[m-dev.] diff: MLDS back-end: support higher-order calls

Fergus Henderson fjh at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Mon Nov 15 21:34:52 AEDT 1999

Estimated hours taken: 16

Support higher-order calls in the MLDS back-end.
Also some other minor improvements to the MLDS back-end.

	Ensure that we box values when storing them in fields
	and unbox them when extracting them from fields.
	This is necessary for e.g. floating-point fields.

	Generate code for creating and calling closures.
	The wrapper function that we generate for closures
	doesn't yet unbox the partially applied arguments when
	extracting them from the closure, which means that
	(a) you get some warnings from gcc and (b) it won't
	work for floating-point arguments, but apart from
	that it seems to work fine.

	Also wrap some long lines to fit in 80 columns.

	Add new mlds types `mlds__func_type(mlds__func_params)'
	(for function pointers) and `mlds__generic_type' (for boxed values).
	Add new unary operators `box(mlds__type)' and `unbox(mlds__type)'
	for converting values to/from mlds__generic_type.

	Add code to handle the new mlds types and the box/unbox operations.

	Don't generate the `for(;;) {' for tail recursion optimization
	unless there is actually some code in the body of the function
	which will use it.

	Don't generate the declaration and initialization of the `env_ptr'
	variable unless there is actually some code in the body of the
	function which will use it.

Workspace: /d-drive/home/hg/fjh/mercury
Index: compiler/ml_code_gen.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_code_gen.m,v
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -u -d -r1.16 ml_code_gen.m
--- compiler/ml_code_gen.m	1999/11/10 19:12:56	1.16
+++ compiler/ml_code_gen.m	1999/11/15 07:50:45
@@ -119,11 +119,20 @@
 %	- using setjmp/longjmp
 %	- exiting nested functions via gotos to
 %	  their containing functions
 % The MLDS data structure abstracts away these differences
 % using the `try_commit' and `do_commit' instructions.
 % The comments below show the MLDS try_commit/do_commit version first,
 % but for clarity I've also included sample code using each of the three
 % different techniques.
+% If those methods turn out to be too inefficient,
+% another alternative would be to change the generated
+% code so that after every function call, it would check a flag,
+% and if that flag was set, it would return.
+% Then MR_DO_COMMIT would just set the flag and return.
+% The flag could be in a global (or thread-local) variable,
+% or it could be an additional value returned from each function.
 %	model_non in semi context: (using try_commit/do_commit)
 %		<succeeded = Goal>
@@ -747,10 +756,11 @@
 	MLDS_Name = ml_gen_proc_label(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId),
 	MLDS_Context = mlds__make_context(Context),
 	MLDS_DeclFlags = ml_gen_proc_decl_flags(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId),
-	MLDS_ProcDefnBody = ml_gen_proc_defn(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId),
+	ml_gen_proc_defn(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId,
+		MLDS_ProcDefnBody, ExtraDefns),
 	MLDS_ProcDefn = mlds__defn(MLDS_Name, MLDS_Context, MLDS_DeclFlags,
-	Defns = [MLDS_ProcDefn | Defns0].
+	Defns = list__append(ExtraDefns, [MLDS_ProcDefn | Defns0]).
 	% Return the declaration flags appropriate for a procedure definition.
@@ -773,8 +783,11 @@
 	% Generate an MLDS definition for the specified procedure.
-:- func ml_gen_proc_defn(module_info, pred_id, proc_id) = mlds__entity_defn.
-ml_gen_proc_defn(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId) = MLDS_ProcDefnBody :-
+:- pred ml_gen_proc_defn(module_info, pred_id, proc_id, mlds__entity_defn,
+		mlds__defns).
+:- mode ml_gen_proc_defn(in, in, in, out, out) is det.
+ml_gen_proc_defn(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId, MLDS_ProcDefnBody, ExtraDefns) :-
 	module_info_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId,
 			_PredInfo, ProcInfo),
 	proc_info_interface_code_model(ProcInfo, CodeModel),
@@ -799,7 +812,7 @@
 	goal_info_get_context(GoalInfo, Context),
 	MLDSGenInfo0 = ml_gen_info_init(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId),
-	MLDS_Params = ml_gen_params(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId),
+	MLDS_Params = ml_gen_proc_params(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId),
 	( CodeModel = model_non ->
 		% set up the initial success continuation
 		ml_initial_cont(InitialCont, MLDSGenInfo0, MLDSGenInfo1),
@@ -820,7 +833,8 @@
 	MLDS_Context = mlds__make_context(Context),
 	MLDS_LocalVars = [ml_gen_succeeded_var_decl(MLDS_Context)],
 	ml_gen_proc_body(CodeModel, Goal, MLDS_Decls0, MLDS_Statements,
-			MLDSGenInfo2, _MLDSGenInfo),
+			MLDSGenInfo2, MLDSGenInfo),
+	ml_gen_info_get_extra_defns(MLDSGenInfo, ExtraDefns),
 	MLDS_Decls = list__append(MLDS_LocalVars, MLDS_Decls0),
 	MLDS_Statement = ml_gen_block(MLDS_Decls, MLDS_Statements, Context),
 	MLDS_ProcDefnBody = mlds__function(yes(proc(PredId, ProcId)),
@@ -861,9 +875,28 @@
 		mlds__context, prog_var) = mlds__defn.
 ml_gen_local_var_decl(VarSet, VarTypes, Context, Var) = MLDS_Defn :-
 	VarName = ml_gen_var_name(VarSet, Var),
-	Name = data(var(VarName)),
 	map__lookup(VarTypes, Var, Type),
-	MLDS_Type = mercury_type_to_mlds_type(Type),
+	MLDS_Defn = ml_gen_var_decl(VarName, Type, Context).
+:- func ml_gen_var_decls(list(var_name), list(prog_type), mlds__context) =
+	mlds__defns.
+ml_gen_var_decls([], [], _) = [].
+ml_gen_var_decls([_|_], [], _) = _ :-
+	error("ml_gen_var_decls: length mismatch").
+ml_gen_var_decls([], [_|_], _) = _ :-
+	error("ml_gen_var_decls: length mismatch").
+ml_gen_var_decls([Name|Names], [Type|Types], Context) = [Defn|Defns] :-
+	Defn = ml_gen_var_decl(Name, Type, Context),
+	Defns = ml_gen_var_decls(Names, Types, Context).
+:- func ml_gen_var_decl(var_name, prog_type, mlds__context) = mlds__defn.
+ml_gen_var_decl(VarName, Type, Context) =
+	ml_gen_mlds_var_decl(VarName, mercury_type_to_mlds_type(Type),
+		Context).
+:- func ml_gen_mlds_var_decl(var_name, mlds__type, mlds__context) = mlds__defn.
+ml_gen_mlds_var_decl(VarName, MLDS_Type, Context) = MLDS_Defn :-
+	Name = data(var(VarName)),
 	MaybeInitializer = no,
 	Defn = data(MLDS_Type, MaybeInitializer),
 	DeclFlags = ml_gen_var_decl_flags,
@@ -878,13 +911,8 @@
 	% Generate the declaration for the built-in `succeeded' variable.
 :- func ml_gen_succeeded_var_decl(mlds__context) = mlds__defn.
-ml_gen_succeeded_var_decl(Context) = MLDS_Defn :-
-	Name = data(var("succeeded")),
-	Type = mlds__bool_type,
-	MaybeInitializer = no,
-	Defn = data(Type, MaybeInitializer),
-	DeclFlags = ml_gen_var_decl_flags,
-	MLDS_Defn = mlds__defn(Name, Context, DeclFlags, Defn).
+ml_gen_succeeded_var_decl(Context) =
+	ml_gen_mlds_var_decl("succeeded", mlds__bool_type, Context).
 	% Generate the code for a procedure body.
@@ -1129,19 +1157,21 @@
 		/* push nesting level */
 		{ MLDS_Context = mlds__make_context(Context) },
-		{ string__format("commit_%d", [i(CommitLabelNum)], CommitRef) },
-		ml_commit_var(CommitRef, CommitRefLval),
+		{ string__format("commit_%d", [i(CommitLabelNum)],
+			CommitRef) },
+		ml_qualify_var(CommitRef, CommitRefLval),
 		{ CommitRefDecl = ml_gen_commit_var_decl(MLDS_Context,
 			CommitRef) },
 		{ DoCommitStmt = do_commit(lval(CommitRefLval)) },
 		{ DoCommitStatement = mlds__statement(DoCommitStmt,
 			MLDS_Context) },
 		/* pop nesting level */
-		ml_gen_label_func(SuccessFuncLabel, Context, DoCommitStatement,
-			SuccessFunc),
+		ml_gen_nondet_label_func(SuccessFuncLabel, Context,
+			DoCommitStatement, SuccessFunc),
-		{ SuccessCont = success_cont(SuccessFuncLabelRval, EnvPtrRval) },
+		{ SuccessCont = success_cont(SuccessFuncLabelRval,
+			EnvPtrRval) },
 		ml_gen_goal(model_non, Goal, GoalStatement),
@@ -1175,19 +1205,21 @@
 		/* push nesting level */
 		{ MLDS_Context = mlds__make_context(Context) },
-		{ string__format("commit_%d", [i(CommitLabelNum)], CommitRef) },
-		ml_commit_var(CommitRef, CommitRefLval),
+		{ string__format("commit_%d", [i(CommitLabelNum)],
+			CommitRef) },
+		ml_qualify_var(CommitRef, CommitRefLval),
 		{ CommitRefDecl = ml_gen_commit_var_decl(MLDS_Context,
 			CommitRef) },
 		{ DoCommitStmt = do_commit(lval(CommitRefLval)) },
 		{ DoCommitStatement = mlds__statement(DoCommitStmt,
 			MLDS_Context) },
 		/* pop nesting level */
-		ml_gen_label_func(SuccessFuncLabel, Context, DoCommitStatement,
-			SuccessFunc),
+		ml_gen_nondet_label_func(SuccessFuncLabel, Context,
+			DoCommitStatement, SuccessFunc),
-		{ SuccessCont = success_cont(SuccessFuncLabelRval, EnvPtrRval) },
+		{ SuccessCont = success_cont(SuccessFuncLabelRval,
+			EnvPtrRval) },
 		ml_gen_goal(model_non, Goal, GoalStatement),
@@ -1207,20 +1239,15 @@
 	% Generate the declaration for the `commit' variable.
 :- func ml_gen_commit_var_decl(mlds__context, mlds__var_name) = mlds__defn.
-ml_gen_commit_var_decl(Context, VarName) = MLDS_Defn :-
-	Name = data(var(VarName)),
-	Type = mlds__commit_type,
-	MaybeInitializer = no,
-	Defn = data(Type, MaybeInitializer),
-	DeclFlags = ml_gen_var_decl_flags,
-	MLDS_Defn = mlds__defn(Name, Context, DeclFlags, Defn).
+ml_gen_commit_var_decl(Context, VarName) =
+	ml_gen_mlds_var_decl(VarName, mlds__commit_type, Context).
 	% Qualify the name of the specified commit var.
-:- pred ml_commit_var(mlds__var_name, mlds__lval,
+:- pred ml_qualify_var(mlds__var_name, mlds__lval,
 		ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
-:- mode ml_commit_var(in, out, in, out) is det.
