[m-rev.] for review: use a separate type to describe integer tags

Julien Fischer jfischer at opturion.com
Sat Jul 22 21:32:14 AEST 2017

For review by anyone.

Use a separate type to describe integer tags.

      Use a separate type to describe integer tags and parameterise
      the int_tag functor of the cons_tag/0 type by that new type.

      Conform to the above change.

     Add a utility function for use by the above.


diff --git a/compiler/bytecode_gen.m b/compiler/bytecode_gen.m
index 1a172370f..3107ee9c1 100644
--- a/compiler/bytecode_gen.m
+++ b/compiler/bytecode_gen.m
@@ -866,21 +866,21 @@ map_cons_tag(shared_local_tag(Primary, Secondary),
  map_cons_tag(string_tag(_), _) :-
      unexpected($module, $pred, "string_tag cons tag " ++
          "for non-string_constant cons id").
-map_cons_tag(int_tag(IntVal), byte_enum_tag(IntVal)).
-map_cons_tag(uint_tag(_), _) :-
-    sorry($module, $pred, "bytecode with uints").
-map_cons_tag(int8_tag(_), _) :-
-    sorry($module, $pred, "bytecode with int8s").
-map_cons_tag(uint8_tag(_), _) :-
-    sorry($module, $pred, "bytecode with uint8s").
-map_cons_tag(int16_tag(_), _) :-
-    sorry($module, $pred, "bytecode with int16s").
-map_cons_tag(uint16_tag(_), _) :-
-    sorry($module, $pred, "bytecode with uint16s").
-map_cons_tag(int32_tag(_), _) :-
-    sorry($module, $pred, "bytecode with int32s").
-map_cons_tag(uint32_tag(_), _) :-
-    sorry($module, $pred, "bytecode with uint32s").
+map_cons_tag(int_tag(IntTagType), ByteConsTag) :-
+    (
+        IntTagType = int_tag_int(IntVal),
+        ByteConsTag = byte_enum_tag(IntVal)
+    ;
+        ( IntTagType = int_tag_uint(_)
+        ; IntTagType = int_tag_int8(_)
+        ; IntTagType = int_tag_uint8(_)
+        ; IntTagType = int_tag_int16(_)
+        ; IntTagType = int_tag_uint16(_)
+        ; IntTagType = int_tag_int32(_)
+        ; IntTagType = int_tag_uint32(_)
+        ),
+        sorry($module, $pred, "bytecode with uint or fixed size int")
+    ).
  map_cons_tag(foreign_tag(_, _), _) :-
      sorry($module, $pred, "bytecode with foreign tags").
  map_cons_tag(float_tag(_), _) :-
diff --git a/compiler/dense_switch.m b/compiler/dense_switch.m
index 4dd2a7d95..1d37bec53 100644
--- a/compiler/dense_switch.m
+++ b/compiler/dense_switch.m
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ generate_dense_case(BranchStart, VarName, CodeModel, SwitchGoalInfo, EndLabel,
      map(int, label)::in, map(int, label)::out) is det.

  record_dense_label_for_cons_tag(Label, ConsTag, !IndexMap) :-
-    ( if ConsTag = int_tag(Index) then
+    ( if ConsTag = int_tag(int_tag_int(Index)) then
          map.det_insert(Index, Label, !IndexMap)
          unexpected($module, $pred, "not int_tag")
diff --git a/compiler/du_type_layout.m b/compiler/du_type_layout.m
index a608b5a31..2100bdd86 100644
--- a/compiler/du_type_layout.m
+++ b/compiler/du_type_layout.m
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ cons_tags_bits(ConsTagValues) = NumBits :-
  :- pred max_int_tag(cons_tag::in, int::in, int::out) is det.

  max_int_tag(ConsTag, !Max) :-
-    ( if ConsTag = int_tag(Int) then
+    ( if ConsTag = int_tag(int_tag_int(Int)) then
          int.max(Int, !Max)
          unexpected($module, $pred, "non-integer value for enumeration")
diff --git a/compiler/export.m b/compiler/export.m
index 88a4f10dc..df5d3835f 100644
--- a/compiler/export.m
+++ b/compiler/export.m
@@ -949,20 +949,26 @@ foreign_const_name_and_tag(TypeCtor, Mapping, TagValues, Ctor,
      ConsId = cons(QualifiedCtorName, Arity, TypeCtor),
      map.lookup(TagValues, ConsId, TagVal),
-        TagVal = int_tag(IntTag),
-        Tag = ee_tag_rep_int(IntTag)
+        TagVal = int_tag(IntTagType),
+        (
+            IntTagType = int_tag_int(IntTag),
+            Tag = ee_tag_rep_int(IntTag)
+        ;
+            ( IntTagType = int_tag_uint(_)
+            ; IntTagType = int_tag_int8(_)
+            ; IntTagType = int_tag_uint8(_)
+            ; IntTagType = int_tag_int16(_)
+            ; IntTagType = int_tag_uint16(_)
+            ; IntTagType = int_tag_int32(_)
+            ; IntTagType = int_tag_uint32(_)
+            ),
+            unexpected($module, $pred, "enum constant requires an int tag")
+        )
          TagVal = foreign_tag(_ForeignLang, ForeignTag),
          Tag = ee_tag_rep_string(ForeignTag)
          ( TagVal = string_tag(_)
-        ; TagVal = uint_tag(_)
-        ; TagVal = int8_tag(_)
-        ; TagVal = uint8_tag(_)
-        ; TagVal = int16_tag(_)
-        ; TagVal = uint16_tag(_)
-        ; TagVal = int32_tag(_)
-        ; TagVal = uint32_tag(_)
          ; TagVal = float_tag(_)
          ; TagVal = closure_tag(_, _, _)
          ; TagVal = type_ctor_info_tag(_, _, _)
diff --git a/compiler/hlds_code_util.m b/compiler/hlds_code_util.m
index 501830255..ba37e1c21 100644
--- a/compiler/hlds_code_util.m
+++ b/compiler/hlds_code_util.m
@@ -88,35 +88,35 @@
  cons_id_to_tag(ModuleInfo, ConsId) = Tag:-
          ConsId = int_const(Int),
-        Tag = int_tag(Int)
+        Tag = int_tag(int_tag_int(Int))
          ConsId = uint_const(UInt),
-        Tag = uint_tag(UInt)
+        Tag = int_tag(int_tag_uint(UInt))
          ConsId = int8_const(Int8),
-        Tag = int8_tag(Int8)
+        Tag = int_tag(int_tag_int8(Int8))
          ConsId = uint8_const(UInt8),
-        Tag = uint8_tag(UInt8)
+        Tag = int_tag(int_tag_uint8(UInt8))
          ConsId = int16_const(Int16),
-        Tag = int16_tag(Int16)
+        Tag = int_tag(int_tag_int16(Int16))
          ConsId = uint16_const(UInt16),
-        Tag = uint16_tag(UInt16)
+        Tag = int_tag(int_tag_uint16(UInt16))
          ConsId = int32_const(Int32),
-        Tag = int32_tag(Int32)
+        Tag = int_tag(int_tag_int32(Int32))
          ConsId = uint32_const(UInt32),
-        Tag = uint32_tag(UInt32)
+        Tag = int_tag(int_tag_uint32(UInt32))
          ConsId = float_const(Float),
          Tag = float_tag(Float)
          ConsId = char_const(Char),
          char.to_int(Char, CharCode),
-        Tag = int_tag(CharCode)
+        Tag = int_tag(int_tag_int(CharCode))
          ConsId = string_const(String),
          Tag = string_tag(String)
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ cons_id_to_tag(ModuleInfo, ConsId) = Tag:-
              ; TargetLang = target_erlang
              ( if Arity = 0 then
-                Tag = int_tag(0)
+                Tag = int_tag(int_tag_int(0))
                  Tag = single_functor_tag
diff --git a/compiler/hlds_data.m b/compiler/hlds_data.m
index c54d0dbe8..8d56dba91 100644
--- a/compiler/hlds_data.m
+++ b/compiler/hlds_data.m
@@ -589,23 +589,9 @@ cons_table_optimize(!ConsTable) :-
              % MR_word_to_float(), and MR_float_const() macros. The default
              % implementation of these is to use boxed double-precision floats.

