for review: bug fix for deforestation

Simon Taylor stayl at
Tue Nov 3 16:12:29 AEDT 1998

Estimated hours taken: 2

	Fix a bug in inst_MSG caused by not keeping track
	of the set of already expanded insts.

	Regression test.

Index: pd_util.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/pd_util.m,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -t -u -r1.2 pd_util.m
--- pd_util.m	1998/07/08 20:07:06	1.2
+++ pd_util.m	1998/10/29 07:49:23
@@ -680,44 +680,62 @@
         %       optimization, not loss of correctness.
 inst_MSG(InstA, InstB, ModuleInfo, Inst) :-
+        set__init(Expansions),
+        inst_MSG_1(InstA, InstB, Expansions, ModuleInfo, Inst).
+:- type expansions == set(pair(inst)).
+:- pred inst_MSG_1(inst, inst, expansions, module_info, inst).
+:- mode inst_MSG_1(in, in, in, in, out) is semidet.
+inst_MSG_1(InstA, InstB, Expansions, ModuleInfo, Inst) :-
         ( InstA = InstB ->
                 Inst = InstA
+                % We don't do recursive MSGs (we could,
+                % but it's probably not worth it).
+                \+ set__member(InstA - InstB, Expansions),
                 inst_expand(ModuleInfo, InstA, InstA2),
                 inst_expand(ModuleInfo, InstB, InstB2),
+                set__insert(Expansions, InstA - InstB, Expansions1),
                 ( InstB2 = not_reached ->
                         Inst = InstA2
-                        inst_MSG_2(InstA2, InstB2, ModuleInfo, Inst)
+                        inst_MSG_2(InstA2, InstB2, Expansions1,
+                                ModuleInfo, Inst)
-:- pred inst_MSG_2(inst, inst, module_info, inst).
-:- mode inst_MSG_2(in, in, in, out) is semidet.
+:- pred inst_MSG_2(inst, inst, expansions, module_info, inst).
+:- mode inst_MSG_2(in, in, in, in, out) is semidet.
-inst_MSG_2(any(_), any(Uniq), _, any(Uniq)).
-inst_MSG_2(free, free, _M, free).
+inst_MSG_2(any(_), any(Uniq), _, _, any(Uniq)).
+inst_MSG_2(free, free, _M, _, free).
-inst_MSG_2(bound(_, ListA), bound(UniqB, ListB), ModuleInfo, Inst) :-
-        bound_inst_list_MSG(ListA, ListB, ModuleInfo, UniqB, ListB, Inst).
-inst_MSG_2(bound(_, _), ground(UniqB, InfoB), _, ground(UniqB, InfoB)).
+inst_MSG_2(bound(_, ListA), bound(UniqB, ListB), Expansions,
+                ModuleInfo, Inst) :-
+        bound_inst_list_MSG(ListA, ListB, Expansions,
+                ModuleInfo, UniqB, ListB, Inst).
+inst_MSG_2(bound(_, _), ground(UniqB, InfoB), _, _, ground(UniqB, InfoB)).
         % fail here, since the increasing inst size could 
         % cause termination problems for deforestation.
-inst_MSG_2(ground(_, _), bound(_UniqB, _ListB), _, _) :- fail.
-inst_MSG_2(ground(_, _), ground(UniqB, InfoB), _, ground(UniqB, InfoB)). 
+inst_MSG_2(ground(_, _), bound(_UniqB, _ListB), _, _, _) :- fail.
+inst_MSG_2(ground(_, _), ground(UniqB, InfoB), _, _, ground(UniqB, InfoB)). 
 inst_MSG_2(abstract_inst(Name, ArgsA), abstract_inst(Name, ArgsB),
-                ModuleInfo, abstract_inst(Name, Args)) :-
-        inst_list_MSG(ArgsA, ArgsB, ModuleInfo, Args).
-inst_MSG_2(not_reached, Inst, _, Inst).
-:- pred inst_list_MSG(list(inst), list(inst), module_info, list(inst)).
-:- mode inst_list_MSG(in, in, in, out) is semidet.
-inst_list_MSG([], [], _ModuleInfo, []).
-inst_list_MSG([ArgA | ArgsA], [ArgB | ArgsB], ModuleInfo, [Arg | Args]) :-
-        inst_MSG(ArgA, ArgB, ModuleInfo, Arg),
-        inst_list_MSG(ArgsA, ArgsB, ModuleInfo, Args).
+                Expansions, ModuleInfo, abstract_inst(Name, Args)) :-
+        inst_list_MSG(ArgsA, ArgsB, Expansions, ModuleInfo, Args).
+inst_MSG_2(not_reached, Inst, _, _, Inst).
+:- pred inst_list_MSG(list(inst), list(inst), expansions,
+                module_info, list(inst)).
+:- mode inst_list_MSG(in, in, in, in, out) is semidet.
+inst_list_MSG([], [], _, _ModuleInfo, []).
+inst_list_MSG([ArgA | ArgsA], [ArgB | ArgsB], Expansions,
+                ModuleInfo, [Arg | Args]) :-
+        inst_MSG_1(ArgA, ArgB, Expansions, ModuleInfo, Arg),
+        inst_list_MSG(ArgsA, ArgsB, Expansions, ModuleInfo, Args).
         % bound_inst_list_MSG(Xs, Ys, ModuleInfo, Zs):
         % The two input lists Xs and Ys must already be sorted.
@@ -729,10 +747,10 @@
         % Otherwise, the take the msg of the argument insts.
 :- pred bound_inst_list_MSG(list(bound_inst), list(bound_inst),
-                module_info, uniqueness, list(bound_inst), inst).
-:- mode bound_inst_list_MSG(in, in, in, in, in, out) is semidet.
+                expansions, module_info, uniqueness, list(bound_inst), inst).
+:- mode bound_inst_list_MSG(in, in, in, in, in, in, out) is semidet.
-bound_inst_list_MSG(Xs, Ys, ModuleInfo, Uniq, List, Inst) :-
+bound_inst_list_MSG(Xs, Ys, Expansions, ModuleInfo, Uniq, List, Inst) :-
                 Xs = [],
                 Ys = []
@@ -744,9 +762,10 @@
                 X = functor(ConsId, ArgsX),
                 Y = functor(ConsId, ArgsY)
-                inst_list_MSG(ArgsX, ArgsY, ModuleInfo, Args),
+                inst_list_MSG(ArgsX, ArgsY, Expansions, ModuleInfo, Args),
                 Z = functor(ConsId, Args),
-                bound_inst_list_MSG(Xs1, Ys1, ModuleInfo, Uniq, List, Inst1),
+                bound_inst_list_MSG(Xs1, Ys1, Expansions,
+                        ModuleInfo, Uniq, List, Inst1),
                 ( Inst1 = bound(Uniq, Zs) ->
                         Inst = bound(Uniq, [Z | Zs])

