[m-dev.] for review: update state transformation

Peter Ross petdr at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Sat Feb 5 00:19:34 AEDT 2000


For Zoltan to review.


Estimated hours taken: 60

Rewrite the accumulator introduction algorithm so that it syncs up with
the paper "Making Mercury Programs Tail Recursive", and then extend it
so that it can transform predicates which update some state into the
tail recursive form.

    Rewrite the accumulator introduction algorithm so that it syncs up
    with the paper "Making Mercury Programs Tail Recursive".
    One enhancement over the old version is that construction
    unifications which depend on associative calls are handled correctly
    for arbitrary associative calls (the 0.9 version only handles
    the associative call, list__append, so will not have problems).
    The other enhancement is that we now handle predicates which update
    some state and still make the predicate tail recursive.
    assertion__is_associativity_assertion now reports the output
    variable which is constructed from the two associative input
    Add assertion__is_construction_equivalence_assertion which
    recognises when a predicate is equivalent with a constrution
    Add assertion__is_update_assertion which recognises when a predicate
    can update some state in an arbitary order.

    A module to associate arbitrary Ids with a hlds_goal and the instmap
    before the goal.

    Add the law
    :- promise all [L,H,T] ( L = [H|T] <=> list__append([H], T, L)).

Index: compiler/accumulator.m
% Copyright (C) 1999-2000 The University of Melbourne.
% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
% Module:	accumulator
% Main authors: petdr
% Attempts to transform a single proc to a tail recursive form by
% introducing accumlators.
% The algorithm implemented is the one from "Making Mercury Programs
% Tail Recursive", which can be found at
% <http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/research/mercury/information/papers.html>.
% The code uses the same variable names as the paper, so a pre-reading
% of the paper is probably useful in understanding the code.
% Note that the algorithm has been extended to handle predicates which
% obey the law
% :- promise all [A,B,S0,S]
% 	(
% 		(some[SA] (update(A, S0, SA), update(B, SA, S)))
% 	<=>
% 		(some[SB] (update(B, S0, SB), update(A, SB, S)))
% 	).	
% the code for this transformation is interleaved with the original
% transformation.
% The transformation recognises predicates in the form
% p(In, Out) :-
% 	minimal(In),
% 	initialise(Out).
% p(In, Out) :-
% 	decompose(In, Current, Rest),
% 	p(Rest, Out0),
% 	update(Current, Out0, Out).
% and transforms them into
% p(In, Out) :-
% 	initialise(Acc),
% 	p_acc(In, Out, Acc).
% p_acc(In, Out, Acc) :-
% 	minimal(In),
% 	Out = Acc.
% p_acc(In, Out, Acc0) :-
% 	decompose(In, Current, Rest),
% 	update(Current, Acc0, Acc),
% 	p_acc(Rest, Out, Acc).
% This is integrated with the transformation handled by the paper by
% generating the following
% p(In, OutUpdate, OutAssoc) :-
% 	initialise(AccUpdate),
% 	p_acc(In, OutUpdate, OutAssoc, AccUpdate).
% p_acc(In, OutUpdate, OutAssoc, AccUpdate) :-
% 	minimal(In),
% 	base(OutAssoc),
% 	OutUpdate = AccUpdate.
% p_acc(In, OutUpdate, OutAssoc, AccUpdate0) :-
% 	decompose(In, Current, Rest),
% 	update(Current, AccUpdate0, AccUpdate),
% 	p_acc(Rest, OutUpdate, OutAssoc0, AccUpdate),
% 	compose(Current, OutAssoc0, OutAssoc).
% Now if you look at the predicate p_acc you can apply the original
% transformation to it, and then inline p_acc (which in the transformed
% version is not recursive) into p and you end up with one new
% introduced predicate.
% The only real difficulty in this new transformation is identifying the
% initialise/1 and base/1 goals from the original base case.
% This will all be explained further in the forth coming paper,
% currently residing in the paper CVS archive in the directory update.

:- module accumulator.

:- interface.

:- import_module hlds_module, hlds_pred, io.

:- pred accumulator__process_proc(pred_id::in, proc_id::in, proc_info::in,
		proc_info::out, module_info::in, module_info::out,
		io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.


:- implementation.

:- import_module (assertion), error_util, goal_store, goal_util, globals.
:- import_module hlds_data, hlds_goal, hlds_out, (inst).
:- import_module inst_match, instmap, mode_util, options, prog_data, prog_util.

:- import_module assoc_list, bool, int, list, map, multi_map.
:- import_module require, set, std_util, string, term, varset.


	% The form of the goal around the base and recursive cases.
:- type top_level
	--->	switch_base_rec
	;	switch_rec_base
	;	disj_base_rec
	;	disj_rec_base
	;	ite_base_rec
	;	ite_rec_base.

	% A goal is represented by two integers, the first integer
	% stores which conjunction the goal came from (base or
	% recursive), and the second stores the location of the goal in
	% the conjunction.
:- type goal_id == pair(int).

	% The goal_store associates a goal with each goal_id.
:- type goal_store == goal_store(goal_id).

	% A substition from one first variable name to the second.
:- type subst == map(prog_var, prog_var).

:- type warning 
			% warn that two prog_vars in call to pred_id
			% at prog_context were swapped.
	--->	w(prog_context, pred_id, prog_var, prog_var).
:- type warnings == list(warning).


	% process_proc
	% Attempt to transform one procedure into a accumulator
	% recursive form.
process_proc(PredId, ProcId, ProcInfo0, ProcInfo, 
		ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo) -->
	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(optimize_constructor_last_call, DoLCO),
	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(fully_strict, FullyStrict),
		{ module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo0, PredId, PredInfo) },
		{ attempt_transform(ProcId, ProcInfo0, PredId,
				PredInfo, DoLCO, FullyStrict, ModuleInfo0,
				ProcInfo1, ModuleInfo1, Warnings) }
		globals__io_lookup_bool_option(very_verbose, VeryVerbose),
			{ VeryVerbose = yes }
			io__write_string("% Accumulators introduced into "),
			hlds_out__write_pred_id(ModuleInfo1, PredId),

			{ not (InhibitWarnings = no, Warnings \= []) }
			{ ModuleInfo = ModuleInfo1 }
			{ error_util__describe_one_pred_name(ModuleInfo1,
					PredId, PredName) },
			{ pred_info_context(PredInfo, Context) },

			error_util__write_error_pieces(Context, 0,
					[words("In"), words(PredName)]),

			{ proc_info_varset(ProcInfo, VarSet) },
			output_warnings(Warnings, VarSet, ModuleInfo1),

			error_util__write_error_pieces(Context, 2, 
					words("Please ensure that these"),
					words("argument rearrangements"),
					words("do not introduce"),
					words("performance problems."),
					words("These warnings can"),
					words("be suppressed by"),

				{ VerboseErrors = yes }
				error_util__write_error_pieces(Context, 2, 
					words("If a predicate has been"),
					words("declared associative via"),
					words("a promise declaration,"),
					words("the compiler will"),
					words("rearrange the order"),
					words("of the arguments"),
					words("in calls to that"),
					words("predicate, if by so doing"),
					words("it makes the containing"),
					words("predicate tail recursive."),
					words("In such situations, the"),
					words("compiler will issue"),
					words("this warning."),
					words("If this reordering changes the"),
					words("performance characteristics"),
					words("of the call to the"),
					words("predicate, use"),
					words("to turn the optimization"),
					words("off, or"),
					words("to turn off the warnings.")

				{ HaltAtWarn = yes }
				{ module_info_incr_errors(ModuleInfo1,
						ModuleInfo) }
				{ ModuleInfo = ModuleInfo1 }
		{ ProcInfo   = ProcInfo1 }
		{ ProcInfo   = ProcInfo0 },
		{ ModuleInfo = ModuleInfo0 }


:- pred output_warnings(list(warning)::in, prog_varset::in,
		module_info::in, io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.

output_warnings([], _, _) --> [].
output_warnings([W | Ws], VarSet, ModuleInfo) -->
	{ output_warning(W, VarSet, ModuleInfo, Context, Format) },
	error_util__write_error_pieces(Context, 2, Format),
	output_warnings(Ws, VarSet, ModuleInfo).

:- pred output_warning(warning::in, prog_varset::in, module_info::in,
		prog_context::out, list(format_component)::out) is det.

output_warning(w(Context, PredId, VarA, VarB), VarSet, ModuleInfo,
		Context, Formats) :-
	error_util__describe_one_pred_name(ModuleInfo, PredId, PredStr),
	varset__lookup_name(VarSet, VarA, VarAStr),
	varset__lookup_name(VarSet, VarB, VarBStr),
	Formats = [words("warning: the call to"), words(PredStr),
			words("has had the location of the variables"),
			words(VarAStr), words("and"), words(VarBStr),
			words("swapped to allow accumulator introduction.")


	% attempt_transform is only true if the current
	% proc has been transformed to call the newly created
	% accumulator proc.
:- pred attempt_transform(proc_id::in, proc_info::in,
		pred_id::in, pred_info::in, bool::in, bool::in, module_info::in,
		proc_info::out, module_info::out, warnings::out) is semidet.

attempt_transform(ProcId, ProcInfo0, PredId, PredInfo, DoLCO,
		FullyStrict, ModuleInfo0, ProcInfo, ModuleInfo, Warnings) :-
	proc_info_goal(ProcInfo0, Goal0),
	proc_info_headvars(ProcInfo0, HeadVars),
	proc_info_get_initial_instmap(ProcInfo0, ModuleInfo0, InitialInstMap),

	standardise(Goal0, Goal),

	identify_goal_type(PredId, ProcId, Goal, TopLevel, Base, Rec),

	C = initialise_goal_store(Rec, Base, InitialInstMap),

	identify_recursive_calls(PredId, ProcId, C, RecCallIds),

	M = list__length(Rec),

	attempt_transform_2(RecCallIds, C, M, Rec, HeadVars, InitialInstMap,
			TopLevel, DoLCO, FullyStrict, PredInfo,
			ProcInfo0, ModuleInfo0, Warnings, ProcInfo, ModuleInfo).

