[m-users.] Compiler bug

Volker Wysk post at volker-wysk.de
Tue Feb 8 22:55:08 AEDT 2022


I've run into a compiler bug. The message repeats itself some more times.
It's like this:

Uncaught Mercury exception:
Software Error: map.lookup: key not found
	Key Type: parse_tree.prog_data.class_id
	Key Value: class_id(unqualified("pagename"), 1)
	Value Type: hlds.hlds_class.hlds_class_defn
** Error making `Mercury/cs/attachments.c'.
Uncaught Mercury exception:
Software Error: map.lookup: key not found
	Key Type: parse_tree.prog_data.class_id
	Key Value: class_id(unqualified("pagename"), 1)
	Value Type: hlds.hlds_class.hlds_class_defn

What does this say about the cause of the error? I assume that my program is
faulty and that it would compile if it were correct.

Shall I send you (the Mercury team) my program so you can reproduce and fix
the problem?

Cheers, Volker
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