diff: fixed transitive intermodule optimization

Christopher Rodd SPEIRS crs at students.cs.mu.oz.au
Wed Jan 7 10:50:55 AEDT 1998

	Here is a fixed diff of the changes to support transitive
intermodule optimization.  It is already committed.


Fix the processing of .trans_opt files so that circular dependencies
cannot occur.  This also guarantees correctness of the information in
the .trans_opt file.

	Add the fact that --transitive-intermodule-optimization implies
	--intermodule-optimization, and that
	--make-transitive-optimization-interface implies

	Add code to read the .d file before new .d files are written.
	The .d file is only read if transitive intermodule optimization
	is enabled.  Also changed the pre-hlds pass so that .d files
	were not written when `error-check only' or `type-check only'
	options were selected.

	Modified so that the trans_opt dependencies were correctly
	created, and so they were written out to the .d files.  Also
	added new code to read the .d files in.  Removed the
	transitive_dependencies set of predicates as they were no longer

	Added new option 'warn-missing-trans-opt-deps', to control
	whether warnings are emitted when the dependency information in
	the .d file is lost.  Also uncommented the help messages
	describing transitive-intermodule-optimization.

	Small changes to trans_opt__grab_optfiles. Also modified the
	comment at the beginning of the file to reflect the current set
	of changes.

	Uncommented the documentation on transitive intermodule

Index: compiler/handle_options.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/handle_options.m,v
retrieving revision 1.37
diff -u -r1.37 handle_options.m
--- 1.37	1997/12/10 07:15:40
+++ handle_options.m	1998/01/06 23:37:31
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-% Copyright (C) 1994-1997 The University of Melbourne.
+% Copyright (C) 1994-1998 The University of Melbourne.
 % This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
 % Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
@@ -247,17 +247,17 @@
 	globals__io_set_option(num_tag_bits, int(NumTagBits)),
-	% --verbose-check-termination implies --check-termination
 	option_implies(verbose_check_termination, check_termination,bool(yes)),
-	% --check-termination implies --enable-termination
 	option_implies(check_termination, termination, bool(yes)),
+	option_implies(make_transitive_opt_interface, transitive_optimization,
+		bool(yes)),
+	option_implies(transitive_optimization, intermodule_optimization,
+		bool(yes)),
+	option_implies(very_verbose, verbose, bool(yes)),
 	% --split-c-files implies --procs-per-c-function 1
 	option_implies(split_c_files, procs_per_c_function, int(1)),
-	% --very-verbose implies --verbose
-	option_implies(very_verbose, verbose, bool(yes)),
 	% -D all is really -D "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
 	globals__io_lookup_string_option(verbose_dump_hlds, VerboseDump),
 	( { VerboseDump = "all" } ->
@@ -652,7 +652,7 @@
 			["Mercury Compiler, version ", Version, "\n"]),
-			"Copyright (C) 1993-1997 The University of Melbourne\n"),
+			"Copyright (C) 1993-1998 The University of Melbourne\n"),
 	io__write_string(StdErr, "Usage: "),
 	io__write_string(StdErr, ProgName),
 	io__write_string(StdErr, " [<options>] <module(s)>\n"),
@@ -664,7 +664,7 @@
 	io__progname_base("mercury_compile", ProgName),
 	{ library__version(Version) },
  	io__write_strings(["Mercury Compiler, version ", Version, "\n"]),
- 	io__write_string("Copyright (C) 1993-1997 The University of Melbourne\n"),
+ 	io__write_string("Copyright (C) 1993-1998 The University of Melbourne\n"),
 	io__write_string("Usage: "),
 	io__write_string(" [<options>] <module(s)>\n"),
Index: compiler/mercury_compile.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mercury_compile.m,v
retrieving revision 1.69
diff -u -r1.69 mercury_compile.m
--- 1.69	1998/01/02 00:10:41
+++ mercury_compile.m	1998/01/05 12:09:03
@@ -200,18 +200,20 @@
 :- mode mercury_compile(in, in, di, uo) is det.
 mercury_compile(Module, FactDeps) -->
-	{ Module = module_imports(ModuleName, _, _, _, _) },
-	mercury_compile__pre_hlds_pass(Module, FactDeps, HLDS1, UndefTypes,
-						UndefModes, Errors1), !,
+	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(typecheck_only, TypeCheckOnly),
+	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(errorcheck_only, ErrorCheckOnly),
+	{ bool__or(TypeCheckOnly, ErrorCheckOnly, DontWriteDFile) },
+	% If we are only typechecking or error checking, then we should not
+	% modify any files, this includes writing to .d files.
+	mercury_compile__pre_hlds_pass(Module, FactDeps, DontWriteDFile,
+		HLDS1, UndefTypes, UndefModes, Errors1), !,
 	mercury_compile__frontend_pass(HLDS1, HLDS20, UndefTypes,
-						UndefModes, Errors2), !,
+		UndefModes, Errors2), !,
 	( { Errors1 = no }, { Errors2 = no } ->
 	    globals__io_lookup_bool_option(verbose, Verbose),
 	    globals__io_lookup_bool_option(statistics, Stats),
 		Verbose, Stats, HLDS21),
-	    globals__io_lookup_bool_option(typecheck_only, TypeCheckOnly),
-	    globals__io_lookup_bool_option(errorcheck_only, ErrorCheckOnly),
@@ -229,6 +231,7 @@
 	    ; { MakeTransOptInt = yes } ->
+		{ Module = module_imports(ModuleName, _, _, _, _) },
 			Verbose, Stats, HLDS25),
 		mercury_compile__middle_pass(ModuleName, HLDS25, HLDS50), !,
@@ -258,21 +261,33 @@
 :- pred mercury_compile__pre_hlds_pass(module_imports, list(string),
-		module_info, bool, bool, bool, io__state, io__state).
-:- mode mercury_compile__pre_hlds_pass(in, in, out, out, out, out,
+		bool, module_info, bool, bool, bool, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mercury_compile__pre_hlds_pass(in, in, in, out, out, out, out,
 		di, uo) is det.
-mercury_compile__pre_hlds_pass(ModuleImports0, FactDeps, HLDS1, UndefTypes,
-		UndefModes, FoundError) -->
+mercury_compile__pre_hlds_pass(ModuleImports0, FactDeps, DontWriteDFile,
+		HLDS1, UndefTypes, UndefModes, FoundError) -->
 	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(statistics, Stats),
 	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(verbose, Verbose),
 	{ ModuleImports0 = module_imports(Module, LongDeps, ShortDeps, _, _) },
-	write_dependency_file(Module, LongDeps, ShortDeps, FactDeps), !,
+	( { DontWriteDFile = yes } ->
+		% The only time the TransOptDeps are required is when
+		% creating the .trans_opt file.  If DontWriteDFile is yes,
+		% then error check only or type-check only is enabled, so
+		% we cant be creating the .trans_opt file.
