[m-dev.] Re: lp_solve distribution

Tyson Richard DOWD trd at students.cs.mu.oz.au
Thu Oct 9 16:46:17 AEST 1997

Fergus Henderson wrote:

> [A letter to Michel Berkelaar]

Thanks for doing that.

I've been talking with Tom, who has implemented a LP solver in
Mercury. Chances are we could use this code, although there are a number
of issues involved in actually integrating it with the compiler.
For completeness, the issues are:
	1. Numerical stability of the solver (probably not a problem
	   with our datasets).
	2. It should be a separate library, so there will be some work
	   involved in integrating it with the compiler (probably easier
	   than integrating clpr).
	3. It uses a different interface, so the termination analysis
	   code would need to be modified to use this interface.
	Did I forget anything?

Certainly it would be easier to use lp_solve in the short term
at least. 

       Tyson Dowd           # To fix this, edit BLAH\BlahKey\Blah\Whatever 
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