[m-users.] Compiling with Emscripten

Ace sheganinans at gmail.com
Wed Apr 15 10:22:46 AEST 2020

Hi all!

So I have a nice little project and it would be interesting if I could get
it to compile with Emscripten, however I'm not even sure what to do.

I've looked through the documentation and I haven't found much in the way
of what commands to invoke to hand-compile the generated C code, as soon as
I get that working I'm sure getting it to work with Emscripten will be a
similar process

In other words, I've been trying to get my code to compile manually without
the use of `mmc --make`, instead invoking `gcc` or `mgnuc` directly on the
C output.

But so far I haven't gotten it to work yet. As soon that works, my next
step would be to get it to compile to WASM through Emscripten.

As soon as I get it to compile with Emscripten I'll be sure to post a
working "Hello World" on GitHub for posterity.

AIstis Raulinaitis
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