-    ;       int_tag(int)
-            % This means the constant is represented just as a word containing
-            % the specified integer value. This is used for enumerations and
-            % character constants as well as for int constants.
+    ;       int_tag(int_tag)

-    ;       uint_tag(uint)
-            % This means the constant is represented just as a word containing
-            % the specified unsigned integer value. This is used for uint
-            % constants.

-            % XXX FIXED SIZE INT
-    ;       int8_tag(int)
-    ;       uint8_tag(int)
-    ;       int16_tag(int)
-    ;       uint16_tag(int)
-    ;       int32_tag(int)
-    ;       uint32_tag(int)

      ;       foreign_tag(foreign_language, string)
              % This means the constant is represented by the string which is
@@ -708,6 +694,25 @@ cons_table_optimize(!ConsTable) :-
              % the value isn't any of the reserved addresses before testing
              % for the constructor's own cons_tag.

+:- type int_tag
+    --->    int_tag_int(int)
+            % This means the constant is represented just as a word containing
+            % the specified integer value. This is used for enumerations and
+            % character constants as well as for int constants.
+    ;       int_tag_uint(uint)
+            % This means the constant is represented just as a word containing
+            % the specified unsigned integer value. This is used for uint
+            % constants.
+            % XXX FIXED SIZE INT
+    ;       int_tag_int8(int)
+    ;       int_tag_uint8(int)
+    ;       int_tag_int16(int)
+    ;       int_tag_uint16(int)
+    ;       int_tag_int32(int)
+    ;       int_tag_uint32(int).
  :- type reserved_address
      --->    null_pointer
              % This is for constants which are represented as a null pointer.
@@ -789,13 +794,6 @@ get_primary_tag(Tag) = MaybePrimaryTag :-
          % it would probably be OK to return `yes(0)'.
          % But it's safe to be conservative...
          ( Tag = int_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = uint_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = int8_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = uint8_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = int16_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = uint16_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = int32_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = uint32_tag(_)
          ; Tag = float_tag(_)
          ; Tag = string_tag(_)
          ; Tag = foreign_tag(_, _)
@@ -832,13 +830,6 @@ get_primary_tag(Tag) = MaybePrimaryTag :-
  get_secondary_tag(Tag) = MaybeSecondaryTag :-
          ( Tag = int_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = uint_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = int8_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = uint8_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = int16_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = uint16_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = int32_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = uint32_tag(_)
          ; Tag = float_tag(_)
          ; Tag = string_tag(_)
          ; Tag = foreign_tag(_, _)
diff --git a/compiler/make_tags.m b/compiler/make_tags.m
index 87ea76d0c..6e2634479 100644
--- a/compiler/make_tags.m
+++ b/compiler/make_tags.m
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ assign_enum_constants(_, [], _, !CtorTags).
  assign_enum_constants(TypeCtor, [Ctor | Ctors], Val, !CtorTags) :-
      Ctor = ctor(_ExistQVars, _Constraints, Name, _Args, Arity, _Ctxt),
      ConsId = cons(Name, Arity, TypeCtor),
-    Tag = int_tag(Val),
+    Tag = int_tag(int_tag_int(Val)),
      % We call set instead of det_insert because we don't want types
      % that erroneously contain more than one copy of a cons_id to crash
      % the compiler.
diff --git a/compiler/ml_code_util.m b/compiler/ml_code_util.m
index eba30920a..21c6271f4 100644
--- a/compiler/ml_code_util.m
+++ b/compiler/ml_code_util.m
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
  :- import_module backend_libs.builtin_ops.
  :- import_module hlds.
  :- import_module hlds.code_model.
+:- import_module hlds.hlds_data.
  :- import_module hlds.hlds_goal.
  :- import_module hlds.hlds_module.
  :- import_module hlds.hlds_pred.
@@ -113,6 +114,8 @@
      % negation: ml_gen_not(X) = unop(std_unop(not), X),
  :- func ml_gen_not(mlds_rval) = mlds_rval.

+:- func ml_int_tag_to_rval_const(int_tag, mer_type, mlds_type) = mlds_rval.
  % Routines for generating types.
@@ -756,6 +759,39 @@ ml_gen_and(X, Y) =

  ml_gen_not(X) = ml_unop(std_unop(logical_not), X).

+ml_int_tag_to_rval_const(IntTag, MerType, MLDS_Type) = Rval :-
+    (
+        IntTag = int_tag_int(Int),
+        ( if MerType = int_type then
+            Rval = ml_const(mlconst_int(Int))
+        else if MerType = char_type then
+            Rval = ml_const(mlconst_char(Int))
+        else
+            Rval = ml_const(mlconst_enum(Int, MLDS_Type))
+        )
+    ;
+        IntTag = int_tag_uint(UInt),
+        Rval = ml_const(mlconst_uint(UInt))
+    ;
+        IntTag = int_tag_int8(Int8),
+        Rval = ml_const(mlconst_int8(Int8))
+    ;
+        IntTag = int_tag_uint8(UInt8),
+        Rval = ml_const(mlconst_uint8(UInt8))
+    ;
+        IntTag = int_tag_int16(Int16),
+        Rval = ml_const(mlconst_int16(Int16))
+    ;
+        IntTag = int_tag_uint16(UInt16),
+        Rval = ml_const(mlconst_uint16(UInt16))
+    ;
+        IntTag = int_tag_int32(Int32),
+        Rval = ml_const(mlconst_int32(Int32))
+    ;
+        IntTag = int_tag_uint32(UInt32),
+        Rval = ml_const(mlconst_uint32(UInt32))
+    ).
  % Code for generating types.
diff --git a/compiler/ml_switch_gen.m b/compiler/ml_switch_gen.m
index 48ea926ae..282caf5f5 100644
--- a/compiler/ml_switch_gen.m
+++ b/compiler/ml_switch_gen.m
@@ -535,8 +535,8 @@ ml_switch_generate_mlds_switch(Cases, Var, CodeModel, CanFail, Context, Stmts,
      ml_gen_var(!.Info, Var, Lval),
      Rval = ml_lval(Lval),
      ml_switch_gen_range(!.Info, MLDS_Type, Range),
-    ml_switch_generate_mlds_cases(MLDS_Type, Cases, CodeModel, MLDS_Cases,
-        !Info),
+    ml_switch_generate_mlds_cases(Type, MLDS_Type, Cases, CodeModel,
+        MLDS_Cases, !Info),
      ml_switch_generate_default(CanFail, CodeModel, Context, Default, !Info),
      SwitchStmt0 = ml_stmt_switch(MLDS_Type, Rval, Range, MLDS_Cases, Default,
@@ -559,66 +559,40 @@ ml_switch_gen_range(Info, MLDS_Type, Range) :-
          Range = mlds_switch_range_unknown