	% attempt_transform_2 takes a list of locations of the recursive
	% calls, and attempts to introduce accumulator into each of the
	% recursive calls, stopping at the first one that succeeds.
	% This catches the following case, as selecting the first
	% recursive call allows the second recursive call to be moved
	% before it, and OutA is in the correct spot in list__append.
	% 	p(InA, OutA),
	% 	p(InB, OutB),
	% 	list__append(OutB, OutA, Out)
:- pred attempt_transform_2(list(goal_id)::in, goal_store::in, int::in,
		hlds_goals::in, prog_vars::in, instmap::in, top_level::in,
		bool::in, bool::in, pred_info::in, proc_info::in,
		module_info::in, warnings::out,
		proc_info::out, module_info::out) is semidet.

attempt_transform_2([Id | Ids], C, M, Rec, HeadVars, InitialInstMap, TopLevel,
		DoLCO, FullyStrict, PredInfo, ProcInfo0, ModuleInfo0,
		Warnings, ProcInfo, ModuleInfo) :-
		identify_out_and_out_prime(Id, Rec, HeadVars,
				InitialInstMap, ModuleInfo0, Out, OutPrime,
				HeadToCallSubst, CallToHeadSubst),

		stage1(Id, M, C, DoLCO, FullyStrict, ModuleInfo0, Sets),

		stage2(Id, C, Sets, OutPrime, Out, ModuleInfo0, ProcInfo0,
				VarSet - VarTypes, Accs, BaseCase, BasePairs,
				Substs, CS, Warnings0),

		stage3(Id, Accs, VarSet, VarTypes, C, CS, Substs,
				HeadToCallSubst, CallToHeadSubst,
				BaseCase, BasePairs, Sets, TopLevel, PredInfo,
				ProcInfo0, ModuleInfo0, ProcInfo1,
		Warnings = Warnings0,
		ProcInfo = ProcInfo1,
		ModuleInfo = ModuleInfo1
		attempt_transform_2(Ids, C, M, Rec, HeadVars, InitialInstMap,
				TopLevel, DoLCO, FullyStrict,
				PredInfo, ProcInfo0, ModuleInfo0,
				Warnings, ProcInfo, ModuleInfo)


	% standardise
	% Transform the goal into a standard form that is amenable to
	% introducing accumulators.
	% At the moment all this does is remove any extra disj/conj
	% wrappers around the top level goal.
	% Future work is for this code to rearrange code with multiple
	% base and recursive cases into a single base and recursive
	% case.
:- pred standardise(hlds_goal, hlds_goal).
:- mode standardise(in, out) is det.

standardise(Goal0, Goal) :-
			Goal0 = conj([Goal1]) - _
			Goal0 = disj([Goal1], _) - _
		standardise(Goal1, Goal)
		Goal = Goal0


	% This predicate takes the original goal and identifies the
	% `shape' of the goal around the recursive and base cases.
	% Note that the base case can contain a recursive call, as the
	% transformation doesn't depend on what is in the base case.
:- pred identify_goal_type(pred_id::in, proc_id::in, hlds_goal::in,
		top_level::out, hlds_goals::out, hlds_goals::out) is semidet.

identify_goal_type(PredId, ProcId, Goal, Type, Base, Rec) :-
		Goal = switch(_Var, _CanFail, Cases, _StoreMap) - _GoalInfo,
		Cases = [case(_IdA, GoalA), case(_IdB, GoalB)],
		goal_to_conj_list(GoalA, GoalAList),
		goal_to_conj_list(GoalB, GoalBList)
			is_recursive_case(GoalAList, proc(PredId, ProcId))
			Type = switch_rec_base,
			Base = GoalBList,
			Rec = GoalAList
			is_recursive_case(GoalBList, proc(PredId, ProcId))
			Type = switch_base_rec,
			Base = GoalAList,
			Rec = GoalBList

	% is_recursive_case(Gs, Id) is true iff the list of goals, Gs,
	% contains a call to the procedure specified by Id, where the
	% call is located in a position that can be used by the
	% transformation (ie not hidden in a compound goal).
:- pred is_recursive_case(list(hlds_goal)::in, pred_proc_id::in) is semidet.

is_recursive_case(Goals, proc(PredId, ProcId)) :-
	list__append(_Initial, [RecursiveCall | _Final], Goals),
	RecursiveCall = call(PredId, ProcId, _, _, _, _) - _.


:- type store_info
	--->	store_info(

	% Initialise the goal_store, which will hold the C_{a,b} goals.
:- func initialise_goal_store(hlds_goals, hlds_goals, instmap) = goal_store.

initialise_goal_store(Rec, Base, InitialInstMap) = C :-
	list__foldl(store(rec), Rec, store_info(1, InitialInstMap, C0), 
			store_info(_, _, C1)),
	list__foldl(store(base), Base,
			store_info(1, InitialInstMap, C1), 
			store_info(_, _, C)).

	% store(Id, G, SI0, SI) is true iff the goal G is stored inside
	% the goal_store (which is part of SI) with the correct
	% identifier and instmap associatied with the goal.
:- pred store(int::in, hlds_goal::in, store_info::in, store_info::out) is det.

store(Identifier, Goal, store_info(N, IM0, GS0), store_info(N+1, IM, GS)) :-
	Goal = _ - GoalInfo,
	goal_info_get_instmap_delta(GoalInfo, InstMapDelta),
	instmap__apply_instmap_delta(IM0, InstMapDelta, IM),
	goal_store__det_insert(GS0, Identifier - N, Goal - IM0, GS).

	% Determine the k's which are recursive calls
	% Note that this doesn't find recursive calls which are `hidden'
	% in compound goals, this is not a problem as currently we can't
	% use these to do transformation.
:- pred identify_recursive_calls(pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
		goal_store::in, list(goal_id)::out) is det.

identify_recursive_calls(PredId, ProcId, GoalStore, Ids) :-
	P = (pred(Key::out) is nondet :-
		goal_store__member(GoalStore, Key, Goal - _InstMap),
		Goal = call(PredId, ProcId, _, _, _, _) - _
	solutions(P, Ids).


	% identify_out_and_out_prime
	% Determine the variables which are members of the sets Out and
	% Out', and initialise the substitutions between the two sets.
	% This is done by identifing those variables whose
	% instantiatedness change in the goals after the recursive call
	% and are headvars.
	% Note that we are only identifying the output variables which
	% will need to be accumulated, as there may be other output
	% variables which are produced prior to the recursive call.
:- pred identify_out_and_out_prime(goal_id::in, hlds_goals::in, prog_vars::in,
		instmap::in, module_info::in, prog_vars::out,
		prog_vars::out, subst::out, subst::out) is det.

identify_out_and_out_prime(_N - K, Rec, HeadVars, InitialInstMap, ModuleInfo,
		Out, OutPrime, HeadToCallSubst, CallToHeadSubst) :-
		list__take(K, Rec, InitialGoals),
		list__drop(K-1, Rec, FinalGoals),
		FinalGoals = [call(_, _, Args, _, _, _) - _ | Rest]
		goal_list_instmap_delta(InitialGoals, InitInstMapDelta),
				InitInstMapDelta, InstMapBeforeRest),

		goal_list_instmap_delta(Rest, InstMapDelta),
				InstMapDelta, InstMapAfterRest),

				InstMapAfterRest, ModuleInfo, ChangedVars),

		assoc_list__from_corresponding_lists(HeadVars, Args, HeadArg0),

		Member = (pred(M::in) is semidet :-
				M = HeadVar - _,
				set__member(HeadVar, ChangedVars)
		list__filter(Member, HeadArg0, HeadArg),
		list__map(fst, HeadArg, Out),
		list__map(snd, HeadArg, OutPrime),

		map__from_assoc_list(HeadArg, HeadToCallSubst),

		list__map((pred(X-Y::in, Y-X::out) is det), HeadArg, ArgHead),
		map__from_assoc_list(ArgHead, CallToHeadSubst)


:- type sets
	--->	sets(
			set(goal_id),	% before
			set(goal_id),	% assoc
			set(goal_id),	% construct_assoc
			set(goal_id),	% construct
			set(goal_id),	% update
			set(goal_id)	% reject

	% Stage 1 is responsible for identifying, which goals are
	% associative, which can be moved before the recursive call and
	% so on.
	% The only change from stage1 in the LOPSTR paper is that we put
	% goals into the new set update.
:- pred stage1(goal_id::in, int::in, goal_store::in, bool::in, bool::in,
		module_info::in, sets::out) is semidet.

stage1(N - K, M, GoalStore, DoLCO, FullyStrict, ModuleInfo, Sets) :-
	stage1_2(N - (K+1), K, M, GoalStore, FullyStrict, ModuleInfo,
			Sets0, Sets1),
	Sets1 = sets(Before, Assoc, ConstructAssoc, Construct, Update, Reject),
	Sets = sets(Before `union` set_upto(N, (K-1)), Assoc,
			ConstructAssoc, Construct, Update, Reject),

		% Continue the transformation only if the set reject is
		% empty and the set assoc or update contains something
		% that needs to be moved before the recursive call.
		not set__empty(Assoc)
		not set__empty(Update)
		DoLCO = no
			% If LCMC is not turned on then there must be no
			% construction unifications after the recursive
			% call.
		set__empty(Construct `union` ConstructAssoc)

	% For each goal after the recursive call decide which set the
	% goal belongs to.
:- pred stage1_2(goal_id::in, int::in, int::in, goal_store::in,
		bool::in, module_info::in, sets::in, sets::out) is det.

stage1_2(N - I, K, M, GoalStore, FullyStrict, ModuleInfo, Sets0, Sets) :-
		I > M
		Sets0 = Sets
			before(N - I, K, GoalStore, Sets0,
					FullyStrict, ModuleInfo)
			stage1_2(N - (I+1), K, M, GoalStore,
					FullyStrict, ModuleInfo,
					insert_before(N - I, Sets0), Sets)
			assoc(N - I, K, GoalStore, Sets0,
					FullyStrict, ModuleInfo)
			stage1_2(N - (I+1), K, M, GoalStore,
					FullyStrict, ModuleInfo,
					insert_assoc(N - I, Sets0), Sets)
			construct(N - I, K, GoalStore, Sets0,
					FullyStrict, ModuleInfo)
			stage1_2(N - (I+1), K, M, GoalStore,
					FullyStrict, ModuleInfo,
					insert_construct(N - I, Sets0), Sets)
			construct_assoc(N - I, K, GoalStore, Sets0,
					FullyStrict, ModuleInfo)
			stage1_2(N - (I+1), K, M, GoalStore,
					FullyStrict, ModuleInfo,
					insert_construct_assoc(N - I, Sets0),
			update(N - I, K, GoalStore, Sets0,
					FullyStrict, ModuleInfo)
			stage1_2(N - (I+1), K, M, GoalStore,
					FullyStrict, ModuleInfo,
					insert_update(N - I, Sets0), Sets)
			Sets = insert_reject(N - I, Sets0)

:- pred sets_init(sets::out) is det.

sets_init(Sets) :-
	Before = Set,
	Assoc = Set,
	ConstructAssoc = Set,
	Construct = Set,
	Update = Set,
	Reject = Set,
	Sets = sets(Before, Assoc, ConstructAssoc, Construct, Update, Reject).

	% This function is called repeatedly with the same arguments so
	% is an ideal canditate for tabling.
:- pragma memo(set_upto/2).

	% set_upto(N, K) returns the set {(N,1)...(N,K)}
:- func set_upto(int, int) = set(goal_id).

set_upto(N, K) = Set :-
		K =< 0
		Set0 = set_upto(N, K-1),
		set__insert(Set0, N-K, Set)

:- func insert_before(goal_id, sets) = sets.

insert_before(GoalId, sets(Before, Assoc, ConstructAssoc, Construct,
		Update, Reject))
	= sets(set__insert(Before, GoalId), Assoc, ConstructAssoc, Construct,
			Update, Reject).

