[m-users.] Availability of student projects in the Mercury project

Julien Fischer jfischer at opturion.com
Mon Jan 16 21:49:28 AEDT 2023


On Fri, 6 Jan 2023, Raghu Ranganathan wrote:

> I would like to know if there are any projects available for students to work 
> on the Mercury project.
> I will have to complete a major project at my college this semester, and it 
> will have to be done in a time period of ~4 months. My domain of choice was 
> Compiler Design. If there are any previous projects that have been done in 
> universities, I'd like to know about them as well. Thanks in advance.

You can take a look the papers page
(<https://mercurylang.org/documentation/papers.html>), to see the kind
of projects that honours students at the University of Melbourne worked
on (those projects were a year long rather than 4 months though.)

When the Mercury team was based at the University of Melbourne, we also
offered student projects over summer that ran for a few months. Some of
these included:

* The Java backend (at least three such summer projects were
   devoted to various aspects of this.)
* Quickcheck style testing for Mercury
* A SOAP interface.
* An interpreter for Mercury bytecode.
* A pretty printer for the debugger.
* Mutual exlusivity and exhaustiveness declarations.
* Some work on the constraint based mode analyser.
* The argument tupling and untupling transformations.

(There were a bunch of others, but I don't remember what they were.)


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