[m-users.] Too Slow

Matthias Guedemann matthias.guedemann at googlemail.com
Sat May 2 23:13:03 AEST 2015

> You call mp_set_int before checking the result from mp_init, which
> could be a problem.

> Rather than return two foreign results it may be nicer to define a
> Mercury enumeration of the possible errors and export it with
> foreign_export_enum (sections 14.5,, then create the
> appropriate Mercury value from the C code.

ok, this is done in the attached version of mp_int.m, thank you for the

With the exception of sqrt, I only provided deterministic predicates and
functions, if any error is encountered, the program aborts with error/1.

This version, together with compiling the library with redefined MALLOC
macros seems to work very well. I'll test a bit more an will provide a
PR for "extras" next week.

Best regards,

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