, nonterminal, clause).
+:- mode term_to_clause(in, in, out, out) is semidet.
+:- pred add_clause(clauses, nonterminal, clause, clauses).
+:- mode add_clause(in, in, in, out) is det.
+:- pred construct_grammar(nonterminal, term, clauses, xforms, grammar).
+:- mode construct_grammar(in, in, in, in, out) is det.
+:- pred compute_first(rules, first).
+:- mode compute_first(in, out) is det.
+:- pred compute_follow(rules, nonterminal, terminal, first, follow).
+:- mode compute_follow(in, in, in, in, out) is det.
+	% Misc predicates.
+:- func terminal(term) = terminal.
+:- func nonterminal(term) = nonterminal.
+:- func first(first, symbols, int) = set(terminal).
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module misc.
+:- import_module bool, int, require, std_util, string.
+term_to_clause(functor(Atom, Args, Context), VarSet, Id, Rule) :-
+	Atom = atom("--->"),
+	Args = [Head, Body],
+	Head = functor(atom(Name), HeadArgs, _),
+	list__length(HeadArgs, Arity),
+	Id = Name/Arity,
+	Rule = clause(Head, Prod, VarSet, Context),
+	term_to_prod(Body, Prod).
+:- pred term_to_prod(term, prod).
+:- mode term_to_prod(in, out) is semidet.
+term_to_prod(functor(Atom, Args, Ctxt), Prod) :-
+	( Atom = atom(","), Args = [Arg1, Arg2] ->
+		term_to_prod(Arg1, Left),
+		term_to_prod(Arg2, Right),
+		Prod = (Left, Right)
+	; Atom = atom(";"), Args = [Arg1, Arg2] ->
+		term_to_prod(Arg1, Left),
+		term_to_prod(Arg2, Right),
+		Prod = (Left; Right)
+	; Atom = atom("{}"), Args = [Goal] ->
+		Prod = action(Goal)
+	; Atom = atom("[]"), Args = [] ->
+		Prod = []
+	; Atom = atom("."), Args = [Head, Tail] ->
+		terminals(Tail, terminal(Head), Prod)
+	;
+		Prod = nonterminal(functor(Atom, Args, Ctxt))
+	).
+:- pred terminals(term, prod, prod).
+:- mode terminals(in, in, out) is semidet.
+terminals(functor(Atom, Args, _), Prod0, Prod) :-
+	( Atom = atom("[]"), Args = [] ->
+		Prod = Prod0
+	; Atom = atom("."), Args = [Head, Tail] ->
+		terminals(Tail, (Prod0, terminal(Head)), Prod)
+	;
+		fail
+	).
+add_clause(Clauses0, Id, Clause, Clauses) :-
+	( map__search(Clauses0, Id, These0) ->
+		These = [Clause|These0]
+	;
+		These = [Clause]
+	),
+	map__set(Clauses0, Id, These, Clauses).
+construct_grammar(Start, _End, AllClauses, XForms, Grammar) :-
+	map__to_assoc_list(AllClauses, ClauseList),
+	Nont0 = 1,
+	start_rule(Start, StartRule),
+	map__from_assoc_list([0 - StartRule], Rules0),
+	map__init(Xfs0),
+	map__init(ClauseIndex0),
+	map__init(First0),
+	map__init(Follow0),
+	Grammar0 = grammar(Rules0, AllClauses, XForms, Nont0, ClauseIndex0,
+		First0, Follow0),
+	foldl(transform_clause_list, ClauseList, Grammar0, Grammar1),
+	compute_first0(Grammar1, Grammar2),
+	compute_follow0(Grammar2, Grammar).
+:- pred start_rule(nonterminal, rule).
+:- mode start_rule(in, out) is det.
+start_rule(Id, Rule) :-
+	(
+		Id = Name/Arity
+	;
+		Id = start,
+		error("epsilon start rule")
+	),
+	varset__init(VarSet0),
+	varset__new_vars(VarSet0, Arity, Vars, VarSet1),
+	foldl((pred(V::in, VS0::in, VS::out) is det :-
+		var_to_int(V, I),
+		format("V%d", [i(I)], N),
+		varset__name_var(VS0, V, N, VS)
+	), Vars, VarSet1, VarSet),
+	term__var_list_to_term_list(Vars, Args),
+	Context = context("foobie", 1),
+	string__append(Name, "'", NewName),
+	NewId = start,
+	Head = functor(atom(NewName), Args, Context),
+	Body = array([nonterminal(Id)]), 
+	Body1 = [nonterminal(functor(atom(Name), Args, Context))],
+	Rule = rule(NewId, Head, Body, Body1, [], VarSet, Context).
+:- pred transform_clause_list(pair(nonterminal, list(clause)),
+		grammar, grammar).
+:- mode transform_clause_list(in, in, out) is det.
+transform_clause_list(Id - Clauses, Grammar0, Grammar) :-
+	foldl(transform_clause(Id), Clauses, Grammar0, Grammar).
+:- pred transform_clause(nonterminal, clause, grammar, grammar).
+:- mode transform_clause(in, in, in, out) is det.
+transform_clause(Id, Clause, Grammar0, Grammar) :-
+	Clause = clause(Head, Prod, Varset, Context),
+	solutions(transform_prod(Prod), Bodies),
+	foldl(add_rule(Id, Head, Varset, Context), Bodies, Grammar0, Grammar).
+:- pred add_rule(nonterminal, term, varset, context,
+		pair(list(bodyterm), list(term)), grammar, grammar).
+:- mode add_rule(in, in, in, in, in, in, out) is det.
+add_rule(Id, Head, Varset, Context, BodyTerms - Actions, Grammar0, Grammar) :-
+	Grammar0 = grammar(Rules0, C, Xfs, Nont0, ClauseIndex0, F, L),
+	map((pred(BodyTerm::in, BodyId::out) is det :-
+		(
+			BodyTerm = terminal(Term),
+			( Term = functor(atom(Name), Args, _) ->
+				length(Args, Arity),
+				BId0 = Name/Arity
+			;
+				error("add_rule: bad body term")
+			),
+			BodyId = terminal(BId0)
+		;
+			BodyTerm = nonterminal(Term),
+			( Term = functor(atom(Name), Args, _) ->
+				length(Args, Arity),
+				BId0 = Name/Arity
+			;
+				error("add_rule: bad body term")
+			),
+			BodyId = nonterminal(BId0)
+		)
+	), BodyTerms, BodyIds),
+	Rule = rule(Id, Head, array(BodyIds), BodyTerms, Actions,
+			Varset, Context),
+	add_rule(Rules0, Nont0, Rule, Rules),
+	Nont = Nont0 + 1,
+	( map__search(ClauseIndex0, Id, Prods0) ->
+		Prods = [Nont0|Prods0]
+	;
+		Prods = [Nont0]
+	),
+	map__set(ClauseIndex0, Id, Prods, ClauseIndex),
+	Grammar = grammar(Rules, C, Xfs, Nont, ClauseIndex, F, L).
+:- pred transform_prod(prod, pair(list(bodyterm), list(term))).
+:- mode transform_prod(in, out) is multi.
+transform_prod(terminal(Term), [terminal(Term)] - []).
+transform_prod(nonterminal(Term), [nonterminal(Term)] - []).
+transform_prod(action(Term), [] - [Term]).
+transform_prod((ProdA, ProdB), Body - Actions) :-
+	transform_prod(ProdA, BodyA - ActionsA),
+	transform_prod(ProdB, BodyB - ActionsB),
+	list__append(BodyA, BodyB, Body),
+	list__append(ActionsA, ActionsB, Actions).
+transform_prod((ProdA ; ProdB), Result) :-
+	(
+		transform_prod(ProdA, Result)
+	;
+		transform_prod(ProdB, Result)
+	).
+transform_prod([], [] - []).
+terminal(Term) = Terminal :-
+	(
+		Term = functor(atom(Name), Args, _),
+		length(Args, Arity)
+	->
+		Terminal = Name / Arity
+	;
+		error("terminal: bad term")
+	).
+nonterminal(Term) = Terminal :-
+	(
+		Term = functor(atom(Name), Args, _),
+		length(Args, Arity)
+	->
+		Terminal = Name / Arity
+	;
+		error("nonterminal: bad term")
+	).
+	% The computation of the first sets is directly from
+	% the dragon book.
+:- pred compute_first0(grammar, grammar).
+:- mode compute_first0(in, out) is det.
+compute_first0(Grammar0, Grammar) :-
+	Grammar0 = grammar(Rules, Clauses, Xfs, Nont, Index, _, Follow),
+	compute_first(Rules, First),
+	Grammar = grammar(Rules, Clauses, Xfs, Nont, Index, First, Follow).
+:- type first_stuff
+	--->	stuff(
+			bool,		% Changed?
+			list(nonterminal),	% Nonterminals
+			rules,
+			first
+		).
+compute_first(Rules, First) :-
+	collect_nonterminals(Rules, Nonterminals),
+	map__init(First0),
+	Stuff0 = stuff(no, Nonterminals, Rules, First0),
+	until((pred(Stuff1::in, Stuff3::out) is det :-
+		Stuff1 = stuff(_, N1, R1, F1),
+		Stuff2 = stuff(no, N1, R1, F1),
+		foldl(compute_first, Rules, Stuff2, Stuff3)
+	),
+	(pred(StuffN::in) is semidet :-
+		StuffN = stuff(no, _, _, _)
+	), Stuff0, Stuff),
+	Stuff = stuff(_, _, _, First).
+:- pred compute_first(int, (rule), first_stuff, first_stuff).
+:- mode compute_first(in, in, in, out) is det.
+compute_first(_RuleNum, Rule, Stuff0, Stuff) :-
+	Rule = rule(Id, _Head, Elems, _Body, _Actions, _Varset, _Context),
+	array__max(Elems, Max),
+	( Max >= 0 ->
+			% If there are literals in the body of the
+			% rule, then compute the first set that derives
+			% from what we currently know...
+		Stuff0 = stuff(_, _, _, TmpFirst),
+		set__init(Emp),
+		compute_first(0, Max, Elems, TmpFirst, Emp, ComputedFirst)
+	;
+			% There were no literals in the body of the rule,
+			% so it was an epsilon rule.
+		ComputedFirst = { epsilon }
+	),
+			% Add the computed first set to what we currently
+			% know, noting whether or not anything has changed.
+	Stuff0 = stuff(Ch0, Ns, Rs, First0),
+	(
+		search(First0, Id, ThisFirst0)
+	->
+		difference(ComputedFirst, ThisFirst0, NewFirst),
+		union(ThisFirst0, NewFirst, ThisFirst),
+		( empty(NewFirst) ->
+			Ch1 = Ch0
+		;
+			Ch1 = yes
+		)
+	;
+		ThisFirst = ComputedFirst,
+		Ch1 = yes
+	),
+	set(First0, Id, ThisFirst, First1),
+	Stuff = stuff(Ch1, Ns, Rs, First1).
+		% Compute the first set directly from what we currently
+		% know (using rule 3 on p189 of the dragon book):
+		% iterate over the body until we get to
+		%	- the end
+		%	- an element about which we know nothing,
+		%	- a terminal
+		%	- a first set for a nonterminal that does not
+		%		contain epsilon
+:- pred compute_first(int, int, symbols, first, set(terminal), set(terminal)).
+:- mode compute_first(in, in, in, in, in, out) is det.
+compute_first(I, IMax, Elems, First, Set0, Set) :-
+	( I =< IMax ->
+		lookup(Elems, I, Elem),
+		(
+				% If we get to a terminal, then we add it
+				% to the first set, and remove epsilon (if
+				% it was there in the first place), since
+				% this rule is certainly not nullable.
+			Elem = terminal(Id),
+			insert(Set0, Id, Set1),
+			difference(Set1, { epsilon }, Set)
+		;
+			Elem = nonterminal(Id),
+			( search(First, Id, Set1) ->
+					% If we know some information about
+					% the nonterminal, then add it to
+					% what we already know. If it is
+					% not nullable, then this rule is
+					% not nullable, and we're done. If
+					% it is nullable, then we look at
+					% the next literal in the body.
+				union(Set0, Set1, Set2),
+				( member(epsilon, Set1) ->
+					compute_first(I + 1, IMax, Elems, First,
+						Set2, Set)
+				;
+					difference(Set2, { epsilon }, Set)
+				)
+			;
+					% If we don't know anything about
+					% this nonterminal, then stop here.
+				Set = Set0
+			)
+		)
+	;
+		Set = Set0
+	).
+:- pred collect_terminals(rules, set(terminal)).
+:- mode collect_terminals(in, out) is det.
+collect_terminals(Rules, Terminals) :-
+	foldl((pred(_RN::in, Rule::in, Ts0::in, Ts::out) is det :-
+		Rule = rule(_Id, _Head, Elems, _, _, _, _),
+		foldl((pred(Elem::in, Ts1::in, Ts2::out) is det :-
+			(
+				Elem = terminal(Id),
+				Ts2 = [Id|Ts1]
+			;
+				Elem = nonterminal(_Id_),
+				Ts2 = Ts1
+			)
+		), Elems, Ts0, Ts)
+	), Rules, [], TerminalsList),
+	set__list_to_set(TerminalsList, Terminals).
+:- pred collect_nonterminals(rules, list(nonterminal)).
+:- mode collect_nonterminals(in, out) is det.
+collect_nonterminals(Rules, Nonterminals) :-
+	foldl((pred(_RN ::in, Rule::in, Ts0::in, Ts::out) is det :-
+		Rule = rule(Id, _Head, _Elems, _, _, _Varset, _Context),
+		Ts = [Id|Ts0]
+	), Rules, [], NonterminalsList),
+	set__list_to_set(NonterminalsList, Nonterminals0),
+	set__to_sorted_list(Nonterminals0, Nonterminals).
+	% YYY This probably belongs in array.m
+:- pred foldl(pred(T, U, U), array(T), U, U).
+:- mode foldl(pred(in, in, out) is det, in, in, out) is det.
+foldl(Closure, Array, Acc0, Acc) :-
+	array__max(Array, Max),
+	foldl(0, Max, Closure, Array, Acc0, Acc).
+:- pred foldl(int, int, pred(T, U, U), array(T), U, U).
+:- mode foldl(in, in, pred(in, in, out) is det, in, in, out) is det.
+foldl(I, IMax, Closure, Array, Acc0, Acc) :-
+	( I =< IMax ->
+		lookup(Array, I, Elem),
+		call(Closure, Elem, Acc0, Acc1),
+		foldl(I + 1, IMax, Closure, Array, Acc1, Acc)
+	;
+		Acc = Acc0
+	).
+	% YYY This probably belongs in the library somewhere.
+:- pred while(pred(T), pred(T, T), T, T).
+:- mode while(pred(in) is semidet, pred(in, out) is det, in, out) is det.
+while(Cond, Body, Acc0, Acc) :-
+	( call(Cond, Acc0) ->
+		call(Body, Acc0, Acc1),
+		while(Cond, Body, Acc1, Acc)
+	;
+		Acc = Acc0
+	).
+	% YYY This probably belongs in the library somewhere.
+:- pred until(pred(T, T), pred(T), T, T).
+:- mode until(pred(in, out) is det, pred(in) is semidet, in, out) is det.
+until(Body, Cond, Acc0, Acc) :-
+	call(Body, Acc0, Acc1),
+	( call(Cond, Acc1) ->
+		Acc = Acc1
+	;
+		until(Body, Cond, Acc1, Acc)
+	).
+	% The computation of the follow sets is directly from
+	% the dragon book.
+:- pred compute_follow0(grammar, grammar).
+:- mode compute_follow0(in, out) is det.
+compute_follow0(Grammar0, Grammar) :-
+	Grammar0 = grammar(Rules, Clauses, Xfs, Nont, Index, First, _),
+	compute_follow(Rules, start, ($), First, Follow),
+	Grammar = grammar(Rules, Clauses, Xfs, Nont, Index, First, Follow).
+:- type follow_stuff
+	--->	stuff(
+			bool,		% Changed?
+			list(nonterminal),	% Nonterminals
+			rules,
+			first,
+			follow
+		).
+compute_follow(Rules, Start, EOF, First, Follow) :-
+	map__init(Follow0),
+		% Rule 1
+	map__set(Follow0, Start, { EOF }, Follow1),
+	collect_nonterminals(Rules, Ns),
+	Stuff0 = stuff(no, Ns, Rules, First, Follow1),
+	until((pred(Stuff1::in, Stuff3::out) is det :-
+		Stuff1 = stuff(_, N1, R1, Fi1, Fo1),
+		Stuff2 = stuff(no, N1, R1, Fi1, Fo1),
+		foldl(compute_follow, Rules, Stuff2, Stuff3)
+	),
+	(pred(StuffN::in) is semidet :-
+		StuffN = stuff(no, _, _, _, _)
+	), Stuff0, Stuff),
+	Stuff = stuff(_, _, _, _, Follow).
+:- pred compute_follow(int, (rule), follow_stuff, follow_stuff).
+:- mode compute_follow(in, in, in, out) is det.
+compute_follow(_RuleNum, Rule, Stuff0, Stuff) :-
+	Rule = rule(Id, _Head, Elems, _, _, _Varset, _Context),
+	Stuff0 = stuff(_, _, _, First, _),
+	array__max(Elems, Max),
+		% Apply Rule 2
+	compute_follow2(0, Max, First, Elems, Stuff0, Stuff1),
+	compute_follow3(Max, First, Id, Elems, Stuff1, Stuff).