:- func insert_assoc(goal_id, sets) = sets.

insert_assoc(GoalId, sets(Before, Assoc, ConstructAssoc, Construct,
		Update, Reject))
	= sets(Before, set__insert(Assoc, GoalId), ConstructAssoc, Construct,
			Update, Reject).

:- func insert_construct_assoc(goal_id, sets) = sets.

insert_construct_assoc(GoalId, sets(Before, Assoc, ConstructAssoc, Construct,
		Update, Reject))
	= sets(Before, Assoc, set__insert(ConstructAssoc, GoalId), Construct,
			Update, Reject).

:- func insert_construct(goal_id, sets) = sets.

insert_construct(GoalId, sets(Before, Assoc, ConstructAssoc, Construct,
		Update, Reject))
	= sets(Before, Assoc, ConstructAssoc, set__insert(Construct, GoalId),
			Update, Reject).

:- func insert_update(goal_id, sets) = sets.

insert_update(GoalId, sets(Before, Assoc, ConstructAssoc, Construct,
		Update, Reject))
	= sets(Before, Assoc, ConstructAssoc, Construct,
			set__insert(Update, GoalId), Reject).

:- func insert_reject(goal_id, sets) = sets.

insert_reject(GoalId, sets(Before, Assoc, ConstructAssoc, Construct,
		Update, Reject))
	= sets(Before, Assoc, ConstructAssoc, Construct, Update,
			set__insert(Reject, GoalId)).


	% A goal is a member of the before set iff the goal only depends on
	% goals which are before the recursive call or can be moved
	% before the recursive call (member of the before set).
:- pred before(goal_id::in, int::in, goal_store::in, sets::in,
		bool::in, module_info::in) is semidet.

before(N - I, K, GoalStore, sets(Before, _, _, _, _, _),
		FullyStrict, ModuleInfo) :-
	goal_store__lookup(GoalStore, N - I, LaterGoal - LaterInstMap),
		member_lessthan_goalid(GoalStore, N - I, N - J,
				EarlierGoal - EarlierInstMap),
		not goal_util__can_reorder_goals(ModuleInfo, FullyStrict,
				EarlierInstMap, EarlierGoal,
				LaterInstMap, LaterGoal)
		set__member(N - J, set_upto(N, K-1) `union` Before)

	% A goal is a member of the assoc set iff the goal only depends
	% on goals upto and including the recursive call and goals which
	% can be moved before the recursive call (member of the before
	% set) AND the goal is associative.
:- pred assoc(goal_id::in, int::in, goal_store::in, sets::in, bool::in,
		module_info::in) is semidet.

assoc(N - I, K, GoalStore, sets(Before, _, _, _, _, _),
		FullyStrict, ModuleInfo) :-
	goal_store__lookup(GoalStore, N - I, LaterGoal - LaterInstMap),
	LaterGoal = call(PredId, ProcId, Args, _, _, _) - _,
	is_associative(PredId, ProcId, ModuleInfo, Args, _),
		member_lessthan_goalid(GoalStore, N - I, _N - J,
				EarlierGoal - EarlierInstMap),
		not goal_util__can_reorder_goals(ModuleInfo, FullyStrict,
				EarlierInstMap, EarlierGoal,
				LaterInstMap, LaterGoal)
		set__member(N - J, set_upto(N, K) `union` Before)

	% A goal is a member of the construct set iff the goal only depends
	% on goals upto and including the recursive call and goals which
	% can be moved before the recursive call (member of the before
	% set) AND the goal is construction unification.
:- pred construct(goal_id::in, int::in, goal_store::in, sets::in,
		bool::in, module_info::in) is semidet.

construct(N - I, K, GoalStore, sets(Before, _, _, Construct, _, _),
		FullyStrict, ModuleInfo) :-
	goal_store__lookup(GoalStore, N - I, LaterGoal - LaterInstMap),
	LaterGoal = unify(_, _, _, Unify, _) - _GoalInfo,
	Unify = construct(_, _, _, _, _, _, _),
		member_lessthan_goalid(GoalStore, N - I, _N - J,
				EarlierGoal - EarlierInstMap),
		not goal_util__can_reorder_goals(ModuleInfo, FullyStrict,
				EarlierInstMap, EarlierGoal,
				LaterInstMap, LaterGoal)
		set__member(N - J, set_upto(N, K) `union` Before `union`

	% A goal is a member of the construct_assoc set iff the goal
	% only depends on goals upto and including the recursive call
	% and goals which can be moved before the recursive call (member
	% of the before set) and goals which are associative AND the
	% goal is construction unification AND the there is only one
	% member of the assoc set which the construction unification
	% depends on AND the construction unification can be expressed
	% as a call to the member of the assoc set which the
	% construction unification depends on.
:- pred construct_assoc(goal_id::in, int::in, goal_store::in, sets::in,
		bool::in, module_info::in) is semidet.

construct_assoc(N - I, K, GoalStore, sets(Before, Assoc, ConstructAssoc,
		_, _, _), FullyStrict, ModuleInfo) :-
	goal_store__lookup(GoalStore, N - I, LaterGoal - LaterInstMap),
	LaterGoal = unify(_, _, _, Unify, _) - _GoalInfo,
	Unify = construct(_, ConsId, _, _, _, _, _),

	goal_store__all_ancestors(GoalStore, N - I, ModuleInfo, FullyStrict,

	set__singleton_set(Assoc `intersect` Ancestors, AssocId),
	goal_store__lookup(GoalStore, AssocId, AssocGoal - _AssocInstMap),
	AssocGoal = call(PredId, _, _, _, _, _) - _,

	is_associative_construction(ConsId, PredId, ModuleInfo),
		member_lessthan_goalid(GoalStore, N - I, _N - J,
				EarlierGoal - EarlierInstMap),
		not goal_util__can_reorder_goals(ModuleInfo, FullyStrict,
				EarlierInstMap, EarlierGoal,
				LaterInstMap, LaterGoal)
		set__member(N - J, set_upto(N, K) `union` Before `union`
				Assoc `union` ConstructAssoc)

	% A goal is a member of the update set iff the goal only depends
	% on goals upto and including the recursive call and goals which
	% can be moved before the recursive call (member of the before
	% set) AND the goal updates some state.
:- pred update(goal_id::in, int::in, goal_store::in, sets::in, bool::in,
		module_info::in) is semidet.

update(N - I, K, GoalStore, sets(Before, _, _, _, _, _),
		FullyStrict, ModuleInfo) :-
	goal_store__lookup(GoalStore, N - I, LaterGoal - LaterInstMap),
	LaterGoal = call(PredId, ProcId, Args, _, _, _) - _,
	is_update(PredId, ProcId, ModuleInfo, Args, _),
		member_lessthan_goalid(GoalStore, N - I, _N - J,
				EarlierGoal - EarlierInstMap),
		not goal_util__can_reorder_goals(ModuleInfo, FullyStrict,
				EarlierInstMap, EarlierGoal,
				LaterInstMap, LaterGoal)
		set__member(N - J, set_upto(N, K) `union` Before)

	% member_lessthan_goalid(GS, IdA, IdB, GB) is true iff the
	% goal_id, IdB, and its associated goal, GB, is a member of the
	% goal_store, GS, and IdB is less than IdA.
:- pred member_lessthan_goalid(goal_store::in, goal_id::in,
		goal_id::out, goal_store__goal::out) is nondet.

member_lessthan_goalid(GoalStore, N - I, N - J, Goal) :-
	goal_store__member(GoalStore, N - J, Goal),
	J < I.


:- type assoc
	--->	assoc(
			set(prog_var),		% the associative input args
			prog_var,		% the corresponding output arg
			bool			% is the predicate commutative?

	% If accumulator_is_associative is true, it returns the two 
	% arguments which are associative and the variable which depends
	% on those two arguments, and an indicator of whether or not
	% the predicate is commutative.
:- pred is_associative(pred_id::in, proc_id::in, module_info::in,
		prog_vars::in, assoc::out) is semidet.

is_associative(PredId, ProcId, ModuleInfo, Args, Result) :-
	module_info_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId,
			PredInfo, ProcInfo),

	pred_info_get_assertions(PredInfo, Assertions),

				ModuleInfo, Args, CommutativeVars)
			% Currently we can only have one output
			% argument, so we know which arg is generated
			% directly by the two commutative args.
		proc_info_argmodes(ProcInfo, ArgModes),
		P = (pred(Pair::in, Var::out) is semidet :-
			Pair = Var - Mode,
			mode_get_insts(ModuleInfo, Mode,
					InitialInst, FinalInst),
			not inst_matches_final(InitialInst, FinalInst,
		assoc_list__from_corresponding_lists(Args, ArgModes, Pairs),
		list__filter_map(P, Pairs, [OutputVar]),
		IsCommutative = yes,
		Result = assoc(CommutativeVars, OutputVar, IsCommutative)
				ModuleInfo, Args, AssociativeVars, OutputVar),
		IsCommutative = no,
		Result = assoc(AssociativeVars, OutputVar, IsCommutative)

	% commutativity_assertion
	% Does there exist one (and only one) commutativity assertion for the 
	% current predicate.
	% The 'and only one condition' is required because we currently
	% don't handle the case of predicates which have individual
	% parts which are commutative, because then we don't know which
	% variable is descended from which.
:- pred commutativity_assertion(list(assert_id)::in, module_info::in,
		prog_vars::in, set(prog_var)::out) is semidet.

commutativity_assertion([AssertId | AssertIds], ModuleInfo, Args0,
		PossibleStaticVars) :-
		assertion__is_commutativity_assertion(AssertId, ModuleInfo,
				Args0, StaticVarA - StaticVarB)
		\+ commutativity_assertion(AssertIds, ModuleInfo, Args0, _),
		PossibleStaticVars = set__list_to_set([StaticVarA, StaticVarB])
		commutativity_assertion(AssertIds, ModuleInfo, Args0,

	% associativity_assertion
	% Does there exist one (and only one) associativity assertion for the 
	% current predicate.
	% The 'and only one condition' is required because we currently
	% don't handle the case of predicates which have individual
	% parts which are associative, because then we don't know which
	% variable is descended from which.
:- pred associativity_assertion(list(assert_id)::in, module_info::in,
		prog_vars::in, set(prog_var)::out, prog_var::out) is semidet.

associativity_assertion([AssertId | AssertIds], ModuleInfo, Args0, VarAB,
		OutputVar) :-
		assertion__is_associativity_assertion(AssertId, ModuleInfo,
				Args0, VarA - VarB, OutputVar0)
		\+ associativity_assertion(AssertIds, ModuleInfo, Args0, _, _),
		VarAB = set__list_to_set([VarA, VarB]),
		OutputVar = OutputVar0
		associativity_assertion(AssertIds, ModuleInfo, Args0,
				VarAB, OutputVar)


	% Does the current predicate update some state?
:- pred is_update(pred_id::in, proc_id::in, module_info::in,
		prog_vars::in, pair(prog_var)::out) is semidet.

is_update(PredId, ProcId, ModuleInfo, Args, ResultStateVars) :-
	module_info_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId,
			PredInfo, _ProcInfo),

	pred_info_get_assertions(PredInfo, Assertions),

	list__filter_map((pred(AssertId::in, StateVars::out) is semidet :-
			assertion__is_update_assertion(AssertId, ModuleInfo,
					PredId, Args, StateVars)

		% XXX maybe we should just match on the first result,
		% just in case there is duplicate promises.
	Result = [ResultStateVars].


