[m-users.] aarch64 runtime reports "caught segmentation violation"

Peter Wang novalazy at gmail.com
Fri May 27 12:23:20 AEST 2022

On Thu, 26 May 2022 07:39:23 +0000 Van Ly <van.ly at sdf.org> wrote:
> Thankyou Julien for those suggestions.
> Rebuilding Mercury with Mmake.params "EXTRA_CFLAGS = -O0" after
>    $ ./configure --prefix=path/to/mercury --disable-csharp-grade 
> --disable-java-grade --enable-nogc-grades --enable-hlc-prof-grades 
> --enable-hlc-low-level-debug-grades --with-cc="path/to/gcc"
> I was seeing progress lines like
>    mmc --compile-to-c --grade asm_fast    --mercury-linkage shared ...
> but I was able to get through the "Hello, World" example using
>    $ mmc --mercury-linkage static hello
> which was failing before the "-O0" rebuild.
> I should have exhausted my options in the FAQ before bugging the 
> list.
>    https://mercurylang.org/information/doc-release/mercury_faq/index.html
> Will the configure option '--with-default-grade=reg' install and use a
> high-level C grade?


I can confirm that asm_fast.gc crashes on Aarch64 with gcc 10.2.
asm_fast.gc does work on Aarch64 with gcc 8.3.0, so something
changed between those versions.

For now, please run configure with the --with-llds-base-grade=reg
option, and avoid asm_fast grades when specifying grades directly.


(Note that I'm testing under emulation but that should not matter.)

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