[m-users.] Existential higher-order type

Volker Wysk post at volker-wysk.de
Tue Oct 11 21:38:18 AEDT 2022

Am Dienstag, dem 11.10.2022 um 19:27 +1100 schrieb Mark Brown:
> > The checker is supposed to check the value (second argument) and throw an
> > exception if it is invalid.
> I assumed you _weren't_ doing that. I think the reference manual
> leaves this behaviour unspecified if a det predicate has no outputs
> (i.e., it doesn't require that the exception is thrown), so that would
> mean your code doesn't say what you intend it to, or the reference
> manual doesn't say what we intend it to. Either way, I'd avoid it
> personally.

Could someone who knows how it is, please clarify this?

I thought the compiler would keep track of which parts can throw an
exception. There's the "erroneous" determinism category for such parts...

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