[m-users.] minimal model pragma and compilation options

C. M. Sperberg-McQueen cmsmcq at blackmesatech.com
Fri Jan 14 09:32:02 AEDT 2022

C. M. Sperberg-McQueen writes:

> The documentation (for 20.06-1) and I appear not to be communicating
> with each other very well; I wonder if anyone here can help.
> What must I do to persuade mmc --make to compile a program that uses
> minimal-model tabling? 

I have not yet found an answer to this question but I am beginning to
suspect that it will require recompiling Mercury.

> On a related note, is there any way to find out reliably which grades of
> Mercury were installed when I installed the Mercury package?  

For the record, I have found two ways:

(1) The description of the Debian packages at [1] lists a set of
grades.  Since I installed the packages following the instructions at
[1], that list has a reasonable chance of being accurate.

[1] http://dl.mercurylang.org/deb/

(2) The directory /usr/lib/mercury/lib, which I found by looking at
/usr/lib/mmc and /usr/lib/mercury*, contains directories with names that
look a lot like names of grades.  It will surprise no one, least of all
me, that the list of subdirectories is similar but not identical to the
list of grades in the document at [1].

Unfortunately for me, neither the documentation nor the directories give
any sign of any .mm grades.

C. M. Sperberg-McQueen
Black Mesa Technologies LLC

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