+:- pred compute_follow2(int, int, first, symbols, follow_stuff, follow_stuff).
+:- mode compute_follow2(in, in, in, in, in, out) is det.
+compute_follow2(I, IMax, First, Elems, Stuff0, Stuff) :-
+	( I =< IMax ->
+		lookup(Elems, I, Elem),
+		( Elem = nonterminal(Id) ->
+			IdFollow0 = first(First, Elems, I + 1),
+			difference(IdFollow0, { epsilon }, IdFollow),
+			add_follow(Id, IdFollow, Stuff0, Stuff1)
+		;
+			Stuff1 = Stuff0
+		),
+		compute_follow2(I + 1, IMax, First, Elems, Stuff1, Stuff)
+	;
+		Stuff = Stuff0
+	).
+:- pred compute_follow3(int, first, nonterminal, symbols,
+		follow_stuff, follow_stuff).
+:- mode compute_follow3(in, in, in, in, in, out) is det.
+compute_follow3(I, First, MyId, Elems, Stuff0, Stuff) :-
+	( I >= 0 ->
+		lookup(Elems, I, Elem),
+		( Elem = nonterminal(Id) ->
+			get_follow(MyId, MyFollow, Stuff0, _),
+			add_follow(Id, MyFollow, Stuff0, Stuff1),
+			lookup(First, Id, IdFirst),
+			( member(epsilon, IdFirst) ->
+				compute_follow3(I - 1, First, MyId, Elems,
+					Stuff1, Stuff)
+			;
+				Stuff = Stuff1
+			)
+		;
+			Stuff = Stuff0
+		)
+	;
+		Stuff = Stuff0
+	).
+:- pred get_follow(nonterminal, set(terminal), follow_stuff, follow_stuff).
+:- mode get_follow(in, out, in, out) is det.
+get_follow(Id, IdFollow, Stuff, Stuff) :-
+	Stuff = stuff(_, _, _, _, Follow),
+	( search(Follow, Id, IdFollow0) ->
+		IdFollow = IdFollow0
+	;
+		set__init(IdFollow)
+	).
+:- pred add_follow(nonterminal, set(terminal), follow_stuff, follow_stuff).
+:- mode add_follow(in, in, in, out) is det.
+add_follow(Id, IdFollow0, Stuff0, Stuff) :-
+	Stuff0 = stuff(Ch0, Ns, Rs, Fs, Follow0),
+	( search(Follow0, Id, OldFollow) ->
+		difference(IdFollow0, OldFollow, NewFollow),
+		( empty(NewFollow) ->
+			IdFollow = OldFollow,
+			Ch = Ch0
+		;
+			union(OldFollow, NewFollow, IdFollow),
+			Ch = yes
+		)
+	;
+		IdFollow = IdFollow0,
+		Ch = yes
+	),
+	set(Follow0, Id, IdFollow, Follow),
+	Stuff = stuff(Ch, Ns, Rs, Fs, Follow).
+first(First, Elems, I) = FirstI :-
+	array__max(Elems, Max),
+	( I =< Max ->
+		lookup(Elems, I, Elem),
+		(
+			Elem = terminal(Id),
+			FirstI = { Id }
+		;
+			Elem = nonterminal(Id),
+			lookup(First, Id, FirstI0),
+			( member(epsilon, FirstI0) ->
+				RestFirst = first(First, Elems, I+1),
+				union(FirstI0, RestFirst, FirstI)
+			;
+				FirstI = FirstI0
+			)
+		)
+	;
+		FirstI = { epsilon }
+	).
+:- pred add_rule(rules, int, rule, rules).
+:- mode add_rule(in, in, in, out) is det.
+add_rule(Rules0, Num, Rule, Rules) :-
+	set(Rules0, Num, Rule, Rules).
Index: lalr.m
RCS file: lalr.m
diff -N lalr.m
--- /dev/null	Tue May 16 14:50:59 2000
+++ lalr.m	Sat May  6 18:29:00 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,567 @@
+% file: lalr.m
+% main author: conway
+% This module builds the lalr items and lookaheads for the grammar.
+:- module lalr.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module grammar, misc.
+:- import_module int, io, set.
+:- type item
+	--->	item(prodnum, dot).
+:- type items	== set(item).
+:- type gotos	== (items -> symbol -> items).
+:- type lr1item
+	--->	item(prodnum, dot, terminal).
+:- type lr1items == set(lr1item).
+:- type prodnum	== int.
+:- type dot	== int.
+:- type reaching == (nonterminal -> set(nonterminal)).
+:- type propaheads == (items -> item -> items -> items).
+:- type lookaheads == (items -> item -> set(terminal)).
+:- type previews == (lookaheads - propaheads).
+:- pred reaching(rules, first, reaching).
+:- mode reaching(in, in, out) is det.
+:- pred lr0items(rules, reaching, set(items), gotos).
+:- mode lr0items(in, in, out, out) is det.
+:- pred lookaheads(set(items), gotos, rules, first, index, lookaheads,
+		io__state, io__state).
+:- mode lookaheads(in, in, in, in, in, out, di, uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module array, bool, list, map, require, std_util, term.
+reaching(Productions, First, Reaching) :-
+	prodnums(Productions, ProdNums),
+	init(Reaching0),
+	reaching(ProdNums, Productions, First, no, Reaching0, Reaching).
+:- pred reaching(list(prodnum), rules, first, bool, reaching, reaching).
+:- mode reaching(in, in, in, in, in, out) is det.
+reaching([], _Productions, _First, no, Reaching, Reaching).
+reaching([], Productions, First, yes, Reaching0, Reaching) :-
+	prodnums(Productions, ProdNums),
+	reaching(ProdNums, Productions, First, no, Reaching0, Reaching).
+reaching([ProdNum|ProdNums], Productions, First, Ch0, Reaching0, Reaching) :-
+	lookup(Productions, ProdNum, Prod),
+	Prod = rule(NonTerminal, _Head, Symbols, _, _, _V, _C),
+	array__max(Symbols, PMax),
+	reaching(0, PMax, Symbols, First, NonTerminal, Ch0, Ch1,
+		Reaching0, Reaching1),
+	reaching(ProdNums, Productions, First, Ch1, Reaching1, Reaching).
+:- pred reaching(int, int, symbols, first, nonterminal, bool, bool,
+		reaching, reaching).
+:- mode reaching(in, in, in, in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
+reaching(SN, Max, Symbols, First, C, Ch0, Ch, Reaching0, Reaching) :-
+	( SN > Max ->
+		Ch = Ch0,
+		Reaching = Reaching0
+	;
+		lookup(Symbols, SN, Symbol),
+		(
+			Symbol = terminal(_),
+			Ch = Ch0,
+			Reaching = Reaching0
+		;
+			Symbol = nonterminal(A),
+			reaches(C, A, Ch0, Ch1, Reaching0, Reaching1),
+			( search(Reaching1, A, AR) ->
+				set__to_sorted_list(AR, ARList),
+				foldl2(reaches(C), ARList, Ch1, Ch2,
+					Reaching1, Reaching2)
+			;
+				Ch2 = Ch1,
+				Reaching2 = Reaching1
+			),
+			lookup(First, A, FirstA),
+			( member(epsilon, FirstA) ->
+				reaching(SN + 1, Max, Symbols, First, C,
+					Ch2, Ch, Reaching2, Reaching)
+			;
+				Ch = Ch2,
+				Reaching2 = Reaching
+			)
+		)
+	).
+:- pred reaches(nonterminal, nonterminal, bool, bool, reaching, reaching).
+:- mode reaches(in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
+reaches(C, A, Ch0, Ch, Reaching0, Reaching) :-
+	( search(Reaching0, C, As0) ->
+		( member(A, As0) ->
+			Ch = Ch0,
+			Reaching = Reaching0
+		;
+			Ch = yes,
+			As = As0 \/ { A },
+			set(Reaching0, C, As, Reaching)
+		)
+	;
+		Ch = yes,
+		As = { A },
+		set(Reaching0, C, As, Reaching)
+	).
+lr0items(Productions, Reaching, C, Gotos) :-
+	I0 = { item(0, 0) },
+	C0 = { I0 },
+	Pending = { I0 },
+	map__init(Gotos0),
+	lr0items1(Pending, Productions, Reaching, Gotos0, Gotos, C0, C).
+:- pred lr0items1(set(items), rules, reaching, gotos, gotos,
+		set(items), set(items)).
+:- mode lr0items1(in, in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
+lr0items1(Pending0, Productions, Reaching, Gotos0, Gotos, C0, C) :-
+	( remove_least(Pending0, J, Pending1) ->
+		set__to_sorted_list(J, JList),
+		lr0items_1(JList, J, Productions, Reaching, Gotos0, Gotos1,
+			empty, NewSet),
+		set__to_sorted_list(NewSet, NewItems),
+		map((pred(Pair::in, J0::out) is det :-
+			Pair = I0 - X,
+			lookup(Gotos1, I0, I0Gotos),
+			lookup(I0Gotos, X, J0)
+		), NewItems, PendingList),
+		set__list_to_set(PendingList, NewPending0),
+		NewPending = NewPending0 - C0,
+		C1 = C0 \/ NewPending,
+		Pending = Pending1 \/ NewPending,
+		lr0items1(Pending, Productions, Reaching, Gotos1, Gotos, C1, C)
+	;
+		Gotos = Gotos0,
+		C = C0
+	).
+:- type new == set(pair(items, symbol)).
+:- pred lr0items_1(list(item), items, rules, reaching, gotos, gotos, new, new).
+:- mode lr0items_1(in, in, in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
+lr0items_1([], _I, _Productions, _Reaching, Gotos, Gotos, New, New).
+lr0items_1([BItem|RestItems], I, Productions, Reaching, Gotos0, Gotos,
+		New0, New) :-
+	BItem = item(BProdNum, BDot),
+	lookup(Productions, BProdNum, BProd),
+	BProd = rule(_NonTerminal, _Head, BSyms, _, _, _V, _C),
+	array__max(BSyms, BMax),
+	(
+		BDot =< BMax
+	->
+		lookup(BSyms, BDot, X),
+		addgoto(I, X, item(BProdNum, BDot + 1), Gotos0, Gotos1,
+			New0, New1)
+	;
+		Gotos1 = Gotos0,
+		New1 = New0
+	),
+	(
+		BDot =< BMax,
+		lookup(BSyms, BDot, nonterminal(C))
+	->
+		( search(Reaching, C, As) ->
+			set__to_sorted_list(As, AXList)
+		;
+			AXList = []
+		),
+		addAs([C|AXList], I, Productions, Gotos1, Gotos2, New1, New2)
+	;
+		Gotos2 = Gotos1,
+		New2 = New1
+	),
+	lr0items_1(RestItems, I, Productions, Reaching, Gotos2, Gotos,
+		New2, New).
+:- pred addgoto(items, symbol, item, gotos, gotos, new, new).
+:- mode addgoto(in, in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
+addgoto(I, X, NewItem, Gotos0, Gotos, New0, New) :-
+	( search(Gotos0, I, IGotos0) ->
+		IGotos1 = IGotos0
+	;
+		init(IGotos1)
+	),
+	( search(IGotos1, X, GotoIX0) ->
+		GotoIX1 = GotoIX0
+	;
+		GotoIX1 = empty
+	),
+	GotoIX = GotoIX1 \/ { NewItem },
+	set(IGotos1, X, GotoIX, IGotos),
+	set(Gotos0, I, IGotos, Gotos),
+	( GotoIX \= GotoIX1 ->
+		New = New0 \/ { I - X }
+	;
+		New = New0
+	).
+:- pred addAs(list(nonterminal), items, rules, gotos, gotos, new, new).
+:- mode addAs(in, in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
+addAs([], _I, _Productions, Gotos, Gotos, New, New).
+addAs([A|As], I, Productions, Gotos0, Gotos, New0, New) :-
+	prodnums(Productions, ProdNums),
+	addAs_2(ProdNums, A, I, Productions, Gotos0, Gotos1, New0, New1),
+	addAs(As, I, Productions, Gotos1, Gotos, New1, New).
+:- pred addAs_2(list(prodnum), nonterminal, items, rules, gotos, gotos,
+		new, new).
+:- mode addAs_2(in, in, in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
+addAs_2([], _A, _I, _Productions, Gotos, Gotos, New, New).
+addAs_2([Pn|Pns], A, I, Productions, Gotos0, Gotos, New0, New) :-
+	lookup(Productions, Pn, Prod),
+	(
+		Prod = rule(A, _Head, Symbols, _, _, _V, _C),
+		array__max(Symbols, Max),
+		Max >= 0
+	->
+		lookup(Symbols, 0, X),
+		addgoto(I, X, item(Pn, 1), Gotos0, Gotos1, New0, New1)
+	;
+		Gotos1 = Gotos0,
+		New1 = New0
+	),
+	addAs_2(Pns, A, I, Productions, Gotos1, Gotos, New1, New).
+lookaheads(C, Gotos, Rules, First, Index, Lookaheads) -->
+	{ map__from_assoc_list([item(0, 0) - { ($) }], I0) },
+	{ map__from_assoc_list([{item(0, 0)} - I0], Lookaheads0) },
+	{ init(Propaheads0) },
+	{ set__to_sorted_list(C, CList) },
+	{ lookaheads(CList, Gotos, Rules, First, Index,
+		Lookaheads0 - Propaheads0, Lookaheads1 - Propaheads) },
+	%foldl((pred(_I::in, IPs::in, di, uo) is det -->
+	%	foldl((pred(Item::in, ItemsMap::in, di, uo) is det -->
+	%		write(Item), write_string(" :\n"),
+	%		foldl((pred(ToItems::in, ToItem::in, di, uo) is det -->
+	%			write_string("\t"),
+	%			write(ToItems), nl,
+	%			write_string("\t\t"),
+	%			write(ToItem), nl
+	%		), ItemsMap), nl
+	%	), IPs), nl
+	%), Propaheads),
+	stderr_stream(StdErr),
+	write_string(StdErr, "\tpropagating...\n"),
+	{ propagate(C, Propaheads, Lookaheads1, Lookaheads) }.
+:- pred lookaheads(list(items), gotos, rules, first, index, previews, previews).
+:- mode lookaheads(in, in, in, in, in, in, out) is det.
+lookaheads([], _Gotos, _Rules, _First, _Index, Lookaheads, Lookaheads).
+lookaheads([K|Ks], Gotos, Rules, First, Index, Lookaheads0, Lookaheads) :-
+	set__to_sorted_list(K, KList),
+	lookaheads1(KList, K, Gotos, Rules, First, Index,
+		Lookaheads0, Lookaheads1),
+	lookaheads(Ks, Gotos, Rules, First, Index, Lookaheads1, Lookaheads).
+:- pred lookaheads1(list(item), items, gotos, rules, first, index,
+		previews, previews).
+:- mode lookaheads1(in, in, in, in, in, in, in, out) is det.
+lookaheads1([], _I, _Gotos, _Rules, _First, _Index, Lookaheads, Lookaheads).
+lookaheads1([BItem|BItems], I, Gotos, Rules, First, Index,
+		Lookaheads0, Lookaheads) :-
+	BItem = item(Bp, Bd),
+	BItem0 = item(Bp, Bd, (*)),
+	J0 = closure({ BItem0 }, Rules, First, Index),
+	set__to_sorted_list(J0, JList),
+	lookaheads2(JList, BItem, I, Gotos, Rules, Lookaheads0, Lookaheads1),
+	lookaheads1(BItems, I, Gotos, Rules, First, Index,
+		Lookaheads1, Lookaheads).
+:- func closure(lr1items, rules, first, index) = lr1items.
+closure(I0, Rules, First, Index) = I :-
+	closure(Rules, First, Index, I0, I0, I).
+:- pred closure(rules, first, index, lr1items, lr1items, lr1items).
+:- mode closure(in, in, in, in, in, out) is det.
+closure(Rules, First, Index, New0, I0, I) :-
+	set__to_sorted_list(New0, NewList),
+	closure1(NewList, Rules, First, Index, [I0], Is),
+	do_union(Is, I1),
+	New = I1 - I0,
+	( empty(New) ->
+		I = I1
+	;
+		closure(Rules, First, Index, New, I1, I)
+	).
+:- pred closure1(list(lr1item), rules, first, index,
+		list(lr1items), list(lr1items)).
+:- mode closure1(in, in, in, in, in, out) is det.
+closure1([], _Rules, _First, _Index, I, I).
+closure1([AItem|AItems], Rules, First, Index, I0, I) :-
+	AItem = item(Ap, Ad, Asym),
+	lookup(Rules, Ap, rule(_, _, Asyms, _, _, _, _)),
+	array__max(Asyms, AMax),
+	( Ad =< AMax ->
+		lookup(Asyms, Ad, BSym),
+		( BSym = nonterminal(Bn) ->
+			Bf0 = first(First, Asyms, Ad + 1),
+			( member(epsilon, Bf0) ->
+				delete(Bf0, epsilon, Bf1),
+				insert(Bf1, Asym, Bf)
+				%Bf = Bf1 \/ { Asym }
+			;
+				Bf = Bf0
+			),
+			set__to_sorted_list(Bf, BfList),
+			lookup(Index, Bn, Bps),
+			make_items(Bps, BfList, [], NList),
+			set__list_to_set(NList, N),
+			I1 = [N|I0]
+		;
+			I1 = I0
+		)
+	;
+		I1 = I0
+	),
+	closure1(AItems, Rules, First, Index, I1, I).