-ml_commit_var(CommitRef, CommitLval) -->
+:- mode ml_qualify_var(in, out, in, out) is det.
+ml_qualify_var(CommitRef, CommitLval) -->
 	{ ml_gen_info_get_module_name(MLDSGenInfo, ModuleName) },
 	{ MLDS_Module = mercury_module_name_to_mlds(ModuleName) },
@@ -1263,16 +1290,21 @@
 	% XXX not yet implemented
 	{ sorry("parallel conjunction") }.
-ml_gen_goal_expr(generic_call(_, _, _, _), _, _, _, _) -->
-	% XXX not yet implemented
-	{ sorry("higher-order and class-method calls") }.
+ml_gen_goal_expr(generic_call(GenericCall, Vars, Modes, Detism), CodeModel,
+		Context, MLDS_Decls, MLDS_Statements) -->
+	{ determinism_to_code_model(Detism, CallCodeModel) },
+	{ require(unify(CodeModel, CallCodeModel),
+		"ml_gen_generic_call: code model mismatch") },
+	ml_gen_generic_call(GenericCall, Vars, Modes, CodeModel, Context,
+		MLDS_Decls, MLDS_Statements).
 ml_gen_goal_expr(call(PredId, ProcId, ArgVars, BuiltinState, _, _PredName),
 		CodeModel, Context, MLDS_Decls, MLDS_Statements) -->
 		{ BuiltinState = not_builtin }
-		ml_gen_call(PredId, ProcId, ArgVars, CodeModel, Context,
+		ml_gen_var_list(ArgVars, ArgLvals),
+		ml_gen_call(PredId, ProcId, ArgLvals, CodeModel, Context,
 			MLDS_Decls, MLDS_Statements)
 		ml_gen_builtin(PredId, ProcId, ArgVars, CodeModel, Context,
@@ -1297,31 +1329,114 @@
 % Code for procedure calls
-:- pred ml_gen_call(pred_id, proc_id, list(prog_var), code_model, prog_context,
-		mlds__defns, mlds__statements, ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
+:- pred ml_gen_generic_call(generic_call, list(prog_var), list(mode),
+		code_model, prog_context, mlds__defns, mlds__statements,
+		ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
+:- mode ml_gen_generic_call(in, in, in, in, in, out, out, in, out) is det.
+ml_gen_generic_call(GenericCall, ArgVars, ArgModes, CodeModel, Context,
+		MLDS_Decls, MLDS_Statements) -->
+	%
+	% allocate some fresh type variables to use as the Mercury types
+	% of the boxed arguments
+	%
+	{ NumArgs = list__length(ArgVars) },
+	{ varset__init(TypeVarSet0) },
+	{ varset__new_vars(TypeVarSet0, NumArgs, ArgTypeVars,
+		_TypeVarSet) },
+	{ term__var_list_to_term_list(ArgTypeVars, BoxedArgTypes) },
+	%
+	% create the boxed parameter types for the called function
+	%
+	=(MLDSGenInfo),
+	{ ml_gen_info_get_module_info(MLDSGenInfo, ModuleInfo) },
+	{ ml_gen_info_get_varset(MLDSGenInfo, VarSet) },
+	{ ArgVarNames = list__map(ml_gen_var_name(VarSet), ArgVars) },
+	{ Params0 = ml_gen_params(ModuleInfo, ArgVarNames,
+		BoxedArgTypes, ArgModes, CodeModel) },
+	%
+	% insert the `closure_arg' parameter
+	%
+	{ ClosureArg = data(var("closure_arg")) - mlds__generic_env_ptr_type },
+	{ Params0 = mlds__func_params(ArgParams0, RetParam) },
+	{ Params = mlds__func_params([ClosureArg | ArgParams0], RetParam) },
+	{ Signature = mlds__get_func_signature(Params) },
+	%
+	% compute the function address
+	%
+	(
+		{ GenericCall = higher_order(ClosureVar, _PredOrFunc,
+			_Arity) },
+		ml_gen_var(ClosureVar, ClosureLval),
+		{ FieldId = offset(const(int_const(1))) },
+		{ FuncLval = field(yes(0), lval(ClosureLval), FieldId) },
+		{ FuncType = mlds__func_type(Params) },
+		{ FuncRval = unop(unbox(FuncType), lval(FuncLval)) }
+	;
+		{ GenericCall = class_method(_, _, _, _) },
+		{ sorry("type class methods") }
+	;
+		{ GenericCall = aditi_builtin(_, _) },
+		{ sorry("Aditi builtins") }
+	),
+	%
+	% Generate the call, passing the closure as the first argument
+	%
+	{ ObjectRval = no },
+	ml_gen_var_list(ArgVars, ArgLvals),
+	ml_gen_arg_list(ArgLvals, BoxedArgTypes, ArgModes, ArgRvals, RetLvals),
+	ml_gen_mlds_call(Signature, ObjectRval, FuncRval,
+			[lval(ClosureLval) | ArgRvals], RetLvals,
+			CodeModel, Context, MLDS_Decls, MLDS_Statements).
+:- pred ml_gen_call(pred_id, proc_id, list(mlds__lval), code_model,
+		prog_context, mlds__defns, mlds__statements,
+		ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
 :- mode ml_gen_call(in, in, in, in, in, out, out, in, out) is det.
-ml_gen_call(PredId, ProcId, ArgVars, CodeModel, Context,
+ml_gen_call(PredId, ProcId, ArgLvals, CodeModel, Context,
 		MLDS_Decls, MLDS_Statements) -->
 	% compute the function signature
-	{ Params = ml_gen_params(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId) },
+	{ Params = ml_gen_proc_params(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId) },
 	{ Signature = mlds__get_func_signature(Params) },
 	% compute the function address
 	ml_gen_proc_addr_rval(PredId, ProcId, FuncRval),
 	% compute the ordinary function arguments & return values
-	{ ObjectRval = no },
 	{ ml_gen_info_get_module_info(MLDSGenInfo, ModuleInfo) },
 	{ module_info_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId,
 		PredInfo, ProcInfo) },
 	{ pred_info_arg_types(PredInfo, ArgTypes) },
 	{ proc_info_argmodes(ProcInfo, ArgModes) },
-	ml_gen_arg_list(ArgVars, ArgTypes, ArgModes, ArgRvals0, RetLvals0),
+	% generate the call
+	{ ObjectRval = no },
+	ml_gen_arg_list(ArgLvals, ArgTypes, ArgModes, ArgRvals0, RetLvals0),
+	ml_gen_mlds_call(Signature, ObjectRval, FuncRval, ArgRvals0, RetLvals0,
+		CodeModel, Context, MLDS_Decls, MLDS_Statements).
+	%
+	% This generates a call in the specified code model.
+	% This is a lower-level routine called by both ml_gen_call
+	% and ml_gen_generic_call.
+	%
+:- pred ml_gen_mlds_call(mlds__func_signature, maybe(mlds__rval), mlds__rval,
+		list(mlds__rval), list(mlds__lval), code_model, prog_context,
+		mlds__defns, mlds__statements, ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
+:- mode ml_gen_mlds_call(in, in, in, in, in, in, in, out, out, in, out) is det.
+ml_gen_mlds_call(Signature, ObjectRval, FuncRval, ArgRvals0, RetLvals0,
+		CodeModel, Context, MLDS_Decls, MLDS_Statements) -->
+	%
 	% append the extra argument or return val for this code_model
+	%
 		{ CodeModel = model_non },
 		% pass the current success continuation
@@ -1347,7 +1462,9 @@
 		{ RetLvals = RetLvals0 }
+	%
 	% build the MLDS call statement
+	%
 	{ CallOrTailcall = call },
 	{ MLDS_Stmt = call(Signature, FuncRval, ObjectRval, ArgRvals, RetLvals,
 			CallOrTailcall) },
@@ -1376,24 +1493,23 @@
 % Generate rvals and lvals for the arguments of a procedure call
-:- pred ml_gen_arg_list(list(prog_var), list(prog_type), list(mode),
+:- pred ml_gen_arg_list(list(mlds__lval), list(prog_type), list(mode),
 		list(mlds__rval), list(mlds__lval),
 		ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
 :- mode ml_gen_arg_list(in, in, in, out, out, in, out) is det.
-ml_gen_arg_list(Vars, Types, Modes, InputRvals, OutputLvals) -->
+ml_gen_arg_list(VarLvals, Types, Modes, InputRvals, OutputLvals) -->
-		{ Vars = [], Types = [], Modes = [] }
+		{ VarLvals = [], Types = [], Modes = [] }
 		{ InputRvals = [] },
 		{ OutputLvals = [] }
-		{ Vars = [Var|Vars1] },
+		{ VarLvals = [VarLval|VarLvals1] },
 		{ Types = [Type|Types1] },
 		{ Modes = [Mode|Modes1] }
-		ml_gen_var(Var, VarLval),
-		ml_gen_arg_list(Vars1, Types1, Modes1,
+		ml_gen_arg_list(VarLvals1, Types1, Modes1,
 			InputRvals1, OutputLvals1),
 		{ ml_gen_info_get_module_info(MLDSGenInfo, ModuleInfo) },
@@ -1606,9 +1722,9 @@
 ml_translate_builtin_2("int", "-", 0, [X, Y],
 	no, yes(Y - binop((-), const(int_const(0)), lval(X)))).
 ml_translate_builtin_2("int", "builtin_bit_neg", 0, [X, Y],
-	no, yes(Y - unop(bitwise_complement, lval(X)))).
+	no, yes(Y - unop(std_unop(bitwise_complement), lval(X)))).
 ml_translate_builtin_2("int", "\\", 0, [X, Y],
-	no, yes(Y - unop(bitwise_complement, lval(X)))).
+	no, yes(Y - unop(std_unop(bitwise_complement), lval(X)))).
 ml_translate_builtin_2("int", ">", 0, [X, Y],
 	yes(binop((>), lval(X), lval(Y))), no).
 ml_translate_builtin_2("int", "<", 0, [X, Y],
@@ -1889,8 +2005,8 @@
 		{ ThenFuncBody = ml_gen_block([],
 			[SetSuccessTrue, ThenStatement], ThenContext) },
 		/* pop nesting level */
-		ml_gen_label_func(ThenFuncLabel, ThenContext, ThenFuncBody,
-			ThenFunc),
+		ml_gen_nondet_label_func(ThenFuncLabel, ThenContext,
+			ThenFuncBody, ThenFunc),
 		% generate the main body
 		ml_gen_set_success(const(false), Context, SetSuccessFalse),
@@ -1901,7 +2017,7 @@
 		ml_gen_goal(CodeModel, Else, ElseStatement),
-		{ IfStmt = if_then_else(unop((not), Succeeded),
+		{ IfStmt = if_then_else(unop(std_unop(not), Succeeded),
 			ElseStatement, no) },
 		{ IfStatement = mlds__statement(IfStmt,
 			mlds__make_context(Context)) },
@@ -1964,7 +2080,7 @@
 		{ CodeModel = model_semi, CondCodeModel = model_semi },
 		ml_gen_goal(model_semi, Cond, CondDecls, CondStatements),
-		ml_gen_set_success(unop(not, Succeeded), Context,
+		ml_gen_set_success(unop(std_unop(not), Succeeded), Context,
 		{ MLDS_Decls = CondDecls },
 		{ MLDS_Statements = list__append(CondStatements,
@@ -1996,6 +2112,22 @@
 	{ Rest = [_ | _] },
 	{ First = _ - FirstGoalInfo },
 	{ goal_info_get_code_model(FirstGoalInfo, FirstCodeModel) },
+	{ DoGenFirst = ml_gen_goal(FirstCodeModel, First) },
+	{ DoGenRest = ml_gen_conj(Rest, CodeModel, Context) },
+	ml_combine_conj(FirstCodeModel, Context, DoGenFirst, DoGenRest,
+		MLDS_Decls, MLDS_Statements).