-:- pred ml_switch_generate_mlds_cases(mlds_type::in, list(tagged_case)::in,
-    code_model::in, list(mlds_switch_case)::out,
+:- pred ml_switch_generate_mlds_cases(mer_type::in, mlds_type::in,
+    list(tagged_case)::in, code_model::in, list(mlds_switch_case)::out,
      ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.

-ml_switch_generate_mlds_cases(_, [], _, [], !Info).
-ml_switch_generate_mlds_cases(MLDS_Type, [TaggedCase | TaggedCases], CodeModel,
-        [MLDS_Case | MLDS_Cases], !Info) :-
-    ml_switch_generate_mlds_case(MLDS_Type, TaggedCase, CodeModel,
+ml_switch_generate_mlds_cases(_, _, [], _, [], !Info).
+ml_switch_generate_mlds_cases(MerType, MLDS_Type, [TaggedCase | TaggedCases],
+        CodeModel, [MLDS_Case | MLDS_Cases], !Info) :-
+    ml_switch_generate_mlds_case(MerType, MLDS_Type, TaggedCase, CodeModel,
          MLDS_Case, !Info),
-    ml_switch_generate_mlds_cases(MLDS_Type, TaggedCases, CodeModel,
+    ml_switch_generate_mlds_cases(MerType, MLDS_Type, TaggedCases, CodeModel,
          MLDS_Cases, !Info).

-:- pred ml_switch_generate_mlds_case(mlds_type::in, tagged_case::in,
-    code_model::in, mlds_switch_case::out,
+:- pred ml_switch_generate_mlds_case(mer_type::in, mlds_type::in,
+    tagged_case::in, code_model::in, mlds_switch_case::out,
      ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.

-ml_switch_generate_mlds_case(MLDS_Type, TaggedCase, CodeModel, MLDS_Case,
-        !Info) :-
+ml_switch_generate_mlds_case(MerType, MLDS_Type, TaggedCase, CodeModel,
+        MLDS_Case, !Info) :-
      TaggedCase = tagged_case(TaggedMainConsId, TaggedOtherConsIds, _, Goal),
-    ml_tagged_cons_id_to_match_cond(MLDS_Type, TaggedMainConsId, MainCond),
-    list.map(ml_tagged_cons_id_to_match_cond(MLDS_Type), TaggedOtherConsIds,
-        OtherConds),
+    ml_tagged_cons_id_to_match_cond(MerType, MLDS_Type, TaggedMainConsId,
+        MainCond),
+    list.map(ml_tagged_cons_id_to_match_cond(MerType, MLDS_Type),
+        TaggedOtherConsIds, OtherConds),
      ml_gen_goal_as_branch_block(CodeModel, Goal, Stmt, !Info),
      MLDS_Case = mlds_switch_case(MainCond, OtherConds, Stmt).

-:- pred ml_tagged_cons_id_to_match_cond(mlds_type::in, tagged_cons_id::in,
-    mlds_case_match_cond::out) is det.
+:- pred ml_tagged_cons_id_to_match_cond(mer_type::in, mlds_type::in,
+    tagged_cons_id::in, mlds_case_match_cond::out) is det.