+		{ MaybeTransOptDeps = no }
+	;
+		maybe_read_dependency_file(Module, MaybeTransOptDeps), !,
+		write_dependency_file(Module, LongDeps, ShortDeps, FactDeps, 
+			MaybeTransOptDeps), !
+	),
 	% Errors in .opt and .trans_opt files result in software errors.
 	mercury_compile__maybe_grab_optfiles(ModuleImports0, Verbose,
-				 ModuleImports1, IntermodError), !,
+		MaybeTransOptDeps, ModuleImports1, IntermodError), !,
 	{ ModuleImports1 = module_imports(_, _, _, Items1, _) },
 	mercury_compile__module_qualify_items(Items1, Items2, Module, Verbose,
@@ -321,14 +336,18 @@
 :- pred mercury_compile__maybe_grab_optfiles(module_imports, bool,
-	 module_imports, bool, io__state, io__state).
-:- mode mercury_compile__maybe_grab_optfiles(in, in, out, out, di, uo) is det.
+	 maybe(list(string)), module_imports, bool, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mercury_compile__maybe_grab_optfiles(in, in, in, out, out, 
+	di, uo) is det.
-mercury_compile__maybe_grab_optfiles(Imports0, Verbose, Imports, Error) -->
+mercury_compile__maybe_grab_optfiles(Imports0, Verbose, MaybeTransOptDeps, 
+		Imports, Error) -->
 	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(intermodule_optimization, UseOptInt),
 	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(transitive_optimization, TransOpt),
+	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(make_transitive_opt_interface,
+		MakeTransOptInt),
 	( { UseOptInt = yes, MakeOptInt = no } ->
 		maybe_write_string(Verbose, "% Reading .opt files...\n"),
@@ -338,15 +357,45 @@
 		{ Imports1 = Imports0 },
 		{ Error1 = no }
-	( { TransOpt = yes } ->
-		maybe_write_string(Verbose, "% Reading .trans_opt files..\n"),
-		maybe_flush_output(Verbose),
-		trans_opt__grab_optfiles(Imports1, Imports, Error2),
-		maybe_write_string(Verbose, "% Done.\n")
+	( { MakeTransOptInt = yes } ->
+		( { MaybeTransOptDeps = yes(TransOptDeps) } ->
+			% When creating the trans_opt file, only import the
+			% trans_opt files which are lower in the ordering.
+			trans_opt__grab_optfiles(Imports1, TransOptDeps, 
+				Imports, Error2)
+		;
+			{ Imports = Imports1 },
+			{ Error2 = no },
+			{ Imports = module_imports(ModuleName, _, _, _, _) },
+			globals__io_lookup_bool_option(
+				warn_missing_trans_opt_deps,
+				WarnNoTransOptDeps),
+			( { WarnNoTransOptDeps = yes } ->
+				io__write_strings([
+				    "Warning: Cannot read dependencies for `",
+				    ModuleName, ".trans_opt'.\n",
+				    "  run `mmake main_module.depend' ",
+				    "to remake the dependencies\n"])
+			;
+				[]
+			)
+		)
-		{ Imports = Imports1 },
-		{ Error2 = no }
+		( { TransOpt = yes } ->
+			% If transitive optimization is enabled, but we are
+			% not creating the trans opt file, then import the
+			% trans_opt files for all the modules that are
+			% imported (or used).
+			{ Imports0 = module_imports(_Module, DirectImports, 
+				_IndirectImports, _Items, _) },
+			trans_opt__grab_optfiles(Imports1, DirectImports,
+				Imports, Error2)
+		;
+			{ Imports = Imports1 },
+			{ Error2 = no }
+		)
 	{ bool__or(Error1, Error2, Error) }.
 :- pred mercury_compile__expand_equiv_types(item_list, bool, bool, item_list,
Index: compiler/modules.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/modules.m,v
retrieving revision 1.46
diff -u -r1.46 modules.m
--- 1.46	1998/01/05 09:53:15
+++ modules.m	1998/01/06 23:23:51
@@ -87,15 +87,28 @@
 			module_error, io__state, io__state).
 :- mode grab_imported_modules(in, in, out, out, out, di, uo) is det.
-	% write_dependency_file(ModuleName, LongDeps, ShortDeps, FactDeps):
+	% write_dependency_file(ModuleName, LongDeps, ShortDeps, FactDeps
+	% 		MaybeTransOptDeps):
 	%	Write out the per-module makefile dependencies (`.d') file
 	%	for a module `ModuleName' which depends directly on the
 	% 	modules `LongDeps' and indirectly on the modules `ShortDeps'.
 	%	FactDeps is the list of filenames of fact tables in the module.
+	%	MaybeTransOptDeps is a list of filenames which the
+	%	.trans_opt file may depend on.  This is set to no if the
+	%	dependency list is not available.
 :- pred write_dependency_file(string, list(string), list(string), list(string),
-				io__state, io__state).
-:- mode write_dependency_file(in, in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+				maybe(list(string)), io__state, io__state).
+:- mode write_dependency_file(in, in, in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+	%	maybe_read_dependency_file(ModuleName, MaybeTransOptDeps).
+	%	If transitive intermodule optimization has been enabled,
+	%	then read <ModuleName>.d to find the modules which
+	%	<ModuleName>.trans_opt may depend on.  Otherwise return
+	%	`no'.
+:- pred maybe_read_dependency_file(string, maybe(list(string)), io__state,
+	io__state).
+:- mode maybe_read_dependency_file(in, out, di, uo) is det.
 	% generate_dependencies(ModuleName):
 	%	Generate the per-program makefile dependencies (`.dep') file
@@ -147,7 +160,7 @@
 :- import_module passes_aux, prog_out, mercury_to_mercury.
 :- import_module prog_io_util, globals, options, intermod, module_qual.
 :- import_module bool, string, set, map, term, varset, dir, std_util, library.
-:- import_module assoc_list, relation.
+:- import_module assoc_list, relation, char, require.
