[m-users.] Confused by action of string.prefix_length

Zoltan Somogyi zoltan.somogyi at runbox.com
Wed Jun 8 18:11:42 AEST 2022

2022-06-08 18:02 GMT+10:00 "Peter Wang" <novalazy at gmail.com>:
> Code unit corresponds to "byte" in the UTF-8 encoding, but it is not a
> synonym. It is standard Unicode terminology. Please take some time to
> read about Unicode encodings. Every programmer must know the basics,
> it's part of the landscape just as ASCII and 8-bit code pages was.

And while Mercury uses UTF-8 to represent strings when targeting C,
it uses UTF-16 when targeting C# or Java, since that is what those languages
use. In UTF-16, a code unit is NOT one byte. The documentation of
string operations must work for all of Mercury's target languages.
Talking about bytes in that documentation would prevent that.


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