-ml_tagged_cons_id_to_match_cond(MLDS_Type, TaggedConsId, MatchCond) :-
-    TaggedConsId = tagged_cons_id(ConsId, Tag),
+ml_tagged_cons_id_to_match_cond(MerType, MLDS_Type, TaggedConsId, MatchCond) :-
+    TaggedConsId = tagged_cons_id(_ConsId, Tag),
-        Tag = int_tag(Int),
-        ( if ConsId = int_const(_) then
-            Rval = ml_const(mlconst_int(Int))
-        else if ConsId = char_const(_) then
-            Rval = ml_const(mlconst_char(Int))
-        else
-            Rval = ml_const(mlconst_enum(Int, MLDS_Type))
-        )
-    ;
-        Tag = uint_tag(UInt),
-        Rval = ml_const(mlconst_uint(UInt))
-    ;
-        Tag = int8_tag(Int8),
-        Rval = ml_const(mlconst_int8(Int8))
-    ;
-        Tag = uint8_tag(UInt8),
-        Rval = ml_const(mlconst_uint8(UInt8))
-    ;
-        Tag = int16_tag(Int16),
-        Rval = ml_const(mlconst_int16(Int16))
-    ;
-        Tag = uint16_tag(UInt16),
-        Rval = ml_const(mlconst_uint16(UInt16))
-    ;
-        Tag = int32_tag(Int32),
-        Rval = ml_const(mlconst_int32(Int32))
-    ;
-        Tag = uint32_tag(UInt32),
-        Rval = ml_const(mlconst_uint32(UInt32))
+        Tag = int_tag(IntTag),
+        Rval = ml_int_tag_to_rval_const(IntTag, MerType, MLDS_Type)
          Tag = string_tag(String),
          Rval = ml_const(mlconst_string(String))
diff --git a/compiler/ml_type_gen.m b/compiler/ml_type_gen.m
index 4edc583e3..88db00a4c 100644
--- a/compiler/ml_type_gen.m
+++ b/compiler/ml_type_gen.m
@@ -338,21 +338,27 @@ ml_gen_hld_enum_constant(Context, TypeCtor, ConsTagValues, MLDS_Type, Ctor)
      Ctor = ctor(_ExistQTVars, _Constraints, Name, _Args, Arity, _Ctxt),
      map.lookup(ConsTagValues, cons(Name, Arity, TypeCtor), TagVal),
-        TagVal = int_tag(Int),
-        ConstValue = ml_const(mlconst_enum(Int, MLDS_Type))
+        TagVal = int_tag(IntTag),
+        (
+            IntTag = int_tag_int(Int),
+            ConstValue = ml_const(mlconst_enum(Int, MLDS_Type))
+        ;
+            ( IntTag = int_tag_uint(_)
+            ; IntTag = int_tag_int8(_)
+            ; IntTag = int_tag_uint8(_)
+            ; IntTag = int_tag_int16(_)
+            ; IntTag = int_tag_uint16(_)
+            ; IntTag = int_tag_int32(_)
+            ; IntTag = int_tag_uint32(_)
+            ),
+            unexpected($pred, "enum constant needs int tag")
+        )
          TagVal = foreign_tag(ForeignLang, ForeignTagValue),
          ConstValue = ml_const(
              mlconst_foreign(ForeignLang, ForeignTagValue, MLDS_Type))
-        ( TagVal = uint_tag(_)
-        ; TagVal = int8_tag(_)
-        ; TagVal = uint8_tag(_)
-        ; TagVal = int16_tag(_)
-        ; TagVal = uint16_tag(_)
-        ; TagVal = int32_tag(_)
-        ; TagVal = uint32_tag(_)
-        ; TagVal = string_tag(_)
+        ( TagVal = string_tag(_)
          ; TagVal = float_tag(_)
          ; TagVal = closure_tag(_, _, _)
          ; TagVal = type_ctor_info_tag(_, _, _)
@@ -1182,13 +1188,6 @@ ml_tag_uses_base_class(Tag) = UsesBaseClass :-
          ( Tag = string_tag(_)
          ; Tag = float_tag(_)
          ; Tag = int_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = uint_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = int8_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = uint8_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = int16_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = uint16_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = int32_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = uint32_tag(_)
          ; Tag = foreign_tag(_, _)
          ; Tag = closure_tag(_, _, _)
          ; Tag = type_ctor_info_tag(_, _, _)
@@ -1247,21 +1246,28 @@ generate_foreign_enum_constant(TypeCtor, Mapping, TagValues, MLDS_Type, Ctor,
      Ctor = ctor(_, _, QualName, _Args, Arity, _),
      map.lookup(TagValues, cons(QualName, Arity, TypeCtor), TagVal),
-        TagVal = int_tag(Int),
-        ConstValue = ml_const(mlconst_enum(Int, MLDS_Type))
+        TagVal = int_tag(IntTag),
+        (
+            IntTag = int_tag_int(Int),
+            ConstValue = ml_const(mlconst_enum(Int, MLDS_Type))
+        ;
+            ( IntTag = int_tag_uint(_)
+            ; IntTag = int_tag_int8(_)
+            ; IntTag = int_tag_uint8(_)
+            ; IntTag = int_tag_int16(_)
+            ; IntTag = int_tag_uint16(_)
+            ; IntTag = int_tag_int32(_)
+            ; IntTag = int_tag_uint32(_)
+            ),
+            unexpected($pred,
+                "enum constant requires an int or foreign tag")
+        )
          TagVal = foreign_tag(Lang, String),
          ConstValue = ml_const(mlconst_foreign(Lang, String, MLDS_Type))
          ( TagVal = string_tag(_)
          ; TagVal = float_tag(_)
-        ; TagVal = uint_tag(_)
-        ; TagVal = int8_tag(_)
-        ; TagVal = uint8_tag(_)
-        ; TagVal = int16_tag(_)
-        ; TagVal = uint16_tag(_)
-        ; TagVal = int32_tag(_)
-        ; TagVal = uint32_tag(_)
          ; TagVal = closure_tag(_, _, _)
          ; TagVal = type_ctor_info_tag(_, _, _)
          ; TagVal = base_typeclass_info_tag(_, _, _)
diff --git a/compiler/ml_unify_gen.m b/compiler/ml_unify_gen.m
index 45b51f148..bd588c302 100644
--- a/compiler/ml_unify_gen.m
+++ b/compiler/ml_unify_gen.m
@@ -401,13 +401,6 @@ ml_gen_construct_tag(Tag, Type, Var, ConsId, Args, ArgModes, TakeAddr,
          % Constants.
          ( Tag = int_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = uint_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = int8_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = uint8_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = int16_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = uint16_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = int32_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = uint32_tag(_)
          ; Tag = foreign_tag(_, _)
          ; Tag = float_tag(_)
          ; Tag = string_tag(_)
@@ -449,35 +442,8 @@ ml_gen_info_lookup_const_var_rval(Info, Var, Rval) :-

  ml_gen_constant(Tag, VarType, MLDS_VarType, Rval, !Info) :-
-        Tag = int_tag(Int),
-        ( if VarType = int_type then
-            Rval = ml_const(mlconst_int(Int))
-        else if VarType = char_type then
-            Rval = ml_const(mlconst_char(Int))
-        else
-            Rval = ml_const(mlconst_enum(Int, MLDS_VarType))
-        )
-    ;
-        Tag = uint_tag(UInt),
-        Rval = ml_const(mlconst_uint(UInt))
-    ;
-        Tag = int8_tag(Int8),
-        Rval = ml_const(mlconst_int8(Int8))
-    ;
-        Tag = uint8_tag(UInt8),
-        Rval = ml_const(mlconst_uint8(UInt8))
-    ;
-        Tag = int16_tag(Int16),
-        Rval = ml_const(mlconst_int16(Int16))
-    ;
-        Tag = uint16_tag(UInt16),
-        Rval = ml_const(mlconst_uint16(UInt16))
-    ;
-        Tag = int32_tag(Int32),
-        Rval = ml_const(mlconst_int32(Int32))
-    ;
-        Tag = uint32_tag(UInt32),
-        Rval = ml_const(mlconst_uint32(UInt32))
+        Tag = int_tag(IntTag),
+        Rval = ml_int_tag_to_rval_const(IntTag, VarType, MLDS_VarType)
          Tag = float_tag(Float),
          Rval = ml_const(mlconst_float(Float))
@@ -1497,14 +1463,7 @@ ml_gen_det_deconstruct_tag(Tag, Type, Var, ConsId, Args, Modes, Context,
      % the value of the constant, so Stmts = [].
          ( Tag = string_tag(_String)
-        ; Tag = int_tag(_Int)
-        ; Tag = uint_tag(_UInt)
-        ; Tag = int8_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = uint8_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = int16_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = uint16_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = int32_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = uint32_tag(_)
+        ; Tag = int_tag(_IntTag)
          ; Tag = foreign_tag(_, _)
          ; Tag = float_tag(_Float)
          ; Tag = shared_local_tag(_Bits1, _Num1)
@@ -1608,14 +1567,7 @@ ml_tag_offset_and_argnum(Tag, TagBits, Offset, ArgNum) :-
          ml_tag_offset_and_argnum(SubTag, TagBits, Offset, ArgNum)
          ( Tag = string_tag(_String)
-        ; Tag = int_tag(_Int)
-        ; Tag = uint_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = int8_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = uint8_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = int16_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = uint16_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = int32_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = uint32_tag(_)
+        ; Tag = int_tag(_)
          ; Tag = foreign_tag(_, _)
          ; Tag = float_tag(_Float)
          ; Tag = closure_tag(_, _, _)
@@ -2227,44 +2179,8 @@ ml_gen_tag_test_rval(Tag, Type, ModuleInfo, Rval) = TagTestRval :-
          Tag = float_tag(Float),
          TagTestRval = ml_binop(float_eq, Rval, ml_const(mlconst_float(Float)))
-        Tag = int_tag(Int),
-        ( if Type = int_type then
-            ConstRval = ml_const(mlconst_int(Int))
-        else if Type = char_type then
-            ConstRval = ml_const(mlconst_char(Int))
-        else
-            MLDS_Type = mercury_type_to_mlds_type(ModuleInfo, Type),
-            ConstRval = ml_const(mlconst_enum(Int, MLDS_Type))
-        ),
-        TagTestRval = ml_binop(eq(int_type_int), Rval, ConstRval)
-    ;
-        Tag = uint_tag(UInt),
-        TagTestRval = ml_binop(eq(int_type_uint), Rval,
-            ml_const(mlconst_uint(UInt)))
-    ;
-        Tag = int8_tag(Int8),
-        TagTestRval = ml_binop(eq(int_type_int8), Rval,
-            ml_const(mlconst_int8(Int8)))
-    ;
-        Tag = uint8_tag(UInt8),
-        TagTestRval = ml_binop(eq(int_type_uint8), Rval,
-            ml_const(mlconst_uint8(UInt8)))
-    ;
-        Tag = int16_tag(Int16),
-        TagTestRval = ml_binop(eq(int_type_int16), Rval,
-            ml_const(mlconst_int16(Int16)))
-    ;
-        Tag = uint16_tag(UInt16),
-        TagTestRval = ml_binop(eq(int_type_uint16), Rval,
-            ml_const(mlconst_uint16(UInt16)))
-    ;
-        Tag = int32_tag(Int32),
-        TagTestRval = ml_binop(eq(int_type_int32), Rval,
-            ml_const(mlconst_int32(Int32)))
-    ;
-        Tag = uint32_tag(UInt32),
-        TagTestRval = ml_binop(eq(int_type_uint32), Rval,
-            ml_const(mlconst_uint32(UInt32)))
+        Tag = int_tag(IntTag),
+        TagTestRval = ml_gen_int_tag_test_rval(IntTag, Type, ModuleInfo, Rval)
          Tag = foreign_tag(ForeignLang, ForeignVal),
          MLDS_Type = mercury_type_to_mlds_type(ModuleInfo, Type),
@@ -2343,6 +2259,51 @@ ml_gen_tag_test_rval(Tag, Type, ModuleInfo, Rval) = TagTestRval :-