	% Can the construction unification be expressed as a call to the
	% specified predicate.
:- pred is_associative_construction(cons_id::in, pred_id::in,
		module_info::in) is semidet.

is_associative_construction(ConsId, PredId, ModuleInfo) :-
	module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, PredInfo),

	pred_info_get_assertions(PredInfo, Assertions),

	list__filter((pred(AssertId::in) is semidet :-
					AssertId, ModuleInfo, ConsId, PredId)
	Result \= [].


:- type substs
	--->	substs(
			subst,	% acc_var_subst
			subst,	% rec_call_subst
			subst,	% assoc_call_subst
			subst	% update_subst

:- type base
	--->	base(
			set(goal_id),	% goals which initialise update
			set(goal_id),	% goals which initialise assoc
			set(goal_id)	% other goals

	% Stage 2 is responsible for identifying the substitutions which
	% are needed to mimic the unfold/fold process that was used as
	% the justification of the algorithm in the paper.
	% It is also responsible for ensuring that the reordering of
	% arguments doesn't worsen the big-O complexity of the
	% procedure.
	% It also divides the base case into goals that initialise the
	% variables used by the update goals and those used by the assoc
	% goals and then all the rest.
:- pred stage2(goal_id::in, goal_store::in, sets::in,
		prog_vars::in, prog_vars::in, module_info::in, proc_info::in,
		pair(prog_varset, vartypes)::out,
		prog_vars::out, base::out, list(pair(prog_var))::out,
		substs::out, goal_store::out, warnings::out) is semidet.

stage2(N - K, GoalStore, Sets, OutPrime, Out, ModuleInfo, ProcInfo0,
		VarSetVarTypesPair, Accs, BaseCase, BasePairs,
		Substs, CS, Warnings) :-

	Sets = sets(Before0, Assoc, ConstructAssoc, Construct, Update, _Reject),
	Before = Before0 `union` set_upto(N, K-1),

		% Note Update set is not placed in the after set, as the
		% after set is used to determine the variables that need
		% to be accumulated for the associative calls.
	After = Assoc `union` ConstructAssoc `union` Construct,

	P = (pred(Id::in, Set0::in, Set::out) is det :-
		goal_store__lookup(GoalStore, Id, Goal - _InstMap),
		Goal = _GoalExpr - GoalInfo,
		goal_info_get_nonlocals(GoalInfo, NonLocals),
		Set = NonLocals `union` Set0
	list__foldl(P, set__to_sorted_list(Before), set__init, BeforeNonLocals),
	list__foldl(P, set__to_sorted_list(After), set__init, AfterNonLocals),
	InitAccs = BeforeNonLocals `intersect` AfterNonLocals,

	proc_info_varset(ProcInfo0, VarSet0),
	proc_info_vartypes(ProcInfo0, VarTypes0),

	substs_init(set__to_sorted_list(InitAccs), VarSet0, VarTypes0,
			VarSet1, VarTypes1, Substs0),

	process_assoc_set(set__to_sorted_list(Assoc), GoalStore,
			set__list_to_set(OutPrime), ModuleInfo, Substs0,
			VarSet1 - VarTypes1, Substs1, VarSetVarTypesPair1, CS,

	process_update_set(set__to_sorted_list(Update), GoalStore,
			set__list_to_set(OutPrime), ModuleInfo,
			Substs1, VarSetVarTypesPair1,
			Substs, VarSetVarTypesPair, UpdateOut,
			UpdateAccOut, BasePairs),

	Accs = set__to_sorted_list(InitAccs) `append` UpdateAccOut,

	divide_base_case(UpdateOut, Out, GoalStore, ModuleInfo,
			UpdateBase, AssocBase, OtherBase),

	BaseCase = base(UpdateBase, AssocBase, OtherBase).


:- pred substs_init(prog_vars::in, prog_varset::in, vartypes::in,
		prog_varset::out, vartypes::out, substs::out) is det.

substs_init(InitAccs, VarSet0, VarTypes0, VarSet, VarTypes, Substs) :-
	acc_var_subst_init(InitAccs, VarSet0, VarTypes0,
			VarSet, VarTypes, AccVarSubst),
	RecCallSubst = Subst,
	AssocCallSubst = Subst,
	UpdateSubst = Subst,
	Substs = substs(AccVarSubst, RecCallSubst, AssocCallSubst, UpdateSubst).

	% Initialise the acc_var_subst to be from Var to A_Var where
	% Var is a member of InitAccs and A_Var is a fresh variable of
	% the same type of Var.
:- pred acc_var_subst_init(prog_vars::in, prog_varset::in, vartypes::in,
		prog_varset::out, vartypes::out, subst::out) is det.

acc_var_subst_init([], VarSet, VarTypes, VarSet, VarTypes, Subst) :-
acc_var_subst_init([Var | Vars], VarSet0, VarTypes0,
		VarSet, VarTypes, Subst) :-
	create_new_var(Var, "A_", AccVar, VarSet0 - VarTypes0,
			VarSet1 - VarTypes1),
	acc_var_subst_init(Vars, VarSet1, VarTypes1, VarSet, VarTypes, Subst0),

	map__det_insert(Subst0, Var, AccVar, Subst).

	% Create a fresh variable which is the same type as the old
	% variable and has the same name except that it begins with the
	% prefix.
:- pred create_new_var(prog_var::in, string::in, prog_var::out,
		pair(prog_varset, vartypes)::in,
		pair(prog_varset, vartypes)::out) is det.

create_new_var(OldVar, Prefix, NewVar, VarSet0 - VarTypes0,
		VarSet - VarTypes) :-
	varset__lookup_name(VarSet0, OldVar, OldName),
	string__append(Prefix, OldName, NewName),
	varset__new_named_var(VarSet0, NewName, NewVar, VarSet),
	map__lookup(VarTypes0, OldVar, Type),
	map__det_insert(VarTypes0, NewVar, Type, VarTypes).

	% For each member of the assoc set determine the substitutions
	% needed, and also check the efficiency of the procedure isn't
	% worsened by swapping reordering the arguments to a call.
:- pred process_assoc_set(list(goal_id)::in, goal_store::in, set(prog_var)::in,
		module_info::in, substs::in, pair(prog_varset, vartypes)::in,
		substs::out, pair(prog_varset, vartypes)::out,
		goal_store::out, warnings::out) is semidet.

process_assoc_set([], _GS, _OutPrime, _ModuleInfo, Substs, Types,
		Substs, Types, CS, []) :-
process_assoc_set([Id | Ids], GS, OutPrime, ModuleInfo, Substs0, Types0,
		Substs, Types, CS, Warnings) :-
	Substs0 = substs(AccVarSubst, RecCallSubst0, AssocCallSubst0,

	lookup_call(GS, Id, Goal - InstMap),

	Goal = call(PredId, ProcId, Args, _, _, _) - GoalInfo,
	is_associative(PredId, ProcId, ModuleInfo, Args, AssocInfo),
	AssocInfo = assoc(Vars, AssocOutput, IsCommutative),
	set__singleton_set(Vars `intersect` OutPrime, DuringAssocVar),
	set__singleton_set(Vars `difference` (Vars `intersect` OutPrime),

	map__lookup(AccVarSubst, BeforeAssocVar, AccVar),
	create_new_var(BeforeAssocVar, "NewAcc_", NewAcc, Types0, Types1),

	map__det_insert(AssocCallSubst0, DuringAssocVar, AccVar,
	map__det_insert(AssocCallSubst1, AssocOutput, NewAcc,
	map__det_insert(RecCallSubst0, DuringAssocVar, AssocOutput,
	map__det_insert(RecCallSubst1, BeforeAssocVar, NewAcc, RecCallSubst),

	Substs1 = substs(AccVarSubst, RecCallSubst, AssocCallSubst,

		% ONLY swap the order of the variables if the goal is
		% associative.
		IsCommutative = yes,
		CSGoal = Goal - InstMap,
		Warning = []
		IsCommutative = no,

			% Ensure that the reordering doesn't cause a
			% efficiency problem
		module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, PredInfo),
		pred_info_module(PredInfo, ModuleName),
		pred_info_name(PredInfo, PredName),
		pred_info_arity(PredInfo, Arity),
			has_heuristic(ModuleName, PredName, Arity)
			heuristic(ModuleName, PredName, Arity, Args,
			set__member(DuringAssocVar, PossibleDuringAssocVars),
			Warning = []
			goal_info_get_context(GoalInfo, ProgContext),
			Warning = [w(ProgContext, PredId,
					BeforeAssocVar, DuringAssocVar)]


			% Swap the arguments.
		[A,B] = set__to_sorted_list(Vars),
		map__from_assoc_list([A-B, B-A], Subst),
		goal_util__rename_vars_in_goal(Goal, Subst, SwappedGoal),
		CSGoal = SwappedGoal - InstMap

	process_assoc_set(Ids, GS, OutPrime, ModuleInfo, Substs1, Types1,
			Substs, Types, CS0, Warnings0),

	goal_store__det_insert(CS0, Id, CSGoal, CS),
	list__append(Warnings0, Warning, Warnings).

:- pred has_heuristic(module_name::in, string::in, arity::in) is semidet.

has_heuristic(unqualified("list"), "append", 3).

:- pred heuristic(module_name::in, string::in, arity::in, prog_vars::in,
		set(prog_var)::out) is semidet.

heuristic(unqualified("list"), "append", 3, [_Typeinfo, A, _B, _C], Set) :-
	set__list_to_set([A], Set).


	% For each member of the update set determine the substitions
	% needed (creating the accumulator variables when needed).
	% Also associate with each Output variable which accumulator
	% variable to get the result from.
:- pred process_update_set(list(goal_id)::in, goal_store::in, set(prog_var)::in,
		module_info::in, substs::in, pair(prog_varset, vartypes)::in,
		substs::out, pair(prog_varset, vartypes)::out,
		prog_vars::out, prog_vars::out,
		list(pair(prog_var))::out) is semidet.

process_update_set([], _GS, _OutPrime, _ModuleInfo, Substs, Types, Substs,
		Types, [], [], []).
process_update_set([Id | Ids], GS, OutPrime, ModuleInfo, Substs0, Types0,
		Substs, Types, StateOutputVars, Accs, BasePairs) :-

	Substs0 = substs(AccVarSubst0, RecCallSubst0, AssocCallSubst,
	lookup_call(GS, Id, Goal - _InstMap),

	Goal = call(PredId, ProcId, Args, _, _, _) - _GoalInfo,
	is_update(PredId, ProcId, ModuleInfo, Args, StateVarA - StateVarB),

		set__member(StateVarA, OutPrime)
		StateInputVar = StateVarA,
		StateOutputVar = StateVarB
		StateInputVar = StateVarB,
		StateOutputVar = StateVarA

	create_new_var(StateInputVar, "Acc_", Acc0, Types0, Types1),
	create_new_var(StateOutputVar, "Acc_", Acc, Types1, Types2),

	map__det_insert(UpdateSubst0, StateInputVar, Acc0, UpdateSubst1),
	map__det_insert(UpdateSubst1, StateOutputVar, Acc, UpdateSubst),

	map__det_insert(RecCallSubst0, StateInputVar, StateOutputVar,

	map__det_insert(AccVarSubst0, Acc, Acc0, AccVarSubst),

	Substs1 = substs(AccVarSubst, RecCallSubst, AssocCallSubst,

	process_update_set(Ids, GS, OutPrime, ModuleInfo, Substs1, Types2,
		Substs, Types, StateOutputVars0, Accs0, BasePairs0),

		% inefficient order so that accumulators can be
		% introduced.
	append(StateOutputVars0, [StateOutputVar], StateOutputVars),
	append(Accs0, [Acc], Accs),
	append(BasePairs0, [StateOutputVar - Acc0], BasePairs).


