[m-users.] Compiler trouble

Noah Scott Goldman noahsg at badmousedriver.xyz
Mon Aug 8 10:59:59 AEST 2016

Unfortunately, even after runningmmc helloand mmc 
--no-restricted-command-line hello, there is still no executable.

I have attached the --verboseoutput; not sure if it helps.

Also, I am running Visual Studio 2015.
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Making Mercury\int3s\hello.int3
% Writing output to Mercury\int3s\hello.int3.tmp... done
% Updating interface:
% `Mercury\int3s\hello.int3' has been CREATED.
% Invoking system command `cp   Mercury\int3s\hello.int3.tmp   Mercury\int3s\hello.int3'...
% done.
% Touching `Mercury\date3s\hello.date3'...  done.
Making Mercury\ints\hello.int
Invoking self `mmc --invoked-by-mmc-make --libgrade none.gc.trseg.debug.stseg --libgrade none.gc.decldebug.stseg --libgrade none.gc.debug.stseg --libgrade none.gc --libgrade java --libgrade hlc.gc.trseg --libgrade hlc.gc.memprof --libgrade hlc.gc --libgrade csharp -O2 --grade hlc.gc --mercury-linkage static --mercury-stdlib-dir C:/mercury-14.01-vs2013/lib/mercury --mercury-config-dir C:/mercury-14.01-vs2013/lib/mercury --cc cl --c-compiler-type cl_1800 --java-compiler javac --java-interpreter java --csharp-compiler csc --csharp-compiler-type microsoft --cli-interpreter "" --erlang-compiler "" --erlang-interpreter "" --cflags-for-ansi "" --cflags-for-optimization "" --cflags-for-warnings -nologo --cflags-for-threads "-DGC_WIN32_THREADS -MD" --cflags-for-debug "" --cflags-for-regs "" --cflags-for-gotos "" --cflags-for-pic "" --c-flag-to-name-object-file -Fo --java-flags -J"-Xmx1024m" --object-file-extension .obj --pic-object-file-extension .o --link-with-pic-object-file-extension .o --executable-file-extension .exe --shared-library-extension .lib --library-extension .lib --create-archive-command lib --create-archive-command-output-flag -OUT: --create-archive-command-flags -nologo --ranlib-command echo --ranlib-flags "" --link-executable-command cl --link-shared-lib-command "cl -shared" --trace-libs "  " --thread-libs "" --hwloc-libs "" --hwloc-static-libs "" --shared-libs " -lc" --math-lib "" --readline-libs "" --linker-opt-separator -link --linker-thread-flags -MD --shlib-linker-thread-flags -MD --linker-trace-flags "" --shlib-linker-trace-flags "" --linker-static-flags "" --linker-strip-flag "" --linker-debug-flags -DEBUG --shlib-linker-debug-flags -DEBUG --linker-link-lib-flag "" --linker-link-lib-suffix .lib --shlib-linker-link-lib-flag "" --shlib-linker-link-lib-suffix .lib --linker-path-flag -LIBPATH: --linker-rpath-flag -Wl,-rpath, --linker-rpath-separator " -Wl,-rpath," --shlib-linker-rpath-flag -Wl,-rpath, --shlib-linker-rpath-separator " -Wl,-rpath," --shlib-linker-install-name-flag "-install_name " --linker-allow-undefined-flag "" --linker-error-undefined-flag "" --fullarch i686-pc-mingw32 --install-prefix C:/mercury-14.01-vs2013 --num-real-r-regs 0 --num-real-r-temps 0 --conf-low-tag-bits 2 --bits-per-word 32 --bytes-per-word 4 --sync-term-size 0 --dotnet-library-version --host-env-type windows --target-env-type windows --restricted-command-line --no-unboxed-float --max-jump-table-size 512 -O2 --no-use-symlinks --make --verbose --make-interface --use-subdirs hello'
% Parsing module `hello' and imported interfaces...
% Writing output to Mercury\ints\hello.int.tmp... done
% Updating interface:
% `Mercury\ints\hello.int' has been CREATED.
% Invoking system command `cp   Mercury\ints\hello.int.tmp   Mercury\ints\hello.int'...
% done.
% Writing output to Mercury\int2s\hello.int2.tmp... done
% Updating interface:
% `Mercury\int2s\hello.int2' has been CREATED.
