trivial diff: fix debugger test cases

Fergus Henderson fjh at
Mon Nov 9 10:41:39 AEDT 1998

Fix some spurious test cases failures for the debugging test cases.

	Add alternative expected outputs for the test cases that
	produce different results when built in debug grades (i.e.
	when linked with a library was built with debugging enabled).

cvs diff: Diffing .
Index: existential_type_classes.exp2
RCS file: existential_type_classes.exp2
diff -N existential_type_classes.exp2
--- /dev/null	Mon Nov  9 10:40:25 1998
+++ existential_type_classes.exp2	Mon Nov  9 09:51:17 1998
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+       1:      1  1 CALL pred existential_type_classes:main/2-0 (det) 
+mdb> Command echo enabled.
+mdb> alias P print *
+P      =>    print *
+mdb> register --quiet
+mdb> break -i do_foo
+ 0: + stop  interface pred existential_type_classes:do_foo/2-0 (det)
+mdb> continue -a
+       2:      2  2 CALL pred existential_type_classes:do_foo/2-0 (det) 
+mdb> P
+       HeadVar__1           		42
+       3:      3  3 CALL pred existential_type_classes:foo/2-0 (det) 
+mdb> P
+       HeadVar__1           		42
+       4:      4  4 CALL pred existential_type_classes:Introduced_pred_for_existential_type_classes__fooable__int_0_____existential_type_classes__foo_2/2-0 (det) 
+mdb> P
+       HeadVar__1           		42
+mdb> continue -a
+       5:      5  5 CALL pred existential_type_classes:int_foo/2-0 (det) 
+       6:      5  5 EXIT pred existential_type_classes:int_foo/2-0 (det) 
+       7:      4  4 EXIT pred existential_type_classes:Introduced_pred_for_existential_type_classes__fooable__int_0_____existential_type_classes__foo_2/2-0 (det) 
+       8:      3  3 EXIT pred existential_type_classes:foo/2-0 (det) 
+       9:      2  2 EXIT pred existential_type_classes:do_foo/2-0 (det) 
+mdb> P
+       HeadVar__1           		42
+       HeadVar__2           		84
+mdb> continue -a
+      10:      6  2 CALL pred existential_type_classes:do_foo/2-0 (det) 
+mdb> P
+       HeadVar__1           		blah
+      11:      7  3 CALL pred existential_type_classes:foo/2-0 (det) 
+mdb> P
+       HeadVar__1           		blah
+      12:      8  4 CALL pred existential_type_classes:Introduced_pred_for_existential_type_classes__fooable__string_0_____existential_type_classes__foo_2/2-0 (det) 
+mdb> P
+       HeadVar__1           		blah
+mdb> continue -a
+      13:      9  5 CALL pred existential_type_classes:string_foo/2-0 (det) 
+      14:     10  6 CALL pred string:length/2-0 (det) 
+      15:     10  6 EXIT pred string:length/2-0 (det) 
+      16:      9  5 EXIT pred existential_type_classes:string_foo/2-0 (det) 
+      17:      8  4 EXIT pred existential_type_classes:Introduced_pred_for_existential_type_classes__fooable__string_0_____existential_type_classes__foo_2/2-0 (det) 
+      18:      7  3 EXIT pred existential_type_classes:foo/2-0 (det) 
+      19:      6  2 EXIT pred existential_type_classes:do_foo/2-0 (det) 
+mdb> P
+       HeadVar__1           		blah
+       HeadVar__2           		4
+mdb> continue -a
+      20:     11  2 CALL func existential_type_classes:my_exist_t/1-0 (det) 
+      21:     11  2 EXIT func existential_type_classes:my_exist_t/1-0 (det) 
+      22:     12  2 CALL pred existential_type_classes:do_foo/2-0 (det) 
+mdb> P
+       HeadVar__1           		43
+      23:     13  3 CALL pred existential_type_classes:foo/2-0 (det) 
+mdb> P
+       HeadVar__1           		43
+      24:     14  4 CALL pred existential_type_classes:Introduced_pred_for_existential_type_classes__fooable__int_0_____existential_type_classes__foo_2/2-0 (det) 
+mdb> P
+       HeadVar__1           		43
