[m-users.] Mercury to c# workflow?

Sean Charles (emacstheviking) objitsu at gmail.com
Thu Jan 6 06:53:16 AEDT 2022

Hi David,

Check out the source code for a recent ROTD version and then read ./mercury-srcdist-20.06.1/README.CSharp

It might yield some useful starting points etc.


> On 5 Jan 2022, at 19:46, David Epstein <davideps at umich.edu> wrote:
> Thanks for your quick response Zoltan. I'm not skilled enough in Prolog or Mercury yet to be sure I'm asking the question correctly, but I essentially want to know if the rule mortal(X):-man(X)  and the predicate man(X) could be compiled into C# and if new instances such as man(john) and man(bob) could later be created during runtime, e.g. when a user clicks on the "create man" button in the GUI? Is this the purpose of mutables (from section 4 in the transition guide)?
> On Wed, Jan 5, 2022 at 8:52 PM Zoltan Somogyi <zoltan.somogyi at runbox.com <mailto:zoltan.somogyi at runbox.com>> wrote:
> On Wed, 5 Jan 2022 18:42:17 +0200, David Epstein <davideps at umich.edu <mailto:davideps at umich.edu>> wrote:
> > For example, given:
> > 
> > mortal(X) :- man(X).
> > 
> > How would I dynamically (from c#) declare "man(Socrates)." and then query
> > if "human(Socrates)"?
> While a Prolog program allows the set of clauses in a predicate
> to be altered during runtime with assert and retract, Mercury does not.
> Please read section 4 of the Prolog to Mercury transition guide
> for the reason why it doesn't, and the many other solutions
> Mercury programmers can choose from.
> Note that this has nothing to do with C#, or with pragma foreign_export.
> You should also note that a fact of the form "man(Socrates)" would
> in fact assert that *everyone* is a man, because
> - "Socrates" starts with an upper case letter, which means it is a variable,
> - any value in the declared argument type of the "man/1" predicate,
>   which presumably is a type representing people, is an instance of this variable.
> Zoltan.
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