diff: bug fix for bootcheck

Tyson Richard DOWD trd at cs.mu.oz.au
Thu Aug 7 11:52:58 AEST 1997


Here's what was stopping the compiler from installing properly.

(There's a related bug, in that the test_script didn't notice that the
installation failed, which should probably also be fixed).


Estimated hours taken: 1

Fix a bug that was stopping the compiler from being installed correctly.

	Create links to library.nu.nl.in in the stage 2 and 3 directories.
	(Remove old links to library.m.in at the same time, as it no
	longer exists).
	These missing links were causing the install to fail, because
	the test_mercury script installs from the stage 2 directory.
	(This was in turn leading to an out-of-date compiler being use
	for the tests, so that newly modified test cases would fail
	by giving the old behaviour).

Index: tools/bootcheck
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/tools/bootcheck,v
retrieving revision 1.40
diff -u -r1.40 bootcheck
--- bootcheck	1997/07/28 09:48:10	1.40
+++ bootcheck	1997/08/07 01:39:49
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
 	cd $root/stage2_sicstus
 	mkdir library
 	cd library
-	ln -s $root/library/library.m.in .
+	ln -s $root/library/library.nu.nl.in .
 	ln -s $root/library/[a-l]*.m .
 	ln -s $root/library/[m-z]*.m .
 	ln -s $root/library/*.nl .
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@
 cd $root/stage2
 mkdir library
 cd library
-ln -s $root/library/library.m.in .
+ln -s $root/library/library.nu.nl.in .
 ln -s $root/library/[a-l]*.m .
 ln -s $root/library/[m-z]*.m .
 ln -s $root/library/*.nl .
@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@
 cd $root/stage3
 mkdir library
 cd library
-ln -s $root/library/library.m.in .
+ln -s $root/library/library.nu.nl.in .
 ln -s $root/library/[a-l]*.m .
 ln -s $root/library/[m-z]*.m .
 ln -s $root/library/*.nl .

       Tyson Dowd           #          Another great idea from the 
                            #            people who brought you
      trd at .cs.mu.oz.au      #               Beer Milkshakes!
http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~trd #	         Confidence --- Red Dwarf

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