 	% Read in the .int3 files that the current module depends on,
 	% and use these to qualify all items in the interface as much as
@@ -453,7 +466,8 @@
-write_dependency_file(ModuleName, LongDeps0, ShortDeps0, FactDeps0) -->
+write_dependency_file(ModuleName, LongDeps0, ShortDeps0, FactDeps0,
+		MaybeTransOptDeps) -->
 	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(verbose, Verbose),
 	{ string__append(ModuleName, ".d", DependencyFileName) },
 	maybe_write_string(Verbose, "% Writing auto-dependency file `"),
@@ -462,16 +476,32 @@
 	io__open_output(DependencyFileName, Result),
 	( { Result = ok(DepStream) } ->
-		{ list__sort_and_remove_dups(LongDeps0, LongDeps1) },
-		{ list__delete_all(LongDeps1, ModuleName, LongDeps) },
-		{ list__sort_and_remove_dups(ShortDeps0, ShortDeps1) },
-		{ list__delete_elems(ShortDeps1, LongDeps, ShortDeps2) },
-		{ list__delete_all(ShortDeps2, ModuleName, ShortDeps) },
+		{ set__list_to_set(LongDeps0, LongDepsSet0) },
+		{ set__delete(LongDepsSet0, ModuleName, LongDepsSet) },
+		{ set__list_to_set(ShortDeps0, ShortDepsSet0) },
+		{ set__difference(ShortDepsSet0, LongDepsSet, ShortDepsSet1) },
+		{ set__delete(ShortDepsSet1, ModuleName, ShortDepsSet) },
+		{ set__to_sorted_list(LongDepsSet, LongDeps) },
+		{ set__to_sorted_list(ShortDepsSet, ShortDeps) },
 		{ list__sort_and_remove_dups(FactDeps0, FactDeps) },
+		( { MaybeTransOptDeps = yes(TransOptDeps0) } ->
+			{ set__list_to_set(TransOptDeps0, TransOptDepsSet0) },
+			{ set__intersect(TransOptDepsSet0, LongDepsSet,
+				TransOptDepsSet) },
+			{ set__to_sorted_list(TransOptDepsSet, 
+				TransOptDateDeps) },
+			io__write_strings(DepStream,
+				[ModuleName, ".trans_optdate : "]),
+			write_dependencies_list(TransOptDateDeps, ".trans_opt", 
+				DepStream)
+		;
+			[]
+		),
 		( { FactDeps \= [] } ->
-				[ModuleName, ".fact_tables = "]),
+				["\n\n", ModuleName, ".fact_tables = "]),
 			write_dependencies_list(FactDeps, "", DepStream),
@@ -502,7 +532,8 @@
-		io__write_strings(DepStream, [
+		io__write_strings(DepStream, ["\n\n",
+			ModuleName, ".trans_optdate ",
 			ModuleName, ".optdate ",
 			ModuleName, ".c ",
 			ModuleName, ".err ",
@@ -526,11 +557,14 @@
-							Intermod),
+			Intermod),
 		( { Intermod = yes } ->
 			io__write_strings(DepStream, [
-				"\n\n", ModuleName, ".c ",
-				ModuleName, ".err ", ModuleName, ".o :"
+				"\n\n", 
+				ModuleName, ".c ",
+				ModuleName, ".trans_optdate ",
+				ModuleName, ".err ", 
+				ModuleName, ".o :"
 			% The .c file only depends on the .opt files from 
 			% the current directory, so that inter-module
@@ -543,9 +577,27 @@
 			% modules.
 				intermod_directories, IntermodDirs),
-			get_opt_deps(LongDeps, IntermodDirs, [], OptDeps),
-			write_dependencies_list([ModuleName | OptDeps],
-				".opt", DepStream)
+			globals__io_lookup_bool_option(transitive_optimization,
+				TransOpt),
+			( { TransOpt = yes } ->
+				get_both_opt_deps(LongDeps, IntermodDirs, 
+					OptDeps, TransOptDeps),
+				write_dependencies_list([ModuleName | OptDeps],
+					".opt", DepStream),
+				io__write_strings(DepStream, [
+					"\n\n", 
+					ModuleName, ".c ",
+					ModuleName, ".err ", 
+					ModuleName, ".o :"
+				]),
+				write_dependencies_list(TransOptDeps,
+					".trans_opt", DepStream)
+			;
+				get_opt_deps(LongDeps, IntermodDirs, ".opt", 
+					OptDeps),
+				write_dependencies_list([ModuleName | OptDeps],
+					".opt", DepStream)
+			)
@@ -574,100 +626,263 @@
-	% For each dependency, search intermod_directories for a .opt
-	% file or a .m file, filtering out those for which the search fails.
-:- pred get_opt_deps(list(string)::in, list(string)::in, list(string)::in, 
-		list(string)::out, io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+maybe_read_dependency_file(ModuleName, MaybeTransOptDeps) -->
+	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(transitive_optimization, TransOpt),
+	( { TransOpt = yes } ->
+		globals__io_lookup_bool_option(verbose, Verbose),
+		{ string__append(ModuleName, ".d", DependencyFileName) },
+		maybe_write_string(Verbose, "% Reading auto-dependency file `"),
+		maybe_write_string(Verbose, DependencyFileName),
+		maybe_write_string(Verbose, "'..."),
+		maybe_flush_output(Verbose),
+		io__open_input(DependencyFileName, OpenResult),
+		( { OpenResult = ok(Stream) } ->
+			io__set_input_stream(Stream, OldStream),
+			{ string__append(ModuleName, ".trans_optdate", 
+				TransOptFileName0) },
+			{ string__to_char_list(TransOptFileName0, 
+				TransOptFileName) },
+			read_dependency_file_find_start(TransOptFileName, 
+				FindResult),
+			( { FindResult = yes } ->
+				read_dependency_file_get_modules(TransOptDeps),
+				{ MaybeTransOptDeps = yes(TransOptDeps) }
+			;
+				% error reading .d file
+				{ MaybeTransOptDeps = no }
+			),
+			io__set_input_stream(OldStream, _),	
+			io__close_input(Stream)
+		;
+			{ string__append_list(["can't open file `", 
+				DependencyFileName,
+				"' for input."], Message) },
+			{ MaybeTransOptDeps = no },
+			report_error(Message)
+		),
+		maybe_write_string(Verbose, " done.\n")
+	;
+			{ MaybeTransOptDeps = no }
+	).
+	% Read lines from the dependency file (module.d) until one is found
+	% which begins with TransOptFileName.
+:- pred read_dependency_file_find_start(list(char)::in, bool::out, 
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+read_dependency_file_find_start(TransOptFileName, Success) -->
+	io__read_line(Result),
+	( { Result = ok(CharList) } ->
+		( { list__append(TransOptFileName, _, CharList) } ->
+			% Have found the start
+			{ Success = yes }
+		;
+			read_dependency_file_find_start(TransOptFileName, 
+				Success)
+		)
+	; 
+		{ Success = no }
+	).
+	% Read lines until one is found which does not contain whitespace
+	% followed by a word which ends in .trans_opt.  Remove the
+	% .trans_opt ending from all the words which are read in and return
+	% the resulting list of modules..
+:- pred read_dependency_file_get_modules(list(string)::out, io__state::di,
+	io__state::uo) is det.
+read_dependency_file_get_modules(TransOptDeps) -->
+	io__read_line(Result),
+	( 
+		{ Result = ok(CharList0) },
+		% Remove any whitespace from the beginning of the line,
+		% then take all characters until another whitespace occurs.
