[m-dev.] Opium-M [5/5]

Erwan Jahier Erwan.Jahier at irisa.fr
Tue Oct 26 23:47:34 AEST 1999

Index: extras/opium_m/source/source_M.op
RCS file: source_M.op
diff -N source_M.op
--- /dev/null	Wed May 28 10:49:58 1997
+++ source_M.op	Tue Oct 26 23:26:43 1999
@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+% Copyright (C) 1999 IRISA/INRIA.
+% Author : Erwan Jahier <jahier at irisa.fr>
+% This file implements the source scenario.
+	name		: source_M,
+	files		: [source_M],
+	scenarios	: [],
+	message		:
+" Scenario source provides commands to retrieve and display Mercury source \
+(and intermediate) code.\
+	).
+	name		: listing,
+	arg_list	: [Module, ProcOrType, Listing],
+	arg_type_list	: [is_atom_or_string, is_mercury_proc_or_type, 
+				is_list_or_var],
+	abbrev		: ls,
+	interface	: button,
+	command_type	: opium,
+	implementation	: listing_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+"Retrieves the source code of a Mercury procedure or a Mercury type \
+ProcOrType defined in the module Module and unifies it in Listing. \
+Module can be either a library or a user defined module.\
+Note: to be able to retrieve library procedures or types with \
+listing/3, you need to have the source of the Mercury library somewhere \
+and you need \
+to make sure that the environment variable LIB_MERCURY has been set correctly \
+to the path of the Mercury library in the sh script Opium-M. \
+	).
+% use the default library for library modules and the current dir for the user
+% modules.
+listing_Op(Module, Name, Listing) :-
+	listing2(Module, Name, Listing, list, source).
+	name		: listing,
+	arg_list	: [Module, PredOrFuncOrType],
+	arg_type_list	: [is_atom_or_string, is_mercury_proc_or_type],
+	abbrev		: ls,
+	interface	: button,
+	command_type	: opium,
+	implementation	: listing_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+"listing/2 is the same command as listing/3 except it prints the listing \
+of the code on the standard output.\n\
+1 - listing(foo, bar/3, List) unify List with the list of terms defining \
+the Mercury predicate bar/3. \n\
+2 - listing(\"~/dir/foo\", bar) will display all the predicates bar/n defined \
+in the module foo which is in \"~/dir/\" directory. \n\
+3 - listing(io, io__read/3) will display the source of the Mercury library \
+predicate io__read/3 defined in the Mercury module io.\n\
+	).
+listing_Op(Module, Name) :-
+	listing2(Module, Name, _, stdo, source).
+listing2(Module, Name, Listing, Where, FileType) :-
+    pathname(Module, ModulePath, ModuleName),
+    ( ModulePath \= "" ->
+        ( FileType = hlds ->
+            (  
+		concat_string([ModulePath, ModuleName], FullModuleName),
+                exists(FullModuleName) 
+	    ->
+                listing_module(ModulePath, ModuleName, Name, Listing, 
+			Where)
+            ;
+		concat_string([ModulePath, ModuleName], FullModuleName),
+		append_strings(FullModuleName2, ".hlds_dump.99-final", 
+			FullModuleName),
+                concat_string([ 
+                    "Unable to find the file %w in the directory %w. \n"
+		    "You need to compile the module %w.m with" 
+	            " \"-dfinal\"option.\n"
+			], Msg),
+		printf(help, Msg, [ModuleName, ModulePath, FullModuleName2])
+            )
+        ;
+            % FileType = source
+            (
+                concat_string([ModulePath, ModuleName, ".m"], Module_m),
+                exists(Module_m)
+            ->
+		( is_mercury_library_module(ModuleName) ->
+			concat_string([ModuleName, "__", Name], 
+				Name2Str),
+			atom_string(Name2, Name2Str)
+		;
+			Name2 = Name
+		),
+                listing_module(ModulePath, ModuleName, Name2, Listing, 
+			Where)
+            ;
+                concat_string([ 
+                    "Unable to find the module %w in the directory %w. \n"
+		    "You need to compile %w%w.m with \"-dfinal\" option.\n"
+			], Msg),
+		printf(help, Msg, [ModuleName, ModulePath, ModulePath, 
+			ModuleName])
+            )
+        )
+    ;
+        % ModulePath == "" 
+        ( FileType = hlds ->
+            ( 
+                append_strings(ModuleName2, ".hlds_dump.99-final", ModuleName),
+                is_mercury_library_module(ModuleName2)
+            ->
+                getenv("LIB_MERCURY", PathStr),
+                concat_string([PathStr, ModuleName], FileName),
+                ( exists(FileName) ->
+                    listing_module(PathStr, ModuleName, Name, Listing, 
+			Where)
+                ;
+ 		    append_strings(ModuleName2, ".hlds_dump.99-final", 
+			ModuleName),
+                    concat_string([ 
+                    "Unable to find the file %w in the directory %w. \n"
+		    "You need to compile the module %w%w.m with"
+		    "\"-dfinal\" option.\n"
+			], Msg),
+		     printf(help, Msg, [ModuleName, PathStr, PathStr, 
+			ModuleName2])
+                )
+            ;
+                % is not a Mercury procedure.
+                ( exists(ModuleName) ->
+                    listing_module("", ModuleName, Name, Listing, Where)
+                ;
+		    append_strings(ModuleName2, ".hlds_dump.99-final", 
+			ModuleName),
+                    concat_string([ 
+                    "Unable to find the module %w in the current directory. \n"
+		    "You need to compile %w.m with \"-dfinal\" option.\n"
+			], Msg),
+		   printf(help, Msg, [ModuleName, ModuleName2])
+                )
+            )
+        ;
+            % FileType = source
+            ( 
+                is_mercury_library_module(ModuleName)
+            ->
+                getenv("LIB_MERCURY", PathStr),
+                concat_string([PathStr, ModuleName, ".m"], FileName),
+		concat_string([ModuleName, "__", Name], Name2Str),
+		atom_string(Name2, Name2Str),
+                ( exists(FileName) ->
+                    listing_module(PathStr, ModuleName, Name2, Listing, 
+			Where)
+                ;
+                    printf(help, 
+                    "Unable to find the module %w in the directory %w. \n", 
+                    [ModuleName, PathStr])
+                )
+            ;
+                % is not a Mercury procedure.
+                ( 
+                    concat_string([ModuleName, ".m"], Module_m),
+                    exists(Module_m)
+                ->
+                    listing_module("", ModuleName, Name, Listing, Where)
+                ;
+                    printf(help, 
+                    "Unable to find the module %w in the current directory.\n", 
+                    [ModuleName])
+                )
+            )
+        )
+    ).
+listing_module(PathStr, ModuleStr, P/A, Listing, Where) :-
+	integer_atom(A, AAtom),
+	atom_string(AAtom, AStr),
+	atom_string(P, PStr),
+	concat_string(["listing ", PathStr, ModuleStr, " ", PStr, 
+		" ", AStr], Command), 
+	sh("rm -rf listing_output; touch listing_output"),
+	printf("%w.\n%b", command),
+	sh(Command),
+	( Where = list ->
+		% Put the terms in the list Listing
+		read_listing(Listing)
+	;
+		% Where = stdo
+		% Display the procedure on the standard output.	
+		Listing = [],
+		sh("cat listing_output")
+	).
+listing_module(PathStr, ModuleStr, P, Listing, Where) :-
+	atom_string(P, PStr),
+	concat_string(["listing ", PathStr, ModuleStr, " ", PStr], 
+		Command),
+	sh("rm -rf listing_output; touch listing_output"),
+	printf("%w.\n%b", Command),
+	sh(Command),
+	( Where = list ->
+		% Put the terms in the list Listing
+		read_listing(Listing)
+	;
+		% Where = stdo
+		% Display the procedure on the standard output.		
