[m-users.] documentation for foreign_export_enum

Matthias Güdemann matthias at guedemann.org
Fri May 22 21:33:21 AEST 2015


in section 14.5 of the language reference, it is stated that for

> :- pragma foreign_export_enum("Lang", MercuryType, Attributes, Overrides).

 "The argument Attributes is a list of optional attributes. If empty,
  it may be omitted from the ‘pragma foreign_export_enum’ declaration."

But when I omit the Attributes list in mmc 14.01.1, I get the following

> Error: malformed attributes list in `:- pragma foreign_export_enum' declaration.


| :- pragma foreign_export_enum("C", comparison_result/0,
|                              [
|                               (<) - "MR_GMP_LT",
|                               (=) - "MR_GMP_EQ",
|                               (>) - "MR_GMP_GT"
|                              ]).

while this works:

| :- pragma foreign_export_enum("C", comparison_result/0, [],
|                              [
|                               (<) - "MR_GMP_LT",
|                               (=) - "MR_GMP_EQ",
|                               (>) - "MR_GMP_GT"
|                              ]).


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