+	% create the union of a list of sets.
+	% The simple `foldl' way has O(n^2) cost, so we do a
+	% pairwise union until there is only one set left.
+	% This has a cost of O(n log n).
+:- pred do_union(list(lr1items), lr1items).
+:- mode do_union(in, out) is det.
+do_union([], I) :-
+	init(I).
+do_union(Is, I) :-
+	Is = [_|_],
+	do_union(Is, [], I).
+:- pred do_union(list(lr1items), list(lr1items), lr1items).
+:- mode do_union(in, in, out) is det.
+do_union([], [], _) :-
+	error("do_union: empty list").
+do_union([], Is, I) :-
+	Is = [_|_],
+	do_union(Is, [], I).
+do_union([I], [], I).
+do_union([I0], Is, I) :-
+	Is = [_|_],
+	do_union([I0|Is], [], I).
+do_union([I0, I1|Is0], Is1, I) :-
+	I2 = I0 \/ I1,
+	do_union(Is0, [I2|Is1], I).
+:- pred lookaheads2(list(lr1item), item, items, gotos, rules,
+		previews, previews).
+:- mode lookaheads2(in, in, in, in, in, in, out) is det.
+lookaheads2([], _B, _I, _Gotos, _Rules, Lookaheads, Lookaheads).
+lookaheads2([A|As], B, I, Gotos, Rules, Lookaheads0, Lookaheads) :-
+	A = item(Ap, Ad, Alpha),
+	lookup(Rules, Ap, rule(_, _, ASyms, _, _, _, _)),
+	array__max(ASyms, AMax),
+	( Ad =< AMax ->
+		lookup(ASyms, Ad, X),
+		( Gix = goto(Gotos, I, X) ->
+			Ad1 = Ad + 1,
+			( Alpha = (*) ->
+				add_propagated(I, B, Gix, item(Ap, Ad1),
+					Lookaheads0, Lookaheads1)
+			;
+				add_spontaneous(Gix, item(Ap, Ad1), Alpha,
+					Lookaheads0, Lookaheads1)
+			)
+		;
+			Lookaheads1 = Lookaheads0
+		)
+	;
+		Lookaheads1 = Lookaheads0
+	),
+	lookaheads2(As, B, I, Gotos, Rules, Lookaheads1, Lookaheads).
+:- pred make_items(list(prodnum), list(terminal), list(lr1item), list(lr1item)).
+:- mode make_items(in, in, in, out) is det.
+make_items([], _, Items, Items).
+make_items([Bp|Bps], BfList, Items0, Items) :-
+	make_items1(Bp, BfList, Items0, Items1),
+	make_items(Bps, BfList, Items1, Items).
+:- pred make_items1(prodnum, list(terminal), list(lr1item), list(lr1item)).
+:- mode make_items1(in, in, in, out) is det.
+make_items1(_, [], Items, Items).
+make_items1(Bp, [Bt|Bts], Items0, Items) :-
+	Items1 = [item(Bp, 0, Bt)|Items0],
+	make_items1(Bp, Bts, Items1, Items).
+:- func goto(gotos, items, symbol) = items.
+:- mode (goto(in, in, in) = out) is semidet.
+goto(Gotos, I, X) = A :-
+	search(Gotos, I, IXs),
+	search(IXs, X, A).
+:- pred add_propagated(items, item, items, item, previews, previews).
+:- mode add_propagated(in, in, in, in, in, out) is det.
+add_propagated(I, B, Ia, A, L - P0, L - P) :-
+	( search(P0, I, X0) ->
+		X1 = X0
+	;
+		init(X1)
+	),
+	( search(X1, B, Y0) ->
+		Y1 = Y0
+	;
+		init(Y1)
+	),
+	( search(Y1, Ia, As0) ->
+		As1 = As0
+	;
+		As1 = empty
+	),
+	insert(As1, A, As),
+	set(Y1, Ia, As, Y),
+	set(X1, B, Y, X),
+	set(P0, I, X, P).
+:- pred add_spontaneous(items, item, terminal, previews, previews).
+:- mode add_spontaneous(in, in, in, in, out) is det.
+add_spontaneous(I, B, Alpha, L0 - P, L - P) :-
+	( search(L0, I, X0) ->
+		X1 = X0
+	;
+		init(X1)
+	),
+	( search(X1, B, As0) ->
+		As1 = As0
+	;
+		As1 = empty
+	),
+	insert(As1, Alpha, As),
+	set(X1, B, As, X),
+	set(L0, I, X, L).
+:- pred propagate(set(items), propaheads, lookaheads, lookaheads).
+:- mode propagate(in, in, in, out) is det.
+propagate(C, Props, Lookaheads0, Lookaheads) :-
+	set__to_sorted_list(C, CList),
+	propagate(CList, Props, no, Change, Lookaheads0, Lookaheads1),
+	(
+		Change = no,
+		Lookaheads = Lookaheads1
+	;
+		Change = yes,
+		propagate(C, Props, Lookaheads1, Lookaheads)
+	).
+:- pred propagate(list(items), propaheads, bool, bool, lookaheads, lookaheads).
+:- mode propagate(in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
+propagate([], _Props, Ch, Ch, L, L).
+propagate([I|Is], Props, Ch0, Ch, L0, L) :-
+	set__to_sorted_list(I, IList),
+	propagate1(IList, I, Props, Ch0, Ch1, L0, L1),
+	propagate(Is, Props, Ch1, Ch, L1, L).
+:- pred propagate1(list(item), items, propaheads, bool, bool,
+		lookaheads, lookaheads).
+:- mode propagate1(in, in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
+propagate1([], _I, _Props, Ch, Ch, L, L).
+propagate1([Item|Items], I, Props, Ch0, Ch, L0, L) :-
+	(
+		search(L0, I, X),
+		search(X, Item, Ts),
+		search(Props, I, Y),
+		search(Y, Item, Ps)
+	->
+		keys(Ps, Pkeys),
+		propagate2(Pkeys, Ps, Ts, Ch0, Ch1, L0, L1)
+	;
+		Ch1 = Ch0,
+		L1 = L0
+	),
+	propagate1(Items, I, Props, Ch1, Ch, L1, L).
+:- pred propagate2(list(items), (items -> items), set(terminal), bool, bool,
+		lookaheads, lookaheads).
+:- mode propagate2(in, in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
+propagate2([], _Ps, _Ts, Ch, Ch, L, L).
+propagate2([I|Pks], Ps, Ts, Ch0, Ch, L0, L) :-
+	lookup(Ps, I, Ips),
+	set__to_sorted_list(Ips, IPList),
+	propagate3(IPList, I, Ts, Ch0, Ch1, L0, L1),
+	propagate2(Pks, Ps, Ts, Ch1, Ch, L1, L).
+:- pred propagate3(list(item), items, set(terminal), bool, bool,
+		lookaheads, lookaheads).
+:- mode propagate3(in, in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
+propagate3([], _I, _Ts, Ch, Ch, L, L).
+propagate3([Item|Items], I, Ts0, Ch0, Ch, L0, L) :-
+	( search(L0, I, X0) ->
+		X1 = X0
+	;
+		init(X1)
+	),
+	( search(X1, Item, Ts1) ->
+		Ts2 = Ts1
+	;
+		Ts2 = empty
+	),
+	NewTs = Ts0 - Ts2,
+	( not empty(NewTs) ->
+		Ts = Ts2 \/ NewTs,
+		set(X1, Item, Ts, X),
+		set(L0, I, X, L1),
+		Ch1 = yes
+	;
+		Ch1 = Ch0,
+		L1 = L0
+	),
+	propagate3(Items, I, Ts0, Ch1, Ch, L1, L).
+:- pred prodnums(rules, list(prodnum)).
+:- mode prodnums(in, out) is det.
+prodnums(Rules, ProdNums) :-
+	keys(Rules, ProdNums).
Index: mercury.m
RCS file: mercury.m
diff -N mercury.m
--- /dev/null	Tue May 16 14:50:59 2000
+++ mercury.m	Sat May  6 18:29:00 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,785 @@
+:- module mercury.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io, list, term, varset.
+:- type (module) == list(element).
+	% Element is a type for pieces of a mercury module.
+:- type element
+	--->	pred(term, varset)	% Pred declarations
+	;	func(term, varset)	% Func declarations
+	;	type(type, varset)	% Type declarations
+	;	mode(term, varset)	% Mode declarations
+					% (both predicate modes and new modes)
+	;	inst(term, varset)	% Inst declarations
+	;	clause(term, goal, varset)	% Program clauses
+	;	dcg_clause(term, goal, varset)
+					% DCG clauses
+	;	class(term, varset)	% Class declarations
+	;	instance(term, varset)	% Instance declarations
+	;	misc(term, varset)	% Anything else
+	.
+:- type module_result
+	--->	module(module, list(module_error)).
+:- type module_error
+	--->	error(string, int).
+:- pred read_module(module_result, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode read_module(out, di, uo) is det.
+:- type lines
+	--->	lines
+	;	nolines
+	.
+:- pred write_element(lines, element, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode write_element(in, in, di, uo) is det.
+:- pred write_module(lines, (module), io__state, io__state).
+:- mode write_module(in, in, di, uo) is det.
+:- type (type)
+	--->	abstr(term)
+	;	equiv(term, term)
+	;	disj(term, list(term))
+	.
+:- pred term_to_type(term, (type)).
+:- mode term_to_type(in, out) is semidet.
+:- type goal
+	--->	conj(list(goal))
+	;	disj(list(goal))
+	;	ite(goal, goal, goal)
+	;	call(term)
+	;	(=(term, term, context))
+	;	not(goal)
+	;	exists(vars, goal)
+	;	forall(vars, goal)
+	% 	(goal => goal) % XXX conflicts with type classes
+	;	(goal <= goal)
+	;	(goal <=> goal)
+	.
+:- pred term_to_goal(term, goal).
+:- mode term_to_goal(in, out) is semidet.
+:- pred write_goal(varset, goal, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode write_goal(in, in, di, uo) is det.
+:- type vars == list(var).
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module int, require, std_util, string, term_io.
+read_module(Result) -->
+	read_module([], [], Result0),
+	{ Result0 = module(Module0, Errors0) },
+	{ reverse(Module0, Module) },
+	{ reverse(Errors0, Errors) },
+	{ Result = module(Module, Errors) }.
+:- type element_result
+	--->	element(element)
+	;	eof
+	;	error(string, int)
+	.
+:- pred read_module(module, list(module_error), module_result,
+		io__state, io__state).
+:- mode read_module(in, in, out, di, uo) is det.
+read_module(Module0, Errors0, Result) -->
+	read_element(Result0),
+	(
+		{ Result0 = eof },
+		{ Result = module(Module0, Errors0) }
+	;
+		{ Result0 = element(Element) },
+		read_module([Element|Module0], Errors0, Result)
+	;
+		{ Result0 = error(Msg, Line) },
+		read_module(Module0, [error(Msg, Line)|Errors0], Result)
+	).
+:- pred read_element(element_result, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode read_element(out, di, uo) is det.
+read_element(Result) -->
+	read_term(Result0),
+	(
+		{ Result0 = eof },
+		{ Result = eof }
+	;
+		{ Result0 = error(Msg, Line) },
+		{ Result = error(Msg, Line) }
+	;
+		{ Result0 = term(VarSet, Term) },
+		( { classify(Term, VarSet, Element0) } ->
+			{ Element = Element0 }
+		;
+			{ Element = misc(Term, VarSet) }
+		),
+		{ Result = element(Element) }
+	).
+:- pred classify(term, varset, element).
+:- mode classify(in, in, out) is semidet.
+classify(Term, VarSet, Element) :-
+	Term = functor(atom(Atom), Args, _),
+	( Atom = ":-" -> (
+		Args = [functor(atom("pred"), [PredDecl], _)],
+		Element = pred(PredDecl, VarSet)
+	;
+		Args = [functor(atom("func"), [FuncDecl], _)],
+		Element = func(FuncDecl, VarSet)
+	;
+		Args = [functor(atom("mode"), [ModeDecl], _)],
+		Element = mode(ModeDecl, VarSet)
+	;
+		Args = [functor(atom("type"), [TypeTerm], _)],
+		( mercury:term_to_type(TypeTerm, TypeDecl) ->
+			Element = type(TypeDecl, VarSet)
+		;
+			Element = misc(Term, VarSet)
+		)
+	;
+		Args = [functor(atom("inst"), [InstDecl], _)],
+		Element = inst(InstDecl, VarSet)
+	;
+		Args = [functor(atom("class"), [ClassDecl], _)],
+		Element = class(ClassDecl, VarSet)
+	;
+		Args = [functor(atom("instance"), [InstanceDecl], _)],
+		Element = instance(InstanceDecl, VarSet)
+	;
+		Args = [Head, Body],
+		( term_to_goal(Body, Goal) ->
+			Element = clause(Head, Goal, VarSet)
+		;
+			Element = misc(Term, VarSet)
+		)
+	) ; Atom = "-->" ->
+		Args = [Head, Body],
+		( term_to_goal(Body, Goal) ->
+			Element = dcg_clause(Head, Goal, VarSet)
+		;
+			Element = misc(Term, VarSet)
+		)
+	;
+		Element = misc(Term, VarSet)
+	).
+write_module(_Lines, []) --> [].
+write_module(Lines, [Element|Module]) -->
+	write_element(Lines, Element),
+	nl,
+	write_module(Lines, Module).
+write_element(Lines, pred(PredDecl, VarSet)) -->
+	{ cons_decl("pred", PredDecl, Term) },
+	write_term(Lines, 0, VarSet, Term),
+	dot_nl.
+write_element(Lines, func(FuncDecl, VarSet)) -->
+	{ cons_decl("func", FuncDecl, Term) },
+	write_term(Lines, 0, VarSet, Term),
+	dot_nl.
+write_element(Lines, type(TypeDecl, VarSet)) -->
+	(
+		{ TypeDecl = abstr(AbstrTerm) },
+		{ cons_decl("type", AbstrTerm, Term) },
+		write_term(Lines, 0, VarSet, Term)
+	;
+		{ TypeDecl = equiv(Head, Body) },
+		{ get_context(Head, Context) },
+		{ EqivTerm = functor(atom("=="), [Head, Body], Context) },
+		{ cons_decl("type", EqivTerm, Term) },
+		write_term(Lines, 0, VarSet, Term)
+	;
+		{ TypeDecl = disj(Head, Body) },
+		{ get_context(Head, Context) },
+		{ cons_type_body(Body, BodyTerm) },
+		{ DeclTerm = functor(atom("--->"), [Head, BodyTerm], Context) },
+		{ cons_decl("type", DeclTerm, Term) },
+		write_term(Lines, 0, VarSet, Term)
+	),
+	dot_nl.
+write_element(Lines, mode(ModeDecl, VarSet)) -->
+	{ cons_decl("mode", ModeDecl, Term) },
+	write_term(Lines, 0, VarSet, Term),
+	dot_nl.
+write_element(Lines, inst(InstDecl, VarSet)) -->
+	{ cons_decl("inst", InstDecl, Term) },
+	write_term(Lines, 0, VarSet, Term),
+	dot_nl.
+write_element(Lines, class(ClassDecl, VarSet)) -->
+	{ cons_decl("class", ClassDecl, Term) },
+	write_term(Lines, 0, VarSet, Term),
+	dot_nl.
+write_element(Lines, instance(InstanceDecl, VarSet)) -->
+	{ cons_decl("instance", InstanceDecl, Term) },
+	write_term(Lines, 0, VarSet, Term),
+	dot_nl.
+write_element(Lines, misc(Term, VarSet)) -->
+	write_term(Lines, 0, VarSet, Term),
+	dot_nl.
+write_element(Lines, clause(Head, Goal, VarSet)) -->
+	write_term(Lines, 0, VarSet, Head),
+	write_string(" :-\n"),
+	write_goal(Lines, 1, normal, Goal, VarSet),
+	dot_nl.
+write_element(Lines, dcg_clause(Head, Goal, VarSet)) -->
+	write_term(Lines, 0, VarSet, Head),
+	write_string(" -->\n"),
+	write_goal(Lines, 1, dcg, Goal, VarSet),
+	dot_nl.
+:- type goal_type
+	--->	normal
+	;	dcg
+	.
+:- pred write_goal_term(lines, int, goal_type, term, varset,
+		io__state, io__state).
+:- mode write_goal_term(in, in, in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+write_goal_term(Lines, Ind, Type, Term, VarSet) -->
+	( { term_to_conj(Term, Conjuncts) } ->
+		write_conjuncts(Lines, Ind, Type, Conjuncts, VarSet)
+	; { term_to_ite(Term, IfThens, Else) } ->
+		write_ite_terms(Lines, Ind, Type, IfThens, Else, VarSet)
+	; { term_to_disj(Term, Disjuncts) } ->
+		write_disjuncts(Lines, Ind, Type, Disjuncts, VarSet)
+	;
+		% Too bad if it is a quantifier, { Goal }, etc.
+		% Also too bad if it contains a pred expression...
+		% You can add pretty things here...
+		write_term(Lines, Ind, VarSet, Term)
+	).
+:- pred term_to_conj(term, list(term)).
+:- mode term_to_conj(in, out) is semidet.
+term_to_conj(functor(atom(","), [Head,Term], _), [Head|Tail]) :-
+	( term_to_conj(Term, Tail0) ->
+		Tail = Tail0
+	;
+		Tail = [Term]
+	).
+:- pred term_to_disj(term, list(term)).
