[m-dev.] debugger command set

Peter Schachte pets at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Fri Nov 13 17:40:04 AEDT 1998

> - During initialization, the debugger executes the following algorithm:
>   	source file named by MERCURY_DEBUGGER_DOC_INIT
>   	source file named by MERCURY_DEBUGGER_INIT
> 	if .mdbrc exists
> 		source it
> 	else if ~/.mdbrc exists
> 		source it

This still doesn't seem quite right.  Firstly, it's not clear that
having a .mdbrc file in the current directory should mean you don't
get your own .mdbrc.  If users are collaborating on a development,
there may be useful aliases they'd like to share, but that doesn't
mean that individuals would want to forego their own personal alias
set.  I think a better solution would be

	source file named by MERCURY_DEBUGGER_DOC_INIT
	source file named by MERCURY_DEBUGGER_INIT
	if ~/.mdbrc exists
		source it
	if .mdbrc exists
		source it

Also, if I want my personal alias set to override the standard
aliases, I believe the correct place for me to specify that is in my
personal ~/.mdbrc file, not in my ~/.${SHELL}rc file.  So I still
think there should be an "unalias *" command, or some other command to
allow me to undo the effects of the MERCURY_DEBUGGER_INIT file.  If I
become concerned about the time wasted reading $MERCURY_DEBUGGER_INIT,
I can still set the variable in the shell, or alias mdb to 

	MERCURY_DEBUGGER_INIT=/some/where/.mdbrc /where/ever/mdb

or whatever.

Peter Schachte                | I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound
mailto:pets at cs.mu.OZ.AU       | they make as they fly by.
http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~pets/ |     -- Douglas Adams 
PGP: finger pets at | 

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