+		Listing = [],
+		sh("cat listing_output")
+	).
+% Output in Listing the list of the read terms in the file "listing_output".
+read_listing(Listing) :-
+	open("listing_output", read, stream),
+	read_all([], Listing2),
+	close(stream),
+	reverse(Listing2, Listing).
+read_all(ListingIn , ListingOut) :-
+	read_mercury_term(stream, Term),
+	(
+		Term = end_of_file,
+		ListingOut = ListingIn,
+		!
+	;
+		read_all([Term | ListingIn], ListingOut)
+	).
+	name		: listing_hlds,
+	arg_list	: [Module, PredOrFuncOrType, Listing],
+	arg_type_list	: [is_atom_or_string, is_mercury_proc_or_type, 
+				is_list_or_var],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	interface	: hidden,
+	command_type	: opium,
+	implementation	: listing_hlds_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+"See listing_hlds/2."
+	).
+listing_hlds_Op(Module, Name, Listing) :-
+	pathname(Module, ModulePath, ModuleName),
+	concat_string([ModulePath, ModuleName, ".hlds_dump.99-final"], Module2),
+	listing2(Module2, Name, Listing, list, hlds).
+	name		: listing_hlds,
+	arg_list	: [Module, PredOrFuncOrType],
+	arg_type_list	: [is_atom_or_string, is_mercury_proc_or_type],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	interface	: hidden,
+	command_type	: opium,
+	implementation	: listing_hlds_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+"listing_hlds/2 and listing_hlds/3 are the same commands as listing/2 and \
+listing/3 except they will list the HLDS procedures instead of the source code. \
+To be able to list such HLDS code, you need to compile your module with \
+\"-dfinal\" option.\
+	).
+listing_hlds_Op(Module, Name) :-
+	pathname(Module, ModulePath, ModuleName),
+	concat_string([ModulePath, ModuleName, ".hlds_dump.99-final"], Module2),
+	listing2(Module2, Name, _, stdo, hlds).
+	name		: listing_current_procedure,
+	arg_list	: [],
+	arg_type_list	: [],
+	abbrev		: lcp,
+	interface	: menu,
+	command_type	: opium,
+	implementation	: listing_current_procedure_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+"listing_current_procedure/0 prints the source code of the current procedure \
+on the user window. If the current procedure is defined in a file that is not \
+in the current directory, you need to specify the path of this file with \
+% :- pred listing_current_procedure.
+% :- mode listing_current_procedure is semidet.
+listing_current_procedure_Op :-
+	current(name = Name and decl_module = Module),
+	listing(Module, Name).
+	name		: listing_current_procedure,
+	arg_list	: [Path],
+	arg_type_list	: [atom],
+	abbrev		: lcp,
+	interface	: menu,
+	command_type	: opium,
+	implementation	: listing_current_procedure_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+"listing_current_procedure/1 is the same as listing_current_procedure/0 \
+except you specify the path of the module of the current procedure.\
+% :- pred listing_current_procedure(atom).
+% :- mode listing_current_procedure(in) is semidet.
+listing_current_procedure_Op(Path) :-
+	current(name=Name),
+	current(decl_module=Module),
+	listing(Path, Module, Name).
+	name		: is_mercury_proc_or_type,
+	implementation	: is_mercury_proc_or_type_Op,
+	message		:
+"Type which succeeds if its argument is of the form Name or \
+Name/Arity, where Name is an atom and Arity an integer.\
+is_mercury_proc_or_type_Op(Name/Arity) :-
+	atom(Name),
+	integer(Arity).
+is_mercury_proc_or_type_Op(Name) :-
+	atom(Name).
+	name		: is_atom_or_string,
+	implementation	: is_atom_or_string_Op,
+	message		: 
+"Type which succeed for an atom or a string."
+	).
+is_atom_or_string_Op(X) :- atom(X), !.
+is_atom_or_string_Op(X) :- string(X).
Index: extras/opium_m/source/step_by_step_M.op
RCS file: step_by_step_M.op
diff -N step_by_step_M.op
--- /dev/null	Wed May 28 10:49:58 1997
+++ step_by_step_M.op	Tue Oct 26 23:26:43 1999
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+% Copyright (C) 1999 IRISA/INRIA.
+% Author : Erwan Jahier <jahier at irisa.fr>
+	name		: step_by_step_M,
+	files		: [step_by_step_M],
+	scenarios	: [],
+	message		:
+"Scenario which provides standard step by step tracing facilities. The tracing \
+commands of this scenario are different from those of the ``kernel'' scenario. \
+User can use a more simple execution model by setting the ``traced_ports'' \
+parameter which filters out some of the traced events."
+	).
+	name		: next,
+	arg_list	: [],
+	arg_type_list	: [],
+	abbrev		: n,
+	interface	: button,
+	command_type	: trace,
+	implementation	: next_Op,
+	parameters	: [traced_ports],
+	message		:
+"Command which moves forward to the next trace event according to the \
+``traced_ports'' parameter. This is the same command as step/0 (``next'' is \
+the name used in the Prolog version of Opium, ``step'' is the name used in the \
+internal Mercury debugger)."
+	).
+	name		: step,
+	arg_list	: [],
+	arg_type_list	: [],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	interface	: hidden,
+	command_type	: trace,
+	implementation	: next_Op,
+	parameters	: [traced_ports],
+	message		:
+"See next/0."
+	).
+next_Op :- 
+	traced_ports(PortList),
+	fget_np(port = PortList).
+	name		: det_next,
+	arg_list	: [],
+	arg_type_list	: [],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	interface	: menu,
+	command_type	: trace,
+	implementation	: det_next_Op,
+	parameters	: [traced_ports],
+	message		:
+"Command which does the same thing as step/0, but it is not backtrackable."
+	).
+	name		: det_step,
+	arg_list	: [],
+	arg_type_list	: [],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	interface	: hidden,
+	command_type	: trace,
+	implementation	: det_next_Op,
+	parameters	: [traced_ports],
+	message		:
+"See det_next/0."
+	).
+det_next_Op :- 
+	next_np,
+	!.
+	name		: next,
+	arg_list	: [N],
+	arg_type_list	: [integer],
+	abbrev		: n,
+	interface	: menu,
+	command_type	: opium,
+	implementation	: next_Op,
+	parameters	: [traced_ports],
+	message		:
+"Command which prints the N next trace events according to the ``traced_ports'' \
+	).
+	name		: step,
+	arg_list	: [N],
+	arg_type_list	: [integer],
+	abbrev		: _,
+	interface	: hidden,
+	command_type	: opium,
+	implementation	: next_Op,
+	parameters	: [traced_ports],
+	message		:
+"See next/1."
+	).
+next_Op(N) :-
+	N =< 0,
+	!.
+next_Op(N) :-
+	setval(next_counter, N),
+	next,
+	decval(next_counter),
+	getval(next_counter, 0),
+	!.
+	name		: finish,
+	arg_list	: [],
+	arg_type_list	: [],
+	abbrev		: f,
+	interface	: button,
+	command_type	: trace,
+	implementation	: skip_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+"Command which makes the execution continuing until it reaches a final port \
+(exit or fail) of the goal to which the current event refers. If the current \
+port is already final, it acts like a step/0.\n\
+It is the same command as skip/0 (``skip'' is the name used in the Prolog \
+version of Opium, ``finish'' is the name used in the internal Mercury \
+	name		: skip,
+	arg_list	: [],
+	arg_type_list	: [],
+	abbrev		: sk,
+	interface	: hidden,
+	command_type	: trace,
+	implementation	: skip_Op,
+	parameters	: [],
+	message		:
+ "See finish/0."
