[m-users.] Building the ODBC library fails

Volker Wysk post at volker-wysk.de
Sat Jan 15 19:28:34 AEDT 2022

Am Samstag, dem 15.01.2022 um 14:35 +1100 schrieb Julien Fischer:
> Using mmc --make to compile libodbc will not work unless you do
> something equivalent to what the Mmakefile does.  Since this all seems
> to be very system-dependent, I can't say exactly what will work on your
> system.  On mine (CentOS 7, unixODBC 2.3.1), the following did:
>     $ mmc --cflag "-DMODBC_UNIX" --cflag "-DMODBC_MYSQL" -lodbc \
>         -lpthread -ldl --make libodb

Yes, this works. Installation works too (with "mmc ... libodbc.install").

My system is an Ubuntu 20.04, with UnixODBC 2.3.6.

Cheers, Volker
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