[m-users.] Best way to implement constants ?
Sean Charles (emacstheviking)
objitsu at gmail.com
Sat Aug 19 01:46:43 AEST 2023
There wasn't a repo for the nano thing so I quickly created one, here it is:
emacstheviking/mercury-nano-mode: A simple syntax highlighting scheme for the nano editor to woork with the Mercury programming language.
> On 18 Aug 2023, at 16:40, Volker Wysk <post at volker-wysk.de> wrote:
> Hi!
> Am Freitag, dem 18.08.2023 um 16:24 +0100 schrieb Sean Charles (emacstheviking):
>> I've tried the emacs mode many times but it just doesn't seem to work for me, the layout always feels broken and somehow not quite right. And that's running a clean emacs with ONLY the mercury mode as distributed... is that the one you are using ?
> Yes, that's the one. The automatic layout only works well, when you have the same idea about how it should look, as the author of this mode. I've made a shortcut for inserting a newline, while circumventing the re-layout that the return key triggers:
> (global-set-key [C-return] (lambda () (interactive) (insert "\n")))
>> As for my Mercury projects, here they, feel free to post them wherever you like!
> Got it, thanks. What about your Mercury mode for nano?
> Cheers,
> Volker
>> https://github.com/emacstheviking/mercury-library-samples
>> https://github.com/emacstheviking/mercury-rinse-repeat
>> https://github.com/emacstheviking/mercury-pberr
>> https://github.com/emacstheviking/mcnew
>> The mcnew one was the first real thing I wrote for myself, I still use it. I've tried to use mmc --make etc but not really spent enough time to make the switch fully as a lot of my code uses external C libraries and I never managed to figure out the lines to go in the Mmakefile etc... I have a system that works fone for me,
>>> On 18 Aug 2023, at 16:07, Volker Wysk <post at volker-wysk.de> wrote:
>>> Hi, Sean
>>> "nano-scale" was a pun, and also the idea I had of nano. I thought it was called like that because nano is minimalistic.
>>> Your description is interesting. But I will stick with Emacs.
>>> I'd like to add your Mercury mode and your custom formatter hook for nano to the Mercury Resources List. I'd also like to add other useful projects of yours. I'm a little lost in the 50 projects you have on Github. Could you tell me the names of the projects you own, which you think are suitable for adding to the list? I'll do the rest.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Volker
>>> Am Freitag, dem 18.08.2023 um 15:44 +0100 schrieb Sean Charles (emacstheviking):
>>>> If by nano-scale you mean 'nano', then yes, that editor. I took a snapshot and put it here, I have no ida how long it remains alive:
>>>> https://pasteboard.co/37SlORCNzgln.png
>>>> I modified the Prolog mode to work a little better with Mercury, it's by no means perfect, there are some odd colouring issues when I have a string containing certain escape sequences, but bearing in mind nano uses simple regex filters to figure out what to colour, I am still very happy with the way it works.
>>>> I wrote a tool to use the 'formatter hook' in nano, so that, after a compile, if there are errors, I just do 'Meta-F' and it inserts the errors messages into the source file, as a comment, and the hook I wrote (in Mercury) adjusts the errors to work with my syntax highlighting, another small image:
>>>> https://pasteboard.co/Uu5jsXV8YqEX.png
>>>> The custom formatter hook is here on github: https://github.com/emacstheviking/mercury-pberr
>>>> I have some other stuff that's mercury related there, I think I've troubled this list with it before?! :D
>>>> Cheers!
>>>> --- mercury nano configuration file, ~/.nano/mercury.nanorc ---
>>>> --- BEGIN ---
>>>> ## Mercury, ported and adjusted from Prolog mode.
>>>> syntax "mercury" "\.m$"
>>>> comment "%"
>>>> ## Written in Mercury for Nano+Mercury, this will interleave
>>>> ## a FOO.err file when called from FOO.m via Meta-F (formatter)
>>>> formatter pberr nanoformatter
>>>> # Integers and floats
>>>> color yellow "(^| |=)[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*"
>>>> # Variables
>>>> color magenta "(^|[[:blank:]]|\(|,)[A-Z_!][a-zA-Z0-9_\.\:]*($|[[:blank:]]|,|\))"
>>>> # Anonymous variable '_'
>>>> color yellow "(^|[[:blank:]]|\(|,)_($|[[:blank:]]|,|\))"
>>>> # Functions
>>>> color cyan "(^|[[:blank:]])\w+\("
>>>> color cyan "\(|\)|\[|\]|,|=|\\="
>>>> # Comments
>>>> color green "(^|[[:blank:]])%.*$"
>>>> # Strings
>>>> color yellow "\".*\""
>>>> # compiler :-
>>>> color cyan "^:- .*$"
>>>> # custom errors for pberr
>>>> color red "^%E.*$"
>>>> # Reminders
>>>> # Spaces in front of tabs
>>>> color ,red " + +"
>>>> --- END ---
>>>>> On 18 Aug 2023, at 14:35, Volker Wysk <post at volker-wysk.de> wrote:
>>>>> Am Freitag, dem 18.08.2023 um 14:25 +0100 schrieb Sean Charles
>>>>> (emacstheviking):
>>>>>> LOL! I am a lapsed emacs user of 30 years... vscode stole my affections,
>>>>>> saying that, I use nano exclusivly for Mercury, I've written a few tools
>>>>>> to help me out, and all in all, nano is just fine!
>>>>> You mean that nano-scale editor? For real? Does it even have a Mercury (or
>>>>> Prolog) mode with syntax highlighting, like Emacs does?
>>>>>>> On 18 Aug 2023, at 14:24, Mark Brown <mark at mercurylang.org> wrote:
>>>>>>> On Fri, Aug 18, 2023 at 6:26 PM Sean Charles (emacstheviking)
>>>>>>> <objitsu at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> My question is simple this: is what I have done 'ok' or is it a diabolical insult to all that as beautiful and holy in the Mercury world?
>>>>>>> You mean the planet? :-P
>>>>>>> To answer your question in general, the measure of what you write
>>>>>>> depends on your intended audience. It's the same for programming as it
>>>>>>> is for other kinds of writing. Having said that, I hate it when I
>>>>>>> can't use tags in vim.
>>>>>>> Mark
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