	% divide_base_case(UpdateOut, Out, U, A, O)
	% is true iff given the output variables which are instantiated
	% by update goals, UpdateOut, and all the variables that need to
	% be accumulated, Out, divide the base case up into three sets,
	% those base case goals which initialise the variables used by
	% update calls, U, those which initialise variables used by
	% assoc calls, A, and the rest of the goals, O.  Note that the
	% sets are not necessarily disjoint, as the result of a goal may
	% be used to initialise a variable in both U and A, so both U
	% and A will contain the same goal_id.
:- pred divide_base_case(prog_vars::in, prog_vars::in, goal_store::in,
		module_info::in, set(goal_id)::out,
		set(goal_id)::out, set(goal_id)::out) is det.

divide_base_case(UpdateOut, Out, C, ModuleInfo,
		UpdateBase, AssocBase, OtherBase) :-
	list__delete_elems(Out, UpdateOut, AssocOut),

	list__map(related(C, ModuleInfo), UpdateOut, UpdateBaseList),
	list__map(related(C, ModuleInfo), AssocOut, AssocBaseList),

	UpdateBase = set__power_union(set__list_to_set(UpdateBaseList)),
	AssocBase = set__power_union(set__list_to_set(AssocBaseList)),

	Set = base_case_ids_set(C) `difference` (UpdateBase `union` AssocBase),
	set__to_sorted_list(Set, List),

	list__map((pred(GoalId::in, Ancestors::out) is det :-
			goal_store__all_ancestors(C, GoalId, ModuleInfo,
					no, Ancestors)
		), List, OtherBaseList),
	OtherBase = set__list_to_set(List) `union`
			(base_case_ids_set(C) `intersect`

	% related(GS, MI, V, Ids)
	% Return all the goal_ids, Ids, which are needed to initialise
	% the variable, V, from the goal store, GS.
:- pred related(goal_store::in, module_info::in, prog_var::in,
		set(goal_id)::out) is det.

related(GS, ModuleInfo, Var, Related) :-
	solutions((pred(Key::out) is nondet :-
			goal_store__member(GS, Key, Goal - InstMap0),
			Key = base - _,
			Goal = _GoalExpr - GoalInfo,
			goal_info_get_instmap_delta(GoalInfo, InstMapDelta),
			apply_instmap_delta(InstMap0, InstMapDelta, InstMap),
			instmap_changed_vars(InstMap0, InstMap, ModuleInfo,
			set__singleton_set(ChangedVars, Var)
		), Ids),
		Ids = [Id]
		goal_store__all_ancestors(GS, Id, ModuleInfo, no, Ancestors),
		list__filter((pred((base - _)::in) is semidet),
				set__to_sorted_list(set__insert(Ancestors, Id)),
		Related = set__list_to_set(RelatedList)

:- inst call = bound(call(ground, ground, ground, ground, ground, ground)).
:- inst hlds_call = bound('-'(call, ground)).
:- inst call_goal = bound('-'(hlds_call, ground)).

	% Do a goal_store__lookup where the result is known to be a
	% call.
:- pred lookup_call(goal_store, goal_id, goal_store__goal) is det.
:- mode lookup_call(in, in, out(call_goal)) is det.

lookup_call(GoalStore, Id, Call - InstMap) :-
	goal_store__lookup(GoalStore, Id, Goal - InstMap),
		Goal = call(_, _, _, _, _, _) - _
		Call = Goal
		error("accumulator__lookup_call: not a call.")


	% stage3 creates the accumulator version of the predicate using
	% the substitutions determined in stage2, it also redefines the
	% original procedure to call the accumulator version of the
	% procedure.
:- pred stage3(goal_id::in, prog_vars::in, prog_varset::in, vartypes::in,
		goal_store::in, goal_store::in, substs::in, subst::in,
		subst::in, base::in, list(pair(prog_var))::in, sets::in,
		top_level::in, pred_info::in, proc_info::in,
		module_info::in, proc_info::out, module_info::out) is

stage3(RecCallId, Accs, VarSet, VarTypes, C, CS, Substs,
		HeadToCallSubst, CallToHeadSubst, BaseCase, BasePairs,
		Sets, TopLevel, OrigPredInfo, OrigProcInfo0,
		ModuleInfo0, OrigProcInfo, ModuleInfo) :-

	acc_proc_info(Accs, VarSet, VarTypes, Substs,
			OrigProcInfo0, AccTypes, AccProcInfo),
	acc_pred_info(AccTypes, AccProcInfo, OrigPredInfo, AccProcId,

	pred_info_name(AccPredInfo, AccPredName),
	AccName = unqualified(AccPredName),

	module_info_get_predicate_table(ModuleInfo0, PredTable0),
	predicate_table_insert(PredTable0, AccPredInfo, AccPredId, PredTable),
	module_info_set_predicate_table(ModuleInfo0, PredTable, ModuleInfo1),

	create_goal(RecCallId, Accs, AccPredId, AccProcId, AccName, Substs,
			HeadToCallSubst, CallToHeadSubst, BaseCase,
			BasePairs, Sets, C, CS, OrigBaseGoal,
			OrigRecGoal, AccBaseGoal, AccRecGoal),

	proc_info_goal(OrigProcInfo0, OrigGoal0),

	top_level(TopLevel, OrigGoal0, OrigBaseGoal, OrigRecGoal,
			AccBaseGoal, AccRecGoal, OrigGoal, AccGoal),

	proc_info_set_goal(OrigProcInfo0, OrigGoal, OrigProcInfo1),
	proc_info_set_varset(OrigProcInfo1, VarSet, OrigProcInfo2),
	proc_info_set_vartypes(OrigProcInfo2, VarTypes, OrigProcInfo),

	update_accumulator_pred(AccPredId, AccProcId, AccGoal,
			ModuleInfo1, ModuleInfo).


	% acc_proc_info
	% Construct a proc_info for the introduced predicate.
:- pred acc_proc_info(prog_vars::in, prog_varset::in, vartypes::in,
		substs::in, proc_info::in,
		list(type)::out, proc_info::out) is det.

acc_proc_info(Accs0, VarSet, VarTypes, Substs,
		OrigProcInfo, AccTypes, AccProcInfo) :-

		% ProcInfo Stuff that must change.
	proc_info_headvars(OrigProcInfo, HeadVars0),
	proc_info_argmodes(OrigProcInfo, HeadModes0),

	proc_info_inferred_determinism(OrigProcInfo, Detism),
	proc_info_goal(OrigProcInfo, Goal),
	proc_info_context(OrigProcInfo, Context),
	proc_info_typeinfo_varmap(OrigProcInfo, TVarMap),
	proc_info_typeclass_info_varmap(OrigProcInfo, TCVarsMap),
	proc_info_is_address_taken(OrigProcInfo, IsAddressTaken),

	Substs = substs(AccVarSubst, _RecCallSubst, _AssocCallSubst,
	list__map(map__lookup(AccVarSubst), Accs0, Accs),
	HeadVars = HeadVars0 `append` Accs,

		% XXX we don't want to use the inst of the var as it can
		% be more specific than it should be. ie int_const(1)
		% when it should be any integer.
		% However this will no longer handle partially
		% instantiated data structures.
	Inst = ground(shared, no),
	inst_lists_to_mode_list([Inst], [Inst], Mode),
	list__duplicate(list__length(Accs), list__det_head(Mode), AccModes),
	HeadModes = HeadModes0 `append` AccModes,

	list__map(map__lookup(VarTypes), Accs, AccTypes),

	proc_info_create(VarSet, VarTypes, HeadVars, HeadModes, Detism, Goal,
	                Context, TVarMap, TCVarsMap, IsAddressTaken,


	% acc_pred_info
	% Construct the pred_info for the introduced predicate
:- pred acc_pred_info(list(type)::in, proc_info::in, pred_info::in,
		proc_id::out, pred_info::out) is det.

acc_pred_info(NewTypes, NewProcInfo, PredInfo, NewProcId, NewPredInfo) :-
		% PredInfo stuff that must change.
	pred_info_arg_types(PredInfo, TypeVarSet, ExistQVars, Types0),

	pred_info_module(PredInfo, ModuleName),
	pred_info_name(PredInfo, Name),
	Cond = true,
	pred_info_context(PredInfo, PredContext),
	pred_info_get_markers(PredInfo, Markers),
	pred_info_get_is_pred_or_func(PredInfo, PredOrFunc),
	pred_info_get_class_context(PredInfo, ClassContext),
	pred_info_get_aditi_owner(PredInfo, Owner),


	proc_info_context(NewProcInfo, Context),
	term__context_line(Context, Line),
	Counter = 0,

	list__append(Types0, NewTypes, Types),

	make_pred_name_with_context(ModuleName, "AccFrom", PredOrFunc, Name,
		Line, Counter, SymName),

	pred_info_create(ModuleName, SymName, TypeVarSet, ExistQVars, Types,
			Cond, PredContext, local, Markers, PredOrFunc,
			ClassContext, Owner, Assertions, NewProcInfo, NewProcId,


	% create_goal creates the new base and recursive case of the
	% original procedure (OrigBaseGoal and OrigRecGoal) and the base
	% and recursive cases of accumulator version (AccBaseGoal and
	% AccRecGoal).
:- pred create_goal(goal_id, prog_vars, pred_id, proc_id, sym_name,
		substs, subst, subst, base, list(pair(prog_var)), sets,
		goal_store, goal_store, hlds_goal, hlds_goal, hlds_goal,
:- mode create_goal(in, in, in, in, in, in,
		in, in, in, in, in, in, in, out, out, out, out) is det.

create_goal(RecCallId, Accs, AccPredId, AccProcId, AccName, Substs,
		HeadToCallSubst, CallToHeadSubst, BaseIds, BasePairs,
		Sets, C, CS, OrigBaseGoal, OrigRecGoal, AccBaseGoal,
		AccRecGoal) :-

	lookup_call(C, RecCallId, OrigCall - _InstMap),

	Call = create_acc_call(OrigCall, Accs, AccPredId,
			AccProcId, AccName),

	create_orig_goal(Call, Substs, HeadToCallSubst, CallToHeadSubst,
			BaseIds, Sets, C, OrigBaseGoal, OrigRecGoal),

	create_acc_goal(Call, Substs, HeadToCallSubst, BaseIds, BasePairs,
			Sets, C, CS, AccBaseGoal, AccRecGoal).