+:- mode term_to_disj(in, out) is semidet.
+term_to_disj(functor(atom(";"), [Head,Term], _), [Head|Tail]) :-
+	( term_to_disj(Term, Tail0) ->
+		Tail = Tail0
+	;
+		Tail = [Term]
+	).
+:- pred term_to_ite(term, list(pair(term)), term).
+:- mode term_to_ite(in, out, out) is semidet.
+term_to_ite(functor(atom(";"), [Head,Else0], _), [If - Then|Rest], Else) :-
+	Head = functor(atom("->"), [If, Then], _),
+	( term_to_ite(Else0, Rest0, Else1) ->
+		Rest = Rest0,
+		Else = Else1
+	;
+		Rest = [],
+		Else = Else0
+	).
+:- pred write_conjuncts(lines, int, goal_type, list(term), varset,
+		io__state, io__state).
+:- mode write_conjuncts(in, in, in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+write_conjuncts(_Lines, Ind, Type, [], _VarSet) -->
+	write_ind(Ind),
+	(
+		{ Type = normal },
+		write_string("true")
+	;
+		{ Type = dcg },
+		write_string("{ true }")
+	).
+write_conjuncts(Lines, Ind, Type, [Goal], VarSet) -->
+	write_goal_term(Lines, Ind, Type, Goal, VarSet).
+write_conjuncts(Lines, Ind, Type, [Goal|Goals], VarSet) -->
+	{ Goals = [_|_] },
+	write_goal_term(Lines, Ind, Type, Goal, VarSet),
+	write_string(",\n"),
+	write_conjuncts(Lines, Ind, Type, Goals, VarSet).
+:- pred write_disjuncts(lines, int, goal_type, list(term), varset,
+		io__state, io__state).
+:- mode write_disjuncts(in, in, in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+write_disjuncts(Lines, Ind, Type, Goals, VarSet) -->
+	write_ind(Ind),
+	write_string("(\n"),
+	write_disjuncts0(Lines, Ind, Type, Goals, VarSet), nl,
+	write_ind(Ind),
+	write_string(")").
+:- pred write_disjuncts0(lines, int, goal_type, list(term), varset,
+		io__state, io__state).
+:- mode write_disjuncts0(in, in, in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+write_disjuncts0(_Lines, Ind, Type, [], _VarSet) -->
+	write_ind(Ind),
+	(
+		{ Type = normal },
+		write_string("fail")
+	;
+		{ Type = dcg },
+		write_string("{ fail }")
+	).
+write_disjuncts0(Lines, Ind, Type, [Goal], VarSet) -->
+	write_goal_term(Lines, Ind + 1, Type, Goal, VarSet), nl.
+write_disjuncts0(Lines, Ind, Type, [Goal|Goals], VarSet) -->
+	{ Goals = [_|_] },
+	write_goal_term(Lines, Ind + 1, Type, Goal, VarSet), nl,
+	write_ind(Ind),
+	write_string(";\n"),
+	write_disjuncts0(Lines, Ind, Type, Goals, VarSet).
+:- pred write_ite_terms(lines, int, goal_type, list(pair(term)), term, varset,
+		io__state, io__state).
+:- mode write_ite_terms(in, in, in, in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+write_ite_terms(Lines, Ind, Type, IfThens, Else, VarSet) -->
+	write_ind(Ind),
+	write_string("(\n"),
+	write_ite_terms0(Lines, Ind, Type, IfThens, VarSet),
+	write_ind(Ind),
+	write_string(";\n"),
+	write_goal_term(Lines, Ind + 1, Type, Else, VarSet), nl,
+	write_ind(Ind),
+	write_string(")").
+:- pred write_ite_terms0(lines, int, goal_type, list(pair(term)), varset,
+		io__state, io__state).
+:- mode write_ite_terms0(in, in, in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+write_ite_terms0(_Lines, _Ind, _Type, [], _VarSet) -->
+	{ error("no if-thens") }.
+write_ite_terms0(Lines, Ind, Type, [If - Then], VarSet) -->
+	write_goal_term(Lines, Ind + 1, Type, If, VarSet), nl,
+	write_ind(Ind),
+	write_string("->\n"),
+	write_goal_term(Lines, Ind + 1, Type, Then, VarSet), nl.
+write_ite_terms0(Lines, Ind, Type, [If - Then|Rest], VarSet) -->
+	{ Rest = [_|_] },
+	write_goal_term(Lines, Ind + 1, Type, If, VarSet), nl,
+	write_ind(Ind),
+	write_string("->\n"),
+	write_goal_term(Lines, Ind + 1, Type, Then, VarSet), nl,
+	write_ind(Ind),
+	write_string(";\n"),
+	write_ite_terms0(Lines, Ind, Type, Rest, VarSet).
+:- pred cons_decl(string, term, term).
+:- mode cons_decl(in, in, out) is det.
+cons_decl(Atom, DeclTerm, Term) :-
+	get_context(DeclTerm, Context),
+	Term = functor(atom(":-"),
+		[functor(atom(Atom), [DeclTerm], Context)],
+		Context).
+:- pred get_context(term, context).
+:- mode get_context(in, out) is det.
+get_context(variable(_), Context) :-
+	context_init(Context).
+get_context(functor(_, _, Context), Context).
+:- pred write_ind(int, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode write_ind(in, di, uo) is det.
+write_ind(N) -->
+	( { N > 0 } ->
+		write_string("    "),
+		write_ind(N - 1)
+	;
+		[]
+	).
+:- pred dot_nl(io__state, io__state).
+:- mode dot_nl(di, uo) is det.
+dot_nl --> write_string(".\n").
+:- pred write_term(lines, int, varset, term, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode write_term(in, in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+write_term(lines, Ind, VarSet, Term) -->
+	{ get_context(Term, context(File, Line)) },
+	( { File = "", Line = 0 } ->
+		[]
+	;
+		format("#%d\n", [i(Line)])
+	),
+	write_ind(Ind),
+	write_term(VarSet, Term).
+write_term(nolines, Ind, VarSet, Term) -->
+	write_ind(Ind),
+	write_term(VarSet, Term).
+term_to_type(functor(atom(Atom), Args, Context), Type) :-
+	(
+		Atom = "==",
+		Args = [Head0, Body0]
+	->
+		Type = equiv(Head0, Body0)
+	;
+		Atom = "--->",
+		Args = [Head1, Body1]
+	->
+		( term_to_disj(Body1, Terms0) ->
+			Terms = Terms0
+		;
+			Terms = [Body1]
+		),
+		Type = disj(Head1, Terms)
+	;
+		Type = abstr(functor(atom(Atom), Args, Context))
+	).
+:- pred cons_type_body(list(term), term).
+:- mode cons_type_body(in, out) is det.
+cons_type_body([], _) :-
+	error("cons_type_body: no disjuncts").
+cons_type_body([E], E).
+cons_type_body([E|Es], T) :-
+	Es = [_|_],
+	cons_type_body(Es, T0),
+	get_context(E, Context),
+	T = functor(atom(";"), [E, T0], Context).
+term_to_goal(functor(atom(Atom), Args, Context), Goal) :-
+	( term_to_goal0(Atom, Args, Context, Goal0) ->
+		Goal = Goal0
+	;
+		Goal = call(functor(atom(Atom), Args, Context))
+	).
+:- pred term_to_goal0(string, list(term), context, goal).
+:- mode term_to_goal0(in, in, in, out) is semidet.
+term_to_goal0("true", [], _, conj([])).
+term_to_goal0("fail", [], _, disj([])).
+term_to_goal0(",", [A, B], _, conj([GoalA|Conj])) :-
+	term_to_goal(A, GoalA),
+	term_to_goal(B, GoalB),
+	( GoalB = conj(Conj0) ->
+		Conj = Conj0
+	;
+		Conj = [GoalB]
+	).
+term_to_goal0(";", [A, B], _, Goal) :-
+	( A = functor(atom("->"), [IfTerm, ThenTerm], _) ->
+		term_to_goal(IfTerm, If),
+		term_to_goal(ThenTerm, Then),
+		term_to_goal(B, Else),
+		Goal = ite(If, Then, Else)
+	;
+		term_to_goal(A, GoalA),
+		term_to_goal(B, GoalB),
+		( GoalB = disj(Disj0) ->
+			Goal = disj([GoalA|Disj0])
+		;
+			Goal = disj([GoalA, GoalB])
+		)
+	).
+term_to_goal0("=", [A, B], Context, =(A, B, Context)).
+term_to_goal0("not", [A], _, not(Goal)) :-
+	term_to_goal(A, Goal).
+term_to_goal0("\\+", [A], _, not(Goal)) :-
+	term_to_goal(A, Goal).
+term_to_goal0("some", [VarsTerm, GoalTerm], _, exists(Vars, Goal)) :-
+	vars(VarsTerm, Vars0),
+	sort_and_remove_dups(Vars0, Vars),
+	term_to_goal(GoalTerm, Goal).
+term_to_goal0("all", [VarsTerm, GoalTerm], _, forall(Vars, Goal)) :-
+	vars(VarsTerm, Vars0),
+	sort_and_remove_dups(Vars0, Vars),
+	term_to_goal(GoalTerm, Goal).
+term_to_goal0("=>", [A, B], _, (GoalA => GoalB)) :-
+	term_to_goal(A, GoalA),
+	term_to_goal(B, GoalB).
+term_to_goal0("<=", [A, B], _, (GoalA <= GoalB)) :-
+	term_to_goal(A, GoalA),
+	term_to_goal(B, GoalB).
+term_to_goal0("<=>", [A, B], _, (GoalA <=> GoalB)) :-
+	term_to_goal(A, GoalA),
+	term_to_goal(B, GoalB).
+write_goal(VarSet, Goal) -->
+	write_goal(nolines, 1, normal, Goal, VarSet).
+:- pred write_goal(lines, int, goal_type, goal, varset, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode write_goal(in, in, in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+write_goal(Lines, Ind, _GoalType, call(Term), VarSet) -->
+	write_term(Lines, Ind, VarSet, Term).
+write_goal(Lines, Ind, GoalType, =(LHS, RHS, Context), VarSet) -->
+	{ UnifyTerm = functor(atom("="), [LHS, RHS], Context) },
+	(
+		{ GoalType = dcg },
+		{ Term = functor(atom("{}"), [UnifyTerm], Context) }
+	;
+		{ GoalType = normal },
+		{ Term = UnifyTerm }
+	),
+	write_term(Lines, Ind, VarSet, Term).
+write_goal(Lines, Ind, GoalType, conj(Goals), VarSet) -->
+	write_conj(Lines, Ind, GoalType, Goals, VarSet).
+write_goal(Lines, Ind, GoalType, disj(Goals), VarSet) -->
+	write_disj(Lines, Ind, GoalType, Goals, VarSet).
+write_goal(Lines, Ind, GoalType, ite(If, Then, Else0), VarSet) -->
+	{ collect_ite(Else0, IfThens0, Else) },
+	write_ite(Lines, Ind, GoalType, [If - Then|IfThens0], Else, VarSet).
+write_goal(Lines, Ind, GoalType, not(Goal), VarSet) -->
+	write_ind(Ind),
+	write_string("not (\n"),
+	write_goal(Lines, Ind + 1, GoalType, Goal, VarSet), nl,
+	write_ind(Ind),
+	write_string(")").
+write_goal(Lines, Ind, GoalType, exists(Vars, Goal), VarSet) -->
+	write_ind(Ind),
+	write_string("some ["),
+	write_vars(Vars, VarSet),
+	write_string("] (\n"),
+	write_goal(Lines, Ind + 1, GoalType, Goal, VarSet), nl,
+	write_ind(Ind),
+	write_string(")").
+write_goal(Lines, Ind, GoalType, forall(Vars, Goal), VarSet) -->
+	write_ind(Ind),
+	write_string("all ["),
+	write_vars(Vars, VarSet),
+	write_string("] (\n"),
+	write_goal(Lines, Ind + 1, GoalType, Goal, VarSet), nl,
+	write_ind(Ind),
+	write_string(")").
+write_goal(Lines, Ind, GoalType, (A => B), VarSet) -->
+	write_ind(Ind),
+	write_string("((\n"),
+	write_goal(Lines, Ind, GoalType, A, VarSet), nl,
+	write_ind(Ind),
+	write_string(") => (\n"),
+	write_goal(Lines, Ind, GoalType, A, VarSet), nl,
+	write_ind(Ind),
+	write_string("))").
+write_goal(Lines, Ind, GoalType, (A <= B), VarSet) -->
+	write_ind(Ind),
+	write_string("((\n"),
+	write_goal(Lines, Ind, GoalType, A, VarSet), nl,
+	write_ind(Ind),
+	write_string(") <= (\n"),
+	write_goal(Lines, Ind, GoalType, B, VarSet), nl,
+	write_ind(Ind),
+	write_string("))").
+write_goal(Lines, Ind, GoalType, (A <=> B), VarSet) -->
+	write_ind(Ind),
+	write_string("((\n"),
+	write_goal(Lines, Ind, GoalType, A, VarSet), nl,
+	write_ind(Ind),
+	write_string(") <=> (\n"),
+	write_goal(Lines, Ind, GoalType, B, VarSet), nl,
+	write_ind(Ind),
+	write_string("))").
+:- pred write_conj(lines, int, goal_type, list(goal), varset,
+		io__state, io__state).
+:- mode write_conj(in, in, in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+write_conj(_Lines, Ind, Type, [], _VarSet) -->
+	write_ind(Ind),
+	(
+		{ Type = normal },
+		write_string("true")
+	;
+		{ Type = dcg },
+		write_string("{ true }")
+	).
+write_conj(Lines, Ind, Type, [Goal], VarSet) -->
+	write_goal(Lines, Ind, Type, Goal, VarSet).
+write_conj(Lines, Ind, Type, [Goal|Goals], VarSet) -->
+	{ Goals = [_|_] },
+	write_goal(Lines, Ind, Type, Goal, VarSet),
+	write_string(",\n"),
+	write_conj(Lines, Ind, Type, Goals, VarSet).
+:- pred write_disj(lines, int, goal_type, list(goal), varset,
+		io__state, io__state).
+:- mode write_disj(in, in, in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+write_disj(Lines, Ind, Type, Goals, VarSet) -->
+	write_ind(Ind),
+	write_string("(\n"),
+	write_disj0(Lines, Ind, Type, Goals, VarSet), nl,
+	write_ind(Ind),
+	write_string(")").
+:- pred write_disj0(lines, int, goal_type, list(goal), varset,
+		io__state, io__state).
+:- mode write_disj0(in, in, in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+write_disj0(_Lines, Ind, Type, [], _VarSet) -->
+	write_ind(Ind + 1),
+	(
+		{ Type = normal },
+		write_string("fail")
+	;
+		{ Type = dcg },
+		write_string("{ fail }")
+	).
+write_disj0(Lines, Ind, Type, [Goal], VarSet) -->
+	write_goal(Lines, Ind + 1, Type, Goal, VarSet), nl.
+write_disj0(Lines, Ind, Type, [Goal|Goals], VarSet) -->
+	{ Goals = [_|_] },
+	write_goal(Lines, Ind + 1, Type, Goal, VarSet), nl,
+	write_ind(Ind),
+	write_string(";\n"),
+	write_disj0(Lines, Ind, Type, Goals, VarSet).
+:- pred collect_ite(goal, list(pair(goal)), goal).
+:- mode collect_ite(in, out, out) is det.
+collect_ite(Goal0, IfThens, Else) :-
+	( Goal0 = ite(If, Then, Else0) ->
+		IfThens = [If - Then|IfThens0],
+		collect_ite(Else0, IfThens0, Else)
+	;
+		IfThens = [],
+		Else = Goal0
+	).
+:- pred write_ite(lines, int, goal_type, list(pair(goal)), goal, varset,
+		io__state, io__state).
+:- mode write_ite(in, in, in, in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+write_ite(Lines, Ind, Type, IfThens, Else, VarSet) -->
+	write_ind(Ind),
+	write_string("(\n"),
+	write_ite0(Lines, Ind, Type, IfThens, VarSet),
+	write_ind(Ind),
+	write_string(";\n"),
+	write_goal(Lines, Ind + 1, Type, Else, VarSet), nl,
+	write_ind(Ind),
+	write_string(")").
+:- pred write_ite0(lines, int, goal_type, list(pair(goal)), varset,
+		io__state, io__state).
+:- mode write_ite0(in, in, in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+write_ite0(_Lines, _Ind, _Type, [], _VarSet) -->
+	{ error("no if-thens") }.
+write_ite0(Lines, Ind, Type, [If - Then], VarSet) -->
+	write_goal(Lines, Ind + 1, Type, If, VarSet), nl,
+	write_ind(Ind),
+	write_string("->\n"),
+	write_goal(Lines, Ind + 1, Type, Then, VarSet), nl.
+write_ite0(Lines, Ind, Type, [If - Then|Rest], VarSet) -->
+	{ Rest = [_|_] },
+	write_goal(Lines, Ind + 1, Type, If, VarSet), nl,
+	write_ind(Ind),
+	write_string("->\n"),
+	write_goal(Lines, Ind + 1, Type, Then, VarSet), nl,
+	write_ind(Ind),
+	write_string(";\n"),
+	write_ite0(Lines, Ind, Type, Rest, VarSet).
+:- pred write_vars(vars, varset, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode write_vars(in, in, di, uo) is det.
+write_vars([], _) --> [].
+write_vars([V], VarSet) -->
+	write_variable(V, VarSet).
