[m-users.] Bug in posix.readdir (fixed)

Volker Wysk post at volker-wysk.de
Fri Oct 11 23:06:48 AEDT 2019


The readdir/4 predicate from the posix library is buggy. It returns an
"unknown error code" error for the end of the directory stream.

I've fixed it. I've changed the type from

:- pred readdir(dir::in, 
		io::di, io::uo) is det.


:- pred readdir(dir::in,
                io::di, io::uo) is det.

The new version returns "posix.ok(yes(File))" for a directory entry,
and "posix.ok(no)" for the end of the stream.

See the attached file. It should replace the posix.readdir.m file from
the posix library (after renaming from readdir to posix.readdir).

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