+	).
+skip_Op :-
+	current(port = Port),
+	skip_int(Port).
+skip_int(Port) :-
+	is_quit_port(Port),
+	!,
+	det_next_np.
+skip_int(_) :-
+	current(call = Call),
+	fget_np(call = Call and port = [exit, fail]),
+	!.
+	name		: traced_ports,
+	arg_list	: [PortList],
+	arg_type_list	: [is_list_of_ports],
+	parameter_type	: single,
+	default		: [[call, exit, fail, redo, then, else, 
+				switch, disj, first, later]],
+	commands	: [next],
+	message		: 
+"Parameter which tells which events (w.r.t. ports) are to be traced by \
+commands ``next'' and ``step''."
+	).
Index: extras/opium_m/source/translate.op
RCS file: translate.op
diff -N translate.op
--- /dev/null	Wed May 28 10:49:58 1997
+++ translate.op	Tue Oct 26 23:26:44 1999
@@ -0,0 +1,758 @@
+ *	$Header: translate.op,v 1.38 94/05/05 11:14:49 sepia Exp $
+ *	1990 Copyright ECRC GmbH
+ */
+ *  translate a file *.op containing all kinds of Opium objects,
+ *  collect the declarations, autoload stuff etc. in 
+ *  two files *.load and *.autoload
+ *  (part of scenario scenario)
+ */
+ *  translate_file(Scenario, SourceFile, LoadFile, AutoLoadFile, SrcDir, Mod)
+ */
+translate_file(Scenario, SrcFile, LoadFile, AutoLoadFile, SrcDir, Mod) :-
+	open(LoadFile, write, Load),
+	open(AutoLoadFile, write, AutoLoad),
+	translate_file_i(Scenario, SrcFile, Load, AutoLoad, SrcDir, Mod),
+	close(Load),
+	close(AutoLoad),
+	printf(output, "%w is translated\n", [SrcFile]),
+	!.
+translate_file(Scenario, SrcFile, LoadFile, AutoLoadFile, SrcDir, _) :-
+	printf(output, "could not translate %w\n", [SrcFile]).
+translate_file_i(Scenario, SrcFile, Load, Autoload, SrcDir, Mod) :-
+	printf(output, "translating %w\n", [SrcFile]), 
+	build_load(Scenario, SrcFile, Load, Autoload, SrcDir, Mod).
+ *  build_load/6
+ *  generates files *.load and *.autoload containing the information
+ *  which is needed for on-line help, treatment of flags and parameters,
+ *  etc. when a scenario is loaded
+ */
+build_load(Scenario, File, Load, Autoload, SrcDir, Mod) :-
+	existing(File),
+	open(File, read, ReadFile),
+	repeat,
+		read(ReadFile, X),
+		(	X = end_of_file,
+			!,
+			close(ReadFile)
+		;
+			(X = (?- global_op(P,A,N)) ; X = (:- global_op(P,A,N))),
+			% to avoid errors when parsing the rest of the file
+			op(P,A,N),
+			fail		
+		;
+			(X = (?- op(P,A,N)) ; X = (:- op(P,A,N))),
+			% to avoid errors when parsing the rest of the file
+			op(P,A,N),
+			fail
+		;
+			build_load_i(X, Scenario, Load, Autoload, SrcDir, Mod),
+			fail
+		).
+existing(File) :-
+	exists(File),
+	!.
+existing(File) :-
+	printf(error, "file %w does not exist\n", [File]),
+	fail.
+/*  The information about opium objects is added automatically by Opium
+ *  during the translation, hence the declarations are different when they 
+ *  are in the source file *.op and when loaded. The latters have an
+ *  additional field "scenario".
+ */
+	opium_scenario(
+		name		: Name, 
+		files 		: Files, 
+		scenarios	: NeededScenarios,
+		message 	: Message	
+		),
+		Scenario, Load, Autoload, SrcDir, Mod
+) :-
+	!,
+	check_declaration(scenario, 
+		opium_scenario(
+			name		: Name, 
+			files 		: Files, 
+			scenarios	: NeededScenarios,
+			message 	: Message	
+			)),
+	absolute_pathnames(SrcDir, Files, AbsoluteFiles),
+	build_scenario(Load, Autoload, 
+		opium_scenario(
+			name		: Name, 
+			files 		: AbsoluteFiles,
+			scenarios	: NeededScenarios,
+			options 	: OptionList, 
+			updated		: UpdateTime,
+			message		: Message
+		)),
+	!.
+	opium_command(
+		name		: Name, 
+		arg_list	: ArgList, 
+		arg_type_list	: ArgType,
+		abbrev		: Abbrev, 
+		interface	: Interface,
+		command_type	: CommandType,
+		implementation	: Procedure, 
+		parameters	: ParameterList, 
+		message		: Message
+		),    
+		Scenario, Load, Autoload, SrcDir, Mod
+) :-
+	!,
+	check_declaration(command,
+		opium_command(
+			name		: Name, 
+			arg_list	: ArgList, 
+			arg_type_list	: ArgType,
+			abbrev		: Abbrev, 
+			interface	: Interface,
+			command_type	: CommandType,
+			implementation	: Procedure, 
+			parameters	: ParameterList, 
+			message		: Message
+			)),    
+	build_cmd(Load, Autoload, Name, ArgList, ArgType, Abbrev, 
+			CommandType, Procedure, Scenario,
+		opium_command(
+			name		: Name, 
+			arg_list	: ArgList, 
+			arg_type_list	: ArgType,
+			abbrev		: Abbrev, 
+			interface	: Interface, 
+			command_type	: CommandType,
+			scenario	: Scenario, 
+			implementation	: Procedure, 
+			parameters	: ParameterList, 
+			message		: Message
+		)),
+	!.
+	opium_procedure(
+		name		: Name, 
+		arg_list	: ArgList,
+		implementation	: Procedure, 
+		parameters	: ParameterList,
+		message		: Message
+		),
+		Scenario, Load, Autoload, SrcDir, Mod
+) :-
+	!,
+	check_declaration(procedure, 
+		opium_procedure(
+			name		: Name, 
+			arg_list	: ArgList,
+			implementation	: Procedure, 
+			parameters	: ParameterList,
+			message		: Message
+			)),
+	build_procedure(Load, Name, ArgList, Procedure, Scenario,
+	  	opium_procedure(
+			name		: Name,
+			arg_list	: ArgList, 
+			scenario	: Scenario,
+			implementation	: Procedure, 
+			parameters	: ParameterList,
+	 		message		: Message
+		)),
+	!.
+	opium_parameter(
+		name		: Name, 
+		arg_list	: ArgList, 
+		arg_type_list 	: ArgType,
+		parameter_type	: ParType,
+		default		: DefaultArg, 
+		commands	: CommandList, 
+		message		: Message), 
+		Scenario, Load, Autoload, SrcDir, Mod
+) :-
+	!,
+	check_declaration(parameter, 
+		opium_parameter(
+			name		: Name, 
+			arg_list	: ArgList, 
+			arg_type_list 	: ArgType,
+			parameter_type	: ParType,
+			default		: DefaultArg, 
+			commands	: CommandList, 
+			message		: Message
+			), Mod), 
+	build_parameter(Load, Name, ArgList, ArgType, DefaultArg, Scenario,
+		opium_parameter(
+			name		: Name, 
+			arg_list	: ArgList, 
+			arg_type_list 	: ArgType, 
+			scenario	: Scenario, 
+			parameter_type	: ParType,
+			default		: DefaultArg,
+			commands	: CommandList, 
+			message		: Message
+		)),
+	!.