+:- type gen_pred == pred(mlds__defns, mlds__statements,
+		ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
+:- inst gen_pred = (pred(out, out, in, out) is det).
+:- pred ml_combine_conj(code_model, prog_context, gen_pred, gen_pred,
+		mlds__defns, mlds__statements, ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
+:- mode ml_combine_conj(in, in, in(gen_pred), in(gen_pred),
+		out, out, in, out) is det.
+ml_combine_conj(FirstCodeModel, Context, DoGenFirst, DoGenRest,
+		MLDS_Decls, MLDS_Statements) -->
 		%	model_det goal:
 		%		<First, Rest>
@@ -2004,9 +2136,8 @@
 		%		<Rest>
 		{ FirstCodeModel = model_det },
-		ml_gen_goal(model_det, First, FirstDecls, FirstStatements),
-		ml_gen_conj(Rest, CodeModel, Context,
-			RestDecls, RestStatements),
+		DoGenFirst(FirstDecls, FirstStatements),
+		DoGenRest(RestDecls, RestStatements),
 		{ ml_join_decls(FirstDecls, FirstStatements,
 			RestDecls, RestStatements, Context,
 			MLDS_Decls, MLDS_Statements) }
@@ -2023,10 +2154,9 @@
 		%		}
 		%	}
 		{ FirstCodeModel = model_semi },
-		ml_gen_goal(model_semi, First, FirstDecls, FirstStatements),
+		DoGenFirst(FirstDecls, FirstStatements),
-		ml_gen_conj(Rest, CodeModel, Context,
-			RestDecls, RestStatements),
+		DoGenRest(RestDecls, RestStatements),
 		{ IfBody = ml_gen_block(RestDecls, RestStatements, Context) },
 		{ IfStmt = if_then_else(Succeeded, IfBody, no) },
 		{ IfStatement = mlds__statement(IfStmt,
@@ -2054,18 +2184,17 @@
 		% generate the `succ_func'
 		ml_gen_new_func_label(RestFuncLabel, RestFuncLabelRval),
 		/* push nesting level */
-		ml_gen_conj(Rest, model_non, Context, RestDecls,
-			RestStatements),
+		DoGenRest(RestDecls, RestStatements),
 		{ RestStatement = ml_gen_block(RestDecls, RestStatements,
 			Context) },
 		/* pop nesting level */
-		ml_gen_label_func(RestFuncLabel, Context, RestStatement,
+		ml_gen_nondet_label_func(RestFuncLabel, Context, RestStatement,
 		{ SuccessCont = success_cont(RestFuncLabelRval, EnvPtrRval) },
-		ml_gen_goal(model_non, First, FirstDecls, FirstStatements),
+		DoGenFirst(FirstDecls, FirstStatements),
 		% it might be better to put the decls in the other order:
@@ -2074,6 +2203,7 @@
 		{ MLDS_Statements = FirstStatements }
 	% Allocate a new function label and return an rval containing
 	% the function's address.
@@ -2098,11 +2228,29 @@
 	% the function body for that function, generate an mlds__defn
 	% which defines that function.
-:- pred ml_gen_label_func(ml_label_func, prog_context, mlds__statement,
-		mlds__defn, ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
-:- mode ml_gen_label_func(in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
+:- pred ml_gen_nondet_label_func(ml_label_func, prog_context,
+		mlds__statement, mlds__defn, ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
+:- mode ml_gen_nondet_label_func(in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
-ml_gen_label_func(FuncLabel, Context, Statement, Func) -->
+ml_gen_nondet_label_func(FuncLabel, Context, Statement, Func) -->
+	ml_gen_info_use_gcc_nested_functions(UseNested),
+	( { UseNested = yes } ->
+		{ FuncParams = mlds__func_params([], []) }
+	;
+		ml_declare_env_ptr_arg(EnvPtrArg),
+		{ FuncParams = mlds__func_params([EnvPtrArg], []) }
+	),
+	ml_gen_label_func(FuncLabel, FuncParams, Context, Statement, Func).
+	% Given a function label, the function parameters, and the statement
+	% which will comprise the function body for that function,
+	% generate an mlds__defn which defines that function.
+	%
+:- pred ml_gen_label_func(ml_label_func, mlds__func_params, prog_context,
+		mlds__statement, mlds__defn, ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
+:- mode ml_gen_label_func(in, in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
+ml_gen_label_func(FuncLabel, FuncParams, Context, Statement, Func) -->
 	% compute the function name
@@ -2110,21 +2258,13 @@
 	{ ml_gen_info_get_module_info(Info, ModuleInfo) },
 	{ ml_gen_info_get_pred_id(Info, PredId) },
 	{ ml_gen_info_get_proc_id(Info, ProcId) },
-	{ PredLabel = ml_gen_pred_label(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId) },
-	{ FuncName = mlds__function(PredLabel, ProcId, yes(FuncLabel),
-			PredId) },
+	{ FuncName = ml_gen_nondet_label(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId,
+		FuncLabel) },
 	% compute the function definition
 	{ DeclFlags = ml_gen_label_func_decl_flags },
-	ml_gen_info_use_gcc_nested_functions(UseNested),
-	( { UseNested = yes } ->
-		{ FuncParams = mlds__func_params([], []) }
-	;
-		ml_declare_env_ptr_arg(EnvPtrArg),
-		{ FuncParams = mlds__func_params([EnvPtrArg], []) }
-	),
 	{ MaybePredProcId = no },
 	{ FuncDefn = function(MaybePredProcId, FuncParams, yes(Statement)) },
 	{ Func = mlds__defn(FuncName, mlds__make_context(Context), DeclFlags,
@@ -2235,7 +2375,7 @@
 				RestDecls, RestStatements),
 			{ RestStatement = ml_gen_block(RestDecls,
 				RestStatements, Context) },
-			{ IfStmt = if_then_else(unop((not), Succeeded),
+			{ IfStmt = if_then_else(unop(std_unop(not), Succeeded),
 						RestStatement, no) },
 			{ IfStatement = mlds__statement(IfStmt,
 				mlds__make_context(Context)) },
@@ -2458,7 +2598,7 @@
 	ml_gen_var(Var, VarLval),
 	{ MLDS_Statement = ml_gen_assign(VarLval, 
-		mkword(Bits1, unop(mkbody, const(int_const(Num1)))),
+		mkword(Bits1, unop(std_unop(mkbody), const(int_const(Num1)))),
 		Context) }.
 ml_gen_construct_rep(type_ctor_info_constant(ModuleName, TypeName, TypeArity),
@@ -2520,61 +2660,513 @@
 	{ MLDS_Statement = ml_gen_assign(VarLval, ProcAddrRval, Context) }.
 ml_gen_construct_rep(pred_closure_tag(PredId, ProcId, EvalMethod), _ConsId,
-		_Var, _Args, _ArgModes, _Context, [], [_MLDS_Statement]) -->
+		Var, ArgVars, ArgModes, Context,
+		MLDS_Decls, MLDS_Statements) -->
 	% This constructs a closure.
 	% The representation of closures for the LLDS backend is defined in
 	% runtime/mercury_ho_call.h.
 	% XXX should we use a different representation for closures
 	% in the MLDS backend?
-	=(Info),
-	{ ml_gen_info_get_module_info(Info, ModuleInfo) },
-	{ module_info_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId,
-		_PredInfo, _ProcInfo) },
 		{ EvalMethod = normal }
 		{ EvalMethod = (aditi_bottom_up) },
-		% XXX The closure_layout code needs to be changed
-		% to handle these.
+		% XXX not yet implemented
 		{ sorry("`aditi_bottom_up' closures") }
 		{ EvalMethod = (aditi_top_down) },
-		% XXX The closure_layout code needs to be changed
-		% to handle these.
+		% XXX not yet implemented
 		{ sorry("`aditi_top_down' closures") }
-	{ sorry("closures") }.
-	{ continuation_info__generate_closure_layout(
-		ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId, ClosureInfo) },
-	code_info__make_entry_label(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId, no,
-		CodeAddr),
-	{ code_util__extract_proc_label_from_code_addr(CodeAddr,
-		ProcLabel) },
-	code_info__get_cell_count(CNum0),
-	{ stack_layout__construct_closure_layout(ProcLabel,
-		ClosureInfo, ClosureLayoutMaybeRvals,
-		ClosureLayoutArgTypes, CNum0, CNum) },
-	code_info__set_cell_count(CNum),
-	code_info__get_next_cell_number(ClosureLayoutCellNo),
-	{ ClosureLayout = create(0, ClosureLayoutMaybeRvals,
-		ClosureLayoutArgTypes, must_be_static,
-		ClosureLayoutCellNo, "closure_layout") },
-	{ list__length(Args, NumArgs) },
-	{ proc_info_arg_info(ProcInfo, ArgInfo) },
-	{ unify_gen__generate_pred_args(Args, ArgInfo, PredArgs) },
-	{ Vector = [
-		yes(ClosureLayout),
-		yes(const(code_addr_const(CodeAddr))),
-		yes(const(int_const(NumArgs)))
-		| PredArgs
-	] },
-	code_info__get_next_cell_number(ClosureCellNo),
-	{ Value = create(0, Vector, uniform(no), can_be_either,
-		ClosureCellNo, "closure") }.
+	%
+	% Compute the lval where we will put the final result,
+	% and its type.
+	%
+	ml_gen_var(Var, VarLval),
+	ml_variable_type(Var, Type),
+	{ MLDS_Type = mercury_type_to_mlds_type(Type) },
+	%
+	% Generate a dummy value for the closure layout
+	% (we do this just to match the structure used
+	% by the LLDS closure representation)
+	%
+	{ ClosureLayoutRval = const(int_const(0)) },
+	{ mercury_private_builtin_module(PrivateBuiltinModule) },
+	{ MLDS_PrivateBuiltinModule = mercury_module_name_to_mlds(
+		PrivateBuiltinModule) },
+	{ ClosureLayoutType = mlds__class_type(qual(MLDS_PrivateBuiltinModule,
+			"closure_layout"), 0) },
+	%
+	% Generate a wrapper function which just unboxes the
+	% arguments and then calls the specified procedure,
+	% and put the address of the wrapper function in the closure.
+	%
+	% We insert the wrapper function in the extra_defns field
+	% in the ml_gen_info; ml_gen_proc will extract it and will
+	% insert it before the mlds__defn for the current procedure.