+		{ list__takewhile(char__is_whitespace, CharList0, _, 
+			CharList1) },
+		{ NotIsWhitespace = lambda([Char::in] is semidet, (
+			\+ char__is_whitespace(Char)
+		)) },
+		{ list__takewhile(NotIsWhitespace, CharList1, CharList, _) },
+		% Remove the ".trans_opt" suffix from the word which was
+		% read in.
+		{ list__remove_suffix(CharList, 
+			['.','t','r','a','n','s','_','o','p','t'], 
+			ModuleCharList) }
+	->
+		{ string__from_char_list(ModuleCharList, Module) },
+		read_dependency_file_get_modules(TransOptDeps0),
+		{ TransOptDeps = [ Module | TransOptDeps0 ] }
+	;
+		{ TransOptDeps = [] }
+	).
-get_opt_deps([], _, OptDeps, OptDeps) --> [].
-get_opt_deps([Dep | Deps], IntermodDirs, OptDeps0, OptDeps) -->
+	% get_both_opt_deps(Deps, Directories, OptDeps, TransOptDeps).
+	% For each dependency, search intermod_directories for a .m file.
+	% If it exists, add it to both output lists. Otherwise, if a .opt
+	% file exists, add it to the OptDeps list, and if a .trans_opt
+	% file exists, add it to the TransOptDeps list.
+:- pred get_both_opt_deps(list(string)::in, list(string)::in, 
+	list(string)::out, list(string)::out, 
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+get_both_opt_deps([], _, [], []) --> [].
+get_both_opt_deps([Dep | Deps], IntermodDirs, OptDeps, TransOptDeps) -->
 	{ string__append(Dep, ".m", DepName) },
 	search_for_file(IntermodDirs, DepName, Result1),
+	get_both_opt_deps(Deps, IntermodDirs, OptDeps0, TransOptDeps0),
 	( { Result1 = yes } ->
-		{ OptDeps1 = [Dep | OptDeps0] },
+		{ OptDeps = [Dep | OptDeps0] },
+		{ TransOptDeps = [Dep | TransOptDeps0] },
 		{ string__append(Dep, ".opt", OptName) },
 		search_for_file(IntermodDirs, OptName, Result2),
 		( { Result2 = yes } ->
-			{ OptDeps1 = [Dep | OptDeps0] },
+			{ OptDeps = [Dep | OptDeps0] },
+			io__seen
+		;
+			{ OptDeps = OptDeps0 }
+		),
+		{ string__append(Dep, ".trans_opt", TransOptName) },
+		search_for_file(IntermodDirs, TransOptName, Result3),
+		( { Result3 = yes } ->
+			{ TransOptDeps = [Dep | TransOptDeps0] },
-			{ OptDeps1 = OptDeps0 }
+			{ TransOptDeps = TransOptDeps0 }
-	),
-	get_opt_deps(Deps, IntermodDirs, OptDeps1, OptDeps).
+	).
+	% For each dependency, search intermod_directories for a .Suffix
+	% file or a .m file, filtering out those for which the search fails.
+:- pred get_opt_deps(list(string)::in, list(string)::in, string::in,
+	list(string)::out, io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+get_opt_deps([], _, _, []) --> [].
+get_opt_deps([Dep | Deps], IntermodDirs, Suffix, OptDeps) -->
+	{ string__append(Dep, ".m", DepName) },
+	search_for_file(IntermodDirs, DepName, Result1),
+	get_opt_deps(Deps, IntermodDirs, Suffix, OptDeps0),
+	( { Result1 = yes } ->
+		{ OptDeps = [Dep | OptDeps0] },
+		io__seen
+	;
+		{ string__append(Dep, Suffix, OptName) },
+		search_for_file(IntermodDirs, OptName, Result2),
+		( { Result2 = yes } ->
+			{ OptDeps = [Dep | OptDeps0] },
+			io__seen
+		;
+			{ OptDeps = OptDeps0 }
+		)
+	).
 generate_dependencies(Module) -->
-	%
-	% first, build up a map of the dependencies (writing `.d' files as
-	% we go)
-	%
+	% first, build up a map of the dependencies.
 	{ map__init(DepsMap0) },
 	generate_deps_map([Module], DepsMap0, DepsMap),
-	% check whether we couldn't read the main `.m' file
+	% check whether we could read the main `.m' file
 	{ map__lookup(DepsMap, Module, deps(_, Error, _, _, _)) },
-	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(verbose, Verbose),
 	( { Error = fatal } ->
-	    { string__append_list(["fatal error reading module `",
-				Module, "'."], Message) },
-	    report_error(Message)
-	;
-	    %
-	    % now, write the `.dep' file
-	    %
-	    { string__append(Module, ".dep", DepFileName) },
-	    maybe_write_string(Verbose, "% Creating auto-dependency file `"),
-	    maybe_write_string(Verbose, DepFileName),
-	    maybe_write_string(Verbose, "'...\n"),
-	    io__open_output(DepFileName, DepResult),
-	    ( { DepResult = ok(DepStream) } ->
-		generate_dep_file(Module, DepsMap, DepStream),
-		io__close_output(DepStream),
-		maybe_write_string(Verbose, "% done\n")
-	    ;
-		{ string__append_list(["can't open file `", DepFileName,
-				"' for output."], DepMessage) },
-		report_error(DepMessage)
-	    ),
-	    globals__io_lookup_bool_option(generate_module_order, Order),
-	    ( { Order = yes } ->
-	  	{ string__append(Module, ".order", OrdFileName) },
+		{ string__append_list(["fatal error reading module `",
+			Module, "'."], Message) },
+		report_error(Message)
+	;
+		globals__io_lookup_accumulating_option(intermod_directories, 
+			IntermodDirs),
+		generate_dependencies_write_dep_file(Module, DepsMap),
+		{ relation__init(DepsRel0) },
+		{ map__to_assoc_list(DepsMap, DepsList) },
+		{ deps_map_to_deps_rel(DepsList, DepsMap, 
+			DepsRel0, DepsRel) },
+		{ relation__atsort(DepsRel, DepsOrdering0) },
+		maybe_output_module_order(Module, DepsOrdering0),
+		{ list__map(set__to_sorted_list, DepsOrdering0, 
+			DepsOrdering) },
+		{ list__condense(DepsOrdering, TransOptDepsOrdering0) },
+		get_opt_deps(TransOptDepsOrdering0, IntermodDirs, ".trans_opt",
+			TransOptDepsOrdering),
+		generate_dependencies_write_d_files(DepsOrdering,
+			TransOptDepsOrdering, DepsMap)
+	).