+	opium_primitive(
+		name		: Name,
+		arg_list	: ArgList,
+		arg_type_list	: ArgType,
+		abbrev		: Abbrev,
+		implementation	: Procedure,
+		message		: Message),
+		Scenario, Load, Autoload, SrcDir, Mod
+) :-
+	!,
+	check_declaration(primitive,
+		opium_primitive(
+			name		: Name,
+			arg_list	: ArgList,
+			arg_type_list	: ArgType,
+			abbrev		: Abbrev,
+			implementation	: Procedure,
+			message		: Message
+			)),
+	build_primitive(Load, Name, ArgList, ArgType, Abbrev, Procedure, Scenario,
+		opium_primitive(
+			name		: Name,
+			arg_list	: ArgList,
+			arg_type_list	: ArgType,
+			abbrev		: Abbrev,
+			scenario	: Scenario,
+			implementation	: Procedure,
+			message		: Message
+		)),
+	!.		
+	opium_type(
+		name		: Name,
+		implementation	: Procedure,
+		message		: Message),
+		Scenario, Load, Autoload, SrcDir, Mod
+) :-
+	!,
+	check_declaration(type,
+		opium_type(
+			name		: Name,
+			implementation	: Procedure,
+			message		: Message
+			)),
+	build_type(Load, Name, Procedure, Scenario,
+		opium_type(
+			name		: Name,
+			scenario	: Scenario,
+			implementation	: Procedure,
+			message		: Message
+		)),
+	!.		
+	opium_demo(
+		name		: Name,
+		demo_goal	: Goal,
+		condition	: Condition,
+		message		: Message),
+		Scenario, Load, Autoload, SrcDir, Mod
+) :-
+	!,
+	check_declaration(demo,
+		opium_demo(
+			name		: Name,
+			demo_goal	: Goal,
+			condition	: Condition,
+			message		: Message
+			)),
+	build_demo(Load, Name, Goal, Condition, Message, Scenario,
+		opium_demo(
+			name		: Name,
+			demo_goal	: Goal,
+			condition	: Condition,
+			scenario	: Scenario,
+			message		: Message
+		)),
+	!.		
+/* for the normal clauses */
+build_load_i((:- X), Scenario, Load, Autoload, SrcDir, Mod) :- 
+	!.
+build_load_i((?- X), Scenario, Load, Autoload, SrcDir, Mod) :- 
+	!.
+build_load_i((X :- Y), Scenario, Load, Autoload, SrcDir, Mod) :- 
+	!,
+	functor(X, Pred, Arity),
+	(	is_opium_declaration(Pred/_),
+		!,
+		X =.. [_ | [name:Name | _]],
+		printf(error, "%w %w not properly declared\n", [Pred, Name])
+	;
+		true
+	).
+build_load_i(X, Scenario, Load, Autoload, SrcDir, Mod) :- 
+	functor(X, Pred, Arity),
+	(	is_opium_declaration(Pred/_),
+		!,
+		X =.. [_ | [name:Name | _]],
+		printf(error, "%w %w not properly declared\n", [Pred, Name])
+	;
+		true
+	).
+ */
+build_scenario(Load, AutoLoad, Clause) :-
+	opium_assert(Load, :- load_decl(Clause)),
+	opium_assert(AutoLoad, :- load_decl(Clause)).
+ *
+ *  build_cmd builds the command according to the command type:
+ *     opium  : can be called any time but in an Opium session only
+ *     trace  : requires an execution, produces trace line
+ *     tool   : tool wrt Sepia's module system (requires current module)
+ * 
+ *  Checking of argument types and print_event are added if required, 
+ *  primitives are generated automatically.
+ */
+build_cmd(Load, Autoload, Name, ArgList, TypeList, Abbrev, CommandType, Procedure, Scenario, Clause) :-
+	opium_assert(Load, :- load_decl(Clause)),
+	build_cmd_int(CommandType, Load, Autoload, Name, ArgList, TypeList, Abbrev, Procedure, Scenario).
+build_cmd_int(opium, Load, Autoload, Name, [], [], Abbrev, Impl, Scenario) :-
+	!,
+	opium_assert(Load, (Name :- Impl)),
+	build_autoload_info(Autoload, Name, Name, Scenario),
+	build_abbrev(Load, Autoload, Name, [], Abbrev, Scenario).
+build_cmd_int(opium, Load, Autoload, Name, ArgList, TypeList, Abbrev, Impl, Scenario) :-
+	!,
+	length(ArgList, Arity),
+	Cmd1 =.. [Name | ArgList],
+	name_variables(ArgList, ArgNameList),
+	opium_assert(Load,
+		(Cmd1 :- 
+			check_arg_type(ArgList, ArgNameList, TypeList, NewList),
+			Cmd2 =.. [Impl | NewList],
+			Cmd2)),
+	build_autoload_info(Autoload, Cmd1, Name, Scenario),
+	build_abbrev(Load, Autoload, Name, ArgList, Abbrev, Scenario).
+build_cmd_int(trace, Load, Autoload, Name, [], [], Abbrev, Impl, Scenario) :-
+	!,
+	concat_atom([Name, '_np'], Name_np),
+	opium_assert(Load, (Name :- Name_np, print_event)),
+	build_related_primitives(trace, Load, Name, Name_np, Impl, [], [], Abbrev, Scenario),
+	build_autoload_info(Autoload, Name, Name, Scenario),
+	build_abbrev(Load, Autoload, Name, [], Abbrev, Scenario).
+build_cmd_int(trace, Load, Autoload, Name, ArgList, TypeList, Abbrev, Impl, Scenario) :-
+	length(ArgList, Arity),
+	Cmd1 =.. [Name | ArgList],
+	concat_atom([Name, '_np'], Name_np),
+	name_variables(ArgList, ArgNameList),
+	opium_assert(Load,
+		(Cmd1 :- 
+			check_arg_type(ArgList, ArgNameList, TypeList, NewList),
+			Cmd2 =.. [Name_np | NewList],
+			Cmd2,
+			print_event)),
+	build_related_primitives(trace, Load, Name, Name_np, Impl, ArgList, TypeList, Abbrev, Scenario),
+	build_autoload_info(Autoload, Cmd1, Name, Scenario),
+	build_abbrev(Load, Autoload, Name, ArgList, Abbrev, Scenario).
+build_cmd_int(tool, Load, Autoload, Name, [], [], Abbrev, Impl, Scenario) :-
+	!,
+	concat_atoms(Name, '_body', BodyName),
+	BodyCmd1 =.. [BodyName | [ActModule]],
+	BodyCmd2 =.. [Impl | [ActModule]],
+	opium_assert(Load, (:- tool(Name/0, BodyName/1))),
+	opium_assert(Load, (BodyCmd1 :- BodyCmd2)),
+	build_autoload_info(Autoload, Name, Name, Scenario),
+	build_tool_abbrev(Load, Autoload, BodyName/1, Abbrev/0, [], Scenario).