+:- func ml_gen_int_tag_test_rval(int_tag, mer_type, module_info, mlds_rval) =
+    mlds_rval.
+ml_gen_int_tag_test_rval(IntTag, Type, ModuleInfo, Rval) = TagTestRval :-
+    (
+        IntTag = int_tag_int(Int),
+        ( if Type = int_type then
+            ConstRval = ml_const(mlconst_int(Int))
+        else if Type = char_type then
+            ConstRval = ml_const(mlconst_char(Int))
+        else
+            MLDS_Type = mercury_type_to_mlds_type(ModuleInfo, Type),
+            ConstRval = ml_const(mlconst_enum(Int, MLDS_Type))
+        ),
+        TagTestRval = ml_binop(eq(int_type_int), Rval, ConstRval)
+    ;
+        IntTag = int_tag_uint(UInt),
+        TagTestRval = ml_binop(eq(int_type_uint), Rval,
+            ml_const(mlconst_uint(UInt)))
+    ;
+        IntTag = int_tag_int8(Int8),
+        TagTestRval = ml_binop(eq(int_type_int8), Rval,
+            ml_const(mlconst_int8(Int8)))
+    ;
+        IntTag = int_tag_uint8(UInt8),
+        TagTestRval = ml_binop(eq(int_type_uint8), Rval,
+            ml_const(mlconst_uint8(UInt8)))
+    ;
+        IntTag = int_tag_int16(Int16),
+        TagTestRval = ml_binop(eq(int_type_int16), Rval,
+            ml_const(mlconst_int16(Int16)))
+    ;
+        IntTag = int_tag_uint16(UInt16),
+        TagTestRval = ml_binop(eq(int_type_uint16), Rval,
+            ml_const(mlconst_uint16(UInt16)))
+    ;
+        IntTag = int_tag_int32(Int32),
+        TagTestRval = ml_binop(eq(int_type_int32), Rval,
+            ml_const(mlconst_int32(Int32)))
+    ;
+        IntTag = int_tag_uint32(UInt32),
+        TagTestRval = ml_binop(eq(int_type_uint32), Rval,
+            ml_const(mlconst_uint32(UInt32)))
+    ).
  ml_gen_secondary_tag_rval(ModuleInfo, PrimaryTagVal, VarType, Rval) =
          SecondaryTagField :-
      MLDS_VarType = mercury_type_to_mlds_type(ModuleInfo, VarType),
@@ -2556,35 +2517,9 @@ ml_gen_ground_term_conjunct_tag(ModuleInfo, Target, HighLevelData, VarTypes,
          % Constants.
-            ConsTag = int_tag(Int),
-            ( if VarType = int_type then
-                ConstRval = ml_const(mlconst_int(Int))
-            else if VarType = char_type then
-                ConstRval = ml_const(mlconst_char(Int))
-            else
-                ConstRval = ml_const(mlconst_enum(Int, MLDS_Type))
-            )
-        ;
-            ConsTag = uint_tag(UInt),
-            ConstRval = ml_const(mlconst_uint(UInt))
-        ;
-            ConsTag = int8_tag(Int8),
-            ConstRval = ml_const(mlconst_int8(Int8))
-        ;
-            ConsTag = uint8_tag(UInt8),
-            ConstRval = ml_const(mlconst_uint8(UInt8))
-        ;
-            ConsTag = int16_tag(Int16),
-            ConstRval = ml_const(mlconst_int16(Int16))
-        ;
-            ConsTag = uint16_tag(UInt16),
-            ConstRval = ml_const(mlconst_uint16(UInt16))
-        ;
-            ConsTag = int32_tag(Int32),
-            ConstRval = ml_const(mlconst_int32(Int32))
-        ;
-            ConsTag = uint32_tag(UInt32),
-            ConstRval = ml_const(mlconst_uint32(UInt32))
+            ConsTag = int_tag(IntTag),
+            IntConst = int_tag_to_mlds_rval_const(VarType, MLDS_Type, IntTag),
+            ConstRval = ml_const(IntConst)
              ConsTag = float_tag(Float),
              ConstRval = ml_const(mlconst_float(Float))
@@ -2979,13 +2914,6 @@ ml_gen_const_struct_tag(Info, ConstNum, Type, MLDS_Type, ConsId, ConsTag,
          % These tags don't build heap cells.
          ( ConsTag = int_tag(_)
-        ; ConsTag = uint_tag(_)
-        ; ConsTag = int8_tag(_)
-        ; ConsTag = uint8_tag(_)
-        ; ConsTag = int16_tag(_)
-        ; ConsTag = uint16_tag(_)
-        ; ConsTag = int32_tag(_)
-        ; ConsTag = uint32_tag(_)
          ; ConsTag = float_tag(_)
          ; ConsTag = string_tag(_)
          ; ConsTag = reserved_address_tag(_)
@@ -3154,35 +3082,9 @@ ml_gen_const_struct_arg(Info, ConstStructMap, ConstArg, DoubleWidth,
  ml_gen_const_struct_arg_tag(ModuleInfo, ConsId, ConsTag, Type, MLDS_Type,
          Rval) :-
-        ConsTag = int_tag(Int),
-        ( if Type = int_type then
-            Rval = ml_const(mlconst_int(Int))
-        else if Type = char_type then
-            Rval = ml_const(mlconst_char(Int))
-        else
-            Rval = ml_const(mlconst_enum(Int, MLDS_Type))
-        )
-    ;
-        ConsTag = uint_tag(UInt),
-        Rval = ml_const(mlconst_uint(UInt))
-    ;
-        ConsTag = int8_tag(Int8),
-        Rval = ml_const(mlconst_int8(Int8))
-    ;
-        ConsTag = uint8_tag(UInt8),
-        Rval = ml_const(mlconst_uint8(UInt8))
-    ;
-        ConsTag = int16_tag(Int16),
-        Rval = ml_const(mlconst_int16(Int16))
-    ;
-        ConsTag = uint16_tag(UInt16),
-        Rval = ml_const(mlconst_uint16(UInt16))
-    ;
-        ConsTag = int32_tag(Int32),
-        Rval = ml_const(mlconst_int32(Int32))
-    ;
-        ConsTag = uint32_tag(UInt32),
-        Rval = ml_const(mlconst_uint32(UInt32))
+        ConsTag = int_tag(IntTag),
+        RvalConst = int_tag_to_mlds_rval_const(Type, MLDS_Type, IntTag),
+        Rval = ml_const(RvalConst)
          ConsTag = float_tag(Float),
          Rval = ml_const(mlconst_float(Float))
@@ -3244,6 +3146,41 @@ ml_gen_const_struct_arg_tag(ModuleInfo, ConsId, ConsTag, Type, MLDS_Type,
          unexpected($pred, "unexpected tag")