+:- pred maybe_output_module_order(string::in, list(set(string))::in,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+maybe_output_module_order(Module, DepsOrdering) -->
+	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(generate_module_order, Order),
+	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(verbose, Verbose),
+	( { Order = yes } ->
+		{ string__append(Module, ".order", OrdFileName) },
 		maybe_write_string(Verbose, "% Creating module order file `"),
 		maybe_write_string(Verbose, OrdFileName),
 		maybe_write_string(Verbose, "'...\n"),
 		io__open_output(OrdFileName, OrdResult),
 		( { OrdResult = ok(OrdStream) } ->
-		    { relation__init(DepsRel0) },
-		    { map__to_assoc_list(DepsMap, DepsList) },
-		    { deps_map_to_deps_rel(DepsList, DepsMap, 
-				DepsRel0, DepsRel) },
-		    { relation__atsort(DepsRel, DepsOrdering) },
-		    io__write_list(OrdStream, DepsOrdering, "\n\n", 
-		    		write_module_scc(OrdStream)),
-		    io__close_output(OrdStream),
-		    maybe_write_string(Verbose, "% done\n")
-		;
-		    { string__append_list(["can't open file `", 
-				OrdFileName, "' for output."], OrdMessage) },
-		    report_error(OrdMessage)
+			io__write_list(OrdStream, DepsOrdering, "\n\n", 
+					write_module_scc(OrdStream)),
+			io__close_output(OrdStream),
+			maybe_write_string(Verbose, "% done\n")
+		;
+			{ string__append_list(["can't open file `", 
+	    			OrdFileName, "' for output."], OrdMessage) },
+			report_error(OrdMessage)
-	    ;
+	;
-	    )
 :- pred write_module_scc(io__output_stream::in, set(module_name)::in,
 		io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
 write_module_scc(Stream, SCC0) -->
 	{ set__to_sorted_list(SCC0, SCC) },
 	io__write_list(Stream, SCC, "\n", io__write_string).
+% generate_dependencies_write_d_files(Sccs, TransOptOrder, DepsMap, IO0, IO).
+%		This predicate writes out the .d files for all the modules
+%		in the Sccs list.  
+%		Sccs is a list of lists of modules.  Each list of
+%		modules represents a set of strongly connected components
+%		of the module call graph.  
+%		TransOptOrder gives the ordering that is used to determine
+%		which other modules the .trans_opt files may depend on.
+:- pred generate_dependencies_write_d_files(list(list(string))::in, 
+	list(string)::in, deps_map::in, io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+generate_dependencies_write_d_files([], _, _) --> [].
+generate_dependencies_write_d_files([Scc | Sccs], TransOptOrder, DepsMap) --> 
+	{ list__condense([Scc | Sccs], TransDeps) },
+	generate_dependencies_write_d_files_2(Scc, TransDeps, TransOptOrder,
+		DepsMap),
+	generate_dependencies_write_d_files(Sccs, TransOptOrder, DepsMap).
+:- pred generate_dependencies_write_d_files_2(list(string)::in, 
+	list(string)::in, list(string)::in, deps_map::in, 
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+generate_dependencies_write_d_files_2([], _, _TransOptOrder, _DepsMap) --> [].
+generate_dependencies_write_d_files_2([ModuleName | ModuleNames], TransDeps,
+		TransOptOrder, DepsMap) --> 
+	{ map__lookup(DepsMap, ModuleName, 
+		deps(_, Error, _IntDeps, ImplDeps, FactDeps)) },
+	{ FindModule = lambda([Module::in] is semidet, ( 
+		ModuleName \= Module )) },
+	{ list__takewhile(FindModule, TransOptOrder, _, TransOptDeps0) },
+	( { TransOptDeps0 = [ _ | TransOptDeps1 ] } ->
+		% The module was found in the list
+		{ TransOptDeps = TransOptDeps1 }
+	;
+		{ TransOptDeps = [] }
+	),
+	% Note that even if a fatal error occured for one of the files that
+	% the current Module depends on, a .d file is still produced, even
+	% though it probably contains incorrect information.
+	( { Error \= fatal } ->
+		write_dependency_file(ModuleName, ImplDeps, TransDeps,
+			FactDeps, yes(TransOptDeps))
+	;
+		[]
+	),
+	generate_dependencies_write_d_files_2(ModuleNames, TransDeps,
+		TransOptOrder, DepsMap).
 % This is the data structure we use to record the dependencies.
 % We keep a map from module name to information about the module.
@@ -685,8 +900,6 @@
 	% (Module1 deps_rel Module2) means Module1 is imported by Module2.
 :- type deps_rel == relation(string).
-% This is the predicate which creates the above data structure.
 :- pred generate_deps_map(list(string), deps_map, deps_map,
 			io__state, io__state).
 :- mode generate_deps_map(in, in, out, di, uo) is det.
@@ -697,31 +910,20 @@
 		% it has been processed yet.
 	lookup_dependencies(Module, DepsMap0, no, Done, Error, IntDeps, 
 				ImplDeps, FactDeps, DepsMap1),
-		% If the module hadn't been processed yet, compute its
-		% transitive dependencies (we already know its primary ones),
-		% (1) output this module's dependencies to its `.d' file
-		% (if the `.m' file exists), (2) add its imports to the list of
-		% dependencies we need to generate, and (3) mark it as having
-		% been processed.
+		% If the module hadn't been processed yet, then add its
+		% imports to the list of dependencies we need to generate
+		% and mark it as having been processed.
 	( { Done = no } ->
 		{ map__set(DepsMap1, Module,
 			deps(yes, Error, IntDeps, ImplDeps, FactDeps), 
-			DepsMap2) },
-		transitive_dependencies(ImplDeps, DepsMap2, no, SecondaryDeps,
-			DepsMap3),
-		( { Error \= fatal } ->
-			write_dependency_file(Module, ImplDeps, SecondaryDeps,
-			FactDeps)
-		;
-			[]
-		),
-		{ list__append(ImplDeps, Modules, Modules2) }
+				DepsMap2) },
+		{ list__append(ImplDeps, Modules, Modules1) }
-		{ DepsMap3 = DepsMap1 },
-		{ Modules2 = Modules }
+		{ DepsMap2 = DepsMap1 },
+		{ Modules1 = Modules }
 		% Recursively process the remaining modules
-	generate_deps_map(Modules2, DepsMap3, DepsMap).
+	generate_deps_map(Modules1, DepsMap2, DepsMap).
 	% Construct a dependency relation of all the modules in the program.
@@ -738,8 +940,8 @@
 		    lambda([Dep::in, Relation0::in, Relation::out] is det, (
 			relation__add_element(Relation0, Dep,
 				DepRelKey, Relation1),
-			relation__add(Relation1, DepRelKey,
-				ModuleRelKey, Relation)
+			relation__add(Relation1, ModuleRelKey,
+				DepRelKey, Relation)
 		list__foldl(AddDeps, IntDeps, Rel1, Rel2),
 		list__foldl(AddDeps, ImplDeps, Rel2, Rel3)
@@ -748,8 +950,28 @@
 	deps_map_to_deps_rel(DepsList, DepsMap, Rel3, Rel).
-% Write out the `.dep' file, using the information collected in the
-% deps_map data structure.
+	% Write out the `.dep' file, using the information collected in the
+	% deps_map data structure.
