[m-users.] Mercury style for OO style interfaces

Sean Charles (emacstheviking) objitsu at gmail.com
Tue Sep 7 06:10:08 AEST 2021


I am wondering what the most appropriate technique is to emulate the concept of an interface that fronts a selected concrete representation of a translation process? Each translation process will have a common set of predicates to transform my AST into a different output form according to command line switches.

I have worked through several options but eventually they all feel cumbersome and clumsy. For example :-

:- import_module form_a.  % renders ‘a’ code from AST
:- import_module form_c.  % etc.
:- import_module form_b.

    ( if option = “form a” then
        renderer = form_a.render
    else if option = “form b” then
	renderer = form_b.render

then later where I need to call the render functions…

	renderer( … )

I hope my question is clear enough to elicit meaningful response. I have not had too much success using currying in Mercury, the above is about as brave as I have been but that’s only one possible solution. I guess I am just trying to make that leap from thinking about things in OO to more of a Mercury paradigm.


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