[m-users.] [Beginner] Optimally representing a diamond-shaped grid

Razetime rraghu.11502 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 16 12:39:02 AEDT 2022

array2d was very helpful, this is what i ended up doing:

:- pred move2(dir::in,{int,int}::in,{int,int}::out) is det.
  (if in_bounds(gridp2,R0,C0)
   then (if lookup(gridp2,R0,C0,'x')
         then E={R,C}
         else E={R0,C0})
   else  E={R,C}).

:- func gridp2=array2d(character) is det.

On 10/16/22, Peter Wang <novalazy at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, 15 Oct 2022 15:30:37 +0530 Razetime <rraghu.11502 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have a grid like follows:
>>     1
>>   2 3 4
>> 5 6 7 8 9
>>   A B C
>>     D
>> for a pointer that spawns on any position on this grid, the possible
>> options are up, down, left and right, which move 1 step in each of
>> those directions. If a direction is given and there is no spot in that
>> direction, the point should remain in place.
> I would represent positions by cartesian coordinates:
>     :- type pos
> 	--->	pos(int, int).	% x, y
> Then define a predicate that determines valid positions.
> You could enumerate all valid positions (as below),
> or define it mathematically:
>     :- pred valid_position(pos::in) is semidet.
>     valid_position(pos(2, 0)).	% position 1 above
>     valid_position(pos(1, 1)).	% position 2 above
>     % etc.
> Then define predicates to move one step in each direction,
> or fail if there is no valid step in that direction:
>     :- pred down(pos::in, pos::out) is semidet.
>     down(Pos0, Pos) :-
> 	Pos0 = pos(X, Y),
> 	Pos = pos(X, Y + 1),
> 	valid_position(Pos).
> Peter

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