for review: handling * in hlds_out

Zoltan Somogyi zs at
Wed Mar 11 19:03:19 AEDT 1998

Fix two problems in dealing with the operator *.

	Prevent the generation of malformed comments such as
		/* checking that A has functor */0 */
	when --auto-comments is set, by replacing * characters in cons ids
	by the string "star". This avoids a C compiler error cascade.

	Replace the misleading comment "Complicated unify" with "unify context"
	on goals that have a unify context annotation.


Index: hlds_out.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/hlds_out.m,v
retrieving revision 1.190
diff -u -u -r1.190 hlds_out.m
--- hlds_out.m	1998/03/03 17:34:33	1.190
+++ hlds_out.m	1998/03/11 07:55:37
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 % Copyright (C) 1994-1998 The University of Melbourne.
 % This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
@@ -189,7 +188,21 @@
 hlds_out__cons_id_to_string(cons(SymName, Arity), String) :-
-	prog_out__sym_name_to_string(SymName, SymNameString),
+	prog_out__sym_name_to_string(SymName, SymNameString0),
+	( string__contains_char(SymNameString0, '*') ->
+		% We need to protect against the * appearing next to a /
+		Stuff = lambda([Char::in, Str0::in, Str::out] is det, (
+			( Char = ('*') ->
+				string__append(Str0, "star", Str)
+			;
+				string__char_to_string(Char, CharStr),
+				string__append(Str0, CharStr, Str)
+			)
+		)),
+		string__foldl(Stuff, SymNameString0, "", SymNameString)
+	;
+		SymNameString = SymNameString0
+	),
 	string__int_to_string(Arity, ArityString),
 	string__append_list([SymNameString, "/", ArityString], String).
 hlds_out__cons_id_to_string(int_const(Int), String) :-
@@ -1104,7 +1117,7 @@
 			{ CallUnifyContext = call_unify_context(Var,
 					RHS, _UnifyContext) },
-			io__write_string("% Complicated unify: "),
+			io__write_string("% unify context: "),
 			mercury_output_var(Var, VarSet, AppendVarnums),
 			io__write_string(" = "),
 			hlds_out__write_unify_rhs_2(RHS, ModuleInfo, VarSet,

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