	% create_acc_call takes the original call and generates a call
	% to the accumulator version of the call, which can have the
	% substitutions applied to it easily.
:- func create_acc_call(hlds_goal, prog_vars, pred_id, proc_id,
		sym_name) = hlds_goal.
:- mode create_acc_call(in(hlds_call), in, in, in, in) = out(hlds_call) is det.

create_acc_call(OrigCall, Accs, AccPredId, AccProcId, AccName) = Call :-
	OrigCall = call(_PredId, _ProcId, Args, Builtin, Context, _Name) - GI,
	Call = call(AccPredId, AccProcId, Args `append` Accs,
			Builtin, Context, AccName) - GI.

	% Create the goals which are to replace the original predicate.
:- pred create_orig_goal(hlds_goal::in, substs::in, subst::in,
		subst::in, base::in, sets::in, goal_store::in,
		hlds_goal::out, hlds_goal::out) is det.

create_orig_goal(Call, Substs, HeadToCallSubst, CallToHeadSubst,
		BaseIds, Sets, C, OrigBaseGoal, OrigRecGoal) :-

	Substs = substs(_AccVarSubst, _RecCallSubst, _AssocCallSubst,

	BaseIds = base(UpdateBase, _AssocBase, _OtherBase),
	Sets = sets(Before, _Assoc, _ConstructAssoc,
			_Construct, Update, _Reject),

	U = create_new_orig_recursive_goals(UpdateBase, Update,
			HeadToCallSubst, UpdateSubst, C),

	goal_util__rename_vars_in_goal(Call, CallToHeadSubst, BaseCall),

	Cbefore = goal_list(set__to_sorted_list(Before), C),

	Uupdate = goal_list(set__to_sorted_list(UpdateBase) `append`
			set__to_sorted_list(Update), U),
	Cbase = goal_list(base_case_ids(C), C),

	calculate_goal_info(conj(Cbefore `append` Uupdate `append`
			[BaseCall]), OrigRecGoal),
	calculate_goal_info(conj(Cbase), OrigBaseGoal).

	% Create the goals which are to go in the new accumulator
	% version of the predicate.
:- pred create_acc_goal(hlds_goal::in, substs::in, subst::in, base::in,
		list(pair(prog_var))::in, sets::in, goal_store::in,
		goal_store::in, hlds_goal::out, hlds_goal::out) is det.

create_acc_goal(Call, Substs, HeadToCallSubst,
		BaseIds, BasePairs, Sets, C, CS, AccBaseGoal, AccRecGoal) :-
	Substs = substs(AccVarSubst, RecCallSubst, AssocCallSubst,

	BaseIds = base(_UpdateBase, AssocBase, OtherBase),
	Sets = sets(Before, Assoc, ConstructAssoc,
			Construct, Update, _Reject),

	goal_util__rename_vars_in_goal(Call, RecCallSubst, RecCall),

	Cbefore = goal_list(set__to_sorted_list(Before), C),

		% Create the goals which will be used in the new
		% recursive case.
	R = create_new_recursive_goals(Assoc, Construct `union` ConstructAssoc,
			Update, AssocCallSubst, AccVarSubst,
			UpdateSubst, C, CS),

	Rassoc = goal_list(set__to_sorted_list(Assoc), R),
	Rupdate = goal_list(set__to_sorted_list(Update), R),
	Rconstruct = goal_list(set__to_sorted_list(Construct `union`
			ConstructAssoc), R),

		% Create the goals which will be used in the new
		% base case.
	B = create_new_base_goals(Assoc `union` Construct `union`
			ConstructAssoc, C, AccVarSubst, HeadToCallSubst),
	Bafter = set__to_sorted_list(Assoc `union`
			Construct `union` ConstructAssoc),

	BaseCase = goal_list(set__to_sorted_list(AssocBase `union` OtherBase)
			`append` Bafter, B),

	list__map(acc_unification, BasePairs, UpdateBase),
	calculate_goal_info(conj(Cbefore `append` Rassoc `append`
			Rupdate `append` [RecCall] `append` Rconstruct),
	calculate_goal_info(conj(UpdateBase `append` BaseCase), AccBaseGoal).

	% Create the U set of goals (those that will be used in the
	% original recursive case) by renaming all the goals which are
	% used to initialise the update state variable using the
	% head_to_call followed by the update_subst, and rename all the
	% update goals using the update_subst.
:- func create_new_orig_recursive_goals(set(goal_id), set(goal_id),
		subst, subst, goal_store) = goal_store.

create_new_orig_recursive_goals(UpdateBase, Update, HeadToCallSubst,
		UpdateSubst, C)
	= rename(set__to_sorted_list(Update), UpdateSubst, C, Ubase) :-
	Ubase = rename(set__to_sorted_list(UpdateBase),
			chain_subst(HeadToCallSubst, UpdateSubst), C,

	% Create the R set of goals (those that will be used in the new
	% recursive case) by renaming all the members of assoc in CS
	% using assoc_call_subst and all the members of (construct U
	% construct_assoc) in C with acc_var_subst.
:- func create_new_recursive_goals(set(goal_id), set(goal_id), set(goal_id),
		subst, subst, subst,
		goal_store, goal_store) = goal_store.

create_new_recursive_goals(Assoc, Constructs, Update,
		AssocCallSubst, AccVarSubst, UpdateSubst, C, CS)
	= rename(set__to_sorted_list(Constructs), AccVarSubst, C, RBase) :-
	RBase0 = rename(set__to_sorted_list(Assoc), AssocCallSubst, CS,
	RBase = rename(set__to_sorted_list(Update), UpdateSubst, C, RBase0).

	% Create the B set of goals (those that will be used in the new
	% base case) by renaming all the base case goals of C with
	% head_to_call and all the members of (assoc U construct U
	% construct_assoc) of C with acc_var_subst.
:- func create_new_base_goals(set(goal_id), goal_store, subst, subst) =

create_new_base_goals(Ids, C, AccVarSubst, HeadToCallSubst)
	= rename(set__to_sorted_list(Ids), AccVarSubst, C, Bbase) :-
	Bbase =	rename(base_case_ids(C), HeadToCallSubst, C, goal_store__init).

	% acc_unification(O-A, G)
	% is true if G represents the assignment unification Out = Acc.
:- pred acc_unification(pair(prog_var)::in, hlds_goal::out) is det.
acc_unification(Out - Acc, Goal) :-
	UniMode = LHSMode - RHSMode,

	Context = unify_context(explicit, []),
	Expr = unify(Out, var(Acc), UniMode, assign(Out,Acc), Context),
	set__list_to_set([Out,Acc], NonLocalVars),
	instmap_delta_from_assoc_list([Out - ground(shared, no)], InstMapDelta),

	goal_info_init(NonLocalVars, InstMapDelta, det, Info),
	Goal = Expr - Info.


	% Given the top level structure of the goal create new version
	% with new base and recursive cases plugged in.
:- pred top_level(top_level::in, hlds_goal::in,
		hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::in,
		hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out, hlds_goal::out) is det.

top_level(switch_base_rec, Goal, OrigBaseGoal, OrigRecGoal,
		NewBaseGoal, NewRecGoal, OrigGoal, NewGoal) :-
		Goal = switch(Var, CanFail, Cases0, StoreMap) - GoalInfo,
		Cases0 = [case(IdA, _), case(IdB, _)]
		OrigCases = [case(IdA, OrigBaseGoal), case(IdB, OrigRecGoal)],
		OrigGoal = switch(Var, CanFail, OrigCases, StoreMap) - GoalInfo,

		NewCases = [case(IdA, NewBaseGoal), case(IdB, NewRecGoal)],
		NewGoal = switch(Var, CanFail, NewCases, StoreMap) - GoalInfo
		error("top_level: not the correct top level")
top_level(switch_rec_base, Goal, OrigBaseGoal, OrigRecGoal,
		NewBaseGoal, NewRecGoal, OrigGoal, NewGoal) :-
		Goal = switch(Var, CanFail, Cases0, StoreMap) - GoalInfo,
		Cases0 = [case(IdA, _), case(IdB, _)]
		OrigCases = [case(IdA, OrigRecGoal), case(IdB, OrigBaseGoal)],
		OrigGoal = switch(Var, CanFail, OrigCases, StoreMap) - GoalInfo,

		NewCases = [case(IdA, NewRecGoal), case(IdB, NewBaseGoal)],
		NewGoal = switch(Var, CanFail, NewCases, StoreMap) - GoalInfo
		error("top_level: not the correct top level")
top_level(disj_base_rec, Goal, OrigBaseGoal,
		OrigRecGoal, NewBaseGoal, NewRecGoal, OrigGoal, NewGoal) :-
		Goal = disj(Goals, StoreMap) - GoalInfo,
		Goals = [_, _]
		OrigGoals = [OrigBaseGoal, OrigRecGoal],
		OrigGoal = disj(OrigGoals, StoreMap) - GoalInfo,

		NewGoals = [NewBaseGoal, NewRecGoal],
		NewGoal = disj(NewGoals, StoreMap) - GoalInfo
		error("top_level: not the correct top level")
top_level(disj_rec_base, Goal, OrigBaseGoal,
		OrigRecGoal, NewBaseGoal, NewRecGoal, OrigGoal, NewGoal) :-
		Goal = disj(Goals, StoreMap) - GoalInfo,
		Goals = [_, _]
		OrigGoals = [OrigRecGoal, OrigBaseGoal],
		OrigGoal = disj(OrigGoals, StoreMap) - GoalInfo,

		NewGoals = [NewRecGoal, NewBaseGoal],
		NewGoal = disj(NewGoals, StoreMap) - GoalInfo
		error("top_level: not the correct top level")
top_level(ite_base_rec, Goal, OrigBaseGoal,
		OrigRecGoal, NewBaseGoal, NewRecGoal, OrigGoal, NewGoal) :-
		Goal = if_then_else(Vars, If, _, _, StoreMap) - GoalInfo
		OrigGoal = if_then_else(Vars, If,
				OrigBaseGoal, OrigRecGoal, StoreMap) - GoalInfo,

		NewGoal = if_then_else(Vars, If,
				NewBaseGoal, NewRecGoal, StoreMap) - GoalInfo
		error("top_level: not the correct top level")
top_level(ite_rec_base, Goal, OrigBaseGoal,
		OrigRecGoal, NewBaseGoal, NewRecGoal, OrigGoal, NewGoal) :-
		Goal = if_then_else(Vars, If, _, _, StoreMap) - GoalInfo
		OrigGoal = if_then_else(Vars, If,
				OrigRecGoal, OrigBaseGoal, StoreMap) - GoalInfo,

		NewGoal = if_then_else(Vars, If,
				NewRecGoal, NewBaseGoal, StoreMap) - GoalInfo
		error("top_level: not the correct top level")


	% update_accumulator_pred
	% Place the accumulator version of the predicate in the
	% module_info structure.
:- pred update_accumulator_pred(pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
		hlds_goal::in, module_info::in, module_info::out) is det.

update_accumulator_pred(NewPredId, NewProcId, AccGoal,
		ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo) :-
	module_info_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo0, NewPredId, NewProcId,
			PredInfo, ProcInfo0),
	proc_info_set_goal(ProcInfo0, AccGoal, ProcInfo),
	module_info_set_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo0, NewPredId, NewProcId,
			PredInfo, ProcInfo, ModuleInfo).


