[m-users.] Partial instantiation.

maoko at riseup.net maoko at riseup.net
Fri Aug 7 15:42:32 AEST 2020

Hello. I'm new to Mercury and I'm wondering if the partial instantiation
are still unsupported?
In the manual, it's written:
Nevertheless, Mercury’s mode system is sufficiently expressive to handle
more complex data-flow patterns, including
those involving partially instantiated data structures i.e. data
structures with “free” holes in them.
(In the current implementation, partially instantiated data structures
are unsupported due to a lack of alias tracking in
 the mode system. For more information, please see the ‘LIMITATIONS’
file distributed with Mercury.)
So far, I've played with partial instantiation and it's seemed to work.
So idk.
Best regard.

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