+	%
+	{ list__length(ArgVars, NumArgs) },
+	ml_gen_closure_wrapper(PredId, ProcId, NumArgs, Type,
+		Context, WrapperFunc, WrapperFuncRval, WrapperFuncType),
+	ml_gen_info_add_extra_defn(WrapperFunc),
+	%
+	% Generate rvals for the arguments
+	%
+	ml_gen_var_list(ArgVars, ArgLvals),
+	ml_variable_types(ArgVars, ArgTypes),
+	{ MLDS_ArgTypes0 = list__map(mercury_type_to_mlds_type, ArgTypes) },
+	=(Info),
+	{ ml_gen_info_get_module_info(Info, ModuleInfo) },
+	{ ml_gen_cons_args(ArgLvals, ArgTypes, ArgModes, ModuleInfo,
+		ArgRvals0) },
+	%
+	% Compute the rval which holds the number of arguments
+	%
+	{ NumArgsRval = const(int_const(NumArgs)) },
+	{ NumArgsType = mlds__int_type },
+	%
+	% the pointer will not be tagged (i.e. the tag will be zero)
+	%
+	{ MaybeTag = yes(0) },
+	{ CtorName = "<closure>" },
+	%
+	% put all the arguments of the closure together
+	%
+	{ ArgRvals = [ClosureLayoutRval, WrapperFuncRval, NumArgsRval
+		| ArgRvals0] },
+	{ MLDS_ArgTypes = [ClosureLayoutType, WrapperFuncType, NumArgsType
+			| MLDS_ArgTypes0] },
+	%
+	% Compute the number of bytes to allocate
+	%
+	{ list__length(ArgRvals, TotalNumArgs) },
+	{ SizeInWordsRval = const(int_const(TotalNumArgs)) },
+	{ SizeOfWordRval = ml_sizeof_word_rval },
+	{ SizeInBytesRval = binop((*), SizeInWordsRval, SizeOfWordRval) },
+	%
+	% Now put it all together.
+	%
+	{ MLDS_Decls = [] },
+	{ MakeNewObject = new_object(VarLval, MaybeTag, MLDS_Type,
+		yes(SizeInBytesRval), yes(CtorName), ArgRvals,
+		MLDS_ArgTypes) },
+	{ MLDS_Stmt = atomic(MakeNewObject) },
+	{ MLDS_Statement = mlds__statement(MLDS_Stmt,
+		mlds__make_context(Context)) },
+	{ MLDS_Statements = [MLDS_Statement] }.
+	%
+	% ml_gen_closure_wrapper:
+	% Generate a wrapper function which unboxes the input arguments,
+	% calls the specified procedure, and then boxes the output arguments.
+	%
+	% The generated function will be of the following form:
+	%
+	%	foo_wrapper(void *closure_arg,
+	%			MR_Box arg1, MR_Box *arg2, ..., MR_Box argn)
+	%	{
+	%		FooClosure *closure;
+	%		Arg1Type unboxed_arg1;
+	%		Arg2Type unboxed_arg2;
+	%		...
+	%		ArgNType unboxed_argn;
+	%		bool succeeded;
+	%		
+	%		closure = closure_arg; 	/* XXX should add cast */
+	%
+	%		/* unbox input arguments */
+	%		unboxed_arg1 = unbox(arg1);
+	%		...
+	%	
+	% #if MODEL_DET
+	%		/* call function */
+	%		foo(closure->f1, closure->f2, ...,
+	%			unboxed_arg1, &unboxed_arg2, ...);
+	%
+	%		/* box output arguments */
+	%		*arg2 = box(unboxed_arg2);
+	%		...
+	% #elif MODEL_SEMI
+	%		/* call function */
+	%		succeeded = foo(closure->f1, closure->f2, ...,
+	%			unboxed_arg1, &unboxed_arg2, ...);
+	%		
+	%		if (succeeded) {
+	%			/* box output arguments */
+	%			*arg2 = box(unboxed_arg2);
+	%			...
+	%		}
+	%
+	%		return succeeded;
+	%	}
+	% #else /* MODEL_NON */
+	%		foo_1() {
+	%			/* box output arguments */
+	%			*arg2 = box(unboxed_arg2);
+	%			...
+	%			(*succ_cont)();
+	%		}
+	%			
+	%		/* call function */
+	%		foo(closure->f1, closure->f2, ...,
+	%			unboxed_arg1, &unboxed_arg2, ..., foo_1);
+	% #endif
+	%
+	%
+:- pred ml_gen_closure_wrapper(pred_id, proc_id, int, prog_type, prog_context,
+		mlds__defn, mlds__rval, mlds__type,
+		ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
+:- mode ml_gen_closure_wrapper(in, in, in, in, in, out, out, out,
+		in, out) is det.
+ml_gen_closure_wrapper(PredId, ProcId, NumClosureArgs, _ClosureType,
+		Context, WrapperFunc, WrapperFuncRval, WrapperFuncType) -->
+	%
+	% grab the relevant information about the called procedure
+	%
+	=(Info),
+	{ ml_gen_info_get_module_info(Info, ModuleInfo) },
+	{ module_info_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId,
+		PredInfo, ProcInfo) },
+	{ proc_info_headvars(ProcInfo, ProcHeadVars) },
+	{ pred_info_arg_types(PredInfo, ProcArgTypes) },
+	{ proc_info_argmodes(ProcInfo, ProcArgModes) },
+	{ proc_info_interface_code_model(ProcInfo, CodeModel) },
+	{ ProcArity = list__length(ProcHeadVars) },
+	%
+	% allocate some fresh type variables to use as the Mercury types
+	% of the boxed arguments
+	%
+	{ varset__init(TypeVarSet0) },
+	{ varset__new_vars(TypeVarSet0, NumWrapperArgs, WrapperArgTypeVars,
+		_TypeVarSet) },
+	{ term__var_list_to_term_list(WrapperArgTypeVars,
+		WrapperBoxedArgTypes) },
+	%
+	% compute the parameters for the wrapper function
+	%	(void *closure_arg,
+	%	MR_Box arg1, MR_Box *arg2, ..., MR_Box argn)
+	%
+	% first generate the declarations for the boxed arguments
+	{ NumWrapperArgs = ProcArity - NumClosureArgs },
+	{ 
+		list__drop(NumClosureArgs, ProcHeadVars, WrapperHeadVars0),
+		list__drop(NumClosureArgs, ProcArgModes, WrapperArgModes0)
+	->
+		WrapperHeadVars = WrapperHeadVars0,
+		WrapperArgModes = WrapperArgModes0
+	;
+		error("ml_gen_closure_wrapper: list__drop failed")
+	},
+	{ WrapperHeadVarNames = ml_gen_wrapper_head_var_names(1,
+		list__length(WrapperHeadVars)) },
+	{ WrapperParams0 = ml_gen_params(ModuleInfo, WrapperHeadVarNames,
+		WrapperBoxedArgTypes, WrapperArgModes, CodeModel) },
+	% then insert the `closure_arg' parameter
+	{ ClosureArg = data(var("closure_arg")) - mlds__generic_env_ptr_type },
+	{ WrapperParams0 = mlds__func_params(WrapperArgs0, WrapperRetType) },
+	{ WrapperParams = mlds__func_params([ClosureArg | WrapperArgs0],
+		WrapperRetType) },
+	%
+	% generate code to declare and initialize the closure pointer.
+	% XXX we should use a struct type for the closure, but
+	% currently we're using a low-level data representation
+	% in the closure
+	%
+	%	FooClosure *closure;
+	% #else
+	%	void *closure;
+	% #endif
+	%	closure = closure_arg;
+	%
+	{ ClosureName = "closure" },
+	{ ClosureArgName = "closure_arg" },
+	{ ClosureDecl = ml_gen_mlds_var_decl(ClosureName,
+		mlds__generic_env_ptr_type, MLDS_Context) },
+	ml_qualify_var(ClosureName, ClosureLval),
+	ml_qualify_var(ClosureArgName, ClosureArgLval),
+	{ AssignClosure = assign(ClosureLval, lval(ClosureArgLval)) },
+	{ MLDS_Context = mlds__make_context(Context) },
+	{ InitClosure = mlds__statement(atomic(AssignClosure), MLDS_Context) },
+	%
+	% if the wrapper function is model_non, then
+	% set up the initial success continuation
+	%
+	( { CodeModel = model_non } ->
+		ml_initial_cont(InitialCont),
+		ml_gen_info_push_success_cont(InitialCont)
+	;
+		[]
+	),
+	%
+	% generate declarations for the unboxed args:
+	%	Arg1Type unboxed_arg1;
+	%	Arg2Type unboxed_arg2;
+	%	...
+	% and code to unbox the input arguments
+	%	unboxed_arg1 = unbox(arg1);
+	%	...
+	% and to box the output arguments
+	%	*arg2 = box(unboxed_arg2);
+	%	...
+	%
+	{
+		list__split_list(NumClosureArgs, ProcArgTypes,
+			ClosureFieldTypes0, UnboxedVarTypes0)
+	->
+		ClosureFieldTypes = ClosureFieldTypes0,
+		UnboxedVarTypes = UnboxedVarTypes0
+	;
+		error("ml_gen_closure_wrapper: list__drop failed")
+	},
+	ml_gen_box_and_unbox_args(WrapperHeadVarNames, UnboxedVarTypes,
+		WrapperArgModes, MLDS_Context,
+		UnboxedVarNames, UnboxInputArgsCode, BoxOutputArgsCode),
+	{ UnboxedArgDecls = ml_gen_var_decls(UnboxedVarNames, UnboxedVarTypes,
+			MLDS_Context) },
+	%
+	% Generate code to succeed and return
+	%
+	ml_gen_success(CodeModel, Context, SucceedStmts),
+	{ DoGenBoxOutputsAndSucceed = (
+		pred(BOAS_Decls::out, BOAS_Statements::out, in, out) is det -->
+			{ BOAS_Decls = [] },
+		 	{ BOAS_Statements = list__append(BoxOutputArgsCode,
+				SucceedStmts) }
+	) },
+	%
+	% prepare to generate code to call the function:
+	% XXX currently we're using a low-level data representation
+	% in the closure
+	%
+	%	foo(
+	%		closure->f1, closure->f2, ...,
+	% #else
+	%		MR_field(MR_mktag(0), closure, 3),
+	%		MR_field(MR_mktag(0), closure, 4),
+	%		...
+	% #endif
+	%		unboxed_arg1, &unboxed_arg2, ...
+	%	);
+	%
+	% field 0 is the closure layout
+	% field 1 is the closure address
+	% field 2 is the number of arguments
+	% field 3 is the first argument field
+	{ Offset = 2 },
+	ml_gen_closure_field_lvals(ClosureLval, Offset, 1, NumClosureArgs,
+		ClosureFieldTypes, ClosureArgLvals),
+	list__map_foldl(ml_qualify_var, UnboxedVarNames, UnboxedVarLvals),
+	{ CallLvals = list__append(ClosureArgLvals, UnboxedVarLvals) },
+	{ DoGenCall = ml_gen_call(PredId, ProcId, CallLvals, CodeModel,
+		Context) },
+	%
+	% generate code which calls the function, and then if it succeeds,
+	% boxes the output arguments and succeeds
+	%
+	ml_combine_conj(CodeModel, Context,
+		DoGenCall, DoGenBoxOutputsAndSucceed,
+		CallAndBoxDecls, CallAndBoxStatements),
+	%
+	% if the wrapper function was model_non, then
+	% pop the success continuation that we pushed
+	%
+	( { CodeModel = model_non } ->
+		ml_gen_info_pop_success_cont
+	;
+		[]
+	),
+	{ Decls0 = list__append([ClosureDecl | UnboxedArgDecls],
+			CallAndBoxDecls) },
+	{ Statements0 = list__append([InitClosure | UnboxInputArgsCode],
+			CallAndBoxStatements) },
+	%
+	% For semidet code, add the declaration `bool succeeded;'
+	% and the `return succeeded;' statement.