+build_cmd_int(tool, Load, Autoload, Name, ArgList, TypeList, Abbrev, Impl, Scenario) :-
+	length(ArgList, Arity),
+	BodyArity is Arity + 1,
+	append(ArgList, [ActModule], BodyArgList),
+	name_variables(BodyArgList, BodyArgNameList),
+	append(TypeList, [is_opium_module], BodyTypeList),
+	concat_atoms(Name, '_body', BodyName),
+	BodyCmd1 =.. [BodyName | BodyArgList],
+	opium_assert(Load, (:- tool(Name/Arity, BodyName/BodyArity))),
+	opium_assert(Load,
+		(BodyCmd1 :- 
+			check_arg_type(BodyArgList, BodyArgNameList, BodyTypeList, NewList),
+			BodyCmd2 =.. [Impl | NewList],
+			BodyCmd2)),
+	Cmd =.. [Name | ArgList],
+	build_autoload_info(Autoload, Cmd, Name, Scenario),
+	build_tool_abbrev(Load, Autoload, BodyName/BodyArity, Abbrev/Arity, ArgList, Scenario).
+ *  build_abbrev/6
+ *  connect abbreviation and command, add autoload info to Autoload
+ */
+build_abbrev(Load, Autoload, Name, ArgList, Abbrev, Scenario) :-
+	var(Abbrev),
+	!.
+build_abbrev(Load, Autoload, Name, ArgList, Abbrev, Scenario) :-
+	length(ArgList, Arity),
+	AbbrevCmd =.. [Abbrev | ArgList],
+	FullCmd =.. [Name | ArgList],
+	opium_assert(Load, (AbbrevCmd :- FullCmd)),
+	build_autoload_info(Autoload, AbbrevCmd, Abbrev, Scenario),
+	!.
+ *  build_tool_abbrev/6
+ *  declare abbreviation as tool, add autoload info to Autoload
+ */
+build_tool_abbrev(Load, Autoload, BodyName/BodyArity, Abbrev/Arity, ArgList, Scenario) :-
+	var(Abbrev),
+	!.
+build_tool_abbrev(Load, Autoload, BodyName/BodyArity, Abbrev/Arity, ArgList, Scenario) :-
+	opium_assert(Load, :- tool(Abbrev/Arity, BodyName/BodyArity)),
+	AbbrevCmd =.. [Abbrev | ArgList],
+	build_autoload_info(Autoload, AbbrevCmd, Abbrev, Scenario),
+	!.
+ *  build-related-primitives
+ */	
+build_related_primitives(trace, Load, Cmd, Cmd_np, Impl, ArgList, TypeList, Abbrev, Scenario) :-
+	build_primitive_abbreviation(Abbrev, [Abbrev, '_np'], PrimAbbrev),
+	sprintf(Message, "Primitive which does the same as command %w except printing a trace line.", [Cmd]),
+	build_primitive(Load, Cmd_np, ArgList, TypeList, PrimAbbrev, Impl, Scenario,
+		opium_primitive(
+			name		: Cmd_np,
+			arg_list	: ArgList,
+			arg_type_list	: TypeList,
+			abbrev		: PrimAbbrev,
+			scenario	: Scenario,
+			implementation	: Impl,
+			message		: Message
+		)).
+build_primitive_abbreviation(Abbrev, List, PAbbrev) :-
+	var(Abbrev),
+	!.
+build_primitive_abbreviation(Abbrev, List, PAbbrev) :-
+	concat_atom(List, PAbbrev).
+build_autoload_info(Autoload, Cmd, Cmd, Scenario) :-		% no arguments
+	!,
+	opium_assert(Autoload, :- assert(autoload_command(Cmd, Scenario))).
+build_autoload_info(Autoload, Cmd, CmdName, Scenario) :-
+	opium_assert(Autoload, :- assert(autoload_command(Cmd, Scenario))),
+	opium_assert(Autoload, :- assert(autoload_command(CmdName, Scenario))).
+ */
+build_primitive(Load, Name, ArgList, TypeList, Abbrev, Impl, Scenario, Clause) :-
+	length(ArgList, Arity),
+	Cmd1 =.. [Name | ArgList],
+	Cmd2 =.. [Impl | ArgList],
+	opium_assert(Load, (Cmd1 :- Cmd2)),
+	opium_assert(Load, :- load_decl(Clause)),
+	build_abbrev(Load, Name, ArgList, Abbrev, Scenario).
+ *  build_abbrev/5
+ *  like build_abbrev/6, but for primitives (no autoload info)
+ */
+build_abbrev(Load, Name, ArgList, Abbrev, Scenario) :-
+	var(Abbrev),
+	!.
+build_abbrev(Load, Name, ArgList, Abbrev, Scenario) :-
+	length(ArgList, Arity),
+	AbbrevCmd =.. [Abbrev | ArgList],
+	FullCmd =.. [Name | ArgList],
+	opium_assert(Load, (AbbrevCmd :- FullCmd)),
+	!.
+ */
+build_type(Load, Name, Impl, Scenario, Clause) :-
+	Cmd1 =.. [Name | [X]],
+	Cmd2 =.. [Impl | [X]],
+	opium_assert(Load, (Cmd1 :- Cmd2)),
+	opium_assert(Load, :- load_decl(Clause)).
+ */
+build_demo(Load, Name, Goal, Condition, Message, Scenario, Clause) :-
+	opium_assert(Load,
+		(Name :- 
+			Condition,
+			printf(help, "\n%w\n\n%w\n\n", [Goal, Message]),
+			execute_demo_goal(Goal)
+		)),
+	opium_assert(Load, :- load_decl(Clause)).
+ */
+build_procedure(Load, Name, ArgList, Procedure, Scenario, Clause):-
+	Cmd1 =.. [Name | ArgList],
+	Cmd2 =.. [Procedure | ArgList],
+	opium_assert(Load, (Cmd1 :- Cmd2)),
+	opium_assert(Load, :- load_decl(Clause)),
+	length(ArgList, Arity).
+ */
+build_parameter(Load, Name, ArgList, ArgType, DefaultArg, Scenario, Clause) :-
+	Par =.. [Name | ArgList],
+	functor(Par, Name, Arity),
+	opium_assert(Load, :- dynamic Name/Arity),
+	opium_assert(Load, :- load_decl(Clause)).
+ *  checks whether the declaration of an Opium object seems to be
+ *  correct; does not give proper error message but simply tells
+ *  the user if a declaration looks incorrect 
+ */
+		opium_scenario(
+			name		: Name, 
+			files 		: Files, 
+			scenarios	: NeededScenarios,
+			message 	: Message	
+			)) 
+	(	atom(Name),
+		is_list_of_atoms(Files),
+		is_list_of_atoms_or_empty_list(NeededScenarios),
+		!
+	;
+		printf(error, "scenario %w is not properly declared\n", [Name]),
+		fail
+	).
+		opium_command(
+			name		: Name, 
+			arg_list	: ArgList, 
+			arg_type_list	: ArgType,
+			abbrev		: Abbrev, 
+			interface	: Interface,
+			command_type	: CommandType,
+			implementation	: Procedure, 
+			parameters	: ParameterList, 
+			message		: Message
+			))
+	(	atom(Name),
+		is_list_of_vars_or_empty_list(ArgList),
+		length(ArgList, L),
+		is_list(ArgType),
+		length(ArgType, L),
+		member(Interface, [button, menu, hidden]),
+		member(CommandType, [opium, trace, tool]),
+		atom(Procedure),
+		is_list(ParameterList),
+		!
+	;
+		printf(error, "command %w is not properly declared\n", [Name]),
+		fail
+	).
+		opium_procedure(
+			name		: Name, 
+			arg_list	: ArgList,
+			implementation	: Procedure, 
+			parameters	: ParameterList,
+			message		: Message
+			))
+	(	atom(Name),
+		is_list_of_vars_or_empty_list(ArgList),
+		atom(Procedure),
+		is_list(ParameterList),
+		!
+	;
+		printf(error, "procedure %w is not properly declared\n", [Name]),
+		fail
+	).
