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> From: pbone@csse.unimelb.edu.au<br>> On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 11:01:54AM +1200, Parker Jones wrote:<br>> > <br>> > Thanks for your reply Paul.<br>> > <br>> > > From: pbone@csse.unimelb.edu.au<br>> > > On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 12:14:15AM +1200, Parker Jones wrote:<br>> > > > <br>> > > > Hello,<br>> > > > <br>> > > > Are there any plans to release a Mercury debian package? Last time I installed, it took several hours to compile which is a bit of a barrier to entry. I wonder how many users would benefit from it being packaged?<br>> > > > <br>> > > > Mercury has been packaged before, so perhaps it could be quite painless...<br>> > > > http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/mercury<br>> > > > http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/mercury<br>> > > ><br>> > > <br>> > > I've started work on a Debian package, but unfortunatly I don't have much spare<br>> > > time to work on this. I definitly agree that it would be useful.<br>> > > <br>> > > See: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=379682<br>> > <br>> > >From the above link I understand you want to create many debian packages (for the different grades). This is perhaps useful but more complicated and time-consuming. Wouldn't it be easier to simply package it exactly as it was before and get it out of the door. Then when someone has time the packaging could be developed further.<br>> > <br>> > Would really love to just type:<br>> > apt-get install mercury<br>> <br>> Yes. I'd like separate packages, but I'd also like a meta package perhaps<br>> 'mercury-dev' which should include "everything you need to develop in Mercury".<br>> <br>> Using separate packages in Debian is actually really easy. The hard bit is<br>> making sure all of mercury's features are packaged correctly. Therefore I'll<br>> start by disabling most but the very basic features and packaging only:<br>> + The compiler (statically linked).<br>> + Other utilities and scripts that the compiler needs.<br>> + Mercury's equivalent of header files for the standard library.<br>> + C header files for the runtime system.<br>> + Static libraries for the runtime system and standard library.<br>> + The same for the mdbcomp, browse and trace libraries which are linked<br>> against even in no-debugging grades.<br>> + All libraries would be built in a single grade, asm_fast.gc<br>> <br>> Also, packing something 'exactly as it is' for Debian isn't really possible.<br>> Debian's policies are quite strict (and for good reason). I've put in some<br>> effort already to make Mercury more con formant.<br>> <br>> If you're interested in what I've done already point your i386 or amd64 lenny<br>> system at:<br>> http://www.mercury.csse.unimelb.edu.au/debian/<br><br>I gave it a try installing the deb under Ubuntu 10.04 but I couldn't satisfy the gcc-3.4 dependency :-(<br><br>> Thanks for your interest.<br><br>Thank you Paul for putting some time into packaging.<br><br>Cheers,<br>Parker<br> <br /><hr />If it exists, you'll find it on SEEK <a href='http://clk.atdmt.com/NMN/go/157639089/direct/01/' target='_new'>Want to be a Space Travel Agent?</a></body>