+mdb> continue -a
+      25:     15  5 CALL pred existential_type_classes:int_foo/2-0 (det) 
+      26:     15  5 EXIT pred existential_type_classes:int_foo/2-0 (det) 
+      27:     14  4 EXIT pred existential_type_classes:Introduced_pred_for_existential_type_classes__fooable__int_0_____existential_type_classes__foo_2/2-0 (det) 
+      28:     13  3 EXIT pred existential_type_classes:foo/2-0 (det) 
+      29:     12  2 EXIT pred existential_type_classes:do_foo/2-0 (det) 
+mdb> P
+       HeadVar__1           		43
+       HeadVar__2           		86
+mdb> continue -a
+      30:     16  2 CALL func existential_type_classes:call_my_exist_t/1-0 (det) 
+      31:     17  3 CALL func existential_type_classes:my_exist_t/1-0 (det) 
+      32:     17  3 EXIT func existential_type_classes:my_exist_t/1-0 (det) 
+      33:     16  2 EXIT func existential_type_classes:call_my_exist_t/1-0 (det) 
+      34:     18  2 CALL pred existential_type_classes:do_foo/2-0 (det) 
+mdb> P
+       HeadVar__1           		43
+      35:     19  3 CALL pred existential_type_classes:foo/2-0 (det) 
+mdb> P
+       HeadVar__1           		43
+      36:     20  4 CALL pred existential_type_classes:Introduced_pred_for_existential_type_classes__fooable__int_0_____existential_type_classes__foo_2/2-0 (det) 
+mdb> P
+       HeadVar__1           		43
+mdb> continue -a
+      37:     21  5 CALL pred existential_type_classes:int_foo/2-0 (det) 
+      38:     21  5 EXIT pred existential_type_classes:int_foo/2-0 (det) 
+      39:     20  4 EXIT pred existential_type_classes:Introduced_pred_for_existential_type_classes__fooable__int_0_____existential_type_classes__foo_2/2-0 (det) 
+      40:     19  3 EXIT pred existential_type_classes:foo/2-0 (det) 
+      41:     18  2 EXIT pred existential_type_classes:do_foo/2-0 (det) 
+mdb> P
+       HeadVar__1           		43
+       HeadVar__2           		86
+mdb> continue -a
+      42:     22  2 CALL func existential_type_classes:my_univ/2-0 (det) 
+      43:     22  2 EXIT func existential_type_classes:my_univ/2-0 (det) 
+      44:     23  2 CALL func existential_type_classes:my_univ_value/2-0 (det) 
+      45:     23  2 EXIT func existential_type_classes:my_univ_value/2-0 (det) 
+      46:     24  2 CALL pred existential_type_classes:do_foo/2-0 (det) 
+mdb> P
+       HeadVar__1           		45
+      47:     25  3 CALL pred existential_type_classes:foo/2-0 (det) 
+mdb> P
+       HeadVar__1           		45
+      48:     26  4 CALL pred existential_type_classes:Introduced_pred_for_existential_type_classes__fooable__int_0_____existential_type_classes__foo_2/2-0 (det) 
+mdb> P
+       HeadVar__1           		45
+mdb> continue -a
+      49:     27  5 CALL pred existential_type_classes:int_foo/2-0 (det) 
+      50:     27  5 EXIT pred existential_type_classes:int_foo/2-0 (det) 
+      51:     26  4 EXIT pred existential_type_classes:Introduced_pred_for_existential_type_classes__fooable__int_0_____existential_type_classes__foo_2/2-0 (det) 
+      52:     25  3 EXIT pred existential_type_classes:foo/2-0 (det) 
+      53:     24  2 EXIT pred existential_type_classes:do_foo/2-0 (det) 
+mdb> P
+       HeadVar__1           		45
+       HeadVar__2           		90
+      54:     28  2 CALL func existential_type_classes:my_univ/2-0 (det) 
+      55:     28  2 EXIT func existential_type_classes:my_univ/2-0 (det) 
+      56:     29  2 CALL func existential_type_classes:call_my_univ_value/2-0 (det) 
+mdb> P
+       HeadVar__1           		my_univ('<<c_pointer>>')
+      57:     30  3 CALL func existential_type_classes:my_univ_value/2-0 (det) 
+mdb> P