+		opium_primitive(
+			name		: Name,
+			arg_list	: ArgList,
+			arg_type_list	: ArgType,
+			abbrev		: Abbrev,
+			implementation	: Procedure,
+			message		: Message
+			))
+	(	atom(Name),
+		is_list_of_vars_or_empty_list(ArgList),
+		length(ArgList, L),
+		is_list(ArgType),
+		length(ArgType, L),
+		atom(Procedure),
+		!
+	;
+		printf(error, "primitive %w is not properly declared\n", [Name]),
+		fail
+	).
+		opium_type(
+			name		: Name,
+			implementation	: Procedure,
+			message		: Message
+			))
+	(	atom(Name),
+		atom(Procedure),
+		!
+	;
+		printf(error, "type %w is not properly declared\n", [Name]),
+		fail
+	).
+		opium_demo(
+			name		: Name,
+			demo_goal	: Goal,
+			condition	: Condition,
+			message		: Message
+			))
+	(	atom(Name),
+		!
+	;
+		printf(error, "demo %w is not properly declared\n", [Name]),
+		fail
+	).
+		opium_parameter(
+			name		: Name, 
+			arg_list	: ArgList, 
+			arg_type_list 	: ArgType,
+			parameter_type	: ParType,
+			default		: DefaultArg, 
+			commands	: CommandList, 
+			message		: Message
+			), Mod)
+	(	atom(Name),
+		is_list_of_vars_or_empty_list(ArgList),
+		length(ArgList, L),
+		is_list(ArgType),
+		length(ArgType, L),
+		default_args_correct(Name, ArgType, DefaultArg, Mod),
+		is_list(CommandList),
+		member(ParType, [c, single, multiple]),
+		!
+	;
+		printf(error, "parameter %w is not properly declared\n", [Name]),
+		fail
+	).
+default_args_correct(Name, ArgTypeList, DefaultArg, Mod) :-
+	var(DefaultArg),
+	!,
+	printf(error, "default of parameter %w must not be a variable\n", [Name]),
+	fail.
+default_args_correct(Name, ArgTypeList, nodefault, Mod) :-
+	!.
+default_args_correct(Name, ArgTypeList, DefaultArg, Mod) :-
+	is_list(DefaultArg),
+	!.
+default_args_correct(Name, ArgTypeList, DefaultArg, Mod) :-
+	printf(error, "default values of parameter %w have to be in a list\n", [Name]),
+	fail.
+ */
+	name		: is_list_of_vars_or_empty_list,
+	implementation	: is_list_of_vars_or_empty_list_Op,
+	message		: 
+'Type which succeeds for a list of variables, or the empty list.'
+	).
+is_list_of_vars_or_empty_list_Op([V | Vs]) :-
+	var(V),
+	is_list_of_vars_or_empty_list_Op(Vs).
+ */
+	name		: is_list_of_atoms_or_empty_list,
+	implementation	: is_list_of_atoms_or_empty_list_Op,
+	message		: 
+'Type which succeeds for a list containing atoms, or an empty list.'
+	).
+is_list_of_atoms_or_empty_list_Op(L) :-
+	is_list_of_atoms(L),
+	!.
+ */
+	name		: is_opium_declaration,
+	implementation	: is_opium_declaration_Op,
+	message		: 
+ 'Type which succeeds for an opium object (eg. opium_command/9).  The \n\
+arity of the predicate must be the arity of the declaration in the source.'
+	).
+ * Arity of the declaration in the source.
+ */
+/*  ---------------------------------
+ *   b a s i c   p r e d i c a t e s
+ *  ---------------------------------
+ */
+name_variables([], []).
+name_variables([V|Vs], [NV|NVs]) :-
+	namevar(V, NV),
+	name_variables(Vs, NVs).
+opium_assert(Stream, Clause) :-
+	printf(Stream, "\n%QDw.\n", Clause).
Index: extras/opium_m/source/types.op
RCS file: types.op
diff -N types.op
--- /dev/null	Wed May 28 10:49:58 1997
+++ types.op	Tue Oct 26 23:26:44 1999
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+ *	$Header: types.op,v 1.16 91/02/25 11:35:00 mireille Exp $
+ *	1990 Copyright ECRC GmbH
+ */
+ *  definitions of opium_types
+ *  part of scenario scenario
+ */
+ */
+	name		: is_pred,
+	implementation	: is_pred_Op,
+	message		: 
+"Type which succeeds for a predicate id of the form P/A or M:P/A. The \n\
+default module is the toplevel module in the traced session."
+	).
+is_pred_Op(M:P/A) :-
+	atom(M),
+	atom(P),
+	integer(A).
+is_pred_Op(P/A) :-
+	atom(P),
+	integer(A).
+ */
+	name		: is_pred_id,
+	implementation	: is_pred_id_Op,
+	message		: 
+"Type which succeeds for a predicate id which consists of P/A only."
+	).
+is_pred_id_Op(P/A) :-
+	atom(P),
+	integer(A).
+ */
+	name		: is_goal_or_var,
+	implementation	: is_goal_or_var_Op,
+	message		: 
+ 'Type which succeeds for a term which is either a var, a compound \n\
+term or an atom.'
+	).
+is_goal_or_var_Op(X) :-
+	var(X),
+	!.
+is_goal_or_var_Op(X) :-
+	is_goal(X).
+ */
+	name		: is_goal,
+	implementation	: is_goal_Op,
+	message		: 
+'Type which succeeds for a term which is either a compound term or an atom.'
+	).
+is_goal_Op(X) :-
+	compound(X),
+	!.
+is_goal_Op(X) :-
+	atom(X).
+ */
+	name		: is_list,
+	implementation	: is_list_Op,
+	message		: 
+"Type which succeeds for any list."
+	).
+is_list_Op(X) :- 
+	var(X),
+	!,
+	fail.
+is_list_Op([A | L]).
+ */
+	name		: is_term,
+	implementation	: is_term_Op,
+	message		: 
+"Type which succeeds for any Prolog term."
+	).
+ */
+	name		: is_pred_or_var,
+	implementation	: is_pred_or_var_Op,
+	message		: 
+"Type which succeeds for a predicate id of the form P/A, or M:P/A, or a \n\
+variable. The default module is the toplevel module in the traced session."
+	).
+is_pred_or_var_Op(Pred) :- 
+	var(Pred),
+	!.
+is_pred_or_var_Op(Module:Pred/Arity) :-
+	var(Module),
+	var(Pred), 
+	var(Arity),
+	!.
+is_pred_or_var_Op(Pred) :-
+	is_pred(Pred).
+ */
+	name		: is_integer_or_var,
+	implementation	: is_integer_or_var_Op,
+	message		: 
+"Type which succeeds for an integer or a variable."
+	).
+is_integer_or_var_Op(I) :-
+	var(I), 
+	!.
+is_integer_or_var_Op(I) :-
+	integer(I).
+ */
+	name		: is_atom_or_var,
+	implementation	: is_atom_or_var_Op,
+	message		: 
+"Type which succeeds for an atom or a variable."
+	).
+is_atom_or_var_Op(X) :-
+	atom(X),
+	!.
+is_atom_or_var_Op(X) :-
+	var(X).
+ */
+	name		: is_string_or_var,
+	implementation	: is_string_or_var_Op,
+	message		:
+"Type which succeeds if its argument is a string or a variable.").
+is_string_or_var_Op(X) :-
+	var(X), !
+    ;
+	string(X).
+ */
+	name		: is_string_or_integer_or_var,
+	implementation	: is_string_or_integer_or_var_Op,
+	message		:
+"Type which succeeds if its argument is a string or a variable.").
+is_string_or_integer_or_var_Op(X) :-
+	var(X), !
