diff: improve Aditi compiler documentation

Simon Taylor stayl at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Mon Dec 7 16:28:43 AEDT 1998

Estimated hours taken: 0.25

	Improve the documentation of Aditi code generation by
	splitting out the section describing the modules involved
	in the output from those involved in code generation.

Index: compiler_design.html
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/notes/compiler_design.html,v
retrieving revision 1.22
diff -u -t -u -r1.22 compiler_design.html
--- compiler_design.html	1998/12/06 23:47:51	1.22
+++ compiler_design.html	1998/12/07 05:25:27
@@ -741,27 +741,15 @@
 <h3> 7. Aditi-RL generation </h3>
-<li> rl.m contains the definition of the representation of Aditi-RL
-  used within the Mercury compiler. There are some slight differences
-  between rl.m and Aditi-RL to make optimization easier.
-<li> rl_dump.m writes the RL type defined in rl.m to <module>.rl_dump.
 <li> rl_gen.m converts HLDS to RL.
-        <ul>
-        <li> rl_exprn.m converts top down Mercury code to bytecode.
-        <li> rl_info.m defines a state type.
-        </ul>
-<li> rl_code.m contains the definition of the bytecodes interpreted
-  by Aditi.
-<li> rl_out.m converts from the instructions defined in rl.m
-  to bytecode either as character data in the <module>.c file or
-  to <module>.rlo and outputs a text representation to
-  <module>.rla.
+<li> rl_info.m defines a state type.
-<li> rl_file.m contains routines to output the bytecodes defined in rl_code.m.
+<li> rl.m defines the the representation of Aditi-RL used within the
+Mercury compiler. There are some slight differences between rl.m
+and Aditi-RL to make optimization easier.
+<li> rl_dump.m contains predicates to write the types defined in rl.m.
 <h3> 8. Aditi-RL optimization </h3>
@@ -790,8 +778,24 @@
 <li> rl_stream.m detects relations which do not need to be materialised.
+<h3> 9. Output Aditi-RL code </h3>
+<li> rl_out.m converts from the instructions defined in rl.m
+  to bytecode either as data in the <module>.c file or
+  to <module>.rlo and outputs a text representation to
+  <module>.rla.
+<li> rl_exprn.m is called from rl_out.m to convert top down Mercury
+  code (in HLDS form) to Aditi bytecode.
+<li> rl_code.m contains the definition of the bytecodes interpreted
+  by Aditi. This file is automatically generated from the Aditi sources.
+<li> rl_file.m contains routines to output the bytecodes defined in rl_code.m.

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