[m-users.] IO argument clobbering

Volker Wysk post at volker-wysk.de
Tue Jul 18 19:44:00 AEST 2023

Am Dienstag, dem 18.07.2023 um 18:32 +1000 schrieb Peter Wang:
> To clarify, you CAN approximate a higher-order term with the inst `ground',
> because the term has no variables (variables essentially meaning "holes"
> in the term that are not yet filled in).
> What you can't do is CALL a higher-order term approximated by `ground'
> because `ground' does not include any higher-order inst information.

Hmmm... Why would you want to approximate a higher order inst with a ground
inst? Isn't calling the term as a function or predicate the only thing you
can do with it?

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