[m-users.] Initialising a map with static data
Sean Charles (emacstheviking)
objitsu at gmail.com
Tue Jan 25 19:18:01 AEDT 2022
I actually did try that way but I didn’t like it, I wanted something that more accurately —read— as it was to be if that makes sense… also I guess it was influnced by the fact it’s being ported from SWI| Prolog code I wrote before I realised Mercury was The Way.
The actual SWI code is this, and I wanted it to be as visually close as possible henc eusing pair() worked for me but I wondered if there was an alternative.
Thanks Fabrice.
_{ names:
main: "i", % TODO: invert: i: [main, argc] ?!?!?
argc: "i",
argv: "ppc"
%i: [i,j,k,n,x,y,z],
% c: [c, chr] %TODO: SHOULD I DO THIS???
% TODO: Provide a means to UNDO some defaults eg specify
% an empty replacement as a signal to remove key
v: "void",
pv: "void*",
c: "char",
sc: "signed char",
uc: "unsigned char",
pc: "char*",
ppc: "char**",
cpc: "const char*",
cppc: "const char**",
sh: "short",
shi: "short int",
ssh: "signed short",
sshi: "signed short int",
us: "unsigned short",
ushi: "unsigned short int",
i: "int",
s: "signed",
si: "signed int",
u: "unsigned",
ui: "unsigned int",
l: "long",
li: "long int",
sl: "signed long",
sli: "signed long int",
ul: "unsigned long",
uli: "unsigned long int",
ll: "long long",
lli: "long long int",
sll: "signed long long",
slli: "signed long long int",
ull: "unsigned long long",
ulli: "unsigned longlong int",
f: "float",
d: "double",
ld: "long double",
b: "_Bool", % TODO: "auto-include" stdbool.h ?!?!?
'?': "_Bool",
% some extra ones that I find I use all the time
fi: "FILE",
pfi: "FILE*"
variable: "i",
function: "v"
%% maps supported types to printf() format specifier for EMIT
'void*': "%p",
'char': "%c",
'signed char': "%c",
'unsigned char': "%uc",
'char*': "%s",
'char**': "%p",
'const char*': "%s",
'const char**': "%p",
'short': "%i",
'short int': "%i",
'signed short': "%i",
'signed short int': "%ui",
'unsigned short': "%ui",
'unsigned short int': "%ui",
'int': "%i",
'signed': "%i",
'signed int': "%i",
'unsigned': "%ui",
'unsigned int': "%ui",
'long': "%li",
'long int': "%li",
'signed long': "%li",
'signed long int': "%li",
'unsigned long': "%ul",
'unsigned long int': "%ul",
'long long': "%lli",
'long long int': "%lli",
'signed long long': "%lli",
'signed long long int': "%lli",
'unsigned long long': "%llu",
'unsigned long long int': "%llu",
'float': "%g",
'double': "%g",
'long double': "%Lg",
'_Bool': "%i",
'FILE*': "%p"
> On 25 Jan 2022, at 00:27, Fabrice Nicol <fabrnicol at gmail.com> wrote:
> Below is an alternative, which has pros and cons.
> A bit more concise, but you have to align the data carefully to avoid input errors.
> Or, if you have lots of data, you can write a database in a file, and parse (use the GH csv library for example).
> %%
> :-module map_test.
> :-interface.
> :-import_module io.
> :-import_module map.
> :-import_module string.
> :-pred create_maps(map(string, string), map(string, string)).
> :-mode create_maps(out, out) is det.
> :-pred main(io::di, io::uo) is det.
> :-implementation.
> :-import_module list.
> %% create
> create_maps(Types, Vars) :-
> K1 = ["i", "psz", " v", "pv",
> "c", "sc", "uc", "pc",
> "ppc", "cpc", "cppc"],
> V1 = ["int", "char*", "void", "void*",
> "char", "signed char", "unsigned char", "char*",
> "char**", "const char*", "const char**"],
> K2 = ["argc", "argv"],
> V2 = ["int", "ppc"],
> det_insert_from_corresponding_lists(K1, V1, map.init, Types),
> det_insert_from_corresponding_lists(K2, V2, map.init, Vars).
> %% test
> main(!IO) :- create_maps(Types, Vars),
> write_string(Types^det_elem("cpc"), !IO),
> nl(!IO),
> write_string(Vars^det_elem("argc"), !IO),
> nl(!IO).
> :-end_module
> %%
> $ ./map_test
> const char*
> int
> %%
> Fabrice
>> Is there a more concise way of creating a map full of static data? The best I have obtained is this:
>> default_typemap = Out :-
>> map.from_assoc_list([
>> ("i" - "int"),
>> ("psz" - "char*"),
>> ("v" - "void"),
>> ("pv" - "void*"),
>> ("c" - "char"),
>> ("sc" - "signed char"),
>> ("uc" - "unsigned char"),
>> ("pc" - "char*"),
>> ("ppc" - "char**"),
>> ("cpc" - "const char*"),
>> ("cppc" - "const char**")
>> ],
>> Types),
>> map.from_assoc_list([
>> ("argc" - "int"),
>> ("argv" - "ppc")
>> ],
>> Vars),
>> :
>> : .. more code..
>> :
>> Each backend coder that is a for typed language will be providing an initial lookup of both variables and types so it can infer necessary typing at code render time.
>> Thanks,
>> Sean
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