[m-users.] Trouble building on MSYS2 Win10

Mark Green mgreen at brookes.ac.uk
Wed Apr 28 03:54:15 AEST 2021

Sorry, I should have clarified, the JDK is already on the MSYS2 path and
javac and java run fine from the prompt, which is why the non-matching "not
found" message made me think it wasn't running through that prompt.


On Tue, 27 Apr 2021 at 18:49, Julien Fischer <jfischer at opturion.com> wrote:

> Hi Mark,
> On Tue, 27 Apr 2021, Mark Green wrote:
> > I'm having two awkward problems on MSYS2 (other than the amazing amount
> of time it takes to build!)
> The build system for Mercury relies heavily on GNU make which is known to
> be quite slow on MinGW.
> > 1. During the make process, it tells me that documentation could not
> > be built "probably due to a missing info" and "probably due to a
> > missing perl". Thing is, I explicitly installed info with pacman and
> > perl is built into MSYS2.
> The "probably" bit is important there's no way for the Mmakefile in the
> doc directory to know exactly what the problem is.  At a guess, you are
> missing some of the tools required to build the documentation, most
> likely makeinfo and texi2dvi.
> Installing the packages "texinfo" and "texinfo-tex" using pacman should
> provide the above. (I haven't tested this, since attempting to update
> my rather out-of-date msys2 installation just killed pacman completely
> :-( )
> > 2. When it tries to make the Java grade, it builds a bunch of .java
> > file, outputs "making class files", then produces "The system cannot
> > find the file specified." - the Windows shell "file not found"
> > message, not the MSYS2 one. This seems to imply that it might be
> > looking on the Windows path for Java rather than the MSYS2 one and
> > therefore not finding it. Is there a way to fix this?
> It is usually sufficient to include the JDK's bin directory on the MSYS
> PATH (as per README.MinGW).  External commands invoked by the Mercury
> compiler will run on the Window shell (i.e. whatever the enviroment
> variable COMSPEC is pointing at, typically cmd.exe).  This should
> inherit the MSYS PATH when the Mercury compiler is invoked in the MSYS
> shell.
> Julien.
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