+    ;
+	string(X), !
+    ;
+	integer(X).
+ */
+	name		: is_string_or_integer,
+	implementation	: is_string_or_integer_Op,
+	message		:
+"Type which succeeds if its argument is a string or an integer.\n\
+is_string_or_integer_Op(X) :-
+	integer(X), !
+    ;
+	string(X).
+ */
+	name		: is_list_or_var,
+	implementation	: is_list_or_var_Op,
+	message		: 
+"Type which succeeds for a list or a variable."
+	).
+is_list_or_var_Op(L) :-
+	var(L), 
+	!.
+is_list_or_var_Op(L) :-
+	is_list(L).
+ */
+	name		: is_list_of_atoms,
+	implementation	: is_list_of_atoms_Op,
+	message		: 
+"Type which succeeds for a list of atoms."
+	).
+is_list_of_atoms_Op([A]) :-
+	atom(A),
+	!.
+is_list_of_atoms_Op([A|As]) :-
+	atom(A),
+	is_list_of_atoms_Op(As).
+ */
+	name		: is_atom_or_list_of_atoms,
+	implementation	: is_atom_or_list_of_atoms_Op,
+	message		: 
+"Type which succeeds for a single atom or a non-empty list of atoms."
+	).
+is_atom_or_list_of_atoms_Op(X) :-
+	atom(X),
+	!.
+is_atom_or_list_of_atoms_Op(X) :-
+	is_list_of_atoms(X).
+ */
+	name		: is_list_of_preds,
+	implementation	: is_list_of_preds_Op,
+	message		: 
+"Type which succeeds for a list of predicate ids of the form P/A or M:P/A. \n\
+The default module is the toplevel module in the traced session."
+	).
+is_list_of_preds_Op([P|Ps]) :-
+	is_pred(P),
+	is_list_of_preds_Op(Ps).
+ */
+	name		: is_pred_or_list_of_preds,
+	implementation	: is_pred_or_list_of_preds_Op,
+	message		: 
+"Type which succeeds for a predicate id, or for a list of predicate ids of \n\
+the form P/A or M:P/A."
+	).
+is_pred_or_list_of_preds_Op([P|Ps]) :-
+	!,
+	is_pred(P),
+	is_pred_or_list_of_preds_Op(Ps).
+is_pred_or_list_of_preds_Op(P) :-
+	is_pred(P).
+ */
+	name		: is_list_of_integers,
+	implementation	: is_list_of_integers_Op,
+	message		: 
+"Type which succeeds for a list of integers."
+	).
+is_list_of_integers_Op([X|T]) :-
+	integer(X),
+	is_list_of_integers_Op(T).
+ */
+	name		: is_list_of_integers_or_var,
+	implementation	: is_list_of_integers_or_var_Op,
+	message		: 
+"Type which succeeds for a list of integers or a variable."
+	).
+is_list_of_integers_or_var_Op(X) :-
+	var(X),
+	!.
+is_list_of_integers_or_var_Op(L) :-	
+	is_list_of_integers(L).
Index: extras/opium_m/source/util.pl
RCS file: util.pl
diff -N util.pl
--- /dev/null	Wed May 28 10:49:58 1997
+++ util.pl	Tue Oct 26 23:26:45 1999
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+% Copyright (C) 1999 IRISA/INRIA.
+% Authors : Erwan Jahier <jahier at irisa.fr>,
+%           Mireille Ducassé <ducasse at irisa.fr>
+% This file is compiled from make_scenario.pl and load_scenario.pl
+% to avoid seeing the singleton variable checkings
+:- set_flag(variable_names, on).
+:- import set_opium_level/1 from sepia_kernel. 
+:- get_flag(prolog_suffix, S), set_flag(prolog_suffix, [".op" | S]).
+% to initialize module 'Opium-M'
+:- op(500, fx, =).
+:- op(500, fx, <).
+:- op(500, fx, =<).
+:- op(500, fx, >).
+:- op(500, fx, >=).
+:- dynamic opium_command/10.
+:- dynamic opium_parameter/8.
+:- dynamic opium_primitive/7.
+:- dynamic opium_procedure/6.
+:- dynamic opium_scenario/6.
+:- dynamic opium_type/4.
+:- dynamic opium_demo/5.
+:- dynamic autoload_command/2.
+:- dynamic autoload_scenario/4.
+:- dynamic opium_command/9.
+:- dynamic opium_parameter/6.
+:- dynamic opium_primitive/6.
+:- dynamic opium_procedure/5.
+:- dynamic opium_scenario/4.
+:- dynamic opium_type/3.
+:- dynamic opium_demo/3.
+:- dynamic autoload_command/2.
+:- dynamic autoload_scenario/4.
+/* mandatory for bootstrapping */
+/*  to avoid that file is dumped in compiled query
+ */
+mycompile(F) :-
+	compile(F).
+ *  link commands/procedures to implementations to enable the bootstrapping 
+ *  before the scenario handler links together commands/procedures and their
+ *  implementations
+ */
+make(S, MOD, OL, SD, OD) :- make_scenario_Op(S, MOD, OL, SD, OD).
+opium_scenario_in_module(S, M) :- opium_scenario_in_module_Op(S, M).
+set_default_parameters_in_module(S, Mod) :- set_default_parameters_in_module_Op(S, Mod).
+check_arg_type(X, Y, Z, T, M) :- check_arg_type_Op(X, Y, Z, T, M).
+check_arg(X, Y, Z, T, M) :- check_arg_Op(X, Y, Z, T, M).
+modify_time(F, T) :- modify_time_Op(F, T).
+is_list(X) :- is_list_Op(X).
+is_list_of_atoms(X) :- is_list_of_atoms_Op(X).
+is_list_of_atoms_or_empty_list(X) :- is_list_of_atoms_or_empty_list_Op(X).
+is_list_of_vars_or_empty_list(X) :- is_list_of_vars_or_empty_list_Op(X).
+is_list_of_ports(X) :- is_list_of_ports_Op(X).
+is_opium_declaration(P/A) :- is_opium_declaration_Op(P/A).
+is_opium_module(M) :- is_opium_module_Op(M).
+opium_module(M) :- opium_module_Op(M).
+% interface_status(X) :- interface_status_Op(X).
+opium_write(V, M) :- opium_write_Op(V, M).
+opium_printf(V, F, A) :- opium_printf_Op(V, F, A).
+opium_printf(V, F, A, S) :- opium_printf_Op(V, F, A, S).
+opium_nl(V) :- opium_nl_Op(V).
+get_opium_file("opium_module", File) :-
+	getenv('MERCURY_OPIUM_DIR', Path),
+	append_strings(Path, "source/opium_module.sd", File).
+ *  sprintf/3 
+ *  the formatted string is converted to an atom an 
+ *  instantiated to the first parameter
+ */
+sprintf(Atom, Format, List) :-
+	open(_, string, Stream),
+	printf(Stream, Format, List),
+	current_stream(String, _, Stream),
+	atom_string(Atom, String),
+	close(Stream).
+ *  namevar/2
+ *  returns the name of a sepia variable as atom
+ */
+namevar(V, VN) :-
+	var(V),
+	open(_, string, Stream),
+	printf(Stream, "%QDw", [V]),
+	current_stream(S, _, Stream),
+	atom_string(VN, S),
+	close(Stream).
+build_obj_dir(OD) :-
+	getcwd(Cwd),
+	append_strings(Cwd, "opiumfiles/", ODS),
+	atom_string(OD, ODS).
+% To be able to read Mercury terms, we need to set the associativities and
+% precedences according to what is done in Mercury (taken from 
+% mercury/library/ops.m).