+	%
+	( { CodeModel = model_semi } ->
+		{ SucceededVarDecl = ml_gen_succeeded_var_decl(MLDS_Context) },
+		{ Decls = [SucceededVarDecl | Decls0] },
+		ml_gen_test_success(Succeeded),
+		{ ReturnStmt = return([Succeeded]) },
+		{ ReturnStatement = mlds__statement(ReturnStmt, MLDS_Context) },
+		{ Statements = list__append(Statements0, [ReturnStatement]) }
+	;
+		{ Decls = Decls0 },
+		{ Statements = Statements0 }
+	),
+	%
+	% Put it all together
+	%
+	{ WrapperFuncBody = ml_gen_block(Decls, Statements, Context) },
+	ml_gen_new_func_label(WrapperFuncName, WrapperFuncRval),
+	ml_gen_label_func(WrapperFuncName, WrapperParams, Context,
+		WrapperFuncBody, WrapperFunc),
+	{ WrapperFuncType = mlds__func_type(WrapperParams) }.
+:- func ml_gen_wrapper_head_var_names(int, int) = list(string).
+ml_gen_wrapper_head_var_names(Num, Max) = Names :-
+	( Num > Max ->
+		Names = []
+	;
+		Name = string__format("wrapper_arg_%d", [i(Num)]),
+		Names1 = ml_gen_wrapper_head_var_names(Num + 1, Max),
+		Names = [Name | Names1]
+	).
+:- pred ml_gen_closure_field_lvals(mlds__lval, int, int, int,
+		list(prog_data__type), list(mlds__lval),
+		ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
+:- mode ml_gen_closure_field_lvals(in, in, in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
+ml_gen_closure_field_lvals(ClosureLval, Offset, ArgNum, NumClosureArgs,
+		UnboxedFieldTypes, ClosureArgLvals) -->
+	(
+		{ UnboxedFieldTypes = [_FieldType | UnboxedFieldTypes1] },
+		{ require(ArgNum =< NumClosureArgs,
+			"ml_gen_closure_field_lvals") },
+		%
+		% generate `MR_field(MR_mktag(0), closure, <N>)'
+		%
+		{ FieldId = offset(const(int_const(ArgNum + Offset))) },
+		{ FieldLval = field(yes(0), lval(ClosureLval), FieldId) },
+		%
+		% XXX We should unbox the field.
+		% Unfortunately that is tricky, because we have to return
+		% an lval here, not an rval, because ml_gen_call takes
+		% lvals not rvals.
+		%
+		/***
+		{ MLDS_Type = mercury_type_to_mlds_type(FieldType) },
+		{ ArgRval = unop(unbox(MLDS_Type), FieldLval) },
+		***/
+		{ ArgLval = FieldLval },
+		%
+		% recursively handle the remaining fields
+		%
+		ml_gen_closure_field_lvals(ClosureLval, Offset, ArgNum + 1,
+			NumClosureArgs, UnboxedFieldTypes1, ClosureArgLvals0),
+		{ ClosureArgLvals = [ArgLval | ClosureArgLvals0] }
+	;
+		{ UnboxedFieldTypes = [] },
+		{ ClosureArgLvals = [] }
+	).
+	%
+	% generate names for the unboxed args (unboxed_arg1, unboxed_arg2, ..)
+	% and code to unbox the input arguments
+	%	unboxed_arg1 = unbox(arg1);
+	%	...
+	% and to box the output arguments
+	%	*arg2 = box(unboxed_arg2);
+	%	...
+	%
+:- pred ml_gen_box_and_unbox_args(list(var_name), list(prog_type), list(mode),
+		mlds__context, list(var_name),
+		list(mlds__statement), list(mlds__statement),
+		ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
+:- mode ml_gen_box_and_unbox_args(in, in, in, in, out, out, out, in, out)
+		is det.
+ml_gen_box_and_unbox_args(VarNames, UnboxedTypes, Modes, Context,
+		UnboxedVarNames, UnboxInputArgsCode, BoxOutputArgsCode) -->
+	(
+		{ VarNames = [] },
+		{ UnboxedTypes = [] },
+		{ Modes = [] }
+	->
+		{ UnboxedVarNames = [] },
+		{ UnboxInputArgsCode = [] },
+		{ BoxOutputArgsCode = [] }
+	;
+		{ VarNames = [VarName | VarNames1] },
+		{ UnboxedTypes = [UnboxedType | UnboxedTypes1] },
+		{ Modes = [Mode | Modes1] }
+	->
+		ml_gen_box_and_unbox_args(VarNames1, UnboxedTypes1, Modes1,
+				Context, UnboxedVarNames1, UnboxInputArgsCode1,
+				BoxOutputArgsCode1),
+		{ UnboxedVarName = string__append("unboxed_", VarName) },
+		{ UnboxedVarNames = [UnboxedVarName | UnboxedVarNames1] },
+		=(Info),
+		{ ml_gen_info_get_module_info(Info, ModuleInfo) },
+		(
+			{ mode_to_arg_mode(ModuleInfo, Mode, UnboxedType,
+				top_in) }
+		->
+			ml_gen_unbox_arg(VarName, UnboxedVarName, UnboxedType,
+				Context, UnboxInputArg),
+			{ UnboxInputArgsCode = [UnboxInputArg |
+				UnboxInputArgsCode1] },
+			{ BoxOutputArgsCode = BoxOutputArgsCode1 }
+		;
+			ml_gen_box_arg(VarName, UnboxedVarName, UnboxedType,
+				Context, BoxOutputArg),
+			{ BoxOutputArgsCode = [BoxOutputArg |
+				BoxOutputArgsCode1] },
+			{ UnboxInputArgsCode = UnboxInputArgsCode1 }
+		)
+	;
+		{ error("ml_gen_box_and_unbox_args: length mismatch") }
+	).
+	% generate code to unbox an input argument
+	%	unboxed_arg = unbox(arg);
+:- pred ml_gen_unbox_arg(var_name, var_name, prog_type, mlds__context,
+		mlds__statement, ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
+:- mode ml_gen_unbox_arg(in, in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
+ml_gen_unbox_arg(BoxedVarName, UnboxedVarName, Type, Context, Code) -->
+	ml_qualify_var(BoxedVarName, BoxedVarLval),
+	ml_qualify_var(UnboxedVarName, UnboxedVarLval),
+	{ MLDS_Type = mercury_type_to_mlds_type(Type) },
+	{ Assign = assign(UnboxedVarLval,
+			unop(unbox(MLDS_Type), lval(BoxedVarLval))) },
+	{ Code = mlds__statement(atomic(Assign), Context) }.
+	% generate code to box an output argument
+	%	*arg = box(unboxed_arg);
+:- pred ml_gen_box_arg(var_name, var_name, prog_type, mlds__context,
+		mlds__statement, ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
+:- mode ml_gen_box_arg(in, in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
+ml_gen_box_arg(BoxedVarName, UnboxedVarName, Type, Context, Code) -->
+	ml_qualify_var(BoxedVarName, BoxedVarLval),
+	ml_qualify_var(UnboxedVarName, UnboxedVarLval),
+	{ MLDS_Type = mercury_type_to_mlds_type(Type) },
+	{ Assign = assign(mem_ref(lval(BoxedVarLval)), 
+			unop(box(MLDS_Type), lval(UnboxedVarLval))) },
+	{ Code = mlds__statement(atomic(Assign), Context) }.
+	% convert a cons_id for a given type to a cons_tag
 :- pred ml_cons_id_to_tag(cons_id, prog_type, cons_tag,
 		ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
 :- mode ml_cons_id_to_tag(in, in, out, in, out) is det.
@@ -2584,6 +3176,7 @@
 	{ ml_gen_info_get_module_info(Info, ModuleInfo) },
 	{ code_util__cons_id_to_tag(ConsId, Type, ModuleInfo, Tag) }.
+	% generate code to construct a new object
 :- pred ml_gen_new_object(mlds__tag, maybe(int), cons_id, prog_var, prog_vars,
 		list(uni_mode), prog_context, mlds__defns, mlds__statements,
 		ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
@@ -2826,11 +3419,18 @@
 ml_gen_unify_arg(Arg, Mode, ArgType, VarLval, ArgNum, PrimaryTag, Context,
 		MLDS_Statements0, MLDS_Statements) -->
-	% Generate lvals for the LHS and the RHS
+	% Generate lvals and rvals for the LHS and the RHS
+	% Note that with the current low-level data representation,
+	% we store all fields as boxed, so we need to box
+	% values when storing them into fields and unbox them
+	% when extracting them from fields.
 	{ FieldId = offset(const(int_const(ArgNum))) },
 	{ FieldLval = field(yes(PrimaryTag), lval(VarLval), FieldId) },
+	{ MLDS_ArgType = mercury_type_to_mlds_type(ArgType) },
+	{ FieldRval = unop(unbox(MLDS_ArgType), lval(FieldLval)) },
 	ml_gen_var(Arg, ArgLval),
+	{ ArgRval = unop(box(MLDS_ArgType), lval(ArgLval)) },
 	% Figure out the direction of data-flow from the mode,
@@ -2861,7 +3461,7 @@
 		{ LeftMode = top_in },
 		{ RightMode = top_out }
-		{ MLDS_Statement = ml_gen_assign(ArgLval, lval(FieldLval),
+		{ MLDS_Statement = ml_gen_assign(ArgLval, FieldRval,
 			Context) },
 		{ MLDS_Statements = [MLDS_Statement | MLDS_Statements0] }
@@ -2869,7 +3469,7 @@
 		{ LeftMode = top_out },
 		{ RightMode = top_in }
-		{ MLDS_Statement = ml_gen_assign(FieldLval, lval(ArgLval),
+		{ MLDS_Statement = ml_gen_assign(FieldLval, ArgRval,
 			Context) },
 		{ MLDS_Statements = [MLDS_Statement | MLDS_Statements0] }
@@ -2981,16 +3581,18 @@
 	error("Attempted tabling_pointer unification").
 ml_gen_tag_test_rval(no_tag, _Rval) = const(true).
 ml_gen_tag_test_rval(unshared_tag(UnsharedTag), Rval) =
-	binop(eq, unop(tag, Rval), unop(mktag, const(int_const(UnsharedTag)))).
+	binop(eq, unop(std_unop(tag), Rval),
+		  unop(std_unop(mktag), const(int_const(UnsharedTag)))).
 ml_gen_tag_test_rval(shared_remote_tag(Bits, Num), Rval) =
-		binop(eq,	unop(tag, Rval),
-				unop(mktag, const(int_const(Bits)))), 
+		binop(eq,	unop(std_unop(tag), Rval),
+				unop(std_unop(mktag), const(int_const(Bits)))), 
 		binop(eq,	lval(field(yes(Bits), Rval,
 ml_gen_tag_test_rval(shared_local_tag(Bits, Num), Rval) =
-	binop(eq, Rval, mkword(Bits, unop(mkbody, const(int_const(Num))))).
+	binop(eq, Rval,
+		  mkword(Bits, unop(std_unop(mkbody), const(int_const(Num))))).
@@ -3407,25 +4009,32 @@
 	% Generate the function prototype for a procedure.
-:- func ml_gen_params(module_info, pred_id, proc_id) = mlds__func_params.