+:- func int_tag_to_mlds_rval_const(mer_type, mlds_type, int_tag) = mlds_rval_const.
+int_tag_to_mlds_rval_const(Type, MLDS_Type, IntTag) = Const :-
+    (
+        IntTag = int_tag_int(Int),
+        ( if Type = int_type then
+            Const = mlconst_int(Int)
+        else if Type = char_type then
+            Const = mlconst_char(Int)
+        else
+            Const = mlconst_enum(Int, MLDS_Type)
+        )
+    ;
+        IntTag = int_tag_uint(UInt),
+        Const = mlconst_uint(UInt)
+    ;
+        IntTag = int_tag_int8(Int8),
+        Const = mlconst_int8(Int8)
+    ;
+        IntTag = int_tag_uint8(UInt8),
+        Const = mlconst_uint8(UInt8)
+    ;
+        IntTag = int_tag_int16(Int16),
+        Const = mlconst_int16(Int16)
+    ;
+        IntTag = int_tag_uint16(UInt16),
+        Const = mlconst_uint16(UInt16)
+    ;
+        IntTag = int_tag_int32(Int32),
+        Const = mlconst_int32(Int32)
+    ;
+        IntTag = int_tag_uint32(UInt32),
+        Const = mlconst_uint32(UInt32)
+    ).

  :- pred arg_width_is_double(arg_width::in, bool::out) is det.
diff --git a/compiler/switch_gen.m b/compiler/switch_gen.m
index 52c8e58be..6f3dddb11 100644
--- a/compiler/switch_gen.m
+++ b/compiler/switch_gen.m
@@ -456,13 +456,6 @@ is_reserved_addr_tag(ConsTag) = IsReservedAddr :-
          IsReservedAddr = is_reserved_addr_tag(SubConsTag)
          ( ConsTag = int_tag(_)
-        ; ConsTag = uint_tag(_)
-        ; ConsTag = int8_tag(_)
-        ; ConsTag = uint8_tag(_)
-        ; ConsTag = int16_tag(_)
-        ; ConsTag = uint16_tag(_)
-        ; ConsTag = int32_tag(_)
-        ; ConsTag = uint32_tag(_)
          ; ConsTag = float_tag(_)
          ; ConsTag = string_tag(_)
          ; ConsTag = foreign_tag(_, _)
diff --git a/compiler/switch_util.m b/compiler/switch_util.m
index 79423e4bc..0978d0dfb 100644
--- a/compiler/switch_util.m
+++ b/compiler/switch_util.m
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ tag_cases(ModuleInfo, SwitchVarType, [Case | Cases],
      Case = case(MainConsId, OtherConsIds, Goal),
      MainConsTag = cons_id_to_tag(ModuleInfo, MainConsId),
      TaggedMainConsId = tagged_cons_id(MainConsId, MainConsTag),
-    ( if MainConsTag = int_tag(IntTag) then
+    ( if MainConsTag = int_tag(int_tag_int(IntTag)) then
              OtherConsIds, TaggedOtherConsIds,
              IntTag, LowerLimit1, IntTag, UpperLimit1,
@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ tag_cons_id_in_int_switch(ModuleInfo, ConsId, TaggedConsId,
          !LowerLimit, !UpperLimit, !NumValues, !IsIntSwitch) :-
      ConsTag = cons_id_to_tag(ModuleInfo, ConsId),
      TaggedConsId = tagged_cons_id(ConsId, ConsTag),
-    ( if ConsTag = int_tag(IntTag) then
+    ( if ConsTag = int_tag(int_tag_int(IntTag)) then
          int.min(IntTag, !LowerLimit),
          int.max(IntTag, !UpperLimit),
          !:NumValues = !.NumValues + 1
@@ -537,13 +537,6 @@ type_ctor_cat_to_switch_cat(CtorCat) = SwitchCat :-
  estimate_switch_tag_test_cost(Tag) = Cost :-
          ( Tag = int_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = uint_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = int8_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = uint8_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = int16_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = uint16_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = int32_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = uint32_tag(_)
          ; Tag = foreign_tag(_, _)
          ; Tag = reserved_address_tag(_)
          ; Tag = shared_local_tag(_, _)
@@ -1242,13 +1235,6 @@ get_ptag_counts_loop([Tag | Tags], !MaxPrimary, !PtagCountMap) :-
          ; Tag = string_tag(_)
          ; Tag = float_tag(_)
          ; Tag = int_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = uint_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = int8_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = uint8_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = int16_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = uint16_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = int32_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = uint32_tag(_)
          ; Tag = foreign_tag(_, _)
          ; Tag = closure_tag(_, _, _)
          ; Tag = type_ctor_info_tag(_, _, _)
@@ -1353,13 +1339,6 @@ group_case_by_ptag(CaseId, CaseRep, TaggedConsId,
          ; Tag = string_tag(_)
          ; Tag = float_tag(_)
          ; Tag = int_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = uint_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = int8_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = uint8_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = int16_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = uint16_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = int32_tag(_)
-        ; Tag = uint32_tag(_)
          ; Tag = foreign_tag(_, _)
          ; Tag = closure_tag(_, _, _)
          ; Tag = type_ctor_info_tag(_, _, _)
@@ -1491,7 +1470,7 @@ order_ptags_by_value(Ptag, MaxPtag, PtagCaseMap0, PtagCaseList) :-