+write_vars([V|Vs], VarSet) -->
+	{ Vs = [_|_] },
+	write_variable(V, VarSet),
+	write_string(", "),
+	write_vars(Vs, VarSet).
Index: misc.m
RCS file: misc.m
diff -N misc.m
--- /dev/null	Tue May 16 14:50:59 2000
+++ misc.m	Sat May  6 18:29:00 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+:- module misc.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module int, map, set, std_util.
+:- type '' ---> ''.
+:- type (T1 -> T2) == map(T1, T2).
+:- type (T1 - T2) == pair(T1, T2).
+:- func empty = set(T).
+:- func { T } = set(T).
+:- func (set(T) /\ set(T)) = set(T).
+:- func (set(T) \/ set(T)) = set(T).
+:- func (set(T) - set(T)) = set(T).
+:- pred between(int, int, int).
+:- mode between(in, in, out) is nondet.
+:- implementation.
+empty = Empty :-
+	set__init(Empty).
+{ Elem } = Set :- set__singleton_set(Set, Elem).
+A /\ B = C :- set__intersect(A, B, C).
+A \/ B = C :- set__union(A, B, C).
+A - B = C :- set__difference(A, B, C).
+between(Min, Max, Z) :-
+	Min =< Max,
+	(
+		Z = Min
+	;
+		between(Min + 1, Max, Z)
+	).
Index: moose.m
RCS file: moose.m
diff -N moose.m
--- /dev/null	Tue May 16 14:50:59 2000
+++ moose.m	Fri May 19 16:02:23 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,871 @@
+:- module moose.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module grammar, lalr, tables, check, mercury, misc, options.
+:- import_module array, bool, getopt, int, list, map, require.
+:- import_module set, std_util, string, term, term_io, varset.
+main -->
+	parse_options(MOptions, Args),
+	(
+		{ MOptions = ok(Options) },
+		{ lookup_bool_option(Options, help, Help) },
+		( { Help = yes } ->
+			help
+		;
+			main2(Options, Args)
+		)
+	;
+		{ MOptions = error(String) },
+		stderr_stream(StdErr),
+		write_string(StdErr, String),
+		nl(StdErr)
+	).
+:- pred main2(options::in, list(string)::in, io__state::di, io__state::uo).
+main2(_Options, []) -->
+	stderr_stream(StdErr),
+	write_string(StdErr, "no input files.\n"),
+	help.
+main2(Options, [Name0|Names]) -->
+	{ figure_out_names(Name0, InName, OutName) },
+	see(InName, Res0),
+	(
+		{ Res0 = ok },
+		tell(OutName, Res1),
+		(
+			{ Res1 = ok },
+			process(Options),
+			told
+		;
+			{ Res1 = error(Err) },
+			{ error_message(Err, Msg) },
+			stderr_stream(StdErr),
+			write_string(StdErr, Msg),
+			nl(StdErr)
+		)
+	;
+		{ Res0 = error(Err) },
+		{ error_message(Err, Msg) },
+		stderr_stream(StdErr),
+		write_string(StdErr, Msg),
+		nl(StdErr)
+	),
+	( { Names = [_|_] } ->
+		main2(Options, Names)
+	;
+		[]
+	).
+:- pred figure_out_names(string::in, string::out, string::out) is det.
+figure_out_names(Name0, InName, OutName) :-
+	( string__remove_suffix(Name0, ".moo", Name1) ->
+		Name = Name1
+	;
+		Name = Name0
+	),
+	string__append(Name, ".moo", InName),
+	string__append(Name, ".m", OutName).
+:- type whereami
+	--->	(interface) ; (implementation) .
+:- type parser
+	--->	parser(whereami, nonterminal, term, string, string).
+:- pred process(options::in, io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+process(Options) -->
+	{ lookup_bool_option(Options, verbose, Verbse) },
+	( { Verbse = yes } -> report_stats ; [] ),
+	read_module(Result),
+	{ Result = module(Module, Errors) },
+	(
+		{ Errors = [_|_] },
+		stderr_stream(StdErr),
+		foldl((pred(Err::in, di, uo) is det -->
+			{ Err = error(Msg, Line) },
+			format(StdErr, "%d: %s\n", [i(Line), s(Msg)])
+		), Errors)
+	;
+		{ Errors = [] },
+		{ get_moose_elements(Module, [], Remainder0, (implementation),
+			[], MParser, [], RuleDecls, [], ClauseList,
+			[], XFormList) },
+		(
+			{ MParser = [] },
+			stderr_stream(StdErr),
+			write_string(StdErr, "error: no parse/4 declaration.\n")
+		;
+			{ MParser = [Parser] },
+			{ reverse(Remainder0, Remainder) },
+			process_2(Options, Remainder, Parser,
+				RuleDecls, ClauseList, XFormList)
+		;
+			{ MParser = [_,_|_] },
+			stderr_stream(StdErr),
+			write_string(StdErr, "error: more than one parse/4 declaration.\n")
+		)
+	).
+:- pred process_2(options, (module), parser, list(rule_decl), list(clause),
+		list(xform), io__state, io__state).
+:- mode process_2(in, in, in, in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+process_2(Options, Module, Parser, Decls0, Clauses0, XFormList) -->
+	{ lookup_bool_option(Options, verbose, Verbse) },
+	( { Verbse = yes } -> report_stats ; [] ),
+	{ check_rule_decls(Decls0, Decls, DeclErrors) },
+	foldl(write_error, DeclErrors),
+	{ check_clauses(Clauses0, Decls, Clauses, ClauseErrors) },
+	foldl(write_error, ClauseErrors),
+	{ Parser = parser(WhereAmI, StartId, EndToken, TokenType, _Prefix) },
+	{ check_useless(StartId, Clauses, Decls, UselessErrors) },
+	foldl(write_error, UselessErrors),
+	{ check_inf_derivations(Clauses, Decls, InfErrors) },
+	foldl(write_error, InfErrors),
+	(
+		{ DeclErrors = [] },
+		{ ClauseErrors = [] },
+		{ UselessErrors = [] },
+		{ InfErrors = [] }
+	->
+		write_module(nolines, Module), nl,
+		{ lookup(Decls, StartId, StartDecl) },
+		write_parser(WhereAmI, StartId, StartDecl, TokenType),
+		write_action_type_class(WhereAmI, XFormList, Decls),
+		stderr_stream(StdErr),
+		write_string(StdErr, "constructing grammar...\n"),
+		{ map__init(Xfns0) },
+		{ foldl((pred(XForm::in, Xf0::in, Xf::out) is det :-
+			XForm = xform(XfNt, _),
+			map__det_insert(Xf0, XfNt, XForm, Xf)
+		), XFormList, Xfns0, XForms) },
+		{ construct_grammar(StartId, EndToken, Clauses, XForms,
+			Grammar) },
+		{ Grammar = grammar(Rules, _, Xfns, _, Index, First, _Follow) },
+		{ reaching(Rules, First, Reaching) },
+		write_string(StdErr, "constructing lr(0) items...\n"),
+		{ lr0items(Rules, Reaching, C, Gotos) },
+		write_string(StdErr, "determining lookaheads...\n"),
+		lookaheads(C, Gotos, Rules, First, Index, Lookaheads),
+		write_string(StdErr, "computing the action table...\n"),
+		{ shifts(C, Rules, First, Reaching, Shifts) },
+		{ actions(C, Rules, Lookaheads, Gotos, Shifts,
+			States, ActionTable, ActionErrs) },
+		foldl2((pred(Err::in, HasEs0::in, HasEs::out, di, uo) is det -->
+			(
+				{ Err = warning(Warning) },
+				{ HasEs = HasEs0 },
+				(
+					{ Warning = shiftreduce(_S, Rp) },
+					write_string(StdErr,
+				"shift reduce conflict involving:\n\t"),
+					write_rule(StdErr, Rp, Rules)
+				)
+			;
+				{ Err = error(Error) },
+				{ HasEs = yes },
+				(
+					{ Error = shiftshift(_, _) },
+					write_string(StdErr,
+						"shift shift error.\n")
+				;
+					{ Error = reducereduce(R0, R1) },
+					write_string(StdErr,
+				"reduce reduce conflict involving:\n\t"),
+					write_rule(StdErr, R0, Rules),
+					write_string(StdErr, "\t"),
+					write_rule(StdErr, R1, Rules)
+				;
+					{ Error = misc(Ac1, Ac2) },
+					write_string(StdErr,
+				"misc conflict involving:\n\t"),
+					write(StdErr, Ac1), 
+					write_string(StdErr, "\n\t"),
+					write(StdErr, Ac2), 
+					write_string(StdErr, "\n")
+				)
+			)
+		), ActionErrs, no, _HasErrors),
+		write_action_table(ActionTable, TokenType, EndToken),
+		write_string(StdErr, "computing the goto table...\n"),
+		{ gotos(C, States, Gotos, GotoTable) },
+		write_goto_table(GotoTable, Decls),
+		write_reductions(Rules, TokenType, Xfns),
+		[]
+	;
+		[]
+	).
+:- pred write_action_type_class(whereami, list(xform), rule_decls, 
+	io__state, io__state).
+:- mode write_action_type_class(in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+write_action_type_class(Where, XForms, Decls) -->
+	( { Where = (interface) } ->
+		write_string(":- interface.\n\n")
+	;
+		[]
+	),
+	io__write_string(":- typeclass parser_state(T) where [\n"),
+	io__write_string("	pred get_token(token, T, T),\n"),
+	io__write_string("	mode get_token(out, in, out) is semidet"),
+	( { not XForms = [] } ->
+		io__write_string(",\n")
+	;
+		[]
+	),
+	{ WriteIn = (pred(_Anything::in, di, uo) is det -->
+		io__write_string("in"))
+	},
+	{ WriteXForm = (pred(XForm::in, di, uo) is det -->
+		{ XForm = xform(NT, MethodName) },
+		{ lookup(Decls, NT, RuleDecl) },
+		{ RuleDecl = rule(_NT, Types, VarSet, _Context) },
+		io__write_strings(["\tpred ", MethodName, "("]),
+		io__write_list(Types, ", ", term_io__write_term(VarSet)),
+		( { Types \= [] } -> io__write_string(", ") ; [] ),
+		io__write_string("T, T),\n"),
+		io__write_strings(["\tmode ", MethodName, "("]),
+		io__write_list(Types, ", ", WriteIn),
+		( { Types \= [] } -> io__write_string(", ") ; [] ),
+		io__write_string("in, out) is det")
+		)
+	},
+	io__write_list(XForms, ",\n", WriteXForm),
+	io__write_string("\n].\n"),
+	( { Where = (interface) } ->
+		write_string(":- implementation.\n\n")
+	;
+		[]
+	).
+:- pred write_rule(output_stream, int, rules, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode write_rule(in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+write_rule(Stream, RN, Rules) -->
+	{ lookup(Rules, RN, Rule) },
+	write_int(Stream, RN), write_string(Stream, ": "),
+	{ Rule = rule(NT, _, Syms, _, _, _, _) },
+	write(Stream, NT),
+	write_string(Stream, " ->\t"),
+	write_syms(Stream, 0, 999, Syms),
+	write_string(Stream, "\n").
+:- pred write_syms(output_stream, int, int, symbols, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode write_syms(in, in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+write_syms(Stream, N, Dot, Syms) -->
+	( { N = Dot } ->
+		write_string(Stream, ". ")
+	;
+		[]
+	),
+	{ array__max(Syms, Max) },
+	( { N =< Max } ->
+		{ lookup(Syms, N, Sym) },
+		write(Stream, Sym),
+		write_string(Stream, " "),
+		write_syms(Stream, N + 1, Dot, Syms)
+	;
+		[]
+	).
+:- pred get_moose_elements((module), (module), (module), whereami,
+		list(parser), list(parser), list(rule_decl), list(rule_decl),
+		list(clause), list(clause), list(xform), list(xform)).
+:- mode get_moose_elements(in, in, out, in, in, out, in, out, in, out,
+		in, out) is det.
+get_moose_elements([], Remainder, Remainder, _WhereAmI, MParser, MParser,
+		RuleDecls, RuleDecls, Clauses, Clauses, Actions, Actions).
+get_moose_elements([Element|Elements], Remainder0, Remainder, WhereAmI0,
+		MParser0, MParser, RuleDecls0, RuleDecls, Clauses0, Clauses,
+		Actions0, Actions) :-
+	(
+		Element = misc(ClauseTerm, ClauseVarSet),
+		term_to_clause(ClauseTerm, ClauseVarSet, _, Clause)
+	->
+		WhereAmI = WhereAmI0,
+		Remainder1 = Remainder0,
+		MParser1 = MParser0,
+		RuleDecls1 = RuleDecls0,
+		Clauses1 = [Clause|Clauses0],
+		Actions1 = Actions0
+	;
+		Element = misc(MiscTerm0, _),
+		interface_term(MiscTerm0)
+	->
+		WhereAmI = (interface),
+		Remainder1 = [Element|Remainder0],
+		MParser1 = MParser0,
+		RuleDecls1 = RuleDecls0,
+		Clauses1 = Clauses0,
+		Actions1 = Actions0
+	;
+		Element = misc(MiscTerm1, _),
+		implementation_term(MiscTerm1)
+	->
+		WhereAmI = (implementation),
+		Remainder1 = [Element|Remainder0],
+		MParser1 = MParser0,
+		RuleDecls1 = RuleDecls0,
+		Clauses1 = Clauses0,
+		Actions1 = Actions0
+	;
+		Element = misc(MiscTerm2, MiscVarSet2),
+		rule_term(MiscTerm2, MiscVarSet2, RuleDecl)
+	->
+		WhereAmI = WhereAmI0,
+		Remainder1 = Remainder0,
+		MParser1 = MParser0,
+		RuleDecls1 = [RuleDecl|RuleDecls0],
+		Clauses1 = Clauses0,
+		Actions1 = Actions0
+	;
+		Element = misc(MiscTerm3, MiscVarSet3),
+		parser_term(MiscTerm3, MiscVarSet3, WhereAmI0, Parser)
+	->
+		WhereAmI = WhereAmI0,
+		Remainder1 = Remainder0,
+		MParser1 = [Parser|MParser0],
+		RuleDecls1 = RuleDecls0,
+		Clauses1 = Clauses0,
+		Actions1 = Actions0
+	;
+		Element = misc(MiscTerm4, _),
+		xform_term(MiscTerm4, XForm)
+	->
+		WhereAmI = WhereAmI0,
+		Remainder1 = Remainder0,
+		MParser1 = MParser0,
+		RuleDecls1 = RuleDecls0,
+		Clauses1 = Clauses0,
+		Actions1 = [XForm|Actions0]
+	;
+		WhereAmI = WhereAmI0,
+		Remainder1 = [Element|Remainder0],
+		MParser1 = MParser0,
+		RuleDecls1 = RuleDecls0,
+		Clauses1 = Clauses0,
+		Actions1 = Actions0
+	),
+	get_moose_elements(Elements, Remainder1, Remainder, WhereAmI,
+		MParser1, MParser, RuleDecls1, RuleDecls, Clauses1, Clauses,
+		Actions1, Actions).
+:- pred interface_term(term::in) is semidet.
+interface_term(functor(atom(":-"), [functor(atom("interface"), [], _)], _)).
+:- pred implementation_term(term::in) is semidet.
+	[functor(atom("implementation"), [], _)], _)).
+:- pred rule_term(term, varset, rule_decl).
+:- mode rule_term(in, in, out) is semidet.
+rule_term(functor(atom(":-"), [functor(atom("rule"), [RuleTerm], _)], _),
+		VarSet, Decl) :-
+	RuleTerm = functor(atom(Name), Args, Context),
+	list__length(Args, Arity),
+	Decl = rule(Name/Arity, Args, VarSet, Context).
+:- pred parser_term(term, varset, whereami, parser).
+:- mode parser_term(in, in, in, out) is semidet.
+parser_term(functor(atom(":-"), [functor(atom("parse"), Args, _)], _),
+		_VarSet, WhereAmI, Decl) :-
+	Args = [StartIdTerm, EndTok, TokTerm, PrefixTerm],
+	StartIdTerm = functor(atom("/"), [functor(atom(Name), [], _),
+		functor(integer(Arity), _, _)], _),
+	StartId = Name / Arity,
+	TokTerm = functor(atom(TokAtom), [], _),
+	PrefixTerm = functor(atom(PrefixAtom), [], _),
+	Decl = parser(WhereAmI, StartId, EndTok, TokAtom, PrefixAtom).
+:- pred xform_term(term, xform).
+:- mode xform_term(in, out) is semidet.
+xform_term(Term, XForm) :-
+	Term = functor(atom(":-"), [
+		functor(atom("action"), [
+			functor(atom("/"), [
+				functor(atom(Name), [], _),
+				functor(integer(Arity), _, _)
+			], _),
+			functor(atom(Pred), [], _)
+		], _)
+	], _),
+	XForm = xform(Name/Arity, Pred).
+:- pred help(io__state, io__state).
+:- mode help(di, uo) is det.
+help -->
+	stderr_stream(StdErr),
+	write_strings(StdErr, [
+		"usage: moose <options> file ...\n",
+		"	-h|--help		help\n",
+		"	-a|--dump-action	dump the action table\n",
+		"	-f|--dump-first		dump the FIRST sets\n",
+		"	-a|--dump-follow	dump the FOLLOW sets\n",
+		"	-a|--dump-goto		dump the goto table\n",
+		"	-a|--dump-items		dump the item sets\n",
+		"	-a|--dump-rules		dump the flattened rules\n"
+	]).