+:- func ml_gen_proc_params(module_info, pred_id, proc_id) = mlds__func_params.
-ml_gen_params(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId) = FuncParams :-
+ml_gen_proc_params(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId) = FuncParams :-
 	module_info_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId,
 		PredInfo, ProcInfo),
-	proc_info_interface_code_model(ProcInfo, CodeModel),
 	proc_info_varset(ProcInfo, VarSet),
 	proc_info_headvars(ProcInfo, HeadVars),
 	pred_info_arg_types(PredInfo, HeadTypes),
 	proc_info_argmodes(ProcInfo, HeadModes),
+	proc_info_interface_code_model(ProcInfo, CodeModel),
+	HeadVarNames = list__map(ml_gen_var_name(VarSet), HeadVars),
+	FuncParams = ml_gen_params(ModuleInfo, HeadVarNames, HeadTypes,
+		HeadModes, CodeModel).
+:- func ml_gen_params(module_info, list(string), list(prog_data__type),
+		list(mode), code_model) = mlds__func_params.
+ml_gen_params(ModuleInfo, HeadVarNames, HeadTypes, HeadModes, CodeModel) =
+		FuncParams :-
 	( CodeModel = model_semi ->
 		RetTypes = [mlds__bool_type]
 		RetTypes = []
-	ml_gen_arg_decls(ModuleInfo, HeadVars, HeadTypes, HeadModes,
-		VarSet, FuncArgs0),
+	ml_gen_arg_decls(ModuleInfo, HeadVarNames, HeadTypes, HeadModes,
+		FuncArgs0),
 	( CodeModel = model_non ->
 		ContType = mlds__cont_type,
 		ContName = data(var("cont")),
@@ -3447,40 +4056,15 @@
 		FuncArgs = FuncArgs0
 	FuncParams = mlds__func_params(FuncArgs, RetTypes).
-	% Given a list of variables and their corresponding modes,
-	% return a list containing only those variables which have
-	% an output mode.
-	%
-:- func select_output_vars(module_info, list(prog_var), list(mode),
-		map(prog_var, prog_type)) = list(prog_var).
-select_output_vars(ModuleInfo, HeadVars, HeadModes, VarTypes) = OutputVars :-
-	( HeadVars = [], HeadModes = [] ->
-		OutputVars = []
-	; HeadVars = [Var|Vars], HeadModes = [Mode|Modes] ->
-		map__lookup(VarTypes, Var, Type),
-		( \+ mode_to_arg_mode(ModuleInfo, Mode, Type, top_in) ->
-			OutputVars1 = select_output_vars(ModuleInfo,
-					Vars, Modes, VarTypes),
-			OutputVars = [Var | OutputVars1]
-		;
-			OutputVars = select_output_vars(ModuleInfo,
-					Vars, Modes, VarTypes)
-		)
-	;
-		error("select_output_vars: length mismatch")
-	).
-	% Given the argument variables, and corresponding lists of their types
-	% and modes, generate the MLDS argument list declaration.
+	% Given the argument variable names, and corresponding lists of their
+	% types and modes, generate the MLDS argument list declaration.
-:- pred ml_gen_arg_decls(module_info, list(prog_var), list(prog_type),
-		list(mode), prog_varset, mlds__arguments).
-:- mode ml_gen_arg_decls(in, in, in, in, in, out) is det.
+:- pred ml_gen_arg_decls(module_info, list(mlds__var_name), list(prog_type),
+		list(mode), mlds__arguments).
+:- mode ml_gen_arg_decls(in, in, in, in, out) is det.
-ml_gen_arg_decls(ModuleInfo, HeadVars, HeadTypes, HeadModes, VarSet,
-		FuncArgs) :-
+ml_gen_arg_decls(ModuleInfo, HeadVars, HeadTypes, HeadModes, FuncArgs) :-
 		HeadVars = [], HeadTypes = [], HeadModes = []
@@ -3490,14 +4074,12 @@
 		HeadTypes = [Type | Types],
 		HeadModes = [Mode | Modes]
-		ml_gen_arg_decls(ModuleInfo, Vars, Types, Modes, VarSet,
-			FuncArgs0),
+		ml_gen_arg_decls(ModuleInfo, Vars, Types, Modes, FuncArgs0),
 		% exclude types such as io__state, etc.
 		( type_util__is_dummy_argument_type(Type) ->
 			FuncArgs = FuncArgs0
-			ml_gen_arg_decl(ModuleInfo, Var, Type, Mode, VarSet,
-				FuncArg),
+			ml_gen_arg_decl(ModuleInfo, Var, Type, Mode, FuncArg),
 			FuncArgs = [FuncArg | FuncArgs0]
@@ -3507,21 +4089,44 @@
 	% Given an argument variable, and its type and mode,
 	% generate an MLDS argument declaration for it.
-:- pred ml_gen_arg_decl(module_info, prog_var, prog_type, mode, prog_varset,
+:- pred ml_gen_arg_decl(module_info, var_name, prog_type, mode,
 			pair(mlds__entity_name, mlds__type)).
-:- mode ml_gen_arg_decl(in, in, in, in, in, out) is det.
+:- mode ml_gen_arg_decl(in, in, in, in, out) is det.
-ml_gen_arg_decl(ModuleInfo, Var, Type, Mode, VarSet, FuncArg) :-
+ml_gen_arg_decl(ModuleInfo, Var, Type, Mode, FuncArg) :-
 	MLDS_Type = mercury_type_to_mlds_type(Type),
 	( \+ mode_to_arg_mode(ModuleInfo, Mode, Type, top_in) ->
 		MLDS_ArgType = mlds__ptr_type(MLDS_Type)
 		MLDS_ArgType = MLDS_Type
-	VarName = ml_gen_var_name(VarSet, Var),
-	Name = data(var(VarName)),
+	Name = data(var(Var)),
 	FuncArg = Name - MLDS_ArgType.
+	% Given a list of variables and their corresponding modes,
+	% return a list containing only those variables which have
+	% an output mode.
+	%
+:- func select_output_vars(module_info, list(prog_var), list(mode),
+		map(prog_var, prog_type)) = list(prog_var).
+select_output_vars(ModuleInfo, HeadVars, HeadModes, VarTypes) = OutputVars :-
+	( HeadVars = [], HeadModes = [] ->
+		OutputVars = []
+	; HeadVars = [Var|Vars], HeadModes = [Mode|Modes] ->
+		map__lookup(VarTypes, Var, Type),
+		( \+ mode_to_arg_mode(ModuleInfo, Mode, Type, top_in) ->
+			OutputVars1 = select_output_vars(ModuleInfo,
+					Vars, Modes, VarTypes),
+			OutputVars = [Var | OutputVars1]
+		;
+			OutputVars = select_output_vars(ModuleInfo,
+					Vars, Modes, VarTypes)
+		)
+	;
+		error("select_output_vars: length mismatch")
+	).
 % miscellaneous helper routines
@@ -3622,15 +4227,30 @@
 :- type ml_gen_info
 	--->	ml_gen_info(
+			%
+			% these fields remain constant for each procedure
+			%
 			map(prog_var, prog_type),
 			list(prog_var),			% output arguments
+			%
+			% these fields get updated as we traverse
+			% each procedure
+			%
-			stack(success_cont)
+			stack(success_cont),
+				% definitions of functions or global
+				% constants which should be inserted
+				% before the definition of the function
+				% for the current procedure
+			mlds__defns
 :- type commit_sequence_num == int.
@@ -3649,6 +4269,7 @@
 	FuncLabelCounter = 0,
 	CommitLabelCounter = 0,
+	ExtraDefns = [],
 	MLDSGenInfo = ml_gen_info(
@@ -3658,13 +4279,14 @@
-			SuccContStack
+			SuccContStack,
+			ExtraDefns
 :- pred ml_gen_info_get_module_info(ml_gen_info, module_info).
 :- mode ml_gen_info_get_module_info(in, out) is det.
-ml_gen_info_get_module_info(ml_gen_info(ModuleInfo, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _),
+ml_gen_info_get_module_info(ml_gen_info(ModuleInfo, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _),
 :- pred ml_gen_info_get_module_name(ml_gen_info, mercury_module_name).
@@ -3677,35 +4299,36 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_info_get_pred_id(ml_gen_info, pred_id).
 :- mode ml_gen_info_get_pred_id(in, out) is det.
-ml_gen_info_get_pred_id(ml_gen_info(_, PredId, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), PredId).
+ml_gen_info_get_pred_id(ml_gen_info(_, PredId, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), PredId).
 :- pred ml_gen_info_get_proc_id(ml_gen_info, proc_id).
 :- mode ml_gen_info_get_proc_id(in, out) is det.
-ml_gen_info_get_proc_id(ml_gen_info(_, _, ProcId, _, _, _, _, _, _), ProcId).
+ml_gen_info_get_proc_id(ml_gen_info(_, _, ProcId, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), ProcId).
 :- pred ml_gen_info_get_varset(ml_gen_info, prog_varset).
 :- mode ml_gen_info_get_varset(in, out) is det.
-ml_gen_info_get_varset(ml_gen_info(_, _, _, VarSet, _, _, _, _, _), VarSet).
+ml_gen_info_get_varset(ml_gen_info(_, _, _, VarSet, _, _, _, _, _, _), VarSet).
 :- pred ml_gen_info_get_var_types(ml_gen_info, map(prog_var, prog_type)).
 :- mode ml_gen_info_get_var_types(in, out) is det.
-ml_gen_info_get_var_types(ml_gen_info(_, _, _, _, VarTypes, _, _, _, _),
+ml_gen_info_get_var_types(ml_gen_info(_, _, _, _, VarTypes, _, _, _, _, _),
 :- pred ml_gen_info_get_output_vars(ml_gen_info, list(prog_var)).
 :- mode ml_gen_info_get_output_vars(in, out) is det.
-ml_gen_info_get_output_vars(ml_gen_info(_, _, _, _, _, OutputVars, _, _, _),
+ml_gen_info_get_output_vars(ml_gen_info(_, _, _, _, _, OutputVars, _, _, _, _),
 :- pred ml_gen_info_new_func_label(ml_label_func, ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
 :- mode ml_gen_info_new_func_label(out, in, out) is det.
-ml_gen_info_new_func_label(Label, ml_gen_info(A, B, C, D, E, F, Label0, H, I),
-			    ml_gen_info(A, B, C, D, E, F, Label, H, I)) :-
+		ml_gen_info(A, B, C, D, E, F, Label0, H, I, J),
+		ml_gen_info(A, B, C, D, E, F, Label, H, I, J)) :-
 	Label is Label0 + 1.
 :- pred ml_gen_info_new_commit_label(commit_sequence_num,
@@ -3713,8 +4336,8 @@
 :- mode ml_gen_info_new_commit_label(out, in, out) is det.
-		ml_gen_info(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, CommitLabel0, I),
-		ml_gen_info(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, CommitLabel, I)) :-
+		ml_gen_info(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, CommitLabel0, I, J),
+		ml_gen_info(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, CommitLabel, I, J)) :-
 	CommitLabel is CommitLabel0 + 1.
 :- type success_cont 
@@ -3732,15 +4355,15 @@
 :- mode ml_gen_info_get_success_cont_stack(in, out) is det.
-	ml_gen_info(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, SuccContStack), SuccContStack).
+	ml_gen_info(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, SuccContStack, _), SuccContStack).