% Invoking system command `cp   Mercury\int2s\hello.int2.tmp   Mercury\int2s\hello.int2'...
% done.
% Touching `Mercury\dates\hello.date'...  done.
Making Mercury\cs\hello.c
% Parsing module `hello' and imported interfaces...
% Module qualifying items...
% done.
% Expanding equivalence types...
% done.
% Converting parse tree to hlds...
% done.
% Post-processing type definitions...
% Checking typeclasses...
% Checking instance declaration types...
% Checking typeclass instances...
% Checking for cyclic classes...
% Checking for missing concrete instances...
% Checking functional dependencies on instances...
% Checking typeclass constraints...
% Checking that insts have matching types... done.
% Type-checking...
% Type-checking clauses...
% Program is type-correct.
% Purity-checking clauses...
% Program is purity-correct.
% Substituting implementation-defined literals...
% done.
% Transforming polymorphic unifications... done.
% Mode-checking clauses...
% Program is mode-correct.
% Detecting switches...
% done.
% Detecting common deconstructions...
% done.
% Doing determinism checking...
% done.
% Program is determinism-correct.
% Checking for backtracking over unique modes...
% Program is unique-mode-correct.
% Transforming try goals...
% done.
% Simplifying goals...
% done.
% Transforming tabled predicates... done.
% Transforming lambda expressions... done.
% Transforming stm expressions... done.
% Fully expanding equivalence types... done.
% Generating type_ctor_info structures... done.
% Specializing higher-order and polymorphic predicates...
% done.
% Maybe apply source to source debugging transformation ...
% done.
% Inlining...
% done.
% Eliminating dead procedures...
% done.
% Updating interface:
% `hello.mh' has been CREATED.
% Invoking system command `cp   hello.mh.tmp   hello.mh'...
% done.
% Simplifying goals...
% done.
% Marking static ground terms...
% done.
% Mapping args to regs... done.
% Converting HLDS to MLDS...
% done.
% Generating RTTI data...
% done.
% Detecting tail calls...
% done.
% Optimizing MLDS...
% done.
% Flattening nested functions...
% done.
% Optimizing MLDS again...
% done.
% Converting MLDS to C...
% Writing to file `Mercury\cs\hello.c'...
% done.
% Writing to file `Mercury\mihs\hello.mih.tmp'...
% done.
% Updating interface:
% `Mercury\mihs\hello.mih' has been CREATED.
% Invoking system command `cp   Mercury\mihs\hello.mih.tmp   Mercury\mihs\hello.mih'...
% done.
% Finished converting MLDS to C.
% Touching `Mercury\c_dates\hello.c_date'...  done.
Invoking self `mmc --invoked-by-mmc-make --libgrade none.gc.trseg.debug.stseg --libgrade none.gc.decldebug.stseg --libgrade none.gc.debug.stseg --libgrade none.gc --libgrade java --libgrade hlc.gc.trseg --libgrade hlc.gc.memprof --libgrade hlc.gc --libgrade csharp -O2 --grade hlc.gc --mercury-linkage static --mercury-stdlib-dir C:/mercury-14.01-vs2013/lib/mercury --mercury-config-dir C:/mercury-14.01-vs2013/lib/mercury --cc cl --c-compiler-type cl_1800 --java-compiler javac --java-interpreter java --csharp-compiler csc --csharp-compiler-type microsoft --cli-interpreter "" --erlang-compiler "" --erlang-interpreter "" --cflags-for-ansi "" --cflags-for-optimization "" --cflags-for-warnings -nologo --cflags-for-threads "-DGC_WIN32_THREADS -MD" --cflags-for-debug "" --cflags-for-regs "" --cflags-for-gotos "" --cflags-for-pic "" --c-flag-to-name-object-file -Fo --java-flags -J"-Xmx1024m" --object-file-extension .obj --pic-object-file-extension .o --link-with-pic-object-file-extension .o --executable-file-extension .exe --shared-library-extension .lib --library-extension .lib --create-archive-command lib --create-archive-command-output-flag -OUT: --create-archive-command-flags -nologo --ranlib-command echo --ranlib-flags "" --link-executable-command cl --link-shared-lib-command "cl -shared" --trace-libs "  " --thread-libs "" --hwloc-libs "" --hwloc-static-libs "" --shared-libs " -lc" --math-lib "" --readline-libs "" --linker-opt-separator -link --linker-thread-flags -MD --shlib-linker-thread-flags -MD --linker-trace-flags "" --shlib-linker-trace-flags "" --linker-static-flags "" --linker-strip-flag "" --linker-debug-flags -DEBUG --shlib-linker-debug-flags -DEBUG --linker-link-lib-flag "" --linker-link-lib-suffix .lib --shlib-linker-link-lib-flag "" --shlib-linker-link-lib-suffix .lib --linker-path-flag -LIBPATH: --linker-rpath-flag -Wl,-rpath, --linker-rpath-separator " -Wl,-rpath," --shlib-linker-rpath-flag -Wl,-rpath, --shlib-linker-rpath-separator " -Wl,-rpath," --shlib-linker-install-name-flag "-install_name " --linker-allow-undefined-flag "" --linker-error-undefined-flag "" --fullarch i686-pc-mingw32 --install-prefix C:/mercury-14.01-vs2013 --num-real-r-regs 0 --num-real-r-temps 0 --conf-low-tag-bits 2 --bits-per-word 32 --bytes-per-word 4 --sync-term-size 0 --dotnet-library-version --host-env-type windows --target-env-type windows --restricted-command-line --no-unboxed-float --max-jump-table-size 512 -O2 --no-use-symlinks --make --verbose --compile-to-c --use-subdirs hello'
% Touching `Mercury\err_dates\hello.err_date'...  done.
% Invoking system command `C:/mercury-14.01-vs2013\bin\mercury_compile --arg-file C:\Users\McPhee\AppData\Local\Temp\mtmp004.426'...
% done.
Making Mercury\objs\hello.obj
% Compiling `Mercury\cs\hello.c':
% Invoking system command `cl -I. -I. -I.\Mercury\mihs -IC:\mercury-14.01-vs2013\lib\mercury\lib\hlc.gc\inc -IC:\mercury-14.01-vs2013\lib\mercury\conf -IC:\mercury-14.01-vs2013\lib\mercury\inc    -DMR_HIGHLEVEL_CODE -DMR_CONSERVATIVE_GC -DMR_BOEHM_GC -DMR_TAGBITS=2      -nologo    -c Mercury\cs\hello.c -FoMercury\objs\hello.obj'...
% done.
% Creating initialization file...
% Invoking system command `mkinit  -g hlc.gc      -o Mercury\cs\hello_init.c.tmp -I C:\mercury-14.01-vs2013\lib\mercury\modules\hlc.gc -f C:\Users\McPhee\AppData\Local\Temp\mtmp004.432'...
% done.
% Updating interface:
% `Mercury\cs\hello_init.c' has been CREATED.
% Invoking system command `cp   Mercury\cs\hello_init.c.tmp   Mercury\cs\hello_init.c'...
% done.
% Compiling initialization file...
% Compiling `Mercury\cs\hello_init.c':
% Invoking system command `cl -I. -I. -I.\Mercury\mihs -IC:\mercury-14.01-vs2013\lib\mercury\lib\hlc.gc\inc -IC:\mercury-14.01-vs2013\lib\mercury\conf -IC:\mercury-14.01-vs2013\lib\mercury\inc    -DMR_HIGHLEVEL_CODE -DMR_CONSERVATIVE_GC -DMR_BOEHM_GC -DMR_TAGBITS=2      -nologo    -c Mercury\cs\hello_init.c -FoMercury\objs\hello_init.obj'...
% done.
Making hello.exe
% Linking...
% Invoking system command `lib @C:\Users\McPhee\AppData\Local\Temp\mtmp004.43C'...
% done.
% Invoking system command `echo C:\Users\McPhee\AppData\Local\Temp\mtmp004.43A.lib'...
% done.
% Invoking system command `cl        -Fehello.exe C:\Users\McPhee\AppData\Local\Temp\mtmp004.43A.lib -link -LIBPATH:C:\mercury-14.01-vs2013\lib\mercury\lib -LIBPATH:C:\mercury-14.01-vs2013\lib\mercury\lib\hlc.gc      -nologo -subsystem:console -machine:x86 -entry:wmainCRTStartup -defaultlib:libcmt     C:\mercury-14.01-vs2013\lib\mercury\lib\hlc.gc\libmer_std.lib C:\mercury-14.01-vs2013\lib\mercury\lib\hlc.gc\libmer_rt.lib C:\mercury-14.01-vs2013\lib\mercury\lib\libgc.lib    '...

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