+:- pred write_action_table(actiontable, string, term, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode write_action_table(in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+write_action_table(Table, TT, End) -->
+	write_strings([
+		":- type parsing_action\n",
+		"	--->	shift\n",
+		"	;	reduce\n",
+		"	;	accept\n",
+		"	.\n",
+		"\n",
+		":- pred actions(int, ", TT, ", parsing_action, int).\n",
+		":- mode actions(in, in, out, out) is semidet.\n",
+		"\n"
+	]),
+	foldl((pred(State::in, StateActions::in, di,uo) is det -->
+		{ format("0x%x", [i(State)], SS) },
+		write_strings([
+			"actions(", SS, ",Tok, Action, Value) :-\n",
+			"	actions", SS, "(Tok, Action, Value).\n",
+			"\n",
+			":- pred actions", SS, "(", TT, ", parsing_action, int).\n",
+			":- mode actions", SS, "(in, out, out) is semidet.\n",
+			"\n"
+		]),
+		write_state_actions(SS, End, StateActions)
+	), Table).
+:- pred write_state_actions(string, term, (terminal -> action),
+		io__state, io__state).
+:- mode write_state_actions(in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+write_state_actions(SS, End, StateActions) -->
+	{ format("actions%s", [s(SS)], Name) },
+	foldl((pred(Terminal::in, Action::in, di, uo) is det -->
+		{ terminal_to_term(Terminal, End, Token) },
+		{ context_init(Ctxt) },
+		{ Term = functor(atom(Name),
+			[Token,
+			functor(atom(Kind), [], Ctxt),
+			functor(integer(Val), [], Ctxt)], Ctxt) },
+		(
+			{ Action = shift(Val) },
+			{ Kind = "shift" }
+		;
+			{ Action = reduce(Val) },
+			{ Kind = "reduce" }
+		;
+			{ Action = accept },
+			{ Kind = "accept" },
+			{ Val = 0 }
+		),
+		{ init(Varset) },
+		term_io__write_term_nl(Varset, Term)
+	), StateActions),
+	nl.
+:- pred terminal_to_term(terminal, term, term).
+:- mode terminal_to_term(in, in, out) is det.
+terminal_to_term(epsilon, _, _) :-
+	error("terminal_to_term: unexpected epsilon").
+terminal_to_term(Name/Arity, _, Term) :-
+	init(V0),
+	new_vars(V0, Arity, Vars, _),
+	context_init(Ctxt),
+	map((pred(Var::in, T::out) is det :-
+		T = variable(Var)
+	), Vars, Args),
+	Term = functor(atom(Name), Args, Ctxt).
+terminal_to_term(($), End, End).
+terminal_to_term((*), _, _) :-
+	error("terminal_to_term: unexpected hash").
+:- pred write_goto_table(gototable, rule_decls, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode write_goto_table(in, in, di, uo) is det.
+write_goto_table(Table, DeclTable) -->
+	{ values(DeclTable, Decls) },
+	write_nonterminal_type(Decls),
+	write_strings([
+		":- pred gotos(int, nonterminal, int).\n",
+		":- mode gotos(in, in, out) is semidet.\n",
+		"\n"
+	]),
+	foldl((pred(State::in, StateActions::in, di,uo) is det -->
+		{ format("0x%x", [i(State)], SS) },
+		write_strings([
+			"gotos(", SS, ", NT, NS) :-\n",
+			"	gotos", SS, "(NT, NS).\n",
+			"\n",
+			":- pred gotos", SS, "(nonterminal, int).\n",
+			":- mode gotos", SS, "(in, out) is semidet.\n",
+			"\n"
+		]),
+		write_state_gotos(SS, StateActions)
+	), Table).
+:- pred write_nonterminal_type(list(rule_decl), io__state, io__state).
+:- mode write_nonterminal_type(in, di, uo) is det.
+write_nonterminal_type(Ds) -->
+	{ map((pred(Decl::in, NTType::out) is det :-
+		Decl = rule(NT, Args, _VS, TC),
+		(
+			NT = start,
+			error("write_nonterminal_type: start!")
+		;
+			NT = Name/_Arity
+		),
+		NTType = functor(atom(Name), Args, TC)
+	), Ds, NTTypes) },
+	{ context_init(Ctxt) },
+	{ init(Varset) },
+	{ Type = disj(functor(atom("nonterminal"), [], Ctxt), NTTypes) },
+	{ Element = type(Type, Varset) },
+	write_element(nolines, Element),
+	nl.
+:- pred write_state_gotos(string, (nonterminal -> grammar__state),
+		io__state, io__state).
+:- mode write_state_gotos(in, in, di, uo) is det.
+write_state_gotos(SS, StateActions) -->
+	{ format("gotos%s", [s(SS)], Name) },
+	foldl((pred(NT::in, NS::in, di, uo) is det -->
+		{ nonterminal_to_term(NT, Token) },
+		{ context_init(Ctxt) },
+		{ Term = functor(atom(Name),
+			[Token, functor(integer(NS), [], Ctxt)], Ctxt) },
+		{ init(Varset) },
+		term_io__write_term_nl(Varset, Term)
+	), StateActions),
+	nl.
+:- pred nonterminal_to_term(nonterminal, term).
+:- mode nonterminal_to_term(in, out) is det.
+nonterminal_to_term(start, _) :-
+	error("nonterminal_to_term: unexpected start").
+nonterminal_to_term(Name/Arity, Term) :-
+	init(V0),
+	new_vars(V0, Arity, Vars, _),
+	context_init(Ctxt),
+	map((pred(Var::in, T::out) is det :-
+		T = variable(Var)
+	), Vars, Args),
+	Term = functor(atom(Name), Args, Ctxt).
+:- pred write_parser(whereami, nonterminal, rule_decl, string,
+		io__state, io__state).
+:- mode write_parser(in, in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+write_parser(Where, NT, Decl, TT) -->
+	(
+		{ NT = StartName/StartArity }
+	;
+		{ NT = start },
+		{ error("write_parser: start!") }
+	),
+	{ Decl = rule(_, DeclArgs, DeclVarset, DeclCtxt) },
+	{ init(Varset0) },
+	{ mkstartargs(StartArity, [], StartArgs, Varset0, Varset) },
+	{ StartTerm = functor(atom(StartName), StartArgs, Ctxt) },
+	{ context_init(Ctxt) },
+	{ ParseResultType = type(disj(functor(atom("presult"), [], Ctxt),
+		[OkayType, ErrorType]), DeclVarset) },
+	{ OkayType = functor(atom(StartName), DeclArgs, DeclCtxt) },
+	{ ErrorType = functor(atom("error"), [
+		functor(atom("string"), [], Ctxt)], Ctxt) },
+	( { Where = (interface) } ->
+		write_string(":- interface.\n\n")
+	;
+		[]
+	),
+	write_element(nolines, ParseResultType),
+	nl,
+	write_strings([
+		":- import_module list.\n\n",
+		":- pred parse(P, presult, P) <= parser_state(P).\n",
+		":- mode parse(in, out, out) is det.\n",
+		"\n"
+	]),
+	( { Where = (interface) } ->
+		write_string(":- implementation.\n\n")
+	;
+		[]
+	),
+	write_strings([
+"parse(Toks0, Result, Toks) :-\n",
+"	parse(Toks0, Toks, [0], [], Result).\n",
+":- pred parse(P, P, statestack, symbolstack, presult) <= parser_state(P).\n",
+":- mode parse(in, out, in, in, out) is det.\n",
+"parse(Toks0, Toks, St0, Sy0, Res) :-\n",
+"    (\n",
+"        St0 = [S0|_],\n",
+"        ( \n",
+"            get_token(Tok, Toks0, Toks1)\n",
+"        ->\n",
+"            ( \n",
+"                actions(S0, Tok, What, Val)\n",
+"            ->\n",
+"                (\n",
+"                    What = shift,\n",
+"                    Sy1 = [t(Tok)|Sy0],\n",
+"                    St1 = [Val|St0],\n",
+"                    parse(Toks1, Toks, St1, Sy1, Res)\n",
+"                ;\n",
+"                    What = reduce,\n",
+"                    reduce(Val, St0, St1, Sy0, Sy1, Toks0, Toks2),\n",
+"                    parse(Toks2, Toks, St1, Sy1, Res)\n",
+"                ;\n",
+"                    What = accept,\n",
+"                        ( Sy0 = [n("
+        ]),
+        write_term(Varset, StartTerm),
+        write_strings([
+")] ->\n",
+"                        Res = ("
+	]),
+	write_term(Varset, StartTerm),
+	write_strings([
+"                        Toks = Toks1\n",
+"                    ;\n",
+"                        error(""parse: internal accept error"")\n",
+"                    )\n",
+"                )\n",
+"            ;\n",
+"                Res = error(""parse error""),\n",
+"                Toks = Toks0\n",
+"            )\n",
+"        ;\n",
+"            Res = error(""unexpected end of input""),\n",
+"            Toks = Toks0\n",
+"        )\n",
+"    ;\n",
+"        St0 = [],\n",
+"        error(""parse: state stack underflow"")\n",
+"    ).\n",
+	]).
+:- pred mkstartargs(int, list(term), list(term), varset, varset).
+:- mode mkstartargs(in, in, out, in, out) is det.
+mkstartargs(N, Ts0, Ts, VS0, VS) :-
+	( N =< 0 ->
+		Ts = Ts0,
+		VS = VS0
+	;
+		format("V%d", [i(N)], VarName),
+		new_named_var(VS0, VarName, Var, VS1),
+		T = variable(Var),
+		Ts1 = [T|Ts0],
+		mkstartargs(N - 1, Ts1, Ts, VS1, VS)
+	).
+:- pred write_reductions(rules, string, xforms, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode write_reductions(in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+write_reductions(Rules, TT, Xfns) -->
+	write_strings([
+":- import_module require, std_util.\n",
+":- type statestack == list(int).\n",
+":- type symbolstack == list(stacksymbol).\n",
+":- type stacksymbol\n",
+"	--->	n(nonterminal)\n",
+"	;	t(", TT, ").\n",
+":- pred reduce(int, statestack, statestack, symbolstack, symbolstack,\n",
+"		P, P) <= parser_state(P).\n",
+":- mode reduce(in, in, out, in, out, in, out) is det.\n",
+"reduce(RuleNum, States0, States, Symbols0, Symbols, Tokens0, Tokens) :-\n",
+"	(\n",
+"		reduce0(RuleNum, States0, States1, Symbols0, Symbols1,\n",
+"			Tokens0, Tokens1),\n",
+"		States1 = [State0|_States2],\n",
+"		Symbols1 = [n(Non)|_],\n",
+"		gotos(State0, Non, State1),\n",
+"		States3 = [State1|States1]\n",
+"	->\n",
+"		States = States3,\n",
+"		Symbols = Symbols1,\n",
+"		Tokens = Tokens1\n",
+"	;\n",
+"		error(""reduce: reduction failed"")\n",
+"	).\n",
+":- pred reduce0(int, statestack, statestack, symbolstack, symbolstack,\n",
+"		P, P) <= parser_state(P).\n",
+":- mode reduce0(in, in, out, in, out, in, out) is semidet.\n",
+	]),
+	foldl((pred(Rn::in, Rule::in, di, uo) is det -->
+		( { Rn \= 0 } ->
+		{ format("reduce0x%x", [i(Rn)], RedName) },
+		{ format("0x%x", [i(Rn)], RnS) },
+		write_strings([
+"reduce0(", RnS, ", S0, S, T0, T, U0, U) :-\n",
+"	", RedName, "(S0, S, T0, T, U0, U).\n",
+":- pred ", RedName, "(statestack, statestack, symbolstack, symbolstack,\n",
+"		P, P) <= parser_state(P).\n",
+":- mode ", RedName, "(in, out, in, out, in, out) is det.\n",
+		]),
+		{ Rule = rule(RNt, Head, _, Body, Actions, Varset0, _C) },
+		{ new_named_var(Varset0, "M_St0", St0v, Varset1) },
+		{ St0 = variable(St0v) },
+		{ new_named_var(Varset1, "M_St1", St1v, Varset2) },
+		{ St1 = variable(St1v) },
+		{ new_named_var(Varset2, "M_Sy0", Sy0v, Varset3) },
+		{ Sy0 = variable(Sy0v) },
+		{ new_named_var(Varset3, "M_Sy1", Sy1v, Varset4) },
+		{ Sy1 = variable(Sy1v) },
+		{ new_named_var(Varset4, "M_RedRes", Resv, Varset5) },
+		{ Res = variable(Resv) },
+		{ ResS = functor(atom("n"), [variable(Resv)], Ctxt) },
+		{ new_named_var(Varset5, "M_D", Dv, Varset6) },
+		{ _D = variable(Dv) },
+		{ new_named_var(Varset6, "M_S", Sv, Varset7) },
+		{ _S = variable(Sv) },
+		{ new_named_var(Varset7, "M_St", Stv, Varset8) },
+		{ St = variable(Stv) },
+		{ new_named_var(Varset8, "M_Sy", Syv, Varset9) },
+		{ Sy = variable(Syv) },
+		{ new_named_var(Varset9, "M_Ts0", Ts0v, Varset10) },
+		{ Ts0 = variable(Ts0v) },
+		{ new_named_var(Varset10, "M_Ts", Tsv, Varset11) },
+		{ Ts = variable(Tsv) },
+		{ context_init(Ctxt) },
+		{ format("reduction 0x%x failed!", [i(Rn)], Err) },
+		{ mkstacks(Body, St1, Sts, Sy1, Sys, Varset11, Varset12) },
+		{ Cond = functor(atom(","), [
+			functor(atom("="), [St0, Sts], Ctxt),
+			functor(atom("="), [Sy0, Sys], Ctxt)
+		], Ctxt) },
+		{ Red = functor(atom("="), [Res, Head], Ctxt) },
+		{ append(Actions, [Red], AllActions0) },
+		{ reverse(AllActions0, AllActions) },
+		{ ConsStack = functor(atom(","), [
+			functor(atom("="), [Sy, functor(atom("."), [ResS, Sy1],
+				Ctxt)], Ctxt),
+			functor(atom("="), [St, St1], Ctxt)], Ctxt) },
+		{ mkactions(AllActions, ConsStack, Then0) },
+		(
+			{ search(Xfns, RNt, xform(_, XFormName)) },
+			{ Head = functor(_, HeadArgs, _) }
+		->
+			{ append(HeadArgs, [Ts0, Ts], Then1Args) },
+			{ Then1 = functor(atom(XFormName), Then1Args, Ctxt) }
+		;
+			{ Then1 = functor(atom("="), [Ts0, Ts], Ctxt) }
+		),
+		{ Then = functor(atom(","), [Then0, Then1], Ctxt) },
+		{ BodyTerm = functor(atom(";"),[
+			functor(atom("->"), [
+				Cond,
+				Then
+			], Ctxt),
+			functor(atom("error"),
+				[functor(string(Err), [], Ctxt)],
+				Ctxt
+			)], Ctxt) },
+		( { term_to_goal(BodyTerm, Goal0) } ->
+			{ Goal = Goal0 }
+		;
+			{ error("write_reductions: failed to convert goal") }
+		),
+		{ Clause = clause(
+			functor(atom(RedName),  [St0, St, Sy0, Sy, Ts0, Ts], Ctxt),
+			Goal, Varset12) },
+		write_element(lines, Clause),
+		nl
+		; [] )
+	), Rules).
+:- pred mkstacks(list(bodyterm), term, term, term, term, varset, varset).
+:- mode mkstacks(in, in, out, in, out, in, out) is det.
+mkstacks([], St, St, Sy, Sy, VS, VS).
+mkstacks([E0|Es], St0, St, Sy0, Sy, VS0, VS) :-
+	new_var(VS0, U, VS1),
+	context_init(Ctxt),
+	(
+		E0 = terminal(ET),
+		E = functor(atom("t"), [ET], Ctxt)
+	;
+		E0 = nonterminal(EN),
+		E = functor(atom("n"), [EN], Ctxt)
+	),
+	Sy1 = functor(atom("."), [E, Sy0], Ctxt),
+	St1 = functor(atom("."), [variable(U), St0], Ctxt),
+	mkstacks(Es, St1, St, Sy1, Sy, VS1, VS).
+:- pred mkactions(list(term), term, term).
+:- mode mkactions(in, in, out) is det.
+mkactions([], Term, Term).
+mkactions([E|Es], Term0, Term) :-
+	context_init(Ctxt),
+	Term1 = functor(atom(","), [E, Term0], Ctxt),
+	mkactions(Es, Term1, Term).
+:- pred sub(string, list(pair(string)), string).
+:- mode sub(in, in, out) is det.
+sub(Orig, Subs, Final) :-
+	foldl((pred(Sub::in, S0::in, S1::out) is det :-
+		Sub = From - To,
+		string__replace_all(S0, From, To, S1)
+	), Subs, Orig, Final).
Index: options.m
RCS file: options.m
diff -N options.m
--- /dev/null	Tue May 16 14:50:59 2000
+++ options.m	Tue May  2 13:34:20 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+:- module options.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module getopt, io, list, string.
+:- type option
+	--->	help
+	;	verbose
+		% Debugging options
+	;	dump_action
+	;	dump_first
+	;	dump_follow
+	;	dump_goto
+	;	dump_items
+	;	dump_rules
+		% Output options
+	.