 :- pred ml_gen_info_set_success_cont_stack(stack(success_cont),
 			ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
 :- mode ml_gen_info_set_success_cont_stack(in, in, out) is det.
-		ml_gen_info(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, _),
-		ml_gen_info(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, SuccContStack)).
+		ml_gen_info(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, _, J),
+		ml_gen_info(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, SuccContStack, J)).
 :- pred ml_gen_info_push_success_cont(success_cont,
@@ -3748,16 +4371,16 @@
 :- mode ml_gen_info_push_success_cont(in, in, out) is det.
-		ml_gen_info(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, Stack0),
-		ml_gen_info(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, Stack)) :-
+		ml_gen_info(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, Stack0, J),
+		ml_gen_info(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, Stack, J)) :-
 	stack__push(Stack0, SuccCont, Stack).
 :- pred ml_gen_info_pop_success_cont(ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
 :- mode ml_gen_info_pop_success_cont(in, out) is det.
-		ml_gen_info(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, Stack0),
-		ml_gen_info(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, Stack)) :-
+		ml_gen_info(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, Stack0, J),
+		ml_gen_info(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, Stack, J)) :-
 	stack__pop_det(Stack0, _SuccCont, Stack).
 :- pred ml_gen_info_current_success_cont(success_cont,
@@ -3765,9 +4388,24 @@
 :- mode ml_gen_info_current_success_cont(out, in, out) is det.
-		ml_gen_info(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, Stack),
-		ml_gen_info(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, Stack)) :-
+		ml_gen_info(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, Stack, J),
+		ml_gen_info(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, Stack, J)) :-
 	stack__top_det(Stack, SuccCont).
+:- pred ml_gen_info_add_extra_defn(mlds__defn,
+			ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
+:- mode ml_gen_info_add_extra_defn(in, in, out) is det.
+		ml_gen_info(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, ExtraDefns0),
+		ml_gen_info(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, ExtraDefns)) :-
+	ExtraDefns = [ExtraDefn | ExtraDefns0].
+:- pred ml_gen_info_get_extra_defns(ml_gen_info, mlds__defns).
+:- mode ml_gen_info_get_extra_defns(in, out) is det.
+ml_gen_info_get_extra_defns(ml_gen_info(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, ExtraDefns),
+	ExtraDefns).
Index: compiler/ml_elim_nested.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_elim_nested.m,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -d -r1.2 ml_elim_nested.m
--- compiler/ml_elim_nested.m	1999/11/10 04:13:09	1.2
+++ compiler/ml_elim_nested.m	1999/11/15 04:53:55
@@ -338,7 +338,8 @@
 	EnvDecls = [EnvVarDecl, EnvPtrVarDecl].
 	% ml_insert_init_env:
-	%	If the definition is a nested function definition, then
+	%	If the definition is a nested function definition, and it's
+	%	body makes use of the environment pointer (`env_ptr'), then
 	%	insert code to declare and initialize the environment pointer.
 	% We transform code of the form
@@ -358,7 +359,8 @@
 ml_insert_init_env(ClassName, ModuleName, Defn0, Defn) :-
 	Defn0 = mlds__defn(Name, Context, Flags, DefnBody0),
-		DefnBody0 = mlds__function(PredProcId, Params, yes(FuncBody0))
+		DefnBody0 = mlds__function(PredProcId, Params, yes(FuncBody0)),
+		statement_contains_var(FuncBody0, qual(ModuleName, "env_ptr"))
 		% XXX we should really insert a type cast here,
@@ -408,7 +410,7 @@
 	% generate the following statement:
-	%	env_ptr = &env;
+	%	env_ptr = <EnvPtrVal>;
 	EnvPtrVar = qual(ModuleName, "env_ptr"),
 	AssignEnvPtr = assign(var(EnvPtrVar), EnvPtrVal),
Index: compiler/mlds.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mlds.m,v
retrieving revision 1.12
diff -u -d -r1.12 mlds.m
--- compiler/mlds.m	1999/11/10 04:13:10	1.12
+++ compiler/mlds.m	1999/11/15 05:08:10
@@ -481,12 +481,20 @@
 		% Currently these are used for handling output arguments.
 	;	mlds__ptr_type(mlds__type)
+		% Function types.
+	;	mlds__func_type(mlds__func_params)
+		% A generic type (e.g. `Word') that can hold any Mercury value.
+		% This is used for implementing polymorphism.
+	;	mlds__generic_type
 		% A generic pointer type (e.g. `void *' in C)
 		% that can be used to point to the environment
 		% (set of local variables) of the containing function.
-		% This is used for handling nondeterminism
+		% This is used for handling nondeterminism,
 		% if the target language doesn't supported
-		% nested functions.
+		% nested functions, and also for handling
+		% closures for higher-order code.
 	;	mlds__generic_env_ptr_type.
 :- type mercury_type == prog_data__type.
@@ -970,23 +978,29 @@
 	;	const(mlds__rval_const)
-	;	unop(unary_op, mlds__rval)
+	;	unop(mlds__unary_op, mlds__rval)
 	;	binop(binary_op, mlds__rval, mlds__rval)
 	;	mem_addr(mlds__lval).
 		% The address of a variable, etc.
+:- type mlds__unary_op
+	--->	box(mlds__type)
+	;	unbox(mlds__type)
+	;	std_unop(builtin_ops__unary_op).
 :- type mlds__rval_const
 	--->	true
 	;	false
 	;	int_const(int)
 	;	float_const(float)
 	;	string_const(string)
+			% A multi_string_const is a string containing
+			% embedded NULs, whose real length is given
+			% by the integer, and not the location of the
+			% first null character.
 	;	multi_string_const(int, string)
-			% a string containing embedded NULLs,
-			% whose real length is given by the integer,
-			% and not the location of the first NULL
 	;	code_addr_const(mlds__code_addr)
 	;	data_addr_const(mlds__data_addr).
Index: compiler/mlds_to_c.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mlds_to_c.m,v
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -u -d -r1.13 mlds_to_c.m
--- compiler/mlds_to_c.m	1999/11/11 17:09:30	1.13
+++ compiler/mlds_to_c.m	1999/11/15 08:15:29
@@ -7,6 +7,15 @@
 % mlds_to_c - Convert MLDS to C/C++ code.
 % Main author: fjh.
+% TODO:
+%	- RTTI (base_type_info, base_type_layout, base_type_functors,
+%		module_layout, proc_layout)
+%	- type classes (base_typeclass_info)
+%	- trail ops
+%	- foreign language interfacing and inline target code
+%	- packages, classes and inheritance
+%	  (currently we just generate all classes as structs)
 :- module mlds_to_c.
@@ -433,19 +442,31 @@
 		mlds_indent(Context, Indent),
+		{ FuncInfo = func_info(Name, Signature) },
-		% We wrap the function body inside a `for(;;)' loop
+		% If the procedure body contains any optimizable tailcalls,
+		% we wrap the function body inside a `for(;;)' loop
 		% so that we can use `continue;' inside the function body
 		% to optimize tail recursive calls.
+		%
 		% XXX tail recursion optimization should be disable-able
-		mlds_indent(Context, Indent + 1),
-		io__write_string("for(;;)\n"),
-		mlds_indent(Context, Indent + 2),
-		io__write_string("{\n"),
+		(
+			{ statement_contains_statement(Body, Call) },
+			{ Call = mlds__statement(CallStmt, _) },
+			{ can_optimize_tailcall(FuncInfo, CallStmt) }
+		->
+			mlds_indent(Context, Indent + 1),
+			io__write_string("for(;;)\n"),
+			mlds_indent(Context, Indent + 2),
+			io__write_string("{\n"),
+			{ Indent2 = Indent + 2 }
+		;
+			{ Indent2 = Indent }
+		),
-		{ FuncInfo = func_info(Name, Signature) },
-		mlds_output_statement(Indent + 3, FuncInfo, Body),
+		mlds_output_statement(Indent2 + 1, FuncInfo, Body),
 		% Output a `return' statement to terminate the `for(;;)' loop.
@@ -456,20 +477,25 @@
 		{ Signature = mlds__func_params(_Parameters, RetTypes) },
 		( { RetTypes = [] } ->
-			mlds_output_stmt(Indent + 3, FuncInfo, return([]),
+			mlds_output_stmt(Indent2 + 1, FuncInfo, return([]),
 			globals__io_lookup_bool_option(auto_comments, Comments),
 			( { Comments = yes } ->
-				mlds_indent(Context, Indent + 3),
+				mlds_indent(Context, Indent2 + 1),
-		mlds_indent(Context, Indent + 2),
-		io__write_string("}\n"), % end the `for(;;)'
+		( { Indent2 = Indent + 2 } ->
+			% end the `for(;;)'
+			mlds_indent(Context, Indent2),
+			io__write_string("}\n")
+		;
+			[]
+		),
 		mlds_indent(Context, Indent),
 		io__write_string("}\n")	% end the function
@@ -516,6 +542,40 @@
 	mlds_output_fully_qualified_name(qual(ModuleName, Name),
+:- pred mlds_output_func_type(func_params, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_func_type(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_func_type(Params) -->
+	{ Params = mlds__func_params(Parameters, RetTypes) },
+	( { RetTypes = [] } ->
+		io__write_string("void")
+	; { RetTypes = [RetType] } ->
+		mlds_output_type(RetType)
+	;
+		{ error("mlds_output_func_type: multiple return types") }
+	),
+	io__write_string(" (*)"),
+	mlds_output_param_types(Parameters).
+:- pred mlds_output_param_types(mlds__arguments, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_param_types(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_param_types(Parameters) -->
+	io__write_char('('),
+	( { Parameters = [] } ->
+		io__write_string("void")
+	;
+		io__write_list(Parameters, ", ", mlds_output_param_type)
+	),
+	io__write_char(')').
+:- pred mlds_output_param_type(pair(mlds__entity_name, mlds__type),
+		io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_param_type(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_param_type(_Name - Type) -->
+	mlds_output_type(Type).
 % Code to output names of various entities
@@ -632,6 +692,8 @@
 	; { Type = term__functor(term__atom("float"), [], _) } ->
+	; { Type = term__variable(_) } ->
+		io__write_string("MR_Box")
 		% XXX we ought to use pointers to struct types here,
 		% so that distinct Mercury types map to distinct C types
@@ -648,6 +710,14 @@
 mlds_output_type(mlds__ptr_type(Type)) -->
 	io__write_string(" *").
+mlds_output_type(mlds__func_type(FuncParams)) -->
+	% XXX C syntax sucks, there's no easy way of
+	% writing these types that will work in all
+	% situations.  Currently we rely on the MLDS code
+	% generator only using function types in certain situations.
+	mlds_output_func_type(FuncParams).