	% rename(Ids, Subst, From, Initial)
	% return a goal_store, Final, which is the result of looking up each
	% member of set of goal_ids, Ids, in the goal_store, From,
	% applying the substitution and then storing the goal into
	% the goal_store, Initial.
:- func rename(list(goal_id), subst, goal_store, goal_store) = goal_store.

rename(Ids, Subst, From, Initial) = Final :-
	list__foldl((pred(Id::in, GS0::in, GS::out) is det :-
			goal_store__lookup(From, Id, Goal0 - InstMap),
			goal_util__rename_vars_in_goal(Goal0, Subst, Goal),
			goal_store__det_insert(GS0, Id, Goal - InstMap, GS)
		), Ids, Initial, Final).

	% Return all the goal_ids which belong in the base case.
:- func base_case_ids(goal_store) = list(goal_id).

base_case_ids(GS) = Base :-
	solutions((pred(Key::out) is nondet :-
			goal_store__member(GS, Key, _Goal),
			Key = base - _
		), Base).

:- func base_case_ids_set(goal_store) = set(goal_id).

base_case_ids_set(GS) = set__list_to_set(base_case_ids(GS)).

	% Given a list of goal_ids, return the list of hlds_goals from
	% the goal_store.
:- func goal_list(list(goal_id), goal_store) = hlds_goals.

goal_list(Ids, GS) = Goals :-
	list__map((pred(Key::in, G::out) is det :-
			goal_store__lookup(GS, Key, G - _)
		), Ids, Goals).


:- pred calculate_goal_info(hlds_goal_expr::in, hlds_goal::out) is det.

calculate_goal_info(GoalExpr, GoalExpr - GoalInfo) :-
		GoalExpr = conj(GoalList)
		goal_list_nonlocals(GoalList, NonLocals),
		goal_list_instmap_delta(GoalList, InstMapDelta),
		goal_list_determinism(GoalList, Determinism),

		goal_info_init(NonLocals, InstMapDelta, Determinism, GoalInfo)
		error("calculate_goal_info: not a conj.")

	% The number which indicates the base case.
:- func base = int.
base = 2.

	% The number which indicates the recursive case.
:- func rec = int.
rec = 1.


:- func reverse_subst(subst) = subst.

reverse_subst(Subst0) = Subst :-
	map__to_assoc_list(Subst0, List0),
	assoc_list__reverse_members(List0, List),
	map__from_assoc_list(List, Subst).

:- func chain_subst(subst, subst) = subst.

chain_subst(AtoB, BtoC) = AtoC :-
	map__keys(AtoB, Keys),
	chain_subst_2(Keys, AtoB, BtoC, AtoC).

:- pred chain_subst_2(list(A)::in, map(A, B)::in, map(B, C)::in,
		map(A, C)::out) is det.

chain_subst_2([], _, _, AtoC) :-
chain_subst_2([A|As], AtoB, BtoC, AtoC) :-
	chain_subst_2(As, AtoB, BtoC, AtoC0),
	map__lookup(AtoB, A, B),
		map__search(BtoC, B, C)
		map__det_insert(AtoC0, A, C, AtoC)
		AtoC = AtoC0

