[m-users.] Error making c file after upgrading to Mercury 22.01

Dirk Ziegemeyer dirk at ziegemeyer.de
Sun Apr 10 04:16:19 AEST 2022

At first, I want to thank you for providing Mercury 22.01.

Uprading a module from Mercury 20.06 to 22.01 on MacOS Catalina fails and I don't know where to find debugging hints.

The compiler gives me these log messages:

$ mmc --make foo
Making Mercury/int3s/foo.int3
Making Mercury/int3s/bar.int3
Making Mercury/ints/bar.int
Making Mercury/ints/foo.int
Making Mercury/hlc.gc/x86_64-apple-darwin19.6.0/Mercury/cs/bar.c
** Error making `Mercury/hlc.gc/x86_64-apple-darwin19.6.0/Mercury/cs/bar.c'.
make: *** [foo] Error 1

The files foo.err and bar.err are both empty.

Calling mmc with option -E does not provide any more information.

Other modules within this repository compile successfully with Mercury 22.01. Julien’s mercury-csv library, which my module depends on, compiles and installs successfully with Mercury 22.01.
The same situation happens with mercury-rotd-2022-04-07.

Unfortunately, I don't know where too find more information on how to debug this, because the .err files are empty.

I would appreciate any help on how to debug this kind of error.


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