+mlds_output_type(mlds__generic_type) -->
+	io__write_string("MR_Box").
 mlds_output_type(mlds__generic_env_ptr_type) -->
 	io__write_string("void *").
 mlds_output_type(mlds__cont_type) -->
@@ -876,36 +946,7 @@
 	{ CallerFuncInfo = func_info(Name, Params) },
-		%
-		% check if this call can be optimized as a tail call
-		%
-		{ IsTailCall = tail_call },
-		%
-		% check if the callee adddress is the same as
-		% the caller
-		%
-		{ FuncRval = const(code_addr_const(CodeAddr)) },
-		{	
-			CodeAddr = proc(QualifiedProcLabel),
-			MaybeSeqNum = no
-		;
-			CodeAddr = internal(QualifiedProcLabel, SeqNum),
-			MaybeSeqNum = yes(SeqNum)
-		},
-		{ QualifiedProcLabel = qual(ModuleName, PredLabel - ProcId) },
-		% check that the module name matches
-		{ Name = qual(ModuleName, FuncName) },
-		% check that the PredLabel, ProcId, and MaybeSeqNum match
-		{ FuncName = function(PredLabel, ProcId, MaybeSeqNum, _) },
-		%
-		% In C++, `this' is a constant, so our usual technique
-		% of assigning the arguments won't work if it is a
-		% member function.  Thus we don't do this optimization
-		% if we're optimizing a member function call
-		%
-		{ MaybeObject = no }
+		{ can_optimize_tailcall(CallerFuncInfo, Call) }
@@ -916,6 +957,7 @@
+		{ Name = qual(ModuleName, _) },
 		{ Params = mlds__func_params(FuncArgs, _RetTypes) },
 		mlds_output_assign_args(Indent + 1, ModuleName, Context,
 			FuncArgs, CallArgs),
@@ -1086,6 +1128,47 @@
 		mlds_output_statement(Indent + 1, FuncInfo, Handler)
+	% return `true' if the statement is a tail call which
+	% can be optimized into a jump back to the start of the
+	% function
+:- pred can_optimize_tailcall(func_info, mlds__stmt).
+:- mode can_optimize_tailcall(in, in) is semidet.
+can_optimize_tailcall(CallerFuncInfo, Call) :-
+	Call = call(_Signature, FuncRval, MaybeObject, _CallArgs,
+		_Results, IsTailCall),
+	CallerFuncInfo = func_info(Name, _Params),
+	%
+	% check if this call can be optimized as a tail call
+	%
+	IsTailCall = tail_call,
+	%
+	% check if the callee adddress is the same as
+	% the caller
+	%
+	FuncRval = const(code_addr_const(CodeAddr)),
+	(	
+		CodeAddr = proc(QualifiedProcLabel),
+		MaybeSeqNum = no
+	;
+		CodeAddr = internal(QualifiedProcLabel, SeqNum),
+		MaybeSeqNum = yes(SeqNum)
+	),
+	QualifiedProcLabel = qual(ModuleName, PredLabel - ProcId),
+	% check that the module name matches
+	Name = qual(ModuleName, FuncName),
+	% check that the PredLabel, ProcId, and MaybeSeqNum match
+	FuncName = function(PredLabel, ProcId, MaybeSeqNum, _),
+	%
+	% In C++, `this' is a constant, so our usual technique
+	% of assigning the arguments won't work if it is a
+	% member function.  Thus we don't do this optimization
+	% if we're optimizing a member function call
+	%
+	MaybeObject = no.
 	% Assign the specified list of rvals to the arguments.
 	% This is used as part of tail recursion optimization (see above).
 :- pred mlds_output_assign_args(indent, mlds_module_name, mlds__context,
@@ -1244,7 +1327,7 @@
 mlds_output_init_args([], [_|_], _, _, _, _, _) -->
 	{ error("mlds_output_init_args: length mismatch") }.
 mlds_output_init_args([], [], _, _, _, _, _) --> [].
-mlds_output_init_args([Arg|Args], [_ArgType|ArgTypes], Context,
+mlds_output_init_args([Arg|Args], [ArgType|ArgTypes], Context,
 		ArgNum, Target, Tag, Indent) -->
 	mlds_indent(Context, Indent),
@@ -1254,7 +1337,7 @@
 	io__write_string(", "),
 	io__write_string(") = "),
-	mlds_output_rval(Arg),
+	mlds_output_boxed_rval(ArgType, Arg),
 	mlds_output_init_args(Args, ArgTypes, Context,
 		ArgNum + 1, Target, Tag, Indent).
@@ -1394,10 +1477,61 @@
-:- pred mlds_output_unop(unary_op, mlds__rval, io__state, io__state).
+:- pred mlds_output_unop(mlds__unary_op, mlds__rval, io__state, io__state).
 :- mode mlds_output_unop(in, in, di, uo) is det.
-mlds_output_unop(UnaryOp, Exprn) -->
+mlds_output_unop(box(Type), Exprn) -->
+	mlds_output_boxed_rval(Type, Exprn).
+mlds_output_unop(unbox(Type), Exprn) -->
+	mlds_output_unboxed_rval(Type, Exprn).
+mlds_output_unop(std_unop(Unop), Exprn) -->
+	mlds_output_std_unop(Unop, Exprn).
+:- pred mlds_output_boxed_rval(mlds__type, mlds__rval, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_boxed_rval(in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_boxed_rval(Type, Exprn) -->
+	(
+		{ Type = mlds__mercury_type(term__functor(term__atom("float"),
+				[], _))
+		; Type = mlds__float_type
+		}
+	->
+		io__write_string("MR_box_float("),
+		mlds_output_rval(Exprn),
+		io__write_string(")")
+	;
+		io__write_string("((MR_Box) ("),
+		mlds_output_rval(Exprn),
+		io__write_string("))")
+	).
+:- pred mlds_output_unboxed_rval(mlds__type, mlds__rval, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_unboxed_rval(in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_unboxed_rval(Type, Exprn) -->
+	(
+		{ Type = mlds__mercury_type(term__functor(term__atom("float"),
+				[], _))
+		; Type = mlds__float_type
+		}
+	->
+		io__write_string("MR_unbox_float("),
+		mlds_output_rval(Exprn),
+		io__write_string(")")
+	;
+		io__write_string("(("),
+		mlds_output_type(Type),
+		io__write_string(") "),
+		mlds_output_rval(Exprn),
+		io__write_string(")")
+	).
+:- pred mlds_output_std_unop(builtin_ops__unary_op, mlds__rval,
+		io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_std_unop(in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_std_unop(UnaryOp, Exprn) -->
 	{ c_util__unary_prefix_op(UnaryOp, UnaryOpString) },
@@ -1591,109 +1725,70 @@
-:- type base_data
-	--->	info
-	;	functors
-	;	layout.
-	% see runtime/mercury_trail.h
-:- type reset_trail_reason
-	--->	undo
-	;	commit
-	;	solve
-	;	exception
-	;	gc
-	.
-:- type mlds__qualified_proc_label
-	==	mlds__fully_qualified_name(mlds__proc_label).
-:- type mlds__proc_label
-	==	pair(mlds__pred_label, proc_id).
-:- type mlds__qualified_pred_label
-	==	mlds__fully_qualified_name(mlds__pred_label).
-:- type field_id == mlds__fully_qualified_name(field_name).
-:- type field_name == string.
-:- type mlds__var == mlds__fully_qualified_name(mlds__var_name).
-:- type mlds__var_name == string.
-% An mlds_module_name specifies the name of an mlds package or class.
-:- type mlds_module_name.
-% An mlds__package_name specifies the name of an mlds package.
-:- type mlds__package_name == mlds_module_name.
-% Given the name of a Mercury module, return the name of the corresponding
-% MLDS package.
-:- func mercury_module_name_to_mlds(mercury_module_name) = mlds__package_name.
-:- type mlds__qualified_entity_name
-	==	mlds__fully_qualified_name(mlds__entity_name).
+:- pred statements_contains_statement(mlds__statements, mlds__statement).
+:- mode statements_contains_statement(in, out) is nondet.
-:- type mlds__class_kind
-	--->	mlds__class		% A generic class:
-					% can inherit other classes and
-					% interfaces
-					% (but most targets will only support
-					% single inheritence, so usually there
-					% will be at most one class).
-	;	mlds__package		% A class with only static members
-					% (can only inherit other packages).
-					% Unlike other kinds of classes,
-					% packages should not be used as types.
-	;	mlds__interface		% A class with no variable data members
-					% (can only inherit other interfaces)
-	;	mlds__struct		% A value class
-					% (can only inherit other structs).
-	;	mlds__enum		% A class with one integer member and
-					% a bunch of static consts
-					% (cannot inherit anything).
-	.
+statements_contains_statement(Statements, SubStatement) :-
+	list__member(Statement, Statements),
+	statement_contains_statement(Statement, SubStatement).
-:- type mlds__class
-	---> mlds__class(
-		mlds__class_kind,
-		mlds__imports,			% imports these classes (or
-						% modules, packages, ...)
-		list(mlds__class_id),		% inherits these base classes
-		list(mlds__interface_id),	% implements these interfaces
-		mlds__defns			% contains these members
-	).
+:- pred maybe_statement_contains_statement(maybe(mlds__statement), mlds__statement).
+:- mode maybe_statement_contains_statement(in, out) is nondet.
-:- type mlds__type.
-:- type mercury_type == prog_data__type.
+maybe_statement_contains_statement(no, _Statement) :- fail.
+maybe_statement_contains_statement(yes(Statement), SubStatement) :-
+	statement_contains_statement(Statement, SubStatement).
-:- func mercury_type_to_mlds_type(mercury_type) = mlds__type.
+:- pred statement_contains_statement(mlds__statement, mlds__statement).
+:- mode statement_contains_statement(in, out) is multi.
-% Hmm... this is tentative.
-:- type mlds__class_id == mlds__type.
-:- type mlds__interface_id == mlds__type.
+statement_contains_statement(Statement, Statement).
+statement_contains_statement(Statement, SubStatement) :-
+	Statement = mlds__statement(Stmt, _Context),
+	stmt_contains_statement(Stmt, SubStatement).
+:- pred stmt_contains_statement(mlds__stmt, mlds__statement).
+:- mode stmt_contains_statement(in, out) is nondet.
-	%
-	% C code required for the C interface.
-	% When compiling to a language other than C,
-	% this part still needs to be generated as C code
-	% and compiled with a C compiler.
-	%
-:- type mlds__foreign_code
-	---> mlds__foreign_code(
-		c_header_info,
-		list(user_c_code),
-		list(c_export)		% XXX we will need to modify
-					% export.m to handle different
-					% target languages
+stmt_contains_statement(Stmt, SubStatement) :-
+	(
+		Stmt = block(_Defns, Statements),
+		statements_contains_statement(Statements, SubStatement)
+	;
+		Stmt = while(_Rval, Statement, _Once),
+		statement_contains_statement(Statement, SubStatement)
+	;
+		Stmt = if_then_else(_Cond, Then, MaybeElse),
+		( statement_contains_statement(Then, SubStatement)
+		; maybe_statement_contains_statement(MaybeElse, SubStatement)
+		)
+	;
+		Stmt = label(_Label),
+		fail
+	;
+		Stmt = goto(_),
+		fail
+	;
+		Stmt = computed_goto(_Rval, _Labels),
+		fail
+	;
+		Stmt = call(_Sig, _Func, _Obj, _Args, _RetLvals, _TailCall),
+		fail
+	;
+		Stmt = return(_Rvals),
+		fail
+	;
+		Stmt = do_commit(_Ref),
+		fail
+	;
+		Stmt = try_commit(_Ref, Statement, Handler),
+		( statement_contains_statement(Statement, SubStatement)
+		; statement_contains_statement(Handler, SubStatement)
+		)
+	;
+		Stmt = atomic(_AtomicStmt),
+		fail

Fergus Henderson <fjh at cs.mu.oz.au>  |  "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW: <http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~fjh>  |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger fjh at        |     -- the last words of T. S. Garp.
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