[m-users.] switch confusion with cc_multi

Mark Brown mark at mercurylang.org
Wed Aug 21 18:57:02 AEST 2019

On Wed, Aug 21, 2019 at 3:06 AM Julian Fondren <jfondren at minimaltype.com> wrote:
> On 2019-08-20 11:06, Mark Brown wrote:
> > Code was posted, and the relevant predicate was referred to by name.
> > The code compiles fine with a reasonable type declaration so long as
> > it doesn't have user defined equality or comparison, but if it does
> > the compiler reports that a unification has multiple solutions. That
> > is why I asked about that feature.
> The code that was posted isn't the code that he had a problem with
> though.

That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying what observations my hypothesis
was based on, not debating what the poster meant.

> I think this is pretty clearly what the question is about,

It wasn't clear to me. For the record, if I knew for certain that the
code posted was not the code that had a problem, I would have asked
Sean to post the proper code and not waste people's time in future.


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