  get_int_tag(ConsTag, Int) :-
-    ( if ConsTag = int_tag(IntPrime) then
+    ( if ConsTag = int_tag(int_tag_int(IntPrime)) then
          Int = IntPrime
          unexpected($module, $pred, "not int_tag")
diff --git a/compiler/type_ctor_info.m b/compiler/type_ctor_info.m
index cc6569b8e..6743e82d5 100644
--- a/compiler/type_ctor_info.m
+++ b/compiler/type_ctor_info.m
@@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ make_enum_functors(TypeCtor, [Functor | Functors], NextOrdinal, ConsTagMap,
          "functor in enum has nonzero arity"),
      ConsId = cons(SymName, list.length(FunctorArgs), TypeCtor),
      map.lookup(ConsTagMap, ConsId, ConsTag),
-    expect(unify(ConsTag, int_tag(NextOrdinal)), $module, $pred,
+    expect(unify(ConsTag, int_tag(int_tag_int(NextOrdinal))), $module, $pred,
          "mismatch on constant assigned to functor in enum"),
      FunctorName = unqualify_name(SymName),
      EnumFunctor = enum_functor(FunctorName, NextOrdinal),
@@ -661,13 +661,6 @@ make_foreign_enum_functors(TypeCtor, Lang, [Functor | Functors], NextOrdinal,
          ( ConsTag = string_tag(_)
          ; ConsTag = float_tag(_)
          ; ConsTag = int_tag(_)
-        ; ConsTag = uint_tag(_)
-        ; ConsTag = int8_tag(_)
-        ; ConsTag = uint8_tag(_)
-        ; ConsTag = int16_tag(_)
-        ; ConsTag = uint16_tag(_)
-        ; ConsTag = int32_tag(_)
-        ; ConsTag = uint32_tag(_)
          ; ConsTag = closure_tag(_, _, _)
          ; ConsTag = type_ctor_info_tag(_, _, _)
          ; ConsTag = base_typeclass_info_tag(_, _, _)
@@ -849,13 +842,6 @@ get_maybe_reserved_rep(ConsTag, ConsRep) :-
          ( ConsTag = no_tag
          ; ConsTag = string_tag(_)
          ; ConsTag = int_tag(_)
-        ; ConsTag = uint_tag(_)
-        ; ConsTag = int8_tag(_)
-        ; ConsTag = uint8_tag(_)
-        ; ConsTag = int16_tag(_)
-        ; ConsTag = uint16_tag(_)
-        ; ConsTag = int32_tag(_)
-        ; ConsTag = uint32_tag(_)
          ; ConsTag = foreign_tag(_, _)
          ; ConsTag = float_tag(_)
          ; ConsTag = closure_tag(_, _, _)
diff --git a/compiler/unify_gen.m b/compiler/unify_gen.m
index 36de1c09a..5d2ec62e2 100644
--- a/compiler/unify_gen.m
+++ b/compiler/unify_gen.m
@@ -418,29 +418,9 @@ raw_tag_test(Rval, ConsTag, TestRval) :-
          ConsTag = float_tag(Float),
          TestRval = binop(float_eq, Rval, const(llconst_float(Float)))
-        ConsTag = int_tag(Int),
-        TestRval = binop(eq(int_type_int), Rval, const(llconst_int(Int)))
-    ;
-        ConsTag = uint_tag(UInt),
-        TestRval = binop(eq(int_type_uint), Rval, const(llconst_uint(UInt)))
-    ;
-        ConsTag = int8_tag(Int8),
-        TestRval = binop(eq(int_type_int8), Rval, const(llconst_int8(Int8)))
-    ;
-        ConsTag = uint8_tag(UInt8),
-        TestRval = binop(eq(int_type_uint8), Rval, const(llconst_uint8(UInt8)))
-    ;
-        ConsTag = int16_tag(Int16),
-        TestRval = binop(eq(int_type_int16), Rval, const(llconst_int16(Int16)))
-    ;
-        ConsTag = uint16_tag(UInt16),
-        TestRval = binop(eq(int_type_uint16), Rval, const(llconst_uint16(UInt16)))
-    ;
-        ConsTag = int32_tag(Int32),
-        TestRval = binop(eq(int_type_int32), Rval, const(llconst_int32(Int32)))
-    ;
-        ConsTag = uint32_tag(UInt32),
-        TestRval = binop(eq(int_type_uint32), Rval, const(llconst_uint32(UInt32)))
+        ConsTag = int_tag(IntTag),
+        int_tag_to_const_and_int_type(IntTag, Const, IntType),
+        TestRval = binop(eq(IntType), Rval, const(Const))
          ConsTag = foreign_tag(ForeignLang, ForeignVal),
          expect(unify(ForeignLang, lang_c), $module, $pred,
@@ -569,36 +549,9 @@ generate_construction_2(ConsTag, LHSVar, RHSVars, ArgModes, ArgWidths,
          assign_const_to_var(LHSVar, const(llconst_string(String)), !.CI, !CLD),
          Code = empty
-        ConsTag = int_tag(Int),
-        assign_const_to_var(LHSVar, const(llconst_int(Int)), !.CI, !CLD),
-        Code = empty
-    ;
-        ConsTag = uint_tag(UInt),
-        assign_const_to_var(LHSVar, const(llconst_uint(UInt)), !.CI, !CLD),
-        Code = empty
-    ;
-        ConsTag = int8_tag(Int8),
-        assign_const_to_var(LHSVar, const(llconst_int8(Int8)), !.CI, !CLD),
-        Code = empty
-    ;
-        ConsTag = uint8_tag(UInt8),
-        assign_const_to_var(LHSVar, const(llconst_uint8(UInt8)), !.CI, !CLD),
-        Code = empty
-    ;
-        ConsTag = int16_tag(Int16),
-        assign_const_to_var(LHSVar, const(llconst_int16(Int16)), !.CI, !CLD),
-        Code = empty
-    ;
-        ConsTag = uint16_tag(UInt16),
-        assign_const_to_var(LHSVar, const(llconst_uint16(UInt16)), !.CI, !CLD),
-        Code = empty
-    ;
-        ConsTag = int32_tag(Int32),
-        assign_const_to_var(LHSVar, const(llconst_int32(Int32)), !.CI, !CLD),
-        Code = empty
-    ;
-        ConsTag = uint32_tag(UInt32),
-        assign_const_to_var(LHSVar, const(llconst_uint32(UInt32)), !.CI, !CLD),
+        ConsTag = int_tag(IntTag),
+        int_tag_to_const_and_int_type(IntTag, Const, _),
+        assign_const_to_var(LHSVar, const(Const), !.CI, !CLD),
          Code = empty
          ConsTag = foreign_tag(Lang, Val),
@@ -1349,14 +1302,7 @@ generate_det_deconstruction_2(Var, Cons, Args, Modes, ArgWidths, Tag,
      % the value of the constant, so Code = empty.
          ( Tag = string_tag(_String)
-        ; Tag = int_tag(_Int)
-        ; Tag = uint_tag(_UInt)
-        ; Tag = int8_tag(_Int8)
-        ; Tag = uint8_tag(_UInt8)
-        ; Tag = int16_tag(_Int16)
-        ; Tag = uint16_tag(_UInt16)
-        ; Tag = int32_tag(_Int32)
-        ; Tag = uint32_tag(_UInt32)
+        ; Tag = int_tag(_)
          ; Tag = foreign_tag(_, _)
          ; Tag = float_tag(_Float)
          ; Tag = closure_tag(_, _, _)
@@ -1862,13 +1808,6 @@ generate_const_struct_rval(ModuleInfo, UnboxedFloats, ConstStructMap,
          ( ConsTag = string_tag(_)
          ; ConsTag = int_tag(_)
-        ; ConsTag = uint_tag(_)
-        ; ConsTag = int8_tag(_)
-        ; ConsTag = uint8_tag(_)
-        ; ConsTag = int16_tag(_)
-        ; ConsTag = uint16_tag(_)
-        ; ConsTag = int32_tag(_)
-        ; ConsTag = uint32_tag(_)
          ; ConsTag = foreign_tag(_, _)
          ; ConsTag = float_tag(_)
          ; ConsTag = shared_local_tag(_, _)
@@ -1923,37 +1862,9 @@ generate_const_struct_arg_tag(ModuleInfo, UnboxedFloats, ConstStructMap,
              Const = llconst_string(String),
              Type = lt_string
-            ConsTag = int_tag(Int),
-            Const = llconst_int(Int),
-            Type = lt_int(int_type_int)
-        ;
-            ConsTag = uint_tag(UInt),
-            Const = llconst_uint(UInt),
-            Type = lt_int(int_type_uint)
-        ;
-            ConsTag = int8_tag(Int8),
-            Const = llconst_int8(Int8),
-            Type = lt_int(int_type_int8)
-        ;
-            ConsTag = uint8_tag(UInt8),
-            Const = llconst_uint8(UInt8),
-            Type = lt_int(int_type_uint8)
-        ;
-            ConsTag = int16_tag(Int16),
-            Const = llconst_int16(Int16),
-            Type = lt_int(int_type_int16)
-        ;
-            ConsTag = uint16_tag(UInt16),
-            Const = llconst_uint16(UInt16),
-            Type = lt_int(int_type_uint16)
-        ;
-            ConsTag = int32_tag(Int32),
-            Const = llconst_int32(Int32),
-            Type = lt_int(int_type_int32)
-        ;
-            ConsTag = uint32_tag(UInt32),
-            Const = llconst_uint32(UInt32),
-            Type = lt_int(int_type_uint32)
+            ConsTag = int_tag(IntTag),
+            int_tag_to_const_and_int_type(IntTag, Const, IntType),
+            Type = lt_int(IntType)
              ConsTag = foreign_tag(Lang, Val),
              expect(unify(Lang, lang_c), $module, $pred,
@@ -2128,37 +2039,9 @@ generate_ground_term_conjunct_tag(Var, ConsTag, Args, ConsArgWidths,
              Const = llconst_string(String),
              Type = lt_string
-            ConsTag = int_tag(Int),
-            Const = llconst_int(Int),
-            Type = lt_int(int_type_int)
-        ;
-            ConsTag = uint_tag(UInt),
-            Const = llconst_uint(UInt),
-            Type = lt_int(int_type_uint)
-        ;
-            ConsTag = int8_tag(Int8),
-            Const = llconst_int8(Int8),
-            Type = lt_int(int_type_int8)
-        ;
-            ConsTag = uint8_tag(UInt8),
-            Const = llconst_uint8(UInt8),
-            Type = lt_int(int_type_uint8)
-        ;
-            ConsTag = int16_tag(Int16),
-            Const = llconst_int16(Int16),
-            Type = lt_int(int_type_int16)
-        ;
-            ConsTag = uint16_tag(UInt16),
-            Const = llconst_uint16(UInt16),
-            Type = lt_int(int_type_uint16)
-        ;
-            ConsTag = int32_tag(Int32),
-            Const = llconst_int32(Int32),
-            Type = lt_int(int_type_int32)
-        ;
-            ConsTag = uint32_tag(UInt32),
-            Const = llconst_uint32(UInt32),
-            Type = lt_int(int_type_uint32)
+            ConsTag = int_tag(IntTag),
+            int_tag_to_const_and_int_type(IntTag, Const, IntType),
+            Type = lt_int(IntType)
              ConsTag = foreign_tag(Lang, Val),
              expect(unify(Lang, lang_c), $module, $pred,
@@ -2264,6 +2147,44 @@ generate_ground_term_conjunct_tag(Var, ConsTag, Args, ConsArgWidths,
          unexpected($module, $pred, "unexpected tag")

