[m-users.] Stable Releases

Julien Fischer jfischer at opturion.com
Mon Apr 1 16:20:44 AEDT 2019

Hi Charles,

On Sun, 31 Mar 2019, Charles Shuller wrote:

> I keep running into issues with people and code on ROTDs instead of
> the latest stable release (14.01.1) which I think is quite old now.

Code written in Mercury 14.01 should be compatible with the current
ROTDs; the most likely issue you would encounter is that the error
checking in the ROTDs is stronger.  The issue with determinism
declarations that was raised on this list is an example (14.01 was
incorrectly accepting that code).

> Does the Mercury team intend to keep producing stable releases going
> forward, or only ROTDs?

Yes, we do intend to keep producing stable releases; the lack of such
is simply an issue finding enough resources to go through the process
of creating a stable release.


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