[m-users.] What language and source file should the Windows version compile to?

DC galois at nycap.rr.com
Wed Oct 16 23:49:12 AEDT 2019

Hi Julien,

“You didn't answer my question about which version of Visual Studio you 
are using”

I’m not using Visual Studio, and would prefer not to.I wanted to 
generate straight .c or .java.  But the download itself has Visual 
Studio in the name, so I was confused about whether it only generated 
Visual Studio projects, or if all of the Mercury versions (the Windows 
or Linux version) optionally generated any of the source options.   The 
answer is yes, obviously, from what you are saying about the command 
line options.

“The reason you're not getting an executable is that the final link step 
is failing.”

On the original PC where I reported the problem, even the source code 
wasn’t being generated.However, on a different PC that I tried yesterday 
afternoon, it did generate the source.

mmc --no-restricted-command-line --grade java --make hello

Perfect, this is the kind of instruction I needed, thanks Julien.I’ll 
look this up in the manuals, and also try to generate GNU .c (I think 
that’s what was generated yesterday, but need to confirm that).

Anyway, you pointed me in the right direction.I’ll let the group know if 
there’s any problem linking from .c source, or generating a .jar.


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