+       Univ                 		my_univ('<<c_pointer>>')
+mdb> continue -a
+      58:     30  3 EXIT func existential_type_classes:my_univ_value/2-0 (det) 
+      59:     29  2 EXIT func existential_type_classes:call_my_univ_value/2-0 (det) 
+      60:     31  2 CALL pred existential_type_classes:do_foo/2-0 (det) 
+mdb> P
+       HeadVar__1           		something
+mdb> continue -S
Index: interpreter.exp2
RCS file: interpreter.exp2
diff -N interpreter.exp2
--- /dev/null	Mon Nov  9 10:40:25 1998
+++ interpreter.exp2	Mon Nov  9 10:04:55 1998
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+       1:      1  1 CALL pred interpreter:main/2-0 (det) 
+mdb> mdb> Command echo enabled.
+mdb> 10 step
+Pure Prolog Interpreter.
+      11:      6  3 CALL pred interpreter:consult/5-0 (det) 
+mdb> vars
+        0 HeadVar__1
+        1 HeadVar__2
+        2 HeadVar__4
+mdb> print *
+       HeadVar__1           		interpreter.m
+       HeadVar__2           		[]
+       HeadVar__4           		state('<<c_pointer>>')
+mdb> goto 30
+Consulting file `interpreter.m'...
+      30:     17  9 CALL pred tree234:set2/4-1 (det) 
+mdb> print *
+       HeadVar__1           		two('<<c_pointer>>', "<standard input>", empty, empty)
+       HeadVar__2           		'<<c_pointer>>'
+       HeadVar__3           		interpreter.m
+mdb> finish -a
+      31:     17  9 THEN pred tree234:set2/4-1 (det) c2;t;
+      32:     17  9 SWTC pred tree234:set2/4-1 (det) c2;t;c2;s1;
+      33:     17  9 EXIT pred tree234:set2/4-1 (det) 
+mdb> print *
+       HeadVar__1           		two('<<c_pointer>>', "<standard input>", empty, empty)
+       HeadVar__2           		'<<c_pointer>>'
+       HeadVar__3           		interpreter.m
+       HeadVar__4           		three('<<c_pointer>>', "interpreter.m", '<<c_pointer>>', "<standard input>", empty, empty, empty)
+      34:     16  8 EXIT pred tree234:set/4-1 (det) 
+mdb> finish -n
+This command is a no-op from this port.
+      35:     15  7 EXIT pred map:set/4-1 (det) 
+      36:     18  7 CALL pred io:set_stream_names/3-0 (det) 
+mdb> continue
\ No newline at end of file
Index: multi_parameter.exp2
RCS file: multi_parameter.exp2
diff -N multi_parameter.exp2
--- /dev/null	Mon Nov  9 10:40:25 1998
+++ multi_parameter.exp2	Mon Nov  9 09:53:57 1998
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+       1:      1  1 CALL pred multi_parameter:main/2-0 (det) 
+mdb> Command echo enabled.
+       2:      2  2 CALL pred multi_parameter:foo/2-0 (det) 
+mdb> print *
+       HeadVar__1           		z
+       3:      3  3 CALL pred multi_parameter:a/2-0 (det) 
+mdb> print *
+       HeadVar__1           		z
+       4:      4  4 CALL pred multi_parameter:Introduced_pred_for_multi_parameter__m__character_0_int_0_____multi_parameter__a_2/2-0 (det) 
+mdb> print *
+       HeadVar__1           		z
+       5:      5  5 CALL pred char:to_int/2-0 (det) 
+mdb> print *
+       Character            		z
+       6:      5  5 EXIT pred char:to_int/2-0 (det) 
+mdb> print *
+       Character            		z
+       Int                  		122
+       7:      4  4 EXIT pred multi_parameter:Introduced_pred_for_multi_parameter__m__character_0_int_0_____multi_parameter__a_2/2-0 (det) 
+mdb> print *
+       HeadVar__1           		z
+       HeadVar__2           		122
+       8:      3  3 EXIT pred multi_parameter:a/2-0 (det) 
+mdb> print *
+       HeadVar__1           		z
+       HeadVar__2           		122
+mdb> continue -S

Fergus Henderson <fjh at>  |  "Binaries may die
WWW: <>  |   but source code lives forever"
PGP: finger fjh at        |     -- leaked Microsoft memo.

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