[m-users.] C include dir

Julien Fischer jfischer at opturion.com
Wed Apr 21 20:09:01 AEST 2021

On Wed, 21 Apr 2021, Volker Wysk wrote:

> Am Mittwoch, den 21.04.2021, 10:08 +0100 schrieb Sean Charles
> (emacstheviking):
>> Hi Volker,
>> I saw that option the other day, if you do `man mmc` and search for -I…
>>  -I <dir>, --search-directory <dir>
>>         Append <dir> to the list of directories to be searched for imported modules.
>> So it does have -I but it just doesn’t do what you thought and hence the need for —c-include-dir I guess.
> You're right, "-I" is already in use.
> However, one can make do like this:
> INC=`pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0 | sed 's/-I/--c-include-dir /g'`

Alternatively, you could just pass the output of pkg-config directly
to the C compiler using mmc's --cflags option, e.g

     $ mmc --cflags "$(pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0)" ...


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