[m-users.] On package managers for Mercury

Julian Fondren jfondren at minimaltype.com
Wed Aug 28 15:22:10 AEST 2019


On 2019-07-28 21:34, Julian Fondren wrote:
> Hello list,
> * So what does the alchemy really need, to work?
> Just one thing: discoverability. That "X looks for prior work and
> doesn't/does find it" is where the lead/gold outcome is decided.
> 1. a server on the internet that holds the list of packages
> 2. a website that you can use easily add a package to the list
> 3. a cli tool, preferably one included in Mercury, that can search
>    through this list and grab packages from it
> So... I've got #1 and #2 done, and am working on #3 now. That'll
> probably be released in a week or two.

It's released as 'mmc-get' at 

The utility's still very limited, but the essentials are there:

1. you can use the webapp to add packages

2. you can use mmc-get to find and clone those packages under the
working directory

Please feel free to add your packages to the list even if they're
already there. At the very least that means I can remove the 'nonauthor'
tag from those entries. I've a lot of TODO entries to work through
for the CLI app, but I won't be making any big changes to the website
(like adding logins for authorized updates instead of me curating them)
for a long while.

The rest of this email is just usage examples.


$ mmc-get help
usage: mmc-get update              # update mmc-get package lists
usage: mmc-get version
usage: mmc-get list [<filter>]     # list packages, with optional filter
usage: mmc-get listall [<filter>]  # ... including unreviewed packages
usage: mmc-get brief [<filter>]    # ... with less information
usage: mmc-get briefall [<filter>]
usage: mmc-get get <name>          # clone package into the working 

$ mmc-get update
... noisily download package lists ...
*** Mercury Package News ***

28 Aug 2019
- 35 reviewed packages
- mmc-get v0.1.0 released

$ mmc-get brief|wc -l

$ mmc-get list game

Name             : FlyingJester/CinnabarEngine
URL              : https://github.com/FlyingJester/CinnabarEngine.git
Tags             : game nonauthor
License          : other
Builds           : cinnabar
Dependencies     : []
Version Control  : git (releases: head)
FFI              : [c]
Description      : Adventure game engine

Name             : lambdataro/Mercury-Block
URL              : https://github.com/lambdataro/Mercury-Block
Tags             : game sdl nonauthor lang_jp
License          : mit
Builds           : main
Dependencies     : []
Version Control  : git (releases: head)
FFI              : [c]
Description      : Block breaking game

Name             : sebgod/skat
URL              : https://github.com/sebgod/skat.git
Tags             : game nonauthor
License          : gpl
Builds           :
Dependencies     : []
Version Control  : git (releases: head)
FFI              : []
Description      : An implementation of the Skat card game using Mercury

$ mmc-get get cinnabar
Name             : FlyingJester/CinnabarEngine
URL              : https://github.com/FlyingJester/CinnabarEngine.git
Tags             : game nonauthor
License          : other
Builds           : cinnabar
Dependencies     : []
Version Control  : git (releases: head)
FFI              : [c]
Description      : Adventure game engine
Name             : FlyingJester/cinnabar
URL              : https://github.com/FlyingJester/cinnabar.git
Tags             : X11 window_manager gui nonauthor license_unknown
License          : other
Builds           : xtest, xlistfonts, cinnabar
Dependencies     : []
Version Control  : git (releases: head)
FFI              : [c]
Description      : Stacking, Reparenting Window Manager for X11

Ambiguous result. Your choice? [1..2, show, brief, q] brief
[1] FlyingJester/CinnabarEngine       Adventure game engine
[2] FlyingJester/cinnabar             Stacking, Reparenting Window 
Manager for X11

Ambiguous result. Your choice? [1..2, show, brief, q] 2
Cloning into 'FlyingJester/cinnabar'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 13, done.
remote: Total 13 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 13
Unpacking objects: 100% (13/13), done.

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