+set_mercury_assoc :-
+	op(1025, xfy, '&'),		% Mercury extension
+	op(1179, xfy, '--->'),		% Mercury extension
+	op(600, yfx, ':'),		% `xfy' in ISO Prolog
+	op(1175, xfx, '::'),		% Mercury extension
+	op(920, xfy, '<='),		% Mercury/NU-Prolog extension
+	op(920, xfy, '<=>'),		% Mercury/NU-Prolog extension
+	op(920, xfy, '=>'),		% Mercury/NU-Prolog extension
+	% XXX produce an `out of range' Error in Eclipse.
+	% op(950, fxy, 'all'),		% Mercury/NU-Prolog extension
+	op(1170, xfy, 'else'),		% Mercury/NU-Prolog extension
+	op(1199, fx, 'end_module'),	% Mercury extension
+	op(1199, fx, 'export_adt'),	% Mercury extension (NYI)
+	op(1199, fx, 'export_cons'),	% Mercury extension (NYI)
+	op(1199, fx, 'export_module'),	% Mercury extension (NYI)
+	op(1199, fx, 'export_op'),	% Mercury extension (NYI)
+	op(1199, fx, 'export_pred'),	% Mercury extension (NYI)
+	op(1199, fx, 'export_sym'),	% Mercury extension (NYI)
+	op(1199, fx, 'export_type'),	% Mercury extension (NYI)
+	op(800, fx, 'func'),		% Mercury extension
+	op(1160, fx, 'if'),		% Mercury/NU-Prolog extension
+	op(1199, fx, 'import_adt'),	% Mercury extension (NYI)
+	op(1199, fx, 'import_cons'),	% Mercury extension (NYI)
+	op(1199, fx, 'import_module'),	% Mercury extension
+	op(1199, fx, 'include_module'), % Mercury extension
+	op(1199, fx, 'import_op'),	% Mercury extension (NYI)
+	op(1199, fx, 'import_pred'),	% Mercury extension (NYI)
+	op(1199, fx, 'import_sym'),	% Mercury extension (NYI)
+	op(1199, fx, 'import_type'),	% Mercury extension (NYI)
+	op(800, fy, 'impure'),		% Mercury extension
+	op(1199, fx, 'inst'),		% Mercury extension
+	op(1199, fx, 'instance'),	% Mercury extension
+	op(701, xfx, 'is'),		% ISO Prolog says prec 700
+	% XXX produce an `out of range' Error in Eclipse.
+	% op(950, fxy, 'lambda'),	% Mercury extension
+	op(1199, fx, 'mode'),		% Mercury extension
+	op(1199, fx, 'module'),		% Mercury extension
+	op(900, fy, 'not'),		% Mercury/NU-Prolog extension
+	op(800, fx, 'pragma'),		% Mercury extension
+	op(800, fx, 'pred'),		% Mercury/NU-Prolog extension
+	op(800, fy, 'semipure'),	% Mercury extension
+	% XXX produce an `out of range' Error in Eclipse.
+	% op(950, fxy, 'some'),		% Mercury/NU-Prolog extension
+	op(1150, xfx, 'then'),		% Mercury/NU-Prolog extension
+	op(1180, fx, 'type'),		% Mercury extension
+	op(1199, fx, 'typeclass'),	% Mercury extension
+	op(1199, fx, 'use_adt'),	% Mercury extension (NYI)
+	op(1199, fx, 'use_cons'),	% Mercury extension (NYI)
+	op(1199, fx, 'use_module'),	% Mercury extension (NYI)
+	op(1199, fx, 'use_op'),		% Mercury extension (NYI)
+	op(1199, fx, 'use_pred'),	% Mercury extension (NYI)
+	op(1199, fx, 'use_sym'),	% Mercury extension (NYI)
+	op(1199, fx, 'use_type').	% Mercury extension (NYI)
+reset_mercury_assoc :-
+	abolish_op('&', xfy),           % Mercury extension
+	abolish_op('--->', xfy),        % Mercury extension
+	abolish_op(':', yfx),		% `xfy' in ISO Prolog
+	abolish_op('::', xfx),          % Mercury extension
+	abolish_op('<=', xfy),          % Mercury/NU-Prolog extension
+	abolish_op('<=>', xfy),         % Mercury/NU-Prolog extension
+	abolish_op('=>', xfy),          % Mercury/NU-Prolog extension
+	%abolish_op('all', fxy),        % Mercury/NU-Prolog extension
+	abolish_op('else', xfy),        % Mercury/NU-Prolog extension
+	abolish_op('end_module', fx),   % Mercury extension
+	abolish_op('export_adt', fx),   % Mercury extension (NYI)
+	abolish_op('export_cons', fx),  % Mercury extension (NYI)
+	abolish_op('export_module', fx),% Mercury extension (NYI)
+	abolish_op('export_op', fx),    % Mercury extension (NYI)
+	abolish_op('export_pred', fx),  % Mercury extension (NYI)
+	abolish_op('export_sym', fx),   % Mercury extension (NYI)
+	abolish_op('export_type', fx),  % Mercury extension (NYI)
+	abolish_op('func', fx),         % Mercury extension
+	abolish_op('if', fx),           % Mercury/NU-Prolog extension
+	abolish_op('import_adt', fx),   % Mercury extension (NYI)
+	abolish_op('import_cons', fx),  % Mercury extension (NYI)
+	abolish_op('import_module', fx),% Mercury extension
+	abolish_op('include_module', fx),% Mercury extension
+	abolish_op('import_op', fx),    % Mercury extension (NYI)
+	abolish_op('import_pred', fx),  % Mercury extension (NYI)
+	abolish_op('import_sym', fx),   % Mercury extension (NYI)
+	abolish_op('import_type', fx),  % Mercury extension (NYI)
+	abolish_op('impure', fy),       % Mercury extension
+	abolish_op('inst', fx),         % Mercury extension
+	abolish_op('instance', fx),     % Mercury extension
+	abolish_op('is', xfx),          % ISO Prolog says prec 700
+	%abolish_op('lambda', fxy),     % Mercury extension
+	abolish_op('mode', fx),         % Mercury extension
+	abolish_op('module', fx),       % Mercury extension
+	abolish_op('not', fy),          % Mercury/NU-Prolog extension
+	abolish_op('pragma', fx),       % Mercury extension
+	abolish_op('pred', fx),         % Mercury/NU-Prolog extension
+	abolish_op('semipure', fy),     % Mercury extension
+	%abolish_op('some', fxy),       % Mercury/NU-Prolog extension
+	abolish_op('then', xfx),        % Mercury/NU-Prolog extension
+	abolish_op('type', fx),         % Mercury extension
+	abolish_op('typeclass', fx),    % Mercury extension
+	abolish_op('use_adt', fx),      % Mercury extension (NYI)
+	abolish_op('use_cons', fx),     % Mercury extension (NYI)
+	abolish_op('use_module', fx),   % Mercury extension (NYI)
+	abolish_op('use_op', fx),       % Mercury extension (NYI)
+	abolish_op('use_pred', fx),     % Mercury extension (NYI)
+	abolish_op('use_sym', fx),      % Mercury extension (NYI)
+	abolish_op('use_type', fx).     % Mercury extension (NYI)
+read_mercury_term(S, Term) :-
+	set_mercury_assoc,
+	read(S, Term),
+	reset_mercury_assoc.
+read_mercury_term(Term) :-
+	set_mercury_assoc,
+	read(Term),
+	reset_mercury_assoc.
+write_mercury_term(Term) :-
+	set_mercury_assoc,
+	write(Term),
+	reset_mercury_assoc.


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