Index: compiler/assertion.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/assertion.m,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -r1.6 assertion.m
--- compiler/assertion.m	2000/01/10 00:43:43	1.6
+++ compiler/assertion.m	2000/02/04 12:15:45
@@ -58,15 +58,19 @@
 		prog_vars::in, pair(prog_var)::out) is semidet.
-	% assertion__is_associativity_assertion(Id, MI, Vs, CVs)
+	% assertion__is_associativity_assertion(Id, MI, Vs, CVs, OV)
+	%
 	% Does the assertion represented by the assertion id, Id,
 	% state the associativity of a pred/func?
 	% We extend the usual definition of associativity to apply to
 	% predicates or functions with more than two arguments as
 	% follows by allowing extra arguments which must be invariant.
 	% If so, this predicate returns (in CVs) the two variables which
-	% can be swapped in order if it was a call to Vs.
+	% can be swapped in order if it was a call to Vs, and the
+	% output variable, OV, related to these two variables (for the
+	% case below it would be the variable in the same position as
+	% AB, BC or ABC).
 	% The assertion must be in a form similar to this
 	% 	all [Is,A,B,C,ABC] 
@@ -80,9 +84,39 @@
 	% identical locations on both sides of the equivalence).
 :- pred assertion__is_associativity_assertion(assert_id::in, module_info::in,
-		prog_vars::in, pair(prog_var)::out) is semidet.
+		prog_vars::in, pair(prog_var)::out, prog_var::out) is semidet.
+	%
+	% assertion__is_associativity_assertion(Id, MI, PId, Vs, SPair)
+	%
+	% Recognise assertions in the form
+	% 	all [A,B,S0,S] 
+	% 	(
+	% 	  some [SA] p(A,S0,SA), p(B,SA,S)
+	% 	<=>
+	% 	  some [SB] p(B,S0,SB), p(A,SB,S)
+	% 	)
+	% and given the actual variables, Vs, to the call to p, return
+	% the pair of variables which are state variables, SPair.
+	%
+:- pred assertion__is_update_assertion(assert_id::in, module_info::in,
+		pred_id::in, prog_vars::in, pair(prog_var)::out) is semidet.
+	% assertion__is_construction_equivalence_assertion(Id, MI, C, P)
+	%
+	% Can a single construction unification whose functor is
+	% determined by the cons_id, C, be expressed as a call
+	% to the predid, P (with possibly some construction unifications
+	% to initialise the arguments).
+	%
+	% The assertion will be in a form similar to
+	% 	all [L,H,T] ( L = [H|T] <=> append([H], T, L) )
+	%
+:- pred assertion__is_construction_equivalence_assertion(assert_id::in,
+		module_info::in, cons_id::in, pred_id::in) is semidet.
+	%
 	% assertion__in_interface_check
 	% Ensure that an assertion which is defined in an interface
@@ -97,7 +131,8 @@
 :- implementation.
-:- import_module globals, goal_util, hlds_out, options, prog_out, type_util.
+:- import_module globals, goal_util, hlds_out.
+:- import_module options, prog_out, prog_util, type_util.
 :- import_module assoc_list, bool, list, map, require, set, std_util.
 :- type subst == map(prog_var, prog_var).
@@ -154,7 +189,7 @@
 assertion__is_associativity_assertion(AssertId, Module, CallVars,
-		AssociativeVars) :-
+		AssociativeVars, OutputVar) :-
 	assertion__goal(AssertId, Module, Goal - GoalInfo),
 	equivalent(Goal - GoalInfo, P, Q),
@@ -163,7 +198,8 @@
 	P = some(_, _, conj(PCalls) - _) - _PGoalInfo,
 	Q = some(_, _, conj(QCalls) - _) - _QGoalInfo,
-	AssociativeVars = promise_only_solution(associative(PCalls, QCalls,
+	AssociativeVars - OutputVar =
+			promise_only_solution(associative(PCalls, QCalls,
 				UniversiallyQuantifiedVars, CallVars)).
@@ -177,14 +213,17 @@
 	% 	compose( A, B,  AB),		compose(B,  C,  BC),
 	% 	compose(AB, C, ABC) 	<=>	compose(A, BC, ABC)
-:- pred associative(hlds_goals::in, hlds_goals::in, set(prog_var)::in,
-		prog_vars::in, pair(prog_var)::out) is cc_nondet.
+:- pred associative(hlds_goals::in, hlds_goals::in,
+		set(prog_var)::in, prog_vars::in,
+		pair(pair(prog_var), prog_var)::out) is cc_nondet.
 associative(PCalls, QCalls, UniversiallyQuantifiedVars, CallVars,
-		CallVarA - CallVarB) :-
+		(CallVarA - CallVarB) - OutputVar) :-
 	reorder(PCalls, QCalls, LHSCalls, RHSCalls),
-	process_one_side(LHSCalls, UniversiallyQuantifiedVars, AB, PairsL, Vs),
-	process_one_side(RHSCalls, UniversiallyQuantifiedVars, BC, PairsR, _),
+	process_one_side(LHSCalls, UniversiallyQuantifiedVars, PredId,
+			AB, PairsL, Vs),
+	process_one_side(RHSCalls, UniversiallyQuantifiedVars, PredId,
+			BC, PairsR, _),
 		% If you read the predicate documentation, you will note
 		% that for each pair of variables on the left hand side
@@ -197,6 +236,8 @@
 			(AB - ABC) - (BC - ABC)]),
 	assoc_list__from_corresponding_lists(Vs, CallVars, AssocList),
+	list__filter((pred(X-_Y::in) is semidet :- X = AB),
+			AssocList, [_AB - OutputVar]),
 	list__filter((pred(X-_Y::in) is semidet :- X = A),
 			AssocList, [_A - CallVarA]),
 	list__filter((pred(X-_Y::in) is semidet :- X = B),
@@ -227,11 +268,110 @@
 	% ie for app(TypeInfo, X, Y, XY), app(TypeInfo, XY, Z, XYZ)
 	% L <= XY and Ps <= [X - XY, Y - Z, XY - XYZ]
+:- pred process_one_side(hlds_goals::in, set(prog_var)::in, pred_id::out,
+		prog_var::out, assoc_list(prog_var)::out,
+		prog_vars::out) is semidet.
+process_one_side(Goals, UniversiallyQuantifiedVars, PredId,
+		LinkingVar, Vars, VarsA) :-
+	process_two_linked_calls(Goals, UniversiallyQuantifiedVars, PredId,
+			LinkingVar, Vars0, VarsA),
+		% Filter out all the invariant arguments, and then make
+		% sure that their is only 3 arguments left.
+	list__filter((pred(X-Y::in) is semidet :- not X = Y), Vars0, Vars),
+	list__length(Vars, number_of_associative_vars).
+:- func number_of_associative_vars = int.
+number_of_associative_vars = 3.
+	%
+	% assertion__is_update_assertion(Id, MI, PId, Ss)
+	%
+	% is true iff the assertion, Id, is about a predicate, PId,
+	% which takes some state as input and produces some state as
+	% output and the same state is produced as input regardless of
+	% the order that the state is updated.
+	%
+	% ie the promise should look something like this, note that A
+	% and B could be vectors of variables.
+	% :- promise all [A,B,SO,S]
+	%	(
+	%		(some [SA] (update(S0,A,SA), update(SA,B,S)))
+	%	<=>
+	%		(some [SB] (update(S0,B,SB), update(SB,A,S)))
+	%	).
+	%
+assertion__is_update_assertion(AssertId, Module, _PredId, CallVars,
+		StateA - StateB) :-
+	assertion__goal(AssertId, Module, Goal - GoalInfo),
+	equivalent(Goal - GoalInfo, P, Q),
+	goal_info_get_nonlocals(GoalInfo, UniversiallyQuantifiedVars),
+	P = some(_, _, conj(PCalls) - _) - _PGoalInfo,
+	Q = some(_, _, conj(QCalls) - _) - _QGoalInfo,
+	solutions(update(PCalls, QCalls, UniversiallyQuantifiedVars, CallVars),
+			[StateA - StateB | _]).
+	%
+	% 	compose(S0, A, SA),		compose(SB, A, S),
+	% 	compose(SA, B, S) 	<=>	compose(S0, B, SB)
+	%
+:- pred update(hlds_goals::in, hlds_goals::in, set(prog_var)::in,
+		prog_vars::in, pair(prog_var)::out) is nondet.
+update(PCalls, QCalls, UniversiallyQuantifiedVars, CallVars, StateA - StateB) :-
+	reorder(PCalls, QCalls, LHSCalls, RHSCalls),
+	process_two_linked_calls(LHSCalls, UniversiallyQuantifiedVars, PredId,
+			SA, PairsL, Vs),
+	process_two_linked_calls(RHSCalls, UniversiallyQuantifiedVars, PredId,
+			SB, PairsR, _),
+	assoc_list__from_corresponding_lists(PairsL, PairsR, Pairs0),
+	list__filter((pred(X-Y::in) is semidet :- X \= Y), Pairs0, Pairs),
+	list__length(Pairs) = 2,
-:- pred process_one_side(hlds_goals::in, set(prog_var)::in, prog_var::out,
+		% If you read the predicate documentation, you will note
+		% that for each pair of variables on the left hand side
+		% their is an equivalent pair of variables on the right
+		% hand side.  As the pairs of variables are not
+		% symmetric, the call to list__perm will only succeed
+		% once, if at all.
+	list__perm(Pairs, [(S0 - SA) - (SB - S0), (SA - S) - (S - SB)]),
+	assoc_list__from_corresponding_lists(Vs, CallVars, AssocList),
+	list__filter((pred(X-_Y::in) is semidet :- X = S0),
+			AssocList, [_S0 - StateA]),
+	list__filter((pred(X-_Y::in) is semidet :- X = SA),
+			AssocList, [_SA - StateB]).
+	%
+	% process_two_linked_calls(Gs, UQVs, PId, LV, AL, VAs)
+	%
+	% is true iff the list of goals, Gs, with universally quantified
+	% variables, UQVs, is two calls to the same predicate, PId, with
+	% one variable that links them, LV.  AL will be the assoc list
+	% that is the each variable from the first call with its
+	% corresponding variable in the second call, and VAs are the
+	% variables of the first call.
+	%
+:- pred process_two_linked_calls(hlds_goals::in, set(prog_var)::in,
+		pred_id::out, prog_var::out,
 		assoc_list(prog_var)::out, prog_vars::out) is semidet.
-process_one_side(Goals, UniversiallyQuantifiedVars, LinkingVar, Vars, VarsA) :-
+process_two_linked_calls(Goals, UniversiallyQuantifiedVars, PredId,
+		LinkingVar, Vars, VarsA) :-
 	Goals = [call(PredId, _, VarsA, _, _, _) - _,
 			call(PredId, _, VarsB, _, _, _) - _],
@@ -242,18 +382,65 @@
 	set__singleton_set(CommonVars `difference` UniversiallyQuantifiedVars,
-		% Filter out all the invariant arguments, and then make
-		% sure that their is only 3 arguments left.
-	assoc_list__from_corresponding_lists(VarsA, VarsB, Vars0),
-	list__filter((pred(X-Y::in) is semidet :- not X = Y), Vars0, Vars),
-	list__length(Vars, number_of_associative_vars).
+		% Set up mapping between the variables in the two calls.
+	assoc_list__from_corresponding_lists(VarsA, VarsB, Vars).
-:- func number_of_associative_vars = int.
-number_of_associative_vars = 3.
+assertion__is_construction_equivalence_assertion(AssertId, Module,
+		ConsId, PredId) :-
+	assertion__goal(AssertId, Module, Goal),
+	equivalent(Goal, P, Q),
+	(
+		single_construction(P, ConsId)
+	->
+		predicate_call(Q, PredId)
+	;
+		single_construction(Q, ConsId),
+		predicate_call(P, PredId)
+	).
+	%
+	% One side of the equivalence must be just the single
+	% unification with the correct cons_id.
+	% 
+:- pred single_construction(hlds_goal::in, cons_id::in) is semidet.
+single_construction(unify(_, UnifyRhs, _, _, _) - _,
+		cons(QualifiedSymName, Arity)) :-
+	UnifyRhs = functor(cons(UnqualifiedSymName, Arity), _),
+	match_sym_name(UnqualifiedSymName, QualifiedSymName).
+	%
+	% The side containing the predicate call must be a single call
+	% to the predicate with 0 or more construction unifications
+	% which setup the arguments to the predicates.
+	%
+:- pred predicate_call(hlds_goal::in, pred_id::in) is semidet.
+predicate_call(Goal, PredId) :-
+	(
+		Goal = conj(Goals) - _
+	->
+		list__member(Call, Goals),
+		Call = call(PredId, _, _, _, _, _) - _,
+		list__delete(Goals, Call, Unifications),
+		P = (pred(G::in) is semidet :-
+			not (
+				G = unify(_, UnifyRhs, _, _, _) - _,
+				UnifyRhs = functor(_, _)
+			)
+		),
+		list__filter(P, Unifications, [])
+	;
+		Goal = call(PredId, _, _, _, _, _) - _
+	).
 assertion__goal(AssertId, Module, Goal) :-
 	module_info_assertion_table(Module, AssertTable),
 	assertion_table_lookup(AssertTable, AssertId, PredId),
@@ -275,7 +462,15 @@
 implies(Goal, P, Q) :-
 		% Goal = (P => Q)
-	Goal = not(conj([P, NotQ]) - _) - _,
+	Goal = not(conj(GoalList) - GI) - _,
+	list__reverse(GoalList) = [NotQ | Ps],
+	(
+		Ps = [P0]
+	->
+		P = P0
+	;
+		P = conj(list__reverse(Ps)) - GI
+	),
 	NotQ = not(Q) - _.
 :- pred equivalent(hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out, hlds_goal::out) is semidet.
Index: compiler/goal_store.m
RCS file: goal_store.m
diff -N goal_store.m
--- /dev/null	Wed May  6 06:32:27 1998
+++ goal_store.m	Tue Jan 11 15:44:56 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+% Copyright (C) 2000 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
+% Module:	goal_store
+% Main authors: petdr
+% Given a hlds_goal store it in a goal_structure.
+:- module goal_store.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module hlds_goal, hlds_module, instmap.
+:- import_module bool, set, std_util.
+:- type goal == pair(hlds_goal, instmap).
+:- type goal_store(T).
+:- pred goal_store__init(goal_store(T)::out) is det.
+:- func goal_store__init = goal_store(T).
+:- pred goal_store__det_insert(goal_store(T)::in, T::in, goal::in,
+		goal_store(T)::out) is det.
+:- pred goal_store__lookup(goal_store(T)::in, T::in, goal::out) is det.
+:- pred goal_store__member(goal_store(T)::in, T::out, goal::out) is nondet.
+:- pred goal_store__all_ancestors(goal_store(T)::in, T::in, module_info::in,
+		bool::in, set(T)::out) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module goal_util.
+:- import_module int, list, map, require.
+:- type goal_store(T) == map__map(T, goal).
+goal_store__init(GS) :-
+	map__init(GS).
+goal_store__init = GS :-
+	goal_store__init(GS).
+goal_store__det_insert(GS0, Id, Goal, GS) :-
+	map__det_insert(GS0, Id, Goal, GS).
+goal_store__lookup(GS, Id, Goal) :-
+	map__lookup(GS, Id, Goal).
+goal_store__member(GoalStore, Key, Goal) :-
+	map__member(GoalStore, Key, Goal).
+goal_store__all_ancestors(GoalStore, StartId, ModuleInfo, FullyStrict,
+		AncestorIds) :-
+	AncestorIds = ancestors_2(GoalStore, [StartId], set__init,
+			ModuleInfo, FullyStrict).
+:- func ancestors_2(goal_store(T), list(T), set(T), module_info, bool) = set(T).
+ancestors_2(_GoalStore, [], _VisitedIds, _ModuleInfo, _FullyStrict) = set__init.
+ancestors_2(GoalStore, [Id|Ids], VisitedIds, ModuleInfo, FullyStrict)
+	=  AncestorIds :-
+		(
+			set__member(Id, VisitedIds)
+		->
+			AncestorIds = ancestors_2(GoalStore, Ids, VisitedIds,
+					ModuleInfo, FullyStrict)
+		;
+			Ancestors = direct_ancestors(GoalStore, Id, ModuleInfo,
+					FullyStrict),
+			AncestorIds = set__list_to_set(Ancestors) `union`
+					ancestors_2(
+						GoalStore,
+						Ancestors `append` Ids,
+						set__insert(VisitedIds, Id),
+						ModuleInfo, FullyStrict)
+		).
+:- func direct_ancestors(goal_store(T), T, module_info, bool) = list(T).
+direct_ancestors(GoalStore, StartId, ModuleInfo, FullyStrict)
+	= Ancestors :-
+		solutions(direct_ancestor(GoalStore, StartId, ModuleInfo,
+				FullyStrict), Ancestors).
+:- pred direct_ancestor(goal_store(T)::in, T::in, module_info::in,
+		bool::in, T::out) is nondet.
+direct_ancestor(GoalStore, StartId, ModuleInfo, FullyStrict, EarlierId) :-
+	goal_store__lookup(GoalStore, StartId, LaterGoal - LaterInstMap),
+	goal_store__member(GoalStore, EarlierId, EarlierGoal - EarlierInstMap),
+	compare((<), EarlierId, StartId),
+	not goal_util__can_reorder_goals(ModuleInfo, FullyStrict,
+			EarlierInstMap, EarlierGoal,
+			LaterInstMap, LaterGoal).
Index: library/list.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/library/list.m,v
retrieving revision 1.89
diff -u -r1.89 list.m
--- library/list.m	2000/01/10 00:44:02	1.89
+++ library/list.m	2000/01/15 07:23:32
@@ -81,6 +81,11 @@
 		( some [BC]
 			(list__append(B, C, BC), list__append(A, BC, ABC)) )
+	% construction equivalence law.
+	% XXX when we implement rewrite rules change this law to a
+	% rewrite rule.
+:- promise all [L,H,T] ( append([H], T, L) <=> L = [H|T] ).
 	% list__remove_suffix(List, Suffix, Prefix):
 	%	The same as list__append(Prefix, Suffix, List) except that

Peter Ross
PhD Student University of Melbourne
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