+:- type options == option_table(option).
+:- type maybe_options == maybe_option_table(option).
+:- pred parse_options(maybe_options, list(string), io__state, io__state).
+:- mode parse_options(out, out, di, uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module bool, char, std_util.
+parse_options(MOpts, Args) -->
+	io__command_line_arguments(Args0),
+	{ OptionOpts = option_ops(short, long, defaults) },
+	{ getopt__process_options(OptionOpts, Args0, Args, MOpts) }.
+:- pred short(char, option).
+:- mode short(in, out) is semidet.
+short('h',	help).
+short('v',	verbose).
+short('a',	dump_action).
+short('f',	dump_first).
+short('F',	dump_follow).
+short('g',	dump_goto).
+short('i',	dump_items).
+short('r',	dump_rules).
+:- pred long(string, option).
+:- mode long(in, out) is semidet.
+long("help",		help).
+long("verbose",		verbose).
+long("dump-action",	dump_action).
+long("dump-first",	dump_first).
+long("dump-follow",	dump_follow).
+long("dump-goto",	dump_goto).
+long("dump-items",	dump_items).
+long("dump-rules",	dump_rules).
+:- pred defaults(option, option_data).
+:- mode defaults(out, out) is nondet.
+defaults(Opt, Data) :-
+	semidet_succeed,
+	defaults0(Opt, Data).
+:- pred defaults0(option, option_data).
+:- mode defaults0(out, out) is multi.
+defaults0(help,		bool(no)).
+defaults0(verbose,	bool(no)).
+defaults0(dump_action,	bool(no)).
+defaults0(dump_first,	bool(no)).
+defaults0(dump_follow,	bool(no)).
+defaults0(dump_goto,	bool(no)).
+defaults0(dump_items,	bool(no)).
+defaults0(dump_rules,	bool(no)).
Index: tables.m
RCS file: tables.m
diff -N tables.m
--- /dev/null	Tue May 16 14:50:59 2000
+++ tables.m	Sat May  6 18:29:01 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+:- module tables.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module grammar, lalr, misc.
+:- import_module int, list, set.
+:- type states == (items -> int).
+:- type shifts == (nonterminal -> set(terminal)).
+:- type actionerrors == list(actionerr).
+:- type actionerr
+	--->	warning(actionwarning)
+	;	error(actionerror)
+	.
+:- type actionwarning
+	--->	shiftreduce(state, prodnum)
+	.
+:- type actionerror
+	--->	shiftshift(state, state)
+	;	reducereduce(prodnum, prodnum)
+	;	misc(action, action)
+	.
+:- pred shifts(set(items), rules, first, reaching, shifts).
+:- mode shifts(in, in, in, in, out) is det.
+:- pred actions(set(items), rules, lookaheads, gotos, shifts,
+		states, actiontable, actionerrors).
+:- mode actions(in, in, in, in, in, out, out, out) is det.
+:- pred gotos(set(items), states, gotos, gototable).
+:- mode gotos(in, in, in, out) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module array, bool, map, require, std_util, term.
+shifts(_C, _Rules, First, Reaching, Shifts) :-
+	init(Shifts0),
+	foldl((pred(N::in, Ts0::in, Ss0::in, Ss::out) is det :-
+		( search(Reaching, N, Ns0) ->
+			set__to_sorted_list(Ns0, Ns1)
+		;
+			Ns1 = []
+		),
+		map(lookup(First), Ns1, Ts1),
+		foldl(union, Ts1, Ts0, Ts2),
+		Ts = Ts2 - { epsilon },
+		set(Ss0, N, Ts, Ss)
+	), First, Shifts0, Shifts).
+actions(C, Rules, Lookaheads, Gotos, Shifts, States, Actions, Errs) :-
+	set__to_sorted_list(C, CList),
+	init(States0),
+	number_states(CList, 0, States0, States),
+	init(Actions0),
+	actions1(CList, Rules, Lookaheads, States, Gotos, Shifts,
+		Actions0, Actions, [], Errs).
+:- pred number_states(list(items), int, states, states).
+:- mode number_states(in, in, in, out) is det.
+number_states([], _N, States, States).
+number_states([I|Is], N, States0, States) :-
+	map__det_insert(States0, I, N, States1),
+	number_states(Is, N + 1, States1, States).
+:- pred actions1(list(items), rules, lookaheads, states, gotos, shifts,
+		actiontable, actiontable, actionerrors, actionerrors).
+:- mode actions1(in, in, in, in, in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
+actions1([], _Rules, _Lookaheads, _States, _Gotos, _Shifts,
+		Actions, Actions, Errs, Errs).
+actions1([I|Is], Rules, Lookaheads, States, Gotos, Shifts,
+		Actions0, Actions, Errs0, Errs) :-
+	lookup(States, I, Sn),
+	set__to_sorted_list(I, IList),
+	actions2(IList, I, Sn, Rules, Lookaheads, States, Gotos, Shifts,
+		Actions0, Actions1, Errs0, Errs1),
+	actions1(Is, Rules, Lookaheads, States, Gotos, Shifts,
+		Actions1, Actions, Errs1, Errs).
+:- pred actions2(list(item), items, state, rules, lookaheads, states, gotos,
+		shifts, actiontable, actiontable, actionerrors, actionerrors).
+:- mode actions2(in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
+actions2([], _I, _Sn, _Rules, _LA, _States, _Gotos, _Shifts,
+		Actions, Actions, Errs, Errs).
+actions2([A|As], I, Sn, Rules, LA, States, Gotos, Shifts,
+		Actions0, Actions, Errs0, Errs) :-
+	A = item(Ip, Id),
+	lookup(Rules, Ip, rule(_, _, Syms, _, _, _, _)),
+	array__max(Syms, Max),
+	( Id =< Max ->
+		lookup(Syms, Id, X),
+		lookup(Gotos, I, IGs),
+		(
+			X = terminal(T0),
+			Ts = { T0 }
+		;
+			X = nonterminal(N),
+			( search(Shifts, N, Ts0) ->
+				Ts = Ts0
+			;
+				Ts = empty
+			)
+		),
+		set__to_sorted_list(Ts, TList),
+		foldl2((pred(T::in, Ac0::in, Ac::out, in, out) is det -->
+			{ lookup(IGs, terminal(T), J) },
+			{ lookup(States, J, Jn) },
+			addaction(Sn, T, shift(Jn), Ac0, Ac)
+		), TList, Actions0, Actions1, Errs0, Errs1)
+	;
+		% A -> alpha .
+		(
+			search(LA, I, ILAs),
+			search(ILAs, A, Alphas)
+		->
+			set__to_sorted_list(Alphas, AlphaList),
+			foldl2((pred(T::in, A0::in, A1::out, in, out) is det -->
+				( { Ip = 0, T = ($) } ->
+					addaction(Sn, T, accept, A0, A1)
+				;
+					addaction(Sn, T, reduce(Ip), A0, A1)
+				)
+			), AlphaList, Actions0, Actions1, Errs0, Errs1)
+		;
+			Actions1 = Actions0,
+			Errs1 = Errs0
+		)
+	),
+	actions2(As, I, Sn, Rules, LA, States, Gotos, Shifts,
+		Actions1, Actions, Errs1, Errs).
+:- pred addaction(state, terminal, action, actiontable, actiontable,
+		actionerrors, actionerrors).
+:- mode addaction(in, in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
+addaction(Sn, T, A0, Actions0, Actions, Errs0, Errs) :-
+	( search(Actions0, Sn, State0) ->
+		State1 = State0
+	;
+		init(State1)
+	),
+	( search(State1, T, A1) ->
+		( A0 = A1 ->
+			A = A1,
+			Errs = Errs0
+		;
+			(
+				A0 = shift(S),
+				A1 = reduce(R),
+				A2 = A0,
+				Err = warning(shiftreduce(S, R))
+			;
+				A0 = reduce(R),
+				A1 = shift(S),
+				A2 = A1,
+				Err = warning(shiftreduce(S, R))
+			)
+		->
+			A = A2,
+			Errs = [Err|Errs0]
+		;
+			A = A0,
+			(
+				A0 = shift(S0),
+				A1 = shift(S1)
+			->
+				Err = error(shiftshift(S0, S1))
+			;
+				A0 = reduce(R0),
+				A1 = reduce(R1)
+			->
+				Err = error(reducereduce(R0, R1))
+			;
+				Err = error(misc(A0, A1))
+			),
+			Errs = [Err|Errs0]
+		)
+	;
+		A = A0,
+		Errs = Errs0
+	),
+	set(State1, T, A, State),
+	set(Actions0, Sn, State, Actions).
+gotos(_C, States, Gotos, GotoTable) :-
+	init(GotoTable0),
+	foldl((pred(I0::in, IGs::in, in, out) is det -->
+		{ lookup(States, I0, Sf) },
+		foldl((pred(Sym::in, J0::in, GT0::in, GT::out) is det :-
+			( Sym = nonterminal(N) ->
+				lookup(States, J0, St),
+				( search(GT0, Sf, X0) ->
+					X1 = X0
+				;
+					init(X1)
+				),
+				set(X1, N, St, X),
+				set(GT0, Sf, X, GT)
+			;
+				GT = GT0
+			)
+		), IGs)
+	), Gotos, GotoTable0, GotoTable).
Index: samples/Mmakefile
RCS file: Mmakefile
diff -N Mmakefile
--- /dev/null	Tue May 16 14:50:59 2000
+++ Mmakefile	Fri May 19 16:11:44 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+.SUFFIXES: .m .moo
+default_target : all
+depend : try_alpha.depend try_expr.depend
+try_alpha.depend: alpha.m
+try_expr.depend: expr.m
+all: try_alpha try_expr cgram.m small.m
+	../moose $<
+	rm -f alpha.m expr.m small.m cgram.m 
Index: samples/README
diff -N README
--- /dev/null	Tue May 16 14:50:59 2000
+++ README	Fri May 19 16:11:01 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+alpha.moo:	A small expression grammar + lexer.
+expr.moo:	A larger expression grammar + lexer.
+cgram.moo:	A grammar for C, which includes an action.
+		However there is no lexer provided.
+small.moo:	A grammar for a small C like language.
Index: samples/alpha.input
RCS file: alpha.input
diff -N alpha.input
--- /dev/null	Tue May 16 14:50:59 2000
+++ alpha.input	Fri May 19 10:37:38 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+1 + 2
+3 + 4
Index: samples/alpha.moo
RCS file: alpha.moo
diff -N alpha.moo
--- /dev/null	Tue May 16 14:50:59 2000
+++ alpha.moo	Fri May 19 10:20:19 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+:- module alpha.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module char, int, list.
+:- type token
+	--->	('+')
+	;	num(int)
+	;	('(')
+	;	(')')
+	;	('$')
+	.
+:- parse(exprn/1, ('$'), token, xx).
+:- pred scan(list(char), list(token)).
+:- mode scan(in, out) is semidet.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module string.
+:- rule exprn(int).
+exprn(Num)	--->	exprn(A), [+], term(B), { Num = A + B }.
+exprn(Term)	--->	term(Term).
+:- rule term(int).
+term(Num)	--->	factor(Num).
+:- rule factor(int).
+factor(Num)	--->	['('], exprn(Num), [')'].
+factor(Num)	--->	[num(Num)].
+scan(Chars, Toks) :-
+	scan(Chars, [], Toks0),
+	list__reverse(Toks0, Toks).
+:- pred scan(list(char), list(token), list(token)).
+:- mode scan(in, in, out) is semidet.
+scan([], Toks, ['$'|Toks]).
+scan([C|Cs], Toks0, Toks) :-
+	( char__is_whitespace(C) ->
+		scan(Cs, Toks0, Toks)
+	; char__is_digit(C) ->
+		takewhile(char__is_digit, [C|Cs], Digits, Rest),
+		string__from_char_list(Digits, NumStr),
+		string__to_int(NumStr, Num),
+		scan(Rest, [num(Num)|Toks0], Toks)
+	; C = ('+') ->
+		scan(Cs, ['+'|Toks0], Toks)
+	; C = ('(') ->
+		scan(Cs, ['('|Toks0], Toks)
+	; C = (')') ->
+		scan(Cs, [')'|Toks0], Toks)
+	;
+		fail
+	).
Index: samples/cgram.moo
RCS file: cgram.moo
diff -N cgram.moo
--- /dev/null	Tue May 16 14:50:59 2000
+++ cgram.moo	Fri May 19 14:14:31 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+:- module cgram.
+:- interface.
+:- parse(file/0, ('$'), token, 'x').
+:- type token --->
+('!'); ('!='); ('$'); ('%');
+('%='); ('&&'); ('&'); ('&=');
+('('); (')'); ('*'); ('*=');
+('+'); ('++'); ('+='); (',');
+('-'); ('--'); ('-='); ('->');
+('.'); ('...'); ('/'); ('/=');
+(':'); (';'); ('<'); ('<<');
+('<<='); ('<='); ('='); ('==');
+('>'); ('>='); ('>>'); ('>>=');
+('?'); ('['); (']'); ('^');
+('^='); ('auto'); ('break'); ('case');
+('char'); ('const'); ('continue'); ('default');
+('do'); ('double'); ('else'); ('enum');
+('extern'); ('float'); ('for'); ('goto');
+('id'); ('if'); ('int'); ('literal'); ('long');
+('register'); ('return'); ('short'); ('signed');
+('sizeof'); ('static'); ('string'); ('struct');
+('switch'); ('type_name'); ('typedef'); ('union');
+('unsigned'); ('void'); ('volatile'); ('while');
+('{'); ('|'); ('|='); ('||'); ('}'); ('~').  
+:- implementation.
+:- rule primary_expr.
+primary_expr --->
+	  identifier
+	; [literal]
+	; [string]
+	; ['('], expr, [')']
+	.
+:- rule postfix_expr.
+postfix_expr --->
+	  primary_expr
+	; postfix_expr, [('[')], expr, [(']')]
+	; postfix_expr, ['('], [')']
+	; postfix_expr, ['('], argument_expr_list, [')']
+	; postfix_expr, ['.'], identifier
+	; postfix_expr, ['->'], identifier
+	; postfix_expr, ['++']
+	; postfix_expr, ['--']
+	.
+:- rule argument_expr_list.
+argument_expr_list --->
+	  assignment_expr
+	; argument_expr_list, [','], assignment_expr
+	.
+:- rule unary_expr.
+unary_expr --->
+	  postfix_expr
+	; ['++'], unary_expr
+	; ['--'], unary_expr
+	; unary_operator, cast_expr
+	; [sizeof], unary_expr
+	; [sizeof], ['('], type_name, [')']
+	.
+:- rule unary_operator.
+unary_operator --->
+	  ['&']
+	; ['*']
+	; ['+']
+	; ['-']
+	; ['~']
+	; ['!']
+	.
+:- rule cast_expr.
+cast_expr --->
+	  unary_expr
+	; ['('], type_name, [')'], cast_expr
+	.
+:- rule multiplicative_expr.
+multiplicative_expr --->
+	  cast_expr
+	; multiplicative_expr, ['*'], cast_expr
+	; multiplicative_expr, ['/'], cast_expr
+	; multiplicative_expr, ['%'], cast_expr
+	.
+:- rule additive_expr.
+additive_expr --->
+	  multiplicative_expr
+	; additive_expr, ['+'], multiplicative_expr
+	; additive_expr, ['-'], multiplicative_expr
+	.
+:- rule shift_expr.
+shift_expr --->
+	  additive_expr
+	; shift_expr, ['<<'], additive_expr
+	; shift_expr, ['>>'], additive_expr
+	.
+:- rule relational_expr.
+relational_expr --->
+	  shift_expr
+	; relational_expr, ['<'], shift_expr
+	; relational_expr, ['>'], shift_expr
+	; relational_expr, ['<='], shift_expr
+	; relational_expr, ['>='], shift_expr
+	.
+:- rule equality_expr.
+equality_expr --->
+	  relational_expr
+	; equality_expr, ['=='], relational_expr
+	; equality_expr, ['!='], relational_expr
+	.
+:- rule and_expr.
+and_expr --->
+	  equality_expr
+	; and_expr, ['&'], equality_expr
+	.
+:- rule exclusive_or_expr.
+exclusive_or_expr --->
+	  and_expr
+	; exclusive_or_expr, ['^'], and_expr
+	.
+:- rule inclusive_or_expr.
+inclusive_or_expr --->
+	  exclusive_or_expr
+	; inclusive_or_expr, ['|'], exclusive_or_expr
+	.
+:- rule logical_and_expr.
+logical_and_expr --->
+	  inclusive_or_expr
+	; logical_and_expr, ['&&'], inclusive_or_expr
+	.
+:- rule logical_or_expr.
+logical_or_expr --->
+	  logical_and_expr
+	; logical_or_expr, ['||'], logical_and_expr
+	.
+:- rule conditional_expr.
+conditional_expr --->
+	  logical_or_expr
+	; logical_or_expr, ['?'], logical_or_expr, [':'], conditional_expr
+	.
+:- rule assignment_expr.
+assignment_expr --->
+	  conditional_expr
+	; unary_expr, assignment_operator, assignment_expr
+	.
+:- rule assignment_operator.
+assignment_operator --->
+	  ['=']
+	; ['*=']
+	; ['/=']
+	; ['%=']
+	; ['+=']
+	; ['-=']
+	; ['<<=']
+	; ['>>=']
+	; ['&=']
+	; ['^=']
+	; ['|=']
+	.
+:- rule expr.