+:- pred generate_dependencies_write_dep_file(string::in, deps_map::in, 
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+generate_dependencies_write_dep_file(Module, DepsMap) -->
+	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(verbose, Verbose),
+	{ string__append(Module, ".dep", DepFileName) },
+	maybe_write_string(Verbose, "% Creating auto-dependency file `"),
+	maybe_write_string(Verbose, DepFileName),
+	maybe_write_string(Verbose, "'...\n"),
+	io__open_output(DepFileName, DepResult),
+	( { DepResult = ok(DepStream) } ->
+		generate_dep_file(Module, DepsMap, DepStream),
+		io__close_output(DepStream),
+		maybe_write_string(Verbose, "% done\n")
+	;
+		{ string__append_list(["can't open file `", DepFileName,
+			"' for output."], DepMessage) },
+		report_error(DepMessage)
+	).
 :- pred generate_dep_file(string, deps_map, io__output_stream,
 			io__state, io__state).
@@ -1120,81 +1342,6 @@
-	% Given a list of modules, return a list of those modules
-	% and all their transitive interface dependencies.
-:- pred transitive_dependencies(list(string), deps_map, bool, list(string), 
-				deps_map, io__state, io__state).
-:- mode transitive_dependencies(in, in, in, out, out, di, uo) is det.
-transitive_dependencies(Modules, DepsMap0, Search, Dependencies, DepsMap) -->
-	{ set__init(Dependencies0) },
-	transitive_dependencies_2(Modules, Dependencies0, DepsMap0, Search,
-		Dependencies1, DepsMap),
-	{ set__to_sorted_list(Dependencies1, Dependencies) }.
-:- pred transitive_dependencies_2(list(string), set(string), deps_map, bool,
-				set(string), deps_map,
-				io__state, io__state).
-:- mode transitive_dependencies_2(in, in, in, in, out, out, di, uo) is det.
-transitive_dependencies_2([], Deps, DepsMap, _Search, Deps, DepsMap) --> [].
-transitive_dependencies_2([Module | Modules0], Deps0, DepsMap0, Search, Deps, 
-		DepsMap)
-		-->
-	( { set__member(Module, Deps0) } ->
-		{ Deps1 = Deps0 },
-		{ DepsMap1 = DepsMap0 },
-		{ Modules1 = Modules0 }
-	;
-		{ set__insert(Deps0, Module, Deps1) },
-		lookup_dependencies(Module, DepsMap0, Search, _, _, 
-			IntDeps, _ImplDeps, _FactDeps, DepsMap1),
-		{ list__append(IntDeps, Modules0, Modules1) }
-	),
-	transitive_dependencies_2(Modules1, Deps1, DepsMap1, Search, Deps, 
-		DepsMap).
-        % Given a list of modules, return a list of those modules
-        % and all their transitive implementation dependencies.
-:- pred trans_impl_dependencies(list(string), deps_map, bool,
-                        list(string), deps_map, io__state, io__state).
-:- mode trans_impl_dependencies(in, in, in, out, out, di, uo) is det.
-trans_impl_dependencies(Modules, DepsMap0, Search, Dependencies, DepsMap) -->
-        { set__init(Dependencies0) },
-        trans_impl_dependencies_2(Modules, Dependencies0, DepsMap0, Search,
-                Dependencies1, DepsMap),
-        { set__to_sorted_list(Dependencies1, Dependencies) }.
-:- pred trans_impl_dependencies_2(list(string), set(string), deps_map, bool,
-                                set(string), deps_map,
-                                io__state, io__state).
-:- mode trans_impl_dependencies_2(in, in, in, in, out, out, di, uo) is det.
-trans_impl_dependencies_2([], Deps, DepsMap, _Search, Deps, DepsMap) --> [].
-trans_impl_dependencies_2([Module | Modules0], Deps0, DepsMap0, Search, Deps,
-                DepsMap)
-                -->
-        ( { set__member(Module, Deps0) } ->
-                { Deps1 = Deps0 },
-                { DepsMap1 = DepsMap0 },
-                { Modules2 = Modules0 }
-        ;
-                { set__insert(Deps0, Module, Deps1) },
-                lookup_dependencies(Module, DepsMap0, Search, _, _, IntDeps, 
-                	ImplDeps, _FactDeps, DepsMap1),
-                { list__append(IntDeps, Modules0, Modules1) },
-                { list__append(ImplDeps, Modules1, Modules2) }
-        ),
-        trans_impl_dependencies_2(Modules2, Deps1, DepsMap1, Search, Deps,
-                DepsMap).
 	% Look up a module in the dependency map
 	% If we don't know its dependencies, read the
 	% module and save the dependencies in the dependency map.
@@ -1206,8 +1353,7 @@
 		di, uo) is det.
 lookup_dependencies(Module, DepsMap0, Search, Done, Error, IntDeps, 
-		ImplDeps, FactDeps, DepsMap)
-		-->
+		ImplDeps, FactDeps, DepsMap) -->
 		{ map__search(DepsMap0, Module,
 			deps(Done0, Error0, IntDeps0, ImplDeps0, FactDeps0)) }
@@ -1220,7 +1366,7 @@
 		{ DepsMap = DepsMap0 }
 		read_dependencies(Module, Search, IntDeps, ImplDeps, FactDeps, 
-				Error),
+			Error),
 		{ map__det_insert(DepsMap0, Module, 
 		    deps(no, Error, IntDeps, ImplDeps, FactDeps), DepsMap) },
 		{ Done = no }
Index: compiler/options.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/options.m,v
retrieving revision 1.217
diff -u -r1.217 options.m
--- 1.217	1998/01/05 08:40:28
+++ options.m	1998/01/06 22:52:39
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
 		;	warn_unused_args
 		;	warn_interface_imports
 		;	warn_missing_opt_files
+		;	warn_missing_trans_opt_deps
 		;	warn_non_stratification
 		;	warn_simple_code
 		;	warn_duplicate_calls
@@ -303,6 +304,7 @@
 	warn_interface_imports	-	bool(yes),
 	warn_non_stratification -	bool(no),
 	warn_missing_opt_files  -	bool(yes),
+	warn_missing_trans_opt_deps  -	bool(yes),
 	warn_simple_code	-	bool(yes),
 	warn_duplicate_calls	-	bool(no),
 	warn_missing_module_name -	bool(yes),
@@ -593,6 +595,7 @@
 long_option("warn-interface-imports",	warn_interface_imports).
 long_option("warn-non-stratification",	warn_non_stratification).
 long_option("warn-missing-opt-files",	warn_missing_opt_files).
+long_option("warn-missing-trans-opt-deps",	warn_missing_trans_opt_deps).
 long_option("warn-simple-code",		warn_simple_code).
 long_option("warn-duplicate-calls",	warn_duplicate_calls).
 long_option("warn-missing-module-name",	warn_missing_module_name).
