Hi, dear ALL<br><br>If we compile mercury source with default settings (simple mmc file.m) then in case of stack overflow program will silently exit (with no error at all (at least at win), i believe that this is because stack overflow happens on C-level).<br>
On the other side if compiling with stseg grade then program will hang with a lot of memory consumed. My question is - is there some compile options to have descriptive error like: "Stack overflow at pred some_pred: recursion limit 1000 reached" or smth like this. <br>
This helps to make more obvious wrong logic of program as it is obvious that if recusion is too big, it's most likely wrong way of solving some problem.<br>Maybe I missed this infomation from manual, if so - please point me to right place.<br>
<br>Sincerely yours,<br>Vladimir<br>