Index: Mmakefile
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/tests/valid/Mmakefile,v
retrieving revision 1.26
diff -u -t -u -r1.26 Mmakefile
--- Mmakefile	1998/10/28 01:52:01	1.26
+++ Mmakefile	1998/11/03 05:06:48
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
         complicated_unify.m \
         constructor_arg_names.m \
         dcg_test.m \
+        deforest_loop.m \
         det_condition.m \
         det_inference.m \
         det_switch.m \
@@ -152,6 +153,7 @@
 MCFLAGS-two_way_unif            = -O-1
 MCFLAGS-type_inf_ambig_test     = --infer-all
 MCFLAGS-vn_float                = -O5
+MCFLAGS-deforest_loop           = -O3 --intermodule-optimization
 # intermod_lambda.m needs inter-module optimization
% This test case triggered an infinite loop in deforestation
% in the compiler of 3/11/1998.
:- module deforest_loop.
:- interface.

:- import_module float.

	% Lights are modelled as points.
:- type light
	--->	light(
			float,	% Power in range [0.0, 1.0].
			vec	% Position of light.

:- type attributes == int.

:- pred shade(scene, ray, ray, attributes, colour).
:- mode shade(in(scene), in, in, in, out) is det.

:- type vec == int.

:- inst scene
        --->    scene(

:- type scene
        --->    scene(
                        list(object),   % objects
                        list(light),    % light sources
                        float,          % ambient illumination
                        float,          % coefficient of specular reflection
                        float,          % exponent of specular reflection
                        float,          % focal length of pin-hole camera
                        colour          % background colour

:- type colour ---> rgb(float, float, float).
:- type ray == int.

:- type object == pred(int, int).
:- inst object = (pred(in, out) is nondet).

:- implementation.

:- import_module list, math.

shade(Scene, Ray, Intersection, Attributes, Colour) :-
	Colour0 = colour(Attributes),
	Ambient = scale(ambient(Scene), Colour0),
	list__map(shade_from_light(Scene, Ray, Intersection, Colour0),
			lights(Scene), Colours),
	list__foldl(add_colours, Colours, Ambient, Colour).

:- pred shade_from_light(scene, ray, ray, colour, light, colour).
:- mode shade_from_light(in(scene), in, in, in, in, out) is det.

:- external(shade_from_light/6).

:- func colour(attributes) = colour. 
:- external(colour/1).

:- func scale(float, colour) = colour.
scale(F, rgb(R, G, B)) = rgb(range(F * R), range(F * G), range(F * B)).

:- func ambient(scene::in(scene)) = (float::out) is det.
:- external(ambient/1).

:- func lights(scene::in(scene)) = (list(light)::out) is det.
:- external(lights/1).

:- pred add_colours(colour::in, colour::in, colour::out) is det.
add_colours(C0, C1, C0 + C1).

:- func '+'(colour, colour) = colour.
rgb(Ra, Ga, Ba) + rgb(Rb, Gb, Bb) = 
	rgb(range(Ra + Rb), range(Ga + Gb), range(Ba + Bb)).

:- func range(float) = float.
:- external(range/1).

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