@@ -918,6 +921,7 @@
 			warn_nothing_exported	-	bool(Enable),
 			warn_interface_imports	-	bool(Enable),
 			warn_missing_opt_files	-	bool(Enable),
+			warn_missing_trans_opt_deps -	bool(Enable),
 			warn_simple_code	-	bool(Enable),
 			warn_missing_module_name -	bool(Enable),
 			warn_wrong_module_name	-	bool(Enable)
@@ -1153,8 +1157,14 @@
 	io__write_string("\t\tWarn about modules imported in the interface, but\n"),
 	io__write_string("\t\twhich are not used in the interface.\n"),
-	io__write_string("\t--warn-missing-opt-files\n"),
-	io__write_string("\t\tWarn about `.opt' files which cannot be opened.\n"),
+	io__write_string("\t--no-warn-missing-opt-files\n"),
+	io__write_string("\t\tDisable warnings about `.opt' files which cannot be opened.\n"),
+	io__write_string("\t--no-warn-missing-trans-opt-deps\n"),
+	io__write_string("\t\tDisable warnings produced when the information required\n"),
+	io__write_string("\t\tto allow `.trans_opt' files to be read when creating other\n"),
+	io__write_string("\t\t`.trans_opt' files has been lost.  The information can be\n"),
+	io__write_string("\t\trecreated by running `mmake <mainmodule>.depend'\n"),
 	io__write_string("\t\tWarn about possible non-stratification in the module.\n"),
 	io__write_string("\t\tNon-stratification occurs when a predicate/function can call\n"),
@@ -1216,7 +1226,6 @@
 	io__write_string("\t\tOutput the strongly connected components of the module\n"),
 	io__write_string("\t\tdependency graph in top-down order to `<module>.order'.\n"),
 	io__write_string("\t\tImplies --generate-dependencies.\n"),
 	io__write_string("\t-i, --make-int, --make-interface\n"),
 	io__write_string("\t\tWrite the module interface to `<module>.int',\n"),
 	io__write_string("\t\tand write the short interface to `<module>.int2'\n"),
@@ -1228,10 +1237,10 @@
 	io__write_string("\t\tWrite inter-module optimization information to\n"),
 	io__write_string("\t\tThis option should only be used by mmake.\n"),
-%	io__write_string("\t--make-transitive-optimization-interface\n"),
-%	io__write_string("\t--make-trans-opt\n"),
-%	io__write_string("\t\tOutput transitive optimization information\n"),
-%	io__write_string("\t\tinto the <module>.trans_opt file.\n"),
+	io__write_string("\t--make-trans-opt\n"),
+	io__write_string("\t--make-transitive-optimization-interface\n"),
+	io__write_string("\t\tOutput transitive optimization information\n"),
+	io__write_string("\t\tinto the `<module>.trans_opt' file.\n"),
 	io__write_string("\t-G, --convert-to-goedel\n"),
 	io__write_string("\t\tConvert to Goedel. Output to file `<module>.loc'.\n"),
 	io__write_string("\t\tNote that some Mercury language constructs cannot\n"),
@@ -1545,10 +1554,10 @@
 	io__write_string("\t\tPerform inlining and higher-order specialization of\n"),
 	io__write_string("\t\tthe code for predicates imported from other modules.\n"),
 	io__write_string("\t\tThis option must be set throughout the compilation process.\n"),
-%	io__write_string("\t--trans-intermod-opt\n"),
-%	io__write_string("\t--transitive-intermodule-optimization\n"),
-%	io__write_string("\t\tImport the transitive intermodule optimization data.\n"),
-%	io__write_string("\t\tThis data is imported from <module>.trans_opt files.\n"),
+	io__write_string("\t--trans-intermod-opt\n"),
+	io__write_string("\t--transitive-intermodule-optimization\n"),
+	io__write_string("\t\tImport the transitive intermodule optimization data.\n"),
+	io__write_string("\t\tThis data is imported from `<module>.trans_opt' files.\n"),
 	io__write_string("\t--enable-term, --enable-termination\n"),
 	io__write_string("\t\tAnalyse each predicate to discover if it terminates.\n"),
 	io__write_string("\t--chk-term, --check-term, --check-termination\n"),
Index: compiler/trans_opt.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/trans_opt.m,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 trans_opt.m
--- 1.3	1997/12/22 09:56:37
+++ trans_opt.m	1998/01/06 23:34:55
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-% Copyright (C) 1997 The University of Melbourne.
+% Copyright (C) 1997-1998 The University of Melbourne.
 % This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
 % Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
@@ -15,30 +15,19 @@
 % other .trans_opt files introduces the possibility of circular
 % dependencies occuring. These circular dependencies would occur if the
 % data in A.trans_opt depended on the data in B.trans_opt being correct,
-% and vice-versa.  Before .trans_opt files can be used safely, a system
-% will need to be implemented to ensure that circular dependencies cannot
-% occur.  The best way to do this has not yet been decided upon, but here
-% are some possibilities:
-% 1 - Have mmc <module>.depend output a .order file.  This file would
-%     contain a list of all the modules in the current program, sorted
-%     topologically.  As a result, any module may import a .trans_opt file
-%     from another module if and only if that other module appears after
-%     the current module in the .order file.  This solution has the
-%     advantage that it is quite simple to implement (in fact Simon Taylor
-%     has already implemented it).  Unfortunatly, it has some problems.
-%     Firstly, when module dependencies change, the .order file is not
-%     modified until mmc <module>.depend is run again.  Secondly, some
-%     modules are only imported for types.  It would be better if these
-%     dependencies were not considered, but this would make it quite
-%     difficult to create the .order file. Thirdly, it is not clear how to
-%     handle the situation where one module is used by two different
-%     programs, and if the dependencies of that module changes between when
-%     mmc <module>.depend is run on each program.
-% 2 - Have a system where the dependencies can be modified each time 
-%     compiler is run.  This causes all sorts of problems when considering
-%     the effect of parallel makes.
+% and vice-versa.  
+% The following system is used to ensure that circular dependencies cannot
+% occur:
+% 	When mmake <module>.depend is run, mmc calculates a suitable
+% 	ordering.  This ordering is then used to create each of the .d
+% 	files.  This allows make to ensure that all necessary trans_opt
+% 	files are up to date before creating any other trans_opt files.
+% 	This same information is used by mmc to decide which trans_opt
+% 	files may be imported when creating another .trans_opt file.  By
+% 	observing the ordering decided upon when mmake module.depend was
+% 	run, any circularities which may have been created are avoided.
 % This module writes out the interface for transitive intermodule optimization.
 % The .trans_opt file includes:
 %	- pragma termination_info declarations for all exported preds
@@ -72,11 +61,13 @@
 :- pred trans_opt__write_optfile(module_info, io__state, io__state).
 :- mode trans_opt__write_optfile(in, di, uo) is det.