+expr --->
+	  assignment_expr
+	; expr, [','], assignment_expr
+	.
+:- rule constant_expr.
+constant_expr --->
+	  conditional_expr
+	.
+:- rule declaration.
+declaration --->
+	  declaration_specifiers, [';']
+	; declaration_specifiers, init_declarator_list, [';']
+	.
+:- action(declaration/0, handle_typedefs).
+:- rule declaration_specifiers.
+declaration_specifiers --->
+	  storage_class_specifier
+	; storage_class_specifier, declaration_specifiers
+	; type_specifier
+	; type_specifier, declaration_specifiers
+	.
+:- rule init_declarator_list.
+init_declarator_list --->
+	  init_declarator
+	; init_declarator_list, [','], init_declarator
+	.
+:- rule init_declarator.
+init_declarator --->
+	  declarator
+	; declarator, ['='], initializer
+	.
+:- rule storage_class_specifier.
+storage_class_specifier --->
+	  [typedef]
+	; [extern]
+	; [static]
+	; [auto]
+	; [register]
+	.
+:- rule type_specifier.
+type_specifier --->
+	  [char]
+	; [short]
+	; [int]
+	; [long]
+	; [signed]
+	; [unsigned]
+	; [float]
+	; [double]
+	; [const]
+	; [volatile]
+	; [void]
+	; struct_or_union_specifier
+	; enum_specifier
+	; [type_name]
+	.
+:- rule struct_or_union_specifier.
+struct_or_union_specifier --->
+	  struct_or_union, identifier, ['{'], struct_declaration_list, ['}']
+	; struct_or_union, ['{'], struct_declaration_list, ['}']
+	; struct_or_union, identifier
+	.
+:- rule struct_or_union.
+struct_or_union --->
+	  [struct]
+	; [union]
+	.
+:- rule struct_declaration_list.
+struct_declaration_list --->
+	  struct_declaration
+	; struct_declaration_list, struct_declaration
+	.
+:- rule struct_declaration.
+struct_declaration --->
+	  type_specifier_list, struct_declarator_list, [';']
+	.
+:- rule struct_declarator_list.
+struct_declarator_list --->
+	  struct_declarator
+	; struct_declarator_list, [','], struct_declarator
+	.
+:- rule struct_declarator.
+struct_declarator --->
+	  declarator
+	; [':'], constant_expr
+	; declarator, [':'], constant_expr
+	.
+:- rule enum_specifier.
+enum_specifier --->
+	  [enum], ['{'], enumerator_list, ['}']
+	; [enum], identifier, ['{'], enumerator_list, ['}']
+	; [enum], identifier
+	.
+:- rule enumerator_list.
+enumerator_list --->
+	  enumerator
+	; enumerator_list, [','], enumerator
+	.
+:- rule enumerator.
+enumerator --->
+	  identifier
+	; identifier, ['='], constant_expr
+	.
+:- rule declarator.
+declarator --->
+	  declarator2
+	; pointer, declarator2
+	.
+:- rule declarator2.
+declarator2 --->
+	  identifier
+	; ['('], declarator, [')']
+	; declarator2, ['['], [']']
+	; declarator2, ['['], constant_expr, [']']
+	; declarator2, ['('], [')']
+	; declarator2, ['('], parameter_type_list, [')']
+	; declarator2, ['('], parameter_identifier_list, [')']
+	.
+:- rule pointer.
+pointer --->
+	  ['*']
+	; ['*'], type_specifier_list
+	; ['*'], pointer
+	; ['*'], type_specifier_list, pointer
+	.
+:- rule type_specifier_list.
+type_specifier_list --->
+	  type_specifier
+	; type_specifier_list, type_specifier
+	.
+:- rule parameter_identifier_list.
+parameter_identifier_list --->
+	  identifier_list
+	; identifier_list, [','], ['...']
+	.
+:- rule identifier_list.
+identifier_list --->
+	  identifier
+	; identifier_list, [','], identifier
+	.
+:- rule parameter_type_list.
+parameter_type_list --->
+	  parameter_list
+	; parameter_list, [','], ['...']
+	.
+:- rule parameter_list.
+parameter_list --->
+	  parameter_declaration
+	; parameter_list, [','], parameter_declaration
+	.
+:- rule parameter_declaration.
+parameter_declaration --->
+	  type_specifier_list, declarator
+	; type_name
+	. 
+:- rule type_name.
+type_name --->
+	  type_specifier_list
+	; type_specifier_list, abstract_declarator
+	.
+:- rule abstract_declarator.
+abstract_declarator --->
+	  pointer
+	; abstract_declarator2
+	; pointer, abstract_declarator2
+	.
+:- rule abstract_declarator2.
+abstract_declarator2 --->
+	  ['('], abstract_declarator, [')']
+	; ['['], [']']
+	; ['['], constant_expr, [']']
+	; abstract_declarator2, ['['], [']']
+	; abstract_declarator2, ['['], constant_expr, [']']
+	; ['('], [')']
+	; ['('], parameter_type_list, [')']
+	; abstract_declarator2, ['('], [')']
+	; abstract_declarator2, ['('], parameter_type_list, [')']
+	.
+:- rule initializer.
+initializer --->
+	  assignment_expr
+	; ['{'], initializer_list, ['}']
+	; ['{'], initializer_list, [','], ['}']
+	.
+:- rule initializer_list.
+initializer_list --->
+	  initializer
+	; initializer_list, [','], initializer
+	.
+:- rule statement.
+statement --->
+	  labeled_statement
+	; compound_statement
+	; expression_statement
+	; selection_statement
+	; iteration_statement
+	; jump_statement
+	.
+:- rule labeled_statement.
+labeled_statement --->
+	  identifier, [':'], statement
+	; [case], constant_expr, [':'], statement
+	; [default], [':'], statement
+	.
+:- rule compound_statement.
+compound_statement --->
+	  ['{'], ['}']
+	; ['{'], statement_list, ['}']
+	; ['{'], declaration_list, ['}']
+	; ['{'], declaration_list, statement_list, ['}']
+	.
+:- rule declaration_list.
+declaration_list --->
+	  declaration
+	; declaration_list, declaration
+	.
+:- rule statement_list.
+statement_list --->
+	  statement
+	; statement_list, statement
+	.
+:- rule expression_statement.
+expression_statement --->
+	  [';']
+	; expr, [';']
+	.
+:- rule selection_statement.
+selection_statement --->
+	  [if], ['('], expr, [')'], statement
+	; [if], ['('], expr, [')'], statement, [else], statement
+	; [switch], ['('], expr, [')'], statement
+	.
+:- rule iteration_statement.
+iteration_statement --->
+	  [while], ['('], expr, [')'], statement
+	; [do], statement, [while], ['('], expr, [')'], [';']
+	; [for], ['('], [';'], [';'], [')'], statement
+	; [for], ['('], [';'], [';'], expr, [')'], statement
+	; [for], ['('], [';'], expr, [';'], [')'], statement
+	; [for], ['('], [';'], expr, [';'], expr, [')'], statement
+	; [for], ['('], expr, [';'], [';'], [')'], statement
+	; [for], ['('], expr, [';'], [';'], expr, [')'], statement % XXX
+	; [for], ['('], expr, [';'], expr, [';'], [')'], statement
+	; [for], ['('], expr, [';'], expr, [';'], expr, [')'], statement
+	.
+:- rule jump_statement.
+jump_statement --->
+	  [goto], identifier, [';']
+	; [continue], [';']
+	; [break], [';']
+	; [return], [';']
+	; [return], expr, [';']
+	.
+:- rule file.
+file --->
+	  external_definition
+	; file, external_definition
+	.
+:- rule external_definition.
+external_definition --->
+	  function_definition
+	; declaration
+	.
+:- rule function_definition.
+function_definition --->
+	  declarator, function_body
+	; declaration_specifiers, declarator, function_body
+	.
+:- rule function_body.
+function_body --->
+	  compound_statement
+	; declaration_list, compound_statement
+	.
+:- rule identifier.
+identifier --->
+	  [id]
+	.
Index: samples/expr.input
RCS file: expr.input
diff -N expr.input
--- /dev/null	Tue May 16 14:50:59 2000
+++ expr.input	Fri May 19 16:09:33 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+7 + 10 / 2
+(3 + 4) * 5
Index: samples/expr.moo
RCS file: expr.moo
diff -N expr.moo
--- /dev/null	Tue May 16 14:50:59 2000
+++ expr.moo	Fri May 19 10:06:15 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+:- module expr.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module char, int, list.
+:- type token
+	--->	('+')
+	;	('-')
+	;	('*')
+	;	('/')
+	;	num(int)
+	;	('(')
+	;	(')')
+	;	('$')
+	.
+:- parse(exprn/1, ('$'), token, xx).
+:- pred scan(list(char), list(token)).
+:- mode scan(in, out) is semidet.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module string.
+:- rule exprn(int).
+exprn(Num)	--->	exprn(A), [+], term(B), { Num = A + B }.
+exprn(Num)	--->	exprn(A), [-], term(B), { Num = A - B }.
+exprn(Num)	--->	term(Num).
+:- rule term(int).
+term(Num)	--->	term(A), [*], factor(B), { Num = A * B }.
+term(Num)	--->	term(A), [/], factor(B), { Num = A // B }.
+term(Num)	--->	factor(Num).
+:- rule factor(int).
+factor(Num)	--->	['('], exprn(Num), [')'].
+factor(Num)	--->	[num(Num)].
+scan(Chars, Toks) :-
+	scan(Chars, [], Toks0),
+	list__reverse(Toks0, Toks).
+:- pred scan(list(char), list(token), list(token)).
+:- mode scan(in, in, out) is semidet.
+scan([], Toks, ['$'|Toks]).
+scan([C|Cs], Toks0, Toks) :-
+	( char__is_whitespace(C) ->
+		scan(Cs, Toks0, Toks)
+	; char__is_digit(C) ->
+		takewhile(char__is_digit, [C|Cs], Digits, Rest),
+		string__from_char_list(Digits, NumStr),
+		string__to_int(NumStr, Num),
+		scan(Rest, [num(Num)|Toks0], Toks)
+	; C = ('+') ->
+		scan(Cs, ['+'|Toks0], Toks)
+	; C = ('-') ->
+		scan(Cs, ['-'|Toks0], Toks)
+	; C = ('*') ->
+		scan(Cs, ['*'|Toks0], Toks)
+	; C = ('/') ->
+		scan(Cs, ['/'|Toks0], Toks)
+	; C = ('(') ->
+		scan(Cs, ['('|Toks0], Toks)
+	; C = (')') ->
+		scan(Cs, [')'|Toks0], Toks)
+	;
+		fail
+	).
Index: samples/small.moo
RCS file: small.moo
diff -N small.moo
--- /dev/null	Tue May 16 14:50:59 2000
+++ small.moo	Tue May  2 13:35:25 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+:- module small.
+:- parse(program/1, ('$'), token, 'x').
+:- rule program(list(defn)).
+program(Defs) --->
+	(
+		definition(Def),
+		{ Defs = [Def] }
+	;
+		program(Defs0), definition(Def),
+		{ append(Defs0, [Def], Defs) }
+	).
+:- rule definition(defn).
+definition(Def) --->
+	(
+		globals(Glob), { Def = glob(Glob) }
+	;
+		function(Fun), { Def = fun(Fun) }
+	).
+:- rule globals(pair((type), list(id))).
+globals(Type - Vars)	--->	type(Type), vars(Vars), [';'].
+:- rule function(fun).
+function(Fun) --->
+	type(RType), [id(Name)], ['('], parameters(Params), [')'],
+	compound(Stmnt),
+	{ Fun = fun(Name, RType, Params, Stmnt) }.
+:- rule parameters(list(pair((type), id))).
+parameters([]) --->	[].
+parameters(PList) --->	parameter_list(PList).
+:- rule parameter_list(list(pair((type), id))).
+parameter_list(Params) --->
+	(
+		parameter(Param),
+		{ Params = [Param] }
+	;
+		parameter(Param), [','], parameter_list(Params0),
+		{ Params = [Params0|Params] }
+	).
+:- rule parameter(pair((type), id)).
+parameter(Type - Id) --->
+	type(Type), var(Id).
+:- rule compound(statement).
+compound(compound(Statements)) --->
+	['{'], statements(Statements), ['}'].
+:- rule statements(list(statement)).
+statements(Statements) --->
+	(
+		statement(Statement),
+		{ Statements = [Statement] }
+	;
+		statements(Statements0), statement(Statement),
+		{ Statements = [Statement|Statements0] }
+	).
+:- rule statement(statement).
+statement(Stmnt) --->
+		compound(Stmnt)
+	;	ifthenelse(Stmnt)
+	;	while(Stmnt)
+	;	assignment(Stmnt)
+	.
+:- rule ifthenelse(statement).
+ifthenelse(Stmnt) --->
+	(
+		['if'], ['('], expression(Cond), [')'], statement(Then),
+		{ Stmnt = ite(Cond, Then, compound([])) }
+	;
+		['if'], ['('], expression(Cond), [')'],
+		statement(Then), ['else'], statement(Else),
+		{ Stmnt = ite(Cond, Then, Else) }
+	).
+:- rule while(statement).
+while(Stmnt)	--->
+	['while'], ['('], expression(Cond), [')'], statement(Body),
+	{ Stmnt = while(Cond, Body) }.
+:- rule assignment(statement).
+assignment(assign(Var, Expr)) --->
+	var(Var), ['='], expression(Expr).
+:- rule expression(expression).
+expression(E) --->	expression(E0), ['+'], term(E1), { E = E0 + E1 }.
+expression(E) --->	expression(E0), ['-'], term(E1), { E = E0 - E1 }.
+expression(E) --->	term(E).
+:- rule term(expression).
+term(E) ---> term(E0), ['*'], factor(E1), { E = E0 * E1 }.
+term(E) ---> term(E0), ['/'], factor(E1), { E = E0 / E1 }.
+term(E) ---> factor(E).
+:- rule factor(expression).
+factor(E) --->
+	(
+		[id(Var)], { E = var(Var) }
+	;
+		[num(Num)], { E = const(Num) }
+	;
+		[id(Func)], ['('], vars(Args), [')'],
+		{ E = fun(Func, Args) }
+	;
+		['('], expression(E), [')']
+	).
+:- rule vars(list(id)).
+vars([])	--->	[].
+vars(Vars)	---> vars1(Vars).
+:- rule vars1(list(id)).
+vars1(Vars) --->
+	(
+		var(Var),
+		{ Vars = [Var] }
+	;
+		var(Var), [','], vars1(Vars0),
+		{ Vars = [Var|Vars0] }
+	).
+:- rule var(id).
+var(Id)	--->	[id(Id)].
+:- rule type(type).
+type(Type)	--->
+	(
+		[int],
+		{ Type = int }
+	;
+		['('], types(Types), [')'],
+		{ ( Types = [Type0] ->
+			Type = Type0
+		;
+			Type = tuple(Types)
+		) }
+	).
+:- rule types(list(type)).
+types(Types)	--->
+	(
+		type(Type),
+		{ Types = [Type] }
+	;
+		types(Types0), type(Type),
+		{ append(Types0, [Type], Types) }
+	).
Index: samples/try_alpha.m
RCS file: try_alpha.m
diff -N try_alpha.m
--- /dev/null	Tue May 16 14:50:59 2000
+++ try_alpha.m	Fri May 19 10:36:49 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+:- module try_alpha.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- pred main(io:state, io:state).
+:- mode main(di, uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module alpha, list.
+:- type token_list == list(token).
+:- instance parser_state(token_list) where [
+	pred(get_token/3) is uncons
+:- pred uncons(T::out, list(T)::in, list(T)::out) is semidet.
+uncons(X, Xs, Xs0) :- Xs = [X | Xs0].
+main --> 
+	read_line(Res0),
+	(
+		{ Res0 = ok(Chars) },
+		( { scan(Chars, Toks) } ->
+			{ parse(Toks, Res, RemainingToks) },
+			write(Res), nl,
+			write(RemainingToks), nl
+		;
+			write_string("scanning error.\n")
+		),
+		main
+	;
+		{ Res0 = eof }
+	;
+		{ Res0 = error(Err) },
+		{ io__error_message(Err, Msg) },
+		write_string(Msg), nl
+	).
Index: samples/try_expr.m
RCS file: try_expr.m
diff -N try_expr.m
--- /dev/null	Tue May 16 14:50:59 2000
+++ try_expr.m	Fri May 19 14:08:18 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+:- module try_expr.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- pred main(io:state, io:state).
+:- mode main(di, uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module expr, list.
+:- type token_list == list(token).
+:- instance parser_state(token_list) where [
+	pred(get_token/3) is uncons
+:- pred uncons(T::out, list(T)::in, list(T)::out) is semidet.
+uncons(X, Xs, Xs0) :- Xs = [X | Xs0].
+main --> 
+	read_line(Res0),
+	(
+		{ Res0 = ok(Chars) },
+		( { scan(Chars, Toks) } ->
+			{ parse(Toks, Res, RemainingToks) },
+			write(Res), nl,
+			write(RemainingToks), nl
+		;
+			write_string("scanning error.\n")
+		),
+		main
+	;
+		{ Res0 = eof }
+	;
+		{ Res0 = error(Err) },
+		{ io__error_message(Err, Msg) },
+		write_string(Msg), nl
+	).

       Tyson Dowd           # 
                            #  Surreal humour isn't everyone's cup of fur.
     trd at cs.mu.oz.au        # 
http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~trd #
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