+:- pred int_tag_to_const_and_int_type(int_tag::in, rval_const::out,
+    int_type::out) is det.
+int_tag_to_const_and_int_type(IntTag, Const, Type) :-
+    (
+        IntTag = int_tag_int(Int),
+        Const = llconst_int(Int),
+        Type = int_type_int
+    ;
+        IntTag = int_tag_uint(UInt),
+        Const = llconst_uint(UInt),
+        Type = int_type_uint
+    ;
+        IntTag = int_tag_int8(Int8),
+        Const = llconst_int8(Int8),
+        Type = int_type_int8
+    ;
+        IntTag = int_tag_uint8(UInt8),
+        Const = llconst_uint8(UInt8),
+        Type = int_type_uint8
+    ;
+        IntTag = int_tag_int16(Int16),
+        Const = llconst_int16(Int16),
+        Type = int_type_int16
+    ;
+        IntTag = int_tag_uint16(UInt16),
+        Const = llconst_uint16(UInt16),
+        Type = int_type_uint16
+    ;
+        IntTag = int_tag_int32(Int32),
+        Const = llconst_int32(Int32),
+        Type = int_type_int32
+    ;
+        IntTag = int_tag_uint32(UInt32),
+        Const = llconst_uint32(UInt32),
+        Type = int_type_uint32
+    ).
  :- pred generate_ground_term_args(list(prog_var)::in, list(arg_width)::in,
      active_ground_term_map::in, active_ground_term_map::out) is det.

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