-	% Add the items from the .trans_opt files of imported modules to
-	% the items for this module.
-:- pred trans_opt__grab_optfiles(module_imports, module_imports, bool,
-				io__state, io__state).
-:- mode trans_opt__grab_optfiles(in, out, out, di, uo) is det.
+	% trans_opt__grab_optfiles(ModuleImports0, ModuleList, ModuleImports, 
+	% 	Error, IO0, IO).
+	% Add the items from each of the modules in ModuleList.trans_opt to
+	% the items in ModuleImports.
+:- pred trans_opt__grab_optfiles(module_imports, list(string), 
+	module_imports, bool, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode trans_opt__grab_optfiles(in, in, out, out, di, uo) is det.
@@ -183,17 +174,20 @@
 	% Read in and process the transitive optimization interfaces.
-trans_opt__grab_optfiles(Module0, Module, FoundError) -->
+trans_opt__grab_optfiles(Module0, TransOptDeps, Module, FoundError) -->
+	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(verbose, Verbose),
+	maybe_write_string(Verbose, "% Reading .trans_opt files..\n"),
+	maybe_flush_output(Verbose),
 	{ Module0 = module_imports(ModuleName, DirectImports0,
 		IndirectImports0, Items0, _) },
-	{ list__sort_and_remove_dups(DirectImports0, Imports) },
-	read_trans_opt_files(Imports, [], OptItems, no, FoundError),
+	read_trans_opt_files(TransOptDeps, [], OptItems, no, FoundError),
 	{ term__context_init(Context) },
 	{ varset__init(Varset) },
 	{ OptDefn = module_defn(Varset, opt_imported) - Context },
 	{ list__append(Items0, [ OptDefn | OptItems ], Items) },
 	{ Module = module_imports(ModuleName, DirectImports0, 
-		IndirectImports0, Items, no) }.
+		IndirectImports0, Items, no) },
+	maybe_write_string(Verbose, "% Done.\n").
 :- pred read_trans_opt_files(list(module_name), item_list,
 	item_list, bool, bool, io__state, io__state).
Index: doc/user_guide.texi
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/doc/user_guide.texi,v
retrieving revision 1.112
diff -u -r1.112 user_guide.texi
--- 1.112	1998/01/05 08:40:38
+++ user_guide.texi	1998/01/06 22:53:47
@@ -136,9 +136,9 @@
 interface files used in inter-module optimization,
 and are created using the @samp{--make-optimization-interface}
 (or @samp{--make-opt-int}) option.
- at c Files ending in @file{.trans_opt} are interface files used in
- at c transitive inter-module optimization, and are created using the
- at c @samp{--make-transitive-optimization-interface} option.
+Files ending in @file{.trans_opt} are interface files used in
+transitive inter-module optimization, and are created using the
+ at samp{--make-transitive-optimization-interface} option.
 Since the interface of a module changes less often than its implementation,
 the @file{.int}, @file{.int2}, @file{.int3}, and @file{.opt}
@@ -219,13 +219,13 @@
 mmc --make-opt-int @var{module1}.m @var{module2}.m ...
 @end example
- at c If you are going to compile with @samp{--transitive-intermodule-optimization}
- at c enabled, then you also need to create the transitive optimization files.
+If you are going to compile with @samp{--transitive-intermodule-optimization}
+enabled, then you also need to create the transitive optimization files.
- at c @example
- at c mmc -make-trans-opt @var{module1}.m @var{module2}.m ...
- at c @end example
- at c
+ at example
+mmc --make-trans-opt @var{module1}.m @var{module2}.m ...
+ at end example
 Given that you have made all the interface files,
 one way to create an executable for a multi-module program
 is to compile all the modules at the same time
@@ -808,7 +808,7 @@
 In addition to the files removed by @var{main-module}.clean, this
 removes the @samp{.date}, @samp{.int}, @samp{.int2}, @samp{.int3},
 @samp{.opt}, @samp{.optdate}, @samp{.date3},
- at c @samp{.trans_opt}, @samp{.trans_optdate},
+ at samp{.trans_opt}, @samp{.trans_optdate},
 @samp{.d}, and @samp{.dep} belonging to one of the modules of the program,
 and also the various possible executables for the program ---
@@ -1572,17 +1572,17 @@
 Write information used for inter-module optimization to
- at c @sp 1
- at c @item --make-transitive-optimization-interface
- at c @itemx --make-trans-opt
- at c Write the @file{@var{module}.trans_opt} file.  This file is used to store
- at c information used for inter-module optimization. The information is read
- at c in when the compiler is invoked with the @samp{--transitive-optimization}
- at c option.  The file is called ``transitive'' because a
- at c @file{@var{module}.trans_opt} file may depend on other
- at c @file{@var{module}.trans_opt} files.
- at c
 @sp 1
+ at item --make-trans-opt
+ at itemx --make-transitive-optimization-interface
+Write the @file{@var{module}.trans_opt} file.  This file is used to store
+information used for inter-module optimization. The information is read
+in when the compiler is invoked with the @samp{--transitive-optimization}
+option.  The file is called ``transitive'' because a
+ at file{@var{module}.trans_opt} file may depend on other
+ at file{@var{module}.trans_opt} files.
+ at sp 1
 @item -G
 @itemx --convert-to-goedel
 Convert the Mercury code to Goedel. Output to file @file{@var{module}.loc}.
@@ -2118,19 +2118,19 @@
 Perform inlining and higher-order specialization of the code for
 predicates or functions imported from other modules.
- at c @sp 1
- at c @item --transitive-intermodule-optimization
- at c @item --trans-intermod-opt
- at c Use the information stored in other @file{@var{module}.trans_opt} files
- at c to make intermodule optimizations.  The @file{@var{module}.trans_opt} is
- at c different to the @file{@var{module}.opt} as @file{@var{module}.trans_opt}
- at c files may depend on other @file{@var{module}.trans_opt} files.
- at c @file{@var{module}.opt} files may only depend on the
- at c @file{@var{module}.m} file.
- at c
+ at sp 1
+ at item --trans-intermod-opt
+ at itemx --transitive-intermodule-optimization
+Use the information stored in other @file{@var{module}.trans_opt} files
+to make intermodule optimizations.  The @file{@var{module}.trans_opt} is
+different to the @file{@var{module}.opt} as @file{@var{module}.trans_opt}
+files may depend on other @file{@var{module}.trans_opt} files.
+ at file{@var{module}.opt} files may only depend on the
+ at file{@var{module}.m} file.
 @sp 1
- at itemx --enable-term
- at item --enable-termination
+ at item --enable-term
+ at itemx --enable-termination
 Enable termination analysis.  Termination analysis analyses each mode of
 each predicate to see whether it terminates.  @samp{pragma terminates},
 @samp{pragma does_not_terminate} and @samp{pragma check_termination}

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